Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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Sx Governors of
, Western States Will
Pass Through Omaha
Six governors and two lieutenant
governors of western states, who
have been attending a conference
on irrigation at Denver, Colo., will
pass through Omaha Sunday on
their way to Washington, D. C,
where another conference is to be
held. r-
Their train will arrive at the
Union station at 4 p. m., and remain
for two hours before continuing its
journey eastward. The following
governors will be with the sjarty:
Robert D. Carey of Wyoming, Si
"ion Bamberger of Utah, O, A. Lar
"razolo of New Mexico, Thomas E.
Campbell ol Arizona, Lewis F.
Hart of Washington and D. W.
Davis of Idaho, Lieutenant Gover
nor McDowell of Montana, Lieuten
ant Gavjmor Stephan of Colorado,
and former governor William Spry
of Utah will also be with the party.
. r :
I South Side ,
Famou$ Old Recipe
tor Cough Syrup
Easily and rheaplf mad at home,
but It bcU them U (or
quick mult.
Tlinuannda of housewives have found
that tbey can gave two-thirds of the
inuney usually spent lor cough prep
arations, hv iisiiiir this well-known old
recipe for making cough syrup at home.
i. I- 1 U..n U A..1T.p ),.
it is simple and cheap but it really has
no equal for prompt results. It takes
ri?ht hold of a cough and gives imme
diate relief, usually stopping an ordi
nary couga in a Hours or less.
Get 2V4 ounces of Pine from any
druggist, pour it into a pint bottle and
add plain granulated sugar syrup to
make a full pint. If you prefer, use
rhirifird molasses, honev. or corn svrup.
instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it
tastes good, keeps perfectly, and vlasts
a lamiiy a long time.
It's truly astonishing how quickly it
acts, penetrating through every air
passage of the throat and lungs loos
' ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and
heals the membranes, and gradually
but surely the annoying throat tickle
and dreaded cough disappear entirely.
Nothing better for bronchitis, spas
modic' croup, hoarseness or bronchial
Piiiex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine' Norway
pine extract, known the world over for
its healing effect on the membranes.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist for ?2Va ouhces of Fines"
with full directions and dont accept
anything else. Guaranteed to give ab
solute satisfaction or monev promptly
refunded. Th Finex Co., Ft. Wayne
Ind. ,
Dandruff Soon
Ruins The Hair
Girls if you want plenty of
thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair,
do by all means get rid of dandruff,
for it will starve your hair and ruin
it if you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff it to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gent
ly with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace
of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. You can get
liquid arvon at any drug store. It is
inexpensive and four ounces is all
you will need, no matter how much
dandruff you have. This simple
,remedy never fails.
, I wa bauly " ruptured whila lifting a
trunk several years 'ago. Doctors said my
only hop of cure was an operation. Trusses
did ma no good. Finally I sot hold of something-
that quickly and completely cured
me. Years havt passed and tha rupture has
never returned, although I am doing- hard
work as a carpenter. There was no opera
tion, no lost time, no trouble. I hava noth
ing to sell, but will give full information
about how you may find a complete cure
without operation, if you write to me,
JEugene M. Pullen, Carpenter. 161-F Mar-
, eeuus Avenue. Manasquan, N. J. Better
out out this notice and show it to any oth
ers who are ruptured you may save a life
or at least stop the misery of rupture and
tha worry and danger of an operation.
may ba checked and more serious condition
of the throat often will be avoided by
promptly giving the child dose of safe
Members Hear Past President
Tell of Growth of National
and Local Organizations
During Year.
South Side local union No. 20, of
the National Federation of 'Federal
Employes held a meeting Tuesday
night and installed officers for the
coming year. F. P. Mahoney, presi
dent; Thomas B. Rea. vice presi
dent, and' Harry -Northcutt, secre
tary, were the retiring officers,
while Fa E. Tucker, president; J. G.
Johnson, vice president and F. L.
Horn, secretary, were the newly in
stalled officers.
