THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER -28, 1919. v.C. T.I). LEADERS TO TOUR WORLD FOR DRY CAUSE President of Society and Pub- lisher of Paoer Plan to Visit , Many Countries In , Campaign. Chicago, Dec. 27. As a step in the "world dry" movement, Miss- Anna Adams Gordon, president of the National Women's Christian Tem perance union, and Miss Julia F. Deane, editor of the Union Signal, the organization's official publica tion, plan European, Oriental, Afri can and South -American trips, Miss Gordon announced here today. I'assports to Europe already have been obfained. The tour of Europe will be begun in April, Miss Gordon said, to be followed by visits to the Orient, South Africa and -South America ,in turn. "We will make a survey of the situation in the countries as it now UPDIKE We Specialize In th Careful Handling of Order of Grain and Provisions Future Delivery - 'or All Important Markets We Are Meniere of i ' Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce ' St. Louis Merhants Exchange . Kansas City Board of Trade ' Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchange We Operate Offices at: Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, Neb. Atlantic, la. Hastings, Neb. " Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. Des Moines, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago. 111. and all of tHese offices are con nected with each other by private wires. 1 We Solicit Your Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY , Grain Exchange Buildiag. Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Consignment Solicited. is," - said Miss Gordon. "We will carry the enthusiasm of America to them, aid them in building up their work through the organizations now existing in each, country, and tell them of the results obtained here." After attending the world W. C. T. U. convention in London in April, 1920, Miss Gordon said she and Miss Deane would travel through England, returning to America in time to attend the na tional W. C T. U. convention at Atlantic City in November, 1920. As soon after that as feasible the tour of the other continents would be started. Miss Gordon said that the W. C T. U. was looking into the increas ing number of deaths reported through drinking of wood alcohol, rnd that something soon must be done about it She added, however, "the number of deaths caused by that poison would not compare with the number caused by drinking so called 'good whisky." Sioux City LIT Stock. Sioux City. la.. Deo. ST. Cattle Re ceipts, COO head; market steady: compared with a week ago, 60c to 11 higher; beef steers, choice fed. 1B. 25018.25; charred, 118.26016.00: warmed UP, Il0.00ffll3.00: beet steers. fRlrly good, 17.00 f 8.60; veal calves. t.0016.60; stockers, ?.6O0s.6O; tat cowa and heifers, f8.60913.60; can ners. 6.008.T6; feeders. $8.00U.25; calves, common, J5.B06.26; feeding cows and heifers, $5.00198.00. HogsReceipts, 6,600 head: market, 10 cents higher; light, $1 S.10 1 J. 60; mixed, 113.26013. 66: heavy. IS. 15 13. 60 ; bulk of sales, 113.3611.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady. Kansas City 1.1 Te Stock. Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 27. Cattle-i-Re-celpts, 760 head; market for the week on stners and she stock 75cll.&0 higher; bulls and cannera mostly 60o higher; calves strong to 2to higher; feeders mostly 25c higher. Hogs Receipts, 1,600 head; market 6 10c higher; bulk of sales, 313.5O13.80; heavies, 111.66f13.ll0; mediums, 18.65 13.90; lights, 13.4013.70; light lights, tl2.80iftl3.40; parking sows, 112.50 13.25; pigs, fl3.25iS13.