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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1920)
RIEF BRIGHT v REEZY BITS OF NEWS "DIVINE PSVCHOLGIST" BLAMED BY WOMAN. New York, Jan. 13. Mrs. Jen nings Bennett, a widow, vice presi dent of the Women's Foreign Mis sionary society of the New York Presbytery and active church work er, who blamed the influences of a "divine psychologist" for her trou bles, pleaded guilty to first degree grand larceny. She was remanded to the Tombs for sentence on Jan uary 21. m Mrs. Bennett, who is 32 years old, was arraigned on four indictments charging her. with swindling Mount Vernon residents out of $7,000 by an alleged get rich quick" scheme. STRANGE MALADY AFFLICTS KANSAS CITY CHILDREN. Kansas City, Mo., Jan, 13. A dis ease called by various names has, been prevalent particularly among children of Kansas City for four weeks, physicians report. Sonic call it winter cholera and others intestin al influenza, while it is also referred lo as , dysentery. .Physicians said they believed it was the same disease that has appeared in Oklahoma and Kansas. WATCH "THE VELVET HAMMER'S" GENTLE HITS TO SEE WHO'S NEXT ON EDITORIAL PAGE The Omaha Baily Bee VOL. 49 NO. 180. Entartd wcod-eliu natter Mu 2. ISO. t Omaha P. 0. aatfar aol al March S. IS7. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1920. By Mall (t yaar). Dally. M.M; Saaday. S2.M; Dally aid Sua.. S7.M: aattlda Nak, laatata a!ra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: Fair with moderate tenr:cturs Wednesday; Thursday uns:ttled and colder; probably light snow in east arid north portions. Hourly t'niiralurrai & a. m ..SI 1 . m 84 6 a. in SO J p , m. . . , S t 1 a. m. SO I S p. m 34 ; S it m S 4 p. in to It a. m ?ft s u. m M 10 a. m . I 6 ii. in S4 11 a. m SO 7 p. in 13 noon . SO 7 P. in. S4 I 8 p. m. .It on g an actu- TWENTY-THREE WARS STILL IN PROGRESS. Washington, Jan. 13. Peace earth is still -far from bein ality. After taking an "inventory" Gen. Marlborough Churchill, chief of the military intelligence division of the WaY department, announced that there are still 23 wars in progress abroad. The most important of these wars or states of war are those of bolshe vik Russia against every country in Europe except Germany, and the case of the United States, which is enjoying only a cessation of arms as against Germany. WANTS CANAL ALONG THE NICARAGUA ROUTE. Washington, Jan. 13. Construc tion of another interoccanic canal along the Nicaraguan route has be come a necessity in the opinion of Representative Charles H. Randall of California, who announced that he will shortly introduce bill on the subject. Mr. Randall has just re turned from a visit to the Panama canal with a party of other congress men. The bill xwill provide for surveys of the Nicaraguan route and the preparation of estimates of cost. In asmuch as there are only about 18 miles .which will have to be exca 'vated between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific ocean, it is Mr. Randall's opinion that the' cost of constructing the canal will be considerably less than the cost of the Panama canal. FORMER KAISER JESTS WITH DUTCH MINISTER. . The Hague, Jan. 13. "Tell them that you saw me but that you did not see me saw." a 1 Ex-Emperor Withelm II., self-invited and unwelcome guest and at the same Holland's greatest adver tising feature, had one of his rare moments of high Spirits when he made this jovial remark to a former Dutch minister who visited him at Amerongen a few days ago. - To help, keep up his spirits the ex-kaier lately has been allowed 'to receive an increased number of visitors, but newspaper men are not considered as belonging in the category of entertainers and "cheer-ers-up" of thd former emperor. The Dutch government courteously, but firmly explained that Wilhelm Ho henzollern has given his word not to receive reporters. SHINE OWN SHOES AND SAVE. DEALERS ADVISE. T Boston, Jan. 13. "Have shoe pric es reached the limit?" A committee .of the Boston Retail Shoe Dealers' association, after canvassing the sit uation, says "No." The question and answer are contained in a re port given out in connection with the annual convention of the Na tional Shoe Retailers' association, in , session here. -, Explaining what higher prices are to be expected, the report says: "Shoes now on sale were made from, leather costing 60 cents to $1 a foot Shoes" now being made for spring are from material costing 80 cents to $1.25 a foot, plus higher costs for other materials and addi tional grants to labor, with less pairs per man produced." Prices will go down, it said, "when there is more leather and less de mand for it," and "when strikes cease and labor connected with shoes buckles down and produces more." , Shoe dealers advise people to shine their own shoes. Aside from the saving, the report says, "it is im portant to know that the heat of friction burning off the savage on slaught of the professional shoe shiner is responsible for most of the uppers cracking." HAD BOTTLE OP LIQUOR WHEN GIRL WAS LOST. - Ithaca. N. Y., Jan. 13. Donald W. Fether of Los Angeles, a student at Cornell university, was fined $200 for having had a bottle of liquor" in his possession when his companion, Miss Hazel Crance, of Ithaca, was drowned in a canoe accident in Lake Cayuga." July 19. 