Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
THE. OMAHA BEE. U. S. Police System Is "AH Wrong" Says Fiji Island Visitor Pittsburgh, Jan. 14. Tha ponce ystera of the United State U U vrootr, according to Aby Cerva, a Fiji Islander. Abay was walking leisurely along the. water front on a recent evening when thugajreheved him of hit plat inum watch valued at $1,000, ms overcoat and $105 in cash. "Don't lend thieves, to jaH," he told the police. "Cut (heir hands off as we do in the Fiji Islands, and you will not be bothered so much wifli thefts?' "We all know that a thief does not produce," the visitor philoso phized, "yet you pay a policeman to watch the thief and there you add another man to the nonproductive class. And when you send the thief to prison then the oHlMna must pay taxes to keep him tbtre. In the Fiji Islands a thief is given a chance to make good after hit hands are cut oft. If he does not reform then we kill him. We have no policemen on. the islands. The citizen aot Mthefr guardians and we have few robberies or other crimes there," The Fiji Islander was bound for Philadelphia and the policemen of fered to chip in enough money to add to the $5.18 left him by the thugs to get him to that city. But Abay would not Meua t the erepe- dirJon. "A native eif the Ftii IUnrf. LnjVier accepts charity," he pjoterted.. 'Tit tide m far as 1 sen on the $5.16 ana then I'll walk. ' Vttttoan Talcti Bondi Roma, Jaa. R The Vatieen has subscribed 20,000,000 Are to rhs sixth national loan, according to the Mes sage. This' U the first rime, the newspaper states, that the Vatican ha participated In such a loan. I. W. W. Ifl Mfaged Wot To Dynamite OH Wells Bakersfield, CaL. Jaa. 14 Al though every possible effort Js being enorteaHto fnstrat plans of I. W, Wj?i and other sdlcl thaoughout Camfornra, an alleged plot has been neovered here to dynamite oil wells in this vicinity. More than 250 pounds of high power dynamite has been discovered hidden In the hills near Taft by Ford Alexander, ex plosive expert for one of the o7! companies here. The dynamite was exploded by authorities. 'Local police official have announced that they believe they have a clue at to who ia re sponsible for the "planting" of the dynamite, but have declined la make pttbHc any further Information rela tive to the matter. ' Flexible tteel tpoutt have been patented that can be attached to oil cans or grease gum to reach places difficult of access. Woman Seeking Divorce Is Willing to Sell Husband Des Moines. Ia., Jan. 14. Hut land seemingly are worth $5,000 in a certain "gypsy" tribe which re centlywa in Des Moine. A wife and husband appeared at the office of a local attorney. The woman explained they had agreed to separate and wanted an agreement drawn up. A contract of separation, division of property and custody of children was written by the lawyer. r ii :K , irn iiii. ii ill. Was Shot by Berkman, Sold Wheeling; W. Va., Jan. 14 The desk at which Heiyy C Frick tat when shot by Alexander Berkman, anarchist, at the time of the Home stead riot In 1892, is ia use in this city. A bullet hole show in one of the drawers. After the shooting Mr. Frick ordered every piece of furni ture removed from the office. The desk was bought by a local firm. 31 reat Time my 1aemeot I 2m 3 66 10-4, 90 Inches wide, at 9-4, 81 Inches wide, at La BLACKHAWK SHEETING Bleached; In the following de- alrable widths: 855 80 8-4, 72 Inches wide, at 70 STERLING AND ECONOMY SHEETING Bleached; extra heavy linen finish; free from dressing, heavy round thread yarn, 10-4, 90 Inches wide, 1.00 value, special, at I OC BLEACHED MUSLIN . 