Mr. Mahoney reported a large
growth, both in the national and lo
cal organizations during the year,
the national federation having gain
ed 1000 new members during De
cember, and that the organization
now has 154 locals. It is estimated
that three-fourths of the 700,000
workers employed by the govern
ment are affiliated with the Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
The outgoing president said he ex
pected the speedy enactment of the
Nolan minimumwage bill byvCon
gress providing $1,080 a year as the
smallest wage that can be paid to
a government employe working full
time. He also said it was predicted
that there would be prompt action
on the report sf the reclassification
commission, which was appointed
at. the request of the National Fed
eration of Federal Employes, "which
report embodies the principles for
which the organization has con
tended since its organization. '
"We stand," said Mr. Mahoney,
''first and always ' for efficiency in
the government establfchments
through recognition of sound busi-'
ness methods of employment man-'
agement; appointment and promo
tion on the basis of efficiency tests;
a minimum wage based on cost of
living; compensation according to
skill, and equal pay for men and j
women without regard to sex.
City Budget Finally Fixed
At Total of $80,000 Over
Income Expected-In 1920
, J
Many Appropriations Are Cut,"Principally In Mayor
Smith's Departments-Street Light Fund Reduced
Deficit From Last Year Is $150,000 Tax Esti
mates Total $2,172,000.
The city council yesterday made
final appropriations of" funds to
the various departments for 1920.
The resultof several sessions of the
council on the budget in a desperate
effort to stretch $2,023,000 irffo $2,-
uu.uuu was a reduction or the ap
propriations to a total of $2,080,838.
"We will make it that and trust
that we will get enough extra money
into the treasury to piece it out,"
said Commissioner Ure, the guar
dian of the treasury.
"In fact, we are expecting about
$80,000 back payments from occu
pation tax to add to the amount
we. have to spend. If we get that
we will come out all right?'
Many Cuts Made.
Mayor Smith asked originally for
$132,100 to -run his department in
place of -the $105,000 he had last
vear. This the council cut down to
$113,600. Itgave him $60,000 to run
the public library this year in place
of $75,000 that he asked. The pub
lic library had only $50,000 last
year. Municipal court welfare board
and judgment funds were left as he
asked to have them. His own office,
including the city legal department
and city chemist, was given $22,700"
in place1 of $20,950 on which it was
operated last year.
Mr. Ure's department was given
$121,565 for 1920, .which is $12,000
less than it had last year.
Ringer Given Raise.
Mr. Ringer's department of police
and sanitation was granted an ap
propriation of $525,500 for 1920 in
place, of only $442,000 last year.
Mr. iZimman's department of fire
protection was given an appropria
tion of $854,500 in place of $709,705
last year. This is nearly all con
sumed in largo increases in salaries
given the firemen, appropriations
for the fire department being $609,
673 this year, against $460,500 last
Fire building inspection is given
$43,000 this year, compared with $39,
405 last vear. For street lighting a
reduction was made from $171,000
last year to $166,000 this year.
The department of street cleaning
and maintenance, presided over by
Commissioner Butler, was given the
same appropriation for 1920 as it had
last year, $182,000.
Estimates of Taxes.
Mr. Falconer's department . of
parks and recreation was provided
with $116,000 for the present year,
the same as last year. The public
improvements department of Com
missioner Towl was also giveir thc
same as' it had last year, $135,500.
The estimates of tax collections"
for city purposes this year total $1,
848,000 and estimates of miscellane
ous receipts $324,000, making a
grand total of $2,172,000 for 1920.
From this must be deducted $150,
000 "overlap" from last year, "over
lap" being a legal name .for deficit.
This . leaves $2,023,000 .of resources
to run the city this yer.!
South Side Brevities
' Apples for sale, 39th and L. Call South
4408. Joe Novak.
Two salesgirls wanted for 'permanent
work. Wiig Brothers, 24th and N Sts.
Money sent to all parts of Europe. See
us for steamship tickets. Live Stock
National punk. Junction 24th and N Sts.
