Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1920, Page 5, Image 5
V- THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 4, 1920. THREE ALLEGED BANK BANDITS UNDERARRESt Detectives Will Go to SL Paul Today to Bring Back the Two Finn Brothers. Two detectives will go to St. Paul, Minn., tonight to bring back to Omaha George Finn alias Thomas McKay, and his brother, Mike Finn alias George Brown, who, were ar rested in that city Saturday on war . rants charging them with the rob bery of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank at Benson, a suburb of Omaha on December 31, last, when four bandits Wed the vault of $105,000. Chief of Detectives Dunn signed the warrants against the Finn broth ers 'following alleged identification of the two through pictures of them in the rogue's gallery at Central po lice station. Rearrest Harry Porche. Harry Porche, 2117 Sherman ave nue, who is tinder $10,000 ibond in connection with the robbery of the bank also, was rearrested at 11 yes terday and booked at Central police Station as a fugitive from justice. Petectives Dolan and Hagerman niade the arrest. Porche, whose real "name police, say is Sandevich, is wanted in Lincoln on a 'arceny charge, according to C. H. ftloore, a deputy sheriff of Lancaster c"ounty, who came 'to Omaha yesterday to take Porche in custody for the al leged thefts of four automobiles four years ago. Police officials in Lincoln read in the newspapers of Porche's ar rest here and sent Deputy Sheriff Moore to Omaha to bring him to Lincoln for automobile stealing, the , deputy sheriff stated. Porche was arrested Friday and charged with robbery of the bank at Benson. He was released Sat urday under bonds of $10,000 pend ing his hearing in Central police court on Tuesday. , Porche Offers Alibi. Porche offers an alibi that at the time of the bank robbery he was seen at Sixteenth and Locust street and later at Sixteenth and Yates streets. Chief of Detectives Dunn is still of the belief that Porche, and the two Finn brothers were implicated in the robbery of the bank at Ben son. Frank Adams alias John Ap olebv. a Dal of the Finn brothers and a member of the McKay-Kirk gang that held up the Malashock jewelry store in broad daylight on January 30, 1918 and later killed Detective Frank Rooney in a gun battle with police, is being sought by police throughout the country as the alleged fourth member of the bandit gang that committed the Benson bank robbery, Chief of De tectives Dunn stated yesterday. McKay Wounded in Battle. George Finn; , alias McKay, was severely wounded in the gun battle between city detectives and the Mc-Kav-Kirk gang shortly after the robbery of the jewelry store. Mc Kay was acquitted ot the charge of murdering Rooney, while other members of the gang were convicted. McKays acquittal relied mostly upon the testimony of the trial of Heryl U Kirk, leader ot tne gang. Kirk was "furloughed" from the state prison at Lincoln two days after the robbery of Hayden Brothers' store on the night of No vember 29. Adams, alias Appleby, is said to be the sixth member of the McKay- Kirk gang who escaped from the police during the gun battle two years ago. Detectives allege that in the ap prehension of the Finn brothers, Appleby and Porche, the (bandit gang that held up the bank of Ben son will be broken up, despite refu tations in the identity of Porche. Executive Committee Is Named for American Legion The executive committee of 30 men elected by members of the Douglas Cdunty post of the Amer ican Legion at its annual meeting held at the Auditorium last Friday night are: Josephine Chamberlain, Ralph G. Coad, Allan A. Tukey, Harry Montgomery, T. J. McGuire, Sam Reynolds, Hird Stryker, Wal ter Byrne, Clinton Brome, Robert Dunlap, R. B. Howell, Dr. Charles Hull, Gerard Griswold, John H. Hopkins, Earl Kiplinger, Dr. A. L. Lindquist, Charles McLaughlin, A. I. May, Dr. W. H. Mick, E, W. Por ter, F." E. Sheehan, William Richie, jr., Dr. A. S. Pinto, Ray Madden, Mr. Wallace, Hugh Robertson, J. J. Shannon, Dr. H. C. Sumney, Jack Sullivan and Morley Young. Brief City News Hare Root Print It Peacon Press Vaeomn ClMBert BarcaM-Onndu Co. Ab. Kalman, General Insurance, removed to 1004 W. O. W. Blag, D. 1984. -Adv. James O. Kiiwler has removed his law office to Room 629 First Nat Bank bldg. Adv. . Tire of Undiscovered bright Fire In the home of Mrs. M. Chatfleld, 