Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1920, Image 1

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    TH) RIEF.
The .Omaha Daily Bee-
Chicago, Jan. 8. Mflte Boyle,
business agent of the Electrical
Workers' Union, was taken to the
house of correction to serve one
year and one day for conspiracy.
He is said to be the first person to
serve a jail sentence under the state
anti-trust act He also was fined
5,000, which he paid. 1
Boyle and several associates, con
victed with hinvand most of them
line'd, practiced ertlortion against
contractors. He was called "Um
brella Mike," for it was alleged the
extortion money was dropped into
his umbrella. '
Boston, Mass., Jan. 8. Samuel
Gompers, who spok,e here as a
luncheon guest of the Boston Cham
ber of commerce, was subjected to
some heckling and at times his
voice was drowned in a chorus of
"noes," while he was discussing the
recent strike of Boston policemen
and criticising the action, of Police
Commissioner Curtis. Counter dem
onstrations had the effect of restor
ing quiet and after the luncheon was
over officers of the chamber apolo
gized to the .speaker for the inter
ruption. He took the incident good
Chicago, Jan. 8. Investigation of
why more than 100 reds arraigned at
the federal building were suffering
from black eyes, cut lips and bruises
revealed a riot at the county jail in
which "respectable prisoners," led
by a quintet of auto bandits , and
jewel thieves, attacked the radicals.
The riot is said to have occurred
last Sunday. John Russo, held for
robbery, and credited by jail at
taches with being the ringleader in
the assault, is sa,id to have person
ally knocked out IS of the radicals.
VOL. 49 No. 176. '
titer it Mol4-elui natttr Mi?S, IMS. jf
Oaaha P. O. dr et l SUreti 3. I7
By Mail (I ytar). Dally. IS.M: B0My. 12 SO;
Oally and Sua., 16.00: auttM Ntb. aoataf antra.
. Fair and warmer Friday
and Saturday.
Hourly t em ppmt ureal
R a. m.......lj 1 p. m ..1J
a. m.r. IS S p. hi 1.)
7 m. hi. in s p. m, ........ i.
S a. m IS 4 p. m ...14
a. m IS 5 p. in 13
10 a. m. .. 14 p. m lit
It a. m ....1.1 T p. m 13
It noon 13 S p. m ...IS
AFRIAI MAII !$8,25o(ooo estate
rnn nninun after long fight
run umnnfl
Litigation in London Courts
Since 1851 Is Finally
Settled. X
Descend Near Iowa City arid
Mail Is Sent by Train
Great Interest Shown Here.
Denver, Colo., Jan. 8. Powder
puffs are barred -at the University of
Denver by a ruling of Miss Auni
McKcen Schiller, dean of women.
Three reasons are set forth. Frs-
q,ucnt and almost constant standing
in front of the big mirror in the
newly furnished women's study and
reception room in University hall
will -wear out the new blue and rose
rugs. The men students roaming
through corridors can see the women
powdering and lastly, it is not dig-
- rifled, according to the d-;an.
" . ) Robert Beveridge, 2510 Chicago
Walter J. Smith Arrives an!s,reet: ffather f f!xJJchnfre"-JJhas
, , , . ibeen informed by Pedder & Pedder,
MOUr Ahead Of SChedUle On jhis solicitors in London, England,
. First ! Trip Flying ' Time, !hat he is the' sole, heir t0 ""l-
u j u l father's estate, valued at $8,250,000.
Three HOUrS and a Half. j Mr. Beveridge, his wife and family
1 -j have lived in Omaha for 20 years.
PERSHING GREETS PILOT I The Beveridges declined last night
CUODTI V ACTED ADDIWAI 'to discuss the legacy other than to
oMUn I LT AhltH AnHIVALjaJmit that Robert Beveridge had re-
iceived notice of the inheritance from
Eastbound Plane Forced o; Z:!!
London courts" since 1851. With the
announcement of the legacy ended a
legal fight that has waged in the
courts of England since 1851.