42 Inches wide; splendid qual ity; right width forncrlb sheets and pillow cases; np special, per yard OC UNBLEACHED SHEETING Ten bales, 86 Inches wide; heavy round thread; suitable for sheets and pillow cases. Special, at, 28t. i A 25c and IVC PILLOW TUBING The genuine Aurora bleached; In two popular widths; 45-inch Aurora Tubing, at OeJl 42-lnch Aurora Tubing, at 60c BLEACHED LEADER SHEETS 72x90 inches; of extra Quality musljn; hemmed; ready for use; 1.85 values, spe- - in clal, at XlV ORCHID PILLOW CASES . 250 dozen of this famous brand; splendid quality; linen finish; size 45x36, I QQ each at OUs Size 42x56, each at 37 NEPONSIT 2.75 i SJEAMLESS SHEETS Bleached; unusually heavy quality Eastern sheeting ; weave, wear, " and satisfaction guaranteed. Size 81x90-lnch, seam- A n r less, 3.00 value, at 4OU Size 81x99-inch, seam less, 3.15 value, at MILL REMNANTS 36-inch bleached muslin, cam bric and lohgcloth; qualities equal to Lonsdale or Hope; long lengths; values up OOi A to 39c, special, at WHITE SCRIM- AND MARQUISETTE For curtains, fine for bed rooms, or sash curtains; in long mill lengths; values up to 29c, limited quantity, 1 Co at, yard XDC PILLOW CASES The genuine Pepperell brand; known to every housekeeper as a reliable standard quality; priced for this sale at less than present wholesale cost Size 45x36, regular pn 60c values, at OUC OLD GLORY LONGCLOTH Soft chamois finish; snow ,white: free from dress- -t rr ins; 10-yard bolt, at 1,X)U -ENGLISH NAINSOOK SS inches wide; beautiful soft finish; snow white; free from dressing; per yard 35; 12-yard bolt, 3 75 WHITE FLAXON The genuine quality stamped on the selvedge. Very desirable for waist, aprons, uni- ka forms, etc, 40-Inch,' at ulL WINDSOR PLISSE CREPE White; suitable for under wear, pajamas, night gowns, etc Launders easily. QQ Special, at OUl WHITE INDIA LINON Sheer crisp quality; for waists, aprons and lnterlinlngs, etc. Special, 22C wLPXAID BLANKETS Beautiful wool finish; size 64x76; in assorted colors; thread whipped edges; regular '4.00 values, at per Q 1 Q pair ' 0LU cotton blankets woo! finish; in white, gray and tan, with assorted fancy borders: thread whipped edges; heavy fleecy nap; full double bed slzef positively worth 3.60, very special, per f) A pair, at 4)u WHITE COTTON BLANKETS , 200 pairs; can be used for sheets; heavy quality; no col ored borders to fade. Very de sirable for the hospital and sick room. While the lot OKA lasts, at, per pair OU COMFORTERS ' 25 dozen; silkoline covered; filled with sanitary cotton bat ting; neatly hand tufted; all double bed size; assorted colore and patterns; worth np to 4.00. special, for this Q QQ sale, at 4,OV Basement North WHITE COTTON UNION 3 SUITS ,. Tor women; lightly fleeced; high neck, long sleeves and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves: an kle length. The sizes are 34, 36, 38 and 40. Regular . QQ 1.25 values, suit ' JOL Basement East FRONT LACE-CORSETS In medium bust, long hips, elastic Insets in SHORT CORSETS AND GIRDLES This lot consists of dis continued models of C. . bottom of skirt; stitched Corsets of white coutil; in sieeis; excellent qual- medium low bust and ity of pink broche, regw lar 4.00 values, ey a r special, at U TWO GOOD MODELS In pink coutil and nov elty cloth. One model Is In medium low bust and long hips, the other has clastic inserts at top with two pairs of hose support ers; regular 2.25 values, special, -i r7K X.I U 1.49 to 3.49 val Basement East Boys' Clothing medium hip; all sizes, 19 to 30; regular 1.75 and 2.00 values, special for this