f THE BEBt OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY U, 1920. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BT EDWARD R0SKWAT2K VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR 1RB BEB PUBLISHING COM PANT, PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ni Aaan-tatad Pirn nf which Tha Ba la a nabu. la a ohuiralj anuiled u the tun for publication of all am dispatches credited to II or not otbarvtia eredlud In thla paper, and alao tne weal nam imDilahad herein. All rijuta or puDUcatioa of epeclel dlepetehe are alio raaamd. BEE TELEPHONES! frlnU Brook annanse. ask for the T1a 1 000 fcepertment or Particular Fanoo Wanted. I JT ICr AWU For Nlht anal Sunday Service Calli Btffcvlal Department ...... Trier lOWIi Circulation Darartmanl - Trlar 1008L AdnrtlilBi Department ...... Trier 1001, OFFICES OF THE BEE Home Office. Baa Building. 17th sad Panta. Uremia Offtoae: Anm 4110 Norm 14th I Park Mil LeamnworUi mm MU Mllltarr At. South Stan Ml N Street Uaundl Bluffs 15 Soott St, I Walnut 119 North 40th Out-nf-Town Office! New Tork Offlaa 180 Firth -ate. I Washington 1111 O Street meats Seesai Bid. I Lincoln 1330 H Straat DECEMBER CIRCULATIONi Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505 . B, ait 'i 9. Bail an. Circulation Maneier. Subacribora leavlnc tha cltr should havo The Baa mailed ta thorn. Addroaa changed aa oftaa aa required. Vou should know that Omaha is one of the principal pro duction centers of the United States for fur garments. What The Bee Stands Fori 1. Respect for the law and maintenance of order. a 2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime through the regular operation of the courts. 3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of inefficiency lawlessness and corrup tion in office. 4. Frank recognition and commendation ' of honest and efficient public service. 5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true , basis of good citizenship. Friday is the big day this -week. ' Good morning, Mr. Bryan. Glad to see you back. i Minneapolis mocks Omaha's pretensions as a grain market. Be patient. t - - 1 ........ Morfey in the state banks indicates the popu larity of the deposit guaranty law. Investments in Omatyt real estate are but proof of faith in the future of the community. .j - i If the reds have captured Kqjchak, wt can see where his name disappears from the news from 'Russia. . Omaha showed up almost two new concerns for each business day in 1919. Let us beat this record for 1920. "Brother-in-law Tommy" gives the retailers an awful wallop, but fails to say who. Are all in the game to grab? Hog Island has just launched its eightieth ship. Two years ago that was to be one day's " output from the yard. r"Mitch' Palmer says the president is not Caftef a "third term, but Mr. Wilson is silent as the tomb on the point. Further advance in the price of men's cloth ing is predicted by the dealers. Where, oh where, is "Mitdt-" Palmer! Mr. Bryan insists that compromise is pos sible andi that the president will accept it Come on witrTyour proposition. Admiral Jellicoe has gone to Cuba. Won der if it is for the same reason a lot of others ) have sojourned thither of late? Iowa democrats are reported to be acting in - harmony, supporting both Wilson and Bryan. Why is an Iowa democrat? Germany is warned that the armistice goes right on so far as the United States is con-, cerned. And she had better heed the warning. If the federal food control law is insufficient to combat profiteering, why not give the state's anti-trust law a chance to show its efficiency? Chicago police rounded up an even thou sand inspects in a single raid, hoping thereby to check crime. What a harvest for the police court lawyers! . " ' Omaha is not only a great automobile dis tributing center, but is coming to be something of a producing point as well. Watch the new industries grow. "Conscobs" will not be permitted to enter on publid lands that is not until after Secre tary Baker has filed his protest with the In terior department. Secret conferences between the- British, French and Italian premiers continue, in spite of the "open Covenant" idea. European politics are not ours, fortunately. The attorney general is now busy explaining why the "dissolution" of the packers did not bring down prices. When he gets through with that topic, he will find several others waiting. Infant Economy - Premier Clemenceau is urging the French to have large families; 10 and 12 children. . It is on a tour of his constituency