John, Leo and J. B.- Beveridge,
sons of Robert Beveridge, are law
yers, all trained for the purpose of
continuing the fight for their in
heritance. J B. and John havejjeen
graduated from Creighton college of
law and Leo will be graduated from
Chicago university, law department,
at the end of 1920.
. Robert Beveridge, the father, is
employed as night clerk at Creigh
ton university. J. B. Beveridge, a
son, was recently mustered out of
service and is not practicing law
now. John is practicing law in
Omaha. Leo is a student in Chicago
and Alban, the fourth son, is at
tending Creighton university. Cath
erine is an office clerk and Elizabeth
is a- student at Mount St. Marys
John Beveridge was formerly
night manager of the Associated
Press in Omaha.
London, Jan. 9. The list of war
criminals, to be demanded by the
allies for trial has been considerably
revised and reduced from the orig
. inally proposed 1,200 to about 300,
according to the Daity Mail.
"It was thought better,' the news
paper adds, "to demand a few
against whom specific serious
f-s diarges have been lodged than) a
long list including many persons
charged with light offenses. The
German crown prince "and Crown
Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria remain
on the list.
v Norfolk. Va., Jan" 8. The Atlan
tic fleet steamed away late Thurs
day ' from its rendezvous otf -the
1rginia ' Capes for Guantananio,
Cuba, for winter maneuvers and tar
get practice. Six snperdreadnaughts,
headed by the flagship Pennsylvania.
blazed the sea trail southward and
'a llptilla of smaller craft followed
in their wake. N
Admiral 1. R. Wilson, fleet com
mander, .--tated the schedule called
fur a three months' stay in the
tropics with a trip across the gulf
to the Panama canal. One thousand
recruits were aboard for their first
tea experience.
Aerial mail to Omaha is a reality.
"You an historic flight and I
congratulate you," said Gen. John J.
Pershing yesterday afternoon when
he grasped the hand of Pilot Walter
T. Smith, who had the distinction
of bringing the first mail to Oma
ha bv the mail route, making the
! trip in one hour and six minutes
'ahead of hjs schedule.
! The general and party arrived too
Mate at the United States postal
; hangar. Sixty-third and Center
streets, to witness the arrival of the
ir.erial mail, but the significance of
the occasion was manifested in the
interest shown by General Pershing,
Otto Praeger, second assistant post
master general, and other officials.
Large Crowd Present.
"I wish to congratulate you, too,
on the part you have had in this
.-ichievcmcnt," General Tcrshing said
jt-i the .second assistant postmaster
j general, who came 'from Washing
i ton to witness the establishment of
I aerial mail service between Chicago!
Si nd Omaha.' j
-J- David Larson, commissioner of
i the Chamber of Commerce, and As-'
distant Commissioner W. A. Ellis,
with other officers of the body were
illllUII; IliC I-IUYYU ".Jiivu uiv
j hangar and viewed the large Dc
jllaviland four, the "ship" on which
Pilot Smith brought the mail,
j Makes Record Trip.
; Pilot Smith left Grant park. Chi-
cago, yesterday morning at 8:30 and
: arrived lute at 12:54 p. m., making
!ne stop of half aSi hour at Iowa
' City. He flew 4.58 miles in three
j hours and 35 minutes of flying time.
;;in average of two miles rer minute.
! He attained a speed of 1.58 miles and
ncounterec! snow storms in Illinois
requiring him to descend several
tunes to an altitude of JtNJ teet for
Pershing Never Too Busy to
Stop and Shake Hands of
Young Americans Who Cheer
Him on Tour of City. -
AND GETS $5,000
. .
Bluffs Physician Victim of
"Pickax" Bandit Liberty
Bonds -Taken.
Burglars obtained approximately
$5,000 in cash and Liberty bonds last
night when they entered the office
of Dr. W. P. Hombach, 610 First j
avenue, Council Bluffs.
For the past 19 years Dr. Hom
bach has kept open the front door
to his office to permit patients to
enter during his absence. He left
the outer door of his safe unlocked
last nicht afM the tmrclar. who was
observations. He was modest over j apparentlv familiar with his habits,
: 1 1 .1 aim i . 1 1 1 1 1 a. ivy mm
ntes after he had delivered his mail
to a motor truck sent out by Post
master Fanning, he 'was in the
Graceland cafe drinking hot coffee.
