THE KEK: OMAHA". - MONPAV. JANUART 3, 1920. WANT AD RATES (Cash with order.) per word one day 4e pr word two cneeutlv dajs o per word .,... thre consecutive days e per word ,. ,,r. . .four eonmituttve da 7s pee word five ronxerutive flays 8e per word ......... .six consecutive rias ie per word seven consecutive days and on cent per word for each additional Insertion. No ad tsaen for less than a total of I5c. riiAKr.R 14c per Una .'. , on 'day 84o pr ltn , two consecutive days 33c per tin ...... .three consecutive days 78o pr lln . . .i. . , .seven consecutive daya I.7 per lln thirty consecutive days Card of thank and funeral notice 12c per lln earn day. Thea ratra avply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisement ap pear In both morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. Contract Rate on Application. for convenience of advertiser, want ?d wW be accepted at the fallowing of loe: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Amos Offlc 4410 North :oth St. Park Office .!iJ8 Leavenworth St. South Side 3318 N St. Walnut Offlc IH North 4fltl St. Co. Bluffs fjfflc I -Scott St. THE BEE will not be resvoftslble for more than one -Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered Mr more than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening- Editions 12;00 M. Morning Kdltlnn.' 10:30 P.M. Sunday Kdltlnn 10 P. M. Saturday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. ;0 TUITION at Bt College for eale for $50." any cour..'. Mrs. Slaltt, 27k3 Dav enport. Harney 686't. CORD wood, reasonable and grn. cut eny Fence poyls. .Doug. 7959. CAMERA, full equipment. Cheap. Tyler 338:'. NKWRcd Fox fur for aaie; $50. Douglas IIW' ! ' WK buy used hat. Lerar. 309 Jo.12th. SWWRS'CbLUMNr"" WANT to exchange may new Ford road ster for JO reserved seats, for 'Soldiers of fortune." Call Douglas 6341. DEATHS at FUNERAL NOTICES O'KEEF Uabelle, K. residence 4160 Cass St. Burial 9 o'clock Wednesday morn Ins from St. Cecllas cathedral. In ternment Holy Sepuloher cemetery ffiiNP.RAT. niskcfoRS. Stack & falconer, I "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS " PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. ' Thlrty-th I rd and Farnam. H r. FRED E. FERO. :J " FUNERAL DIRECTOR. i Lady Attendant. Md and turning St. Phone. Douglas ' $77. Amo ambulance. fiEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Emba liners, hooe a. S65. Offlc 8611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, P.oneer Funeral Director. tl Uth St PhonDoulttJOni . TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Tolephofif Dougla 714. 2218 Cumlng St. "DUFFY & JOHNSTON tINDERTAKBRS. TIT B. 18th. Tyler 1878. v FLORISTS. IEE LTLARMON tX!Z"' 18J4 Douglas St. Dougla 8244. I.. Henderson. 161 Farnam. Dougla 128 JOHN BATH,-18th nd Farnam. D. 1000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. 5hB largest display f monument In the United State. FRANK BVOBODA. 1211 8. ISth. Phon Dougla 1876-6218. SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW LOCATION CROSBY NEW FUNERAL. HOME 1018 WIRT STREET - AWAT FROM THE NOISE OF THE BUST STREET, TELEPHONE WEB. 47.. LOST FOUND -REWARDS. 6sT Ladle' black handbag contain ing two $5 bill, some silver and thre log at for "Soldier of Fortune Finder may keep bag and money, but " plea return th tickets. Call Douglas 6M3. TOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tel phon Tyler 800. W are anxious to re iter !ot article -to rightful ownjr. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT CO LOST Mink neekptec .at T. M. C. A., New Tear' night. Finder please call Mis Kaufman, Dougla 228 days, or Harney 141 night. Reward. LOST January 1, brown silk bag with row of lacf containing cas with glasses and lae. Return to 2448 Spalding St. Reward. I.OST Gold-banded fountain pen, between o9 Park Av. and Park Ave. Garage. Call Harney 8422. Reward tOST Tan leather brief Wf B. V R Rwrd. . TJinrr Pcf,lg Bld.- ca: Initialed Return to 3J6 :' 1 I fOST Small grip Thursday- venlng on itrny car une. ieiuru. to '"VB sjtreet. Kewara ovST Gold wrist watch In black leather case. Reward. Mr. Law, Clarkson hos pital, aUJST Bar pin, has 6 Masonlo emblems tet on oar. raxton noiei. imn. OST-New Tear' eve. cameo brooch st Henshaw cafe. Reward. Harney 4033. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. . rtRT.ATRn SHIPMENT SALE. -Several carloads of furniture arrived teo . late for our holiday sales, -will be disposed of at COST PRICK. Here are few of our many REAL BARGAINS: 1350 can and mahogany living room ulte, 1117.60; $275 bedroom suite, three pieces in manogany or wamuu, folding card tables, $3.60 values, only $!..- . STATE FURNITURE C06IPANT, . Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U, P. Headquarters, Omaha. 3 j. 000 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 tove o( ail Kinos, rugs, unoieum, pnon ograph. duofolda. table, chair, ctina and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon ier,', bed, springs mattresses, trunks," sultcaaes. bedding, linen, etc Open till p. m. Credit ir you wish. 1839-47 N. 84th St. Web. 1807. Very high-class apartment, consisting of rooms, can D secured by party nuy Inf furniture. Doug. 8917.. 111 Cass. Ksterbrook Court. Aot. 7. WE sell new and near-new furniture. stove and rug at lowest price; cash or payments. Amcr. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 18. fELLINO OUT good stapls furniture and L.....I..IJ , t i . r .. i - i.e. ncufcuviu .ruur vhv.ja iuuih i b j w Hit Cuming. sffTCKLET llvtng room, oak dining table, chair, rocker. Drays bed; other lurni ture cheap. 4915 Underwood Ave. WANTED TO BUY. y Victory, and Liberty . Bonds- W want Sd, 4th and '6th Issues this week. . Best prices paid. See us before i you sell. ' Security Investment Co., 839 geArtlrs (Row) Bldg. Tyler 273. Highest CspIi Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipt. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 Wm-jd-Herald Bldg. )ougla 8012. . LIBERTY BONDS , Coupon and registered; full N. T market and accrued Interest to dste MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 Plrst Nat. Bay Bldg. Tyler 8644. Wanted at once One 18 or J4-ln. French Buhr mill. A'so 18 tr 24-ln. disc type corn cracker. Phone or writ , Room 410, Harney Hotel, JJmhhs. " ' DESKS' DESKS DESKS New desks; used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. SPOtcaah paid for Liberty Bonds. Room 300 McCague Bldg. N. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sta. WILL buy second-hand clothing, ,hoe and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett. 705 North lth St. WANTED to buy visible typewriter. Douglas 3147. Call ANNOUNCEMENTS. T Accordeon Pleatinsr. ACCOKriV.ON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and style; hemstitching, plcot. edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS vQ. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 310. Baggage and Express. "The Only WayoMV Omaha Transfer Co. HAULING, any kind, best a-rvlce, best rates. Hartung's Transfer, Tyler 1976. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. BflSB, bronze, aluminum and machln gray Iron castings. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing. rebuilding and storm sasl put up. Wal. 1637. " Chiropodists. Cerrle J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Dancing Academics. ITtT'T PTMTi1 School for Dancing JVJjL-lTliNI!i 2424 Farnam. D. 7860. Learn to danc for $4. Class at 8 and danclnr at 9 p. m Monday. Thur., Sat, BEN HUR School and Dancing Academy, at Prairie Park, 26th and Ames Ave. Fanoy, - stage and ballroom dancing class Tues., Thurs. nd Sat., 7:J0 p. m. Dancing 8:45 p. m. Colfax 4923. Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evidence ecured In all cases. Tvlr 1138. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring. Also making-over furs. Doug. 6492. Del mar hotel, 24th and Farnam. DRIossMAKING and ladles' tailoring; men's shirts a specialty. Webster 3002. FOR first-class work, gowns and wrap, call Harney 6101. 2373 California. DRESSMAKING, remodeling and rellnlng coats and dresses. 3015 Miami St. PLAIN 20th. scwirp, also Red 4659. crocheting. (26 S. Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall order o llclted. THE ENSIGN CO., 1607 Howard. Electrical Utilities. T T T T 1Z T M Electric washing machines electric Irons an lamps S223 Cuming St. nd reading Doug. 8519, ELECTRIC heaters, $10.50; vacuum clean ra. 137.50. Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wtlson Electric Co, 1307 Farnam. nTA TWnXTTYQ We pay th. be.t prlc lyiXlluvAi'w Wth privilege to buy back at iiiall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. Uth St. Rei. 6081. W. G. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BARGAINS In slightly, used pianos:" una sany urana. On mahogany upright. On Mahogany player piano. ' All at half price. v C H. Tt-stcher j'inb Repair Factory. Dr. 03. XTHOSPE CO. PIno for rent, $4.00 Everything Id art ancMnuslc. oer month. TOXi SALE A new phonograph (Colum bia), with oriera and latest' hand record etc. Cheap. Addrera T-837. Bee office. E can aave you $50 to $10 on a phono- graph. 1404 t'onge. . uoug. am. ARION piano, ebony case, good condition, Harney 3176. I Typewriters and Supplies.. . N TYPEWRITERS -AND ' ADDING MACHINES - ALL MAKES, bought, told, rented and repaired. Sole agent for th CORONA. Gat our price befor you buy. . Every machln guaranteed. ( Central Typewriter Exc. Tct. 4121. 1 1906 Farnam. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon naner. ribbon ana uppnes. oric. guaranteed. Try us. Phone D-. 603L " OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 15th St HOOVER electric best; delivered. sweeper for rent; Webster 428J th Jewelry. Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rug remade. Tyler 1433 Phone Remodeling Contractors. LESSA RD SON. 8021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, Uth Farnam. J. J. Derlght Sf Co. Sewing Machines. "SWlNGySCHINES W rBt. repair, ell needle and part. - MICKELSV lth and Harney. Dour. 1T- Painting and Paperhanging. PAINTING. paperhanging and paper cleaning. Call Dougla 6322. Printing. Wedding Stationery n 8. Printing Co.. 422 S. 16th St. COCKI.B Printing Compny, 1S1 Mary' Ave. Dnualas 2831. St. Patents.. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own frathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cumlny. D. 2467. 8HOK SHOP for sale; eXabllshed ; best location, machinery. $700. ls Va cen tral. Nebraska City. Neb IF TOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, see us. . . QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Blk. FURNISHED apartment for sale, 4 room and bath, some furniture. Estarbrook Apt. 7. Doug. 8917. GOOD rooming house for sal cheap. Mr. St-hlank, DoukIbb 63S4. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under till claaslflcatlon for soldiers and sailor! and martrea who win how their discharge paper at our offlo In th lobby of Th Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. REFINED American lady, good personal ity, fair education, no incumbrance, no experience In any kind of work, would like position as housekeeper in mother less home, where there are small chil dren; ranch preferred. Address Y-838, Omaha Bee. BEAUTIFUL blonde young lady desire position a theater cashier, " Want to work in theater that will show "Soldier of Fortune," as she loves to b where the crowds are. Call Douglas 6343. EXPERIENCED night maid wishes work. Webster 4393. FOR nurses by the hour and for massage call Tyler 4956 or Walnut 4293. COPY work at home on L. C. Smith type writer, lyier 3093. EXPERIENCED laundress work by day; washing, Ironing or cleaning, Web ster 2365, BUNDLE anteed. COLORED girl wants Ironing or will tay wim cnuaren. weDster iss. LAUNDRY or housecleanlng wanted; periencen. weoster 3D80. EXPERIENCED colored woman want Ironing. Webster 6654. s HOUSE-CLEANING Webster 3240. BUNDLE llvered. EXPERIENCED lady want day work, 40c an hour. Webster 4490. Mrs. Gibbon. WANTED Young men who desire to be come accountants and auditor to en roll In our evening classes In higher accounting. Fit yourself during the winter evenings for a better paying po sition. Enroll now for winter termbe glnnlng Tuesday evening, Jauary (. Reasonable tuition payable monthly. Call and see us. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2d Floor Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of buying and selling of draperies, ruga and linoleum. Position now open. Answer, stating positions held, what capacity and how long. Age and salary expocted. Be explicit. Kaufman & Co., Colorado Springs. Colo. ' YOUNG man 'with some training and ex perience in advertising ror position a Advertising manager for local Institu tion. Salary to start approximately $l,800"o $2,400 per annum. WESTERN REF. & BOND A8S'N., 736 First National Bank Bldg. GENERAL bookkeeper, $150-$200. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., .1616 City National Bank. PATENTS procured fought and sold In- I .inni v.w., -- ternatlonal D. 9L Tailors. Dledrlck. it REISER. L., 21 S. 20th. Tailor, South D. 243$ $06 isth. aim Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes' for amateur theatricals and par- r.nt r T. Lleben & Son. wim. Shine Parlors. otTTXTEM KITINF.' Ht cleaned Vnd blocked. Special ladles' parlor. ' , 1607Vo FARNAM ST. Stationery, OMA HA8iatlonery Co.. $0T- Southl7th BIO reduction In slightly used snd re. built typewriter. Write for list.. Mid lend Offlc Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. BENT an Oliver Typewriter, thre months . for $6.00. Oliver Agency. 1906 Farnam St.. City. . Towel Supplies. FRONTIER" Towel Supply. 1815 Callfornli rw.h. Tnwel' SuddIv. 107 S. JIth. D. 628. Wedding Stationery.- WEDDING gnnouncement nd printing. Dougl Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. Lumber and Building Materials. jtRY H. M. KEVAN.644 SOUTH. 30TH ST. - Store and Office Fixtures. SEVEN four-drawer quartered oak letter file $16 each. Mr. Gamble, Carpenter : PpgrCumnany.Omha, Neb, x ffbR SALE Rial to Shoe" St'or fixture. Aonlv to. Mr. Brandeia or Mr. Herman. 6FFICE fixture and typewriter (lightly used for ssle. 2534 Farnam St.' Miscellaneous. SRAND new $135 Burroughs 5-column adding machine. Never been used. $76. ' Fred Eat. Phon South 4141. 105 S. 31st St. ) t4m matrliMl. tanund mare mules, fat, and 7 year old. ,200 lbs.; sacrifice If given good horn. 211$ : Leavenworth treet. i CstAHA Pillow Co., feather steamed. renovatd and mad up In tiw feather- proof tlcKlng. 10T Cuming D. 346T. VtK buy. Mil and mak desk, safes, show ...e. (helving. tc. Omh Fixture Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D. 3Tt4. JELLING furniture and househvia) good : to' turneeoua to BAentioa. D. 4959. 2421 x Camuia ac BIG OPPORTUNITY For saie or trade for city property or close-in acreage, an old established snd n,n. im-tn-date erocery and meat mar un in th pitv nf Omaha in the best down-town retail location, doing a trlct iv Business and no deMvery. Aver- ' .V. 155.000 oer month. We can PAtlVini,H vol) that the above business Is saving $2,500 P"r month clear. Will, , stand closest Investigation, uooa re son for selling. Address Box T-67. Omi h Bee. ' BJJSINESSHANCES. OfR Xusincb la to buj-'and'acllyour bul- Qu'lCK 6ERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, ill tirown niQK- UROt'KKY attnk nd hullulng In ooi Nebraska town can bethought right. Quick ServU Selling Experts, 414 Brown Block. - Rooming Houses For Sale. Call SITUATIONS WANTED Male. DISCHARGED si. Idler wishes position as chauffeur In private family. Had 13 months' experience while In army. Call Harney 4711. HELP WANTEDMALE. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock aid bond salesmen by reliable ccneern. excellent proposition by th right prty. T 7(i4 Omaha Bee . S."l.KSMKNrKarn more me'ney lit 19:10. Head the Tactician and increase your HIiiii power. Sample book Jh en!. Frank . 'Jul on: Publisher. om hNel. INSURANCE salesmen "desiring to better their condition will do well to carl at Room 6. We.-id Bliig- lMli and Tarns m. SALESMAN wanted to carry easy side line. Fort Dodge Sale C6.,-Fort Dodge., !a. - . Boys. BOY wuted to work Beaton Drue Co. at soda fountain. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. Lester DRIVER wanted for Ford Stepanek, 2217 Farnam. Miscellaneous. FIELD Labor Guide, a book for farm hands, harvest hands, corn huskers and others; new organization plans. Send 36-cent money order to W. Barto, Box 1057, Lin coln, Neb.- ' POSITIONS, locatlona. etc., for doctors. . dentist, druggists, veterlnarlaoa. nurse F, V Knlesf. 212 Be Bldg.1OmahA MEN, aged 17 to 71. who have cot seen the biggest picture of the fax. to see "Soldiers of Fortune. Call Doug. 5343. BRIGHT young man wants position as theater usher. Prefer theater that will show "Soldiers of Fortune." aa I want to see this several times. Call Doug. 6342. Female. Laundry and Day Work. washing wanted. Work guar Webster 2221. 3327 Emmet. BUNDLE washing wated. able. Call Webster 2127. Price reason- by colored woman. WASHING called Tyler 4002. for and ds- HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladle who desire to In crease their earnings to enroll in ou. day or evening classes In shorthand, typewriting,, comptometer and dicta phone, bookkeeping and accounting. Reasonable tuition payable monthly. Call or write Dworak School of Accounting, Second Floor Wead Bldg. Eighteenth snd Farnam. BOOKKEEPER, $25 to $27.60 week. Book keeper and adding macnine operator, in to $20 week. Typist and office clerk, $16. Stenographer, $100, $85, and $75. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. o. w. umg. I STENOGRAPHER for smsll Insurance of fice. Will consider beginner, eaiary fin. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., 736 First Nntlonal Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. $76-$125. Billing clerks, i75-ioi). THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Women with printing experi ence. Good salary, uranaei rnnims Dept., Main Floor. FOR first class office positions see WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. OFFICE girl wanted at once. Farnam. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced harness maker es pecially snoe repair workman. Must be honest; state salary per week In tint letter. John Fry, Crofton, Neb. CHECKER wanted. Apply 2217 Farnam. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL- tAtililMU. Uta ANOELES Y. M. C A. Auto School. TAILOR Klrst-clss coat maker. $46 a week, teady job. W. S. McLoud, Scottsblutf. Neb. WANTED A young man to learn th printing trade. Apply to foreman ef Bee press room. Salesmen and Solicitors. ' INSURANCE STOCK SALESMEN WANTED LARGE. PROSPEROUS DIVIDEND. PAYING INSURANCE' CO. IS INCREASING ITS CAPITAL STOqK ' AND NEEDS TWO MEN . OF PROVEN ABILITY TO PERFORM THE TRICK. IF YOU HAVE HAD EXPERIENCB SELLING STOCK IN THORO'JGHLT LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES, AND If TOO KNOW HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEAD WHEN PROSPERITY SMILES UPON YOU, SEE MR. J. E. SANDERS, HOTEL FONTENELLE, JANUARY t. I, 4 and $. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN AND "SOLICITORS , W requlr th "service ef three solicitor to represent u In city tarrl- tory, experience not absolutely necessary. but men who have bad soliciting or selling experience, wll) find this easy selling proposition, backed by the best premium offer, on the market, weekly drawing account an4 commls slon. Apply before 9:30 a. m. and after noons, 4 to $. MR.' BROPHY, BEE OFFICE,' . CIRCULATION DEPT. STOCK SALESMAN. Wa want an ambitious and determined man with selling experience to ell the aeeiiHtlea of an established Industrial institution over twenty years In busi ness and rjavina dividends of II pet., be sides adding to a healthy surplus. W have a very desirable territory open In the atate of-Iowa and to a producer who can qualify, lead ano co-operation will be given. Apply 431 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. MEN, who are capable of standing prosperity, as advertising solicitor on labor proposition; long steady work and good money lor capable aaveniitng men If you are maklnsr less thn $100 per week, writ me. C. A. Damnation, Den ver. Cole., gen. deL BRANDEIS stores want experienced linen ulMtnffl. steady noflitlon. good wage to right men. Apply uperlntendent' office. SALESMEN Can place experienced or In experienced men, $1,600 to 8M00, city or traveling. Writ for opening. Box T-46. Be. v help Wanted female. Stores and Offices. TO GIRLS AND MOTHERS OF GIRLS. To YOU and for you this tory Is written, especially i it meant for girls who ar about to embark upon a busi ness career. , ' Perhaps through necessity you have had to give up . tho Idea of a higher education. Here Is your cpportunlty our reboot of Instruction offers you a sup plemental course wlth remuneratlon. This eours I given by th American Teleptrono and Telegraph Company a school which I maintamea in umnu and operated by a staff of efficient In structor. ' Tfi work itself 1 very fascinating and a full-fledged long lines operator ts the Important 4ink in weaving the speech of the nation. You -are cordially Invited to visit our office wher questions concerning this unusual opportunity will be answered in detail. Room 318 New Telephone Bldg. ASK FOR MISS BELL. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. The National Organization. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Some gen eral office work, ino private wenuu. Edes Robe Tanning Co., 6001 S. 26th St. Phone South 3Z06. Apply 2217 WANTED An experienced cashier. ply Beaton Drug Co. Ap- Professions and Trades. MANY OF OUR EMPLOYES ARE MAKING . BIO MONEY. WHY NOT. YOU T ' Kvening .work, beginning Monday. WANTED. $0 GIRLS AND WOMEN In eur packing and label department. HOURS 6 TO 10. 1 Clean work, pleasant surrounding, good pay whll learning, and when comj pet en t big wages are assured. Apply - - THE SKINNER CO., Macaroni Department, 14th and Jackson Sts. Tyler 162S. Household and Domestic. GIRL to assist with housework In small family; would accept school girl to work for room and board and car far. Call Harney 3108 Saturday or Sunday. WANTED Woman for housework In change for home and small wages. ex- 42) Neville Block, week days. port on Sunday. 2635 Daven- KXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Reference required. Good wsge. Walnut 1099. 108 8outh Fifty-first street. y ; , MAID for general housework, small fam ily, no laundry, permanent. Mr, i u Conklln. 1911 Lothrop. Webster 666T. CAPABLE whit girl for general house work. Two In family. 604 aoutn stttn St. Harney 4856. . WANTED Capable girl for general house work; good home ana gooa wages, van Dougla 8989. WANTED A girl or mlddl-aged woman to assist with general BouseworK., on .Car av. WANTED Reliable whit girl for general housework, one who cn go nom nigm. Walnut 2544. - H' ANTED Girl to' help with children and econd work. Reference requireo. ir. A. W. Gordon, 1016 8. 38th St. WANTED experienced maid for general housework. No washing. Apartment ius St. Regis. Harney 6494. EXPERIENCED white cook. Mr. Barton Millard. Phone Harney 47. WANTED White cook for plain cooking. 105 S. 49th St. wal. sn. GIRL for general housework; three adult in family. Harney pg. CHAS. L. F1SH- ptatio teacher. -Piano tuner; violin and Colfax 4907. HELP WANTED-rFEMALE. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WAN TED. NOW FOR STEADY WORK, in various departments of the Siow While Bakery. Good pay to good workers. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at once. V ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES ' Capitol Ave.. 12th to 13th Sts. Office Entrance Middle of Block. iOUNQ laly niasaucse wanted at I .a Bella Bath Institute, with some experience 1 7601 Leavenworth. Dougtas 6626 .MOVING AND STORAGE. GCOBK'VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or torag call Tyler 130 or Doug. 433$. Auto or wagon ervicev ouin loin. " METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowtn Co. Ty.8J0j1, UNION TRANSFER CO. LET u stlmats your moving, p ana etorage. ipup uavgnwi- STORAGE rooms for rent reasonable, close In. Tyler 176. ' . WANTED A maid to assist with house work. 3518 Pine St. Harney 6626. Hotels and Restaurants. ,V ANTED Neat colored girl to tables. Good wages. South W47. wait Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored girl for washing dishes. Beston Drug Co. Miscellaneous. MANY OF OUR GIRLS ARE MAKING BIG MONEY, WHY NOT YOUT DAT 'WORK. J , . WANTED AT ONCB). 