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market for the week on lambs 76ctl.0O higher; sheep 6076o higher; breeders and feeders strong. Owned and Recommended by Home Builders, Inc., Omaha, Neb. . WE OFFER 6 First Mortgage Bonds Tax Free In Nebraska. $250 S600 $1,000 Secured by Omaha business prop erty centrally located. . Interest 6, payable semi-annually. Maturity 1924 to 1928. Owner will occupy the building. American Security Co. 18 th and Dodge, Omaha, Neb. January Investment Suggestions , The following are some of the many investments which we recommend and feature as combining safety, converts bility and an interest rate from p to 10, with practical certainty of, advance in market price as soon as interest rales and foreign exchange approach normal: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LIBERTY BONDS At present prices these bonds net from 3 to 6 3-16. Totally exempt from State taxation and largely from Federal Income and Profits taxes. UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL BONDS Selling to net from 6 to 7, with possibility of making from $125 to $175 for each $300 invested when exchange approaches normal FRENCH REPUBLIC INTERNAL BONDS Netting from 5 to 7 and the possibility of making from $110 to $130 for each $75 invested with the return of normal exchange. ANGLO-FRENCH 5 I Joint pbligation of England and France maturing October 15, 1920, selling to net over 9. SWEDISH, BELGIAN ITALIAN, SWISS, JAPANESE, CANADIAN AND ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT ; EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL LOANS Netting proportionately as high interest rate with exceptional pos sibilities of profit on exchange. ' AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM PANY THREE-YEARN6 NOTES TO NET OVER 7. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILWAY COLLATERAL TRUST 6 TO NET ABOUT 6. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS LIGHT AND PANY 6 TO NET ABOUT 6H. POWER COM- OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY S. At 85 and interest to net 74. Exempt from all forms of Ne braska taxes and 2 of normal Income tax paid by company. COUNTY, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Netting from 4 to 6. Totally exempt from Federal Income and Profits taxes. SWIFT, CUDAHY AND WILSON PACKING COM ' PANIES 6 OBLIGATIONS NETTING FROM 6 JO 77, - PREFERRED STOCKS ON NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED COMPANIES x - . Netting from 6 to 7. Exempt from State and Normal ' Income taxes. Nebraska Farm and City Mortgages 1 OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS Exempt from all forms of Nebraska taxation and 2 of the normal income tax, secured by a property in one of the choicest locations in Omaha which cost over three times the amount of the mortgage. . PARTIAL LIST OF CHOICE FARM LOANS IN BEST FARMING SECTIONS OF NEBRASKA $2,500 to $3,000 6 secured by first mort gages on farms conservatively valued at $8,000 to $10,000. $3,500 to $4,500 6 secured by first mort gages on farms conservatively appraised at -$12,000 and up. , $5,000 and upwards 6 secured by first mort- ., gages on farms valued at 2 and 3 times the v amount of mortgage. i . $6,000 to $10,OOa6H covered by first mort gages on the choicest of farms in Eastern Ne braska. All personally examined by u. Interett collected and remitted. Every interest of our investor in loan told are most carefully looked after and safeguarded. " ', Call, write or telephone for detailed circulars, also for our booklet. "Why You Should Make Will," and list of Real Estate Wanted and For Sale and Rent," First Trust Company of Omaha AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , . OMAHA Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Omftfca L1t Stock. ' Omahi, Dec 17. Ript ' wr Cattle Hom. Sheep. Official Monday .... 8,8- 11, m 1,120 Offill TtiASiria.w ( elf lllAt it ac Official WftririMf. . f ATA It KB A A fietl ... . ' - w ii. esjviv aiuw f, V s Thursday (holiday) ii ii-isi rrmay ,S4I 1,(20 6, US Estimate Saturday .' tOO 7,100 1,100 Six day this wsek.. 11,161 60.1M JS,6 Sam days last week. 85,395 68.821 61,120 Same 1 weeks ago... 16,711 S6.S3I 45.311 Same 3 weeks ago. ..60.696 47.028 78,487 Same days year ao. 14.968 46.874 18,106 Receipts and disposition of live ateck at the Union stock yards, Omaha. r-Teb.. for 24 hu ndlnr at t o'clock p. m.. December REJIPTS CARS. 