Assistant Postmaster General
Praeger was pleased over the suc
cessful fligh? made by Smith. '
Experimental Stage Passed.
opened the inner door to the money
box with a pickax and ,meat hook.
Dr. Hombach says he has been
in the habit of taking Liberty bonds
in payment for medical services and
giving his patients the balance due
them -ir cash and that he had neg
lected taking his bonds to. the bank.
P.etwjEen $3,000 and $4,000 in $50 and
'Within a few years I anticipate I $1Q0 bonds Jlad bee accllnlmuiated
Nw York, Jan. 8. New York,
thirsty, unrepentant, still dizzy from
the hangover of New Year's eve, is
beginning preparations for just one.,
wild, hist fling before the "end of
tiic world" the dawn -of the 18th
The authorities know well the in
tentions of the bibulous population
of ' this liquor-loving isle for a
revelry on the night of January 15
that promises to exceed in reckless
alcoholism any of the old-time New
York celebrations. They know it,
and declare themselves helpless.
"What can we do?" asked Col.
Daniel L. Porter, deputy commis
sioner of interna revenue. "We
know that New Year's eve was wet
with a vengeance. If "people bring
their own liquor to these restaurants
we cannot touch them."
"Absolutely helpless," said Assis
tant District Attorney Mulqueen,
shrugging his shoulders. "But oh!
What a dry old world it's going to
be at 12:01 a. m. on January 361
The lid is going on so tight nobody
will be able to get that way."
Chicago, Jan. 8. Several agents
of the Department of Justice were
taken sick suddenly Thursday "pre
ventingHinother raid against, reds.
The strange malady visited the
bureau of investigation after the
agents had spent several days and
nights questioning radicals in rooms
where as many as 100 of the reds
were crowded at one time. Physi
cians expressed the opinion that the
rooms became contaminated from
the crowds. ,
Among those taken sick was John
T. Creighton, assistant attorney ge
cral from Washington. ,
Denver,Jan. 8. Leo Leaden post
of thev American Legion at a meet
ing here adopted a resolution brand
ing Jack Dempsey, the pugilist, as a
"slacker,", and declaring opposition
to holding the proposed Dempsey
Carpentier fight in Colorado. Copies
of the resolution will be sent to all
American Legion posts in the
United ( States with a request that
similar 'action be taken by each.
that aerial mail will be quite gen
eral," Colonel Praeger aid. "The
experimental stage has been passed.
I is practical and will grow."
In the 400 pounds ofi mail hich
Smith brought from Cm'cago were
several special delivery letters for
the Chamber of Commerce. These
were delivered to the addresses
within six hours from the time they
were started from Chicago.
The first aerial mail consignment
to Omaha weighed 400 pounds and.
was contained in 'seven sacks. A
weight of 1.500 pounds will be car
ried on each trip, beginning within
a few weeks when a new.type of
airplane will be put into the service.
Omaha Western Terminus.
Col. J. A. Jordon of the aerial
mail extension service was at the
hangar; also R. S. Braurer of Chi
cago and Carl Egge of Washington,
both of the railway mail service,
and Herbert Blakeslje, in charge of
the Philadelphia branch of the air
mail service.
Omaha is now the western ter
minus of the air mail service, and in
honor of the event a large Amer
ican flag fluttered from the too of
the newjy-constructed hangar, which
was an object of interest to a crowd
that had gathered under adverse
weather conditions. This building
is said to be the largest and most
modern air mail hangar in the
world. This feature of the day's
(Continued on Pace Five, Column ix.)
First Airplane Show in -Middle
West is Opened
Chicago, Jan. 8. Latest types of
airplanes and equipment and dis-"
plays showing the progress of avia
tion were exhibited today at the
opening of" the First Western Aero
nautical show at the Colijeum. Doz
ens of American and Canadian
"aces" attended the exposition. Ex
hibits were entered by the United
States nav-, the signal corps and
aerial mail service and airplane man
ufacturers, '
AmongTTie features of the show
which will continue a week, were
demonstrations of the radio tele
phone and telegraph, aerial bombs,
torpedoes, machine guns and army
and aerial mail machines.
