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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1920. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY' ' ' FOUNDED BY ID WARD KQ3EWATIK VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR , '1HK BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The AaMGlaWd Fna, of which Th. Baa la a nan tier, it ei rlaUnlj enUtld to the uee for publication of aU am dispatches rradlMd ta II or not oUienrlat credited la this Mm, ud also lh kipl urn pabllenxl herein. AU rlihti of puhtlcatloa at tnir special dlctthe am ales, reurred. BEE TELEPHONES! -frtU Rreneh Bioheofe, Aak fw the TVrlaMe 1 (ffl Dawrtmenl or Particular Pereuo. Wanted. I ylCr llVU editorial DnKmi CUruleUoa ItoMilmnit AdasKleiBf Department For N;ht M Sunday- Service Call: Trier lftofli. Tyler l(Kil. Trier 1008L OFFICES OF THE BEE Hon Off tea. Be BuUdlnt. 17th and Pars am. A Branch Offlcea: Anna 4110 Nona Mia I Park Bog ana 1114 Military An. Bouth 81 da Council Bluffl 15 Scott St I Walnut Out-ef-Town Office.) Nm Tort Offloa IM PlfUi Are. I Waahinftoa Chtoaco Seeier Bldf. I Lincoln MIS Leeten worth Sill N Street lit North 4Mb 1111 O Street 1380 B Straw DECEMBER CIRCULATION: Daily 66,000 Sunday 63,505 Ararat circulation for th month iubatrlbrd and worn to by E. B. Kaian. Circulation Manner. Subeeribara Iravlng th city thould hava Tha Be nailed t . them. Addraaa changed often required. Vou should know that Factories in Omaha employ more than 25,000 hands and pay over $3,000,000 a month in wages. What The Bee Stands For: 1. Respect for the law and maintenance of order. 2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime through the regular operation of the courts. , 3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of inefficiency lawlessness and corrup tion" in office. , 4. Frank recognition and commendation , of honest and efficient public service. 5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true basis of good citizenship. Are you jus watching Omaha grow? Citizenship classes are locally popular, but not enough are held. Dodge street property is moving, but the graders are not yet started. ' "Mayor Jim" also tried to step from the city hall to the governor's office. The way starters are lining up we may have a regular race in good old Nebraska yet. A procession of "arks" eastbound will be a pleasant sight for real Americans to view. Wood alcohol is carrying the blame for a lot of effects produced by other agencies. Jt costs an average of $157 a year to dress an Omaha High school girl. In all reason that seems to be enough. A Chicago uplift worker sees the return of the $7-a-week "hired girl." Perhaps, but she is a long away ahead of . us. The "revolution" did not go very fast in America, but it went quickly enough when Uncle Sam got after the "revolvers." British are teaching one-legged veterans to dance in order , to improve their usefulness. But the leg. are not employed in the "shimmy." Mr. Wilson will, it is reported, call the first meeting of the League of Nations, but' it is probable that he will be represented by proxy, if at all. . V Farmers are coming to the Omaha conventions- with a full program, but we hope they will find time to resolve to keep right on rais ing big crpps. Nebraska and Kansas lead both Iowa and Missouri in the matte- of highway improve ment. a real distinction, and, should be maintained. Congress start today with a pretty full docket, but with some things irrevocably set tled, among them the question of the treaty without reservations. t Correspondents of Berlin newspapers find a great xhange in Herr Hohenzollern. Did they expect he would be the same at Amerongen as he was at Berlin in 1914? 1 , Organizing to combat the high cost of living will be of effect just to the extent it teaches the individual to do without things not needed or on which the price is too high. Jess Willard has been freed of a charge of profiteering. It turned out he was giving the wood away instead of asking an exorbitant "price. Maybe that is what excited the ire against him. . , 1 Alliance is xto establish a packing plant, stock growers out that way having concluded it will be as profitable to send dfessed as live meat to market. It means growth for the com munity and the industry ' Anarchists and Government Secrets. As the happy time comes when a few of the anarchists, who for many years have defied the laws as well as the decencies of American life while availing themselves of every quibble and privilege of the law and the customs of the country, are about to be deported, it would not be a bad idea if President Wilson should live up to his own philosophy and "open the doors" to all the facts about the Department of La bor's relationship to the reds who have found Ellis Islfcid. such a haven of refuge and a heaven of enlarged opportunities for mischief. The president is convinced that "government doors should be thrown open and kept open henceforth," since "free government must live by understanding." And he sees a new day dawning when 'only those governments that have no secrets from their people" will endure. But while this sounds well, in the face of it all the scandal of the immigration commissioner ship at New York, which has been accentuated by the refusal of the Department of Labor to tell congress why the government has been so tender to anarchists ordered ' deported, it looks very much as if government by secrecy was viewed as a privileged matter so tar as the present administration gees, and that the coun try will never really get the truth about a partnership with extremists which has had many discreditable chapters. Philadelphia Ledger. -' ,. AMERICA'S SUGAR BOWL. . For the first time in his course as president of the United States, Mr. Wilson has declined to exercise extraordinary powers conferred upon him by congress. He will not, according to hit announcement, undertake to control the price of sugar, because it appears that the supply in sight ii ample for American needs, "even on the pres ent unnecessarily large basis of consumption." Under possible contingencies, the power of con trol may be exercised, but for the present the sale of sugar will be in the , hands of those who produce and refine it. The raid on the American sugar bowl began some months ago, and hat been persistent and an noying ever since. Profiteering has been open, in spite of the ostentatious arrest and prosecution of a too-greedy dealer here and there through out the country. For weeks in Omhaa the sup ply has been short and the price high, while in adjacent towns plenty of sugar has been avail able - and at a moderate rate. For example, within a fortnight Denver grocers were selling the best grade of refined sugar at 12 cents per pound, and not limiting a customer, while in Omaha consumers paid 22 and 23 ents a pound for unrefined, and Ave re able to get but a pound at a time, and that from their regular dealer. Supply and demand may be responsible for such a situation. ,'It was admitted by certain brokers during . a hearing: in Omaha a few months ago that large shipments of sugar had been diverted from this market that a better price might be obtained elsewhere. All through the proceedings a mystery has prevailed that is not cleared up by the perfunctory examinations made by the federal officers here. Figures supplied bjr Mr. Wilson have been exhibited before. They indicate a large quantity of sugar available for American consumption. It is not a question, though, of how much sugar is used in the homes of the land, but how much tribute is to be exacted from' thoSe homes by the sugar planters and refiners. The American sugar bowl may not be a "paramount," but it" is a live issue just now. All Wrong, Aristotle Pershing and' the Four Stars. A local paper, describing General Pershing's appearance at the Omaha meeting on Saturday, emphasizes the fact that the only decorations on his uniform were the red, white and blue rib bon of the Congressional Medal and the four Stars. And what greater honor could he have? Among all (the decorations awarded him by for eign governments, and he has them all, there is none that equals in significance the simple Con gressional Medal. Foreign orders have their origin in the fancy of moriarchs; they represent fundamentally the favor of a ruler. Some, of this may not attach to the war crosses given by France and England, yet at the base they are all the same. The Congressional Medal is a gift from a free and independent people, quick enough to pay honor to a popular hero and lav ish in its recognition of valor, but giving the high place only, to thoseawho deserve that dis tinction by the intrinsic merit of service. And very few American soldiers have been privileged to wear the four stars on their shoulder, -emblematic of supreme command under the presi dent. It is little wonder that a modest, sincere gentleman like John J. Pershing should appear with only the insignia of his rank, which army regulations require him to wear, and the one great emblem of a mighty people's gratitude and pride in a noble soldier. He unquestionably ap preciates the honors conferred on him by for eign governments, but he also knows their value in relation to the dignity of his American dis tinctions. - Fixing Railroad Rates. Agreement by the conferees on the pro vision i of the coming railroad law which puts supreme control of rates in the hands of the Interstate Commerce commission will tend to establish confidence in the law. If it eventually does away with the interference of state boards or commissions with the Business of inland commerce, a boon will be conferred on the nation at large. However sound may be the theory that undertakes to set a' definite division between the federal and state super vision of transportation rates, its benefits are more than offset by the resultant confusion. Experience has taught that the centralized authority is far more apt to stabilize commerce, not only between but within states. What ia most needed is a simplification of the methods of fixing and applying rates.