Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
if v THE BEE; OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. 1 ' . . h : THE International Woman Sut : frage Alliance convention for 1920 will, be held in Spain. Miss Chrystal Macmillan, first re cording secretary of the organiza tion is now in Spain making ar rangements for the convention in Madrid. She sets forth as some of the important matters on which de cisions will be reached: "1. The emancipation of women In those countries where the vote has not yet been won. The alliance will decide how it can help the wom en of such nations to obtain their political freedom. ( - "2. Marriage laws, guardianship, and rights of children. These differ in various countries, and only in one has the married mother equal pa rental rights with the father. Un der thenevv German constitution passed in July, and in the drafting of which 38 wpmen members of Parliament took part, there is now equality of the sexes in marriage, in cluding parental and property rights. "3. The industrial and profession al status of women. This again is different in each country. Some na tions have already conceded the basic rule of equality in regard to the professions, while others have hardly begun to consider the ques tion. In industry it is the powerful trade unions that have to be dealt with. They are afraid that the en try of women would undermine the position which they have labored to bring about. But equal opportuni ties and equal pay for equal work would obviate that difficulty. It is also essential that regulations con cealing the hours of women's labor and other restrictions should be de cided by women themselves. The Danish Rigsdag has recently passed a bill emhodying the rule of equal pay for women in all positions under the state. "4. Widows and mothers' pen sions. America has made an excel lent beginning in the right direction; and England and other countries are -now working for legislation on the same lines. "5. Women in the league of na tions and the status of women throughout the world. Nothing short of absolute equality will satisfy. "6. Direct citizenship for women." Methodist Trinity Circle. Members of the Methodist Trinity circle meets Thursday afternoon with Mrs. P. Eigert. Public Speaking. Mrs. L. M. Lord and Mrs. O. W. Malstrom's division of the public speaking department, Omaha Wom an's club, will entertain the depart- SEE OLi, FADED GARMENTS TURN NEW, "Diamond Dyes" Add Years oM ' - Wear to Discarded : Garments ' Don't worry about perfect results. User "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless, color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, ,Unen, cotton or mixed goods dresses, blouses', stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each package tells so plainly how to dia mond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. ' To match any material, have drug gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. i Easy to Make This Pine Cough Remedy tknmn4 ef ftunlllee (wear y Us prompt retnlt. Inexpensive, . and Mvet about S3. iifiiiin v... 41iafc ' ii lined ill nearly all prescriptions and remedies for coughs. . The reason is that pine contains several peculiar elements that have a Temarkable effect in soothing nnd healing ths membranes of the throat and chest. Pine cough syrups are combinations of pine and syrup. The "syrup" part is usually plain sugar syrup. To make the best pine cough remedy that money can buy, put 2' ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle, and fill up with home-made sugar syrup. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or eorn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way. you make a full pint more than you can buy ready-made for three times the money. It is pure, good and very pleasant children like it. You can feel this take hold of a cough cr cold in a way that means business. The cough mar be dry, hoarse and tight, or may be persist ently loose from the formation oi phlegm. The cause is ike same in flamed membranes and this Pinex ana Svrup combination wilt atoo it usually in 24 hours or less. Splendid, too, for bronchial asthma, hoarseness, or any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and is famous the world over for its prompt effect upon coughs. Beware of substitutes. Ask your druggist for "2ft ounces of Pinex" with directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co, Ft Wayne, Ind. WATCH" THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidney sHeartLdvot Seep the ital organs healthy by -egularly taldngthe world's stand rd remedy for kidney, liver, bladder nd uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL Tbe National Remedy of Holland foi centuries and endorsed by Qneen WUhel niea. At -ell croggtata, three eiiee. Uah im mm CM Umiml mm mrj Wr The Social Settlement Elects . Officers vfor Ensuing Year. y irv W W a. At a Social settlement board meet ing Wednesday morning, at the Y. W.iC. A., the following officers were elected for 1920: Mrs. J. J. McMullen, president; Mrs. J. W. Rohbin9, vice president; Mrs. Harold Gifford, second vice president; Mrs. L. M. Lord, record ing secretary; Mrs. J. B. Porter, cor responding secretary and Mrs. A. F. Jonas, treasurer. ment at an