'V Cattle. Hoss 8hp. rv v. st Wabash .'. '' '' , ' Union Pacific 2 11 C. & N. W.. east & is 9. C., St. P., M. & 0 1 15 v .. i-., x. w-, east 11 C. B. & (... west 1 C, R. L & P., oast 2 , 4 2 t' R. T. A P UUkafr . 1 Illinois Central 2 4 Chicago Ot. West. 8 t Total receipts ' 84 1U4 DISPOSITION HEAD. . . Hosts. Sheep. Morris A Cn i n.c Swift A Co. '. :....l....ili8 !!!.' Cudahy Pat-king Co. ..1,737 784 Armour fe Cn 9 vi kar J W. Murrhy 'si; .... umer DUjera , 364 GRAIN MARKET Total ..7.4&0 1,744 Cattle There was the x usual Insignifi cant' Saturday's- run of cattle, about 800 head, and the market was nominally un changed. For the week receipts have be i about 22.000 head, as against 3 5. OOP (he week previous and 15,000 Christmas week last year. Early In the week fat cattle and cows scored an advance of 76c81.00 and although part of this was closing prices are still 60 375c higher than they were a week ago. Stockers and feeders nave ruled very quiet, but the general trend of prices have ben upward for any thing at all attractlv. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, J14.S016.60; good to choice beeves. $13.00014.60: fair to good beeves, 11. 004913.00; commop to fair beeves, 59.OOW11.00; choice to prime yearlings 814.76H6.25, good to choice yearlings. 3 13. 00 1 4.75: fair to good yearlings, 81 1.00 13.00; common to fair yearlings, ?S.OO W11.00: choice to prime heifers, 311.6012.50; good to choice heifers, 30 00 11.60: choice to prime cows, $9.60 11.00: good to choice cows, 88.0009.60: fair to good cows, 88.758.00; common to lair cows, is.vubb .tb cnice to prima heavy feeders, J11.013 .00; good to choice feeders. 89.50(5)11.00: medium to Rood feeders $8.008 60; common to fair feeders, 86.7Gfps.uo; Rood to cnoice stocK ers, 89.00010.26; fall4 to good stocker-t, JJ.OOf-SS.OO; common to fair stockers, $6.00 (37.25; stock heifers $6.007.25; stock cows, 35.25 jf 6 SO; stock calves, )6.25ft 3 0.26; veal calves, $6.00 14.50; bulls, stags, etc., 16.25011.00: choice to primj grass beeves, $12 60lt.60; good to choice grass beeves, 810. 604112. 50; fair to good grass beeves. $8.75(910.50; common to fair Brass beeves 17.26 8.75 ; Mexican beeves, IG. 6008. 00. i Hogs Receipts of hogs have been fairly liberal this week, regardless of a holiday, almost equaling the total of last week. This week's run reached 60,100 head. The week opened with a weak undertone, the first few days showing declines of 2550c, demand broadened, beginning Wednesday and prices have gradually worked higher. With a slight advance Saturday and bulk of $13.3513.65 and top of $13.80. the highest top of ithe week, shows that the decline of fore part of the week has all been regained and the week olosed around lOo higher than last Saturday. HOGS. No. Ar. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. TOS.lSl I'JO $13 00 62.. 298 $13 20 ES..287 ... 13 25 55. .312 110 13 30 45. .288 0 13 35 61. .281 180 13 40 62. .318 20 13 85 61. .281 180 13 40 64. .260 ... 13 65 35. .208 ... 13 60 81. .189 ... 13 65 68. .224 80 13 70 65. .212... 1375 56. .260 ... 1380 Sheep Only a 'few doubles of sheep and lambs were received toda and prices re mained nominally steady. Some pretty good lambs brought $17.25 with best ewes at $10.00. The trade this week ha been In extra good shrape and prices for all classes of stock show sharp advances. Lamb reached $17.65 yesterday, the high est price on record since June. Fat ewes are quotable up to $10.25 or better, and good wethers are quoted around $11.26 11.75 and light yearlings claim a limit of about " $16.76. Compared with a week ago fat lambs are fully $1.50 higher, wethers and yearling 60c$1.00 higher and ewes $1.0001.25 above last week. innuiTv for fleshy feeder continue strong and active at figure a little high er than a week ago. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, $17.25017.66; lambs, fair to good, $16.75017.25: fleshy feeders, $14.60016.00; good to choice feeders, $14.85014.76; fair to good feeders, $14.00014.36: cull lambs, $12 00014.80; yearlings, $14.00016.76; wethors, $10.60012.00; ewes, rood to choice, $8.50010.26; ewss, fair to good, $8.7609.60; good feeding ewes, $6.2507.00; ewe culls and canners, $5.00 04.00. Eansa City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 11. Butter, Eggs and Poultry Unohanged. Send Us Your Bids and Offers on Any of the Following Local Stocks: Skinner Packing Co. Spratjue Tire & Rubber Co. Overland Tire & Rubber Co. Nebratka Tire it Rubber Co. Brictton Manufacturing Co. Skinner Manufacturing Co. Edwin T. Swobe & Company Investment Broker 1007 Woodmen of World Bldf . Omaha, Neb. We Buy Liberty Bonds 1 PAYMENTS monthly buys outrbM em tfoek at bond. Purchostr stems alldMdtnds. Odd lots cur spKlatty. Writ nrsttclM Iht and full particuhn - FREE CHARLES E VAN RIPER Mtnber Ceeiolidoti Sloes tultengs 50 BROA.P STj WtW YORK ' Omaha) Grata Market. Omaha, Deo. $7, 1819. Corn arrival today about equaled the total of other train. Carlot receipts were! Wheat, 48; coin. 101; oats. 19; rye. i; nariey, . Wheat maiket was steady to strong. Corn took a big drop, decline ranging 4 to tocents. Tha Chicago future for De- comber option was oft about 1 cent. Oat were unchanged to o lower. Rye drop ped 4 cent and barley i cent. Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car, $2.6t. No. 1 hard: 1 car, $2.50 (smutty). No. 1 hard: 2 cars, $2.64; 3 cars, $2.52; 2 cars, $2.60; .2H cars, $2.47 (smutty); 1 car, $8.46 (smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $3.48; 1 car, $2.40 (very smutty). Sample hard: 1 car, $1.20 (smutty); 1 car. $1.66 (badly bin burned). No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, 32.65. No. I soring: H car, $2.50. Sample northern-spring: 1 car, $2.26No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $2.18 (durum). No. 6 mixed: 2-6 car, $2.07 ' (durum, smutty). Corn No. 1 white: 2 cars, $1.88 (old). No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.34. No. 4 white: 3 cars, $1.24. No. 6 white: 3 cars, $1.20. No. t whits: 1 car, $1.84 (old); 1 car, $1.16. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $1 41. No. 8 yellow: 1 car, $1.38. . No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.26; 14 cars, $1.25. No. 5 yellow: 3 cars, $1.22; 7 cars. $1.21: 2 cars, $1.20. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.20; t cars, $1.18. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.26; 1 car, $1.26; 8 cars, $1.24. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.39 (old); 2 cars, $1.21; 13 cars, $1.20. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars. $1.17; 1 car. $1.16; 1 car, $1.16. , ' Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 8!c. ' No. 3 white: 8 cars, 82c; 1 car, 82c (shipper's weight); 2 cars, 81c; 1 car, 81o (spe cial billing); 3 cars, 81c. No. 4 white: 3 sen, 80a Rye No. S: S cars, $1.67. No. 4: 1 car. $1.65. Barley Rejected: 3-5 car, $1.41. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMKNl. Receipts Today. Wk. Aeo. Yr. Ago. 'Wheat 49 86 73 Corn 101 81 ', 82 Oat 28 21 Rye 0 , S .9 Barley 6 14 Shipment ' Wheat 40 82 64 Corn 37 6ji 76 Cats 13 11 58 Rye 7 9 3 Barley , 1 2 8 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Co-n. Oat. Chicago ............ 45 250 167 Kansas City 208 E9 IS St. Louis 40 t 72 78 Minneapolis 149 . .. Duluth 7 Winnipeg 542 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The numbeV of cars of grain of ths sev eral grades Inspected "in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No.. 1 hard, 1; No. 2 hard. S; No. S hard. 11; No. 4 hard, 7; No. S hard, 11; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. S mixed, 1: No. 4 mixed, 2; sample mixed, 2; No. 2 spring, 1; No. 6 Bpring, 3; sample spring, 3. To- Corn No. 4 white, 8; too. 5 white, S; No. 4 yellow, 22; No. 5 yellow, 31; No. 6 yellow, 2; sample yellow, 1; No. 3 mixed, 1; No. 4 mixed, 12; No. 5 mixed, 27; No. 6 mixed. 