- When the Inter state Comme'rce commission can revise its prac tice, and adopt a system that may be more gen erally applied, instead of handling each case as a unit, and thereby complicating the whole fab ric of rates, the business of hauling goods and passengers will be placed on a much more sat isfactory basis than it has ever been. A little well-directed effort towards this end will do much to reconcile the shippers to the absence of state regulation. Cutting Out the "Cuss Words." Encouraged, perhaps,,' by the experience of Josephus Daniels in the matter of reforming naval terminology, the moguls of the Pennsyl vania are now engaged in a crusade against profanity on part of their employes. The first move is directed at the language brakemen em ploy, and these are not only adjured but re quired to limit their objurgatory armament to such innocuous expletives as "gosh," or "darn," "fudge," and when especially exasperated, they may be permitted to say "shucks." If the "Pennsy" does succeed in putting it over, it will have the "road of anthracite" beaten many parasangs in the direction of novel ad vertising.' A practice as old as humanity is not likely to be seriously disturbed by a single ex ecutive order, even if it does tome from the head of as big a corporation as the "P. R. R." No one who has ever lingered long around a switch shanty or yard telegraph office can fail to have noted and consequently have been im pressed by the quality of profanity used. All, the way down the line the art of "cussing" is practiced, improving as it descends, until the brakeman has established himself supreme in the matter of unique, sulphurous conversation. The occasional exchange of compliments be tween the engineer and conductor, or either of them and the yardmaster is a treat to a student of expression, the corrosive qualify of such ver bal erosives being beyond the . comprehension of any not of the elect .But these are state events, and have little m common, with the parade the brakeman makes of his astonishing vocabulary. . 1 When the man who wrote the order for the suppression of thi time-honored habit of loose, and variegated "cussing" gets his reports on the success of his crusade, a summary will interest a 'curious, public, From the Baltimore American. When the eminent Aristotle evolved Ms theory of a common sense a aense held by every one in common a sense that would bring the other senses into accord, a clearing-house for the reports that come in through hearing, seeing ana the rest; he made what was a won derful contribution to the sasres and the ages He made clear that there is something in the human system by which there can be such a thing as understanding. At least so he thought, and so have philosophers thought ever since. If the great Greek were living today he would hear the dirge sound from senate to sanc tum, from shop to ship; all wrong, Aristotle, there is no longer any common sense. Mad ness, stark and silly bughouseism are rampant throughout the world of mankind. Dabblers in common-sense through Jhe ages making believe that human beings are rational, when they do not have even certification to theirown exist ence upon which to base a scheme of ration ality, coined the word consensus. By this was meant h&t it was possible for common-sense to be manifested even among groups of beings, in matters considered in common. Again, Aristotle, is found to be all wrong. Peace con ference," bojsheviki head-hunter assemblages, Holv Rollers, orohibitionists. labor unions and ecclesiastical bodies, along with womeVs suf frage conventions and the senate group, all illustrate .the fallacy of believing any longer in a consensus of opinion. In the absence of a common sense among the other senses, how can there be 'any longer faith in a consensus of views among groups of humans, all suffering from dementia, the universal malady of man kind? Art literature and industry all reveal the lack of the quantum in common. And now comes the Swiss discoverer Einstein, who says that Copernicus and Gallileo and Newton, who appeared to have had a consensus of scientific views that enabled them to create a scheme of the universe, were all wrong. All is wrong, and the upsetting of all things mundane is re flected in the total upsettinar of all the theories of the universe upon which all the facts, acts and utterances of human beings are based. Are the astral body, the fourth dimension and the sixth sense to give the laugh to the common-sense of man, to the consensus of views ,of groups of men and of the race, and to the conclusions of scientists? Once again, let it be exclaimed with a sigh, Aristotle, you are all wrongl Tammany's Doom Einstein knocks a streak of licrht crooked. Old-fashioned winter is no more. Europe's map is writ in water. Bolshevism is