Avoid the necessity of making the re
mark: "I wish I had" by Joining the
Economy Savings club now at the Live
Stock National Bank, Junction 24th and
N Sts.
The night school at the Armour packing
house opened last Monday evening after
the vacation of a month caused by the
coal strike, with a full quota of 11
The Ladies' Aid society of Grace Metho
dist church will be entertained at a ken
slngton tea Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Lush, 4120 South Twenty-second
A surprise party was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Sheer Saturday even
ing, when Mr. and Mrs. Sheer were pre
sented with a set of alumlnumware. A
large number of guests were eprsent who
indulged in gamtjs and cards until a
late hou.
J. C. Cooney is dead at East Moline,
111., and authorities have written to the
police to notify a sister of Cooney, Mrs.
Mary Pickett, Twenty-eighth and K
streets. Cooney was at one time, several
years ago, a resident of South Omaha and
is said to have four sisters living in
Otaaha or vicinity. The police were un
able to find Mrs. Pickett at the location
Announcement , Is made that the South
Side library has a number of publications
treating on business and salesmanship and
Include the following: Selling Forces. Im
agination In Business, Selling Suggestions,
Retail Selling. - Advertising and Selling.
Selling as a Business Force, Selling to
Dealers. Successful Advartlnlng, Sales
manship, Men Who Sell Things an
Salesmanship and Sales Management.
Joe Slnklewlcz, 3361 P street, came to
police headquarters late Tuesday night and
asked "that his $30 he lost while visiting
at 640 South Thirty-third street be ar
rested." Slnklewlcz said he and a friend
had been drinking at the place and that
he was "touch( for 130 and that his
friend lost S40 In the same manner." Of
ficers went to the place and reported that
a woman there refused to let them In,
and they returned to the station to get a
search warrant, which waa issued Wednes
day morning.
New Pasture Menace to Live
Stock Found In Colorado
Dr. G. H. Glover of the Colorado
Agricultural college, who was a- vis
itor at Jhelocal yards Wednesday,
told of a new menace to live stock,
on pasture.
He said that sheep raisers in the
vicinity of Durango, Colo., had been
losing sheep that died from eating
Pinguay weed One sheep raiser re
ported that he had lost a number of
sheep and a post mortem was made,
after which ft was discovered that a
ball, with all the properties of India
rubber, had formed in the stomach.
The Pinguay weed is now known
Letting Down the Prices
In Sanitary" Grocery and Market
We're Demonstrating Every Day That Cash
Buying. Means Big Savings
A Carload of Extra Fancy Florida Grapefruit
N on Sale Thursday
This is extra fancy Florida fruit; nothing healthier or
finer to eat. Shipped to sell for the grower. Regular retail
price 8e each. Thursday . - E
only, each ,
No. 1 Select Storage . Eggs, dozen .- 50c
No. 1 Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen 65c
The Best Creamery Butter, lb n ..68c
Another Shipment of Finest Quality Govern
ment Bacon Just Received.
as the rubber weed. It is said not
to be poisonous iin itself, but that
sheep eating it have died by the hun
dreds, and the state authorities have
taken up the subject of trying to de
stroy the growth of the dangerous
plant. t
Prices of Beef Steers
Are, Back to Normal
After Gradual Decline
After a retrospect of records at
the stock yards it is revealed that
with the gradual decline of beef
steers during the last few months
prices have returned to the level of
the summer of 1917. Most of. the
arrivals this winter up .to date have
been mostly short fed and warmed
up stock. Following the top price of
$18.85, paid in August, the drop was
not noticed to any considerable ex
tent until November, when the high
est price paid was $15.75. The first
day of December showed a drop to
A similar period of one year ago
as compared with at present choice
to prime beef were Quoted at $17.25
18.50, while common beef steers
were sold at the same price as
todav, $9. 1
From opinions expressed by deal
ers in live stock the attempts of the
government to reduce the high cost
of living have struck the live stock
industry harder than anything else
and farmers who have continued
feeding beef are complaining of los
ing money.