afternoon party Thurs day, January .15, from 2 till 5, at the home of Mrs. Malstrom, 921 South Twenty-sixth street. All department members are cordially invited. Cambro American Society. The meeting of the Cambro Anierican society will be held Thursday, January IS, at the home of Mrs. J. J. Griffith, 3835 Charles street. Longfellow Circle. Longfellow Chautauqua circle will meet Thursday evening at the pub lic library. The lesson will be the first six chapters in "A Journey Through Mexico," read by Mrs. Helen Morton. W. W. Club. The W. W. club will be enter tained at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of -Mrs. W. C Price, 2563 Ames avenue, Thursday, January 15. Train School Mothers. Mrs.' J. P. Rebal will entertain the Train School Mothers' club at her home, 1745 South Ninth street, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. A. Swoboda will be assistant hostess. ' ' Psychology Department The psychology department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday, January 15, at 2:30 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. Dr. J. E. Jen kins, instructor. Benson Woman's Club. Mrs. John W. Kurtz, 5116 Bed ford avenue, will entertain the Ben son Woman's club Thursday, 2:30 p. m. Miss Ella Thorngate, direc-i tor of Americanization in the Oma ha night schools, will speak. E. O. T. Kensington. Mrs. Charles Blind will entertain the E. O. T. Kensington club at the home, 3129 Leavenworth street, at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. . Adah Chapter Kensington. ... ...... T.T Adan uiapter, tasiern star sington club will meet for luncheon Thursday at 1-o'clock at the Ma sonic hall," Twenty-fifth and N streets. Letter Carriers' Auxiliary. Mrs. Harry Asher will entertain at a kensington Thursday afternoon for the Woman s Auxiliary, Nation al Associatiton of Letter Carriers. Community Service. Thursday, January 15, D. T. A. club will" give a "kid party" for their members at the Community house, 7:30 p. m. Dance at the Army and Nary club 8:30 to 11 o. m. Papillioa Liberty, Guga and Help clubs. Minne Lusa Society. The Minne Lusa society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Hall, 2865 Newport acenue. Mrs. A. B. Marshall will give the address Jewish Relief Society. The directors and officers of the Jewish Woman's Relief society met at luncheon at the Athletic club Tuesday. Covers were placed for 17. Mrs. Millard Langfeld and Mr. P. Schlatter were the speakers, Plans for increasing the activities of the Y. W. and Y. M. H. A were discussed. A HOME MADE GRAY HAIR JIEMEDY You Can Make a Better Gray Hair Remedy Than You Can Buy. Gray, streaked or faded hair is not only unbecoming, but unneces sary, j Anyone can prepare a simple mix ture at home that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half -pint of water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and 4 ounce of glycer ine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost, or the druggist wrll put it up for you. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is ob tained. This will make a gray haired person look twenty years younger.. It is easy to use, does not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy andNdoes not rub off, Heart Beats By A. K. All Rlf hti RMrvd " Morpheus You dreadful old coward Vile and full Of deceit Why don't you fight In the open Why take advantage Of Sleep. When Somnus Wraps me in slumbers To relax My world-weary brain You slip in with tricks O, so dreadfull To show that you're God of my dreams. But you've never been square By half With me You've torn my wild heart With jealousy Maddened my senses Conspired against me Thrown me from heights Into bottomless pits 1 fall and fall But never alight. In a ball room Of brilliance and splendor Where everyone's cultured And gay I discovered a tramp Was my escort Clumsy in evening attire. Out in the jungles you've led me With ferocious beasts At my heels 1 ran But never reached safety I struggled without a gain. I've seen all that I love In Life Leave me My lot was the bitterest gall I have frenziedly joined The bandits the thieves And was hunted . Tormented by all. I have shouted for help When in danger Cried in vain For my voice was still Insanely I've shot ' . At my rival But never a shot has killed. Long days I have walked In blindness Prayed to Heaven To open my eyes But no Diety heard No Divinity helped No power would lift the veil. Somnus is a fair false Goddess Whose smile is offensive to me And old Morpheus is surely No God of Dreams He must be the Devil Of Night. If Sleep is anything Akin to Death . O Powers that be -Grant me this Strength to eliminate Treacherous sleep And give me O Maker! . Perpetual Life. ! SELAH. Campaign to Open Saturday for a $4,060,000 Fund Omaha. Tan. 14. That women are rapidly gaining a prominent position in American political life and that Smith college at Northampton, Mass., has been a large-factor in training women to take up this kind of work, was the declaration here today of Mrs. W. S. Curtis of this city, chairman of the Nebraska- Montana district in the ?4,UTO,UUU fund campaign to open January 17 for the Northampton institution. Mrs. Curtis statement follows: "Our women are just getting started on the road to