Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Victorious Quintets Open With
Early Lead' and Are Never
Headed; G. 0. League
Caminerelat Imiiw, I
, ' Won. Last. Pet,
Omrha TVilverslty Reserves. 1 t
C. High Reserves 1
Y. TT. H, A 1
rnnmw High Reserves. ,. 1
Wo.tern Union 1
ThorpUn A. Club 0 1
Omih University Reserves, !7; Com
merce High R.nerves, 4.
Council Bluff High Reserves. !3; Wfit.
ern Union, t, , - ....
T. M. K. A., 2; Thorplsn Athletic
club, 7.
Greater Omaha League.
Omihi National Bank" against
tfi'oa, 7:30 p. m. , .
Commerce High agalnat Highland Park
rhannacy, (1:16 V- m.
Tnwnsend Gun Co. against H. R. Bowens,
$ p. m. . .
Winners in the opening games of
the 1920 -Commercial basket ball
league season last night at the.
Young Men's Christian association
had an easy time trouncing their
opponents, taking the lead in the
first few seconds of play and never
being in danger of losing.
Omaha Uni Wins.
In the opening game the Omaha
University reserves, through the re
markable coaching of Coach Ernie
Adams, scored in the first few sec
onds, when Presley.' forward, shot
the goal from practically the center
of the floor. Presley and Beacons
were the point getters for Omaha
university, while Kline, forward for
the Commerce reserves shot both
of the goals. The first half ended
"with the score, 13 to 1, the final
score being 27 to 4.
Freiberg, forward, and Cooper
renter, were the stars for the Y. M.
H. A. and were responsible for the
28 to 7 victory achieved over the
Thorpian Athletic club," who took
the franchise 'of the Drake Realty
Construction company. Despite the
fact that the Thorpian quintet lost
by the big score, they put up a game
fight, as this was their first time to
gether this season. The Drake team
"withdrew yesterday morning and in
order to play as per schedule, the
Thorpian club took over the fran:
chise yesterday afternoon and en
tered the game with little or no
Coach 'White's Council Bluffs
City Man Gained Fif
teen Pounds and Is On the
Job Every Day Now.
' "Three years ago I had to give
up my position, as my health was
i .so bad. and I haven't been able to
do a lick of work since until just
f a few weeks ago," said George W.
MeCraw, 1209 Grandam, Kansas
City, Mo., while telling of the re
i markable benefits he had derived
from the use of Tanlac, recently.
- "For eight years I have been in a
, bad fix troubled with indigestion,
rheumatism, nervousness, sleep
lessness and a general run-down
"j condition,", continued Mr.'McCraw.
' "I had practically lost my appetite
and when fr'did eat a little some
, thing it nearly always , disagreed
with me and caused an awful
amount of gas to form. Rheuma-
, tism bothered me so bad I could
hardly get about and my nerves
were in a wretched condition. Bead
le aches would come on me nearly
every day and I would get so dizzy
that I would fall over if I didn't
. ; catch hold of something to support
me. I was so restless and miser
! able at night that many a time it
; was two o'clock in the morning be-
fore I got to sleep. M went down
: - to one hundred fifteen pounds -in
, ! weight and I was so weak I knew
i I could not hold out much longer. -i
"When I began taking Tanlac I
- j had tried so many other medicines
; and got no relief that I had little
,; faith in it, but I want to tell you
' I .changed my mind right away, for
r'l was feeling better before I fin-
, ished my first bottle. And now it
, i has completely restored me to health
aad I have gained fifteen pounds
J in weight. I can eat anything I
s please without ever having a touch
- of indigestion and I am enjoying
Nmy meals. The rheumatism and
i nervousness have entirely disap-
peared and I am never bothered
f- with headaches and dizzy spells any
' more. ' I go to sleep by the time
I hit the beTand I sleep like a log
' all night long. I feel better and
stronger than I have in eight years
: and I have gone back to my work
and never miss a day. I give all 1
the credit for my fine health to
f Tanlac. and I don't believe it is pos
; sible for me to recommend it too
highly." ,
.1 Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
i and West End Pharmacy. Also For
egt and Meany Drug Company in
gist in each city and town, through-'
'.'7 SoutlwOmaha and the leading drug
; out the state of Nebraska. Adv.