1919. He was charged with violating the local "bone dry" liquor law. At the time of the young woman's death Fether was arrested for murder, but was exonerated without heing brought :o trial. Miss Crance's body was not recovered. mm draw uvuu JV SCAPA FLOW REPARATION REPUDIATED U. S. Government Objects in Principle to Settlement Made By Supreme Council in Regard To Sinking of Warships. DOES NOT WANT ANY SHARE OF INDEMNITY NEW CASE GOES TO JURY SOONER THAN EXPECTED Brief Plea by Defense Dis trictyttomey Closes Argu ments for State. CLOTHING PRICES WILL BE HIGHER, DEALERS SAY. Chicago, Jan. 13. Clothing prices next spring will be from 25 to 40 per cent higher than at present, according to H. R: King of SeattiK, ulin rffli4rsrf the. .National Retail Clothiers' association. . Mr. King said that the increase would come from a complexity of causes, chief of which was increased pay to workers. Labor had gone up 275 per cent since 1914, he said. Mr. King also cited the decrease in working hours and the increase of Australian wool from $1.15 a pound in 1914 to $4.10 a pound now. "The coming year will be a most :rucial one for clothing merchants," !ie declared. "It will not be so much a question of making money as to keep the business from going on the rocks '" - v 1 .. Division of Ships Among Other Poyyers Would Make it Necessary for America to Enlarge Naval Program. Washington, Jan. 13. The United States government has refused to accept any part of indemnity . to tfe paid by Germany for the destruc tion of the German fleet in Scapa Flow, because it objects in princi ple to the settlement made by the supreme council, it was said today at the State department. Germany, in compensation for the destruction of the surrendered war ships, is required to deliver to the allies certain inland steamer and harbor1 facilities, such tas floating docks and tugs, and the council had decided to allocate 2 per cent of this material to the United States. Am bassador Wallace today informed the .council that if its decision with respect -to the award was final, the United States would waive its claim to any part of the indemnity. State department officials would not explain the American Govern ment's objection to the settlement, but it was recalled that from the first the American representatives at the peace conference have favored the destruction of the German ships on the ground that their division among the powers would make it necessary for this country to pro ceed with a much larger naval build ing program than would otherwise be regarded as necessary. BERLIN RIOTS PROVE FATAL TO DEMONSTRATORS Plundering on Large Scale ' Occurs When Mth Storm -The Reichstag. Los Angeles, Jan. 13. The case of Harry New, alleged murderer of his fmancee, Freda Lesser,' tonight was in thchands of the jury. Thomas Lee Woolwine, district attorney, closed the arguments- for the state this afternoon. Superior Judge Gavin W. Craig occupied 20 minutes in reatfcng his instructions on the legal points involved and the jury then retired to deliberate whether New wasJnsane, as the de fense contended, when he shot and killed Miss Lesser on the night of July 4, last, or whether, as the pros ecution contended, the killing was a cold-blooded murder and as such punishable i by life imprisonment or death. 1 The case went to the jury much sooner than had been expected, largely because of a sudden change in plans by the defense. This re sulted in the elimination of argu ment by John L. Richardson of the defense counsel, and the shortening of the final argument by LeCompte Davis, leading defense counsel, to a little more than 20 minutes. S. The district attorney charged the defense with trickery in that the sudden change in its procedure left him unprepared. Mr. Woolwine denounced New as a "cold-blooded murderer" and de clared there was no foundation for the defense contention of insanity. He characterized the defense of in sanity as a "last ditch defense," em ployed by guilty men who have nothing else to advance irt their be half. The prosecutor, shortly before he closed, placed a picture of Miss Les ser on the attorneys' table closa to the jury and also showed it the re volver with which New is alleged ta., have murdered the gtrl, and articles of bloody clothing she had worn. This brought a bitter protest from Davis, who