Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1920, Image 1

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Aily Bee
. Paris. Tan. 6,Miss Maud Cleve
land ot Berkeley, Cat., a graduate
, and member of the faculty of the
University of California, was award-
ed the Distinguished Service Medal
at the American Woman's club for
"conspicuous service" while serving
as head ofthe Red Cross home
communications department of the
American expeditionary forces.
Miss Cleveland recently had
charge at Bit st of the war brides
who married American soldiers and
"were brought to the embarkation
port preparatory to sailing for the
United States.
Cincinnati, O., Jan. 6. Before the
annual convention of the National
Shoe Travelers' association, J. B.
Byrne of Rochester, N. Y.. presi
dent of the association, predicted a
50 per cent advance in the prices ot
.Miocs next summer.
Byrne said that when milady ap
pears on the streets wearing glazed
or colored kidskln shoes she is
wearing something that approxi
mately are worth their actual weight
ill Silver. He also said that there
were plenty of grades of, cheap
leather for shoes, but that the publi:
jd not want them.
Chicago. Jan. 6. Michael (Mike
fie Pike) Heitlcr. proprietor of Burr
Oak inn, a notorious resort, escape.!
w ith a $400 fine ' for contempt ot
court when he promised to leave the
United States if released.
Heitler's attorney said his client
would go to Cuba, where liquor
laws are "less stringent."
Judge Charles M. Foell found
Ileitler guilty of contempt for vio
lating an injunction restraining him
from operating his inn as an im
moral resort.
Boston, Jan. 6. The 400 alleged
radicals gathered in federal rafds
in New England last week gave
voice to their desire to accept de
portation without a" legal battle.
Meeting in the yard of the house
of correction at Deer island, where
they are being held, they discussed
their plight and then, with cries of
"long live the soviet," agreed to
' go to . "free Russia," described by
' one of their spokesmen as the "land
, of the trde liberty."
Ime Kaplain, a leader of the last
Lawrence textile strike, in announc
ing their decision, said they would
demand that they go as political
prisoners in care of the Russian
ambassador and transported in Rus
sian ships', preferably with the red
, Nflag flying. i
, "There are 80 ships ready to come
here for us," he said. The prison
ers selected a committee headed, by
' Kaplain to represent them in re
i ceiving orders and in other mat-
.. ters. . ." - . ' f
, , Officials at Deer island said the
A,prisoners were well provided with
r!f funds. Thwr1 examination will be
f started tomorrow.
New York, Jan. 5. One of
in New York state ended Tuesday
when a jury in Brooklyn, after 10
minutes deliberation found Frank
J. Kelly, negro, guilty of murder in
the first degree Tor slaying Cather
ine Dunn, a maid in the home of
Mr., and Mrs. Clarence Sperry, on
-December 13, last. Next Friday he
Twill be sentenced to die in the
electric chair at Sing Sing prison.
T,tyS prisoner showed no emotion
wiien the verdict was pronounced.
He smiled as he heard his fate and
his features still bore a grin as he
was led from the court room to
Joseph Dunn, 18-year-old brother
. of the murdered woman, has asked
District Attorney Lewis to permit
him to witness the execution.
Sioux City, Jan. 6. A lone bandit,
who gained entrance to the Dr. C. A.
, Moore, home throught a request to
use the telephone, robbed Mrs.
x Moore of $2,500 worth of jewelry
and after locking her in a room,
made his escape.
Boston, Jan. 6. Vienna is starv
ing, Mrs. Diana Mandl, the Ameri-
- can wife of an Austrian army of
' ' ficer, declared when she arrived on
the steamer Cretic, from Mediter
ranean ports today. Her two chil
dren, she said, had been without
fresh milkv since last May.
The peasants hate the Viennese,
Mrs. Mandl declared, and milkmen
send their milk to the city and it
is fed to pigs, while they grease the
axles of their cfcrts with butter,
for the same reason.