sale J 90, BRASSIERES AND BANDEAUX In broken lines; both front and back closing; all sizes; regular 75c and 1.00 values, KO special, at UUL THERE WILL BE a Great Three-Day "Economy" Sale in our Basement commencing at 9:00 A. M. tomorrow and continu ing throughout Thursday, Fridajr and Saturday. eCn'many instances. price reductions are really extreme for quick clearance of broken lots and odds and ends, while they last. -SWEATER COATS- For girls; sizes 2 to 6, and 8 to 14; many styles; regular 1.49 to 3.50 val ues, special - qq vat 1.29 and l.Oi SWEATER SETS Including sweater, cap, leggins and mittens to match; size 2 to 6 years; worth 5.00, special, In this sale, only, at- KIMONOS Of crepe and kimono cloth; good styles and well made; 1.95 and 2.49 values, spe- "i Ad cial, at Im'iU U9 39c -SWEATER COATS- For Infants; 1 to 3-year sizes; regular 69c values, at -SWEATER COATS- For girls, 2 to 6 years old; various pretty styles; 1.29 and 1.39 val- qq ues, at OoC HOUSE DRESSES AND BUNGALOW APRONS For women; of good gingham and percale; broken lots, but many dif ferent styles; 1.49 and 1.69 values, spe- QQ cial, in this sale, at UUC -BOYS' FLANNEL BLOUSES- In plain gray, blue and khaki. Cut full, with collars attached. Sizes 5 to 16 QQ years. Special, at uOC BOYS' SWEATER COATS AND WOOL SWEATERS - The sweater coats come in all sizes, and have large shawl collars and two side pockets. The wool swesjters are for the little tots, In sizes 22, 24 and 26. The colors are blue, white, gray and old rose. Very specially priced for this sale, at ; BOYS' SUITS 89c Splendid winter styles; materials ar cordu roy and fancy mixtures. Sizes 6 to OAK. 18 years. Special, at O40 OVERCOATS FOR BOYS- Come in the button toNhe neck, convertible collar styles; plain and fancy mix- q turts. Sizes 2 to 10 years. Special O40 MACKINAWS FOR BOYS- Come in sport plaids; large convertible col lars and patch pockets, sizes 6 to q ik 17 years. Special, at . 04:D NORFOLK SUITS For little fellows; sizes 24 to 8 years; in plaids, fancy mixtures and corduroys; worth up to 7.50, but are specially priced o APT for this sale, at - 0,UO AJLJj WOOL OVERCOATS- For big boys; sizes 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years. All wool fabrics; values np to T? fK 10.00. . Special, while they last, at D,VO Basement North -IN THE GIFT SHOP- Knives, Table Spoons, Tea Spoons, Butter Knives and other useful pieces, - special, at each JJC All of the Odd Piece of Fancy Jewelry that sold up to 89c, your choice, dur- - lng this sale, at lUC Basement Center 1 Splendid Suits and Dresses In Basement Economy Sale-Good Values 'Here's a chance to obtain real values at exceptional prices. The combination of good materials, clever styles and low prices should appeal to economical and thrifty buyers. Skirts ' For women and misses ; fancy and plain cloth; good materials; regular 4.00 and 5.00 val ues; special, at 2.69 THE SUITS Good up-to-date styles, in Fall and Winter weight. 8ome are suit able for spring wear. There are about 200 suits, in sizes 16 to 44, while two styles come ,in sizes 43 to 63, for stout women. There are fancy mixed materials and novelty cloth, wool mixed, and some serges. Made to sell at 12.60 to 20.00. Special, for this sale, at 7.85. 