2. Total, 107. Oats No. 3 white, 17; No. 4 white, S; sample white, 1; No. S mixed, 1. Total, 22 ' Rye No. 2, 8; No. 3, 4; No. 4, 1. To tal, 8. Barley No. 1 feed, 1; rejected, 2. To tal. 8. PRIMARY RECEIPTS ANO SHIPMENTS. Receipts: Today. Yr. Ago. Wheat 1,016,000 1,748,000 Corn 1,015,000 046,000 Oats 634,000 915.000 Shipments . Wheat 832,000 862,000 Corn 415,000 448,000 Oat 498,000 1,045,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat and flour 444 , 395 Chicago (irain and Provisions. 'Chicago, Deo. 27. Likelihood of a ma terial Increase of available supplies at terminal markets had a decided bearish effect today on corn. Prices closed heavy, 2Hc to 4He net lower, with January $1.28 to $1.281s, and May $1.27 to $1.28. Oats finished le to 2c down and provisions off To to $1. Liquidating sales on th part of holder began at the outset in the corn trade and continued throughout the session, with buying power at a minimum. The fact that unlicensed owner could look forward to only three day more In which to get rid of January contracts, did much to emphasize the downward tendency that valuea possessed, owing to efforts of rail road officials to facilitate the crop move ment. Denials that any order had been Issued to give grain priority over all other freight received but little notice, as it was conceded that grain car wer to be given preference in the repair hops and that cars suitable for carrying grain were not to be used for any other purpose In grain territory. Big export buying, said to aggregate 1,000,000 bushels, failed to uphold oats a against sympathy with the bearish action of corn. Notwithstanding higher quotation on hogs, provisions were carried down by the weakness of grain. Art. Open. ' High. Low. Close. Yest'y. Corn. J 1 1 7" : Dec. 1.18HI 1.38 1.84H 1.84 1.89 V4 May 1.80V8 1.80 1.27 1.28 1.30 July 1.28 1.29 1.26V. 1.26H 1.29ft Oat. ' Dee. 8 Hi 82 804 82H May 82 82 .80 80 82 July 75 75 74 74 73 Pork. Jan. 87.70 3T.70 37.00 37.00 38.00 May 136.76 36.75 36.00 36.00 36.(0 Lard Jan. 23.50 23.60 23.40 23.46 23.77 May 24.55 24.60 24.26 24.30 24.60 Rib Jan. 18.67 19.70 18.86 18.60 18.70 May 19.45 19.46 19.25 19.30 19.37 Mlnneapoll Grain. Minneapolis. Deo. 27. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.8001. 57. Rye No. 2, $1.74 01.75. Corn $1.40i91.44. Oat 78790. Flax $4.6704.62. Warning to Investors Don't buy Oil, Mining or Motor Stock without first obtaining authentic information. Many unscrupulous promoter are selling stock in Oil Companies that have little chance of suc cess. Protect ' yourself against "fake" stocks by reading the Boston Curb Trader, the most fearless publication in th wonid. Sample copy free. Send for it today. Published cine 1902. BOSTON CURB TRADER 302-T Tremont Temple, Boston. $62 $125 STOCK PRIVILEGES PUTS AND CALLS SO DAYS ODD LOTS Best, af et way to trad. No margin. Call possible, as risk is limited. Profits unlimited. Ask for free booklet "SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET With small outlay hundred of dollar ar made. UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO. Est. 1884 Member Consolidated Stock Exchsnge, N.Y. 74 BROADWAY. NEW YORK V.VTI II I IX II IX I PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK AND BEEF PACKERS PROVISIONERS PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C HOWE, VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER. OMAHA, U. S. A. Tniin una umaaasj FINANCIAL New York, Dee. 37. With th exception or rails, which were Irregular or heavy on the opposition of organised labor to pend ing legislation, today's short but active stock market registered nuacy accession to yesterday' gains. Pools and . otter professional Interests forced heavy covering by bear In several of the mora speculative issues, notably Steele and equipments, motors and their subsidiaries, particularly the