The famous Spad in which Capt
"Eddie" Rickenbacker brought down
26 German opponents was one of the
centers of attraction Airplanes de
signed for polar flying, with sled
runners designed as landing gear,
were among the exhibit
n this way, also a $1,000 and a $500
bond. About $400 worth of war sav
ings stamps and $1,000 in cash were
in the safe.
Police have been unable to find
any clue to the identity of the robbers.
Britain, France and U. S.
Under League of Nations
Grant Fiume' Sovereignty
Buenos Aires, Jan. 8. Great
Britain, France and .the United
States, conceding "the Italian char
acter of Fiume, will grant that city
complete sovereignty under, the
league of nations, preserving only
customs union with Jugo-Slavia,
according to a memorandum con
cerningDalmatia' and Fiume, recent
ly presented by these powers to
Yittorio Scialoia, ithe Italian for
eign minister. A summary of the
memorandum, telegraphed by its
Rome correspondent, is published
by La Nacicn.
In- the memorandum the United
States, France and Great Britain
recognize as reasonable the demands
of Italy with respect to the islands
of Pelagosa, Lissa and Lussin, off
the Dalmatian coast, granting full
sovereignty to Italy. The three pow
ers concede to Italy a mandate over
Albania and complete sovereignty
iver Avlona with the Hinterland
necessary to its defense. The memo
randum observes that these conces
sions appear to safeguard sufficiently
the rights-and aspirations of Italy.
Nevertheless, guided by a spirit of
friendship, the powers will take into
consideration other demands o.f
Italy, especially the diplomatic rep
resentation of Zara, with respect to
which a decision will be left to the
population of that city.
Kaiser's Yacht Sold
Zurich, Jan. 8. (Havas.) A Ger-"
man sportsman has bought the
yacht owned by former Emperor
William of Germany, paying 2,000,
000 marks for the craft, it is learned
Reds Continue to Win.
London, Jan. 8. Bolshevik cav
alry has capture'd the town of Ber
diansk on the north shore of the sea
of Azov, one of the most excellent
ports on the sea
General Favors ; Military
Training Only as an Eco
nomic Measure, He Explains
At Banquet at Omaha Club.
Gen. John J. Pershing brought his
visit in Omaha to a close last night
at the Onaha club, where he told a
representative company of business
men that he does not want to be un
derstood as urging compulsory mili
tary training, but he recommends
this training from an economic
standpoint, for the nation in the
larger sense and for the individual
in making him more appreciative of
hi responsibilities as a citizen.
After informal chats with some of
the guests at a banquet which was
givn by members of the club in his
honor, the general and his staff were
escorted to a special train on which
he departed at 10:30 for Leaven
worth, . Kan., where he will spend
today, proceeding to Kansas City
for a visit Saturday.
The ranking officer of the United
States army, who led the Yanks to
victory overseas, was given a genu
ine western welcome here yester
day, added interest being expressed
because the general considers Ne
braska as his adopted state. He
was pleased with his visit and those
who met him and heard him speak
sounded the praises of the country's
first soldier.
Carries Out Program.'
Miss Mae Pershing and Mrs. D.
M. Butler of Lincoln, sisters of the
general, and Warren, his 12-year-old
son, returned to their home at 7:45
p. m. with Mrs. S. R. McKelvie,
after enjoying the day, with the gen
eral part of the time and with a
rommitteeof women for a few
After greeting Pilot Walter J.
Smith al the Ak-Sar-Ben field, on
the occasion of' the receipt of the
first aerial mail in Omaha, the gen
eral continued his busy round of
engagements scheduled and not
scheduled for the afternoon. He did
not negative any proposition sug
gested by the local committee. He
went from the Army and Navy club
to Hotel Kontenelle to- speak briefly
to a gathering of women's club dele
gates and then went to the rooms
of Gould Dietz in the hotel to meet
and greet the board of directors of
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. The
general intends to be a member of
Ak-Sar-Ben this year.