" The Cretic brought 2,057 pas
sengers. , TAFT DIVORCED IN '
Reno, Jan. 6. In the brief course
of six minutes, Mrs. Helen Draper
Taft, daughter of former Governor
Draper of Massachusetts, was given
a divorce from Walbridge Smith
Taft, nephew of formed President
Taft, associated with former United
- States' Attorney General Wicker
sham in the practice of law in New
York City. . v
The Tafts were married in Boston,
February 10, 1917, and separated at
Cleveland in June, 1918.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 6. Explosion
of an alleged still in the basement
of the home of S. H. Williams, ac
cording to the police, caused Will
iams to lose his liberty, his home,
his whisky, several inches of skin
' on his face and hands and the great
er amount of his hair.
The police believe a small coal oil
lamp set near the mash to hasten
fermentatiton ignited the mixture
and started a fire which destroyed
-the place and burned Williams se
verely. Williams admitted he was
running the still but denied it, was
the cause of the tire, the police said.
VOL. , 49 NO. 174.
Cttra4 u Mc4-elra natter May It, IMS. 4
Oaaha P. O. infer act t Minsk S. IB7S
By Mall (I yur). Oally. IS.00: StuKty. 12 50:
Dally la Saa.. $6.00: euttlde Mas. aoiLM antra.
Cloudy and colder in east, fair
and much colder in west portion
Wednesday; Thursday fair and
continued cold.
Hourly trntperatureat S
s m. iii ,? i f. m .
H . m St S p. in.
7 ni 1 a p. in. .
h a. in . . ,
10 a. in ..... .
11 . m
S noon.
. .
. .
. .
. .1
. .80
. ..10
4 D. Ill
5 p. in . ,
p. ni . .
T p. ni . .
p. m,.
.Witnesses in Murder Trial
Testify Real Estate Man In,
cited Rioters and Fired Shots
At Body of Negro.
Dupont Mill Near Uniontown,
' Pa., Blows Up Cas
ualties Reported."
Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 6. Ac
cording to a report received by a
Pittsburgh news bureau early this
morning a terrific explosion oc
curred at about 2:30 o'clock in the
Fair Chance plant of the Dupont
Powder company, about six miles
from Uniontown.
The report stated that there had
been several casualties.
Defendant Heard Raging
Against Sheriff by Thomas
Hollister State to Close Its
Case This Morning.
A dozen witnesses yesterday tes
tified in district court that Claude L.
Nethaway, a real estate man, made
inflammatory speeches and urged
the mob at the court house the night
of September 28 ' to lynch Will
Brown, negro. Nethaway is on trial
before Judge Sears and a jury on a
charge of conspiracy to murder.
Thomas Hollister, an attorney
testified that he heard Nethaway
telling the crowd that his wife "was
murdered by a nigger" and raging
against the nigger-loving sheriff."
Martin Sugarman, an attorney,
said he heard Nethaway say repeat
edly to the crowd, "Oh, you nigger-'
"Burn Him at Stake."
James Shanahan, a reporter for
The . Bee, said he heard Nethaway
calling on the crowd to "burn the
nigger at the stake" and "follow
. James ITanberry, a "reporter, for
the World-Herald, said he saw a
man said to have been Nethaway
addressing the crowd at Seventeenth
and Harney street.. He said he
made three speeches and after each
speech started leading a crowd to
the Harney street door of the court
house. ,
Policemen Daniel Lahey, David
Gardner, G. F. Sheehan, Julius
Mansfield, John Holden, John Barta
and Paul Haze testified to seeing
Nethaway . walking through the
crowd and urging the lynching of
the negro. x
Kenneth Metcalf. 3261 Farnam
street, testified that he heard Netha
way making a speech in' front of
the court house about 7 o'clock urg
ing lynching of Will Brown.
Fired Shots Into Body.
E. T. Lazure. a grocer in Florence,
testified that Nethaway bragged that
he had fired three shots into Brown's
body as it hung from, the pole after
the lynching. -
The state will complete iti testi
mony this morning, County Attor
ney Shotwtll stated.
