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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1920)
mnifff-n nr)iiprii rinmrhii i-kiii 1 1 11 UinilULU UllUlf III OF INDUSTRIES minimi nil mi in OllUWtiUI UMAIIH Many New Concerns Come to Omaha During Last Year Present Firms Boost Capi tal and Payrolls. tut mi. New eapltal lnUdll0.771.seo 11.171.000 111. 1911. Additional employ 1,481 .1.241 The foregoing estimates, made by the industrial bureau of the Cham ber of Commerce show a marked industrial growth in Omaha during the past year. Although many con cerns have located in Omaha that arc not included in the estimate, due to inability to locate them, the esti mate is approximately correct, ac cording to Managet Gillan, The following list shows new cap ital invested and additional num bers emploed by Omaha concerns during the p8 year: Capital No. of Invested Employe American Llv Stock In. Co f tOO.OOO 25 Afthmussen Manufac- ln Co., (aeroplanes) 25.000 s Ahlberg Bartnt9 Co.. 10,000 1 B. and M. Stock Reme dy Co 100,000 10 The BalhRch Company 100.000 i Carter-Ralston Mf. Co. 25 100 10 Cathedral Phonograph Co. 240 000 10 . Clous Vulcanizing Sta tion S 000 S Culley Ston Sho Co.. 160,000 10 Douflas Motora Cor poration OO.OOfl 70 Drlebua- Cat.dy Co... 86,000 10 Edson and Blackburn. .lO.oco 11 Rggerei-O'Flvng Co.. 20,000 Elrod Slug Casting Ma chine Co. 40,000 10 Qordon-Lwle Co... 13.000 Great Western Com mercial Body Co . 15,000 IIS Great Western Welding Co S.5P0 4 Hlggln Packing Co... 200,000 It Holly Tool Mfg. 0... 25,000 10 tioraceK-Bcnneiaor uo. 'ojvir e Kocaa Bro. 150.000 40 Klrkendall F. P. Co. 60,000 40 Ltonbeiger Tire Service Co 11,000 It Nebraska Tire Rub ber Co. 400,000 Nebraska Laboratory.. 2.6C0 ( Nebraska Bulck Co... 100,000 IS Omaha Flour Mill Co. 600.000 lit Omaha Steel Work.. 150.000 75 Omaha Refining Co.. 15O.00O 70 Omaha Printing Co... 100 000 10 Overland Tlr & Rub ber Co 738,000 10 Cxo-Oaa Heating Co... 70.000 It ' Skinner Mfg. Co. 1,000,000 M0 Spragu Tire & Rub ber Co 250.000 49 Sunderland Machinery Co. 50,040 40 Pecurltie Motor Co... 25.000 7 Thorwald Mfg. Co 1.O00 S Universal Auto Top Co. 2 000 I Union Pacific Railroad 626,000 150 weir Truck Body Co. 10.000 10 w:en Omaha Brush Co. 50.000 20 Total 110.771,600 1,405 (Additional capital and employe by firm established before ll.) General Anxiety in America Prevailing Over High Living Cost Washington, Dec. 31. General ' anxiety prevails throughout Ameri can business concerning the con tinued advance in prices and a re adjustment appears imminent, the ' federal reserve board reports in its ; review of December business condi tions. The inference was strongly given that a reduction in prices is due be cause of a recognized curtailment of buying power, coupled with a lack cf unanimity of opinion as to what ' the 'future holds. Credits were said to have been shortened and uncertainty as to the next three months is forestalling the expansion in trade naturally to be expected as the 'nation settles to wards its peace time ' activity. The high cost of living was referred to as an "unquestionable menace." French electric companies are i ?. r . I. . A 1 narnessing water lans or tne Alps and Pyrenees, several plants obtain ing 40,000 horsepower each and one reaching 250,000 horsepower. Ticlilo Ticlilo Tickle That's What Makes You Cough Hayec' Healing fJoisqy Stops Tho TJckh DyHoaBnff Tho Throat 35o per Bottlo r 11 : - -inT TvTl , fr ; . -.Z 71 wvw r -1, r J m - - tr . br t . -m i m mm m mm m m m m m - - m m , m. m m m mm a m m m mm m m m - jjjj - "EVERYBODYS STORE" s " t KW.jIW IllrS I I 1 I III - n teLI JJ I I I IIIY V (1 va III . I... i tuwi , is 3u i i i n i h v j-u-s rpjzn n w v k nri i n . i cs I UJ' I . Ill. S WWW II II .1 III I I II I 1 J A. . 