THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 10, 1920. 13 B thaa cbauU u k u pvr Mv. the halt act eieap calumny. Wk mb rafut a Mrf' " Palsy. it I) II 0 ; V Biennial Plant Mrs. Littleberry J. Haley of Bir mingham, Ala., who is in Omaha attending, general . federation board meetings, will be in Dea Moines Saturday, according to the following announcement in The Des Moines Register, January 4: Mrs. Littleberry J. Haley of Bir mingham, General Federation of - Vomen's clubs director from iAla harria,, and chairman of the Golden Prairie biennial program commit tee, will be in the city Saturday to confer with the local biennial com mittee, Mrs. Gardner Cowles, chair man. In her honor a luncheon will be given at 12:30 o'clock at Hotel Chamberlain to which the- local board invites all club women in terested in the approaching biennial to attend. It is not improbable that other state directors H1 accompany Mrs. Haley to Des Moines from Omaha, where they will attend this week the midwinter- session at which the biennial plant will be formulated. ' While in Des Moines Mrs. Haley will be the house guest of Mrs. Homer Miller, director for Iowa. Attended Pershing .Luncheon. The officers and director! of the Omaha Woman's Press club had a 113 NORTH 1612 ST. "DOUGLAS 1089 I PORK CUTS Fresh Pork Loins, per lb. 23 Pure Leaf Lard, lb 24, Choice Fresh Picnic Hams, per lb ...17 Fresh Pork Chops, lb 25 Compound Lard, lb.. 26 to Fresh Liver, lb 5 Fresh Neck Ribs, 4 lbs.'.25d BEEF SPECIALS Choice Rib Boiling Beef, per lb SVS Steer Steak, per lb 1 8 to i Choice Beef Roast, lb. 11 tot . CHOICE LAMB Lamb Hindquarters, per lb. ... .,, .. . . .17 Choiee Forequarters Lamb, per lb 11 tot Lamb Stew, lb 7 tot VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Breasts, per lb 12 Choice Veal Roasts, per lb. .16 Choice Veal Chops, per lb. 18 ; SMOKED MEATS Skinned Hams, lb .21 Smoked Picnic Hams, lb.19 Sugar-Cured Bacon, per lb 27 Cudahy's Puritan Bacon, per lb 44 Swift's Premium Hams, ' per lb. 32 Nut-OU 29 Veribet 37, Glendale 37 Buttercup 35 Veribeit Butterina RolIi.35 Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb....25tot Fresh Rabbits 15 Swift's Premium 37 Swift's Gem Nut 29 Swift's Lincoln brand . . 27 Largest Cnt Price Mail Order House in the State table at the luncheon at the Cham ber of Commerce in honor of Gen eral Pershing, Thursday. Those present were Miss Belte Dewey, Mrs. Miles Greenleaf, Miss Rose Rosicky, Miss Bess Mahoney, Mrs. Keene Abbott, and Mrs. Myron Learned. Farm Woman's Congress. The first annual Farm Woman's Congress closed Thursday afternoon with a business session and tea. Mrs. Jessie Bacon of Gothenburg continues as president during the coming year, with Mrs. W. J. Weber of Omaha, vice president. Mrs. Bacon in a comprehensive dis cussion of future plans, appointed each woman present at the congress this year, as a delegate to next year's meeting. Official notice of appointment will be sent out later by the governor. These delegates pledged themselves to attend next year and bring 10 farm women with them. "1 am most gratified with the deep interest shown," declared Mrs. Bacon, speaking of the congress. "I can't say how happy I am with the success of the meetings. In my opinion this organization of farm women will become the great est organization of women in the world." "John Barrett of the Pan Ameri can organization, is anxious that South American women will, ex change conventions with the North American groups," said Mrs. Bacon. The Nebraska women were urged to make niore study of Spanish lan guage and customs, in preparation for the greater sympathy and con tact which will develop between the continents of the western hemi sphere. - One of the plans for next vear in cludes a "'White Breakfast," at which each woman will appear in white. An insignia will be planned Is o 0 IttlfS EST, IT V """AKRON PRODUCTS CO" For Pancakes A blend of buckwheat, corn and wheat flour milk, sugar and eggs added. Simply Add Water A pancake flour par ex ' cellence. Ask your grocer. The man or woman or the kids can make light cakes . .. with Buck-Corn Flour. SATURDAY SPECIALS Troco or King Nut But- , terine, per lb 325 6-lb. can Crisco $1.98 Karo Syrup (blue can), per gallon. 