High school referves played the
Western Union five off their feet.
The Council Bluffs five looked bet
ter than -any of the teams in the
Commercial league and displayed
plenty of pep and fight and they look
like real pennant contenders.' The
Western Union quintet lacked the
team-work and their guarding was
off. During the first half, Coach
White's five registered 18 points to
the telegraphers 4, and the final
score was 23 to 5. - . (
Central High Quintet
Opens Season Friday
Against South High
The students or Central High
school are anxiously awaiting the
first basket ball game of the season
which will be played Friday night
at the South Side gymnasium with
the lads from the South Side High
school. This will be the second
game for the Packers, as' they
opened their season with a defeat
at the hands of the lads across the
The aspirant cagers have been go
ing through some strenuous practice
last week and thus far this week.
Coach Harold Mulligan has been
on the sick list and has been unable
to put the chaps through the reg
ular grind. , Coach Joseph Schmidt
of the Junior class squad has been
taking Mulligan's place for thepast
fw days.
Arthur Paynter, whoNhas been at
tendfng the Kemper sMilitary acad
emy for the past semester, regis
tered at the school last week for
the coming semester. . This will give
much added strength to the floor
squad. Paynter is a tall chap and
has an eagle eye for the loop. Cap
tain Arthur Logan, -who also was
the 'pilot last year, will be unable to
play in Friday's game on account of
an injured knee.
rort Dodge will be on deck for
the Saturday tusscl with Central.
This team has had about the same
amount of practice as has the local
high. Many veterans appear on the
Fort Dodge lineup for this season.
Both teams will be weakened .to
some extent on account of the brief
period of necessary training. This
game will be played at the local "Y"
Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
The South game will be called at
the South gymnasium at 8 by Verne
Moore, who will act in the capacity
of referee. '.
Commerce High Team
To Open Season With
Game at Arlington
Coach Drummond's quintet of the
High School of Commerce will jour
ney to Arlington, Neb., Friday eve
ning' to meet the high school team
of that city. This is the first trip
and game for the business lads this
Frank Mahoney, captain of the
1920 quintet and an all-state forward
last year, demonstrated his ability to
toss baske's yesterday when he shot
15 baskets in a practice game held
between the first 'and second sauads
ot the school.
' "Duke" Levinson. an all-state man
last year showed up well in practice.
lhe other first team men that
played and who will make the trip
to Arlington are Frank Kokusek,
Merle Kline, Charles Hathoot,
Janies Slane, Russell Snygg and
Lewis Camero. Camero was ruled
eligible Friday afternoon by the
school authorities.
With the men showing up well in
practice Coach Drummond is con
fident that his - quintet will bring
home the bacon,
President Heydler
k Goes to Cincinnati
Attend League Meet
Isew lerk, Jan. 6. John Heydler,
president of the National league, left
New York for Cincinnati, to attend
the annual meeting of the National
Base Ball commission to be held
there Thursday. Heydler said ,he
did not know whether a newv chair
man of the commissiJh would be
elected, but. that if such a move is
made. He is under instructions from
his league not to vote for any' per
son who has financial interests in
base ball.
' While in Cincinnati, Heydler and
Ban Johnson, president of the Amer
ican league, will nreoare a rnmrVi
draft of the' 1920 major league sched-
mejs wnicn will be completed at a
schedule committee meeting earlv
w 1
Copyright. 1M-
-Interm New. Service DfaWIl fof TllC by Tad
auTMStercw you name-
amo i pur it op- id
TfNMCy to coLceor me
Act,fc xiitn. MUfSEK' MA0
Wr. tuj tisrO TO
Y7- CALL HlrA V SO-OM0N V , . JM V
, ' (-AV
''PlmNtf THE
JDE Benjamin figures that
crowning than crown.
inheriting Leonard's crown means more
, Jack Denipsev's
opening speech in France. "Lafayette we arc
Now that Sims has opened the pot we'll draw three.
medals in the Navy at all?
Why give out
Red So-and Washington are busy exchanging
That's how the gypsies get rich. ,
players and things
Reich lasted three rounds with Cowler.
up the berth in the second:
Generally the porter makes
If Barnch Rickey ever sold Roger Hornsby, Rick would have to
manage the Lards trom Japan.