political suc cess. Ihe day will come when they will be as numerous' as their breth ren in public berths. This has to be. Woman is not a fly-by-night butter fly, bhe is no longer an office deco ration or only a kitchen mechanic. She is more versatile than the oppo site ssx because she is capable of being at the same time a good sis ter, a strong mother, a home-builder and a business head. "We need more of this kind of women. Smith college is supplying numbers of them and nine out of 10 become wives and mothers. These are the women who are able to- take their places beside the men in our national family life and by pooling their mutual resources to produce results that are really extraordinary. "Our college women doot seek to supplant men in public life. They seek to do their share, although many of them are far more capable executives than they are helpers. Smith college needs money to carry on the work it has so well begun in educating thousands of our young women for a more useful life. We cannot go ahead as a nation unless we realize that our young women need the best that can be offered them for their mental and physical welfare." Fine Arts Lecture. Moissaye J. Olgin of New York will speak at the Hotel ronteneue Thursday afternoon, January 15, at 3:45 o'clock under the auspices of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. , Club Committee Luncheon. Mrs. Harriett MacMurphy was hostess at luncheon Tuesday noon at the Y. W. C. A. to members of the ways and means committee of the Omaha Woman s club. Depart ment heads present included Mrs, R, L. Frantz, Mrs. S. A. Collins, Mrs. Mary I. Creigh, Mrs. W. E. Shafer and Mrs. L. F, Easterly. Nichols-Sturtevant. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sturtevant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sturtevant, and Clayton S. Nichols tftntr nlsre W4n.U.. afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Kev. Titus Lowe per formed the ceremony. Pink and white roses and ferns decorated the roorris. Miss Katherine Sturtevant attend ed her sister. She wore a gown of pink georgette and carried an arm bouquet of pink rosebuds. The bride was gowned in white georgette and her shower bouquet was of white roses. Carlton Swiler was the best man. Following the ceremony, an in formal reception was held for the guests. The bride attended the TTmVerc; of Nebraska where she was pledged to upna rni. Mr. Nichols was a student at the University of Illinois, and was a member of Phi Delta. The bride's taveling suit was of blue velvet with which she wore a small hat of fawn colored duvetyn. Her corsage was of red rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have gone on ah eastern trip. They will be at home at 2583 Mary street, after March 1. Junior-Senior Party. The juniors of St. Berchman's academy entertained the seniors at a "hard time" party at the school Wednesday evening. Those present included Misses Madeline and Dorothy Moylan, Dorothy and Mar garet Gentleman, Helen Bertschy, Margaret Olson, Helen May, Lucile Murray, Edna Burness, Bernice Dugher. Florence English, Ellen At kins, Marguerite Boness, Louise Baehr, Ellen Krebs, Marie Mc Carthy, Irma Dalbey, Helen Man cusco, Irene Gallagher and Alice Lowry. Methodist Aid. The Methodist Ladies' Aid of Benson will serve a cafeteria lunch eon at noon Thursday in the M. E. church. Mrs. Burford is chairman of the committee and will be assist ed by Mrs. C. O. Hurd, Mrs. J. W. Thompson and the president, Mrs. D. C. Sturtz. Surprise Sandwiches. Did you ever bite through two thin slices of buttered brown bread and find a crisp, cool, well-seasoned slice of cucumber or tomato con cealed between them? This is the pleasantest kind ' of surprise and served with a tomato misque or with the fish course it will quite throw the main dish into the shade. The cucumbers should, of course, be kept in cold, salt wa ter until shortly before the sand wiches are to be eaten. The bread may be spread with mayonnaise but the sandwich is even more delicious if the cucumbers are merely dipped into a well-seasoned French dressing, in which the oil plays even a larger jsart than usual, Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns of Omaha celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary Sunday, January 11, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. T. Howell of Columbus, Neb. They were married in 1870 at Pebble Mills, Neb. Their children are Mrs. J. L. Godfrey of Louisville, Ky., Mrs. E. H. Smith of Ogden Utah. Mrs. J. T. Howell, J. M. Burns ot Omaha, and D. W. Burns, also of Omaha. Tea at Fort Omaha. Mrs. William McKinley and Mrs., R. E. Thompson entertained at tea at the quarters of Captain McKinley Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Load was among the guests. To Attend Jacques Duval M. C. Peters entertained 10 guests Wednesday evening at the Brandeis to see George Arliss in Jacques Duval. W. B. Clift had six guests; Mrs. M. Levey, six; W. T. Burns, six. Foursomes were given by Reed C. Peters, N.' C. Davis, Colonel Schiffe, J. W. Martin and W. A. Redick. Creighton Dance. The guests numbered 100 at the dance given by the students of Creighton university Tuesday even ing. Those in charge were Joseph Malloy, Ed Haley, Gene