2024 Douglas street, at 6 last night created $400 damage. The cause of the nre Is unknown. Frobe Iiaundry Theft Charles Ferguson, 2601 Patrick avenue, was arrested last night by Detectives Haze and Danbaum and held for In vestigation In regard to the theft of $100 cash from a driver for the Evans laundry, last week. Dr. Ijce W. Edwards, Chiropractor, has moved his offices diagonally across the street from hit old loca tion, and Is now to be found at 306 S. Twenty-fourth street the south west corner of Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets In the Ottawa block. Fire Captain Does Not Drink The Bee erroneously stated Sunday morning that George Cuslck, captain of tire engine house No. 6, Twenty fourth and Cuming streets, , was drunk when he and another fireman engaged In fisticuffs at the engine house Saturday nlfeht. According to Fire Chief Dlneen, Cuslck does not drink and is among the best men on the department. Negroes Stage Battle Charles Diggs, 207 North Eleventh street, negro, hit W. G. Harris, 1021 Capi tol avenue, negro. In the mouth with a spade when the two met in the Northwestern railroad yards last night. Harris lost four teeth by Diggs' action and Diggs lost his free dom. Diggs was charged with assault and battery at Central police sta tion. 1 American Confectionery " Wanted in Large Amounts By Both China and France Credit Is Large Factor in Commercial Transactions With Dutch East Indies Of ten Takes Precedence Over Price Argentina Good Market for Furni ture Netherlands Wants Oil Seeds and Vege table Oils. Names and addresses of firms mentioned in these "Foreign Trade Opportunities" may be obtained by a request, mentioning the file num ber, to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 402 Third National Bank Building, St. Louis, Mo. This government office has been established in St. Louts to assist firms in the Mississippi valley to obtain their share of export trade and it welcomes inquiries from interested parties. Postpone Flight of Aerial ' Mail Planes Until Today Aerial mail planes scheduled to arrive from Chicago yesterday for a trial flight preparatory to start ing daily service January 8, post poned their flight until today. Her bert Blakeslee, in charge of the landing field, was unable to give any reason for the change in plans. The first plane is expected to arrive late this afternoon. Two planes will leave Chicago at 8:30 in the morning and are ex pected to reach Iowa City about 10, where they will take on supplies of gasoline and oil. They will probably reach Omaha shortly after noon. "Foreign Trade Opportunities," which are gathered under govern ment auspices and references to other commercial information of in terest to local firms, are published every Monday in The Bee. The fol lowing are the foreign trade items received during the past week. 426. Oil, petroleum, construction and industrial machines, leather, rubber, foodstsffs, tobacco, special ties and novelties. A firm of con tractors in Germany having connec tions in all the principal cities of that country, desires to represent American firms for the sale of the above commodities. References. 427. Office supplies, typewriters, butcher machinery, general store supplies and novelties. A furniture manufacturer in Czechoslovakia de sires to purchase and secure an agency for the sale of the above ar ticles. Payment, cash. Correspond ence should be in Czechic, German or French. 428. Jewelry, real and imitation, silverware and gold articles. A mer chant in Denmark desires to pur chase and secure an agency for the sale of the above articles. Quota tions should be given c. i. f. Den mark. References. 429. Cigarets. A firm in Sumatra desires to purchase cheap cigarets, to be packed 25 cigarets to the pack ago, 25 packages to the box, 20 boxes to the tin, and five tins ot the case or 100 boxes. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Belawan. Terms, three months' credit. Refer 430. Garage equipment, automo bile accessories, and ice-making ma chines. A company in Ireland which is now building a public garage and automobile repair shop desires to purchase and secure an agency for the sale ot the above equipment. Payment, cash against documents Reference. 431. Bicycles, motors and sawing machines. A merchant in Switzer land desires to purchase and also secure the agency in the above prod ucts. Correspondence should be in rrencn. Keierence. 