Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 13

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    wHk M vttft torcfcM 4.
Nat llht them for th.raMWt.; for If Mir virtu
DM mi p forth ut, 'twrr til a)ik
A if bad thm aot.
Th ating
Arm th vrinaa
Mountint haavaa.1
Oh! Those Wayward Evening Gowns
it I
M ii) Is
1 iKj
D i
9 . a: fc
They Refuse to Obey Rules
bo . Daintiness and
Dignity Are All
Mixed Up.
There is no part of a woman's
wardrobe more wayward than the
evening gown. It simply refuses to
rbey rules, not even the rule of age
The sweet young thing who today
appears in a lightsome, "youthful"
bunch of fluff will tomorrow sheathe
herself in a clinging, stately, trained
affair of black velvet. Similarly will
her elder sister discard dignity in
some capricious moment in favor ot
frills. But why not, she asks de
fiantly, when every sort is correct.
Two of the gowns shown on this
page, those worn by Lillian Hall and
Emily Chichester, motion picture
actresses, are totally different if
character. Miss Hall's belong to I
the first-mentioned class, being a '
lacy looking concoction of salmon
pink silk net over a foundation o'
cloth of silver. The overdress !
which has a deep flounce, flowered
in salmon pink, is cut straight across
the top, and so wide as to extend 1
when held out at least a half yard
beyond either hip. But it is held out
only for exhibition purposes; usually
it is allowed to fall into soft folds,
giving a slightly bouffant effect
z.bout the hips. The free edges are
outlined with tiny ribbon flowers
and look like the edges of pockets.
Silver embroidery bands the low
bodice and little bows of silver rib
bon dot the flouncing at intervals.
Miss Chichester's gown is as se
verely plain as the ether is frivolous,
but it is of the rich, shimmering ma
terial, and is made on the fine, simple
lines that are utterly independent o
trimming that, as a ' matter . of
fact, are far more effective withou .
it. The whole thing is of heavy,
lustrous black satin, the bodice and
girdle cut in one piece; the skirt, ex
tremely narrow about the an
with a very slight fullness
hips. A straight, square train
serves to emphasize the general ef
fect of simplicity, and incidentally,
of slenderness and height.' .
Mountains, .
Mountains seem to have been
built for the human race, as at once
their schools and their cathedrals;
full of treasures of illuminated man-;
uscript for the scholar, kindly in
simple lessons for the worker", quiet
in pale cloisters for the thinker,
glorious in holiness for the worship
er. They are great cathedral of the
earth, with their gates of rock, pave
ments of cloud, choirs and
stone, altars of anow.i
purple traversed 'ty
stars Ruskin.
Pineapple Possibilities
Or I 4
1 i i
f i I s
W M ill
: : . 1
I r v : I
THE ITVti&Vf .. . -
Stamped Goods
Infants' and cnu
dren's White vLawn
Dresses. Stamped to
e m b r oider. S i x
months to 2 years.
Special, 98c.
Third Fleer
Knitting Y
Khaki, "g
brown and nai
grey colors. Iii
Special Monday,!
a skein. ' ' I
-.Third K
It Will Pay You to Buy Your Household Linens Now Duri
Kilpatrick's Annual
Kin, cx j . mi
kles and
; You may doubt the reliability of
some of the statements concerning
the almost miraculous merits of
pineapple. The claim has been made J
that pineapple has rare healing qual
ities for the throat, that it would
very nearly bring eternal youth.
.' It is one of the foods that, like!
celery with its leputed nerve heal- J
ing virtues, has always come in for ;
enthusiastic praise that has not al-,
ways been entirety based on scien-
tific investigation. However, we
do know that all fruit is beneficial
and pineapple has none of the su-
peracidity that would make it less
,so than other fruit,
t: And there is one thing that has
. brought grtat popularity to pine
apple within the last few years. It
is the one sort of tinned fruit that
seems to be universally liked. There
ire nfany persons who actually pre
fer the canned fruit to the fresh
-sort. The faCct is that the pineapple
that is canned is mellow and en
tirely ripe at the time of canning,
hence it has none of that rather bit
ing flavor that is sometimes to be
found in the pineapples that we get
in the market.
