Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Nebraska Wrestlers to Tan-
gle Tonight Holmes
Says House Nearly
Sold Out.
Throw Ball Backwards Over
Head While Lying in Cen
ter of Court.
,'. Joe Stecher and John Pesek put
y the finishing touches on their train
t tog yesterday prior to their match
'J ii the City auditorium tonight by
working out at the Omaha Athletic
". Ed "Stringier" Lewis, head-lockl
J; .'expert, and Tom Draak worked out
also on the O. A. C. mat. Half a
."..hundred club members watched
"Lewis and Draak for more than. an
' ' Steelier appeared about 4:30, and
'. after three or four minutes tossing
. the medicine ball, went to the mat
,'vith his brother, Anton. Stecher
weighed 213 pounds stripped after
j Jiis workout.
Pesek,Mart Slattery, his manager,
i 'IVomoter Ernie Holmes and a corps
I of trainers arrived at the club about
j 8 last night.
The Shelton lad turned a few
? handsprings and then hit the canvas
j with Stanley Pinto, formerly of
? -Stecher's training squad.
? Thei. Steelier exhibition was calm
i and easy, while the Pesek-Pinto
Mangle"was fast and furious. Pesek
5,'worked on his wrist-lock and his
toe hold chiefly. The Sheltbn lad
had little to say regarding the match
tonight, except to remark that
4 -Stecher "will have to wrestle every
i minute he's on the mat."
i Pesek Weighed 191 Stripped.
t Earnie Holmes said last night that
nearly every seat in the house had
been sold. "The balcony was sold
out several days ago and we have
sold every seat within.. 14 rows of
;the arena. We are looking forward
to one of the largest crowds that
ever gathered at a wrestling match
in Omaha." .
- Both men intend to exercise a
little in the O. A. C. gymnasium this
Two preliminary matches have
been carded by Holmes. Tom Ray
will wrestle Jess Queen in the first
preliminary and Young Gotch will
tussle with "Bull" Olson in the sec
ond. '
' The first event is billed for 8
Prominent Contractor Says
No Other Medicine Ever
Helped, Him Like .
i Tanlac. '
The Pearl Memorials, by easily
winning from the Hanscom Parks
Methodists last'night, by the score
of 19 to 4. are leading the Church
basket ball league" with a clean
sweep of .victories.
At no time of the game were the
Pearls in danger, as they took the
lead shortly after the contest started
and played the Parks off their feet.
The Parks were unable to locate the
baskets, while the Pearls' shooters
were in perfect form.
The biggest surprise of the eve
ning happened in the Council Bbuffs
Christiait-Calvary Baptist contest, in
which the Counccil Bluffs Quintet,
present title holders of the Church
league, were victorious by the score
of 18 to 16. The Calvary Baotist
were tied for first honors with the
Pearls, while the Christians were in
seventh place. ( '
The Benson M. E. won their first
game of the season by beating the
M. E. Wops by the score of 11 to 7.
During the first half of the fray the
Wops were in the lead. In the sec
ond half, Calvert, right forward
who succeeded Lindberg, won the
game for the Bensonites by his ac
curate shooting and fast playing. He
made all nine of the ponts for the
Benson five in. tin's half.
James Joss made a remarkable
shot in the last 'few minutes of play
in the First M. E. Baracas-Trinitv i
Baptist fray. . Jos, left forward of
tne baptist live, won the contest for
his team by the shot. While lying
on his back on the floor Joss threw
the ball over his head backwards
from, the center of the floor for a
field goal.
Up to this stage of the game the
score stood 15 to 14 in favor of the
First M. E. squad. ,
Following is the team standing:
, . W. I,. Vet.
Pearl Memorials i n 1 itnn
Calvary Baptists 3 1 .750
Klrst It. K. Haracug 2 J .500
Trinity Baptists 2 2 ,S00
Hanscoin Varks 1 3 .50
M. E. Wops I 43 .250
Benson M. IS 1 3 .260
Tant KlRht Result.
Trinity Ba:fht. 16: First M. TC. Rinni
15. '
Benson M. E., 11; M. E. Wous, 7.
C. B. Christians. 18: Calvarv FaiiMt
16. -
Pearl Memorials, 19; Hanscom Park M.