While attending a reception at the
home of J. H. Millard the general
yielded to the clamorings of a crowd
of boys and girls who gathered at
the front door. He asked the kid
dies inside and shook every little
hand with real delight. His love
for children and their love for him
was manifested frequently during
the day, in Omaha and in Council
R luffs..
Appropriate Decorations.
The banquet 'room of the Omaha
club was appropriately decorated for
the occasion. On a wall behind the
speakers' table had been hung a
signal corps standard and an Ameri
can flag carried overseas by the
408th telegraph battalion, an organi
zation which had been recruited
from, the employes of the Nebraska
Telephone company. These flags
are permanent decorations of the
local telephone offices.
One of the articles on the menu
served at the club was 10 pounds of
sweetbreads which had been re
ceived yesterday by the first aerial
mail from Chicago. - The general's
table was decorated by a large favor,
depicting events in his life. This or
nament .was constructed by Oscar
Kuenne and P. Tognetti and was
made entirely of sugar. Nearly 200
attended the banquet.
Makes Brief Speech.
F. H. Gaines introduced the guest
of honor as "Gen. John J. Pershing
of Nebraska, of the United States
and of the world," adding: "We
have with us the man who won the
(Continued on'Psga Five, Column One.)
Manslaughter Indictments
In Wood Alcohol Case
Springfield, Mass., Jan. 8. Ten in
dictments for manslaughter vere re
ported by a special grand ,nry which
has been taking evidence for two
days in connection wdth the alleged
sale of "whisky" said to have con
tained wood alcohol and which, it
is claimed, resulted in the deaths 'of
more than 60 persons in the Con
necticut valley. Two other ihdict
ments were returned charging il
legal sales of liquor and also several
secret indictments.
Minister of War Qnits.
Rome, Jan 8. General Ambrioci,
minister of war, has resigned be
cause of opposition to his project
for reorganization of the army.
Highwayman Smiles When
He Is Sentenced to Prison
Soutlr Side Holdup Man, Recovered rom Almost
Fatal Wounds Received in Running Gun Fight
With Police, Pleads Guilty to Four Robberies.
William Wolf smiled yesterday
afternoon as District Judge Redick
pronounced, opon him a sentence of
12 to 60 years in the state peniten
tiary. Wolf - pleaded guilty to four
charges of robbery and was given
3 to 15 years on each charge. The
judge, however, ordered that sen
tences shall runn concurrently, so
that they will amount to only 3 to
15 years altogether.
Wolf was captured with his pal,
George Techeck. on the South Side
in a running gun fight by Officers
Buford and Downs and Police
Sergeant Sheahan. They were so
badly injured that they were not
expected to survive after being re
moved to St. Joseph's hospital. Te
check is still in the hospital.
Smiles His Reply.
Wolf, a young man of medium
height and weight, dressed in jail
clothes, responded "guilty" when
Deputy County Attorney Steinwen
der had read the information against
him and Judge Redick asked what
he pleaded.
"Have you anything to say why
sentence of the court should not be
passed upon you?" asked the judge.
Wolf smiled but madeno reply.
The first information read charged
Wolf with robbing Charles Zukus
of $38 and a gold watch the night
of December 6.
Whispers a Low Guilty.
The other information charged
him with robbing Adam Wenske of
a silver watch, George Kubik of
$180 and a ruby worth $27.50, and
Frank Zukus of $35.'
'Wolf whispered a low "guilty" to
each one and responded only with
a trace of a smile when asked
whether he had anything to say wby
sentenced should not be passed.
Police say Wolf and Techeck
perpetrated 150 robberies, burglaries
and "high jackings" in the city be
fore they were captured.
Republican Leader Fears That
Senators -Can Not Now Get
Together on Pact.
Washington, Jan. 8. Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, the repub
lican leader, declared in a stalement
tonight that he feared President
Wilson's Jackson day message had
made impossible the hope "that in
the senate we might have come to
gether and ratified the treaty pro
tected by the principles set forth in
the 14 reservations."