There are two sors of pineapples
-r-one that comes to you in slices
and the other that is cut up. If you
are using it for salad or desserts
where you want to use the whole
pieces then the former is your best
selection, whereas if you are going
to make a dessert where you wish.
to have it minced then you save time
by using the latter sort.
When it is possible open a can
of pineapple today and use it for a
salad and finish it up tomorrow in a
dessert. If you are making a fruit
mixture of bananas, apples, grape
fruit or other fruits in combination
a little pineapple, even if it is but
one slice left over, will add piquancy
to the flavor. The juice in which
pineapple is canned is quite sweet,
and this may be used to sweeten a
fruit dessert. '
One very good salad that may be
made to take the place of salad as
well as dessert is made by placing
pineapple .discs on lettuce and then
filling the holes of pineapple with
" cream cheese. French dressing to
which a little pineapple juice has
been added should be used with it.
Always a little pineapple placed
in the bottom of the dish in which
custard is served adds interest to
that simple dessert. .
A delicious dessert is a pineapple
omelet made as follows: Beat three
eggs thoroughly and add a table
spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt and
after this is mixed, a teaspoonful ot
lemon juice and a teaspoonful ot
the juice of canned pineapple. In
the meantime prepare your omelet
pan by greasing it with butter.
When tot turn in the beaten egg
and proceed as usually with an om
elet. When it is set sprinkle over
the top of one-half of the omelet a
cup of drained minced pineapple.
Now fold over the other half , and
sprinkle with powdered sugar be
fore serving. ,
Officer in the General
Federation of Women's
Clubs Here.
r v
ive or striking contrast on most any
material. And in designs of other
colors it lelps bring out the pat
tern, if used sparingly here and
On the winter hat hand embroid
ery is perhaps, a little less used than
formerly, but some striking or
dainty stitches still lend distinction
to a few of the most exquisite and
up to date. On hats of taffeta and
velvet with a turban crown one of
the most popular ways to embroider
is to use a fine silver or gold thread
and weave it across the crown in
such a way as to leave flower-like
looking spaces on the fabric. An
other way is to make a plaid design
of basting or fine stitches.
On the hats of velvet, plush.
broadcloth, duvetyn, fur fabrics of
beaver, chenille silk and wool em
broidery are all used usually in a jl
. i j :r - - 1 l iS
Single nanasomc mom. vju a uiuiu ih
brimmed beaver of tan color, for in
stance.' a beautiful pink rose worked
in both silk and chenille silk for
the petals and chenille for the fol
iage on the front of the crown is
the only trimming. On the left side
of tarns embroidery is sometimes
j effectively done in a few coatse wool
Thoroughly chilled
slice very evenly.
bacon will
A Song for Peace
The vearsf may lay hand on fair
ifay place and displace the red
"stars; " '
Hay stain them, as blood stains are
At sunset in1 beautiful mars;. ...
"Eut the precepts of Christ are be
yond them; 1
The truths by ' the Nazarene
.With the tramp of the ages upon
them. '
They endure as though ages were
naught; , ; .
Go forth to the fields as one sowing,
Sins songs and be glad as you go
There are seeds that take root with-
" 1 ' ou showing,
: And bear their fruit whether or no.
K . . ; - , Joaquin Miller.
Mrs. Winter, second vice presi
dent of the General Federation of
Women's clubs, arrives in Omaha
today to attend meetings of the gen
eral fedration board, January 6 to 8.
Mrs. Winter is director of Ameri
canization in the federation and is
well-known over the country as
author, lecturer, club and civic work
er. She is a candidate for the of
fice of president, G. F. W. C. Elec
tion will be-held at the "Golden
Prairie Biennial" of the clubs, Des
Moines, la., June, 1920. Americans,
this is our country, let's stand to
gether," is one of Mrs. Winter's
characteristic remarks.