Seems a shame that Jim Thorpe has to go the way of all
and ivory, just when he' was starting to miss these outshoots a
Less noise back there in thie nickel seats.
The old man has acute dyspepsia of the bank accuont. Every check
he writes comes back. They won't stay on the bank's stomach.
Yea bo.
always balances. Skirts will be Shorter but looks will
A loving club of wood alcohol has eight handles on it for the pall
It was a small college foot ball year. Harvard realizes that the'al
phabet doesn't ,stop at "H." Yale is wise that the alphabet doesn't
start at "Y." )
Everybody set? Let's go.
Success hasn't swelled Tom Cowler's
hats made .in a thimble factory.
head. He can still have his
next month.
Andrews, Sporting Writer,
Returns From Australia
Milwaukee, Wis.,, Jan. 6. Tom
Andrews, sporting writer and box
ing promoter, who left this country
for Australia wtih a string nf hnve
last September, sails this week for
home, according to a cablegram re
ceived Tuesday.
"Tug" Wietrins. a mpmhpr af An
drews' aggrezation. recentlv V-nnrVM
out Albert Lloyd? an Australian
heavyweight, the message said.
Red Sox Shortstop Will Not.
Be in the Lineup for 1920
Boston. Tan. 6. P
H. Frazee of the Boston American
league base ball club announced that
Heinie -Wagner, former shortstop ot
the Red Sox, would not be with the
team during the mm i ti or g,9caii
Wagner was assistant to Manager
foi nrow flunng the latter part of the
1919 season. No statement was
made as to his plans.
Brock Outpoints Brown.'-
Cleveland. Tan. fi fatf RrnA
the Cleveland lightweight, won a'
newspaper decision over Frankie
Brown of New York in a 10-round
contest Tuesday night.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
I'le of treatment that cores Pllea. fistula and
Siff ii!'.DiM"? i?s short time, without a severe aur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other genera
fan salt fi4fwft Haul A - . - . ,
rot treatment, andoo mone, tohe paid ontl. rei Write for lk on Rerta Diselgewtth'na mS
nd testimonials o( more than 1000 prominent people who have been pwnCT uTcrel
Thev cqa talk all thev want about
pitching feats, but any time a twirler
conies through witn something out
of the ordinary it is usually possible
to revert to. the records of Walter
Johnson and find some performance
that will compare favorably with the
feat under consideration, if not out
shine it
When Hod Eller struck out six of
the Chicago players in a row he per
formed a remarkable feat. The fact
that the work was done, in a world's
series game makes the performance
stand out even. bit more than in a
regular contest. Incidentally, it was
made against the strong part of the
Chicago batting order. Naturally,
such a whirring stunt got all kinds
of publicity. Nothing like it has
ever been pulled, in a world series,
but I was fortunate enough to um
pire a gam': at Washington six or
seven years ago, m which Walter
Johnson showed one of the most e
markable bits of pitching I have ever
seen. Ths Detroit club was a hard
hitting aggregation, having in its
lineup four or five players-noted for
Grand American Trap Meet
To Be Held in Cleveland
New York, Jan. 6.-t-The Granl
American Handicap trap shooting
tournament for 1920 was awarded to
Cleveland, O., by' the American Trap
Shooting: association. The tourna
ment wilT be held in August at the
Municipal park at Edgcwatcr.
The date of the tournament will
not be selected until after the an
nouncement of the dates for the
grand circuit races at Cleveland, to
avoid a conflict. '
Two rules which were adopted
defined an amateur as "any shooter
jiot dependent upon his skill as a
trap shot, as a means of a living,
either directly or indirectly," and a
professional as "any shooter who
received his salary or any portion
of his salary or any expenses of,
any kind for use in trapshooting."
To stimulate greater efficiency,
the association adopted a "long run"
plan by which shooters will receive
gold, silver and bronze medals for
points received in making consecu
tive kills. ,
Coast Prices Go Up.
San Francisco, Jan. 6. Admission
prices to Pacific Coast league base
ball games this year will follow the
c6st of living in an upward march.