71 THE DRESSES These dresses come in many pretty up-to-date styles, for Fall and Winter wear, in fancy silk, good satin, all wool and wool mixed, in serge, silk poplin and other materials. There are over 600 dresses in all, and every dress is a bar gain at the price asked. Special, at only 1M. '9 Dress Skirts For women and misses, of silk and cloths ; good up-to-date styles, 6.00 and 7.00 values ; special, at 3.95 Tennis Flannel Gown And combination sleeping garments for girls. There are also some petticoats in the lot. These are reg ular 69c up to 1.25 values, special, in this sale, at 49c Camisoles Of Jap silk and satin; fancy, lace tops; cheap to day, at 1.25, of fered specially in this sale, at 79c Aprons Kitchen Aprons of percale and striped gingham; several styles ; worth 59c and 69c special, at 47c Basement A rcade Basement Men's Clothing v WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Tot the men; shirt sizes are from 34 to 42, drawers from 80 to 40; regular 1.95 - aa values, special, for this sale, at X.UU -MEN'S DUCK COATS All blanket lined; sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Regular 4.50 values. Special for O QQ this sale, at t0 MEN'S MACKINAWS Made of heavy wool fabrics, in practical col ors; sizes 36 to 44. Regular 8.50 n 1 K and 10.00 values. Special, at 0f4p MEN'S TROUSERS 2.98 Hundreds to choose from; splendid assort ment of oatterns. Materials of worsted, caesi- mere and cheviot Plain and cuff bottom ; waist size, 30 to 42. All go in one big lot, specially priced, at MEN'S WORK SOCKS S la black only; sizes 9 to ll'i; reg- "iK ular 25c values, in this sale, per pair XtJC MEN'S LEATHER JERKINS Just the thing for out-door work, or for hunting. Sizes 34 to 4. A big A AK value. Special, at Basement North IN THE GIFT SHOP Fancy Tiffany Binga, In settings and )Zt clusters, your choice, at ZtOC IndiTidoal Ash Trays, with cigar holder, Q special, at v Buster Brown Belts, la red, white and -J k black, your choice, at J.OC Women's Belts, in narrow and wide widths. Col ors are black, white and red. Spe- -j F. dally prieed, at . Xti Basement Center Clearance Sale of Furs Muffs, Neck and Shoulder Pieces ' i We are making this big reduction In furs to the end that we mav make a complete clearance of onr present stock, thus avoiding necessity for storage throughout another summer. There are hundreds of splendid muffs in practical and popular furs, such as black and brown French Conev, Imi tation Red Fox, Natural Wolf, Tiger, Coney and Natural Coney. The neck and shoulder pieces are all good furs, perfect. in every way. They Include: Marmot, Mole Coney, Blue China w olf, French Coney and imitatioB"iled Fox. Muffs Worth 5.00 to 15.00; Neck and Shoulder Piews Worth 6.95 to 15.00, Basement A rcade At 3 SATEEN BLOOMERS For girls; both white and black; well made; sizes 2 to 12; j m in this sale, at 4 4 C KNIT CAPS For children; a won derful selection of these caps, in many different colors; very serviceable and warm for .winter wear. Special, each, at , 19c COATS For fall and winter; for girls; good practical styles; several hundred to choose from; worth 3.50 to 7.60; in two big lots for this sale, Q flK at 1.95 and J,UD -KNIT DRESSING SACQUES For infants; regular 59c values; spe- nn cial. at ZuC -COTTON DRESSES For girls; In fancy plaids and stripes; all good styles; sizes 2 to 6 and S to 10 years; worth 1.43 to 1.65; QQn special, at OOL KNIT SETS- For school and skating wear, in all of the wanted colors; made of fine brushed wool. Just the thing for cold weather; specially priced, for this sale; at per 79(J Basement Arcade -TUB DRESSES For girls; many pretty and different styles; sizes 2 to 6, and 8 to 14; regu lar 1.95 to 2.85 -f s( values, special, at 1.07 -SWEATER COATS- For women and misses; many different styles, in cluding slip-ons. Every sweater worth from 3.00 to 5.00. special, e ( at 1.69 and 4.03 WINTER COATS For girls; sizes 2 to 6, and 8 to -14; in two big lots, regular 7.50 and up to 15.00 values, specially priced during this sale, only at 5.95 and 8.95 HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES -ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS- Of aluminum; nine cup capacity; six feet of cord; special at OIL HEATERS- $8.49 The "Perfect" kind; blue steel drum; Japanned finish. Small size 3.98 Large size '. . 