'a-r- III I u i . i m j . . - ii nz- i a ii 1 v 1 1 i in i in i mn.ii an a a.' ii r. av mm m m i i ' n m ' mm m m mm mttm . . .Basa, m Hm, MaHTv sw aia r I IB I amiifv w oame Qauq -: i ft. mm k mr 1 Son Tortured Babies Sleep mothers Rest r Cuticura Seep.OlBtsMat.Tale Jfc.eiei !. riiaiils Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and body full of youth and health may be yours TT you will keep your system in order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL Tb world-. .Undard ready for kidney' l.ver. bladder mni aria id troabl. th l 9. All druwiata. three Ifc 5 t! tor th bum Cold M.ri.1 i - . bag i Wonderful Values Offered in this Annual Event Which Begins Friday, January 2nd French, Philippine, Porto Rican Silk and American Made Lingerie At Less Than the Wholesale Cost of the Garment Today White Petticoats, 95c Made of Lonsdale muslin finished with circular or ruffled flounces of batiste combined with embroidery, extra under fnunce; sizes 36, 38, 40. Sale price, 95c. s White Petticoats, $1.45 Made- of fine nainsook, flounces elaborately trimmed in Swiss embroidery, cluster tucks and lace, extra under flounce. Sale price, $1.45. Envelope Chemise, $1 . 75 Made of sheer nainsook or longcloth trimmed with deep yoke effect, back and front of lace and embroidery trimmed skirt. Sizes 34 to 44. Choice, $1.75. Women's Night Gowns, 69c Women's nightgowns of nainsook, batiste or muslin; lace, em broidery or tailor trimmed; white or pink; sizes 14, 15, 16, 17. Sale price, 69c. Women's Night Gowns, $1.45 Made of fine nainsook in numerous styles; elaborately trimmed In lace or embroidery, insertion and finished with embroidery; lace and ribbon run beading. Sale price, $1.45. Women! s Night Gowns, $1.95 - Made of fine nainsook or batiste, in flesh or white, daintily trimmed in fine vals or filet, combined with Swiss embroideries, "ibbon and beading. Sizes 34 to 44. Women's Night Gowns Innumerable styles in slip-over, empire, kimono and yoke ef fects. Made of fine nainsook, long cloth and batiste, trimmed with fine" lace and embroidery. Priced for this sale, $2.25, $2.50, $2.95. I $3.50 and up. Envelope Chemise Myriads of styles made of nainsook, longcloth and batiste, ex puisitely trimmed in fine laces and embroideries, trimmed skirts, SALE PRICE, $2.50, $2.75, $2.95, $3.50 and up. tr n Envelope Chemise, $1.35 x Envelope chemisenade of fine nainsook, elaborately trimmed front and back of lace or embroidery insertion and ribbon run beading, trimmed skirt, size 34 to 44, sale price $1.35. Envelope Chemise, $1.95 Made of white nainsook or batiste in f lesb. or white. Daintily trimmed in fine valj or filets, combined with Swiss embroideries, ribbon and beading, sizes 34 to 44, sale price, $1.95. Corset Covers, 65c Made of fine nainsook, combined with lace or embroidery in sertion and finished with lace edge and ribbon run beading. iSizes 34 to 44. Sale price, 65c ' Corset Covers. 75c Made of sheer batiste and nainsook, elaborately trimmed in lace nd embroidery, ribbon and beading; sizes 34 to 44. Sale price,75c. Corset Covers, 95c twin Mada of fine nainsook, batiste, combined with embroidery and lace insertions, and embroidered medallions, and lace motifs, and ribbon run beading; sizes 34 to 44. Sale price, 95c. , Corset Covers Many styles, strap shoulder or short sleeves, elaborately trim med in fine laces and embroidery, medallions and motifs, ribbon and beading. Sale prices, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $1.95 and up. Our entire stock of imported and American made silk lingerie wear, purchased and priced on the basis of the quotations of twelve months ago. Since that time there has been no less than five further 'advances in prices, all of which emphasizes our claim that this is one of the greatest sales we have ever held. Si Philippine Night Gowns, $2.95 An unusual collection of dainty hand-made Philippine Night gowns of White Batiste, beautifully hand-embroidered, in many pretty designs. - . Philippine Chemise $4.95 Sheer materials, embro deried in French or Oriental designs; finished with scallops and ribbon. Philippine Chemise $3. 