Elizabeth Nindjek Dies.
Elizabeth Nindjek, 31-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ninkjek, 3263 Q street, died yester
day, after an illftess of seven weeks.
Funeral services will be held Fri
day morning' in St. Peter and Pauls
church.' Burial will be, in St. Marys
Letter Mailed Here
In Morning Delivered
In Chicago In P. M.
For the first time in history Oma
hans will be given an opportunity
today to mail a letter in the
morning and have it delivered in
Chicago the same afternoon.
Six hundred pounds of air mail
will be taken to Ak-Sar-Ben field at
7 this morning and dispatched
by the first Omaha-Chicago mail
bearing airplane. ,
When the first aerial mail leaves
Omaha today, it will carry as first
class mail 10 pounds of fancy sum
mer sausage to Edward Morris,
president of Morris & Co., in Chi
cago. The Omaha branch of the
Morris concern is sending the sau
sage to Mr. Morris to commemorate
the opening of the aerial highway
between Omaha and the Windy City.
Antles Files Report on
Cole-Grammer Hearing
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 7. A sum
mary of the testimony in the Cole
Crammer hearing at the state peni
tentiary, coupled with recommenda
tion as to clemencv. has been tre-
pared by Secretary H. H. Antles of
the Strife Department of Public Wel-
tare and was hied Wednesday after
noon with Governor McKelvie.
Final responsibility in granting
executive clemency will rest on the
governor. Secretary Antles does
not indicate what his recommenda
tions are.
Alson B. Cole and Allen V. Gram
mer are under sentence to die in
the electric chair at Lancaster Fri
day, January" 16, for their part in
the murder of Mrs. Lulu Vogt twe
years ago.
Pershing May See "Movies"
Of His Homecoming Today
General Pershing will hac an op
portunity today to see himself in the
movies in his old home, Lincoln. The
homecoming of the general last week
vas-lihot" by an enterprising cam
era man and will be shown at the
Moon theater in honor of Omaha's
guest of honor.
An invitation has been extended
to General Pershing to visit the
Moon for a few minutes to see the
first "movies" of his Lincoln home
coming. An electrically heated polished
. . t ii- v.... i : -i u..
J j Englishman for ironing light faimcs.
- " 'I
Public Reception In
Omaha Banks to Open
National Thrift Week
Omaha bankers want to get bet
ter acquainted with Omaha people.
All the banks in Omaha will hold
a public rece,ptipn Saturday after
noon and evening, January 17. The
banks, which usually close at noon
on Saturdays, will be open from 3:30
to 5 in the afternoon and again from
7:30 to 9 in the evening. This is
the first time that an invitation of
this kind has ever been given the
people by the banks.
The "get acquainted with us" re
ception of the bankers is a part of
the National Thcit weeTTTrrovement
which begins on the date of the re
ception. "We are particularly anxious . to
meet not only bank customers but
the men and women who have no
bank accounts, or who have savings
accounts already started," says,
John W. Gamble, president of the'
Chamber of Commerce and one of
the prominent bankers of the city.
Seat Sale for McCormack
Recital at the Auditorium
"There is but one McCormack, and
his name is John; to hear him sing is
I joy, to come under the spell of
his personality is a privilege," writes
Kedfcrn Mason of San Francisco, in
the course of a review of a concert
given in that city recently, by the
world renowned tenor, who- will be
heard ,in recital at the Auditorium
Friday evening, January 23..
Scat sale starts Thursday morn
ing, January 15, at Mickel Brothers,"
Fifteenth and Harney. Mail orders
with remittance, including war tax,
self-addressed and stamped envelope
sent to Mrs. A. L. Green, care the
Auditorium, will be filled in order
of their receipt.
