Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    8 I
Balance on December 1 Holds
Nearly $1,500,000 More
Than Same Time
Last Year.
Narly $1,500,000 more wat In the
city and county treasury on Decem
ber 1, 1919, than were in that treas
ry at the same time the year be
fore, according: to the latest report
of County and City Treasurer
On. December 1, 1919, th neasury
-showed a balance of $5,416,065.82.
On the same date in 19J8 the treas
ury contained Only $4,n0,6.53.
Receipts during the 12 n.onths up
to December 1 from tax colkctions
and miscellaneous collection of the
county, city, school district, Metro-
politan Water district and police re
lict and pension fund, were $13,
.143.6.12.P6. - Disbursements during the same 12
months vtere $12,027,1737.
The money on hand is divided as
follows: County. $1,223.75? J3- city,
$1,809,114.22; school district, $1 052,
682.51; Metropolitan Vaer district,
$1,193,914.23; polire pension nd re
lief fund. $167,502.03.
The report shows that both re
ceipts and disbursements of the of
fice have increased about 25 per cent
i-i 1919 over 1918
Expense of the City ,
Government During 1919
Nearly $2,000,000
The expense of the city govern
ment during 1919 was nearly $2,000,
000, being made up of the budget of
$1,800,000, which, was apportioned at
the first of: the year, and also an
overlap Of ?150,000 on the police and
fire funds, caused by increases of
salary. , ' '
A levy of 35 mills which was fixed j
fdr 1920 will yiold approximately
$1,950,000, to which will be added an
estimated amount bf $350,000 which j
will be received in "miscellaneous ;
collection, making at total of $2,- 1
300.000 which the citv council will
.t:-t..;i... t. ...... c...
From thi tntal must h ArAiietpA
at the outset the pJHce and fire
deficit of $150,000 from1 last year. )
The following are the estimates '
which the heads of the seven city !
affairs, $132,800: accounts and
finance, $156,455; police, , sanitation
and public safety, $550,000. Fire pro j
tection and water supply. $866,624; j
.street cleaning and maintenance,!
j186,500; parks and boulevards,!
ijiVw; puouc improvements, $io,--;
265, Those estimates make a total j
of $2,259,144, which must necessarily !
be cut at least $100,000 to meet the I
' limitations of the available funds for i
this year, I
The expense of the municipal gar- ;
age last year was $57,000, this j
amount being distributed among the i
.t i . . 1 ' L 1
iicpdi tint. IIS, cltCUlUlllg IU IIIC jiuiu- i
ber of automobiles repaired. i
. Delays Park Improvemeiit ;
sioner in charge of , the. park and
boulerard department, in a sum
mary of the year's, work, states that
his department was handicapped on
Siccount of adequate funds and that .
many washouts along the boule-:
varrls during the heavy rains last
spring, incurred an unusual expen
diture. . '
t annrftnnntinn tni" crfnral
park purposes last year was $96,000,
and $14,000 was received from the
wheel tax fund for maintenance of
boulevards. The department also
received ; $20,000" from the road
fund. i j
The important improvements of
the. year' were: Straightening dan-
gerous turns of boulevards. Elm
wood park was given a new outlet
to the west by opening a road con
necting the " main driveway .with
Sixty-fifth street. Twelve hundred
.trees were" planted along the .boule-,
vards. -A shelter house and picnic
oven were installed at Riverview
park. A bath house was erected in
Tefferson square, at a cost of $14,
65. Among the improvements planned
for this year will be the curbing and
puttering of Florence boulevard.
Cuming street to Ames avenue; also ,
Belvidere boulevard, between ron
tenelle an4,Miller parks.
Humane Society Activity
Increases Dog Licenses
From January 1 to December 1.
1919. the city clerk collected $7,009
in dog licence fees. For three years
previous fo 1919 the average annual
receipts was $4,355.
The answer is, according to W.
V. Bradley, superintendent of the
Nebraska Humane society, that this
society took over, the work of im
pounding dogs a year ago and ef
forts to induce dog owners to ob
tain license tags is reflected in the
fr RfaHW nffrd the followin?
statistical information for last year:
Animals received at the city
shelter, 1,151, of which 383 were re
leased to ownersNand 768 were de
stroyed. Animal cases investigated.
2,173, involving 3,043 animals. Fifty
eight horses were ordered taken out
. of harness and treated until fit to be
worked. Teamsters and owners ad
monished, 171. Dead animals re
moved from streets, 885.
Since the children's aid division
was started during the fall, 513 calls
were made and the welfare of 249
children investigated. Four com
flaints were made in juvenile court
vnt behalf of mistreated children.
Lincoln -Wholesale Firm
, Will Move to Omaha Soon
The E. R Deputy Co., of Lincoln
has purchased the protwrty at
Twelfth and Howard streets, and
Vxpects to move to Omaha within
he next few months Th company
is a firm of wholesale distributors
of clothing, furnishings and notions,
and manufacturers of work clothing.
