Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Jree Aewltted Fm, of which The Bea Is a munbu, It z
eleslnU eDJIUed is the uss for puMlcUoa o( eU cm dltpatthes
oreaiu la Man etaerwlat aredltaa' la tola rapw, and else
m Hn iDuuN unu au naste at puuioeuoa at aw
EwirZamtafpwZu&'rmiS Wanted? Tylei 1000
. -F,r Nlfkt aad Sunday Service Calli
pUfcflal Depertaent . . . . . . Tjlr lHWt
nieuleUaa Department ..... Tjltr loull,
adnrtttlng tMwrtjMnI . . . . . . Tjl 1008 1.
Bona Office, Baa Boll dine 17th sod ramam.
Branca unices:
Anna alio Nona Mth I Park
Veaeok 1U Military An. South Blda
Council MaR 11 Scott St. I Wilnut
Ont-ef-Town Of flees i
K Vail Offlat rtfUi At. I Whliiftoo
Caieeea linn Bid. I Lincoln
Mil l-sawr. worth
nil N Street
IK North tOt
1SU 0 Street
1330 H Stmt
Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505
Aran emulation for th month subscribed and awora a by
B. B. Raiaa. Circulation Manatsr.
Subscribes leaving the city eheuld hara Tha Baa mailed
ta than. Addreae changed aa often aa required.
Vou should know that
Over $700,000,000 worth of farms
lie within 40 miles of Omaha, the
average value of the farm holdings
being above $36,000.
What The Bee Stand Fort
1. Respect for the law and maintenance of
.2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime
through the regular operation of the
3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of
inefficiency lawlessness and corrup
tion in office.
4. Frank recognition and commendation
of honest and efficient public service.
5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true
basis of good citizenship.
The city planning board can be spared. '
Mr. Bryan also has a message for his party.
The match always finds the leak in the gas
East and west are getting closer together
on the air route.
v"' Machine guns for Omaha banks? Nonsense.
Reorganize the police.
, The city commissioners are finding out that
Omaha is a growing city.
Will the governor accept the bar associa
tion'! choice? Watch him.
. Only one more day to wait for the presi
denfi message to the democrats. Be patient.
Omaha must pay for fire protection either
hire and equip firemen or settle with insurance
: companies.
, Talk about refinement of cruelty Germans
are now required to look at motion pictures
showing Allied victories t
Allies are to act in concert to save the reds
in Hungary from execution. It will be heaping
coals of fife on asbestos heads.
Italy denies any intention to conclude a
separate peace with Austria. Hardly necessary;
Italia Irredente no longer exists.
Another man who should receive attention
from Uncle Sam is the millionaire parlor coal
digger who finances radical movements.
The "soviet ark" is reported to be headed for
the Mediterranean. That is nice; the passen
gers may get a few days to stretch their legs
along the Riviera.
Premier Nitti is now in London, talking
matteri over with Lloyd George. This is not
secret diplomacy, it is just the European way
of settling disputes.
Admiral Jellicoe visited Wall Street as a
spectator, on Friday. His impressions are noi
given out, but' he probably wished lie were safe
back on his flagship in the -North Sea.
The president is to send an "important word
of greeting" to the democrats on Jackson's day.
It would be a lot more interesting if old Andy
himself could be connected up with the ouija
" Watch the coal step upwards. Miners'
wages are advanced 14 per cent; operators are
forbidden to increase prices; wholesale dealers
. in Chicago mark coal up 14 cents a ton; re-
toilers follow suit with 60 cents. Write your
swn answer.
'. One of Senator Watson's charges against the
employes of the Federal Trade board is sus
tained by the Department of Justice, whose
agents have arrested one of Mr. Colver's statis
: tieians as a member ,of the communist party.
This also supports the Gladstonian classifica
tion of statisticians.