Lenine Makes New Peace
Offer to Allied Powers
Stockholm, Jan. 7. Nikolai Len
ine Russian bolshevik premier, has
made a new peace offer to the allies,'
which is being taken to London- by
Colonel Tallents, British represen
tative in the Baltic states. Among
othr conditions included in the of'
fer is a promise to abolsh terrorism
and the activity of revolutionary
tribunals, according, to an Esthon
ian newspaper.
Tejls How She Did It With a Home-
Made Remedy.
Mrs. E. H. Boots, a well-known
resident of Buchanan County, la.,
who darkened her gray hair, made
the following statement:
"Any lady or gentleman can
darken their gray or faded hair,
and make it soft and glossy with
this simple remedy, which they can
mix at home. To half a pint of
water add 1 ounce of bay rum, one
small box of Barbo Compdund and
U ounce of glycerine. These in
gredients can be purchased at any
drug store at very little cost. Ap
ply to the hair .every other day
until the gray hair- is darkened suf
ficiently. It does not color the scalp;
is not greasy and does not rub' off.
It will make a gray-haired person
look 10 to 20 years younger."
My HEART and
Adelc Garrison's Newv Phase of
of a Wife.
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils I
Onens Air Passages Right Up. T
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the
air passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. ' No more
hawking, snuffling blowing, head
ache, dryness. No struggling- for
breath at night; your cold of ca
tarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm from your druggist
now. Apply a little of this fragrant,
antiseptic, healing cream iri your
nostrils. It penetrates through every
air passage of the head, soothes the
inflamed or swollen mucous mem
brane arid relief comes ' instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed
up with a cold ojiasty catarrh
The Way Madge and Mother Gra
v ham Made Their Plans.
It is never my way to postpone the
hour of executing any purpose Yet
I felt very much like a condemned
criminal as I. made my way to my
mother-in-law's room after the little
stalk with my father with its unex
pected denouement. I knew that I
had been sorely at fault, and I
nerved myself for anything the el
der woman's outraged dignity might
offer me. ,
As I tapped at her door I felt
my knees trembling. But when at
my knock I heard the sound of a
shade being hastily drawn down be
fore mv nrnthr-in-1
"Come in." My trepidation lessen
ed, but my compunction increased.
,. lor the drawing of the shade
meant that my husband's mother
had been weeping. Unless under
the stress of a great sorrow she will
not allowany one to see tears on
her face, especially if they have been
tsars of anger, or have followed an
altercation with any one. If she
admits any one to her room under
such circumstances she always
turned away from the Jight before
she gives them entrance.
She is not nearly so formidable,
however, when she has been weep
ing, as. she is when she is too angry
for tears, and I, therefore, walked
straight toward her when I had
opened the door in answer to her
"Come in," instead of hesitating in
the doorway as I otherwise might
have done.
"Mother," I said contritely, giving
her no chance to speak even if she
had been so inclined. "I have come
to beg your pardon humbly. I am
very much ashamed of speaking in
the manner I. did. Of course, you
know I did not mean what I said.
And, as it happens, everything has
turned out beautifully; there will be
no need of hurting my father's feel
ings either. He heard Marion say
that the Braithwaites were coming,
and he himself proposed that he
should go to the east end of the
island. It seems he has wished to
go along" -
Plans That Obsess.
"Pity you couldn't have -found that
out before." my tnother-in-law snap
ped caustically. "But it's a good!
thing we know it now. As for me.
'Sticks and stones -may break my
bones, but harsh words will never
hurt me.' Sit down and make anl
inventory nf tJi linen nra Iiotto I'
noticed the other day that our stock
was low. we may have to pur
chase some, and if An it will
have to be laundered several times
before they get here, so it will be
soft enough."
I sat down -thankfully, though
amusement at mv mnthpr-in-laur'a
characteristic manner of accepting
jn apology was mingled with dis-
mav at the nrnornm T saw che waa
- r 1 - - - "
outlining for me, at just the time,
too.wnen i neeaea an the leisure
1 had to get ready for my owrf
Another thought was beating atj
my brain, also, an association of
iHeac with tliA rhillicli rlivm. wliir-1.
my mother-in-law had quoted, and.
which more than anything else
showed that she realized her own
transgressions in the clash we had
had but a few minutes before. It is
an idiosyncrasy of hers to take
refuge In some such puerile fashion
from her own conscience. But to
do her justice, she always makes up
for her transgressions in royal fash
ion later on. ,
A Simple Solution.