The sales force will be increased and
v the territory will become larger.
i lit ja.iiua.vy iiucii one
prifc rri refill irrciA&rrb4sr
III IVH.l.lll. Jl I 1. I I I I il II 11 II I II I II I
The Scarcity off Qwd Wdkmdim
Lends Addled Mportance to This ale
The dependability of everything in the Thompson
Belden store is a well established fact. Considering
this lower than usual prices have a particularly im
portant meaning. .
ifhe 'Savings Aire Very Real Indeed.
A Clearance of Winter Apparel
Brings Advantageous Prices
Women who desire ready-to-v
wear of the, highest quality
will appreciate the savings
made possible by this January
We offer, at this time, our
entire regular stock of ap
parel. Garments skillfully designed,
carefully tail.ored from the
best of materials. Every one
meeting the rigid standards
which we have set up and
maintained for many years.
Sustaining the Thompson
Belden reputation for quality
as well as the genuineness and
completeness of all that , a
clearance means at this store.
Clearance Featured the First Day
$55 Coats $129.50 to $150
Friday for Coats Friday,
$38.75 $98.50
$57.50 to $69.50 . $155 to $175
Coats Friday, : Coats Friday,
$48.50 $129.50
$75 to $89.50 ; $180 to $200
Coats fYiday, ; Coats Friday,
$51.50 $144.50
$95 to $110. ' $210 to $250
Coats Friday, Coats Friday,
$66.50 $179.50
$115 to $125 $275 to $350
Coats Friday, x Coats Friday,
$79.50 $229.50
All Sales Final A Charge for Alterations.
Savings in W oolens
The best quality materials
. at most attractive prices
one of the most desirable and fashionable
of the season's fabrics. In beaver, golden
twilight blue, African . brown 54-inch.
$15 quality. For Friday, $12.50 a yard.
fl ALL-WOOL .SILVERTONE, 54 inches
wide. All of the best colors. Friday's
special price, $5.49 a yard.
. If WOOL-FILLED PLAIDS for children's
v wear. A wide range of patterns and col
ors. 40 inches wide, $1.29 a yartf.
(36-inch navy, taupe, Pekin, gray, Bur
gundy (all fast colors). $5 quality for
$3.49 a yard. :
Two Hundred
Percale dresses and
aprons in light or
dark shades and at
tractively figured pat-"
terns, and a few ging
ham and madras
Values to $5 are
offered in this
sale for $1.49.
All Sales Final.
In the Batem.nt.
Sheets and
$2.50 Sheets, Sale
Price, $1.98 Each
Fully bleached, seam
less sheets, 81x99
inch; are a double
bed size, and are ex
ceptionally heavy
quality. A limit of 6
sheets to a customer.
$5.50 Cotton
Blankets, $4.50
Large, first quality
blankets in tan or
. gray with striped
borders ; are size
70x80-inch; and are
quite fine for $4.50 a
Second Floor.
In connection with the announcement of this
annual sale your attention is directed to the folr
lowing facts concerning the linen industry as
it is today:
Irish and Scotch manufacturers are paying
fabulous prices for the available, meager supply,
of flax. On account of the chaotic conditions
in the flax growing countries, the supply has
diminished almost to the vanishing point.
The high flax prices, together with the greatly,
increased expenses of mill operations, have
combined to make linen prices almost prohibi
tive. . '
!a1 and ARSired
I linens scarcer
Through our direct connectiojlwith Irish i pel
that prices will go still higher
for an indefinite period. '
It is an almost daily occurrencljto receiveviH
Women should bear these factlin mind wten
purchasing linens. Stocks shoullbe replenished
now while good linens are still f fered. I
The Thompson-Belden linen stk is finely i
sorted with the best of Scotch Kd Irish lin
which will be sold regardless it present price
. c
n A xt t i r r . . nri
rnces rvre iovv iower ana vuaiiues Decrer inan
It Is Possible To Expect for Some Time To Come
Heavy Irish Linen
Table Cloths
$13.76 Cloths, $10.89
22.75 Cloths, ,17.60,
25.00 Cloths, 20.00
. 30.00 Cloths, 25.00
85.00 Cloths, ' 30.00
Napkins to Match
Heavy Irish. Linen
$15.00 grade, $12.89 a doz.
23.50 grade, 18.75 a doz.
25.00 grade,' 20.00 a doz.
30.00 grade, 25.00 a doz.
John S. Brown's
Fine Irish Linen
Cloths and Napkins
$22.50 Cloths, $17.50
25.00 Cloths, 20.00
27.60 Cloths, 22.50
30.00 Cloths, 25.00
35.00 Cloths, 30.00-
40.00 Cloths, 35.00
NAPKINS (To Match)
$22.50 quality, $18.75 a doz.
25.00 quality, 20.00 a doz.
30.00 quality, 25.00 a doz.
32.50 quality, 27.50 a doz.
John S. Brown Linens have
been sold here for thirty-three
Two Extra Specials for Friday '
Heavy Double Damask
Irish Linen Napkins'
$13.75 quality for
$11.89 doz.