James J. Hughes, a policeman,
was the first witness yesterday. He
was stationed near the Harney street
entrance of the court house the eve
ning of September 28. He said he
saw Nethaway there and heard him
"If they had elected me sheriff this
riot wouldn't have happened, because
I'd give that nigger up to the crowd
in 10 minutes."
Nethaway ran for sheriff at the
last election "by petition," receiv
ing a mere handful of votes. .
Officer Hughes said he was sta
tioned with other policemen at the
south door of the court house when
he saw Nethaway coming west on
Harney street. He was twirling his
hat in one hand and a short cane
in the other and was talking in a
loud voice, the officer testified.
. Followed by Crowd. v
"The people would have that nig
ger long before this if I was sher
iff," Nethaway was shouting, accord
ing to Hughes' testimony. Later he
said he saw Nethaway come back,
going east on Harney street, still
shouting and followed by the crowd
of men who were also shouting to
"get the nigger." .
Sheriff Clark was the first witness
(Continued on Faro Two, Column X1y.)
Couztlan Destroyed and Many
Killed and Injured
Employes of International
Petroleum Company Mur
dered Near Port Lobos, Re
port From Tampico Says.
i Total of Americans Murdered
In Tampico District Since
; April, 1917, Reaches 19
I With Latest Two Added,
Other Places.
Mexico City, 'Jan. 6. Couztlan
was destroyed by Saturday's earth
quake, with 2,000 casualties, includ
ing more than 1,000 dead, according
to official reports given out there by
presidential military headquarters
from advices received from officers
in the Vera Cruz center of disturb
ance. .
The entire garrison at Teocelo
was killed or injured. The dead
numbered 30 and the injured 60.
Virtually all the roads in the sur
rounding district were flooded or
destroyed, according to the reports.
Three hundred dead are reported
at Barranca Grande, near Couztlan.
The water level at Port Barranca
Del Agua rose 25 meters.
Numerous Individual and In
formal Conferences Continue
Among Senators.
No Need for Hysteria
Over financial Needs
Of Europe, Hoover Says
New York, Jan. 6. Herbert
Hoover, , on his , way east in con
nection with relief work in Europe,
telegraphed to his headquarters here
a statement in which he took em
phatic exception to opinions of "Eu
ropean propagandists," both con
cerning the volume of -Europe's
financial needs from the United
States and the contention that , the
bulk of these needs cannot be met
by ordinary commercial credits.
( Asserting that "with our taxes 600
per cent over previous rates," there
is no need for drawing on the Unit
ed States treasury for further loans.
Mr. Hoover states that "aside from
some "secondary measures by our
government, the problem is one o,f
ratification of peace and ordinary
business processes," - He adds that
"by secondary measures I mean that
some dozen cities in central and
southern Europe need breadstuffs
Ltm credit from the grain -corporation
to prevent actual starvation and that
the allies are asking for temporary
delay in paying interest on our kov-
, trnmcnt loajs to them "
Washington, Jan. 6. Disposition
was evidenced by leaders of all sen
ate factions today to await President
Wilson's message at the Jackson
Day dinner of the democratic lead
ers Thursday before taking any
further action in the German peace
treaty situation.
While numerous individual and
informal conferences continued to
day between senators, spokesmeen
of the- various groups said they did
not expect any move in the senate
until after President Wilson's letter
is made public.
The only development, today in
the treaty controversy was the in
auguration of discussion between a
few democrats and "mild reserva
tionists" republicans or mild modi
fications, said to have beeen pre
pared by Senator Kendrick, demo
crat, Wyoming. The draft of these
reservations was said to have been
presented to Senator McNary, re
publican, Oregon, and others of the
"mild reservation" republican group.
The "mild reservation" leaders, it
was said, were told that the Kend
rick suggestions might, with modifi
cations, form the basis of virtually
solid democratic support. The Kend
rick -reservations were reported to
ihvolve verbal changes and elimina
tion of the preamble of the Lodge
reservations and considerable
changes in the Lodge reservations
affecting article 10 and the voting
power of the league of nations.