The league directors at their annual
meeting here decided "to . make the
charges 70 cents for grand stand
seats and 40 for the bleachers, war
tax included
thtW ability to keep from whiffing
It was a dark dy, and Johnston had
terrific speed, starting with the top
of the batting order, he got seven in
a row. It I remember correctly,
Oscar Stanage, th-n batting eighth
m the lineup, finally broke the spell.
1 Last summer I looked them over
for Johnson in a game against the
Philadelphia Athletics, in which he
pulled a stunt tout of the ordinary.
Perhaps you will sy nothing out of
the or-linary could happen in a game
in which th-. Athlet-cs were the con
testing club, but tlr was a lot of
batting strength on the Philadelphia
club last year, despite its low posi
tion in the race. 1 it is not out ot tne
ordinary for a pitcher to get a team
on strikes in an nmng,' aUhough
there is much merit to such a 'feat.
In the garre to which I refer John
son struck out the side in one tn
ning, but ir. a manner somewhat dif-i
ferent. Koip, Thomas and Walker
faced HV threw just nine
balls to those three batters, 'rur of
them were called strikes, while at the
five other deliveries the batter.-' took
a iwing and missed. There was. not
one bad ball in the nine, every one
of them would- have been called a
strike had the batter let it go by,
incidentally they wie all fast balls,
itot a curve was used by Walter to
mow down (he three batters.
Don't Crank Your Head Off
Mr. Ford Owner Thousands of motor
wise Ford owners are now using this sim
ple device, which attaches to the mani
fold. Makes the cranking of your car
as aimpie a matter on cold winter morn
ing as on hot summer mornings. This
little starter starts the car on the first
turn over. Simply dampen the wick with
gasolene and touch a match to it. It
burns Just long enough to heat your mani
fold and put your gasolene In shape for
ignition. If your dealer doesn't handle
this product send us $1.00 and we will mail
it to you. Honey refunded if not sat
isfied. All Dealers ll.OO All Dealers
Card-Hawkins Company
franklin, Neb
French Promoters May Side
track Champion in
Favor of Boston
"Tar Baby."
Milwaukee, Jan. 6. There is a
possibility .that Jack Dempsey may
lose out for the chance for the quar
ter of a million dollar purse, pro
viding present plans of Monsieurs
Vienne and tiecoin, the French pro
moters, materialize, according to B.
F. Steinel, Milwaukee, representa
tive of the French promoters.
Howard Carr of Chicago, man
ager of Sam Langford, colored
heavyweight, was in Milwaukee
Tuesday conferring with Steinel and
while here, he accepted the cabled
offer of the French promoters to
bring Langford to Paris for a, series
of bouts, which it is expected to
lead up to a battle with Georges
Manager Carr will leave late this
month or early in Februaryand in
George Wilson, also another heavy
weight boxer, to France.
According to the present plans
Langford is to engage in three bouts
in Taris, the first one with Niles,
ex-heavyweight champion; the sec
ond with Paul Hams, present title
holder, and the final bout with Car
pentier. The French protnoters
have namd the terms under -which
Langford is to box and Carr has
accepted all of them.
Jack Kearns, manager of Jack
Dempsey, in a letter received by
Steinel said that he had the mimcr
our offers under consideration at
present and that he did not intend to
close with any one for some time to
Indianapolis Sells Reilly.
Indianapolis, Jan. 6. Jack Hen
dricks,) general manager of the In
dianapolis base ball club, announced
the sale to the Salt Lake club of the
Pacific Coast league of Duke Reilly,
outfielder, who has played with the
Indianapolis club every season but
one since 1912.
It Ml 1-11
No Official Notice Is Given
Out, But Writers Esti
mate From $125,000
To $150,000.