82 Karo White Syrup, per , gallon 92d Choice Bulk Rice, 4 lbs. for 1 65e Pearl White Soap, 10 , bars for 59 Large Grape Fruit, per dozen &9& Oranges, regular price 75c, Saturday, per dozen 62d Head Lettuce, head..lO Fancy Pig Pork Loin Roasts, per lb .... , .27 SOMMER BROS. Harney 188. 28th and Farnam Sts. fmim Tl UXUMt BHMH I.I HsMM KMMil BBHMM I.I Hl'HM Gallon cans ' Apples for 50c 1608-10-12 Harney Street Douglas 1796 Gallon cans Fancy Apricots, Peaches, Pine apple and Black berries 98c If you njoj good quality of wholesome fresh food, if you like to have the widest variety to choose from, if you wish to shop economically, make the Central Market your market. , COME ONCE AND YOU WILL COME ALWAYS. Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb. . .. 17ic Fancy Young Veal Boast, per lb 20c Worrell's Lean Bacon, per lb Breakfast 42ic 48-lb. sack Central dQ OP Market Flour, .s. J)0.aCO 10 bars Classic Soap 65c Fancy Bulk Macaroni IP or Spaghetti, lb IOC Monarch Evergreen Corn, per can, fcO Efl per dozen. . . .-. . .sff3f. No. 3 cans Extra Peaches, sliced or halves, per can i xOC Our 60c grade Central AlZg Coffee, per lb.'.,... "OC Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. ... . 27ic Fancy Young Veal inl Breast, per lb 14 2 C Fancy Young Mutton Legs; ST.. ......20c 24-lb. sack Pure (1 C Rye Flour P1 00 Pure Buckwheat Flour, per sack. . 45c Large cans Royal AO Baking Powder. ..... C "Harl brand Extra Sifted Peas, per can, 20 dJ'O Q C per dozen ,P5iOiJ Fancy New Pears, per can York Bartlett 40c Extra Fancy Sodas, per lb. 20c Pig Pork Loin Roast, per lb . . . 274c Young Mutton Breast, J 1 per lb I "2"C Armour's Star Half Hams, per lb., at 324c 20 bars Beat 'Em All QQ x Soap for 170C 4 lbs. Bulk Oatmeal for , 25c Large Raisins, per lb 22c Large cans Snider's Tomato Soup or Pork and Beans, per can, 12Ktr- 61 AVL per dozen.. ..... V 1 ttO No. 3 cans Pine apple, 3 cans. . . $1.00 Fresh Mixed Cookies, QC per lb 5C, McCombs' Made Special Chocolates, 70c grade, Saturday at 59 Extra Fancy Virginia Sweet Fancy G a n o Apples, per Potatoes, lb., 10f 1 P. box,. LQ ETA 2 lbs. for......:... IOC at.............. 3.OU Fancy Jonathan Apples, per S .. .. ... $3.00 Fancy Spanish Onions, per lb. .............. 15c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS. Strictly Fresh Laid CQ- Fresh "Creamery Bulk JO Fresh Ground Peanut Oft ' Eggs, per doz DOC Bplter, per b, r. . . , ; . DO C Butter, per lb. . : . . . . e&UC Wisconsin Brick A(f Checked Eggs in 7 PA Gem Nut Margarine, OlJ Cheese, lb UC carton, do?. ... . ;.OUC per lb OIC for the organization, using the American flag in the figure. Mrs. Bacon spoke Friday after noon at the Fontenelle on "Ameri canization," before Omaha teachers. Civil Service Reform. When a standing committee on civil service reform was first ap pointed by the executive board of the General Federation of Wom en's Club, some conservative clubs felt doubtful of the wisdom of this policy. "The civil service will lead us into politics," they said. This was in 1902. In this year of grace, even the most conservative mem bers know that the path of civil service reform leads straight into our homes. It does 'not mean nec essarily a stereotyped system of ex aminations. It does mean efficiency in the public service. Our civil service is the outward and visible sign of our government. It is the proof that our government is not remote and impersonal, but vety near and personal, and as the visible manifestation of the govern ment the civil service affects every citizen every hour of every day for good or for. ill. The civil service affects us in the houses we live in. Their safety and healthiulness depend upon the effi ciency of the building inspector and the plumbing inspector. When these civi1 service officials are appointed for their political activities rather than their knowledge of building and blumbing, our health and our com fort suffer. Our losses by fire far exceed those of any ot!er country, because the average building put up by some contractor with a puK is a mere fire trap. Laws regulating light and drainage in tenements are easily evaded by contractors who find it cheaper to give a contribution to the party in power, thus ensuring a complaint inspector, than it is to build with no dark rooms, water on every floor, and fire escapes that are fire-proof. The school houses, in which our children pass so much of their time, are tco often neglected by the building inspectors. Not so very long ago, 