5.49 ELECTRIC HEATERS Majectle electric heater, in round and 3Q AQ square patterns, special, at P0r -GLASS KING WASH BOARDS Made of heavy reinforced glass, with heavy wood frame, special, at WRINGER BENCHES- 69c Towels and Spreads -DAMASK . Full bleached table damask with a beautiful lustre, very fine quality, an assortment of patterns, regular QQ I value, special In this sale OtC TABLE DAMASK A heavy quality of mercerized table damask, in a range of pretty patterns; a big special in our 1920 January White Sale; regular 79c val- (lQ ues, at, per yard OtC FANCY SPREADS TOWELING The Birdseye weave kind, with hemmed ends, in colored stripes of blue or pink; medi um weight; size 72x90 Inches, special for this sale, ' O in at '. O.IVV S5c TOWELING AT 25c The well known Barnsley, linen weft toweling; red border, spe cial, at, per yard TURKISH TOWELS TABLE CLOTHS Made of an English damask, mercerized quality; hemmed ends; size 68x70; in a -wide range of patterns; regular 1.75 cloths, very special in this sale, at About 500 yards of bleached cotton toweling, with -plain or fancy colored edge; soft and absorbent quality, plain or twilled weaves; 20c value, - Q in this sale, at XtC SPREADS About 200 crochet spreads, hemmed ends; also scalloped and cut corners; large size; Heavy quality, q pw 3.98 values, at : tJUU SPREADS Extra heavy quality crochet or satin dam ask spreads, scalloped and cut comer ends, four feet, six inches, regulation size, 6.00 values, In 4 Mt this sale, at 4.4" 1.25 25c Full bleached; hemmed ends, double twisted thread; soft and ab- J sorbent; 19x3S inches, at fxC 29c TURKISH TOWELS, 23c Full bleached; hemmed ends; OQ' soft and absorbent; at OC . BIRDSEYE TOWELING- Full bleached; the soft absorbent kind; splendid quality, spe- no cial, at, per yard uL, 85c TOWELS AT 69c About 150 dozen; full bleached Turkish towels; double twisted yarn; hemmed ends; very heavy quality; so called "Mill Imperfections," not sec onds, while they f last, at OyC Brandeis Stores Basement Center Of wood; made of heavy oak wood, highly var nished. Will hold two tubs. Place to &y nn fasten wTlnger in the center, special, at $uuiJ Wizard Mops and Polishes In our housefurnisbings department, real values in the famous Wizard Line of oiled floor mops and nolishes are offered for the three-day basement clearance sale. The floor mops are made of extra heavy yarn, with nicely varnished five-foot handles. They are priced as follows: Medium size, 1.25 value, at 98c Large size, 1.50 value, at 1.29 Extra large size, 1.75 value, at 1.49 Wizard Polish Is a high grade furniture, woodwork and floor polish, and is priced as follows: 25c size, special, at 19d 50c size, special, at - 39 1.00 size, special, at S9 WIZARD DUST CLOTHS The Wizard dust cloth Is a medium size dust cloth, chemically treated, for dusting furniture and . TJn 1 1 woodwork. Specially priced. GARBAGE CANS Hide of heavy galvanized iron, with heavy wire ball, and a tightly fitting cover. Three-gallon size, No. 02, special, at 2.29 Five-gallon size No. 04, special, at 2.79 DISH DRAINERS Round heavy wire dish drainer, with, place In center to hold knives and forks, special, at 89 SOAPS AND WASHING POWDERS ' White Borax Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 50 1 Pearl White, 10 bars for 50t D. C. Soap. 10 bars for 45 Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 7ht Ivory Soap, 5 bars for 37 Lux, per box lit Old Dutch Cleanser, S for 23? Sunbrite. 