Progress in Chemistry
. The world war has been the cause of many
evils, but it has done at least one good thing
for the United States in helping it to attain its
chemical independence. In that connection the
j advances made in the manufacture of high ex
plosives and of deleterious gases will occur
" readily to the mind. Aside, however, from the
, military point of view, the" need for certain
chemicals used in the practical arts began to be
felt very acutely when the supply was cut off
soon after the commencement of the war in
' 1914. Thrown on their own resources, Amer
ican chemists proceeded to experiment and in
I comparatively short time were able not only
; to manufacture dyes, but also to put to use
many rare materials, for the supply of which
in ante-bellum days Ihis country was almost
wholly dependent on Germany and Austria.
For example, the rare earths from which
- cerium, thorium and mesothorium are derived
come principally from India, Brazil and the
Scandinavian countries, but the Germans had
i seenred a well-nigh monopolistic control of the
handling of these elements by importing the raw
' material and putting it through the processes
lecessary to make it a commercial asset They
; then shipped it to all parts of the world, includ
ing the United States. For the last year or
two American industrial chemistry has made
wonderful stride by processing this raw ma
terial at home and thereby saving considerable
UPCWt WilhingtOl. Star, :
To the women who will vote for president
for the first timt in 1920 Chairman Hays of the
republican national committee has a message.
That he voices the sentiment and purpose of
the republican party is not to be doubted. He
The republican party offers the women
verything we offer the men. The only just
rule for a political party is that the rights of
participation in the management of the par
ty's affairs must be and remain equally sacred
and sacredly equal.
To thli all members of the republican party
will subscribe. It is a fundamental, vital prin
ciple of the institution. All its members are on
the same footing with regard to the share each
has in the affairs of the party, each contributing
In service and support to the success of the or
ganization, 'which stands firmly for that sacred
equality of all before the law on which the re
public is founded.
The time is here for the wiping out of all
artificial differences within the party, so that
all republicans can again march under the same
banner, keeping step to the same tune, and ani
mated by a single impulse, that of giving the
country the best government humanly possible.
No new place is to be made for the women t
Those who have hitherto voted know that they
are members of the great political party whose
principles meet their approval. . Those who
have newly come into the franchise may be as
sured that they are welcome and will share
alike with all others. They are not to be set
apart in a division by themselves, but will come
into the great body of voters and be given full
recognition from the first.
Chairman Hays expresses another sentiment
that deserves consideration. "I do not ask that
all women become republicans," he says. "To
which party you belong is of less consequence
than that you belong to some party, that you
seek the truth, find it out and then act, and act
continually." When the women have sought
out and discovered the truth, it will not be the
republican party that will suffer.
Is Bryan a Nebraskan?
Has William Jennings Bryan forfeited his
right to be classed as a Nebraskan? Not such
a long time ago he was commended to the
voters of this state because he was "a good
neighbor," and his residence was not ques
tioned. Since then quite a bit of water has
run under the bridge. The great commoner
has accumulated so many homes it keeps him
busy visiting them, all, but the faithful have
always insisted that he belongs to us, and we
know he comes here to obtain his seat in the
democratic conventions. But here is a repudia
tion of him. In the New York Times this item
The New York Daughters of Nebraska the
other day, at a reception in the home of the
president, Mrs. Dexter D: Ashley, 346 Lex
ington avenue, expressed themselves as not
being interested in any future political move
taken by William Jennings Bryan. The presi
dent of the society said that she "did not wish
to talk about Mr. Bryan at all."
Dr. William J. Taylor, who at one time
lived across the street from Mr. Bryan at Lin
cold, said that he no longer considered him as
a Nebraskan, and believed that was the gen
eral attitude of most persons from that west
ern state. When one of the women was
asked if the Nebraska society planned to give
Mr. Bryan a reception when he comes to New
York, she answered: "I have not heard that
he is coming, and I hope that I don't,"
Who are these "Daughters of Nebraska,"
that they presume to tear from the peerless that
right of designation to which he himself has
clung and on which so many devoted admirers
in this outland of America viewed from Lex
ington avenue lovingly hang? No longer a
Nebraskan? Shucks! Maybe those dear women
who now make their homes in Gotham are not
authorized to speak for Nebraska on this point.