that he points out to rural audiences the need of repeopling the land. The decline of the French birthrate is gen erally designated as beginning after the im- -perialistic adventures of Napoleon, whose iden tity can easily be guessed under the pseudonym of Trinco. Its continuance up to the opening of the war was one of the leading sociological phenomena of Europe and, needless to say, the war has not improved the situation. But neither, for that matter have some of ' the policies espoused by Premier Clemenceau at the peace conference. His whole conduct at the conference was that of belief that future -wars are inevitable and that we had better get ready for them. This may or may not be the case, bnt it certainly was not the slogan under which the armies were sent to fight It was to be "a war to end war." If people are forethoughtful and thrifty, as the French people notoriously are, it is pos sible that they think twice of the sort of world into which they are asked to bring large fam ilies. Boiton Globe, PUBLICITY AND PROFITEERING. Through the Washington correspondent of the World-Herald, we are advised that United States District Attorney T. S. Allen Is at the national tspital, preparing to lay bare the facta in a gigantic profiteering campaign, promoted by Nebraska retailers. His report, it is stated, will disclose inordinate profits exacted by the combine. But, says the report, reflecting Mr. Allen's views, "The present law is not sufficient to handle the situation something that is re grettable to the utmost." It goes on to blame the present eongreas for failure to enact needed legislation, and concludes that "publicity alone can be expected to bring effective results, and publicity, it is hinted, may be resorted to nn stintedly within the near future." Honest retailers will welcome the exposure of the profiteer; more than that, they should demand the publicity threatened, because in the present vague and indefinite manner in which the matter is presented, all retailers stand accused by the district attorney of extortion. As to the law, the Lever bill, devised by the democratic administration for dealing with profiteering, and called by the president and his coadjutors sufficient, has been extended in all its provisions by the present congress. The Mc Nary sugar bill, desperately fought by southern senators and congressmen, was passed before the holidays and later signed by the president, after much deliberation, but the signature was accompanied by the president with a statement that he would take no steps for the present to enforce the law. It was designed to stabilize prices and prevent profiteering tor sugar. The Department of Justice has found existing laws ample in other regards. I,et us have publicity in this matter. Turn the search light on the greedy, who are exact ing undue tribute from the public. Some of its rays, however, will disclose the federal district attorney for Nebraska in the act of passing the buck. , An Object Lesson in Industry. Do you remember the time when merchants advertised stockings to be "fast black," but would not guarantee them so? And how you were told that a permanent blue could not be had In any form? It was a matter of despair, but you were forced to watch your stockings turn a sickly green or something as undesirable, while your blue slowly but surely changed to a dingy brown. The chemists remedied that, and fast colors were; evoked .from the depths of the reoulsive coal tar. It does not matter where this discovery' was made,- the point is that Germany developed it. Moreover, the Germans juggled marvelously with the particles of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen tfiat compose dyes, and by manipulating their positions and binding them fast or loose in combinations, gave the world tints and hues that belie the rainbow and ravish the eye. When the war came on Germany depended on its dye industry as one of the means whereby it would force the world to submission. The chemist was just an auxiliary of the soldier in the war of conquest. The challenge fad to be accepted by the textile manufacturers of the world, and their chemists were set in pursuit of the secrets held in Germany. Most of these have been discovered, and the world has been freed frbm dependence on the Teutonic dye vats. Americans have led in this, and we now have a dye industry fully capable of supplying our needs. The "card" of colors has been stead ily expanded, and now affords the utmost range in tint and hue, while the