the bogy of the property-holder. We just escaped the end of the world the other day. It must be at hand. Is proof needed that we are spinning down the toboggan slide of sdegeneracy? None, surely, beyond the newspaper headline, "Eighteen Tammany Men Held Up by Bandits." After that anything! Eighteen members of the Eugene R. Duffy association were playing good old Tammany games at the favorite Tammany hour of 1:30 a. m. when three armed men entered with felonious intent. Before they could say "Hands up!" they were seized,- frisked of guns and money and flung downstairs? As the shatter of glass signalled their impact with the street door the sergeant at arms? reseated, was suavely inquiring, "Whose deal?" No, gentle reader! That is. not what hap pened! It is what should have happened. It is what would have , happened in the dear dead days that are no more. What did happen was that the 18 Tammany men or so described meekly stood by the wall with hands upraised while the uninvited guests gathered in $2,000 in cash' and all their jewelry. It is the end! Tammany can stand defeat; has thriven on it a hundred tumultuous years. ' It can stand reforms. It can stand im putations of respectability. It can survive deals with Hearst It has many fapes, phases, colors, moods. It is adaptable, fluid, sinuous, instinct with life force. But this it cannot stand. When three bandits hokl up 18 Tammany men in their own home, "Ichabod" is written. Now the pall and bier, the keening of the stricken 1 Tammany is doomed! JNew York World. Cfte VELVET 1 Tjt)rtnur Brooks Tiaker , JAMES E. DAVIDSON. He manages the co Vpany whose chaste and brilliant light presents our .city's beauty to ob servers out at night, a boon which timid citi zens no doubt appreciate, whieff burglars do not love and one which loving sweethearts hate, but which returns a revenue a pirate prince would prize and proves him an executive of quality and size. . , , He came from Portland, Ore. He left the western slope to find on the Missouri's shore a brighter beam of .hope. For though there's joy and pleasure where the salmon salad grows, and those who know it love the smell and spell of Portland's rose, there's merit quite as honest in the staid Nebraska spud and in the catfish lifted from his home among the mud. His intellect is testified by scarcity of hair: the combination of the two is possible, but rare. He saw our sundry ladders here, illustrious and tall, and with superb agility began to climb them all. In clubs and in society he's made himself a place. The town has given him the keys with promptitude and grace. For while others scale the heights by long and grilling toil, "he greases the declivity with simple social oil, defying the. tradition which re lates to sliding down by sliding to the top of nearly- everything in town; for some achieve success by grace of what they hold and have, while others rapidly arrive through skillful use of salve. Next Subject Charles L. Saunders. The Day We Celebrate. Rev. Olympia Brown, pioneer reformer and equal suffrage advocate, born at Prairie Ronde, Mich., 85 years ago. . Maj. Gen. Adelbert Cronkhite," U. S. A., who commanded "the 18th division in France,' born in New York, 59 years ago. ' Rudolph Eucken. world-famous writer and philosopher, born in Ostfriesland, 74 years ago. Isaac Bacharach, representative in congress of the Second New Jeresey district, born in rhiladelphia, 50 years, ago. , William K. Wood, representative in congress of the Tenth Indiana district, born at Oxford, Ind 59 years ago. Bennie Kauff, outfielder of the New York National league base ball team, born at Middle- port, O., 30 years ago. Thirty Years Ago in Omaha. Iiulge Berka finished his term as police judge, with a record behind him of faithful serv ice and fair and just dealings in every detail of the court. With the extension of the street railway to Fort Omaha, Omaa could boast of having the longest single line of electric road in the west It covered a'distance of eight miles. A movement was made to organize a state bankers' association. ' A convention of state bankers was called to be held January 22. ' In the Washington Post (Washington, D. Cy) appeared the following: 'The Omaha Bee's annual review issued on New Year's day is a beauty, and a wonder; Forty of its great pages are devoted to illustrations of the city and its fine business houses and public buildings, prom inent among which is the splendid-structure erected by Mr. Edward Rosewater. the editor of The. Bee, as, a monument to his success in I the newspaper business. , . . . J One Metcalfe a Republican. Omaha, Jan. I, To the Editor of The Bee:In reporting the filing at Lincoln of Leonard Wood's petitions for president, your correspondent re ferred to me as a democrat. Realiz ing that circumstances might 'lead some to suspect me guilty of the charge, I want to enter a general de nial and proudly proclaim myself a republican. Because I am a republican, ! am Interested