rubber group, also were strong and coppers rose oa an other advance in the price of lead. American wcoien was most conspicuous of the specialties at an extreme advance of 6s points. Chemical, leather and af filiated Issues made moderate gains. Ship pings were less prominent, but maintained a steady to firm tone with tobaccos, Sales amounted to 750,000 shares, The lively trading in r.tocks extended to bonds, with slight Improvement In Liberty issues. Several ot the convertible railway Issues rose from large fractions to 1 points. Ssles (par value) totaled $19,660,' 000. Old United States bonds were un changed on call during the week. Am. Beet Sugar. . Am. Can Am. C. A F Am. H. & L , pfd. Am. Loco Am. S. & R Am. Sugar Ref.. Am. Sum. Tob.... Am. T. & T. Am. Z, L. S... Anaconda Cop.... Atchison A. . G. & W.I.S.S. Baldwin Loco..... B. & O...H Beth. Steel "B". . B. & S. Copper... Cal. Petroleum. Canadian Pacitio.. Cent Leather C & O C, M. & St. P C. & N. W C, R. I. ft P.... Chlno Copper C F. & I Corn Products..., Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar, Dis. Sec. Corp Erie Gfcneral Eleotrlo.. General Motors... Gt. Nor., pfd O. N. Ors Ctf... Illinois Central... Insp, Copper Int. M. if., pfd.. Int. Nickel Int Paper K. C. Southern... Kenne. Copper... Louis. & Nash. . Mex. Petroleum Miami Copper . Mldvale Steel .. Miss. Pnclflc .. Mont. Pow Nevada Copper . . N. Y. Central ... N. Y N. H. & H. Nor. & Western North Pacific .. Pan-Amer. petro Pennsylvania . . . Plttsb'g & W. V. Ray Con. Cod. .. Reading R. Iron & steel Shat. Art. Cop. Sin. O. & Ref. . South. Pacific . South. Railway Stude. Corpor. . Texas Co. ...... Tob. Product ., Union Pacific . . U. Cigar Stores U. S. I. Alcohol U. S. Steel IT. S. Steel pfd. . Utah Copper ... Western Union .. West. Electric .. Wlllys-Overtand Nat l Leaa Ohio Cities .... Royal Dutch N.Y Sales 200 1,000 600 1,400 1,200 8,200 200 . 1,900 1,000 200 10,200 4,700 600 27.500 . 5,100 , 4,800 . 1,000 . 1,300 . 900 . 7,900 , 2.400 , 6,100 . 1.800 . 2,300 . 2,700 , 1,600 , 6,900 , 6,600 . 4,100 . 700 , 4,600 . 400 . 4.800 , 8.400 , 2.500 , 2,500 . 4,900 , 1.900 .19,600 , 2.300 . 2,400 11.800 400 1,000 1,700 7.200 8,800 1,100 , 3,800 5,800 6,100 2,200 6,100 4.300 14.300 1,000 3,600 5,000 35,100 200 5,200 4,000 6,000 34,500 1,400 3,600 4.900 6,800 3,500 30,200 1,000 9,400 100 4,400 11,900 1,600 5,100 7,600 High 93 55 141 122 103 69 138 98 96 17 61 88 176 114 33 97 26 44 182 98 56 87 87 38?t 43 86 219 61 78 13 169 343 79 89 87 60 109 25 78 16 29 110 223 23 61 27 69 16 70 27 97 80 105 40 29 20 77 121 12 44 104 23 107 226 95 123 92 111 107 113 74 87 54 29 82 47 ME 100 Low Close 93 98 4 64 140 140 121 121 101 102 87 69 137 187 97 98 96 96 17 17 60 60 88 88 175 175" 113 113 82 33 ' 96 96 25 26 43 43 131 182 97 98 56 66 37 37 86 .87 27. 27 87 88 41 41 86 86 217 217 50 61 H 77 77 18 IS 169 169 836 337 78 78 88 28 86 86 67 i 60 109 109 34 24 76 77 16 15 28 29 109 109 ZI8 Z19 Short Term Notes efaBKt-U 1924 5 96 1925.... 98 99 ...101 102 Quotation furnished by Peters Trust Co. Bid Asked Amer. T. 4 T. 6s, 1924 5 do Amer. Tob. 7. 1923 do 1923 102 102 Anaconda Cop. 6a, 1929 95 96 Anglo French Ext. 6s, 1920.. 96 fj 9-1 Ar. & Co. Con. Deb. lis, 1920.109 110 do 1921.10 110 do 1922.109 110 do - 1933.109 110 do 1924.109 110 Beth. Steel Co. 7s. 1922. ...100 lOOi do 1923. ...100 100 British 6s, 1921..... 94 95 Canada 6. 1921 97 97 C. B. & Q. 4a, 1921. 94 95 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s. 1928. .100 101 Kansas City Term. 6s, 1923.. 98 99 Lehigh Valley 6s. 1923 99 100 Liggett A Meyers 6s, 1921.. 99 99 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922... .102 102 do 1923. ...108 103 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 101 102 Wilson Conv. a. 1928 95 96 First Liberty S 99.24' Liberty 1st 4s ....92.60 Liberty 2d 4s 91.64 Liberty 2d 4s 91.66 A... Lberty 3d 4s.. 93.90 Liberty 4th 4s 91.60 Liberty 6th 4 99.10 23 50 25 68 14 89 26 96 79 lUt. 23 60 25 59 14 69 26 97 79 105 40 40 29 29 20 ZO' 76 76 118 118 12 12 43 43 103 103 22 22 104 106 225 225 93 93 122 122 92 92 109 109 106 106 113 113 U.S. 2 reg.,100 do coup.... 100 TJ. S. cv. 8reg 88 do coup 88 U. 8. 