charged it was miscon duct on Woolwine's part. COURT WILL NOT DELAY EXECUTION Frenzied Attempts of Attor neys to Stop Electrocution of Cole and Grammer Were Overruled Yesterday. ELECTRIC CHAIR IS' TESTED BY OPERATOR "Please Move" Berlin, Jan. 13. Plundering on a large scale occurred Monday in the occupied upper house. Men stormed the town hall, seized arms, threw the archives into the street and stripped the adjacent shops. The disturbances spread to places in the vicinity where the plunderers used firearms against the police. Ten dead had been brought into the court of the Reichstag building when the national assembly ad journed, according to an announce ment made by President Fehreu bach. London, Jan., 13. The mob made a rush against the troops guarding the Reichstag building in Berlin and tried to disarm them. The troops fired and several persons were killed or wounded. Order was then re stored. Basel, Jan. 13. Many . persons were killed or wounded in Berlin when the troops fired upon or bay oneted demonstrators who tried to rush the Re1hstag entrances, in pro test against The exploitation law, says a despatch from Berlin. The dispatch adds that, since noon, crowds have paraded the streets, following an appeal from Die Freiheit, radical socialist organ for workmen, to demonstrate in pro test against the law. Meeting of League Marks Beginning of New Era, Says Wilson Washington, Jan. 13. Assembly PLUMB SCORED BY RAILROADER AFTER ADDRESS Farmers' ifnion Delegate Starts Near Riot at Auditorium ' Meeting. of the council, of the League of NajJ ThTroad Hons in fans, next rnday, will "mark of the beginning of a new era in international co-operation and the first great step towards the ideal concert of nations," President Wilsort declared in issuing the 'call for the meeting, as provided by the Treaty of Versailles. . "It will bring the league of na tions into being as a living force, devoted to the task of assisting the peoples of all countries in their, de sire for peace, prosperity and happi ness," the cablegram, addressed to Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Belgium and Spain, said. The president is convinced that its "progress will accord with the noble purpose to which it is dedicated." Kaiser Will Ask Change of Venue From London to Italy London, Jan. 13. If the allies demand his extradition for trial in London, . the ex-kaiser will ask a change of venue and suggest that he be tried in Italy orobably Rome bv an international tribunal Richard Bucknole, 75 years old, veteran railroad man of Washing ton, Neb., precipitated a scene which for a moment threatened to become a riot by bitterly denouncing the Plumb plan as outlined by its author, Glen E. Plumb, at the Audi torium last night. - At the close of his speech Mr. Plumb offered, to answer questions. Bucknole toftered to the stage hastily and in a high shrill voice demanded: "Who's goin' to run the railroads if you have your way?" , Plumb started to reply, but the o.ld man interrupted him. Shakes His Fist. "You're just one of these lawyers that'll talk if you get paid to talk," he shrilled, shaking a bony fist under Plumbls nose. "The labor unions of the country are making every rfiember put a dollar in your hat. "When I came herex tonight I thought you were a railroad man. You couldn't even get a job on a railroad. You're one of these here fellows that stand around with your hands in your pockets and hand out smooth talk. It started railroading when I was 8 years old in England and I kept it up when I came to this country. You can't tell me about railroads!" Plumb turned his attention to other questioners and the old man hobbled away protestingly. He is in Omaha attending, the convention of the Farmers' union, he said. Opposes Rail 6ills. Mr. Plumb, in his speech, bitterly opposed the return of railroads to private ownership March 1, de nounced the Cumins bill now in con gress, and advocated the aSoption of his plan for railroad management which provides for a local board of directors, one-third of which should represent the people. one-third- the employes and one-third the officials Writ of Error for Cole Appeal Denied by Supreme JCourt Hearing Is Held Legal in At torney General's Ruling. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 13. (Special Telegram.) Another attempt to save Alson B. Cole ffim the elec tric chair has failed. Shortly afito 2 this afternoon Attorney J. M. Priest in the supreme court asked for permission to allow a writ of errpr to be issued to the United States supreme court in the original habeas corpus action filed some time ago with the state supreme court, which had been denied, but after taking the same under consideration the state court denied the applica tion. What the next step may be Attor ney Priest would not say, but inti mated that there would be further action taken Wednesday morning, but refused to answer questions as to what the steps would be. 