Mine Workers' Officer
Defends Himself for
Settling Coal Strike
Columbus, O., Jan. 6. Defending
the actidn of himself and Acting
President T. L. Lewis, in argreeing to
kaccept President Wilson's proposal
tor Settlement ot the sott coal min
ers' strike, William Green, inter
national secretary of the United
Mine Workers, declared the only
other alternative was "disaster and
defeat for the miners' organization."
"We could have whipped the coal
operators,' but we could not if we
had wanted to, whip the strongest
government on earth our govern
ment, which had just finished whip
ping Germany.
"If we had not accepted Presi
dent Wilson's prposal of settlement
the powers of- the federal govern
ment would have been turned loose
on us with greater ferocity than
anything we have ever sien," Green
continued. "We knew we had
reached the limit," he asserted as
the delegates with loud applause and
cheering voiced approval of what
he said.
Green's speech followed an at
tempt on the part of some ofvthe
delegates, led by Robert H. Har
lin, president of the Washington
miners, to defeat the purpose of
the motion by Philip H. Murray, of
Pennsylvania, to approve the ac
tions of the officers, by requiring the
award which is to be made by the
president's commission to be sub
mitted to a referendum vptc, or a
convention ' of the Unit.eH Mine
! Washington, Jan. 6. Receipt by
I the State department late today of
' advices that two more American oit
! men, F. J. Roney and Earl Bowles,
had been murdered by Mexicans in
I the Tampico district of Mexico, was
followed by instructions to the
American embassy in Mexico Cify
to urge the Mexican government to
take .every step possible to bring
about the capture and punishment of
the murderers.
First word of the killing of the
two Americans which brought the
total of Americans murdered in the
Tampico district since April, 1917,
up to 12, reached Washington
through private sources. Later the
State department announced the re
ceipt of similar advices and outlined
the steps which had been taken by
the, department' in the case. The
department's information which
came from the American consul said
the .bodies of Roney and Bowles,
who were employed by the Interna
tional Fetroleum company, were dis
covered yesterday.
Submarine Men Sentenced.
The State department was also in
formed during the day in a report
from the American consul at Mazat
lan, Mex.,. that Harry V. Leonard
and Harry" O. Martin, members of
the crew of United States sumba
rine tender Pocomoke, arrested in
Mazatlan,, November 12, after a
street fight with a Mexican, had
been sentenced to two months' im
prisonment. The report said, how
ever, that as the sentence . dated
back to November 12, when the two
bluejaqkets were arrested, their re
lease should be effected January 12.
The killing of Roney and Bowles
was announced by the depn-''-it
in the following statement:
"A Tampico dispatch to the De
partment of State announced today
that F. J. Roney and Earl Bowles,
Americans, , were -murdered near
Port Lobos, an oil loading station
between Tampico and Tuxpam,
Mex., and that the bodies were dis
covered January S. The men weri
employed by the International Pe
troleum company. It is reported
that the men were suspected to have
in their possession pay funds of the
company. i
Want Murderers Hunted.
"The Department of State today
cabled instructions to the American
embassy at Mexico City to imme
diately urge the Mexican govern
ment to issue orders promptly to
put into effect every possible meas
ures for the apprehension and pun
ishment of the murderers, and the
embassy was directed to reo-t spe
cifically to the department at the
earliest possible moment the action
taken by the Mexican govemmeent
in the case. "Similar instructions
were sent to the American consul
at Tampico with a view to imme
diate action by the local authorities.
"The department has called on the
consul to report further details re
garding the murder."
- !
Charge'Murder to L
Cousin of Widow of
Murdered Club Man
Mt. Clemohs. Mich., Jan, 6. At
the request of Attorney Genera:
Alex J. Groesbeck, who headed the
special grand jury investigation into
the slaying two weks ago of J
Stanley Brown, a warrant was is
sued for Lloyd Prevost, cousin of
Brown's widow, charging, first de
grce murder. Prevost has been in
custody without a warrant since last
According to the authorities, their
investigation has uncovered circum
stantial evidence which upsets Pre
yost's alibi. The , evidence also
promises, the officers stated, to in
volve a second man later.