"Sticks and stones." Where ha
I "heard that foolish rhyme before?
Of course, I had known it , from
childhood, but there was a later, a
more dramatic association with it.
And then there flashed before mv
mind the laughing, mocking, un
deniably handsome jvisage of Harry
Underwood. It was from Ws.lips
I had heard he words upon one ot
the occasions when I had been com
pelled to snub him.
Where was he now, this pictur
esque, wicked adventurer, with the
unexpected streak of gold through
the baser metal of which he- was
composed? I am afraid the ques
tion would have obsessed my
thoughts to the exclusion of every
thing else, so vitally interested an
I in the triangle which J-iman an-'
Harry, Underwood and Robert
Savarin compose, had not my
mother-in-law effectually banished
all other thoughts but those pertain
ing to housewffery by her suddcr
"No, never mind the inventory
now. VVc " settle something eiso
first. Harriet and Edwin are com
ing threee days before your sched
uled trip begins, and, of course,
we'll want their rooms before they
get there so as to get them ready.
.Now, it seems to me, that you
could put a cot in my room for
those three days, and we could put
another single bed in Richard's
rcom for your father."
I am afraid mv taw dropped per
ceptibly in my astonishment. Never
since I have known her, no matter
what the emergency, has she taken
any other attitude than the one that
neither ,her son's rest nor her own
could be disturbed by having the ar
rangement of their rooms changed
I recognized it as another evidence
of her hidden contrition which she
was too proud to own openly, and
was glad to propose' another solution.
"That won't be necessary,
mother," I said sweetly. "You know
that Mrs. Durkee has more rooms
than she can possibly usB, and she
has offered them to me several
times. I can take over our own
linen, so she will have no trouble
whatever about the care of the
rooms, and I know she will be de
lighted to have father and me stay
there until we ar$ ready to 'go
away." ,
"Well! I suppose that will have to
do," grumbled my mother-in-law.
exactly as if I were personally to
blame for this expected visit of my
And so it was arranged. v
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Atlantic Fleet Starts On :
- Annual Winter Maneuvers
New York, Jan. 7. The super
dreadnought Pennsylvania, flagship
of Rear Admiral Henry B. Wilson,
and the superdraadnought Arizona
sailed today for the Virginia capes,
where they will meet other vessels
of the Atlantic fleet battleship force
tomorrow and proceed to Guanta-
Lnamo, Cuba, tor the annual cruise in
the West inches.
The entire fleet will execute the
usull winter maneuvers and conduct
target practice.
Paris Papers Agree
That Clemenceau
Be Next President
Paris, Jan. ,7. Today's newspa
pers agree that Premier Clemenceatt
will be elected president of Franca
cn January 17, although there hat
heeu no official acknowledgment of
his acceptance of the candidacy.- -
Editorial opinion is, for the most
part, eulogistic, although the ex
tremists are sarcastic. It is pointed
out that this is the second time itl
the history of the French republic
that a president lias been chosen
from among "outsiders." This re
fers to the fact- that M. Clemenceau
on January 17 will be neither a
deputy nor a senator. The only oth
er instance of the kind was that of
Marshal MacMahon, second presu
dent of the republic. :
At once! "Pape's Diapepsin" corrects vour Sour.
a. i r it . .. t
Gassy, Acid Stomach Relief awaits you I
You don't want a slow remedy
when your stomach is bad or an
uncertain one-r-or a harmful one-
your stomach is too valuable; you
mustn't injure it with drastic drugs.