blattery, H. Linihan and O. Escher. Concerning Visitors. A foursome, including Miss Es ther Smith and Miss Dorothy New kirk of Hackensack, N J.; Richard Mallory and George Metcalfe at tended the supper-dance at the Ath letic club Wednesday evening. Miss Newkirk and Miss Wain Richards of Philadelphia, who are the guests of Miss Winifred Smith, will attend the Phi Delta dance at the Blackstone Friday evening. Both girls leave Saturday for Little Rock, Ark., where they will visit school tnends. Smart, Sport Costume For Miss 1920. f ! ifllll i 1 ff i' j (fx : it1 t ion Until recently there has been a noticeable slump in the silk markets. So bad has the situation become that many department stores had partly discontinued their silk serv ice. During the past year, however, silk has come back into its own and now adorns many of the spring and summer costumes designed by fashionable modistes. Here is shown a very smart sport costume of .1920, Fan-Ta-Si. The lovely shade of tur quoise blue in the sport hat matches the deep coloring of the skirt. The handbag is also fashionable. Personals Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. Charles Ashmann entertained at a bridge luncheon at her home Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Charles Hanley of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph T. Burns. Yellow jon quils formed the centerpiece. Cov ers were placed for Mesdames C. F. White, Hugh Langan, William Clem ent. Joseph r. Burns. Herbert Rices. William Schopp, John O'Brien and Misses Gertrude Nathan and Marga ret Fox. Cosmopolites We're harmless guerillas who join in the chase Of any old quarry to any old place; The torrid equator, the icicled xone Have bounded the travels we travel alone. We circle the globe in search of, perhaps, Conflicting excitements, diversified scraps. Though once in a while we long for a roof Above us, there's something which holds us aloof From civilized centers, when yet there remain. Unwandered Rialtos on distant ter rain. Admittedly stupid where money is earned, We're wise in 'the legends the four foot has learned. Pervading the reaches from lichen to palm, There dwells for us all a peculiar ' calm; Which often when cursed by a thousand fatigues We hobble along through the pain bitten leagues Rewhispers there's many a ledger- bent cuss Who'd like to swap jobs any morn ing with us. Leslie Alan Taylor. Miss Eleanore Hopwood, known as "the woman who fed England," was' called upon to act as food ad ministrator during the recent rail road strike, and rroved most can- lable, Miss Irene Gallagher, who has been ill at her home, has recovered. Mrs. Effie Steen Kittleson return ed Sunday from southern California where she spent the holidays with her son, John Kittleson. Mrs. Ezra Pool of Keota, la., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pool. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruckner of Platte Center, Neb., arrived Wed nesday to spend - several days in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carrington have taken an apartment at the Mor ns. E. E. Abrahamson of Lincoln is spending the winter in California. Frank Mather of Carleton. Neb., is spending several days in Omaha. A. L. Alexander, who has been visiting at the A. P. Kimball home, lies returned to Minneapolis. Mrs. Arthur W. Saunders and dauKhters. Phoebe and Sally, of Minneapolis, spent luesaay in Omaha enroute to Los Angeles. Mrs. A. P. Kimball, who spent the past month at St Louis owing to the 1 lness of her sister. Mrs. W. D, Wood, is expected home within two weeks. Informal Affair. Mrs. Svbvna Peterson was hon oree at a surprise party at her home Monday evening, given by the Ladies auxiliary of Golden Rod lodge. The guests numbered 40. Theater Party. - The Miroco club entertained 30 guests at the Orpheum Wednes day evening. Des Moines Enthuses Over Biennial Meet of Federation Omaha women have been asking what was accomplished at the gen eral federation board meeting held in Omaha last week. The answer is that plans were made for the "Gold en Prairie" biennial to be held in Des Moines next June, and progress gained toward some reorganization of machinery in the federation. A more complete answer is found in an article printed several days ago in the Des Moines Register, which says in part: Des Moines, the chosen biennial city of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, is the rendezvous this week-end of club women of state and national prominence, the incentive being the visit of Mrs. Littleberry J. Haley of Birmingham, director from Alabama and chair man of the Golden Prairie biennial program committee. Ihe coming of Mrs. Haley to Des Moines following the midwinter conference of the national federa tion officers, directors and depart ment chairmen in Omaha, divulged to the club women some of the def inite facts concerning the program in which thousands of club women, who will come to Des Moines next June, will be vitally interested. 