In Leonard. Wood's can didacy, for I believe it offers the best chance of success for my party at the general election In November. But more than that, because I am an American I believe that the wel fare of our nation depends on the nomination of such a man as Leon ard Wood. The success of a political party does not alone depend on the election of those candidates nomin ated by that party. It is generally conceded, even by the democrats themselves, that the poor, old dem ocratic party is as dead as the Christmas turkey. Their chances of apain reeding at the "public patron age trough" are Indeed ellm and for that reason alone, the republican party should exercise exceeding care in selecting their - candidates for public office. The republicans must put their best men forward and make their nominations on merit without regard for political favor. The nomination of Leonard Wood would set a standard which might well be followed throughout the na tion. My hope is that the younger gen eration of republicans can play a prominent part In the coming cam paign, and that the political war horses may be relegated to the non essential class so far as party man agement,, is concerned. My faith In the republican party gives me con fidence in Leonard Wood's nomin ation, but that same faith makes me feel safe in saying that I will support the republican nominee whoever he might be. Very truly yours, TED METCALFE. Behind the H. O. of Ji. Omaha, Jan. 2. To the Editor of The Bee: What is the principal causo of the H. C. of L? And the answer reverberated through the distant hills, extravagance." An J18-per-week young man wearing $15-per-pair shoes, $12 for one silk shirt and $1.50 per both silk sox, probably wears a good many lunchless and carfareless days. But who cares so long as we are making an impression Lucile, sitting at her desk or standing behind the counter, looks perfectly stunning in her $30-blouse, $45-skirt and $16-shoes and she knows it. And anyway, the other girls are just green with envy. The hall bedroom and crackers and milk twice daily do get a little monotonous though. Poor old Bill! His salary is $150 per month, but friend wife must keep up with the Joneses, conse quently he gets further into debt every month. What cares wifey If her gowns cost $125 per, so long as she is (supposedly) fooling her friends. Hark's a fine fellow. He sports circus stripes, silk shirtii, knitted silk ties, has a tuxedo and distributes expensive cigars among his friends. He can also sit in a little poker game and lose $30 or $40 without "batting an eye." Some boy. Hark, but say, don't you get tired of making ex cuses for the unpaid bills? How you going to square yourself with the loan shark? And here's where the joke comes In. These people are fooling no body but children and themselves. OBSERVER. , Hunting Eye Meets Mayor. By R. 3. ALEXANDER. "You come along with me, young ster," said the policeman to the boy from tne JVorth Woods. "You loolc mighty cold and hungry, I'll take you to the mayor of this town and -he will see that you are fed and tret some clothes. Hunting Eye was not altogether sure he wanted to be taken anywhere by the big- policeman, but he was interested in the mayor and wanted to hud out who he was. "What does the mayor do?" he asked. "Why. he runs the town." "But I thought the council made laws for the town. "Sure, but the mayor has to see that the laws are carried out Ask him about it. he'll tell you." So after they came to the mayor's office and the little Indian boy was fitted out with warm clothes he be gan to ask questions. "Yes," said the mayor, "the coun cil makes ordinances. But I have to sign them before they are really or dinances. If I don t sign an ordi nance, two-thirds of the council must vote for it before it can be- Trlbuto to Dr. Conncll. Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 2. To the Editor of The Bee: To all who knew Doctor Counell I now voice the thoughts of all the young and old in Omaha especially the little folks that in the passing of Dr. R. W. Con nell they lose more than a good friend. For now they know the call to him for their relief in the medi cal world will not be answered. The writer has personally known his skill has saved and brought relief when others in his profession had given up hope. To all in Omaha: You have lost in your midst, one of the most gifted men in the medical profession and his record as your city physician must always stand out as a memor ial to him. WILLIAM A. WOLFE. Samnel Jones Tilden. "No American citizen could afford to decline a nomination for presi dency," says Mr. McAdoo. Well, who ever did? Arkansas Gazette. TAO 'BUSINESS IS GOOD THANK YOU' come a law. In 'some cities the mayor does not have this power of vetoing or refusing to sign a bill After the law or ordinance is passed, it is my duty to enforce it "What is enforcing a law?" "Well, suppose a law is passed setting a speed limit. I have to see that people