Effects in Embroidery
Every season there is something
distinctive in the style of embroid
ery and the way it is applied to
clothes. To be smart milacfy, this
year .for instance, embroiders not
her collar, but instead the flat col
larless neck of her dress. One of
the favorite stitches for the one nice
frock neck as well as the Georgette
blouse, the Russian or casaqua
blouse of velvet or the jersey smock
is a band composed of three rows
of basting stitches placed rather
close together in contrasting em
broidery silks. . Many times a pop
ular color scheme is three" tones of
the same color or two light colors
with a middle row of black silk to
give accent for this sort of trim
ming. A sort of sun-ray stitch, that
is, long and short stitches done over
the edge of the neck, is another
smart neck finish. Sometimes silk
and sometimes wool is chosen to
work these stitches and sometimes
French knots or solidly embroidered
dots are placed at the end of these
stitches. '
On smocks of taffeta embroidery
in self color is very good just now.
This often dedorates the front of
the blouse in a design of conven
tionalized flowers.' . . f "
One of the very newest of this
year's effects in embroidery applied
to clothing is an over and over stitch
laid work just wide enough to
imitate soutac! e braid. It ii most
frequently applied in black silk to
the winter frocks of darklue serge,
broadcloth or tricotine particularly
those models called "coat dresses."
Black silk embroidery, it should
be noticed, always makes an effect-
Furniture should be stained before
being waxed.
Charcoal powder is excellent for
cleaning fir" '-"ivps.
Shoe poi.sii (.ii clothing can be
removed with vinegar.
oinur ur nuo
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best -and
most harmless laxative or physic for
the little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's dose
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You, must sayy "California."
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct,
and rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of non-contagious and non
mental diseases, no. others being ad
mitted; the other Rest Cottage being-designed
for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watch
ful care and special nursing.
! M.
There are sound, logical reasons why the women of Omaha should anticipate their linen needs and buy now! Ireland is
practically the only country producing flax. Russia, formerly producing almost three-fourths of the world s supply,
Is practically out of business. Belgium has not yet fully re stored her linen industry. Under such conditions linens
must continue to be scarce, and scarcity is the inevitable cause of higher prices. A glance over the following items
will quickly convince you of the advisability of securing your linen needs during our January White Sale.
Full Size Bed Sheets
Mercerized Napkins
Par Des.
18x18 Striped and key borders, $2.45
1 9 M xl 9 hi Imported $4.45
22x22 Imported $4-95
22x22 Union . Napkins $4.95
All-Linen Napkins
19x19 All-linen Napkins. . . .
22x22 All-linen Napkins. . . .
21x21 Extra heavy Napkins.
22x22 Extra heavy Napkins,
Odd Linen Cloths
Per Dos.
. ..$5.25
. . .$6.95
. . .$7.95
72x72 Irish Damask Cloths.
72x90 Extra quality Cloths.
72x108 Extra heavy Cloths
81x81 All-linen Cloths $8.75
Main Floor
Long Cloth
No. A AX 12-yard Bolts $2.75
No. Bl 12-yard Bolts $3.75
No. 150X 10-yard Bolts ..$3.75
No. X-r-12-yard Bolts $3.85
Linen Lunch Cloths
36x36 All-linen Cloths .$2.95
36x36 fine quality Cloths $3.75
45x45 fine truality Cloths $4.95
45x45 Satin band Cloths $5.25
Cotton Huck Towels
No. 833 Red border Towels..
No. 284 Blue border Towels. .
No. 5236 Red border Towels.
No. 5956 All white Towels...
Bath Towels
. Each
No. 635 All white Towels 35c
No. 5937 All white Towels 49e
No. 5942 Extra large Towels 59c
Fancy border Bath Towels 59c
" Damask
Per Yd.
No. 2113 58-inch Damask 69c
No. 100 58-inch Damask 89c
No. 400 68-inch Damask 98c
No. COO 70-inch Damask $1.39
Pillow Cases
42x36 Rosedale Pillow Cases 29t
42x36 Old Glory Pillow Cases. .. .40c
42x36 Belfast Pillow Cases 55c
42x36 Mohawk Pillow Cases 65c
Bed Spreads
Ionia Heavy Satin Spreads $7.95
No. 2115 Scalloped and cut cor
nered Bed Snread $7.95
,No. 1332 English finish Spreads, $8.75
Union and All-Linen Towels
Plain Hemmed Union Towels 59e
Hemstitched Union Towels 79c
All-linen Hemstitched Towels. .. .$1.29
Extra fine Linen Towels. ...... .$1.79
Bed Sheets
63x99 Rugby Bed Sheets t$2.15
63x90 Brighton Bed Sheets $2.85
, 72M9 Marathon Sheets .$1.49
72x99 Umdale Sheets ..$1.95
81x90 Victor Sheet
ot.nn oiAM cuA
OlAPU uaiCIH OllCCbO. '
81x90 Hotel Special Sheets..
