Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
r THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16," 1920. " Cm ni ia all her ate. Hunt la aer eye. . la very alma, ili-aity ana1 leva. Sam rise n sin aaa1 by virtu (all. Shakespeare, 3r ..A 7 SOCIETY Luncheon Party. VIrs. Guy Collard entertained it a luncheon of 7 cover at her home, Wednesday. Narcissus formed the centerpiece. Shower. Miss AHie White was honoree at a miscellaneous shower at her home Wednesday evening. Bridge Party. Miss 0!ga Met entertained in formally at bridge at her home Thursday evening. Two tables were set for the game. Christian Aid. Tot Ladies' Aid society of the South Side Christian .church were entertained at the home of Mrs. R. M. Simpson, 1402 Martha street Wednesday, January 14. The 1919 officers presiding were re-elected for 1920 with the president, Mrs. J. L. Shainholti in charge. Entertain at Dinner. Captain and Mrs. C F. Adams will entertain at dinner at their quar tern at Fort Omaha Sunday. Cov cra will be laid for 12. ' Eastern Star Kensington. Maple Leaf chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will be entertained at a kensington Saturday afternoon in Masonic Temple. Ada Circle, of which Mrs. F. A. Renstrom is chair man, will be in charge. Entertain Artist. Mf. and Mrs. Leonard Everett tnterained at dinner at their home Thursday evening in honor of Ben Foster and Gardiner Symons, art ists here with an exhibit for the Fine Arts society. Spring flowers formed the centerpiece and covers s wera placed for 10. Vesta Chapter Dinner. A dinner will be given at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, January 17 at the Masonic Temple by Vesta chapter, Eastern Star, in honor of Mrs. Stella , Yont of Brock, grand matron for Nebraska, and other grand officers. - Luncheon for Lecturer. Moissaye J.-Olgin, lecturer, was honored at a luncheon at the Fon tenelle Thursday. Twelve guests, in cluding the members of the board of director of the Fine Arts society were present Mrs. Louis C Nash wa in charge. Bridge Luncheon. The Dale Bridge club will cele brate the seventh anniversary Fri day at a bridge luncheon given by Mrs. W. Spender at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Van Alstine, 3511 Woolworth avenue. The present members are Mes damea L. M. Beard, T. H. Tracv, W. A. Smith, E. R. Moore, J. B. Fradenberg, George Wilson, O. Hendee, W. Spencer and S. A. Col lint, Liberty Chapter. Liberty chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will have a special meeting Friday evening at Masonic . Temple for initiation and 1 social time. Miss Margaret Morrison a Bride n : ' t 7 " ( " " K . - . ' A v s Minne Lusa Society. The Minne Lusa Woman's societv met with Mrs. W. H. Hall, 2865 Newport avenue, Thursday, 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Marshall spoke on "The Passing of the Dragon." Lowe Avenue Society. Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will meet Friday at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. H. M. McClanahan, 1312 North Fortieth street Mrs. George Damon will be the leader of the day, and the subject will be "China and Latin America." " . When Mother Fails. When"he waits on the spn and daughter, instead of bringing them up to wait on themselves and en couraging them to become self reliant When she allows her children to answer back and to treat her like a drudge. When she is obliged to ask the father to discipline the children or the servants. When she encourages her daugh- Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you waah it with. Most aoaps end prepared sham pooa contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brit , tie, and is very harmful Mulsified eocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abun dance of rich, creamy lather, and ' cleanses the hair and scalp thor oughly. The lather rinses ont easily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. Tou can get Mulsified eocoanut oil shampoo st most any drug store. It is verv cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the t family for months. Cuticura Soap The Velvet Touch For the Skin SeT,OlBtt.MJS, ' "".r ""I" A WELL - KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: 1 prescribe grapefruit for all my patients, and tell them to be sure and get B0) as other grapefruit to the At wood is as cider apples to pippins.' v Seta Mir Br thi tr3 uik. TRIMBLE BROTHERS Omaha, Neb. Wholesale Distributors. ASTHMA Xr. Kinsman's Asthma Rcmdr btts bum ttHeL 25 ytm of tm. 60c. stsildncsiML AnidaB sabstitateaL TTnatantMdRlFTas. WntstaOx. F.C.KsaaHm.Hat Bioclb Aaxsatajilaias ' The marriage of Miss Margaret Morrison, daughter of Mrs. John F. Morrison, and Freeman Fitzgerald took place Thursday morning at St Johns church. Rev. Albert Wise of Chicago officiated at the nuptial mass and read the marriage lines.' Only immediate relatives were present at the ceremony.