don't go faster than the limit. I 'order the- police to arrest everybody who breaks the limit Seeing that the law is obeyed is en forcing it "How do you get to be mayor?" I he mayor is elected by the peo pie of the city. His term of office is anywhere from one to four years varying with different cities. "The work of executing the laws is divided among various depart ments. for instance, the oolice At- partment, the fire department, the treasury department, the department of streets, and several, others. The mayor usually appoints the heads of most of these departments and over sees their work." (Next week: "Hunting Eye Finds a Liberty Bond. ) Boys' and Qlrla' Newspaper Service. Copr rlRht, 191, by J. H. Millar. HdwStudy Skillfully ' Your Five Senses. V Tt APELIA BELLE BAIRD. If you want to excel in wood craft, train your five senses by using them. That is what the early pioneers did and that is what the woodsmen in the great forests do to day. Start in no and give all sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch the exercise they need to become as strong and vigorous as the muscles in your active body. Do you want to have eyes keen enough to see the eagle's nest high up on tfce cliff a mile, perhaps, away, or the deer grazing on the far off mountain side, or Alcor the little star not easily seen that is. close to and above the middle star in the DAILY CARTOONETTE. To PLfVf SRNTH CLRU3 F0r THEKIDM MfW A3 WELL HOITRIHTRNTJO B0UJNTHE CHIMNEY! MMDiDj aaa m u I l gWL. - W- so go through the whole list of your five senses. (Next weeki "Wind Break." Boya' and Olrla' Newspaper Service Copyright, 1919, by J. II. Millar. cant are tmat oc i ten. txzncie. Oroy rres Tncr, To Cure A Cold " in One Day Take "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableto" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature LV Nicholas oil Company . 30c on the box THE time, energy, thought and money that we have invested in our busi ness has all been with the idea of pro viding the best service that it is possible , to give in this profession. The experience we have gained, has been with the one thought, that we might make our service better. There are so many things that enter into a' morticians service that the layman sel dom stops to consider. ' We think that thoughtful service with the best attention that it is possi ble to give, means much to those that are under a temporary cloud of sorrow. That's why we take from you the many little details which are a pail; of our service, but doubly hard at the only time when we are needed. rrnouomiui service ai ML TCLCPHO DOUG S2S CUMING St AT MWtTEENTH handle of the Big Dipper? Then give your sense of sight a chance to develop by training your eyes to. see far away things. Begin with the sense of sight and send your eyes racing a long distance to a certain landmark, mak ing a game of it and announcing what you see between you and the goal. Then push your sight be yond the first goal to a second one still further away and tell what you see. Vou will have to practice, for this game of sight as for any other you hope to win. Practice every day and several times a day until you can see clearly what, at first, was almost invisible. Exercise your ears in the same way. Notice and try to- identity every noise you hear, then go into the woods and listen. Try to hear more and more of the outdoor sounds, the faintest and farthest away. The gurgling of water un der ice, the snapping of the dry branches in the wind, or the klopl of snow falling from the trees. In summer the hum of insects and song of a distant bird. Take the sense of smell next and give it vigorous exercise also Identify every odor that comes to you as you identify the sounds, and Another Unessential Industry. Authorities are now investigating the delicate question of when cider ceases to be a soft drink and be comes a hard character among bev erages. Washington Star. May Take it Himself. .. Mr. Bryan Is trying to find the logical democratic candidate for president, but hasn't settled on any body yet Toledo Blade. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of As nirin" in a "Baver narWacr." con taining proper directions for Head ache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lum bago, and . Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nine teen years. Handy tin boxes o 12 tablets cost a few cents. As-' pirin is trade mark of Bayer Man ufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid, ' , ..- ' , l ' i til i all I l ' ' ' ' ' lilt HL1II 9 -K jVJi , An Omaha Bank Conducted for and by Omaha people, the United States National Bank is essentially an institution for Omaha and vicinity. We welcome any bank ing business that you may have to transact, whether of large or moderate vol ume, whether you are lo cated right in Omaha or any 'part of. Douglas County. ; Checking Ac- . a counts and in terest bearing S a vin g s Ac counts are invited. m-t Injhwii Id w tin I n Mil