4s reg.106 do coup.... 105 Amer. T. & T. cv. 6s 98 Ang.-Fr'h 5s.. 95 Ar. & Co. 4s. 82 Atch. gen. 4s.. 80 Baltimore As O. cv. 4a 68 B. Steel ref. 6s 87 C. Leath. 6s.. 96 C. Pao. lt.. 77 C. A O. cv. 6. 80 Chi. B. A Q., joint 4s 95 C. Mil. A St. P. cv. 4s (4 C. R. I. & Pac Ry. ref. 4s.. 67 C. A S. ref. 4 73 C. Cop. cv. 7s. 107 C. of Paris 6s. 93 Den. A Rl. O. ref. 6s 46 Dom. of Can. 6s (1932) ... 11 Bid. ' New Yorhf Stocks. gen. 4s... 41 Erie ge Gen. Elct. 6.. 93 U. N. 1st 4s 83 I. Cen. ref. 4s. 76 I. Mer. M. 6s.. 94 K. C. S. ref. 6s 72 L. A N. un. 4s. 82 M. Kan A Tex. 1st 4s 59 M. P. gen. 4s. 67 Mont.- Pow. 6s. 84 N. Y. C. deb. 6s. 90 Nor. Pac. 4s... 79 do 3s 58 O. S. L. ref. 4s 83 P. T. AT. 6s. 88 Pa. con. 4.. 90 do gen. 6s... 90 Read, gen. 4s.. 81 St. L. A San F. adj. 6a 60 3. Pao. rv. 6s. 105 S. Ry. 6s 87 Tex. Co. cv. 6s. 102 Tex and P. 1st 83 u. rac. 48..., bo U. S. Rub. 6. U. 8. Steel 5s. Wabash 1st... 87 96 90 73 87 64 27 81 46 74 87$ 64 29 81 47 99 Chicago Live Stock. . . n rt.. 11. T. , t AAA i;mcago, uec. i. ubllio xvcwiym, ,w head; market compared with a week apro on beef steers unevenly 26c$1.00 hlgherj calves 60t)75c higher; feeders steady to 2uc nigner; unomciai esiinian-'a iui iTiun day: Hogs, 47,000 head; cattle, 22,000; sheep, 20.000; hogs next week, 265,000. XtOKS rteceipiB, ,uuv nr.u, ""' mostly 25836c higher; bulk of sales. 13.90: medium, $1S.86314.00; light, $13.75 packing sown, mooth, $13.0013.50; paefc in sows, roiiKh, $12.2513.00; pigs. $12.40 (0i 13. bU ; unoiiiciai esuuiaLeaiui- wwnuaj Cattle, 28,000 head. .. i I . U. V ASS market compared with a week ago on fat lambs fl.0091.E0 higher; fat sheep and yearlings 75c$1.50 higher; feeders string to 25o higher; unofficial estimates for Monday: Sheep, 20,000 head. Turpentine and xtosln. Savannah. Oa.. Dec. 27. Turpentine Firm, $1.68; sale, 119 bbls.; receipts, 84 bbls.; shipments, 19 bbls.; stock, 13,806 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 818 cask; receipts, 926 casks: shipments, none; stock, 64,119 casks. Quote B. D, E, F, Q, 816.86! H, .111.48 ITAA. TT lit It. V. HQ AA. M llDTfi. W, G, $20.00; W, W, $21.25.' Net York General. New York. Dee. 27. Wheat Scat, firm: No. i red, $2.66 f. o. b. steamer, New York. Corn Spot, easy: new No. I yellow, fl.60 and No. 2 mixed, $1.56 c L f. New York, prompt shipment. oats spot, steacy: no. l wnue, jo. Lard Easy; middle west, $23.90024.00. Other articles unchanged. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo.. Deo. 87. Corn De cember, $1.40: January, $1.29c; May, $1.28; July. $1.26. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of both prairie hay and alfalfa good, while the demand la quiet, causing the market to be easier and prices un changed. Oat and wheat straw steady. No. 1 upland prairie hay, $25 to $26; No. 2 upland prairie hay, $23 to $24: No. S upland prairie hay, 818 to $20; No. 1 midland prairie hay, $24 to $26; No. t midland prairie hay, $21 to $23; -No. 1 lowland prairie hay. $18 to $20; No. S lowland prairie hay, $14 to $16; No. t lowland prairie hay, $10 to $13. Choice alfalfa, $35 to $36: No. 1 alfalfa. $32 to $34; standard alfalfa, $30 to $32; No. 2 alfalfa. $26 to $29; No. S alfalfa, $20 to 825. Oat straw, $12 to $14. Wheat straw, $13 to $11. New York Coffee. New York, Deo. 27. The market for coffee ftitures was very quiet again today and ajter early irregularity ruled easier under scattered realising or realizing which was probably promoted by the easier tone of sterling exchango. The opening was 5 points lower to 6 points higher, but after selling at 15.00c March eased off to 14.93c and the market closed at a ret loss of 4 to 20 points, active months being 4 to 7 points net lower. December and January, 14.60c; March, 14.93c; May, 15.06o; July, 15.22c; September, 15.02c Spot coffin was dull; Rio It, 16c; Santos 4s, 2426c; St. aTosepfi Live Stock. St Joseph, Mo., Dec. 27. Cattle Re ceipts, 600 head; market steady; steers, $7.60S17.00; cows and heifers, 15.60 14.50; oalves, f6.6013.50. Hogs Receipts, 4,000 head; market higher; top, $14.00; bulk ot sales, $13.70 13.