27 public school houses in one of oi-r largest cities were re poncJ as having no fire escapes, two had no water on the premises, and many had doors that opened in ward. Do you remember that public school house in Cleveland that burned down some years ago with great loss of life? Investigation showed that the. building never had been insnccted: that the stairs were narrow, and the doors opened in ward. The inspector had either been too busy with his political du ties to examine the building or too ignorant of the building laws to make the required examinations. Imogen B. Oakley. H. C. L. Conference. Mrs. .r. H. Blackwell of the Omaha Woman's club, railway mail service, who was among those at tending Governor McKelvie's con ference at Lincoln Thursday on the about Sl)0 women attended the meetings, more than half that number being from towns over the state. Twelve wom en were present from Omaha. Gov ernor McKclvie addressed tne gathering in the morning, and dur ing the afternoon talks were giver, on foods and clothing. It was agreed to inaugurate a state thrift campaign to eliminate useless buy ing. Committees will be appointed to determine but not fix, fair prices. Governor McKelvie said that in creased production and elimination of uneconomic methods of distribu tion would help solve existing eco nomic evils. Associated Charities. December was an unusually busy month for the Associated Charities, not only because of stimulated serv ice for Christmas, but because of the fuel shortage. Mrs. George Doane, general secretary says that 1,050 visits were made during the month and " 450 families received help. There were 383 applications for relief and 672 office interviews. League of Round Table. Alpha chapter. League of the Round Table, will meet for luncheon with Mrs. George Condon, 1920 Lothrop street, Saturday, January 9. They will study the origin of books of the old tesjament and "Thomas A. Becket," by Tennyson. Social Settlement . The annual meeting of the Oma ha Social Settlement association will be held Saturday noon at the Chamber of Commerce with a luncheon at 12 o'clock. A meeting of the Board of Trustees will fol low. Reports will be given and election of board members will take place. Mrs. Marie Leff Caldwell will speak. RECIPES. Minced Meat on Toast. 2 cupfuls meat. 2 cupfuls sauce. 1 teaspoonful extract of beef. Take the lean part of left-over roast beef and chop finely or grind with the coarse grinder. Add enough water to make proportion of one cup of sauce to one cup of meat. Add left-over gravy and extract of beef. Stew a little while, season and thicken to the consistency of medium sauce. Pour over toast, or put toast sippet around the dish. Meat Pie. Cut the lean meat from cold roast in coarse pieces and stew in water to cover until tender. Season nicely and thicken to th econsistency of medium sauce (add extract of beef or left-over gravy for flavor). Put meat and gravy in baking dish and cover with biscuit crust. Bake in hot oven until nicely browned, about IS minutes. Salted Meats. Cook meat (cold roast, pot roast, or meat roll) cut in medium thick slices, dipped in egg and crumbs, and browned. Serve with chili sauce or ketchup. Escalloped Meat. Take lean part of left-over meat and chop fine, add water to mois ten and extract of beef for added flavor. Put in a pudding dish, cover with mashed potatoes, leaving the surface rough, and brown in the oven. Apple Porcupine. 6 red apples. 2 cups mincemeat. Vz cup almonds. Core apples and scoop nut cen ters; Fill the cavity of each apple with mincemeat. Stick the almonds in the sides of the apples, letting them stick out in all directions like the quills of the porcupine. Place in baking dish, pour on a small amount of water and bake. Oatmeal and Fig Cookies. 2 cups rolled oats. 2 cups flour. 