The Legion and Berger.
The Bee has a letter from a man who says
he is a member of the American Legion, pass
ing through on his way to Denver. He excepts
to the action taken by the local Legionaires at
their meeting last Friday, on the ground that it
amounts to an entrance into partisan politics.
The protest then voiced by a member of the
Legion is renewed. It is very plain that the
writer, in common with the young man who
raised his voice at the meeting, does not en
tirely comprehend the situation as regards the
case of Victor L. Berger. Berger's politics
have nothing to do" with his expulsion from the
house of representatives. He sat there once as
a socialist, voted as such and was listened to
as such. Meyer London has had a similar ex
pcrienre. Berber was expelled from the house
of representatives because of dislfiyal conduct
during the war. He is under a sentence of
twenty years in the peni'.entJary because of that
conduct. He is unrepentant, but defiantly re
peats his offense, and asserts he will continue
to do so. No amount of explanation can pal
liate the action of the Wisconsin voters who
have affronted the entire United States by their
action in voting for this man, who impudently
scoffs at the government and all it stands for.
The American Legion has shown only its pa
triotic spirit in demanding that Berger be de-.
nied a seat in the house. It is scarcely possible,
though, that such a request is necessary. The
house is not at all likely to stultify its record.
Air Mail and Aviation.
Earnest advocates of the extension of gov
ernment support to aviation are fond of depict
ing how we as. a nation have lagged behind
Europe in the matter of aerial navigation. They
point to the transatlantic flight, the flight from
England to Australia, and to our unreadiness
in the war as proofs of neglect. All of these
things seem to support their contention, but
against it may be set the fact that no nation
has made greater practical use of the flying
machine 'than the. United States. When the
first regular air mail service was established be
tween New York and Washington a step for
ward was taken. It began the adaptation of
the airplane to commercial uses. Steadily the
service has been extended, until now it reaches
Omaha on its transcontinental course. For
the time this city is the western terminal of
the longest air-mail route in the world, daily
passage on regular schedule between here and
New York, now possible and only awaiting the
passage of another twenty-four hours to be for
mally established, exceeding by many miles in
length and by many pounds in weight the ef
fort of another nation at similar accomplish
ment Aviation is not being neglected to its
lasting hurt in America, but is really being fos
tered along practical lines, to a point where the
industry will stand on its own feet, and not de
pend on government aid or military uses for its
Revolting the, Moral Sense
, From the Minneapolis Tribune.
The sheriff of Cook county, Illinois, Ignor
ing (he plea of Governor Lowden and other
high-minded citizens, men and women, hanged
a murderer in the Chicago jail, with 200 othet
prisoners as involuntary witnesses. He ex
plained that he wished, through the gruesome
spectacle, to produce upon these prisoners a
moral effect that, he believed, would redound
to their good and henct to the good of the
community. -
To put into practice a theory of hi, this ex
ecutant of the law took an entirely undue lot
upon himself. He violated the spirit, if not the
letter, of an Illinois law. He failed to take suf
ficiently into consideration the moral sense of
the people' of his city and state.
Time was in Illinois and other itates when
legal executions were more or less public spec
tacles, but that was long ago. In this more en
lightened age it has been the custom under the
laws of most states to carry out capital sen
tences in the presence of a limited number of
persons, including the sheriff, his deputies, an
attending clergyman, an examining physician,
visiting official and representatives of news
papers or press associations. The purpose has
been to avoid, rather than to cater to, publicity..
Reputable newspapers generally respect the
purpose that underlies these laws. They do
not, as in other days, spread minute descrip
tions of hangings and electrocutions all over
the front page as feeders of morbid curiosity
and sentiment. This Chicago hanging "lesson"
is repugnant to the public sense of decency and
propriety. It smacks of frontier days. It is a
reversion to obsolete ideas.