New York, Jan. 6. The most
popular indoor sport in f ew York
today was guessing how much the
New York Americans paid for
Ceorge II. (Babe) RutlT, the home
run monarch. The nearest approach
to anything of an official nature was
the smiling admission of -Colonel
Jacob Ruppert, the Yankees' pres'i
dent, that he understood an offer ol
$100,000 for Ruth was refused last
summer by Harry Frazee of 4he
Boston club. Sporting writers esti
mate the price paid from $125,000 to
$150,000. '
Followers (5f the national pastinie
recalled -that it was not so many
years ago' the base ball world was
staggered at the news that the New
York Giants had purchased Rube
Marquard for $11,000. Since then
the sale of d;amond stars has mount
ed even faster than the high cost ai
living. Until the sale of Ruth yes
terday, the record price was $50,000
and-two plnyers paid by Cleveland
lor Tris Speaker and $50,000 by thj
Chicago Americans for Eddie Col
lins. In commenting on the purchase of
Ruth, Colonel Ruppert said:
"Thts is our answer to those who
would like to drive us out of base
ball. We entered into negotiations
for the famous player 'in. pursuance
of a definite policy to give the club's
loyal following in New York an ag
gressive, strong, well-balanced
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Baring: Winter meeting of Cuba-Amer-iean
Jockey club at. Havana.
Wrestling: Earl f arfilork againxt "Cy
clone" Hums at lloston; Henry ordeman
agalnnt Marin FleHtinn, at Chicago,.
Boxing: I'ete Herman ngulnfrt Johnny
Kltchle, 10 round at ISew Orleans: I'atNey
(line againnt Kdclie Fitzgimmon, 111
rounds, at Detroit; Willie Median agalnat
Gunboat Smith, four -J-mind, at Oakland,
Cl.; Hat NrlHon agolntit Ked Allen, 10
rounds, at Ponghkeepsle, N. Y.
Huggins Closes Deal.
Tos Angeles, Cat., Jan. 6. Miller
Huggins, manager of the New York
American base ball team, left for
home late Tuesday, announcing be
fore his departure that he had closed
with "Babe" Ruth to play with the
New York Yankees thiyyear.
Huggins said that he and Ruth
had come-to satisfactory terms and
everybody concerned was satisfied.
He declined to stat just what sum
was paid to the Boston club for
Ruth, but said it was about $125,000.
Rtitli, according to Huggins,' had
expressed his satisfaction with the
change and said he would try o
break his batting record this season
in New Ycrk. ' y
Forecasts Further Deals.
New York, Jan. 6. The deal by
which "Babe" Ruth, the homerun
slugger, was obtained by the .New
York Americans is the forerunner
of a number of transactions con
templated by the Yankee club own
ers to bring other star players to
the team, President Jacob Ruppert
announced Tuesday night. It is
hoped to put the deals through be
fore the winter, is over, he added.
Bresnahan Buys Pitcher i
Dubuo for Toledo Club
Toledo, 0.. Jan. 6. Outright pur
chase from the New York Nationil
of Titcher Jean Dnbuc was an
nourrced Tuesday by Roger Bresna
ban, president ot the Toledo ctuhl
of the American association. The) ,
purchase price was not named. Thi
gives Bresnahan four nitchers to
date, Markle, Nelson and Carpenter
having been released to Toledo by
the New York Americans.
Martin to Meet Moran.
Des Moines, Jan. (5. Bob Martin,
heavyweight, has been matched for
10 rounds against Jack Moran of
St. Louis, former lieutenant in the
United States air service, January
20, it was announced here.
Home Values Have
Doubled Are You
Fully Protected?
You are if you specify or use
Fullerton Paint becfuse it's in
cured for 5 years and will pro
tect your home against ruin
and decay.
The home that Is worth protect
ing is surely good enough to beau
tify on the interior. And Silk-Tone,
"The Beautiful" Flat Wall Fininh,
is the paint that combines the soft,
rich tone of water colors with the
smooth sanitary surface of enamel.
It is washable, durable, and easy
to apply.
Mullin Paint
313 South 14th Street,
Omaha. Neb.
All Makes
Special rates to students.
O. 4121. 1905 Farnam St
- OI"'(" "' I 'WffltegJI
1 "- 1 .-.Lin , -u. . .- . j " "" ' J3J ' S " -
'fxS??1 3 We are pleased to announce that oar efforts S 'jT
, ,Vs- PMYfi;, B w"ere aPPrcci"ted. In 1919 we did four times B" , "
3 the amount of business as in 1918. J 5 A '
J'S 1s-,k P T --a'sU S "THERE'S A REASON" . " S 7,
' ' ji--TV&p a 1 Si'W 3 CALL TYLER 1000 AND LET US '5 -
&.VMlWW,r tA y-'-. iiSs. 43r.- x i""