1 teaspoonful salt. '4 cup butter. li cup sugar. Vz cup water. Fie Sandwiches. Cook fig marmalade and sugar to j a paste. Waters are put together in twos with filling between. T. W. THORNF 00. Tremendous Savings dnt In Every Section Skirts Almost endless variety ol good-looking Wool Skirts and Novelties. $ 9.75 Skirts at UM $11.75 Skirts at J13.50 Skirts at $8.5 $19.75 Skirts at 1 2.95 $21.75 Skirts at 10.60 $29.50 Skirts at $19.67 Winter Wraps All kinds of good (Coats, Fancy Woolens, Choice Plushes, Fur Trimmed Garments and our entire stock of Fur Wraps. $35.00 Coats at $:5.67 $125.00 Coats at $ SJU4 $65.00 Coats at $43.85 $175.00 Coats at llf..B7 $79.00 Coati at $.'2.B7 $230.00 Coats at 1H.7 $98.00 Coats at $65.3! I $350.00 Coats at $233.35 Sweaters . Coats and Slip-Overs, Silk or Wool. $9.75 Sweaters $.6fl I $17.50 Sweaters $11.67 $12.50 Sweaters $8.34 $19.75 Sweaters jfl2.88 Blouses Charm, vogue and verve all find ex pression in hundreds of artful modes. $ .9.50 Blouses at $?.S5 $12.50 Blouses at $SJU $14.75 Blouses at $9.85 Dresses $20.00 Blouses at $ $25.00 Blouses at $104 $35.00 Blouses at $23m1o Dresses for morning, noon or night, for street or travel, for home or aboard. $25.00 Dresses at $16.67 $55.00 Dresses at $36.67 $35.00 Dresses at $23.34 $59.00 Dresses at $39.34 $39.75 Dresses at $26.50 $65.00 Dresses at I48J5 $44.50 Dresses at $297 $74.60 Dresses at $49.67 Separate Furs .Capes, Muffs and Chokers. $19.75 Pieces at $ 9AS I $35.00 Pieces at I17JW $29.00 Pieces at $14.6 $49.50 Pieces at $29.76 , Forty Dresses Serges, velvets, jerseys, Half Price Fifty Coats Tweeds, velour, silvertone Half Price Sixty Blouses Georgette in white, flesh or navy. Half Price 1812 FARNAM STREET Out of the High Rent District r Ask Your irrrfr Kor QmahaMaid He n imitin MhIiI AsHfHtoiu ' ' ' ' FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled CHrtiJTIAN SCIENCE THE KEY 1 10 SELF GOVERNMENT By John Sidney Braithwaite. M. A., C. S. of London. England AT THE CHURCH EDIFICE St. Marys Avenue and 24th Street MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVES., JANUARY 12TH AND 13TH at 8 o'Clock The Public Is Cordially Invited U Be Present. The WASHINGTON MARKET Offers Very Attractive ; Prices If You Consider QUALITY ; Home Dreased Spring; Chicken, per lb 33 Vic Pork Tenderloin, per lb 49c ? Lean Pork Roast, per lb 19V,c., Choice Steer Pot Roast, per lb 15c, Choice Steer Rump Roast, per lb .... ..20ce Choice Veal Roast, per lb 17Vic' Choice Veal Chops, per lb 20c! Choice Steer Round Steak, per lb.,..- 22Vtc,c Fancy Mutton Legs, per lb lTVic Fancy Mutton Chops, Loin or Rib, per lb IScj Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb 19Vic; Choice Steer Rib Boiling Beef, per lb Ox Tails, each . Sc Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb...... .ZS'.cr Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams, per lb 19VjC Skinned Hams, half or whole, per lb 24ict Fancy Country Butter, per lb .60cj All Brands of Creamery Butter, per lb ..66c Royal Oleomargarine, per lb 28!c Peerless Laundry Tablets, washes clothe without rubbing, 16 tablet to the box, per box 25c. Washington Market 1407 Douglas Street Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, Special at . 21c Fancy Veal Roast at 14c BUEHLER BROS FOUR NEW CASH MEAT MARKETS All Our Meats Are Government Inspected Quality, Service and Low Prices Fancy Small Lean Pork Shoulders at 18 4903 South 24th Street, - South Omaha ' 212 North 16th Street, 2408 Cuming Street, Omaha Omaha 634 Broadway, Council Bluffs BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boiling Beef. ...... . . 9c Choice Chuck Roast Beef.. Fancy Beef Rib Roast 18c Choice Round Steak. 20c Fresh Cut Hamburger. ; .....18c Fresh Ox Tails. 5c Choice Corned Beef. v ...... . :17c SAUSAGE AND COOKED MEATS Choice Frankfurt. 18c Choice Wienies 18c Choice Polish and Garlic Sausage 18c Fresh Liver Sausage. ................ 16c SMOKED MEATS Sugar-Cured Regular Hamsz 25c Sugar-Cured Picnjc Hams. ....... J . . ,20c Sugar-Cured Strip Bacon ......... 26c Sugar Cured Break fast Bacon, or whole 32 c BUTTERINE Swift's Lincoln Brand. Swift's Lilly Brand. Swift's Premium Brand. Swift's Gem Nut Best Creamery Butter. CHEESE Fancy Brick Cheese Fancy Cream Cheese ,36c .36c VEAL CUTS Fancy Veal Breast. 14c Fancy Veal Chops 18c Fancy Veal Legs .' . . I8V2C Fancy Veal. Loins . . I8V2C Sauer Kraut ...5c PORK CUTS Fancy Pork Loin Roast. .25c Fancy Pork Chops .......28c Fresh Boston Butts 23c Fresh Spare Ribs. . . . .V. .20c Fresh Side Pork 27c Fresh Leaf Lard 25c Fresh Neck Ribs, 4 lbs ... 25c Fresh Pig's Feet, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Hearts, 3 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Tails, 2 lbs .25c Pure Lard 28c Compound Lard . . . . . . ; .... . . . ... .26c GENUINE LAMB Fancy Forequarters . . , , . ..... . . . 14c Fancy Hindquarters , . r .20c Fancy Lamb Chops. . . . . . . i. . ... 1; 25c