'Electric Chair Works. If no stay of execution is obtained both Cole and Allen V. Grammer, who is charged with hiring Cole to kill Mrs. Vogt, the mother of Mrs. Grammer. will go to the chair some time Friday. Executioner Hulbert of New York arrived at the state penitentiary late yesterday afternoon and tned out the newly installed electrio chair. As he threw in the switch which will send the blinding blue flash through the bodies of the two convicted men next Friday he said briefly: "It works." Says Hearing, Legal. The' attorney general today noti fied Attornev Sterling Mutz. counsel for Grammer, that his accusations acainsf the final heainsr before the and that his office has 'been unable to discover any irregularities leading up to the hearing. Mr. Mutz cited State statutes re quiring publication of notice of such a hearing at least three months in advance and charged that such was not done. , , The attorney general today ruled that due notification was made and that the final hearing, which was held at the state prison last Monday, was regular in ejry way. . I Blasts Final Hope. This ruling by the attorney gen eral blasts the final ray of hope for Grammer, unless proceedings for ha beas corpus, considered by his attor neys, prove successful. Meanwhile the two convicts grim ly watch the days flit by, as they await the fatal day of January 16. Frenzied efforts of attorneys have so far proved to no avail in secur ing a stay of execution and time alone remains ...between the two youths and the electric chair. Visits Husband Daily. Daily Mrs. Grammer, working in Lincoln to be near the prison, visits her husband in the death cell And daily she repeats her avowal of fi delity and trust, Throughout the long legal battle waged in the Nebraska courts to save her husband's life she has re mained steadfast in her belief that he is innocent. At the final hearing before the governor she turned from the mem bers of her own family, who de manded the execution, to sit with her husband's relatives. The officials would be retained to manage the road, but would be directly responsible to the other two sections of the board, he said. -In this way he would run railroads efficiently. ' Mr. Plumb spoke under the auspices of the Farmers' union, now in convention here. During the afternoon session j the union a res olution to neither commend nor condemn Plumb's speech was passed. The Auditorium was half filled. Mr. Plumb left for the east at midnight. v, Montana Judge Rules Against Fair Price Deal Helena, Mont., -( Jan. 13. Judge George M. Bourquin, in the United States district court here today, granted an injunction against the Montana Trade commission, halting the operation of the commission's order No. 4, which would compel retail dealers to mark the cost prices upon goods -offered for sale in the state, Wins Battle Against . Odds With'Thugs and Saves $500 in Casl After an unequal struggle in which. A. Sinan, 1039 ijouth 1 hirty-second street, shot three times and is be lieved to have wounded one of his assailants, he succeeded in defeat ing the efforts of two thugs to rob him of about $500 in cash at the corner of Twenty-first and Pierce streets about 7:30 last-night. Sirian is the proprietor of a soft drink parlor at 1202 South Twentieth street. . He had been home for sup per and was on his way back to his store when the attempted holdup oc curred. The two highwaymen 'jumped upon him, he says, and attempted to throw him ,to the ground. Sirian had his hand on his revolver when attacked and he fired jt three times during the melee. The thugs struck him twice in the face, leaving bruises and cuts. Si rian's finger was cut by the trigger of the gun, which the bandits at tempted to wrest from his grasp. He did not relinquish his hold; however.. and fought so desperately that the" TESTIMONY OF MAYOR AMUSES JURY JN COURT Difficulty Encountered Ob taining Men to Hear Testimony in Cases of Alleged Rioters. Tlj crowd in District Judge Redick's court room laughed yester day when Mayor, Smith. testified to the blows he received from the m6b at the court house the night of the riot. The mayor was the first witness at the second trial of George Davis, charged with assault to murder and assault to do great bodily injury to Mayor Smith the night of the riot. Several times the court bailiff had to rap sharply for order as the crowd and some members of the jury laughed when the mayor told of the punches the men in the mob gave him. Tells Same Story. -The mayor told the same narra tive as he did in the first trial of Davis, of his arrival at the court house, and his experiences inside the building until the crowd at tacked hint and dragged himout. "How many- blows did the crowd in the rotunda give you before they dragged you out?" asked Attorney O'Sullivan for Davis. "Oh,. I wasn't counting the pokes," said the mayor. t "Outside the building when the mob had you, you were the stellar attraction, weren't you?", asked the attorney. Was the "Goat." "Well the mayor laughed, "I'd say, rather, that I was the goat." Davis'-attorney tried to show that the mayor was dazed by the blows and therefore could not make an identification of Davis. "My faculties were 100 per cent until the moment Davis struek me," the mayor declared, "and before God, I know Davis is the man who (Continued on Paf Two, Column Two.) Noted Pastor to Lead Big Anti-Bolshevist Campaign By Inlversal Service. New York, Jan. 13. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, for years pastor of Plymouth church Brooklyn, ren dered world famous by Henry Ward Beecher, is about to relinquish his pastorate to assume leadership in a country-wide anti-bolshevist cam paign, it was reported today. Dr. Hillis conld not be reached to con firm or deny the rtport. The cam paign is to be tranced by- a large THREE BROTHERS IN ST. PAUL JAIL ON HOLDUP CHARGE Chief of Police, and Witnesses Will Return for-Hearing January 20. robbers gavfe up the attempt . to ob-ifund subscribed in the west, accord- tain his money and ran away. 'ing to the report. 7 Three Finn brothers, William, (Thomas McKay), Mike and John, are still in jail at St. Paul, Minn., under heavy bond, charged with robbing the Farmers and Merchants bank at Benson of $105,000 on the morning of December 31, 'Chief of Police Eberstein said yesterday up on his return to Omaha from St. Paul, where he had been since Jan uary 5, in an effort to extradite Wil liam and Mike. Upon receipt of a telegram from Police Chief Eberstein Monday, telling that John Finn had been ar rested and identified as one of the bandit gang, Chief of Detectives Dunn filed a charge of robbery against the accused man. Finn's bonds were set at $25,000, Chief Eberstein said, and his hearing set for January 20, when habeas corpus proceedings for the other two Finn brothers will be heard before a dis trict court judge in St. PauJ. The five bank robbery victims who identified the Finn brothers as members of the bandit gang will be recalled to St. Paul to attend the hearing and also to attempt to posi tively identify the last Finn ar rested, the police chief stated. Chief of Police Eberstein, to gether with Detectives Dolan and Hagerman will also return to St. Paul to attend the hearing. New Thrift Director Advocates Style of Plain Clothing Here 1 Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 13. Mrs. Charles C. Ryan of Grand Island, Neb., assumed- ay recently created office of director' of a state-wide thrift campaign designed to reduce the high cost of living. Elimination of useless buying, greater production of necessities, and reduction in consumption of ar ticles the prices of which are con sidered unfair, are objects of the campaign. "We hope," said Mrs. Ryan, "to make it stylish to wear plain clothes and practice thrift." National Prohibition Convention to Be Held . At Lincoln on July 21 Washington, Jan. 13. The na tional Nexecutive committee of the prohibition party selected Lincoln. Neb., and July 21 as the place and time for the 1920 national conven tion of the party. NEW HEADS ARE NAMED FOR THREE BANKS OF OMAHA Three Presidents Retire at Own Request and As sistants Are Elected ' Their Successors. The annual meetings of Omaha bank stockholders in Omaha yester day resulted in the election of three new ' presidents with the resultant retirement or partial retirement of veteran presidents," and the addition Of a number of new stockholders on board of directors. Walter W.,Head was elected pres ident of the Omaha National bank, succeeding Senator J. H. Millard, who became chairman of the board of directors. John L. Kennedy, first vice pres ident of the United States National bank,' succeedeM Milton T. Barlow as president. Mr. Barlow fcecame first vice president. 1 F. E. Hovey, former vice presi dent of the Stock Yards National bank, was elevated to the presi dency,, succeeding H. C. Bostwick, who was made chairman of the board of flirectors. -. The changes in all three cases, were made at the request of the retiring presidents, all of whom are veteran Omaha bankers, that they might have lighter work. None of the three ex-presidents retired from the business completely, and they will still spend considerable time at their esks in their respective banks, but in less rigorous positions. , Old Officers Re-elected. . Stockholders of the Ffrst Nation a'l bank elected David Cole and Wil lard D. Hosford as new members of the board of directors and re elected all old members. The addi tional directors were elected to bet ter handle the increase in business. All officers of the First Rational were re-elected. Directors of the United States National bank were allure-elected (Continued n Page Two. Column Two.) Chicago Almost Crimeless Following Police Roundup Chicago, Jan. 13. With but one attempted holdup reported in 24 hours, following the city wide round up of criminals that netted 412 sus pects, Chicago police officers are preparing to continue activities. Sunday's crimejess day and Mon day's almost blank police record were pointed to ' by the authorities as evidence of the success of the raids."" Of those taken,. 