432., Automobiles, bicycles, mo torcycles, automobile sundries, tires, cigarets, oils, foodstuffs and general merchandise. An American trading company with branches in the Netherlands. Germany, and France desires to .secure an agency from manufacturers for the sale of the above products. References. 433. Oak staves, plumbing goods and supplies. A manufacturer in Spain desires to secure an agency for the sale of the above products. Ret crences. 434. Building materials, construe tion machinery and engineering sup- plies. An engineering corporation in China desires tto secure agecies for the sale of the above commodities. Quotations should be given c. i. f Chinese port. Payment, confirmed bankers credit. Keterences. 435. Paints, varnishes, enamels M 15 w 1 1 . 4? IsB&ckaee Makiinig Yona MmJm .in $ Miserable? TT isn't right to drag along from day . ' A- to day feeling weak, miserable half sick. You want to be well, and the best way to get well is to find out what is making you feel so badly and try to correct it. Perhaps it's your kidneys. A cold, a strain, worry or overwork may have weakened the kidneys and brought on that throbbing backache or those sharp, stabbing pains that wear your nerves and keep you tired, fretful, "all unstrung." You may havevmorning lameness, too, headaches, dizzy spells and irregular kidney action. Don't wait! Neglect may mean more serious troubles dropsy, gravel or dangerous Bright's disease. Use Doan s Kidney Pills, They have helped thousands of ailing folks. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! These Are Omaha Gases: Seventeenth Street J. A. Benjamin, Seventeenth and Chicago Sts., says: "I was about all in with kidney trouble. My back never let up paining for a week and there was an irritation when passing the kidney secretions and they passed too frequently. I had to lay off work for about a week. I think the nature of my work and being on my feet so much is what brought on the trouble, I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and bought some at the Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . After using two boxes of Doan's I was all right again and have had no further trouble." Jackson Street Mrs. R. H. Howard, 3415 Jackson St, says: "Some years ago I had a good deal of misery with kidney trouble and inflammation of the bladder. My kidneys acted irregularly and showed 15 dif ferent ways they were in a bad condition. I felt weak, nervous and all run down. Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended and I used them. , I took several boxes and since then I have felt like a dif ferent woman. I have been strong, and well and have 'worked every day." -t Manderson Street MraE. E. Clemmons, 1621 Manderson St., says: "Some years ago I was feeling all run down and suspected my kidneys were causing the trouble. I had dizzy spells and everything would turn black before me. My head ached and at times my back pained so I could hardly do my housework. I hap pened to see Doan's Kidney Pills highly advertised and decided to try them. I was surprised at the quick relief they brought and have relied on them ever since." NO package of Doan's Kidney Pill is genuine unless it bears the maple leaf trade-mark and the signature "Jas. Doan." Cuming Street Harry Maggert, proprietor of confectionery store, 2820 Cuming St., says: "Some time ago I had an attack of kidney trouble and had consider able backache. The worst symptom of my trouble was the too frequent action of my kidneys. I often had dizzy spells when walking and felt hardly fit for any kind of work. Being on my feet so much is what I blame for my trouble. I soon got rid of all this trouble when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's drove the backache away and re stored my Jcidneys to their correct condition," South Twenty:eighth Street Mrs. C. M. Leonard, 4328 S. Twenty-eighth St., says: "I know from experience that Doan's Kidney Pills do just as represented. I had been suffering from a weakness of the kidneys and was so dizzy I would fall to the floor. My back ached constantly and there was a dull, nagging pain in my back that made me miserable. I had to neglect my housework. 'As Doan's Kidney Pills had been used in the family with good results I was led to try them, and was surprised how quickly they benefited me and one box cured me. I haven't had any return of the trouble since." D o&m's ICiclmey ' Pills Every Druggist has Doan's, 60c a box. . Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, .N. Y. and' all articles in this line. A mer chant in Belgium desires to purchase and secure a consignment ef the above products. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Antwerp or Brussels. Credit desired for consignment. Cor respondence may be in English. Catalogues . preferred in French. References. 436. Hotel and restaurant sup plies and furnishings. A hotel pro prietor in Cuba desires to receive bids for the supplying of furnishings xor hotel and restaurant, for the complete outfitting of a new hotel of 72 rooms. Quotations should be given f. 0. b. point of shipment. Ref erences. 437. Boots and shoes, drapery, perfumery, medicines, china and enamelware. hardware and carpentry tools, building materials, paints, dis temper, linseed oil, cement, corru gated iron sheets, etc. A landed pro prietor and general merchant in In dia desires to purchase in the United States the above articles. Refer ences. 438. Cotton blankets. The owner of a plantation in Guadeloupe de sires to purchase from 500 to 1,000 cheap cotton blankets, size 50 by 70 inches, for wrapping vanilla after it has been heated. Color of blan kets should be gray, brown or tan. Correspondence should be in French Payment, cash. Reeferences. 439. Sundries in hardware, hos iery, colors, dyes, lubricants, cotton waste and- belting. A trading com pany in India desires to secure an agency and purchase the above prod ucts. Quotations should be giver c. 1. f. port in India. Payment by 60 day dratt. Keterences. Horseshoes and Scrap Iron. 440. Old iron and steel material, wagon tires, mild steel plate cut tings, scrap iron and old horseshoes An American 'export corooration having orders for large quantities of products desires to obtain 100 tons of each of the above materials. Thi material is for shipment abroad and is urgently needed. 441. Food products, drues. medi cines, chemicals and any merchan dise which would find a rgeady mar ket in Porto Rico. The reoresenta tive of a products agency firm in rorto Kico is in the United states and desires to secure an agency for the sale of the above products. Quo tations should be given f. 0. b. New,, York. Keterences. 442. -Automobiles and accessories, bicycles, motorcycles, tires. A firm m bpain with garage and store de sires to receive catalogues and price lists of automobiles and accessories, etc., with a view to secure exclusive agencies. Correspondence and cata logues may be in English, but Span ish is preferred. 44J. Machinery, ihe purchase is desired bv a man in Brazil of ma chinery for a sugar mill, electrical machinery for soda ash manufac ture, machinery for the manufacture of rubber articles, for a oaoer plant. for preparing sulphur acid and for the manufacture of alcohol. , Quo tations should be given c. i.-f. Bra zilian port. Correspondence may be in .Portuguese or bpanish. Lata logues and price lists are requested. References. 444. Dental supplies, surgical in struments, hospital furniture,; toilet brushes, puffs, perfumery, fancy soaps. The representative of a firm in Australia, who has recently been in the United States, now desires to purchase the above articles and all ethers usually sold in drug stores Reierences. Bulgars Need Leather. 445. Nails for building and car pentry, edible oils, especially cotton seed oil; leather tor footwear, boots and shoes and rubber shoes. commercial agent in Bulgaria desires to purchase large quantities of the above commodities. Correspondence may be in English. 446. Grocery and millinery paper bags. A firm 111 Georgetown, Britisn Guiana, is interested in securing the agency of an American manufacturer of paper bags. References are given and samples are available for exam mation. 