25 BRIGHT GfRLS AND WOMEN In our packing and labeling depart ment. .. Clean work, pleasant surroundings; good pay while learning, and when com' petent, big wages are assured. GIRLS AND WOMEN of all ages, who en Joy a e;ood love romance, to see "Soldier of Fortune." Call Douglas 6343. ' HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladlea and boy to learn barber trade; big demand: wage whll learning: atrlctly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber Colleg. RAILWAY mail examination, January 17; 91,300 year; list vacanctea tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230 Y, Ro enester, N. Y.x EDUCATIONAL. Apply THE SKINNER CO.. Macaroni Department, 14th and Jackson Sts. Tyler 1626. Miscellaneous. WANTED. MACHINE GIRLS. NEBRASKA 1204 APPLY TENT AND AWNING FARNAM ST. CO. MIDWINTER TERM, MONDAY. JAN. 6. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete couraea In accountancy, ma- chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 16C5 for large Illustrate! catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Dsy and Evening School $20 Omaha Natlonsl Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, vole and piano, 60 Karbach Blk. Studio phon. Red 15. 209 South 16th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER 100U, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK READERS AND AUVEKTIBtwa. ELMS HOTEL. 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clean, modern rooms, $5 per week ana up. NICELY furnished corner room In private home: walking distance Harney car line. Harney 4370. Tnnr in modern home to young ladle employed. 1639 Park Ave. Harney 8198. X . . ?nr JIA. ernlB,l1 momS. Suitable for a ladles or 2 gentlemen. 1618 South 28th St. Harney ait. NICELY furnished rooms, w tance. 2556 Harney St. Rei alklng- 9540. dls- FRONT room in modern, private home, gentleman prererreq. svib miami. FURNISHED room, aultsble lor i gen tlemen, can iiarncy mi. MODERN sleeping rooms. Tyler 3721. 602 8. 22d St. $14 S. 26TH ST. Nicely furnlsnea iront room, modern, private noine. WELL FURNISHEX), comfortable room, private, modern home. Walnut 3265. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE unfurnished furnished. 191 4 room, heat Chicago. and light 6-ROOM cottage Walnut 8610. for rent at 4081 Wirt Board and Room. BEMIS Park District Beautiful . large room for two; phone and bath at door, nrlvate home, two meals. Webster 4056. FIRST-CLASS board. Delia Rlckert, Ty ler 1533. 2124 Davenport, BOARD and room in . private hme. Web ster 266. BOAR0 and room, private family, near carllne. all home privileges, weo. jms, Hotels ELMS Hotel, 19th and Harney, under new management: nice, clean, modern rooms, $5 per week and up. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. WILL aub-lease beautiful Dundee corner anartment with heated garage; will sell .ntir. furlnahina-s to desirable tenant, Furnishings mahogany and Ivory throughout. Address Y 840, Omaha Bee. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STS. v Tvn. nnd three-room aDartment cony pletely furalsbed. Hotel ervlce. Tyler 4200. : ROACHES. tc. exterminated with on .!!. tinn hv contract or sold out rlKht B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 807 Brand. The. Bldg. Doug. 1370. Houses. WANTED Nice, refined couple to share home with widow; reference required. . Walnut 2214. 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch, walking dis tance, near Yates school. so per monm. Will lease. Harney 3144. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. TEN-ROOM chicken coup and acres set In fruit. Douglas 7161. house, with engine house, 6 a ere of lend,lA . 7 2d and Pacific. EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OPERATORS. ALSO GIRLS TO LEARN. BEST OF WAGES WHILE LEARNING. V. P. KIR KENDALL & CO., 11TH.AND HARNEY STS. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney , 6734 day or evening or Tyler 1136 In the evening. EXPERIENCED hlndery girls -wanU-x Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam tr HELP wanted In all department. Laundry, 1(1$ Can 8b Truax North. !6! Charles St., and toilet. $20. 7 rooms, water, gas BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. HOUSE, 7 rooms, all modern, 3607 Hamil ton. Key next door. South. EIGHT-ROOM flat, modern but heat, fine for rooming house; all new; Z7.oo. not i trt. Tyler 1910. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or (ale wltb Realtors. Tyler 729. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. FOR RENT 4-room brick flat, (team- heated. $35. Webater 1640. , FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. Stor room size 22x132 feet, full base ment, electric lights, ga and toilet, centrally located, 1311 Douglas St., $260, vacant March 1. 1920. BIRKETT & CO., 50 Bee Building. Douglas 633. GOOD store rooms, Moon Theater Inquire ' WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Phone Douglas 6342. Bldg. STORE, NEAR P. O.. LOW RENT. G. P. STBBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT Office room, call Colfax 8668. for appointment WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Houses & Apartments. Wanted at Once t rooms for light housekeeping near Fort Omaha. Must have electric lights and gas. Phone Douglas 8655 and ask tor Mrs. Newsom. A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE la desirous of renting a one or two room apartment tn select district, would accept room in exclusive home; no rooming house considered. Will furnish reference. E. W. SEARS, Care Omaha Bee. WANTED Unfurnished or furnlshej spartment, 2 or 3 rooms, Immediately or by .Tanuary 15. Apartment muat have erriciency or tnree rooms within talk ing distance. State price, etc , Call Mr, jumngnani. Tyler loop, MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. r lRErnuvr wantnuuoo. Separate locked room for household goods and piano; moving. , packing "RIiaiia'vaM AND STORAGE CO:L 80 South 16th. Doug. 4193. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Owner Leaving City . . . . . , . ..Iltln. jn oeauurui v.ianiuun. East front, 6-room stucco bungalow, three rooms on first floor, two bed rooms and bath on second; large cloels; oak finish on flrat floor, mahogany and Ivory on second. Oak floors, built-in buffet and other features.. Refrigerator room, full basement, . pressed brick foundation, excellent furnace, double stucco garage; only half-block, to car line. All like new. Paved street.. Phone wainut -Biz. FINE fiOUSE Fine house to rent near 28th and Paclflo streets. Steam heat and aosoiuteiy moo ern. 6-rooms and bath on first floor; two apartment of two and three rooms on the second floor. Will rent the whole house or separate aparlnenta to most desirable tenants only. Hr A. WOLF CO., Tvler 86. HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, 802-317 Wilkinson Bldg. Doug. 681. S. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Nearly-new ,6-room bungalow, 5 rooms and bath downstairs, all finished In oak; one bedroom upstairs. In white enamel. Full basement, on paved street; i blocks to Harny car line. Price $6,600; $2,600 cash; ba'ance easy terms. Call Wa lnut LSI 3. j BENSON BARGAIN Strictly modern. 6-room frame resi dence all on ofte floor, east front, large atlc, 3 lots, close to car. Price $3,800; $1,800 cash will handle. Call Walnut 2812. WANTED to rent 2 or 3-room furnished apartment, close In. Bos T-66, Omaha Bee. WANTED To rent furnished apartment, by family of 4. Box T-4S. Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY CO. STORAGE AND VAN 16T H AND JACKSON. DOUG. 28$. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. , FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. OMAHA Real Estate and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 "Brandeia Theat. Doug. 9. WE have cash buyer for West Farntrn and Dundee home. 'Phone Douglas C074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler It Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Block. 'Phon Tyler 4889. For good homes on good term ' OSBORNE REALTY CO., 480 Bee Bldg Tyler 496. FOR BARGAINS IN homes, Investments and farm. Tebbens CO., 605 Omaha Nat 1 Bank. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN. Five-room frame residence, just com- pleted, only 86.000. Call walnut Z8 1 2. IT'S HERE 1920. List your property for sale wltn A. J. Davis Webster 839. North. STUCCO BUNGALOW Just being completed, 6 fine room on one floor; oak and enamel finish; oak floors; complete in every de-ail: snap at lu.ibo Benson & Carmichael, Tyler 3640. 640 Pexton Block. KOUNTZE ADDITION 8 -room strictly modern house for aale; good condition; corner lot; for white or colored. 1903 Emmet Call Mr. Bert Fox. Webster 4406. NIFTY COTTAGE, 3425 Parker street, modern except furnace. 6 rooms, price $2,750. Quick possession. Call Webster 3637. WE need five and six-room, , modern bouse. Have buyer. Call us today R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-06 Ames. Colfax 176. POSSESSION NOW $506 CASH 6-room cottage, near 20th and Willi: trlctly modern. $3,750. D. 420. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park' wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norris & Norrls, Doug. 4270. BARGAIN In nine-room thoroughly moA ern house, 22d and Wirt streets: cash or payments. Telephone Colfax . 154. FOR COLORED tf-room modern house. newly p.ilnted, close In. $75 cash. Price YOUNG & DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 822 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1751. 92.200. Webster 4160. Miscellaneous. 7-ROOM HOUSE $3,300 7-ROOM HOUSE 2,500 9-ROOM HOUSE ' 4,600 Clore in. All bargains. Q. P. Stehblns. 1610 Chicago BARGAINS In home Invesment prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harrl. son & Morton. 910 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. BTRKETT & CO. ES! snd Insures. 260 Bee Bldg. Dougla 633. LIST your houses and lot for quick sal with Hastings as Heyden, realtors. Iel4 Hirney street, fnone. Tyler so. WILL build a nice modern 6-room house for you. I have material purchased Call Wal. 127. . We Have Property for Rent or Bale, AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. 6018- REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TUKEY SON. 420 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FARNAM. HARNEY. LEAVENWORTH AND CUMING STS. PAYNB SLATER CO.. DOUG. 101$, REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE BfAtJJS. SUJS GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtor. Dougla 8962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. GOOD trackage lot 113 feet front paved street 33,600. a P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND W have 11 house lifted In Omatn. Owner want land. S. S. A R. E. MONTGOMERY. 215 City National 75 acres In Howell couny. Mo., clear of encumbrance. $25 per acre, will trade for other property, car or anything of value. Address 115 South" ICth S., Oma- hT or phone Douglas Z9I4 REAL ESTATE WANTED Wanted Real Estate If your home, apartment, flat or business block Is for ale, call u. W will Inspect same at once and pay you cash If your price Is right. , J. L. HIATT CO. Qflf-l FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO t'vV nniv- niiii.nrNG TYLER yltJ VB HAVE served the Omaha public .n buying ano. selling real eaiiw t o,., 36 years. W have many call now for homes. 1,1st your property with us. W will serv you to your beat lntereet. McCague Investment Co'. DPiigiaa I a. WILL pay ash for good six or seven- loom nome. jnust o wru iw.i, priced right Reply giving full d- crir,Uon Box T-8, Omaha Bee. W have cash buyer for well-located bunealows and residence worth th monev. KoV quick result, list with U. 't NElLS R. E. & INS. AGENCY, 623-6 Brandeia Theater Bldg. IF you want to sell your 5 or 6-room hoiiF. for cesh call Morearty & Conboy, v 610 Bee Bldg. Doug, 3641. I HAVE a man who will buy your im proved property and pay cash lor it out the price must be right GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. LIST your property with' THEO. E. PETERSON COMPACT I. 4PR Omaha 'Nat'l. Bank. Doug. 7034. I WILL PAY $500 cash for strictly mod ern 6 or 6-room bungalow, nortn oi i,aiis street. Webster 2058. FOR real oatate and all kind of lnsur ance. HERMANSEN & CO.. 748 Omali Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR quick sales list your property with W. U. 5HK1VBR, 1047-9 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 163$. WILL buy a few good contract, second mortgages, or mecb. Hens, ctiaa u. Pease. 