Plan New Strike Call
In Steel Mill Districts
Gary, lad., Jan. 6. O. E. Ander
son, chairman - of the Gary steel
council, announced that picketing of
the steel plants would be' resumed'
next Monday, the day set for with
drawal of regular army troops. Hi
also said it was planned to issue a
sew strike call to bring out of the
mills men who had returned, to
work, but wre dissatisfied with
conditions. It is planned also to re
sume editing of the Steel Strike Bul
letin and holding of mass meetings.
The strike would not he endedt An
derson said, until the ' executive,
board at Pittsburgh called it off. .
- .
(MYlr3 o)nninc,F,9($-
, Phantoms of the Desert
in T AMERICAN jl,L 1 ' 1 1 h- fe -i
. ( LIVES! L, ;f- ( V
dtl'il i! 1 23 Soldiers and sailors ' .''JSSofl' i
i Testimony of Witness Shows
Mrs. Kirk Herself Said She
Expected Assistance of Sen
ator in Husband's Release.
Left Swing Given in Free-For-All
Fight Staged at
Ellis Island.
G.'O. P. DELEGATES othScreams"
PRIMED WITH AT trial of new
ELECTION DAT J hTresUmony Introduced to Show
rnsoner Worried at rian-
New York, Jan. 6. Another raid
was made late Tuesday by Depart
ment of Justice agents o.n the offices
of the Russian soviet newspaper
Novy Mir. Fourteen men and fnc
woman who were attending a meet
ing of the ' communist labor par.-y
were arrested. The agents also
found cards on which were the
names of 1,000 communists through
out the United States.
At Ellis island the first outbreaks
since the beginning of the Depart
ment of Justice raids were reported.
Gregory Weinstein, hailed as Trotz
ky's ylosest friend in the United
States"and "chief of staff of Ludwig
C. A.- K. Marten, "ambassador" of
soviet, Russia, refused to' be pho
tographed and fought desperately
when half a dozen inspectors forced
him to . "pose" for the official
In the women's department 39
feminine radicals rose in a body
from dinner and rushed "movie"
men off the premises. On the re
turn of the camera man with seven
burly inspectors, the women charged
again and swept the place clear after
?. spirited fight. The casualties were
one man badly scratched and an
other decorated with a black eye,
the result of a "left swing" by a girl
yho said she had fought in the Rus
sian women s battalion ot oeatn.
Ask for $1,150,000.
Washington, Jan. 6. Determi
nation of the government to carry on
to the finish its fight to rid the
nation of communist and communist
labor party members, more than
2,500 of whom now await depor
(Contlnned on Fnge Two, Column Thrw.)
Military and Vocational
Training for U. S. Youth
Advocated by Pershing
Davenport, la.. Jan. 6. Address
ing citizens of Iowa and Illinois,
General Preshing made a strong
appeaf for military and vocational
training of the American youth.
A large standing army is not
necessary, General Pershing said, if
backed by a trained citizenship.
"The problems of peace," the gen
eral said, "are often as difficult as
the problems of war. We must
not sit idly and permit the growth
of dangerous social doctrines, but
must oppose them and destroy them.
"I can assure you that the men
who wore the uniform and who are
now members of the American
Legion stand for all' that is worth
while in American citizenship."
General Pershing spent part of
the day inspecting Rock island ar
senal. . -
Fighting in Irkutsk.
Honolulu. Jan. 6. Street fighting
Irkutsk in the anti-Kolchak rev
olution u reported in a Tokio cable.
Questions and Answers' the
Order at the Closing Ses
sion of Midwest Re
publican Women.
Chicago, Jan. 6. Questions and
answers were the order at the clos
ing session of the conference of
republican - women from 14 states
of the mlwest. Delegates left for
their homes, according to leaders,
primed with information on how
to make "a democratic editor print
republican propaganda; how, to per
suade individuals, dissatisfied with
primary results to work for straight
ticket voting; how to hire halls, in
troduce and accommodate visiting
speakers; collect campaign funds
and canvass precincts."
These and many related topics
were explained to the women by
party experts from the oiational com
mittee and from the women's di
vision of the organization.