Even if it be granted that the Cook county
sheriff is correct in his statement that there is
too much coddling of criminals these days; if
it be true, as he says, thatwell meaning but
misguided reformers and sociologists are doing
more harm than good in promulgating their
ideas of the proper treatment of criminals, it
does not follow ,that he should take upon him
self arbitrarily as a public official the doing of
that which revolts the moral and social sense
of a whole city, state or county.
That the correctness of his theory was not
borne out in practice in this case seems to have
been established by the hooting and cat-calls of
the unwilling witnesses who were more inter
ested in having breakfast than in the modus
operandi of putting a murderer legally to death
in the name of retributive justice.
The 1920 Census
The years since 1910 have seen great world
events directly affecting the census of 1920, now
in progress. The Tripolitan and Balkan wars
and the great conflict with Mitteleuropa have
so blocked immigration and set up eastward
counter currents that an increment possibly
smaller than that of 1910 is looked for. Yet if
that increment should shrink from 16,000,000 to
14,000,000, what a record will remain 1
Few estimates of the population" of the
United States proper fall much below 106,000,
000 and in this swiftly swelling mass the pro
portion of foreign-born is much lower
than it was 10 years ago. German
scholars should have warned their war
lords in 1917 that they were affronting a nation
more numerous than that which Spain had
fought by an addition greater than the entire
Austrian empire a nation more nearly native
American than it had been for years.
In other respects than numbers the change
is startling. National wealth has so leaped up
wardboth in fact and in appearance, owing
to the marking up of assets that most esti
mates are probably too timid. Bold ones who
guess at $300,000,000,000 may be nearer right.
In 20 years the value of farm products and de
posits in banks, unfailing indices, have quadru
pled. The value of a single year's manufac
tured product exceeds the entire wealth of any
second class nation and some of the .first-class
ones. The epoch-making changes in shipping
and in national gold-holdings are indices of
Unless such bewildering developments shall
be accompanied by a sterner sense of public and
private duty and of responsibility for our broth
ermen in every continent, they are a source of
weakness, inviting cupidity from without and
extravagance and class conflict within. No
census can measure or assess the American
spirit This, too, we may hope not unreason
ably, will continue to share in the growth of
Wonder Land. New York World.
Adding to Our Information.
Recent statistics show that money is more
plentiful than ever before. How ignorant we
would be if it weren't for the statisticians! At
lanta Constitution.
T3u ,lrtfiur "Brooks "Baker
He serves his fellow creatures in the legisla
tive hall and votes with great discretion in the
interests of all, for though the way to do it
might be hard for you to find, it's clear as finest
crystal to, the Charles L. Saunders mind. He
has the finished wisdom which would naturally
he an attribute of one who's solid with the
G. O. P.
v But merely being a senator at Lincoln's cap
itol impressed him as a field of work too cir
cumscribed 'and small. He aimed to be a con
gressman at Washington, D. C, but, since Ne
braska has so few so practical as he, the voters
kept hinj here to plan and labor for the state;
his gifts could not be wasted in aerial debate.
He bossed tlj.e census taking which was done
in 1910. (Sa, tempus sure does ftigit it is
census time again). He counted up the citizens
composing Omaha,, since when a flock of cou
ples have been labeled Ma and' Fa. a host of
then unheard-of folks have dawned upon the
view, until the whole tremendous job must now
be done anew. ( ,
The ladies are admirers of his admirable
smiles, and with 'but slight v encouragement
would follow him for miles; and more than one.
so says report, would follow him for life, but
still he, waits and hesitates and.willnot take
a wife. As has been said, decision is embar
rassingly checked by wide extension of the
field from which you may select.
Nexa Subject Thomas P. Reynolds.
The Day We Celebrate.