chemist is steadily bringing forth new combinations to meet the popular whim or fancy. Jso successful has this been that even the president, with all his prejudice against a pro tective tariff, has consented that dyes may have the security afforded by prohibiting importa tions from Germany, save under heavy duties. Omaha is to have this week an opportunity of seeing an exhibition of the chemists' triumph and the dyer's art. It is an object lesson well worth looking over, and should teach the citi zens something of the greatness of their own country, as well as expand their imagination to where it can see further opportunity for na tional greatness. ' i Alien and Sedition Laws. Opposition has properly been made to the Sterling sedition law in the senate because of the provision lodging arbitrary and oppressive power in the postmaster general. This does not apply exclusively to Mr. Burleson, who may not fill that position forever, but includes any and all, who may follow him. It is dangerous to give any man authority without review or control, and from which no appeal may be taken. Such a plan is contrary to the spirit of our institutions. It is also open to question if any man should have the authority tq, censor all publications or communications. In preserving the freedom of utterance, by voice or writing, as it now exists, ample remedy is at hand for dealing, with irresponsibles and revolutionists. The sailing of the "soviet ark" is a proof of this fact. To successfully combat and over come the radical movement in America some thing more effective than efforts at repression is needed. Not aliens and foreign-born citizens alone need training.in the nature and purposes of our institutions, but so-called "good" Ameri cans, citizens by birth, have failed tograsp the full meaning of their privileges. For the safety of all, advocates of violence must be dealt with after the manner of their offending, but at the same time some means should be found for re storing the sturdy Americanism that made this country great. Let us get back to our ideals, pre serving our liberties, our privileges and our rights, expecting progress only through intelli gently directed industry, confident in the future because honest in the present Individual respon sibility to social duty must be realized. French statesmen see the wisdom of Her bert Hoover's comment on the appeals for help to America. Just why the European neutrals. who profited most from the war, should not asj sisi in tne reconstruction vjorK is Deyona Ame ican Ojomprenension. 1 r Whatever Wilson does is all right, according to the democratic national committee. But where does this leave a lot of good democrats who do not agree with the president on all things? A New York woman of the mature age of 23, with Jour husbands living, naively pleads she did not know it was wrong to marry more than one man. Why not let her go the limit? "Vic" Berger has again been denied a seat in congress. He may yet realize that he is not wanted in the house. 4 . - I The Austrian Tragedy Prom the Chicago Tribune. ; Mr. Lansing, according to Mr. Bullitt said if the American people knew what the treaty of Versailles meant they wouia never ap. firova it. U our secretary of state did not say this, he might have without forfeiting his right to our respectful attention. And now day by day the American, people are learning what the treaty means, ine ais cussion of the Shantung orovlsion was illumin ating. The recent disclosures of The Tribune concerning the disposition of German Austria give still more light The treatment of Austria not only chal lenges our feelings of humanity. It challenges our self-interest In clain Enorlish it comes to this: We are asked by the allies to give relief io a situation wnicn remorseless European yuu- tics has created.,' France demands that the Austrian German! shall not be allowed to join their racial kin in the former German empire. This means that a few million Austrian! are left in an inland state, ringed with immemorial enemies and economic competitors, shut off from the sea, shut off from resources essential to the welfare of a modern state, impoverished and destitute in the present, hopeless of the future hopeless and helpless. At this moment as a result of the terrific devastation of four years of war and of the policy of the allies since the armistice, the Aus trian people are in the most desperate condi tion in all Europe. I hey are dying of inanition and of starvation. As a people they are dis