Heavy Double Damask
Irish Linen Table Cloths
$12f quality, $9.75
Finest Scotch Linen Table Cloths
and Napkins to Match
$20 Napkins, $15 doz
zo xsapKins,
30 Napkins,
35 Napkins,
45 Napkins,
55 Napkins,
20 doz.
25 doz.
30 doz.
35 doz.
45 doz.
A 25 Reduction Friday
on All Our Fancy Linen
Real hand embroidered Madeira pieces, which in
cludes a splendid selection of
Table Cloths
Center Pieces
and Lunc
Lunch Cloths
heon Sets
Real Venitian lace centers, scarfs, doilies, lunch
cloths and table cloths.
Mosaic luncheon napkins and scarfs
All at a Reduction of 25
Exceptionally Low Prices
on Cloths and Napkins
of Pure Irish Linen
$10.00 Napkins, $ 7:50 doz.
12.00 Napkins, 8.89 doz.
12.75 Napkins, 9.89 doz.
13.75 Napkins, 11.89 doz.
17.50 Napkins, 13.98 doz.
Hemstitched Linen
Damask Lunch Cloths
$ 6.00 Cloths for $5.00
7.50 Cloths for 0.00
10.00 Cloths for 7.75
11.75 Cloths fojr 9.75
Cloths fcound doslnt)
I1S.T5 (Sxl yds.), S10.M
17.00 (2x2 H yds.), Hit
18.78 (1x8 yds.), iHW
Linen Huek Towels
$ .75 Hemmed Tawsls,
1.50 H..8. Tows!,
1.75 H.V Twi,
2.00 R. S. Towsls,
2.25 E. a. Towels,
Huck ToUls
Warranted ALL-LOON
$ .85 ijuslity far I0H
M tuallty for TIP
1.00 nmttty for 89,
Towels, Toweling and Wash Clothr
Heavy Bleached
Turkish Towels
$ .40 quality for $ .S3
.65 quality for .50,
1.35 quality for 1.00
1.75 quality for 1.25
Turkish Wash Cloths
10c Wash Cloths, 84c
1244 c Wash Cloths, 10c
20c Wash Cloths, 15c
Ribbed Turkish Towels (heavy),
. 60c quality, 45c.
Hemmed Huck Towels
25c ones for 19c
30c ones for 25c
Huck Towels (all-linen weft)
40c quality for 29c.
Union, Checked Glow Toweling,
45c quality, 35c a yard.
Fancy Border Turkish Towels.
$1.00 quality, $ .85
1.35 quality, 1.00
H jary linen Crashes
(Scotch end IrUk)
60c Crash, 50c a yarj
65c Crash, 69e a yarj
. 75c Crash, 65e a yar
Heavy All-Linen
Checked Glass Towel
60c quality, 50eayar
65c quality, 59c a ysri
Extra Special
30c Crash, 20c yai'
Striped and Checked
Towel in g:
35c Striped, 25c a y
40c Checked, 30c a y
Lace Trimmed Scarfs, reg
priced $1.50, Friday
at 95c.
35c Glass Towels, stripe
hemmed, 25c.
Contributes to the Sale
Children's Coats and H
Have New Low Prices
Outing Flannel
Nightshirts, $1.50
Made by Steiner and
Son; splendid, serv
iceable garments in
desirable colors and
all sizes.
Fibre Hose
Only 50c a pair
, Eiffel hose, medium
weight, fine and silky
come in cordovan,
black, white, navy,
gray, and dark or
light champagne. 50c
a pair while our sup
ply holds out.
Fine Ties
For 75c each
Neckwear purchased
for the holiday trade
and this January sale.
The qualities and pat
terns are surprisingly
. beautiful.
White Shirts
Are- Priced $2
Negligee or pleated
shirts with stiff cuffs,
made by Cluett, Pea
body & Co. They are
values that cannot be
purchased today and
offered for this price.
Most attractive -ci
of gray . chinchfl
navy and brown mixpd
goods, silvertone,
Copenhagen or dai
rea, oroaaclotn an
velvet, sizes are all th
way from 2 to 14 years.'
$18.25 Coats
for $10.98
$22.50 Coats
for $18.49
Our January Shirt Sale
Offering Arrow, Earl & Wilson, and Eagle
shirts with soft or stiff cuffs, in sizes 13 to 18
$3 Shirts $2.65 $5 Shirts $4.15
$4 Shirts $3.35 $6 Shirts $5.15
$7 Shirts" are Priced $5.85
values you cant attorn to miss.
Values necessitating early shopping.
the Left As You Enter
$28.50 Coats
ior $22.49
$40 and $45
Coats, $31.50
$50 Coats Friday for $39.50 .
Of black velvet in shapes that are charming,
and hats especially designed to match certain
coats are to be had in velour and broadcloth,
brown or black.
$4.25 Hats Are
Priced $2.98
$6, $6.25 and $6.50
Hats Are $3.49
$8.25 and $8.50
Hats, $5.49
$9 and $9.50
Hats, $5.98
$11.50 Hats
for $7.69
$12.50 Hats
for $8.49
On the Second Floor