- Mrs. Louis Bruckner, sister of the bride, and Mr. Bruckner of Columbus, Neb- Mrs. Freeman Fitzgerald. and Mrs. Max Bruckner of Platte Center, Neb, were out-of-town guests. Miss Catherine English and Mr. John Morrison, brother of the ride, were the only attendants. The bride wore her traveling suit of dark blue tricotine, with small hat to match. Following the wedding, breakfast was served at the Hotel Fontenelle for the guests. The bride was graduated from St. Berchmans academy and was popu lar with the younger set. Mr. Fitz gerald was graduated from Notre Dame and during the war served as a lieutenant in the aviation corps. After an eastern trip Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald will reside at the El Beu dor apartments. They will return to Omaha February 15. CLEARANCE SALE A Few Choice Silk Plush Goats For About The Regular Price This Special Sale offers only a couple dozen of our Choice Plush Coats in a variety of stylesevery one a wonder ful quality and unequaled in value at these three prices ? All women know that , t h e "Thorne" Plush Coat means the best of quality at the lowest prices. 19.90 $29.90 Lor at Original Price, $35 Low at Original Price, $59 $ 39.90 Lore at Original Price, $75 Probably never again will you be offered such wonderful values in Plush Wraps luxuriously) lined large marquise and shawl collars some fur trimmed. . - E ; . Six Short Fur Coata values to $350.00 at Misses sizes. $149 Personals Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 5ears of Minneapolis, will make their home in Omaha and will reside at 4809 Underwood avenue. Miss Catherine McCole of Tilden, Neb., is spending the week in Omaha. , Mrs. George Knorr of Louisville, Ky, is visiting" her sister, Mrs. Ar thur Metz. She will remain in Omaha until March 1. Mrs. Metz has also as her guest, her sister, Mrs. A. F. Weil of St Louis. Mrs. Weii returns home Sunday. Mrs. Panl E. Wadaworta ef Mo line, III, it visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. O. A. Scott Mist Nellie Sullivan ef Platte Center. Nh mhn haa Krn a nirit of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Greunther, returns home Fnday. Mra. Henry Greisen of Platte Center, arrived Thursday to spend several daya at the Greunther home. Phi Sigma Phi. Raymond Blake will be host to the members of Phi Sigma Phi at his home Monday evening. ; Fraternity Dance. Th Phi Rhn Siffma t'ratm!t nf the University of Nebraska Medical college will entertain at-a dance at the fraternity house Saturday even ing. Card Party. A card party will be given Friday evening by the Altar society of St Michaels church, Fourteenth and Ogden streets. ,' Bathing Baby. Remember that the time baby is most susciptible to colds is when it has come right out of a bath. The pores are open and its body is warm and glowing For this reason the best time to give baby a bath is just before its evening meal after which he immediately retires, or in the morning just before a nap. Have everything ready so that as soon as it is through its bath it may be fed and put to bed, so that it wOl not be necessary to let it remain exposed before being tucked away in slum ber. - Misa Katherine Walsh of Lans downe, Pa., his been appointed a trustee of the Philadelphia County Mothers' Assistance fund by Gov ernor SprouL More women students are now registered at the University, of Pennsylvania than are listed on the rolls of any one of s half-dozen American colleges for women. The enrollment of women and girls in the winter and summer classes now amounts to sear- XOQQ, "Custer Relief Corps. The George A. Cuir Relief corps, No. 82, and their post held in stallation in Memorial hall Tuesday, January 13, when the following offi cers were installed in the corps: Mesdames Ellen Hersbey, president; Florence Stone and Emma Hay ward, vice presidents; Emma J. Gwynne, treasurer; Sarah E. Gard ner, secretary; Alice B. Schleh, musician- Mary Johnson and Mary Campbell, guard and assistant; Clara Winship and Jennie Cogswell, con ductress and assistant; Phoebe Mc Coy, Johanna Tebbins, Flora Herron and Caroline Lockner, color bearers; Jennie Arnold, press correspondent Scottish Rita Woman'a Club. A a regular meeting of the Scot tish Rite Woman's club held at at Scottish Rite cathedl, Friday afternoon, January 9, the following officers were installed with Mrs. Z. D. Clark acting as installing offi cer: Mrs. J. H. Stine, president; Mrs. F. M. Patton, first vice president; Mrs. Robert Gilchrist second vice president; Mrs. F. A. Martin, secre tary; Mrs. E. E. Crandall, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. T. G. Sanders, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Stein, house and home; Mrs. H. J. MacArthur, auditor. Congregational Aid. TJfk Congregational Ladies' Aid of South Side will give an apron so cial on Friday, January 16. Admis sion will be by payment of 1 cent per inch on the waist measure, the money to be deposited in the pocket of aprons which are being sent out Roosevelt Circle. Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. F. A. Cressey Fri day evening at 7:30 at 4204 South Twenty-second street ' Community Service. Friday, January 16 Recreational school from 8 to 10 p. m. at the Girls' Community "house. Mr. Bur ton Twichell will have charge of the class and direct the games. The Beebe club will have dinner at the Community btrnse at 6:30 p. m, The Fhorbian club will have bas ket ball practice at the 'Army and Navy club from 7:30 to 9 p. m. A report was circulated during the war, and seems now to have been well founded, that among some avia tors who reported at Dijon for mili tary service was a woman dressed as a soldier. Her hair was cut short and she was arrayed in a uniform. It has been learned Since that she was an English girl and of good family. Unable to carry out her wish to volunteer for service, she had joined the aviators, and intend ed 4 work with them, . An Afternoon Reception To Be Tendered Actor By Humane Society 1 Sa$- ' I Xv I, llBSJHSSHHSSSSSSMVMHHSHsW iAltfewij&r. sMrs. Davidson is chairman of the Woman's auxiliary to the Nebraska Humane society, which will tender a reception to George Arliss, actor, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Palm room of the Hotel Fontenelle. Mr. Arliss, who is deeply interested in the purpose of the Humane so ciety, will speak to the members and guests of the organization attending the reception. The Drama League, Fine Arts society and friends have teen asked to participate in the oc casion. Receiving with ..Mrs. Da vidson, will be Mesdames Lucien Stephens and CL. Farnsworth, George Joslyn, George Prinz, A. L. Reed, C. T. Kountze, Misses Jessie Millard, Lida Wilson and Blanche Sorensen. How to Keep Age-Lines and Wrinkles Away Tkm't foget that the woman who (miles will have a skin more free from wrinkles than the woman whs frowns. -- When wrinkles begin- to appear it is s good plan to bathe the face once a day for while in harmless solution made by dissoiTint an ounce of powdered saxolite ia a half pint of witch haxel. This is remarkably effective in erasing the hateful lines, nat only became of ita astringent action which tightens the skin and thus irons ont the lines, but also be cause of a helpful tonic effect which im proves capillary circulation and nerve tone. There ia nothing better for 'flabby cheeks or chin. Be core to ask the drug Cut lor the powdered axoUte, lEiiaisssaaisiiiiii 1812 ' FARNAM STREET KIDDIE'S CROUP MUST BE CHECKED Dr. King's New Discovery will do that very thing, easily and quickly DON'T say, "Poor little young ster I wish I knew what to do for you!" Just give a little Dr. King's New Discovery as direct ed and the croupy-cough won't linger. A cold Is not to be .fooled witti. Get after it at once. Loosen the congestion, the phlegm-stuffiness, and the throat-torture. A family remedy for colds, coughs, grippe, and kindred attacks. Fifty years a friend to cold-sufferers. Fifty years of highest quality. 60c. and fl.zo a bottle all drug gists. Bowels on Schedule Time the bile flowing freely, the fer menting body poisons eliminated. Dr. King's New Life Pills make the bowels function regularly and keep the system cleansed of gaseous im purities. 25c a bottle, all druggists. mimes Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a dean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy arid stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co. CJcvtland, (X V When your mouth tastes like all the mean tilings you ever did mixed together, then you need BEECHAM'S PILLS Toor month ia a good indication of the Con di boa of rhe atomacJi and bowels. , SeJe ef Aar MeeUaa the WeeteV tlselBviH . Ureal Union Outfitting Co. To Give Away $100 Kroehler Davenport on Friday Evening Exceptionaly Low Prices on Kroehler Davenports Made for Last Day ' of Sale. Delicious Advo Coffee, Rich Alamito Cream and Sun shine Biscuits Free. If you have often wished for a Bed Davenport in the home to accommodate friends and guests, the reduced prices for the last day of the Kroehler Davenport Demonstration at the Union Out fitting Company will interest you. i The Kroehler is a delightfully pleasing, handsome and comfort able Davenport that can be turned into a full-size bed for two persons