155 have been found to possess police records, and a number have been identified by victims of recent robberies BOTH SIDES ARE UNITING FOR PEACE Democratic and Republican Senators Endeavoring to End Deadlock and Avoid Campaign Fight. LODGE AND HITCHCOCK GETTING INTO ACCORD Two Leaders Visited at Capitol by More Than Score Of Representatives of Vari ous Organizations. Washington. Jan. 13. 'Assurances ' that democratic and republican sen ators were uni.ted in endeavoring to end the senate treaty deadlock and to avoid carrying the treaty issues into the coming political campaign, were given by Senators Lodge of Massachusetts and Hitchcock of Ne braska, republican and acting dem ocratic leaders, respectively, to spokesmen of organizations claiming to represent 20,000,000 people de sirous of early ratification of f the tref.y. ... The two leaders were visited sepa rately at the capitol by more than a score of representatives of various organizations, including societies working for ratification of the peace treaty, labor unions, church and other religious societies, and agricultural and educational bodies. The calls on the. senate leaders fol-r lowed a meeting to urge immediate ratification of the treaty with such . reservations as may be necessary to secure the requisite two-thirds vote. Consider Modifications. Senator Lodge told them he would be "glad" to consider any modifica tions of the treaty reservations which the democratic minority might pre sfchr "-and that ' there was being v evinced "a general desire" to dispose of the treaty promptly so as to avert" its injection into the elections. Re publicans and democrats in the sen ate, he saievtiow were attempting io "reach a common ground" with that end in view. '" Calling at the office of Senator Hitchcockthe delegation was. urging immediate ratification. . "We urged immediate ratificati ,n, ' the petition recited, "with such res ervations as may secure in the sen ate the necessary two-thirds, even though this may require from the t treaty-making powers the same spirit of self-denving sacrifice which woe the war. The world should not wail longer for America to conclude peace.". Both Senator Lodge and, Senator Hitchcock in their statements to the oelegation admitted that concessions must be made in the controversy. No Change in Conditions. , In their conferences with the early ratification advocates, neither Senator Lodge nor Senator Hitch-: cock indicated any change in the. positions they have taken recently. Their callers, however, said they had been encouraged by the assur ances from both senators that a rea' effort to compromise the senate dis pute over reservations was being made. ' The ratification delegation sub mitted to Senators Lodge nd Hitchcock and sent to President Wilson, what their spokesmen termed a "manifesto." What Senator Lodge Said. , Senator Lodge said: "I think there is a very general desire to avoid delay which would necessarily ensue from remitting the whole question to. the election in November. I can only repeat that NContinned on Pace Two, Column Four.) Committee Named to Plan for Democratic National Meeting Washington, Jan. 13. Appoint ment of a committee of 17, including two women, to arrange for the dem ocratic national convention at San Francisco on June 28 was announced" today by Chairman Cummings of the national .committee.- This will be the"" first time women have had a hand in the preliminary arrangements of a presidential nominating conven tion, Mr. Cumnungs said. ChairmanGrnmings will head the committefnd the members will in clude: Wilbur M. Marsh, Iowa, and Arthur F. Mullen, Nebraska. The first meeting of the arrange- " mcnts committee will be held in San Francisco, probably within the next 60 days, Mr. Cummings said. , The committee will be divided into seven subcommittees dealing with specific pnaseS'Oi ine -convention. . , v Calls Oat Electricians. Salt Lake City, Jan. 13. Declar ing that he was calling out all electrical workers -in the employ of the Utah Light and Power Co'., in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Pocatello, H. G. Greene of San Francisco, international representa tive of the electrical workers' union, issued a cencral Ktril-r rait hr 1 effective immediately. A.