"The president has made his posi
tion very plain," said the senator.
"He rejects absolutely the reserva
tions adopted by a decisive major
ity of the senate. He says we must
take the treaty without any change
which alters' its meaning, or leave
it He will permit interpretations,
whatever that means, expressing its
undoubted meaning, when there is
hardly a line of it which has not
been questioned and given many
meanings. This permission is value
less. He stands as he has always
stood, for the treaty just as it is.
"The issue is clearly drawn. The
reservations intended solely to pro
tect the United States in sovereignty
and independence are discarded by
the president. ' The president places
himself squarely in behalf of inter
nationalism against Americanism.
"I had hoped that in the senate
we might have come together and
ratified the treaty, protected by the
principles set forth in the 14 reser
vations. The president, I fear, has
nfade this hope impossible. If it is
impossible then we must bear the
delay inseparable from the presi
dent's attitude and appeal to the
people which I, for one, shall most
cordially, welcome."
Omaha Communist
Caught in St. Paul ,
By the Federal Bureau
St. PauJ. Jan. 8. Jacob Popich of
Omaha, for whom a warrant was is
sued charging him with being an
alien member of the South Slavic
branch of the communist party, was
arrested in South St. Paul Thursday
by operatives of the Department of
Justice. According to T. E. Camp
bell, special agent for the depart
ment, Popich was sought in Omaha,
but escaped before he could be arrested.
"If Test Comts We Shall
Win," He Tells Leaders at
Jackson Day Dinnr.'
Washington, Jan. 8. If the repub
lican leaders want to thrpw down
the gauntlet for a finish fiht on the
league of nations before the Amer
ican people, the democrats "are
ready to take it tif," Senator Hitch
cock of Nebraska, administration
leader in the treaty fight in the sen
ate, declared tonight in an address at
the Jackson day banquet.
"If the test comes in this cam
paign on that issue," he declared,
"we shall win. We shall win be
cause the business men, the labor
ing menthe churches, the independ
ent voters and above all the women
of America are for the league and
for peace. We shall win because
America is a land of hop : and not
of despair.
"This great document, which is
the first and perhaps the only effort
of the nations of fhc world to or
ganize for peace and do away with
the horrors of war, is acceptable to
every other nation. It is acceptable
to the people of the United States,
but unfortunately in the senate of
the United 'States it has found ob
stacles. I hope they will "fee over
come. I believe they will be.
"In any event, however, the demo
crats are on solid ground. They
have" worked earnestly for ratifica
tion, lirst, without conditions, and
finally with reasonable reservations.
They have refuse'd to accept reserva
tions that nullify and destroy forced
on the senate by the votes of 15 sen
ators who want to kill the league,
but they are ready to meet half way
in honorable compromise, republican
senators who favor the ieagae.
"If, however, republican leadeis
defeat this plan and throw down the
gauntlet for a fight to a finish before
the American people, we are ready
to take it up. An issue will then exist
Lctween the two parties that will be
paramount to all others. We shall
find whether the American people
want to help organize the world for
peace or to return to preparations
for war. We shall find whether the
American people want this country
to sink to the level of an obsolute
provincialism or assume its place of
Disagreement Tops Off Jackson Day Deliberations of
the Democratic Party Chiefs in Washington and
Charges Air With Political Electricity Other
Speakers at Two Dinners, Made Necessary by Host
, of Democrats in Attendance, About Equally Di
vided on Issue Women Sit at Speakers' Tables.
Washington, Jan. 8. (By Associated Press.) A split
between President Wilson and William J. Bryan over whether
the league of nations should be made an issue at the coming
election, topped off the Jackson day deliberations of the
democratic party chiefs.
It came at the Jackson day dinner, as the climax of va
day in which San Francisco had been chosen as the meeting
place of the democratic national convention on June 28, and
it charged the air with political electricity. 1
President Wilson, in his message read to tfie diners, as
sembled in two separate halls, declared that the "clear and
single way out" was to submit the question to the voters as
"a great and solemn referendum." ,
Kansas City and Chicago7 Get
Few Votes From Demo
cratic Committeemen.