95 Fine nainsook or long cloth elaborately embroideried in floral or Greek designs; V, round or square neck; finished shell scallops, ribben run eyelets; sizes 34 44. Philippine Chemise $3.45 Envelope chemise, entirely hand made; elaborately trimmed in floral or conventional designs; finished with small scallops, rib bon run eyelets; sizes 34 to 44. Philippine Chemise $5.95 Fine batiste, sheer nainsook and serviceable long cloth ex quisitely embroideried in modern Colido and shadow embroidery in beautiful patterns; finished with inserts of lace; entirely hand made. ' Philippine Gowns $3.95 to $35 Fashioned in creations so alluring that they can be worn for boudoir robes; encrusted with Val. lacesj embroidered in the most exquisite pastel motifs and fairy sprays joined with fine veinings. Priced 43.95 to $35.00. Philippine Gowns at $4.95 Made of sheer lingerie cloth; embroidered in exquisite French and Oriental designs; hand scalloped neck and sleeves; entirely hand made. Priced $4.95. Philippine Gowns at $5.95 Many styles to choose from; made of sheerest materials and finished with a wealth of handwork and fine laces. Priced $5.95. N Philippine Gowns at $6.95 Empire, Gretchen and semUyoke effects; beautifully embroid ered in the daintiest of new French designs; neck and sleeves fin ished with fancy scalloped edgs; entirely hand-made. Priced $6.95. Made fitted elastic Women's Bloomers, 75c of Windsor crepe or batiste, in pink, blue and white, ic top, double elastie cuff knee. Sale price, 75c. Women's Pajamas $1.95 Billie Bourke or Manderin effects. Made of batiste or Wind sor crepes, fti stripe, check, polka dot, or plain .colors. Trimmed in lace, contrasting colors, size 15, 16, 17, sale price, $1.95. Nainsook Drawers, 50c Made of fine nainsook trimmed in lace or tailor folds, fitted top, size 21 to, 29, sale price, 50c. niiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilnl iiiiiii!i;iiiii:iIiiiii1iiiiiiiIiiIiiiiiiiii'IiiiiiIiiImiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiIiiii;i I The Charming New Undergarment I in Comfy Athletics T17ITH every thought to daintiness comes lovely POLLY- ANNA, the fascinating new undergarment, to make glad ? the feminine heart. ' " m f Can you imagine anything lovelier than a POLLY-ANNA comfy of Moon-Glo Meteor,' Real Irish Linen, or even the - moderately priced cottons? . ' , s ? This dainty combination of vest and drawers has the in- dividual feature of skirt back and is meeting the demand of the woman who' wants charming undergarments: f j Priced From $2.45 to $25 J:'li!i'i;:iiiiilnl::li,liiiliil;iliirlli.iiiiiiiliiiiiiii;ii.i;niiilllililiiiir i f Billy Burke Pajamas $5.95 Crepe de chine, mannishly tailored, trimmed with hemstitch ing, pockets and silk ties. Billy Burke Pajamas $7.95 Of crepe de chine and society satin, filet and Val. lace trim med, high Empire effect. Billy Burke Pajamas $10.00 Of crepe de chine and satin embroidered and lace-trimmed pockets and ribbon runs. V Bloomers at $3.45 Crepe de chine and wash satin, elastic cuff at knee. Bloomers at $4.95 . Satin, elaborately trimmed with lace and lace medallions end rosebuds. Women's Silk Bloomers, 95c Made of heavy witchery silk, in pink, blue, lavender, white and black. Fitted elastic top and double cuff, elastic knee, sizes 25, 27, 29. Sale price, 95c. Camisoles at 95c straps. Crepe de chine and washrobe satin, lace trimmer, with ribbon Camisoles at $1.50 Crepe de chine and satin, filet and Val. lace trimmed. Rib bon straps or armsize. Camisoles at $1.95 Crepe de chine and satin,, trimmed with lace and embroid ery; very dainty. Envelope Chemise at $2.95 2repe de chine,with touches of ribbon, or lace-trimmed top a straps. Envelope Chemise at $3.95 3repe de chine and society satin, tailored and beautifully rith lace and embroidery. Envelope Chemise at $4.50 Crepe de chine, trimmed in lace, tucks and embroidery, ribbon traps, - Night Dresses at $4. 95 Crepe de chine gowns in many attractive styles, lace tops, and ribbon trimmed. - . Night Dresses at $5.95 repe de chine and society satin, lace trimmed kimono and empire effects. Night Dresses at $6.9$ Crepe de chine and society satin, beautifully trimmed with lace, some having adornments of embroidery design across the front. " - jSttMV. -II- "gg!gagg"aafaaa; I. -