'Americanism wi I be the kev- note of the convention," said Mrs. Haley, who has devoted two years in the preparation of the program for next June. Its purpose, will be to promulgate and inculcate those principles of Americanism which won for America world leadership, to instill that part America shall take in the reconstruction plans which the war has made necessary to be done all over the world." That means .ohvsical. oolitical and spiritual reconstruction." stated Mrs. Haley. "These three special activities will be worked out unitedly through all the 11 de partments of the federation which will concentrate on thrift, which is an individual matter; on community service, which is group matter, and Americanization, which is national in scope. t ' The greatest mass meeting of the convention, said Mrs. Haley, will be held on Sunday afternoon, June 20, and will be the largest of the ses sion, since men and women alike attend this meeting. This will be devotional in character and also in spirational, which is the keynote of the evening sessions. Dr. Lvnn Harold Houeh. nresi- dent of the Northwestern university, will be the speaker on this occasion, his topic being 'The spirit of Amer ica," continued Mrs. Haley. "It is an interesting fact to note in con nection with the speaker that he was sent by the United States gov- .w o'livnv 5 j a i,( v uuiiug int. rv at period to interpret to England the war spirit or America, in tms ca pacity he so pleased the English that he was called to occupy the City Temple in London, the largest church in the world, during the en tire month of August. "Another speaker of national im portance before the convention. said Mrs. Haley, will be Dr. Marian Burton, at present president of the University of Minnesota, but who will soon go to the University of Michigan to be its head. Another great feature of the con vention will be the presence of the general federation overseas unit, that unit financed by the organiza tion and which to the boys over there meant America. The girls, together with their great leader, Mrs. Blade, national Y. W. C. A. worker, will be present to bring in spiration also to the convention. "This Des Moines biennial means more to me than any other bien nial," Mrs. Haley continued. "To day for the first time I have felt really happy about it, before it has been a solemn affair because of the responsibility, but as I look into your faces I want more than ever to work with you and for you. From now on you will not have a single free moment in preparing for the biennial which a prominent government official has said, 'Such a convention will be of incalculable benefit to the government,' and the result will be so far reaching that it will make of the Des Moines bien nial a read letter year in the history of the general federation." t The women of Greece in the third century were not allowed to wear silk. The husbands of those who vio lated this law were heavily fined, on the theory that a husband ought to be able to control his wife's taste for finery. Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. June Bride. Dear Mlsa Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Kindly tell me what your suggestion would be for .a g-lrl that's to be mar. rled In June? Have no relatives, so will he married at a parsonage and leave immediately after on a trip west. What would be a practical and yet inexpensive traveling out fit? Thanking you kindly. Tou will probably wish to be mar ried In your traveling suit, since the wedding la to be at the parsonage, and you leave immediately for a trip. I believe you will And a dark blue or a tan shade good selections for color. A dark blue suit always looks trim and neat, but shows the soil of travel much more quickly than a dark tan. A certain shade of tan, bordering on "fawn," does not spot or show dust easily and yet may look like a light suit. Such a shade, with brown oxfords and hat, would make a good looking outfit for travel. A blouse of lighter shade Just as pretty as you can afford would complete the costume. Wear a corsage during the ceremony. Two extra blouses ought to be Included in your wardrobe and at least one dress, which can be donned for din ner at hotels where you stop. If your dress Is in tan or brown, your brown silk petticoat, hose and shoes will match nicely. Nerve, Not Advice. ' Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a young man, 20 years of ase, and would be glad to have you give me a bit of advice. If a young man wishes to take a young lady out for an auto ride in what manner should he approach the subject to her? Also if he wishes to take her home from a place of amusement? After he has taken her home how and in what words should he express the appreciation of her company? Thanking you in advance and hoping to see this letter in print, I remain, G. L. M. Tou need a little nerve, not ad vice. The way to ask a young lady to go auto riding is to ask her preferably in good, English. If you wish to invite her to an entertain ment, ask her several days or more in advance. "Do you care to go for an auto ride with me?" or any simi lar direct question. In leaving her, it is polite to say you have enjoyed the evening if you have and say you would like to call again if you do. Etiquet says a young lady should first ask a young man to call. After that, he may invite her to date with him. If you care' enough for a girl to take her home from a dance, why don't you do the really com plimentary thing and ask to take her both ways? ' , Matrlmotiially Inclined. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: You always give such excellent ad vice that I also am coming to you ior aavice. I am a widow, 48 years old, and my children are grown and they want to get away from home and do for themselves, and I feel that in a very short time I shall be left alone. I have been llvinsr on i ranch Tru ths last five years and have worked hard to provide for myself and chil dren, and I now feel that I would like to quit the farm and settle down in a good home and take life a little easier. I have been robbed of all church privileges and other social advantages that I was accus tomed to before I came west and I miss these very much. I have a good education and a fair musical education. , Now, Miss Fairfax, If you will publish this in your column it might be that some good honest man who is lonely even as I am, who has a good home, and would like a good woman for a companion, to share it with him, sees this, a shall be glad to furnish Miss Fair fax with my name and address. I prefer a man between the ages of 60 and 65. HARRIETTS B. No doubt there are many men who would be glad to correspond. This, however, is not. a , matrimonial bureau. Information. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Are these nose braces advertised in magaslne a fake? If not. would they tend to straighten a pug nose? About how much do they cost? What may one do for pimples and blackheads and to stimulate the growth of eyelashes? Thanking you very much for your advice, CLARICE AND SIBYL. I know very little about nose braces except that they have been beneficial In straightening noses. An swer one of the advertisements and find out for yourself. Diet for pim ples. Eliminate meat, fata and sweets from you food. Tour blood is probably too rich or you are hav ing Indigestion. A good eye salve will stimulate the growth of eye lash es. Blue Eyes We hope you did net accept furs from the young man on Christmas. Tou would be selling yourself and discrediting your sex to "cash In" his sincere regard tor you In such a way. . Worried Blonde No doubt you have received a letter from v the young man before now. If not our advice is to forget about a young man who does not care enojigh for you to keep" his word. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST "Danderine" will check that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out. 9 . : 1 To stop falling hair at once arid rid the scalp of every particle 6f dandruff, get a small bottle : of "Danderine" at any drug or, toilet counter for a few cents, pour a littje in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications tie hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more Color. - CHILLS, COLDS FEVERISIIIIESS Black-Draught Is Used by Virginia Lady for Colds, Fever and .f Other Troubles With - Fine Results. . ..t I You've Triad the Root fJoiv Buy the Beat MLS UtttUlmd-U. 5. Fmt. Officii n fifsotf smidl Fu3bcH EasaummimlisslI FwmaE Rocky .Mount, Va. Miss ; Wftfi Chitwood, of this place, recently stated: "I have used Black-Draught for colds and stomach trouble and certainly have found it very satis factory. " " " ' A When I would feel bad and fever ish, as though I was taking a fresh cold, I would make a good cup. of Black-Draught tea and it would soon set me all right . 'v . I can recommend it as a splendid laxative and gladly do so. You may publish my statement." . When you feel chilly, tired, fever ish, headachy and fear that you ara takingcold, take a good dose of the old, reliable, liver medicine you have heard bo much about Thed fprd's Black-Draught. It is made from purely vegetable ingredients, acts' in a gentle, natural way, and by helping to drive out poisonous waste matter from your system,. will often, if taken in time, prevent a chill from developing into a cold. Thousands of people, during the past 70 years, have found Black Draught of benefit in such cases. Try it, the next time you chill or sneeze. v K . EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a glass of Salts to FlusH Kidneys if bladder bothers you. - Eating meat regularly eventually proauces Kiajiey trouble in sortie form or other, says a well-knowa authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they be come overworked; get sluggish; clog up ana cause an sorts or distress, particularly backache and misery -m the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, toroid liver! sleeplessness, bladder and urinary ir- ruanon. The moment your back hurts Of kidneys aren't acting right, or, jf. bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy: take a tablesooonful in-a glass of water before breakfast for' a few days and your kidneys vrill then act fine. This famous salts is made from the ,acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litKia? ana has been used for generation, to flush clogged kidnevs and stimu late them to normal activity; also' fo neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending Diaaoer aisoraers. . " jaa oaus cannot injure anyone? makes a delightful, effervescent, lithia-water drink which millions o men and women take now and then-' to keep the kidneys and urinary e gans ciean, tnus avoiding serious Vao nex disease, , " A wr.m, wimfcn , .. i...n r