) Mr. Kryan, showing all the old-
time vigor with which he led the
fight for the president's nomination
at Baltimore in 1912, declared that
the democratic party could not go
before the- country on the issue, be
cause it involved a delay of - 14
months, and meant success only if
the democrats captured a two-thirds
majority of the senate. The party,
Mr. Bryan declared, "must secure
such compromises as may be pos
The disagreement between the
president and his former secretary
of state, the first in public. view since
Mr. Bryan left the cabinet because
he did not agree with the president's
course in the diplomatic neEotia-
Spclsl Correspondent for The B.
Washington, fan. 8. The clrmn
cratic national committee after t,ons Wlt" Germany, was thus dis-lUtpnmo-
tn ! ;1!1i,;i ,,, closed a fact, although it has been
. . . 7 J ! nimnrp1 atiH rpnftrtrd iv u itnf1r
Swift's Total Earnings for
Last Year Put at $27,242,370
Chicago, Jan. 8.tSwift & Co.'s
total earnings for the year ending
November 1, 1919, were $27,242,370.
according to the repor-'submitted
to the-annual meeting of stockhold
ers by Louis Swift, president
of the corporation. The n'et earn
ings were $13.87QJ81, according to
the report. Dividends of 8 per cent
were paid and $3,608,721 was added
to thc.surplus account, bringing the
latter item to $88381.900.
Total sales were given as $1,200,
000.000 and the average profit for
each dollar of sales was figured
as 1.15 cents, i
-Mr. Swift predicted that deprecia
tion in values is not t'kelv to con
tinue. t
of the world,
jv "There can be but one result. To
.-uggest any ether would be a slander
on the American people."
Fire in Alameda, Cat.,
. Destroys Business Block
Alameda, Cal., Jan. 8. Fire of un
known origin razed one block in the
business section here at an estimated
loss of $200,000 before jt was ex
tinguished 'by combined efforts of
Alameda and Oakland fire fighting
forces. '
Lack of water due to a submarine
main broken by a dredge recently,
hampered efforts tocontrol the
dimes. No one was injured.
Hawaiian Legislators
Reach United States
San Francisco. Jan. 8. Headed by
Gov. Charles J. McCarthy, a party
of Hawaiian legislators arrived on
the army transport Logan and will
proceed to Washington to present
a plea to have Hawaii eranted statehood
of a dozelL or more spelt-binders
urging the claims of San Francisco,
Kansas City, and Chicago as the
most advantageous places for hold
ing the democratic national conven
tion, the representatives of the party
of Jackson, Bryan and Wilson se
lected San Francisco as the place,
and June 28 as the time for the
"unterrified" to get together and go
through the perfunctory process of
naming candidates for president and
vice president.
The east and the south . voted
largely for the city by the Golden
Gate for two reasons, first, because
California brought about the elec
tion of Woodrow Wilson and sec
ond, because San Francisco put up
a nice check of $150,000 to defray
the expenses of the national com
mittee and the convention.
Mullen for Chicago.
Committeeman Arthur Mullen of
Nebraska voted for Chicago, which
received the smallest number of
votes of the cities named on the first
ballot, Kansas City running close up
to the winner. At the morning ses
sion of the committee Mr. Xfullen
endeavored to get consideration for
his resolution abolishing the two
thirds rule making nominations, but
was told that it would have to go
over until the question of place and
time for the convention had been
settled. i
Late thif afternoon Sir Arthur of
fered bis resolution and presented
reasons why nominations should be
made by a majority instead of by
two-thirds of the convention, con
tending that the existing practice
was archaic. Ex-Senator Saulsbury
of Delaware.wTyle not committing
himself to the proposition, suggested
that a committee of five be appoint
ed to consider the matter and report
back to the committee at a later
date. ' '
Mullen's Resolution Tabled,
Then some rude delegate without
the fear of God in his heart moved
to May Mullen's resolution on the
table and there is where it went with
incredible speed. Arthur Mullen's
voice and one of two others being
faintly heard when the negative was
taken. Jn addition to National Com
ground currents of national politics.