81x90 Rugby Sheets. . . .r .
Wool and Wool-Mixed BU
Wool mixed in fancy pla
and grey
72x80 Pride of Omaha. .
72x84 Ak-Sar-Ben Queen
Bed Pillows
Hummer Bed Pillows. . .
Andeve Bed Pillows
T. K. Special Bed Pillows...
Queen Louise Bed Pillows,.:
Cotton Blankets
64x76 Tan and white.....
70x80 Grey and tan .......
64x76 Fancy Plaids. A
70x80 Fancy Plaids.
January Sale of Corsets
In this sale we offer a special purchase of 10 dif
ferent models of La Camille Corsets. All front-lace
styles, in beautiful fabrics. A full range of sizes. Spe
cial values at s
Second Floor
$1.95 $2.95
House Dresses and Aprons
A special lot of Bungalow
Aprons in a variety of many
attractive styles. Regular $1.50
values. Special, 98e.
Bungalow Aprons that former
ly sold up to $2.25 each. Spe
cial, $1.69.
We have picked all House
Dresses that have become slight
ly soiled through handling and
marked them for quick clear
ance. Made of ginghams and
percales. Values up to $5.00.
Special, $2.69. t
Second Floor
Women Are Enthusiastic About Our
January Sale of Muslin Underwi
On the Floor Below
Several attractive patterns in Bavarian and Limoges China
their prices reduced for a quick clearance. Among them will be
found the Ronsard, Schiller and Louis XVI patterns, also grape de
signs in sherbet glasses. ' ,
Several attractive patterns in Bavarian and Limoges China
Dinner Setaar marked for a quick close out at reduced prices.
At 50c At $1.00
Here will be There tye Vases,
T o u n a w aier
Pitchers, Marma
lade Jars, Dinner
I . IIP if f
Far-sighted women are taking liberal advanf
this sale of Undermuslins, for they realize it is a ij
portunity in these days of high prices. Special pd
for this event made months ago, enable us to oi
these attractive values.
Petticoat of white sateen
and shadow proof. Very at
tractively priced at $1.95, $2.95
and $3.95. Covers Lace and em
broidery trimmed, at 69c, 89c
and $1.15.
Envelopes A most popular
garment, made in all sizes; lace
and embroidery trimmed and
priced exceedingly low for this
sale, $1.39, $1.69, $1.89, $2.49.
Gowns of fine qua
cloth, nainsook and
Grouped together in tl
under special price tick
mg, 91.59, 11.98 and
Bloomers of pink crl
elastic top and knee.
$1.49 and $1.98. -
Petticoats Fancy If
embroidery trimmed.
$2.95, $3.95 and $4.95
At 25c
This table, has
Iced Tea Glasses,
Odd Tumblers,
Platters and Nap
pies in pressed
glass, etc.
Beautiful Fur Coats
From $125.00 to $495.
They were formerly priced up as 'high as $495.00,
but have been price reduced for this January sale. There
are rich coats of Hudson Seal, Nutria, Raccoon, Marmot
and some smart fur combinations.
Special values at from $125.00 to $495.00.
Second Floor
ir r n -
iow ror a Busy Selling ot K
Children s Muslin Underwear and Appare
Our January Sale affords mothers a splendid opportunity to renlenish th mnfmk.
tie miss at a welcome saving. Below are mentione d a few of the many attractive values that
you in our vnuaren s uepariment. '
Children's Princess Slips of
fine muslin; lace and embroid
ery trimmed. Three special
lots at, 98c, $1.29 and $1.59.
Children's Gowns are marked
special at, 98c, $1.29 and $1.98.
Children's Drawers of fine
white muslin. January Sale
prices, 29c, 35c, 49c, 59c and
Boys' Suits and Rompers in
smart styles: all sizes. Special,
$1.29, $1.98 and $2.98.