4 for 15 Golden Rod, large package for 19 Bon Ami, cake or powder, 3 f 0 r 23 Assorted Toilet Soaps, per bar 7t Xo C 0. Ds, Phone or Hall Order Received. Soaps and Washing Powders on Sale Thursday Only. Basement Soarfi DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES 15c and 19c Tooth Brushes, special at 9 50c Metal Box of Rouge, special at 27 Abonita Face Powder or Cream, 60c value, 19 35c Almond Cream, special, per brittle 19 1-lb. RolJ Cotton, 65c grade, special, at 49 13c and 19c Talcum Powder, per can. at 12 50c Locust Blossom, White Rose Perfume, etc, special, oneoflnce, for 29 5c and 7c Toilet Soap, special, at 3c? Basement North Two Groups of Coats Buy your next season's coat at this price and save money. In all probability, coata of this quality cannot be purchased at these prices next year, owing to higher replacement costs. The values are quite unusual, con sidering materials and styles. Lot 1 $10 to $15 Coats at- We have warm winter coats for women and misses practical, long coats, and some are lined" throughout Materials are fancy mixtures, novelty cloths and thibet. All were made to sell , from 10.00 to 15.00; special In this sale, at Lot 2 $20 to $30 Coats at- We have grouped the better cloth coats of the basement into one.big lot, and are offering them at a great price reduction. Every coat is up-to-date, many having good satin linings and large fur collars. There are also a few sizes for stout women. A bargain at this price of I Plush Coats at 29.00 Women's fine full length plush coats, previously selling from 35.00 to 49.00, will Je offered In this sale, Oft Art at only Ff 14m ill BLOUSES Of georgette and crepe de chine, some fancy nets. These blouses are right up-to-the-minute, In all of the wanted colors and styles. They are regular 5.00 to 7.00 values, offered specially for this M Art sale, at 3.00 am ft.UU BLOUSES Of Jap silk; in heavy material; white, plain col ors and checked, designs; 3.00 and 3.50 val-- qk ues, special uD DRESSING SACQUES For women; many dif ferent styles; 1.25 and 1.50 values, in this sale, at Basement A rcade 88c -COTTON BLOUSES- In white and colors, many styles; hundreds to choose from; regular 1.00 and 1.50 values, rr special, at 0"C SERGE DRESSES For girls; sizes 6 to 14 years; 6.00 to 10.00 values, special during Atr this sale, at UO Specials in Footwear -HIGH CUT BOOTS- For misses and children; for dress and school ear. A very attractive as sortment in Russian calf, and black gun metal; button . and lace styles; sizes 84 to 2; regular 5.00 Q QQ to 6.50 values, at, pair 0.0, . -LEGGINS Combination knit drawer leggins for children, in white and red. The sizes are 1 to 4. Sold at 1.25, spe cial in this sale, only 69c -DRESS SHOES- FELT SLIPPERS - For women; odds and ends; plain black and fancy colors; sizes slightly broken, but all sizes in the assortment. 