U, 4.
Copyrlfht. lils-Jnt.rnl N.wa
!!f! : Drawnfor The Bee-by Tad
. ' , : . , : . . . . 7
X 7 ( TKAT" VwKf Y ' T S "0
' 1 "
Colorado College Noses Out
Victory, 25 to 22,
In Second Game
Of Series. -
Vandiver, Creighton
Captain, to Lead His
Men Against Yankton
I "Tanlac is the only medicine I
have ever taken with entire satis-
-faction," was the statement made
a few days ago by A. Ohleson of
''41(TSouth Colorado avenue, Kansas
City, Mo., in telling of his wonder
ful recovery by the use of this
medicine.- Mr. Ohleson was for
four years city building inspector
for Kansas City a,nd now is a gen-
' eral contractor.
?' "I have been in poor health for
about a year troubled with indiges-
Jtion, disordered kidneys, neuralgia,
nervousness, headaches and a run
down condition," he continued. "I
i had a poor appetite and what I did
tat caused so much gas to form
that toy heart would palpitate some
thing awful. I was bothered a
freat deal with my kidneys and I
had a severe pain across the small
oLmy back. Neuralgia troubled me
constantly and terrible headaches
often came on me. I was so nervous
and miserable at night that I could
jet only three or four hours of
restless, broken sleep. I was in an
awful run-down condition and felt
weak and worn out all day long.
began to read about Tanlac
in the papers and when I saw Cap
tain Ennis' statement I knew right
then that there was something to
it and I got a bottle at once. I
eertainly was not disappointed, for
after the very first few doses I
started to feel better and now that
I have taken three bottles all my
troubles have left me entirely. My
appetitehas returned and it makes
no difference what I eat I digest
it without the least trouble. The
neuralgia has left me, so have the
headaches. Mr kidneys are m
splendid condition and the pains
across my back have disappeared.
I sleep all night long and when
atorning comes I am feeling rested
uid refreshed. I consider Tanlac
powerful builder and I have never
laken anything that gave such re--strkable
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell DrujfCom
;any's stores. Harvard Pharmacy
md West End Pharmacy. Also For
rest and Meany Drug Company in
ist in each city and town through
jouth Omaha and the leading drug-
it the state of Nebraska. Adv.
OFFER $75,000
Martin's Manager Says A. E.
F. Champ Is Backed by
American Legion.
Cleveland, t)., Jan. IS. jimmy
Bronson, manager of Bob Martin,
A. E. F. and inter-allied heavyweight
boxing champion, claims that Fred
A. Dixon and Morris A. Penter of
Pueblo, Colo., have offered a purse
of $75,000 for a match between Mar
tin and Georges Carpentidr, cham
pion of Europe.
"The American Legion proposes
to offer a championship belt to the
winner," said Bronson. "Posts of
the American Legion in Pueblo and
Denver have started a movement
condemning the proposed match be
tween Jack Dempsey and Caroentier
and are throwing their suuport to
ward a match between Martin and
the Frenchman.
"Retolutions adopted by the Colo
rado posts are now before every
Legion post in, America. Many of
the posts have already proclaimed
Dempsey a slacker and unworthy of
the support of the A, E. F.
These are the Colorado resolu
tions: v
Be It Resolved, Tht we condemn the
holding of the proposed Dempsey-Carpen-tler
match In any city In Colorado. Be
It further
Resolved, We condemn Jack Dempsey's
participation in any match In America',
the man's war record proving him a
elacker. Be It further .
Reselved. We recommenduhe meeting cf
Bob Martin, A. E. F. champion, a man
who has won for himself the respect of
all Americans, and Georges Carpentier,
who's service record is a brilliant page
In the history of the world war. Be it
Resolved, That we do all In our power
to secure the support of every post in
Colorado and throughout the nation to
take similar action."
."Martin is ready to meet Carpen
tier. We will accept the offer of the
Colorado promoters if the American
Legion favors that plan. However,
the Legion is anxious to raise a
purse for the contest itself by as
sessing each member a dollar. What
they see fit to do we will abide by."