appearing from off the face of the earth. This ghastly tragedy haunts the allied coun sels. So Americafleast of all nations guilty of complicity, least of all nations responsible, is invited to save the Austrian people from the ex tremity of the fate ordained for them by the politics of Versailles. . The United States will do this. But It ought to force the allies to make concessions In re turn for relieving their people's conscience of the impending crime. Mr. Hoover's position, taken when the provision against Austro-Ger-man annexation was first fixed, should now be adopted by our government and insisted upon. He declared that the United States should re fuse to approve credits until the door to Aus tria's escape from annihilation is opened. We have all the cards in our hands. Mr. Wilson would not play them to save Shantung or to save Austria. It is time we played them at least to prevent the Austrian tragedy. The American people would not have the blood of this people on their hands. Let Clemenceau play Cato at the expense of his own country, not at ours. If the French are willing to make Vienna a second Carthaee. it is certainly not our interest to support the plan. The prohibi tion of annexation violates Mr. Wilson's fa mous principle of self-determination. He turned his back on it, but the American people need not and cannot. The treaty of Versailles is the product of European imperialism, mitigated very little by any of the considerations upon which Mr. Wil son was hailed a? the herald of a new and bet ter era in international relations. We in Amer ica have been inclined to accept it as an in evitable if evil consequence of the situation at Paris, but not without reservations for our own security. We might do more than this. For our conscience's sake we might and we ought to refuse to be particeps criminis in the ex ecution of Austria. We did not go to war to wreak vengeance. We have sought nothing for ourselves. We have given with both hands. Let us do what we have 4he power to do to prevent the worst folly and cruelty de vised at Versailles. All Europe is on our door step. Let us make a few terms before we turn out our pockets into their hands. i A Slight Danger Dr. Royal Meeker, commissioner of labor. statistics, doubtless means to soothe the public and hearten it to endure the existing high prices with fortitude when he remarks that "the suf ferings already endured by the people will be multiplied tenfold if prices drop within the next seven years to the 1913 level." With the same intention the physician informs the anxious patient that a sudden drop in temperature might prove fatal. But despite Dr. Meeker s warning, the aver age citizen will be ready to risk a very material decline in prices before the period of seven years has passed. Accepting. 1913 as a normal year and taking ruling prices then for com parison, the eminent statistician probably is rnrrprt in aCQitminor that if srmntrt rpnnir hq much time to resume normal levels as it took to attain the high levels of the present. The public does not expect or ask an immediate drop to the old levels. What it has demanded is-first that the upward trend should be shopped, and that appears to have been accomplished.' Washington Post. GfieVELVETl I I A IV I IVI r LTU rilVs A li a A A A J. J rr li '' !I Tit) Jirtfiur Brooks "Baker mm CHARLES R. SHERMAN. Why folks get sick and stay in bed is hard for me to tell, when Sherman sells so many things to make them strong and well. Have you a bunion or a corn upon your proudest toe? lie has the dope that plasters it until it s glad to go. Has your digestion quit its job and gone npon the bum? He knows the stuff to speed your wheels until they buzz and hum. Are you too fat to wear a suit of largest ready-made? So thin that in the noonday sun you fail to cast a shade? . You want the quick removal of the mole upon your chin? You 11 fain recall departed hair and make it grow back in? You want some oil to mitigate the sore ness of a pain? Or chloroform to put to sleep a keen, persistent pain? i Charles Sherman is a friend of man, that great 'bipedal bluff who takes a tablespoonful of some well selected stuff, and after making faces for 'a brief and formal spell can grab ..the doctor by the hand and swear that he is well; and since you need to salve in haste your sad and sudden sores, he offers you the service of a handy chain of stores. . He's on the city water board, whose worthy pipes and wells compete in certain stomachs with the stuff that Sherman sells. But water has its merits quite uncontroverted yet, though many patent medicines are more than twice as wet, while even ice cream sodas, as the giddy masses think, provide a much more suitable and satisfying drink. - Next Subject: Harry A. Wolf. Ol AV The Day We Celebrate, . Joseph Jacques Joffre, marshal f France .and commander of the French armies in the early period of the war, born in the south of France, 68 years ago. Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, noted temperance and reform worker, born at Fryeburg, Me., 70 years ago. " ,(; Georges Carpentier, the European champion pugilist, who is soon to meet Jack Dempsey, the American champion, born at Lens, France, 26 -years ago. , i Thrity Years Ago in Omaha. ' Dr. R. W. Connell returned after an absence of three weeks in the east Armour and Cudahy received two carloads of sheet tin from Wales. ' ' Trains were delayed and street car traffic almost suspended by a heavy snowstorm, the first of the season. It came on the second an niversary of the terrible blizzard of 1888. Jack McAuliffe, the champion lightweight pugilist passed through, en route to San Fran cisco, where he was to meet Jimmy Carroll. Quite a number were at the station to see the "noted but gentlemanly fighter." Jerry's Check Recetred. New York, Jan. 6. To the Edi tor of The Bee: Thank you for your letter of January 2 Inclosing check for $10, a subscription to the St Endaa fund by Mr. Jerry Howard. Our paper goes to press this aft ernoon. We will try to have thie subscription noted with the others mat nave uoon raceivea. ir too lace for today's paper it will have to ro ia next weex s. THE IRISH WORLD. Flea for Esneranto. ' Fairmont Xeb., Jan. 8. To the Editor of The Bee: Any person who nas naa the misfortune to eommuni cate through an Interpreter knows the great loss that Is entallAd, both Kino cluu luaienau, wnan xne in dividual with whom one needs to confer la unacquainted with my tongue nor I with his, when we must seek an Interpreter who acta as a medium or clearing House between us. In this day when all who can will become "Klobe trotters." and the rest become International ex cursionists, in that everyone scans the headlines of the daily news to know what is transpiring in every oorner or tne earth. The only solV' lng Is to establish an international language clearing house which Is neutral and shall be auxiliary, the second language of all nations, which would be a great economic saving and a personal advantage that would be incalculable. The mariner uses the international eode, and the- domestlo money order has it use. However, the international money order reaches every Quarter, Suoh a lingual code is the interna tional language that today, after five or more hours, the student can read "Reflectoro, Moranay, Bohemia: Las Estanto." Haartam. Holland: "Hespana Esperantlsto," Madrid; Blanka Kruco," Graz, Austria; "Ita!a Esperantlsto,". Genoa, Italy, and scores of others from which the reader can get the spirit of the thought direct by means of a pho netic, lagical and systematic method of communication, the euclid of lan guages, the essence of tongues. The modern Pentecost is at the door. CHARLES P. LANO. Appreciate Assistance. Omaha, Jan. 9. To the Editor of The Bee: We wish to thank you for the generous assistance given by your paper during tne noiinay Christmas work. We have never had such a generous response and deeply appreciate your interest and co-operation. MRS. GEORGE W. DOANE, General Secretary. Opposed to Soldier Candidates. Republican City. Neb.. Jan. 7. To the Editor of The Bee: I notice that your paper is much inclined to favor the nomination of General Wood for president. General Wood may be a good man for tne presi dency, but you are going to find it a difficult task to convince the soldiers and ex-soldiers that he Is the right man for the Job; in fact, if the re publicans want to see another demo crat elected let them nominate ft military man, with the possible ex ception of General Pershing. Gen eral Wood, being in favor of uni versal military training, would have no possible chance of becoming president. At least I found this to be the consensus of opinion among the boys while they were in camp. I think the ex-service men will con trol the next election, not alone by their own votes, but the influence that they will have on the way other people will vote. I am a re publican, but am not interested in th nomination of Leonard Wood, for I believe that It means a victory for the opposite