at a moment's notice. Tired shoppers will be delight ed with the dainty luncheon of tempting Advo Coffee, rich Alamito Cream and crisp, Sun shine Biscuits, which re being served free during the demon stration. Friday evening at 8 o'clock a Kroehler Bed Davenport will be given away FREE of charge. No purchase is necessary to partici pate in this event Kroehler Bed Davenports are nationally advertised and. are an example of the high standard of furniture carried by the Uniofi Outfitting Company. As always, you make your own terms. AI3 LAW- r . s avul BARKER BLK OMAHA.NEB. WULAR PRICED .GUARANTY 0 PENTISW The Long Evenings This I'Jinter Vou'li Uant a Piano What a lot more real pleasure there 'd be if you had music during the long evenings this winter. You KNOW better than anyone can tell you the NEED for music ;,the happiness it will mean for your family, and for YOU. Why Hot Get One-How You can HAVE one of these beautiful HOBART M. CABLE Pianos, or a PLAYER, if you prefer, for a very small sum down, and a smaller sum every month. Why not DO it! Call write at PHONE. We'll do the rest. HICK EL'S Omaha's Music Canter. '5th and Harney. Douglas 1973. ' ter to dress beyond her means, while she turns and patches her own clothes and goes around hlye a tramp. "lEOTCvatTeJ rrn Hare Mere- IJ&B 9 owen (feg 1 a- M m m mrss enutr envrta e- Value-Giving Offerings m t H a 4 "li 0 h i Si Only at . the Greater Bowen Store wilt you find such values as are offered here. During the month of January we offer excep tional values In all of our varioue departmenta. Typi cal Bowen values which you will readily realize cannot be duplicated elae whera. At no place wllf you receive such a com plete measure of satisfac tion as at the Greater Bowen Store. for your Bedroom Dressers, Mahegaar, Queen Anna,1 $49.50 Mahogany Bed Room Pulte. Wil liam asa Mary period. Ben. Chif- SSSSr? $127.50 Dressing- Tables. eu&rtrea oak. band rubbed fmtg, as Dreastat Tables la af&horany er Walnut; these are edd pierea an 4 are priced as lew POC CA " Beautify your Living Room Orerstuffed full spring' construc tion tapestry chair ffJ'T 5Tf er Rocker .3-11 ,01 Cans back and ends; genuine mahogany frame davenport; full spring cushion; two eatra pil lows; splendid (51 4 ft Jtrt tapestry covering.. dX'lOsUU Three-piece suite: cane back and ends; full spring construction; hirb-gTade C99Q SJfl tapestry covering-. ?6iiUU Full size tapestry overstuffed Davenport; luxurious QQ'T Cf and comfortable.... dtleOvl S3.60 Golden Oak Rockers as lew as f - Ij. i K. j Dining RoomM f Furniture , j With Characten If William and alary Dining Room g Suites, quartered oak, Jacobean m finish; Sl-lnch table, genuine Span- a M lab leather eeat ehalra, nQ An P 7-piece suite for $l4aiMU 3 H Buffet to match CftQ ETA 1 m sbovs suite O07DU B China Cabinet, quartered oak. Ja- g cobeaa finish, William QQO OST-I H and Mary period 5t0tJ S Dining chairs, mabogaay or wal-1 11 not finish, genuine blue CQ jr j g leather seats eDOetU. J m Dining chairs, solid oak, Jacobean , -S g finish, genuine Spanish (J Afl y leather seats dOeUlf-f Bolld oak dining tables. 2-lnch torv g fumed or golden oak 25 00 f t B Buffets, quartered oak. famed -! 1 ZEST. S37JO 1 rriS Grass Rugs i g Too win eooa -be wanting tbat g new summer grass Rug. Bn H NOW and save from 2S te SO per . r g cent. We win hold It for yon lor! s future delivery. ;!J I IMPORTED JAFAKKSK GRASS f BEGS . J li SzlS else, regular SIS. SO value; ,' 1 K"1.. S120 I m 6il sixe. regular $11.60 value: J 1 x?r::. bmi H x else, regular IT.J5 vmhse;' g special sale fl- Q5IJi m price ?tle7J . M 47 aiae. rerular 14.75 value; j g special sale ffO CA".; M price eyOevv g Small Rurs te natch at special y. crlcea - . . E g - sat . Clearance of . - .. -i White Goods " ' $ 0. Bheete i "I "- g Sire Slx beavy unfilled sbeeta. Inch bema Epeclal sale price, each, ' m s.s. - - f i p Site ;tzte, same as above, eaelv i p SS.J5. - H Sise FlxSO, rood quality sheets, " N inch hem. Special sale price, each,"? .f nc. -. 4 Bite flats. TTearwell sheets, vn B filled, extra goed qoatltr-, -ale price. B each. S1.KW - saJ g . Tewele t . M Plain white bath towels, good qoal- i !S !t-T "P1' Price- limited, enly M s towels te cuotomer. : s M else Hx44. sale price, ee each. 4 B Site IlxSS. sale price. We each. , i- y Site I8XJS, sale price, lo each. 3 Hark Towels. H Plxe lexJS. extra, heavy, sale price; 1 s 4e each. asi S p; lxSI, extra heavy, sale price, n If SSe each. ' - I g Pillow Caeee. " i iff sixSS llnea finish cases, good quel-,, m lty unfilled. Special sale price. Sic t H each. " - "4 !g 4txH good quality muslin H Special sale price. SSe each. s -.J 52 Sixli. very heavy unfillrd InueMa J g case, tpectal sale price, aaca.