Hickey Again Chosen Head
Of American Association
Chicago Jan. IS. August Herr
mann, chairmas of the National Base
Ball commission, addressed the club
owners of the American association J Handicap n
in annual session here and asked
them to have representation at the
joint meeting of the major and minor
league committees here February
11. Chairman Herrmann said he be
lieved a solution would be found for
the resumption f relations between
the majors and minor leagues. v
After re-electing Thomas J.
Hickey president for a three-year
term at an increased salary of $7,200
a year and adopting an 18-player
limit, the club owners adjourned un
til tomorrow when the schedule for
the 1920 season will be taken up.
Indications . were that " the club
owners would adopt a schedule of
1S4 games, starting the season on
April 14, the date of the major
leagues' opening.
The league voted to discontinue
the practice of raising a players'
fund next season by setting aside a
cent from each admission. . '
Myers Youngest Captain
Ever Chosen at Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., Tan. IS. (Special.)
At a meeting of the letter men of
Beatrice High school Douglas My
ers was elected captain of the high
school teanr for the season of 1920.
Myers is only 17 years of age and is
the youngest student ever elected
to the 'position in . Beatrice High
school. He played fullback in 1919
on the first teairu and was selected
as a member of the all-state team.
"Bs" and "Rs" were awarded to
members of the first and second
high school foot ball teams at the
9l I
F Bill Bryan came out with the same overcoat he wore in, then the
Jackson day dinner was a total loss for William,
Howard Vandiver, captain and
guard of the Creighton 'basket ball
five, will lead his men against the
Yankton, S. D., quintet at Creighton
gymnasium tonight.
- Vandiver is one of Mills' most
consistent players. Van is fast on
his feet and is a kard player. Dur
ing the summer he plays amateur
base ball in Omaha.
With the Bowlers.
Peters Milling Co. I Hynes Elev. Co.
Hotter 600 Bowers 627
Dearth 418 Hoover 644
Straw 399 Ervln 469
c. ji. reters .. 6ls Shaspneck . ... 471
1). B. Peters .. 486) Hansen 627
Handicap 135
Total 2456-
Roth. Grain Co.
Kuhl 436
TLxler 443
Pomeroy 442
Carey 429
Handicap 36
Total 1786
Alberg Com. Co.
R. Zeader 499
F. Berghoff .. 630
L. Zender .... 485
Rosenberg 652 Schmidt 407
Uibbs 470
Tota! 2538
.Nye Schineider
fowler Co.
Cole 435
Zimmerman .... 395
Kerr 603
Straw 389
Total ...,1722
Maney Milling Co.
Ar Klsasser .... 74
W. Elsasser .... 432
Jullclter 48
Bill took his shaving mug and toothbrush right out of the democratic
party, bawled Woody pink, split the party harmony like a cracked lip and
wound up the works by demanding, a recount on the knives and spoons.
The Jackson day dinner is named in honor of Andrew Jackson, the
seventh president of these glorious Divided States and the land of the
brave and the home of the freak. Andy was known as "Old Hickory."
Bill acted and spoke as if he thought that Andy's title was "Old Hick
ory Nut."
Jackson was elected president because he stymied the English at New
Orleans. . He licked the enemy after the treaty of peace was signed. In
order to take no change on Pershing doing this, congress isn't going to
sign this treaty until 1987. They want to make sure that the war ie over
before attaching ariy headlong signatures to any precipitate document.
Think twice before signing, is a good motto. This will take some time, as
there is no indication that congress has thought once.
All the democratic presidential possibilities were there, heavily out
numbered by the democratic presidential impossibilities. Sec. Daniels
made a speech in a low voice, taking no chance on being overheard by
Admiral Sims. The Sec. looked much refreshed after his arduous labor
of distributing swanboat citations and drydock medals to the navy.
Referendum was the topic of the evening. It looks as if referendum
is getting referendumber and dumber. Woody wasn't present. After
looking over the guest list, he decided that he could hive more fun staying
home and being sick. - x
As a representative of the soda population, Bryan touched lightly on
the grape juice debauches now prevalent in suburban sewing circles. At
the conclusion there wasn't a dry eye or a wet throat in the works. Toasts
were drunk to the democratic party in Potomac river water. Right now it
looks as if the next toasts will be drawn from the Salt river.