Bryan Wants Nothing.
Mr. Bryan said that, unlike some
of the other speakers, he had noth
ing to ask, but spoke from gratitude
rather than in expectation. ,
"You will,- therefore," hedded,
"nof listen to me with the thought
that you are listening to a candi
date." , . ,
Mr. Bryan then read his prepared
address, sayingjie would follow it
exactly because it was written be
fore he knew the contents of the
president's letter. -
As he proceeded, however, Mr.
Bryan interspersed numerous ex-'
temperaneous arguments.
"When we remember the an
athemas with which ,we have de
nounced the republicans for seven
months' delay.' he said, referring to
the treaty, "what will be our answer
to Europe now if we delay for an
other 14 months while we consult
the American people?
Endorses Prohibition.
"If I know the American people,"
he continued, "they will never trans
fer to any foreign nation the right
to say when our boys shall be con
scripted." When Mr. .Bryan endorsed nation
wide prohibition there was scatter
ing applause and some laughter. ,
"My friends,"-he said, "I was pre
pared for silence on this point. If
this does not appeal to the diners
present I appeal from Philip Drunk
to Philip Sober and lay the cause'
before the people who do believe in"
Nothing of Third Term.
President Wilson, in his message,
said nothing whatever about a thire
term for himself, nor did he mak
any forma) announcement of his in
tended retirement tr nrivate tif j-
'some had forecast he. wnnM Xfr
Bryan said nothing bearing on an;
ambitions toward a fourth presiden
tial nomination, although it various
ly had been predicted Jie would.
There were- dozen or more other
speakers at the dinner and their
views on whether the league should
be made a campaign issue were either
world leadership among the nations attend the committer meeting and
attend the Jacksoo day banquet.
Club Women of State
Agree to Eliminate
mitteeman Mullen representing .Ne-! divided in favor-of the president's or
braska, who was present when the
committee convened. Miss Eva Ma
honey of Omaha was also in attend
ance holding fhe proxy of Mrs.' A.
C Sballenberger of Alma as a mem
ber of the woman's associate na
tional committee, who with her sis
ter, Miss May Mahoney, came on to
Mr. Bryans or else thev did
touch on tne subject at all.
The gist of their speeches might
easily be epitomized in this fashion:
Senator Pomerene; "Ratify the
treaty with or without reservations." ;
Former Secretary McAdoo- "An4
arraignment of republican adminis
tration, but no expression about the
Secretary Daniels "Mr. Bryan is
entitled to. credit for the league of
nations treaty because his peace in
vestigation conventions were the
ground work for it."
T D ! nitencock s Viewpoint
Unnecessary XJliymg j Senator Hitchcock "Honorable
"i"l" uiiiisc -vii we icdjuc question
or a finish hght.
Lincoln,, Neb., Jan. 8. -Nebraska
club women meeting here to discuss
means of combating the high cost
of living problem agreed to co
operate with the state in a thrift
campaign under which "useless buy
ing would be eliminated.
The state's proposed campaign as
outlined by Gov. Samuel R. McKel
vie contemplates the appointment of
committees to determine but not fix
fair prices in the various commu
nities of the state.
Governor McKelvie told the
women .that increased production
and elimination of uneconomic
fnethods of distribution would go a
long way toward solving existing
economic evils.
hveryone in the state is to,te
askea to join tne campaign.
senator Uwen immediate rati
fication and proceed with recon
struction legislation."
Chairman Cummings "Inevitable
impulses" are carrying the demo--cratic
party "each day nearer and
nearer to victory."
Governor Corn well of West Vir-
ginia "American institutions are in
danger of beiig overthrown by the "
unchecked growth of "a labor autoc
racy." Vice Chairman" Kremer "We ac
cept the gauge of battle." -
Governor Cox of Ohio "The old '
guard is in control of the party (re
publican), which it well nigh
wrecked by its greed."
Attorney General Palmer The
(Oatlnaed Pcft Four, Cetanm -