2.00 and 2.25 values; one pair to a customer, - Art at per pair l.UU For men; Goodyear welt; black kid. black calfskin, and vici kid; full toe or English style; lace only; sizes 6 to 10; regular 6.00 and 7.50 values, special. In this sale, A A F at, pair A,VD HpUSE SLIPPERS For men; in black and tan leather ette or corduroy vamps, with patent quarters. Sizes 6 to 1L -t m Special, at 1,75 FELT HOUSE SUPPERS For men and chil dren; buckskin and heavy felt soles, sizes 5 to 11 for children, and 7 to 10 for men; 6 49c - EIDERDOWN BED SOCKS For men and women; plain black and fancy colors; sizes up to 10 regular 1.25 values; special In this sale, per r 69c JULIET HOUSE SUPPERS For women; black kid; elastic on sides; plain and tipped toes; ruBber -heels; band turned soles; sizes 4 to 8. Special for hls - t rrjr sale, at ' I O BOTS' SHOES For school and dress; In dark Russian or black calf skin: "English and full toe styles; button and lace styles; Q solid oak soles; sizes 9 to -nd 1 to 6. special, at - O.tD Brandeis Stores Basement EasS -7 -BUTTON SHOES- For children; black kid; hand turned soles; spring heeler sizes 5 to S; special, at, pair 1.00 TUCK STITCHED VESTS For women; lightly fleeced; high neck and long sleeves; sizes 86 to 44; 65c A Kt values, at 40C -union surrs- 3c For children; in ecru Q and white; special, at OtC -INFANTS' SHIRTS In wool and part r Q wool, your choice, at DtJC HANDKERCHIEFS For women; fine lawn, em broidered corners; Ql n 10c to 15c values, at OyC HANDKERCHIEFS For women and children;' cotton; embroidered; Be and 6c values BOUDOIR CAPS - In fancy, net and flowered ef fects; your choice, h q each, at ltC PURE THB2AD ' SILK HOSIERY For women; full fashioned; double soles, and lisle garter top; in black and brown; sec onds of a 2.00 quality, special, at WOMEN'S COTTON HOSIERY Black, with hemmed -t f tops; per pair IOC WOMEN'S STOCKING FEET In white silk and black cot ton; per pair 5tl or 6 for BOOT -HOSEERY- For women: fibre silk: colors ;- seconds of a QK 65c quality, pair OJU HOSIERY B 77c 25c all For children; black and white cotton; medium rib; OK 35c values, pair 0 COTTON SEAMLESS SOX For men; in black and color?; seconds of 25c quality, - at, per pair xu COTTON SOCKS- For men; seconds ol -t A a 15o quality, per pair Avi ' Basements-East SCRIM Mill ends, all short lengths, but very special, at ' f per yard OC SCRIM AND CURTAIN MATERIALS With fancy lace edge, plain and fancy borders, some col ored; worth 25c on the bolt. special for this sale, at per yard SILKOLINE 15c AND CRETONNE 2,000 yards; these are rem nants, in short lengths, and very special bargain. -j 41 at, per yard 14y2C WINDOW SHADES One table of these shades in light and dark green color, 20 to 36 inches wide; com- QQ plete with fixtures, at OtC -ALL-OVER LACE CURTAINS 1,000 pairs; marquisette and voiles, values tp to Aft 3.50, special, pair tp.UU -CURTAIN MATERIALS Volles and printed marqui sette curtains, 36 to 49 Inches wide, regular 49c values, spe cial in this sale, at per yard OOC WASH RUGS- K H In two big lots: 18x36; regular 69c val ues in this sale, at 27x54; regular 1.25 val ues, in this sal. at FELTOLEUM 49c 95c Kitchen Mats; there are- 500 of these; two large lots; size 22x36 inches, all colors a bargain, each, at UL Size 36x54 -Inches; regular price 1.59, special for IOC this sale, at LuO Basement South NOTIONS Stocking Feet, all sixes, two pairs, at, 25 Machine thread, three spools for 10 Darning Cotton, 5 spools, 5 Coat Hancers, both wood and wire kind, each 5i Hair Sets, all shades, for 25 Dress Clasps, 6 cards for 25 Safety Pins, all sixes, six cards for 25t Hooks and Eye?, all sixes, six cards for 25a4 American Maid Crochet Crti, In white and colors, all sizes, per spool 6 Inside Skirt Belting, yard lOt Shoe Laces, per pair S-Tard Bolts ef Tape, bolt One big lot ef Braids and Edg ing, soiled, per bolt fast Colored Wash Edgiags, at per yard d Skeleton Waists, all age. at each 39 Kit k and White Carters, per Basting Thread, large spools, at eacra 5 Basement South I' LI m 3 c: us f-1