A vise on Slogans.
While the women were in school,
the national committeemen and
other experienced . political leaders
hied ' themselves to &ecluded hotel
rooms to discuss conditions jn the
states and advise on slogans and
issues. It was indicated that' there
wSs virtual unanimity in that pre
convention talk should center on tho
"sins of the democratic administra
tion." ' - , , N
-The "good will banquet of Mon
day night was discussed freely about
the headquarters of Gen. Leonard
Wood, Governor Lowden of Illinois
and Senator Harding of Ohio, all
managers expressing themselves
satisfied with its happenings and
tone. v
Great Organizing Done.
It 'was lobby talk that a good
deal of quiet organizing work was
accomplished at the dinner given
visiting national committeemen by
Fred W. Upham, formerly treasurer
af the national committee.
The final, breaking up of the con
ference came after a local harmony
luncheon by the women. Mrs. John
Glover South and Miss Mary Gar
rett Hay - of the women's division
of the national committee, headed a
party which left for the--iiitermoun-tain
conference to be held in Den
ver. With them were Mrs. G. A.
Severance of Minnesota; Mrs.
Margaret Hill McCarter of Kansas
and Mrs. George W. Reincke of
Chicago. The. Tacific coast confer
ence will be held in San Francisco,
and will open next Monday.
cee's Condition.
40 Sinn Fein Prisoners
"Go On Hunger Strike
.Cork, Jan. 6. Forty Sinn Fein
prisoners in the Cork jail began a
hunger strike as a protest against
the discrimination sliown by the au
thorities jn the ameliorative treat
ment promised thnn. Some of these
prisoners have already been tried,
while others arc awaiting trial.
,Los Angeles,-. Jan. 6. Except for
expert testimony, the stte closed
its case in rebuttal in the trial here
of Harry New, alleged murderer of
his fiancee, Freda Lesser. Among
the witnesses called bjf the prosecu
tion was Mrs. Alice Lesser, mother
of the dead girl, who expressed the
opinion New was sane.
Lecompte Davis." leading defense
counsel, joined with proseetffing at
torneys in predicting that arguments
would be begun by Thursday morn
ing at the latest. The jury probably
will receive the case late Friday, at
torneys declared.
Early Adjournment'
Adjournment was taken earlier
than usual when. Superior' Judge
Gavin W. Craig, presiding over the
trial., pronounced a ruling advarse
to the prosecution-on a point of pro
cedure. The ruling required the
prosecution to frame a new hypo-,
thetical question for submission to
alienists it had called.
Mr. Woolwine announced his hy
pothetical question would not be
more than half as long as that asked
defense alienists, probably not of
more than 5,000 words, half the num
ber in the defense hypothetical ques
tion. ,
M. W. Moss of Glendale, a suburb.
testified that a few days before Miss
(Contlnned on Pun Two, Column Three.)
Distillers to Appoint
Committee to Confer
With U. S. on Whisky
Cincinnati, Jan. 6. George F.
Deiterle, Cincinnati distiller, has
been authorized to appoint a com
mittee to go to Washington and
discuss with the federal officials
the problem of disposing of the
bonded whisky in the United States.
This was announced at the close
of a meeting of 100 distillers from
all sections of the country.
Of the total of 60,000,000 gallons
of bonded whisky in the United
States, 30,000,000 gallons arc in
warehouses of Kentucky.
No way of disposing of this im
mense " quantity of liquor, valued
at hundreds of millions of dollars,
has been provided by congress, ex
cept by exportation, and even that
will be prohibited after January 16.
Drop Support of Bfyan
1 To Aid James W. Gerald
New York, Jan. "6. The Bryan
League of New York, resurrected a
few days ago for the ostensible pur
pose of'booming William Jennings
Bryan for presidency, announced it
had swung around in support of
James W. Gerard, former anibassa-
dor to Germany!, who has filed in
South Daktota his format notice of
tandidarv for the democratic nomination.