Abel V. Shotwell, county attorney, born
188 J.
Rear Admiral Casper F. Goodrich, U. S. N,,
retired, born in Philadelphia 73 years ago.
Sir Gordon Hewart, attorney general of Great
Britain, born at Bury, England SO years ago.
Rev. Charles A. Richmond, chancellor of
Union College, born in New York City 68 years
ago, ,
George Brownson-Howard, author and play
wright, born in Howard county, Md. '36 years
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
Mrs. S. S. Ewell and daughters of New
York were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
C. L. Chaffee was elected president of the
new city council.
J. L. Brandeis, senior member of the 'firm
of J. L. Brandeis & Sons, left for an extended
trip east. , " 1 '
A quiet wedding occurred at the Holy Family
church at 8:15 a. m., in which Mr. A. H. Lee
and Miss Jennie Murphy were the principals.
Mr. R. C. Patterson, just returned froim
Europe, sold his interest in the Mechanics and
Traders bank and retired from the presidency
of that institution.
Our Free Legal Aid
State your case clearly but
briefly and reliable lawyer
vvill furnish the answer or
advise in this column. Your
name will not be printed.
Let The Bee Advise You.
M. R. Please let me know whether
a policeman who recovers stolen
property for which the owner has
offered a reward, la entitled to the
reward and whether such reward
can be recovered where the owner
refuses to pay?
Answer: A police officer who in
the performance of his duty as such
recovers and returns to its owner,
stolen property is not entitled to re
cover a. reward offered by the own
er for such recovery and return.
False Imprisonment.
A Constant Reader. Please answer
the following under your legal advice
column. How long does it take for
statute of limitation to run on a
damage suit for false arrest and de
tention? Does the statute of limita
tion run for the same on resident
as It does for non-resident of state?
Answer: One year.
Chance for Reprisal.
Perhaps the relatives of the mas
sacred Armenians may find some
comfort in the report that an Amer
ican dentist has been in attendance
on the sultan of Turkey. New York
. Very Important Nowadays.
A Philadelphia clergyman says
that negro automobile labor Is better
paid than labor In the pulpit. But,
dear man! negro automobile labor is
very important in the rriodern
scheme of living Rochester Herald.
What He Understood.
General Ludendorff cannot speak
a word of English. But the Ameri
can and British armies, speaking
through tholr guns, managed to
make him understand what they
were driving at. Boston Transcript.
Slipping Into the Country.
It is said that more Russian reds
are slipping into this country than
the government is sending out of it.
And the statement would still be true
if only half a dozen had slipped in.
Kansas City Journal.
Who Is Helping?
Who, If anyone, is doing anything
to help win the war on high prices?
Atlanta Constitution.
Moment of High Hope.
On of the advantages of the free
electricity in the air these cold morn
ings is that what little hair the middle-aged
man has stands on end so
he thinks' for a few fleeting moments
that new hair is coming in. Grand
Rapids Press.. ,
Send Them All Over.
Bolshevik "Ambassador" Martens
declared that all anarchists deported
from the United States will be wel
comed to soviet Russia. Let's send
the whole bunch over. Columbus
A Timely Suggestion.
It Is suggested that we keep our
coal this winter in the empty sugar
bowl. Amsterdam Recorder.
. More fish Is eaten by the Japanese
than any other nation.
In the Amazon there are known
to exist at least 2,000 species of fish.
Reptiles rarely die in day-light
usually between nightfall and mid
night . (
In Samoa nearly all babies are
taught to swim before they are two
years old.
Needles were first made in 155,
when the making of 10 was a good
days work. f
Soundings have been obtained over
all parts of the ocean, even in the
two Polar seas.
In the English language there are
more surnames beginning with "W"
than any other letter.
Thackeray used to lift his hat
whenever he passed the house in
which he wrote "Vanity Fair.",
When a Tartar invites an honored
guest to eat and drink he will take
him by the ear and lead him to
the table.