447, An exporting and importing firm with offices in EK Paso, Tex. and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, has writ ten the st. Louis office of the bureau requesting assistance in securing agencies for galvanized and enam eled ware, china and crockery,' toys and electric washing machines. .The firm writes that they have a force of salesmen operating in Mexico. Refer ences are eiven. A representative of a Buenos Aires, Argentina, firm is seeking agencies for River Platte countries in paper and paper products, hardware, machinery, paints, cement, wire, in ing, glassware and advertising novel ties. References. A representative of a London, England, firm is now in New York to sceure agencies for Lngiand in hardware, tools, automobiles and accessories. References are given, Miscellaneous Foreign Items. Complete reports on the markets for confectionery in China and in France have been received from con sular officers in those countries. Lists of impprters and agents dealing in confectionery in the various trade centers are also available in connec tion with the report. According to a report from the bureau's trade commissioner in the Netherlands, that country imported before ths war $40,000,000 worth of oilseeds and vegetable oils to the value of 514,000,000, exporting oil seeds to a value of- $22,500,000 and vegetable oils to a value of $8,000, 000. The complete report is avail able for distribution. The American consul at Trinidad, British West Indies, has submitted a detailed report on the production of petroleum on that island. Credit is a large tactor in tne com mercial transactions with the Dutch East Indies and often takes prece dence over price,' according to a re port compiled by Trade Commis sioner John A. Fowler. The report describes the customary credit terms and the various-methods of financing shipments to those islands. The American consul at London has submitted a report on the.motor car exhibition held at Olympia, Lon don, with a detailed description ot the cars on display. Argentina is the best South Amer ican market for the sale of imported turniture and stands fourth in im portance in the world's market for American furniture, according to a report on "Furniture Markets in Ar gentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil" issued by the bureau. The divisioti of statistics of the bu reau has prepared a report on the sugar imports and exports of the United States. Copies of the report are available .for distribution. Citizenship Classes Two Evenings Weekly At Public Libraries Classes in citizenship will be opened at the Omaha public library and Sputh Omaha public library Tuesday evening at 7:30. These classes are for those men and women of foreign birth who wish to prepare themselves for their final citizenship papers, The classes will be held on Tuesday and Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 and are free to all who wish to attend. The government text book will be used and able instructors have been secured. Men are asked. 1 6 bring their wives. These classes are given under the direction of the Board of Education. South Side Brevities A safety lamp for mines usinp benzine for fuel without danger ha: been perfected in Europe. Vllllen. alt living at 4t25H South Twenty fifth street, were arrested Saturday after noon by Detcetlves Lundeen and Farrand and Officer Jack O'Brien and are being held for Investigation. It la aliened by the police, that tha men were connected with the burglary Friday night of tha shop of tha Victory tailors, 1811 Capitol avenue. Tha officers "Way the men have been attempting to sell cloth on the South, Side, aald to have been Identified as part of the loot taken In the tailor shop bur glary at the Victory ahop. Mike Delaney. 1401 N- street, packing house employe, reported to the police Sat urday that he was relieved of a pocket book containing 114 while getting hla pay check cashed at tha Stock Yards Na tional bank. v Mighty oaka from little acorns grow.' also large fortunes from small deposits grow. Our Economy club hslps you save the small colna. otherwise perhapa fool ishly spent. Live Stock National bank, junction Twenty-fourth and N streets. Money sent to all parti of Europe. See us for steamship tickets. Live Stock Na tional bank, junction Twenty-fourth and N streets. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow, also large fortunes from small deposits grow. The Economy Savlnga club aids you to 'save the amall coins, otherwise per haps foolishly spent. Join now at the Live Stock National bank, Junction Twenty foutrh and N streets. COMJMHIA GRAFANOLA SALE. . We have a few machines left from the holidays we want to sell. Special terms, $1.00 down. $1.00 per week. Come and hear your favorite records and be convinced that you ought to have one of these machines. Kohtaky-Pavlik Co. Fatness Kills 31,000 Yearly Fat is fatal to health and personality. It is estimated that over 81,000 persons have died oach year in tha past decade long before their allotted span of life, through the effect! of effceasive fatness. Aay overttout man or woman is carrying unhealthy adiposity that is pressing against and injuring vital organs of tha body. Tbe heart, that delicate human apparatus, becomes congested. In numer ous cases there are dangerous gatherings of packed-in fat around the throat, stomach, liver and other delicate parts. Through, overstoutness the afflicted per son while apparently well is liable to nervousness, neurasthenia, physical or mental collapse and other disorders, for obesity is irritating. Cases of heart failure, apoplexy, sunstroke, etc., are fre quent causes of premature death. Fat persons are particularly victims of acci dents and are more liable than healthy. Blender persons to death from influenza, pneumonia and other severe ailments. If you are overstout you should know It Is truly a ctie of slow suicide for you to kill yourself a good many years befoM natural old ace, simply because yon do not emancipate yourseU from the burden or unhealthy, unalchUy tat Moreover. Tour efficiency should be Improved by becoming slender; also your appearance should become sounder mi mors attractive. There Is a delight fully successful method of weight reduction known as korein system. It consists of some simple directions with tha use of oil of korein. This method is so pleasant because it contains no thyroid or other such drastic ingredients, no strenuous exercises, no starvation; indeed, you may est all you need. The korein system la guaranteed: it is perfectly harmless; recommended by physicians. A reliable self-treatment By reducing now you may expect greater contentment, happiness, increased mental and physical efficiency: better health and longer life. Be fair to yourself and those who are dear to you I Surprise everybody with your renewed vigor, vi vacity and surpassingly superior person ality. Get oil of korein (the easy korein system is in each pkge.) at the drug store without aeiay; or u more convenient, tend 91.00 cash, stamps or money order to Korein Co &iliflfl jf, -KMT aerie, ii. a Cuticura Talcum atingfy Fragrant Always Healthful Samolc fraeof OttieVTsV lahmrtUm.limk T IsTalaUsa IfMi. ETcrywtm 25c. Rupture Kills 7,000 Annually Seven thousand persons each vear are lata away the burial eertincate being marked "Rupture." Whyt Because the unfortunate ones had neglected themselves or had been merely taking eara of the sign t swelling) of the affliction and pay ing no attention to tha cause. What are you doing? Are you neglecting yourself by wearing a truss, appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it I At best, the truss is only a makeshift a false prop against a collapsing wall and cannot be expected to act as more than a mere me' chanieal support. The binding pressure re tards blood circulation, thus robbintr the weakened muscles of that which they need most nourishment. But acience has found a way, and every truss sufferer in the land is invited to make a FREE test right in the privacy of their own home. - The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the most scientific, logical and successful self-treatment for ruDture me worm nas ever Known. The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot noaaihlv slin or shift out of place, therefore, cannot cnaie or pincn. ooit as velvet easy to apply inexpensive. To be used whilst you ork and whilst you sleep. No straps, uckles or springs attached. iearn now to Close tne hernial opening; as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T come down. Send your name today to PLAPAO CO., Block 840, St. Louis. Mo., for FREE trial Plapao and the information necessary. A Bad Cousrh If neelected. often leads ta striou. tmnMa Bafeguard your health, relieve your diatreaa and soothe your irritated throat t& taking P-0SfS "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY COLD" "That't Dr. King's New DU- covery for fifty years a cold-breaker." NOTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but sure relief from stubborn old colds and onrushing new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Drl King's New Discovery the nationally pop ular and standard remedy it is today. Fifty years old and always re liable. Good for the whole family. A bottle in the medicine cabinet means a short-lived cold or cough. 