All the guests were democrats. Owing to the effect of prohibition on
the restaurant business, the dinner committee were forced to draw on
the republican party for their waiters.
Evaporated Soup Clam Shells
Dried Apples
Sahara Sandwiches Hardboiled Eggs
Speeches au Gratin
Dried Beef
Dry Toast
Cooked Prospects
The democratic convention will be held in California, where the cus
tard pies bloom in the moving picture orchards. The democratic party
picked this location after dye deliberation, realizing that they will go West
anyway after the votes are counted on tlw first Tuesday aftep the first
Monday in November. . '
Bran is decidedly agin Woody for our next president. He cites
George Washington who refused a third term. Woody might eet mean
and cite GeorgeWashington who refused a third nomination
This might mean something and it might' not mean anything to Bill.
But, anyway, he is getting ready to grab that fourth nomination in order
to complete the set.
Hathaway 466
Handicap ...... 225
Total 236
Vpdike Grain Co.
Campbell 418
T)u hn 11; DA,k DO,
Underwood 455! Green ......... 422
Christiansen ... 345ilunran 382
Primeau 630 Hallock 481
Total ' 2536
Omaha Elevator Co.
Borghoff 619
Total 24411 Total ."72091
Mlna Taylor.
Murphey 696
Masilko 567
Mitchell v 528
Kirkham 601
Wolff - 476
Handicap 135
McCaffery Motor Co.
Younger 493
Ashton 559
Kanka 623
Duke 451
Kent '. 451
Total .: 280
Baker Co., Office.
Knox ...v 449
Veneman 419
Reiley 482! Budersen
Total 2477
Baker Co., Shops.
OoetJ 476
Brltteny 466
Vette 486
Nicholas 4631
Total .-..2299
Betsy Boss.
Cross , 525
Rlpsch 485
Green 487
Norton 444
Mohr 440l
Handicap 1(5
Total 2576
Auto Delivery.
Hughes 471
Clark 45.4
Stenberr. 632!
Miller 4691 Koster
Handicap 15!Blssett
Fisher 397
Rice 614
Handicap 67
Total 2400
Omaha Towel Supply.
Chiles 447
Tolliver 609
Rosonbloom .... 492
Winkle 648
Plambeck 483
Total .. 2479
Townsend Gon Co.
H. Mitchell .... 442
Bowles 610
Peterson ....... 642
Total 24431 Total ...
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Rarinjr: Winter meeting of Cuba-American
Jockey lnb at Havana. Winter meet
ing of Business Men's Racing association
t New Orleans. v
Skating: Western New England cham
lonshlps at Springfield, Mass.
Traek: Indoor meet of 71st Kgiment
Athletic amoriatlon at New York City.
Golf: Tournament of Winter leagaa of
Advertising Interests at Plnehnrnt.
Whbit: Annual tournament of North
western Whist association at Minneapolis.
Wrestling: Joe Stecher againat John
Pesek at Omaha.
Boxing: Willie Jackson against Frankle
Barns, 10 rounds, at Buffalo. Johnny
Murray against Al Kale. 10 rounds', at Buf
falo. Eddie Barry against Kid Alberts. 10
rounds, at Dulnth. Matt Brack against
Benny Talger, 12 rounds, at Baltimore.
Augne Katner against Mike O'Dowd, IV
rounds, at At. Paul,
Exemption Board Head Says
Champion Is Not Slacker or
Draft Dodger.
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. IS. Frank
lin D'Olier" of this city, national
commander of the American Legion,
said tonight he had no.cotnment to
make regarding the proposition to
allow Jack Dempsey, heavyweight
champion, appear before the nation
al body of the Legion and explain
his war record. The offer was madeJCentral Will Tangle With
bv Tack Kearns. Dempsey's man
ager.' The Arrxrican Legion at this
time, said Commander D'Olier, has
more important things to-attend to.
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. IS. De
cision as to whether Jack Dempsey,
heavyweight boxing champion, will
be permitted to appear before the
stpreme council of' the American
Legion and give testimony as to his
record during the war will not be
made until the return to Indianapolis
next week of Franklin D'Olier, na
tional commander. This announce
ment was made today from national
headquarters here.