The sound of a bell, which can be
heard 45.000 feet through the water,
can be heard through the air only
456 feet.
In Sweden the doctors seldom
send bills to their patients. Each pa
tient pays what lie deems Just or is
able to give.
Physicians of Spain are by no
means well paid, and they are ex
pected to attend the poorer classes
without any charge at all.
The largest pin factory is in
pirmlngham. England, where some
thing like. 50,000,000 pins are man
ufactured every working day.
France has 'some 5,000 miles of
canals, which are broad and deep
enough to carry ba;-ges of six feet
draught and of 300 tons burden.
Ostriches are the largest feathered
crfHtures existing and one of these
birds will sometimes measure eight
feet in height and weigh 300 pounds.
Butterflies, which are very pro
lific in Australia, are suffocated in
millions by the aborigines, and, sep
arated from their wings, pressed into
cakes and eaten.
An "odd and highly remunerative
employment is that of those men
and women who make a business of
inventing cable codes for large
.financial houses and merchants deal
ing in overseas trade.
In Japan spiders spin their webs
on the telegraph wires so thickly
that the current is somtimes seri
ously affected.1 Sweeping the wires
is frequently a waste of time, as the
spiders immediately begin spinning
as fast as before.
"Philip, I think you married me for
money." t
"Well. dear. I believe I earnad U,
don't you?" Houston Poat.
"A woman ta mora graceful than a
man," onaerved tha Sage.
"Not when she's getting off a atraet
car," commented tha Fool. Cincinnati
Chase (growing bald rapidly). Old
man, what's a good thing to keep the
hair In 7
Erase (bright young man) Cigar box.
Fort Bayard News.
"My boy, John, says be gata mighty
poor food down at cnege."
"Tea? William hasn't complained yet
about the food, but be Bays the gasoline
la fierce." Judge.
Mlsa Falrlelgh (from Vermont) I fe?l
limt In all this noise and hurry of your
b!r city.
Mr. Smart If findings la keepings.
Miss Falrlelgh, I'll head a search party.
Boaton Transcript.
"I tapped him on the back and I aald,
'Well, old chap, you're a regular feller." "
"And. by George. It was a girl."
Louisville Courler-JourMal.
The ex-soldier was watching the rob
holystone the deck.
"Thank . Heaven!" he exclaimed. "w
didn't have to go out and ecrub No
Man'a Land every morning before break
fast." The lorae Sector.
Church What does her husband dot"
Gotham He'a employed by tha city.
"Oh. Is that It? I thought ha worked
at aome thing!" Tonker'a Statesman.
Claudia propped her elbowa on the
seawall and gaxed entrancedly over the
bay to where the great dreadnoughta
loomed like grim battlemented Islets.
"Tha lambs 1" aha breathed. London
For Boy and
There is plenty of fun in any hike
for the right kind of boy or girl,
but there is more punch in it when
you have an object in view when
you start out with the idea of ac
complishing something besides
cooking and eating your dinner.
The woods and fields offer scores
of interesting things as objects for
a hike, more than yod can take up
in a year and all' having to do with
woodcraft. Here are some sugges
tions that will set "your mind and
memory to work. You will be able
to find others for yourself.
Hunt for the trailing ground pine,
gather it, and take it home. Try to
find where the winter birds hide;.
Identify trees by their winter buds,
bark, and shape, Locate softwood
and hardwood trees. Find the outlet
neixor? n rK I
cone, wm, ov
I boats, -10 ram
of a lake or pond. Gather pitch pine
knots to make your . home fires burn
brightly. Identify animal and bird
tracks in the snow.
This list of Don'ts and Do's is an
other help toward the full enjoy
ment of a hike. ,
DO be sure your feet are in good
condition before you start.
DON'T wear new, tight, high
heeled, or pointed-toed shoes.
DO let your outer coat be warm
but not too lon or cumbersome.