party, and the old democratic party, which is appar ently dead, might fool somebody after all. MAX SCOTT. Nebraska Snear Beet. Omaha, Jan. 11. To the Editor of The Bee: What per cent or sugar do beets in Nebraska contain? How many pounds of sugar are produced from one ton of beets? Answer: The saccharine content of sugar beets varies widely. Any that run below 12 per cent are looked upon as poor. At 12 per cent a ton of beets will produce 240 pounds of sugar. t j Iiesson in Geography. Brady Island, Neb., Jan. 11. To the Editor of The Bee: What is the correct pronunciation of Scapa? Where is Scapa Flow, locate defin itely. Is Monte Carlo and Monaco the same? Is Monaco a province or city? Locate. Is San Marino a province of Italy or separate state? SUBSCRIBER. Answer: The "a" in Scapa has the broad sound, as in fall. Scapa Flow is a deep water harbor of con siderable extent in the Orkney islands, just north of Scotland, and was selected by the British navy as its main base for operations during the late war, because of the ease with which it eould be protected and the facility for operations against any effort of the German fleet to emerge from the Baltic or on the North sea. Monaco is a small principality on the French Riviera, governed by the Prince of Monaco. Monte Carlo is Its capital. San Marino is an independent re public, entirely surrounded by Italy. It is a rock rising on the coast of the Adriatic, about 100 miles south of Venice. Na ture Study Outdoor Life: ; Tenants of the Barn. Br ADBLIA BELLB BEARD. The slim, . gray and white Barn Owl is a tenant of the barn because It is, or has been, easier to get in and out and to establish himself there than in other places that offer shelter and seclusion. But the stee ple of a church or the bell tower of a school house answers quite as well, or better, for, unless the boys find him, he is more apt to be left un disturbed. He will even accept a hole in a tree if he must. A pair of Barn Owls lived in the steeple of the church of our town some years ago, content and happy until the church was repaired. When the broken window of the steeple was mended and the owls discov ered and put out there was honest indignation among the bird lovers of the place who had long known of their presence, but had kept the se cret loyally. The twin children of these Barn Owls were brought to my house by "1 I Study-Probtems I Solved 'Aajawa.MU.a. a boy of the neighborhood. Truly, they were of an uncanny appear ance. Even their coats of fluffy, yel towisn down did not sotten their looks and their manners were cer tainly not polished. The flat trian gular faces with big eyedisks and sharp, hooked beaks, looked aces old. The fierceness with which thev repelled any friendly advances would have - torn the advancer to pieces had the birds been large enough to carry out their seeming wish. As it was, they were only a handful and lay braced against the wall, striking out with their talons and emitting a hissing noise from their open mouths, which they va ried by snapping their beaks like castanets. They were indeed onlv babies, but after all plucky ones, and it was no doubt fear, rather than rage, that inspired them, for Barn Owls can be tamed and, it is said, make docile pets. A full grown Barn Owl is about 18 inches high. It gives a thrillingly wild scream when it flies out at night and startles you unless you know what it is. (Next week: "Bre'r Red Fox.") Copyright. 120, by J. H. Millar. DOT PUZZLE. ' no V '4- 7 j 21 22 ,25 .38 - V 37 . 3 Draw from ana to two, and to on It tha and. THE HOUSEWIFE'S FOE. Of a warfare never ending I would Bins a little eonf; Of an enemy unbeaten. still, aa ever, bom ana atront- t "Duet" ne'e named. Alaa victorloua He'll remain, I've cauae to fear, For a dally resurrection Alwaya lata him reappear. Sometime. In tha midst of battle. Tauntingly ha aeeme to eay: "You yourself will turn to dust, dear That la certain, aome fine day." But I'll not let that thought worry. For I confidently trust That the harps In Heaven glitter Free from any trace of dust. Carla Waechter, In the New Tork Times. DAILV CARTOONETTE. H . . . 1 TRY OUT MY NEWSJsEH I got Christmas v V r MiHFnin- A Y -aa s. Marquette JJniversity. Non-Denominational in All Ita Pro fessional Department. Co-Operative. Co-Educational. Second Semester begins on tha fol lowing dates: Engineering, Jan. 26, 1920. Arts and Science, Feb. 2, 1920. Law, Feb. 2. Journalism, Feb. 2. Economic, Fab. 2. Medicine, Feb. 2. Dentistry, Feb. 2. Academy, Fab. 2. TUITIONS LOW Day and Evening Classes. Let Us Help You to An Education. Address Registrar, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY. 11 IS Grand Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. 