Children's White
sizes from 6 to 14.
at, $3.50, $5.50 and i
Children's White D;
sizes from 6 months to 6
January Sale Price, 98c,i
and 92.49.
Coats reduced
$22.50 and $29.50
Coats reduced
$7.95 and $11.95.
Coats, Suits and Dresses For Children and Juniors
to $5.95,
Dresses reduced to $8.50,
$14.50 and $19.50.
Better quality Dresses re
duced to $29.50 and $39.50.
Juniors' and Misses'
have been divided into ri
cial lots and marked a
and 932.50.
January Clearance Sale of
Women's Cloth Coats
Our entire coat stock is included in this swooping clearance;
not a single coat is reserved. They are made up in the wanted ma
terials and colors and in the very smartest styles. Some are trimmed
with rich fur collars; others have self -collars. (
Coats worth up to $225.00,
Coats worth up to $195.00,
Coats worth up to $125.00,
Coats worth up to $ 97.50,
Coats worth up to $ 39.50,
Special Sale Price, $125.00
Special Sale Price, $ 97.50
Special Sale Price, $ 69.50
Special Sale Price, $ 57.50
Special Sale Price $ 39.50
Smart, snappy models in Suede and Plush Sport Coats are spe
cially priced during this sale at $19.75 and $39.50.
Pretty Dresses Price Reduced
There is a fine collection of clever styles that will appeal t&
discriminating women. The materials are of a high quality and
they have been made up by dressmakers who know their" business.
The leading colors are represented.
Pretty Street and Afternoon Dresses of Silk,' Serge, and Satin.
Specially priced for this January Sale, at $24.75 and $34.50.
We have decided on a complete clearance of all our Evening
and Party Dresses and have reduced their prices to $24.75 up to
$69.50. -
Luxurious Evening Wraps of rich Velvet and Satin combina
tions have had their prices reduced to almost HALF.
Second Floor
Time to Buy
"Here we tell of three special
lots of ready-made Curtains
that will be closed out during
this January sale. Are not
more than 3 or 4 pairs of any
one pattern.
Lot No. 1 Plain hemstitched
Voile and Marquisette curtains
in white, cream and ecru colors.
Worth up to $2.25 a pair. Sale
pric?, per pair. $1.65.
Lot No. 2 A large selection of
fine Marquisette, Voile and
Filet net curtains with wide
lace edging and insertion, and
fancy inserted motifs. .Values
up to $9.00 a pair. Sale price,
per pair, $6.95.
Lot No. 3 Duchess, Irish,
Point and Filet net curtains;
just two and three pairs of each
pattern. Worth up to $18.00 a
pair. ' To clear at one-fourth
off. ' ,
Third Floor
Women's Knit Unde
W e are clearing away all odd lots and broken linei
uno January oaie. ceiow wt mention- a few of th i,J
Women's Silk and Wool and
Globe Wool Union Suits. A
small lot of broken sizes. Val
ues up to $6.00. To clear, at
$3.89. -
Women's Wool Union Suits.
Both out and regular size. Reg
ular $3.50 and $4.00 values.
Special, per suit, $2.49.
Children's Fleeced Union
Suits, with and without waist
straps. Regular $1.50 values.
Special 98e.
An odd lot of
fleeced and medfti
ankle Suits; also
Vests. To cleari
A small lot of
union Suits, ay
rants. Your choiC
Boys' Waists, t
regular .. models.
worth $1.50 eacL
Sale of Men's Furnisl
Men's Fine Cotton Sox in all
colors. Regular 35c values
special, per pair, 29c.
Men's Neckwear reduced:
Regular $1.00 values 79c
Regular $1.50 values .. $1.15
Regular $2.00 values $1.55
Regular $2.60 values... $2.05
Regular $3.00 values ... $2 35
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values
at $3.15.
Men's Outing Flannel Paja
$350 $3, "nd
Men's Silk
Lisle Socks.
Special, per pi
Men's Shirts
of soft and 11
Regular $2.50ll
special, $1.61
Men's Fur
ras Shirts.
Your choice
Men's Niffl
ly priced at