60c. and-$1.20. All druggists. Regular Bov.-els Is Health , Bowels that move spasmodically free one day and stubborn ths next should be healthfully regulat ed by Dr. King's New Life Pills. In this way you keep the impurities of waste matter from circulating through the system by cleansing the bowels thoroughly and promoting the ptoper llow of bile. Mild, comfortable, yet always re liable, Dr. King's New Life Pills work with precision without the constipation results of violent purga tives. 25c. as usual at all druggists. fcafj Sk BBBi Service Oil Corporation CAPITALIZATION, $1,000,000 SHARES, S1.00 a Louisiana corporation with 5000 acres and backed by the same giant management responsible for such 100 Dividend paying companies as Ocean, Ranger Central, Eto. " Smith & Porterf ieW Thla stock is a sensible invest ment in a company with vast pos sibilities and with the greatest men in the oil business today at the head of it. Order through Lee Benham & Co., Sales - Managers for Porterfield & Smith Interests, 31S Trust Build-in EL PASO, TE SRC LITTLE WOMAN OF GALESBURG GAINS 35 POUNDS Was In' Bed 3 Months and Weighed Only Eighty Pounds Until Tanlac Re stored Her. ASTHMA Dr. Kinsman's Asthma Remedy fives instant relief. 25 years oC success. 60c. at all druggists. Avoid all substitutes. Trial Treatment Mailed Free. Write to Dr. F. C Kinsman, Hunt Block. Ausruata.Maine "I had been down in bod for three months when I started taking Tan lac, but in one week after I had taken my first dose I was able to be up and about," was the statement made the other day by Mrs. O. T. Pouder. 327 East Sprnnrl Sr. . finlp. burg, III, in telling of ber remark- aDie recovery since taking Tanlac. "Only my neighbors can tell you the misery I, have gone through during the past seven years, why, I have suffered a thousand deaths," she continued. "When I would Study about mv eonditinn nnrl tha small chance I had of ever seeing another well day I would almost go into hysterics. My nerves were al most completely shattered and I would become excited at the least little unexpected thing. I had in digestion so bad tht I was almost afraid to eat anything because oj the agony I would be in from the cramps and gas. I would get eo deathly sick at my stomach some times that I would faint. At night I would lie awake for hours ana I kept losing in weight until I was down to about eigthy pounds. I was scarcely more than a frame and finally I got so weak that I gave away completely and had to take to my bed. "This was the condition I was in when I was persuaded by a friend to try Tanlac, but as I had but lit tle hope of ever getting out of bed again, I took it more to please her than anything else. Well, you can imagine how happy Ifelt when I began to improve my nerves eased up and I began to relax and get more sleep, and in a day or two I was able t eat a little something. All this encouraged me so that I did not allow myself to miss a dose and in less than a wppV fmm time I started taking Tanlac I was out, oi Dea. And by the time I had taken four bottlox T wns ohio t a , "- vv " all my housework and take care of my live little children. And now I am in perfect health and can eat anything I please without it ever troubling me in the least. I am not one bit nervous and sleep sound all nieht loner. I havn o-ninerl haMr all my lost strength and energy and really weigh one hundred-fifteen pounds. Mv friends are simply amazed at the way Tan- lac nas Drought me out and I can hardly realize myself the well and haPDV condition T am in T nll praise Tanlac the longest day I live iur giving me oacK my long lost health. Tanlac ia anM in OmoVa f .11 Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Phrmi AIca ao v A V rest and Meany Drug Company in gisi m eacn city and town through South Omaha and the Ipnrliner At,,- out the state of Nebraska. Adv. Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. MIAMI FLORIDA ' ywat MwinsT Beeert latta VWM When its June all Wlnfer-TT- S.Tea?'y OCEAN BATHING the Ufa Is Cesssepelltaa. Smart sat btarsettag. The Climate Is Savers. . hroush tropical fruit groves: play golf, two la-hole courses: Polo Club, tennla. fishing, racht- ;fnwy; D'1? B,nd cWert: automoblltn. 8(iO miles rock-oated oil surfaced roada: baseball by . uniu Aviauon scnooi; one hotels w.vmw, m,uu.lll Tile MIAMI CHAMBES OT COMMERCE li f . Ill -a If II I EtJI II M