When your meals don't fit and
you feel uncomfortable, when you
belch gases, acids or raise sour, un
digested fofod. When you feel lumps
of indigestion pain, heartburn or
headache, from acidity, just eat a
tablet of Pape's Diapepsin and the
stomach distress is gone. '
Millions of people know the magio)
of Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid.
They know that indigestion and
disordered stomach r are so need
less The relief comes quickly, no
disappointment! Pape's Diapepsin
tastes like candy and a box of this
world-famous indigestion relief
costs so little at drug stores. Pape'a
Diapepsin. helps neutralize tha
stomach acids so you can eat withi
out fear.
Established 1894.
I have a successful treatment for Rupture with
out resorting to a painful and uncertain lurgh
eal operation. am tha only reputable physU
oian who will take such eases upon a guarantee)
to give satisfactory results. I have devoted mora)
than 20 years to the exclusive treatment of Rup
ture and have perfected . the best treatment in existence today. I do not inject parafa
fine or wax, as it is dangerous. The advantages of my' treatment are: No loss of time.
No detention from business. No danger from chloroform, nhook and blood poison, and
no laying up in a hospital, (jail or write Dr. Wny, 306 Bee Bldg., Omaha.
Qualit PIHI5LEIPPS anoSts.,
Economy xiZl U a! W So. Omaha
Department Store The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha
Big Money Saving Sensations for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
75c Children'! Heavy Underwear, separate gar
ments broken sizes; ACkr
special, at t7C
'$1.75 Children' Fleece Lined Union Suits, very
heavy ones; special QQ .
$1.00 Women's Ribbed Fleece Underwear, sep
arate garments; special, 65 C
$3.00 Men's Fine
quality; special,
Ribbed Union
Suits, heavy
. $1.89
$2.50 Children' Heavy Wool and Cotton Sweaters,
in blue and gray; tf " AA
special, at.
White Honae Shoe for men, Maxine Shoe for
women, Buster Brown Shoe for boy and girls,
Humpty Dumpty Shoes for the little one.
Pennant Baiting Thread, 500-yard spools, 5t
zou-yard spool, r
2 for OC
59c B. A H. Percale, in a variety of figured pat
tern, with black and red back a-round. OP
I 36 inches wide; special, yard 33C
75c Genuine Bates Zephyr Gingham, in a big rang
of colors, stripe and plaids, 36 - CA
inches wide; special, yard OVC
$9.00 Smith-Philip' 32-piece sets Blue Band China
a wonderful value; special, ( "TC
per set (basement) 4D O
35c Men' Work Sock, all color and sizes; spe-
f.'....: .,..$i.oo
A large assortment of beautiful cut glass in the
latest designs. . Now on display. Main Floor.
everybody! stork"
Announcing for Thursday
An Enormous Sale of
At Prices That Are Greatly Reduced
. Housewives will welcome this sale, for it is greatly to their advantage to be able to
purchase aluminum ware at prices as low as these, " t '
sssssssssssssmss '' , SSSSSSSSSSH wSS
No. 1 Pure Aluminum Rice M OQ
Boilers, 2-quart size 1 ou
No. 2 Pure Aluminum Tea 0 Cfl
Kettle, SuarV size PO.OV
No. 3 Pure Aluminum Lipped Pre
serving Kettles, 5-quart
No. 4 Pure Aluminum Windsor Ket
tle with aluminum cover, tO OC
5-quart size , P.aW
No. 5 Pure Aluminum Seamless Mix
mc Bojrls, large $1.39
No, 11 Mirro Pure Aluminum Lipped
Sauce Pan, 2-quart 79c
size . .'
No. 6 i-Pure Aluminum
Tubed Cake Pans
No. 7 Pure Aluminum Lipped Sauce
Pans, 4-quart $1 39
No. 8 Pure Aluminum Dish d0 QC
Pans, 1 4-quart 'size. P&,a70
No. 9 Pure Aluminum Colanders
with handles, large k $125
No. 10 Pure Aluminum Handled Fry
Pans, polished inside
9-inch size . . . .$125
10-inch size ... $1.50