Jack Kearns, manager of the pugi
list, announced last night in Los
Angeles that he had telegraphed the
national commander of the Ameri
can Legion in behalf of Dempsey,
asking that an opportunity be given
him to answer charges of various
posts of the soldier and sailor or
ganization that he was a "slacker"
and draft Rodger.
San Francisco, Jan. 1S Jack
Dempsey, heavyweight champion oE
the world, "is in no sense a 'slacker'
or "draft dodger,' according to a
statement made by John S. Kogan,
San Francisco attorney, who headed
the exemption board here which
handled Dempsey's cast
Carpentier Wants to Fight
In France, Deschamps Says
Paris, Jan. IS. M. Descamps,
manager for Georges Carpentier,
said that he had received nothing
definite with regard to an offer for
a fight between Carpentier and Jack
Dempsey. He mentioned one offer
from. Tex Rickard tor $200,000 for
"I am onder the impression," said
Descamps, "that the match would
be fought in America for the sole
reason that I do not believe Demp
sey will agree to fight in our coun
try. Carpentier would prefer to
fight in France, for a much smaller
purse not oniy on account of the
climate, but through friendship for
the organizers and because of the
benefit that would accrue to
Council Bluffs Tonight
After a grueling workout yester
day, Coach Mulligan's Central High
school five is ready to face Council
Bluffs High tonight on Council
Bluffs High school court.
Leonard Mangold, who played
the pivot position on the team last
week, did not appear for practice
yesterday. It is probable he will
not be in the lineup this-evening.
Art Burnham played center in prac
tice yesterday.
Arthur Logan, captain of the 1920
quintet, who has been out because
of his injured knee, probably will
be in the" game this evening.
Saturday night at the "Y" gym the
Purple and White quintet will tan
gle with the Beatrice High school
ha'st-et hall fiinners V
' -r i
The picture that opens youreyet!
Rourke Clan Will Train
In . Okmulgee, Leave
Omaha About March 20
Pa Rourke's base ball team will
be packing up their 1920 duds and
hiking off to Okmulgee, Okl. about
March 20, according to present
prospects. Pa, himself, is in Chi
cago, attending the meeting of the
American association.
Rourke is trying to land a berth
in the association and is also look
ing up more players while in Chi
cago. ;
McLean, American Champion,
m Race for World Title
New York,' Jan. IS. The first of
a record rRlmber of foreign sport
invasions for 1920 will begin here to
day with the arrival of Bobby Mc
Lean, preparatory to sailing for
Christiania,' where next month he
will skate against Oscar Mathiesoii
for the world's professional cham
pionship. Their next engagement
will be upon a larger track ' than
those used when the American was
McLean, who sails on Friday,
comes direct from' Lake Placid, N.
Y., where he has been training for
10 days, skating from 15 to 20 miles
a day, to improve his speed and en
durance. The American champion
will have closfe to two weeks in
which to finish before facing Math
ieson on February 7 and 8.
Coulon to Fight.
Chicago, Jan. 15. Johnny Coulon,
former bantamweight champion, has
been matched to meet Charles La
Dieux, champion of France, in a
12-round contest in Paris March
3, according to a cable received from
Cotilon's representative in Europe
Cnlorado Springs, Colo., Jan. IS.
(Special.) Five phenomenal shots
from the middle of the floor by Les
Mactavish, forward, coupled with
the iTigers 'terrific play on the de
fensive, gave Colorado college a vic
tory over Neb'raska univeristy, 25 to
22 in basket ball here tonight
Bekins, Nebraska center, scored
the first field goal. L. MacTavish
countered with a free throw and a
spectacular basket shot. The Tigers
then took the lead which they nev
er relinquished. The score at the
end of the first'period was 14 to 9.
l lie game was so rough and hard
fought that at times it resembled
the grid game more than it did"
basket ball. Both Bailey of the
Cornhuskers and Hughes of the
Tigers were injured, Nebraska
with eight minutes to play, made a
gallant rally which nearly took vic
tory from the Tigers'". A foul toss
by Patty and baskets by Russell and
Jungmeyer made the score 20 to 21.
Both Honnen and L. MacTavish
scored in the last three minutes of
play for a victory for the collegians.
Ths lineup: I
Colorado College tg. ft.