'BUSINESS IS COOP THANK YOlf LV. Nicholas Oil Company A Good Way to Review. Br JBNNIB HALL. Franols W. Parker clcheol. I had just seen an Indian woman make a splint basket I was afraid I should forget the process, and I wanted to tell my friends the story. So I e.iM to myself, "What are the important things to remember? Used black ash logs. Pounded log to loosen layers. Wove like a kinder garten mat. I don't need to remem ber how long the logs were or how Dig around or several other thines. How shall I make sure that I shall remember?" I made a collection to show m friends. I got a leaf of black as and pressed it. I went back and took photographs of the weaver at IT Vacant) taMtoS JL rweiteawor fir work. I got a sample of the splints and made a drawing of a cross-sec tion of the log showing the layers of growth. I wove a paper mat to illustrate the method of weaving. I wrote a little story about the work, It will be a long time before I for get how a black ash basket is made, for in making my collection, I had memorized the facts. A like plan, I believe, will help you some day when your teacher says, "Review this subject." Think over what you have read and heard in class and pick out the most im portant points. Never mind about the others. You won't need them and to try to keep them in your Apartment Grands In Stock Right NOW! Kranich & Bach Grande Brambach Grands Cable-Nelson Grands Apollo Grands No Waiting They are here. You get the 1920 Grands at the 1919 prices. Same with Player Pianos Apollo Reproducing Grands Apollo Uprights with tha .phonograph interior. Gulbranjen Players Hoepe Players i CASH PRICES ON PAYMENTS. 1513 Douglas Street The Art and Music Store mind would be to crowd out morfj important points. vAnd then don't merely go over these facts like A parrot, but do something with them If you are reviewing history put the important facts together Into a story. Make a chart of the dates. If your subject is geography draw a map of the section you are review ing and put on it the p6ints you want to remember. Play you are giving a stereopticon lecture'bn the subject and get your brother or sister to listen. Make a sketch or. chart that will show the whole sub ject in a nutshell. While you are doing these things, the old facts will be fixing them selves in your mind,- and, besides, you will be making something new and interesting to show the class. (Next week: "Writing Stories That Appeal,") Copyright by J. R. Millar. IN THE BEST OF HUMOR. "Ar you fond of flrtlonT" "I used to be. but my huaband haa got me fed up on It," Louisville Courier Journal. ' Student (translating) The-sr-er-er-man- sr-pr-then-er-er Profesaor Don't laugh, gentlemen to err Is -human. Yale Record. Wife John, t shall have te get aome new clothes this winter. Hub Great Scott, woman I That's just what you aald laat year. Boston Tran script. Rellly You'll be sorry te hear that Pat Donovan was drowned yesterday, T)oolev But 1 thoueht he waa a srood swimmer. Rellly Yes, but he was a staunch union man. He ewam for eight hours, then gave it up on principle. London Opinion. Patience Do you believe that wall have era? Patrice Oh, ye. But even they ean't believe everything they hear. Yonkar Statesman. Omaha's Greatness Six hundred thousand people within a radius of 50 miles regard Omaha as their trading center. The good name of our stores and business es tablishments in 'the mat ter of service and quality of goods goes far beyond the borders of this state. Such business institu tions require the best banking service. The United States National Bank which has served this community for 63 years furnishes today the. same character of high grade service which has distinguished it ever since organization. Our complete facilities are at your disposal 1 THERE comes a time when the strong est of men yearn for a friendly , shoulder to lean upon,, as their strength is momentarily gone from them. It is then that the friendly spirit of the efficient mortician is most appreciated, as he takes from the shoulders of the mournful many of the details which bear so heavily at that time. Our years of building thoughtful service has resulted in one which makes the dread time less heart rending to those who remain behind. thmifihttnl service aiwdvs" TELCPHONtC DOUG 525 CUMING ST. AT nWeTCCNTH