Long coats are tiring because they
hamper your movements.
DON'T wear anything you are
afraid of spoiling.
DO take only good walkers with
DON'T neglect to tell your family
where you are going and when.
DO carry notebook and pencil.
DON'T forget anything you are
to take with you.
DO all of your share of anv work
and be pleasant about it. '
DON T worry, grumble, or whim
per whatever happens.
DO keep your eyes and ears open
to see and hear things of the wild.
DON'T go so far that you will
be tired before you start back.
DO be happy.
(Next, week: "Path Finding.")
Copyright, 120, by 3. H. Millar.
Must Keep Va Quiet.
Hiram Johnson says that Article
X of the league of covenant would
place the world in a stralghtjacket.
Judging by what the world has been
doing these past five years, we'll say
that a stralghtjacket is highly advis
able. St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Americanism and Bolshevism.
Americanism is not a thing, it is
a way Americana live. Bolshevism is
a thing; socialism is a thing. But
nowhere has. bolshevlsm or social
Ism been successfully lived. The
Enough to Proceed On.
Technically we are at war. Tech
nically the radical who does any
thing against thepeace and order of
his country aids the enemy. What
more does the Department of Justice
desire? New Orleans States.
8 -a
.5 ,0
22, .is
24. 28 ? ,4.
Young Citizens
Kjf Adventure
The Census Taker.
"Here boy, what'a your name?"
"Hunting Eye."
"Where dp you live?"
"In the North Woods."
"Well you're sort of out of my
territory. If you want to get in on
this census, you'll have to get back
up there."
The curiosity of the Indian boy
was now aroused. This man had
started to question him while he
was peacefully standing in -front of
the house of his friend, the mayor,
and he wanted to know the reason.
"What is the census?" he asked.
"It is the counting of the people."
"Oh, that ought to be easy."
"Well, it isn't. It is a big job.
The government has many thou
sands of men and women working
on it. You see the United States
government must know, from time
to time, how many people there
are in the country. So every 10
years, a count is taken of them.
"But the government needs to
know many things besides the mere
number .of people. So instead of
merely counting noses, the census
takers find out a lot of other in
formation about each person. You
can see from looking at this form.
For instance, we find out whether
the person has any property, his
age, color, whether he is married,
if he was born here, if he can read
and write, his native language, his
occupation, whether he works for
himself or for some one else. All
of these things it is important for
the government to know."
"What is done with this?"
"The census is taken under the
direction of the census bureau at
Washington. After we get through
that not only the government, but
everybody can use the figures that
it contains."
(Next week: "The big univer
Copyright, 120, by J. H. Millar.
filing in on these forms the in
formation for all the people, the
material is sent to the census bu
reau. This bureau puts together
the information from all over the
country. Then it puts all this into
a report which it publishes. This
report is usually made up of from
10 to 15 or more books, each one of
them as thick through as your head.
Tt ; riktrihuted to neonle throiieh
the country at a certain price, so
At night outside my window la a rush
and whir of wings,
Aa It the trees and hedgea and all In
sensate things
Were struggling in their slumber to reach
the time that bringa
The glamour and the wonder and the
gladness of new springs.
The mystic sounds of night-time, the
creak of homeward carts.
The whistling of a drover,' the beat of
hidden hearts,
Tha birth-cry of a babe whs on life'a
Journey atarts
Tha aoba of lonely mourners aa aome loved
aoul departa.
The warmth and glow cf night-time, with
doors and windows tight,
In dressing gown and slippers, the old
dog well In alght,
The favorite book, the fireside oh, com
fort and delight!
Indeed, what Is more peaceful than -a
shut-In winter night?
And yet outside my window seems to
come a whir of wlnga.
As If to stir my being with desire for
other things
With yearning for the promise that
pulsing morrow brings,
The enrhHnlment and the rapture, the
fulfillment of new springs!
Carolina Russell Bispham In the New
Tork Times.
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