Holt, f 1 0
1.. 13. MacTavish 6 6
Honnen, c 4 0
Hughes. ,K 0 0 0
E. MacTavish, g 0 0
pf. tr.
1 o
1 l
0 0
4 0
Totals lft 6 7 4
Nebraska tg. ft. pf. tf.
Smith, f 0 0 2 0
Patty, f 3 ' t 1 0
Russell, f 2 0 10
Heklns, c 2 0 10
.uni?meejr, c 1 2 0 0
Newman, g 10 2 0
Hailpy, g 0 0 0 0
Shelleiiberg, g 0 0 10
Totals 4 S 0
Free throws m Insert by I MaxTavlsh, S.
Free throws missed by Patty, 6; by Jung
meyer, 1. Time of periods 20 minutes,
Referee Jones of Indiana. '
J. Hamilton Lewjs Cannot
Address Des Moines Meeting
Des Moines, la., Jan. .-"-(Special
Telegram.) Former Senator
J. Hamilton LcKvis of Chicago tele
graphed he would not be able to at
tend the big democratic dinner and
conference here tonight, the local
committee states. Emmet Tinley of
Council Bluffs will preside. ,Adn
dresses will be made by prominent
Iowa democrats.
Creighton High Quintet to
1 Play Missouri Valley Five
Creighton High school basket ball
squad will play Missouri Valley
High school tonight in Missouri
Poindexter Proposes
Use in Campaign
New York, Jan. -15. Senate
Miles Poindexter, speaking befor
the republican county compiitte
here, proposed r platform which he
declared thu republican party should!
"emblazon on its banners in th
coming campaign. Senator Foindex
ter's platform contained the follow
ing five points:
"The re-establishment of the govt
eminent on an Amercan basis ant
the preservation of American inde
perfdence against the proposed un
ion with Europe.
"Immediate peace with the world
and the restoration of full commer
cial relations with all countries. '
"The elimination of European ra
cial and domestic politics from
American domestic affairs, and tin
concentration o attention and 're
sources of the American govern
ment upon-the interests of the
American people in preference to
the concerns of Europe.
"The. re-estabHshment of order
ly government anl of international
obligations in Mexico. -
"The emancipation of American
labor and industry from the tyran
ny of the closed shop.and the set
tlement of industrial disputes by ,
law instead of by violence and in
Chief ofU-Boat That Sunk
. Ships Kills Himself
Berlin, Jan. 15. Captain Moraht,
commander of the submarine which
sank the French battleship Danton
and other vessels, died yesterday in
a hospital at Hamburg after having
taken poison, according to a dis
patch to the Lokal Anzeige.r.
is made with this
reinforced Ob
long Cabfe'Cord
Buttonhole. An
exclusive feature
uwrrco whit a coilar oo. toot. m. t.
Basket Ball
Creighton vs. Yankton College
Creighton Gym.. Friday, Jan. 16th
Saturday, Jan. 17th, 8 P.M.
Admission 50c
-Starts Sunday at the Sun,
. TTTXTT T a 77
Petrified Forest Natl Monument, Arizona
TontoNat'l Monument (Apache Trail), Aruou
Yosemite Natl Park, California
The U. S. Government announces that the follow
ing National Parks and National Monuments are
open for regular tourist travel all the year ,
, - - i
Grand Canyon Natl Park, Arizona
Hawaii Natl Park, Hawaii
Hot Springs Natl Park, Arkansas
mple hbtcl accommodations provided
Travelers may make the rounds in comfort, with assurance of
the usual average of pleasant weather.
-Here are high mountains and 'deep canyons big trees and
petrified trees active and quiescent volcanoes hot springs
and other notable attractions. x
Visit these national playgrounds, either as destinations, or en
route to the winter resort regions of the West and Southwest.
Ask for information about Excursion Fares to certain National
Ask for booklets descriptive of the National Park open in winter. Let
the local ticket agent help plan your trip or apply to the nearest Con
solidated Ticket 0$ce or address nearest Travel Bureau, United State
Railroad Administration, 46 Transportation Building, Chicagoj 141
Liberty Street, New York Cityj 602 HesJey Building, Atlanta, Ga.
Please indicate the places you wish to see en route.
' 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Nek
Phone Douglas 1684,
United States Rai lrqad ministration