Told H. H. Antles, Pardon Of
ficer Johnson and Bee Re
porter He Thought Kirk
Guilty Only of "Bootlegging."
-: -i .
Lincoln. Jan. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Startling testimony was de
veloped today yat the state com
mission's inquiry into the release
of Beryl Kirk on a "furlough"
signed . by State Senator B. K..
Bushee. A new light was thrown Upon
the connection of the senator with
the, case revealing aspects of' the
affair which appeared to indicate
that for months previous to the
release he had knowledge " of the
case. - '
Statement of Bushee.
That State Senator Bushee did
make the statement that at the
time he signed the , "furlough" lie
believed the chafge was merely that
of "bootlegging," was testified to
bv three witnesses, H. II. Antles
eft the public welfare board; E. M.
Johnson, state parole office and
John E. Kennebcck, reporter for
The Eee, all of whom testified that
Mr. Bushee had plainly and pos
itively stated to them, or iu Iheif
presence and heanug, t'lat he
thought' the charge was onjy "boot
legging." This is in direct controversion
of what State Senator Bushee has
said, that ; he never made such a
statement in excusing his j, act pi
"furloughtng" from the penitentiary
a man under sentence of 20 year;
for murder.
The hearing will continue at 2
tomorrow, at which time, said the
attorney general, he will call a few!
more witnesses .including Gover
nor McKelvte. who is expected be
fore 4. '
Kirk's Hope in Bushee.
The new and startling develop
ment in the inquiry came through
the testimony of Taylor KcnnerlyJ
managing editor of The Bee, wh
was" called to relate a conversation
he personally had with Mrs. KirKJ
about the 1st of July, previous to tlis
signing of the "furlough."
According to the statement Mrs
Kirk made to Mr. Kennedy, shei
was not only expecting at that time!
to get her husband oulof the pen-l
itentiary, but was depending upon
state Senator Bushee to aid her.
Kennedy Was Puzzled.
Mr. Kennerlyxtestified that he Was
puzzled by the statement made bv
Mrs. Kirk, and asked her if she did!
not mean that she expected the gov-l
ernor, or the lieutenant governor td
pardon the man out, but she repeat-l
eo that state benatbr Bushee was
the man. who had promised to aid!
her. . -
Mr. Kennerly testified that he was
much puzzled to know how a mere
state senator could get a tnan out
of the penitentiary, but that he oaid
little attention to the entire iuter-l
view, anyway, as he ha(Lnot been on
,the p jr at the time .of the Mala-I
scliock robbery, was not familia.1
with either the case or Kirk's con-l
nectiou with it, and considered thd
anair of little importance. v
Bushee Saw Attorneys Then.
v Mrs. .Kirk, however, went on Jo
tell him. satd Mr. Kennerly, the de
She aid, testified Mr. KennerlvtJ
that she had already raised $2,06)1
anu in aaawon to tne umaha attor
neys had attorneys at Lincoln, the
state capital. She needed more
money, she said, and she had c;...c
to him because she feared The Re
would oppose her attempts to ged
out her fiusband. her activite inl
raising the money having attracted
some attention at that Inne. "
John T. Dunn, chief of thd
(Continued on Pace Two. Column One.l
Allies Won't Decrease '
Troop Effectiveness in
German Territories
Paris. Jan. 6 An allied note1
handed to the GermSn Ai-fc-t',n r.J
fused to decrease the number ofi
troop effectives destined for the ten
ritories in which plebiscites are ta
oe neia. - ... s,
The note says that noiiparticioa
tion bv the United States in h'nm
posed occupation already has dc-J
crcasca me cnectiveness by onc-4
fourth and Germany's expenses will
dc reuuce-i accordingly and thai
uiereiore. uermany s request for a
lessening of the number of troopJ
is unwarranted:
It is rencrtfd in dinlniwatiV mmr
ters that while it will not be impo4
sioie tor ti:e exchange of. ratihca
uons io iaKe place Saturday, the terc
day, January 12. This is due to difJ
r, . . 1 , . . . ..... . , .,
iiuuic irii-oiiiiici ca oy me con
missions of experts." ,