211 Bramlels Theater Budg WE have the customers snd can sell your property; list with John W. Bobbin, Brahdets Theater. D. 62$. CAN PAY $1,000- down on a . modern, I- or 6-room house. Give location, price, terms. Box 678. Omaha Bee WE HAVE served the Omaha publlo in buying and selling real estate for over Douglas 416. LIST your property for sale with J. B. KODinson lor qulclt sales. 44Z Be Biag Phone Dougla 8097. ' WANTED 6 to 7-rooin hou-io, modern preferred, for colored. Webjtr 4160. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H THOMAS & SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 271$. CITY and farm loan; 6H nd per cent; no delay. J H. Dumont A Co.. 41$ Keellne Bldar PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 421$. Stocks and Bonds. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneflfiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matter so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note bolder upon death of . Insured, and will keep up premiums In' Insurance. Chance to make from tfvv to il.vuo in saon um. Addres Bee. Box M-2 $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. I Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and, Farnam. D. E BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Financial Wanted. SIX per cent farm mortgages for sal In $600 to $8,000 pieces; conservatively made, gilt-edge Investments; we attend to collection of Interest and principal without charge. Write ua Bank of Ipswich, Ipswich, S. D. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. CALIFORNIA LANDS Now the cheapest In ths U. S.,$100 to 9250 an acre gets tne nest: trngatea; ready for seeding, alfalfa, corn, beans, fruits, anything you want; where winter never la cald. Buy now before the boom begin and price rise. . Write, me for imormauon. y E. B. WILSON, 1004-05 HEARST BUILDING, BAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. Colorado Lands. 80,000 acre choice raw or Improveed LlrK coin co Colo., lands. Bargain Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. ' Iowa Lands. 15-ACRE FARM. $ mile east of Council Bluffs, prac tically all farm land. Four-room cottage, small burn, vineyard and few fruit trees, Good road to city; $4,000. M'GEE REAL ESTAjTB CO. 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. 614 ACRES, 6 miles south. Deaf and Dumb lnstitue. Council Bluffs, for sale cheap. Address lib South ,16th 8., Omaha. Phone Douglas 2914. Minnesota Lands. . CORN LAND 40, 80 or 160 acres, good, heav aoll, well semen pari or Toaa county Minnesota; good roads, schools and churches; will produce good jrops of corn. oats, clover. - potatoes, etc.; price $15 to $22.60 per acre; larm s per acre casn, balance l an acre a year; ,5,000 acre to elect rrom. SCHWAB BROS.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri 'Lands. NORTH MISSOURI corn land, none better; 280-acre 2d bottom at R. R. station, "ISO; other bargains, $60 to $100 acre. compare witn lowa, Nebraska prices. v. jr. piepoiiii, ism cnicsgo IMPROVED 160-acre creek farm, $2,600; piHyer-pmuo- payment, t J30X 687, iui. v lew, jio. Nebraska Lands. Your Farm or Ranch Tnrnf1 rinlplrtv Intn ku unique method. WHU for booklet. Ne braska Kealty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. PLANS ROBBERY TO PAY DOCTOR'S BILLJFOR WIFE Raymond Lane Confesses to Holdup of Coal Company, Implicating Jwo . Others. - CORN. AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at tire rla-ht price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER. central City. Nebraska. WRITE me for picture and price of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes yjo Aran u. nungerrora. Crawford. Neb. uuuu imp. larma in N. E. Neb.; pos. Mar. 1. For Information and farm loan. C V. Nelson. 1031 W. O. W. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 82$ Omaha Nat'l Bit. Bldg.. Omaha FOR SALE or exchanged as first pay ment on a 5-room modern bungalow In south or southwest part of city 3 lots 50x160 near new addition. Addres T- 828 Omaha Bee. ' - WANT TO TRADE, well located city lot for new or nearly -new car, Webster 6903. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. DUNDEE lot 60x135. Webster St. Just west of 60th, paved alley and street; all special paid; price right. C ' A. Grlmmel. Phone Douglas 1615. FOR SALE Two fine lots. Nos. 20 snd 21, Block 7, Military addition to Omaha. Owner, A. H. UoddarT, Lovelahd. Colo. South. B-IO BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 D )WN, $1.00 A WEEK, troy fine garden tract, 47x132; only I block from West Center car lln and one block to paved street: high and sightly, black soil; price. $295 and $340. THE BVRON REED CO. ACREAGE. 20-acre fruit farm for sale, with" $5.100 Improvements, 2 Vb mile west of Elm--wood Park, on Paolfiu St. Vo trad. John Wlpf, 2423 S. 18th St.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. HAVE several brand new, reasonably-priced bouses in ' Dundee. Many pleasing features in these artistic homes. Easy terms. Fhone Douglas 7412. ' We specialize In Dundee home. C. B. STUHT CO., $12-14 City National. Dougla 878T South Side. 7-ROOM modern house at bargain; easy term. Call today, Harney 4116. BEE WANT ADS ARE THE BEST BUSINESS BOOSTERS. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbach Blk Tyler 884. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmsp, Bushnell. Neb Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Oirr $25 exouralon . to the Rio Grande valley Is now on. W. 8. Frank. Neville Blk.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 124 CErJTS PER MILE. GAS AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. DRIVE-IT-YOUR8ELF-COMPANT, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3622. WOODS ELECTRIC. New .tire and batteries. newly I'alnted, meclionlcHlly perfect. Very rea sonable. Cool reas m for selling. C til days. Tyler. 1000. Mis White. WILLYS s. Sedan, lljt new, with 6 cord tires. This car must be sold at once. Can arrancb for part cash, balanc on terms. "Call F. C.' Smith, Room 821 "Cou at Hotel. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter course; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. $814 North Twentieth, umana. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE. CO. FRED D. C ROGERS, MGR. TYLElR 177. 1407-21 Capitol 'Ave. WE HAVE several used. Auto Trucks priced right. All In service now and with ll'tle care will be good for another year or two. Cash or term. Hnrtung Transfer. 1211 Huwsrd St. . Tyler 19"6. OVERLAND TOURING, good conditio;!. Must be sold at once. Cash or time pay ments. Call Mr. Smith, Harney 362 or room 821 t'onant Hotel. USED cara of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH. 2568 Farnam Btv Doug 1$70 REDI-MADE garages for al r rent; ay it, jua 66l. The three masked robbers who held up and robbed John Johnson, manager of the Berquist CoalJconi pany, Twenty-second and Washing ton streets, South Side, at 6 o'clock Saturday night, were arrested by de tectives Sunday morning and" charged -with robbery, a police re port states. " ' they gave their names as frank Clayton, 618 South Seventeenth street, Raymond Lane, Eighteenth ; and Leavenworth streets, and Mi chael Randall, Twenty-fourth and N streets. According to a signed confession of Lane, Clayton induced Randall and him to commit the holdup, in order to get Vnoney to pay a doctor's bill for the treatment of Clayton's wife during the past two years. .Meet Jn Afternoon. Lane said he "met Clayton and Randall' at Twenty-fourth and N streets at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. "Clayton told Randall and I to follow him," Lane said. ."We went- to Randalls home, where we got two guns. Clayton already had one; Clayton" then gave instructions as how to ptilt off the robbery of the coal, company. Ve entered the coal shed in the yards and tied handker chiefs about our faces. "Entering the office, Randall and . I held guns pointed at the manager and an employe while . Clayton searched them. We got $52 and about 10 checks, and left. Divide the Money. "We then went to my home at Eighteenth and Leavenworth streets and divided the money." Clayton was the first of the trio who was arrested. Detectives nabbed him Saturday night after he ' tried to pass one of the stolen checks at. the Guarantee Clothing, company, Sixteenth and Dodge streets. Randall and Lane were ar rested next day. v All three have been identified as the holdup men, a police report ' states. More Papers Advance. Buffalo, Jan. 4 Buffalo's three ' Sunday newspapers, the Courier, the , Express and the Times, will an nounce Sunday an advance to 10 cents a copy. Increasing cost of production is given as the reason. The' papers have been sold for 5 cents a copy. A process has been invented in Australia for . the extraction of grease from wool without the use of acjds. ' ' AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. MAXWELL sedan, almost new first-class shape, for sal cheap, or trails for any thing of value. 115 S. 16th. Doug las 2914. SOME bargalna In used Ford cara. .lc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Kn.-d Service Station, 16tn and Jackson. Dougla '3500. - 1918 6TUDEBAKER Coupe. 5 cord tires, motor In fine shape. Only $760. Will trade for anything of value. Walnut 4309. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red eal on windshield $100 for any magneto we can't repair. Ford jnnga recharged, guar, stronger than new. O. Baysdorter. ?10 N. 1 8th. MAXWELL truck. with delivery body closed in: fine condition; 4 new tires; very reasonable. Walnut 4309. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. . 1918 CHEVROLET. A-l slmpc, 4 cord tires, for sale cheap, or trade for vacant , properly. Walnut 4309. MITCHELL. S-cyllnder. fin shave, good motor and paint. Will. e or trade. Walnut 4309. - NEW Ford sedan and 7-passenger Colum bia car. Irf'sler Stepanek, Farnam. 13Ji,o I VA1.1..P.S I.N JCUIAI VER AUTO CO., VS. TRAW- 1910 EARN AM. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2033 AR NAM. EXCEPT IQNAL USED CA RS. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. WANTED For spot caab, 100 used car: quick action; no delay. Autn Exchange Co.. 205$ Farnam St Dong. $025. FORD MARKET. 223 Farnam. ' Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, excellent condition, 5 tires. TSasy terms If de-, sired. Call Miss White. Tyler 1000. GOOD USED CARS. . OUT U SMITH. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DTRT CHEAP. $0x$. $4.00: 30x24. $6.00.' Alt In proportion. I ook over our rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2SS6. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop NEW TIRES DIRT-CHEAP 30x314 Flrk..$ll.X I 3!x4 .,..$;. 30x3 8.96 i I 34x4 20.95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2018 FARNAM AUTO electrical repair; service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batterly. Edtfards. -2S1S N 19. Jfcpairiryj and Painting - RAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dent removed; new fender made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO 1818 Cuming -St. , Tyler 17. Motprcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain in used machine. Victor H. Roo. th motorcycle man. $7tb nd ' Leavenworth Sta. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial nom solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaalne. We collect. W distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Street. 4 WILL give mother' care to one or twov children. Modern home. Harney 819$. " PRIVATE maternity hospital, 2605 Bristol. ' Webiter i0B. . WANTED A good home for 2-year-old boy. Webster 8817. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS FOR SALE Rat and rabbit hunter, also, breeders; ctrcuUr fre. Henry Ronald Peck. De Molnee, I. WHEAT screenings. $3.50 per hundred,, delivered. 801 North 18th St. A. W. Wagner. Dougla 1142. MIXED GRAIN $3.60 par hundred, de livered. A. W. Wagnr, $01 No. 18th St. Dougla 114$. Horses-s-Live" Stock Vehicles. 800 Sets of Harness, . SADDLES AND COLLARS at 30 per ent discount; fre list prlc Midwest Harness Co., T08 N. 16th St. Omaha. Nb. GOOD work team. $20$. Broadwell-Robert ' Co.. 4734 S. J4th St. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Prlvst loan booth. Harry Malashorx, 1514 Dodge. O. 8619, K.lfc FARMS and cttv tAna a. h. LouoEB. ma III Klln 14.