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head market strong; lambs, $'2.0018.00; ewes, $7.00 10.00. St. Loots Grain, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 27. Corn January, $1.80; May, $1.38 bid. Oats May, 82 o Cotton Future. New York. Dec. 27. Cotton ' futures closed steady; March, 86.95c; May, 34.10c; July, az.iiuc; uotober, za.bzc. Residence Loans SV2 and 6 Monthly Payments Amortization Loans Five Year Loans IS YOUR MONEY WISELY INVESTED SO AS TO YIELD YOU 7 If not, we offer for yonr consideration the following 7 Cumulative Preferred Stocks ' BURGESS -NASH COM PANY 7 Preferred Stock. ORCHARD ft WILHELM COMPANY 7 Pre ferred Stock FAIRMONT CREAMERY COMPANY 7 Pre. f erred Stock FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 7 Preferred Stock We desire to direct your attention, to the fact that these securities are readily marketed and that they wDl form good collateral at your bank. They are obtainable in any multiple of $100.00. They have met with our investigation and are endorsed by our recommendation. 1HE OMAHA TRUST CO Ground Floor Omaha National Bank Building Phone Tyler 100 Omaha, Nebraska Affiliated with the Omaha National Bank THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE OMAHA BEE OFFER MOST UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR BIG BARGAINS Local Stocks and Bonds (Quotation ttimlshsd by Burn, Brlnksr m i:o.) STOCKS. Bid Asked Armour Co.. Tfd 10 109V4 Dr Co., ptd 19 100 uoocn m, a a, co., t pro. "B" II Vj 101 Goodyear T. 4 R. Co., 7 pfd. (lit) 101 lOltt Nebraska Power Co. 7 pfd., .. 98 O. C. B. St. By. Co. pfd.. .. tl A. a. gpaldlnf A Bros. 1st pfd 9H 100 8. ft T. Co. of America 1 pfd 95 98 Thompion-Belden ft Co. 7 pfd 98 H 100 U. P. ft L. Co. 7 pfd 88 100 Union Stock Tarda Omaha.. .. 100M Extra dividend. BONDS. mty ot Fairmont IHa 198. .. 4.10 'Dounlss Cy. Hy. Is. 1981-18. .. . 4.85 French Cities ts. 134 tltt 98(4 Maytar Co Is. 1917 8 71 Omaha Ath. Club 8. 1919 91 100 O. ft C. B. St. Ry. Co. Is, 1989 ., ISMj Rocky Mt. Fuel ts, 141 (with bonus) , 81 V. 8. Y., Omaha. 1st 6s. 1181. II IT Chlcaa Prodno. ' rhlrasn. Dec. 17. Buttsr Lower: oreamery, 88 8 Sc. Eggs Firm; receipt. 718 cues; first, 88c; ordinary firsts, tSQSlo; at mark, case Included, 47o. Poultry AHv hifher; nrtns, 19o; fowl. !!O80o. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. Naw Tork, Dec. 17. Evaporated Apple Pull. Prunes Quiet. Apricots Steady. Peaches Steady. Raisins Firm. Kew Tork Money. New Tork. Dso. 17. Meroantil paper Unchanged. sterling Demand, 83.79 ; cams, s.av. Franqs Demand. 10.81; cables, 10.67. Guilders Demand, 17 H: cables, 87 ft. Lire Demand, 18.08: cables, 1108. Marks Demand, 1.10; cables, 1.18. Liberty Bond Price. New Tork. Dee. 17. Final Brloes nn Liberty bond today were: IHs, 99.44; first 4s, 99.00; second 4s, 91.70; first 4Hs, 98.10; second 4Kb. 91.88; third 4H. 98.94; fourth 4U. 91.68: Victory lis. 99,80; Victory 4s, 19.8B. New Tork Produce. tfew Tork, ,D. IT. Buttr Steady; unchanged. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Poultry Alive, not quoted; dressed, steady and unchanged. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Deo. IT. Potatoes Steady; arrivals, 80 cars; northern sacked, 83.80 9.40; western russet, Jobbing, 4.00 4.16. Preference of. Wheat for Shipment Causes Corn Fall Chicago. Deo. IT. Big slashing ot price of corn tU's week ha resulted from in structions giving grain the preference In freight handling from the west Com pared with a week ago, corn quotation this morning were down 4 cents ' to 8fc cents, oals were unchanged to Jk cant lower and provisions up 10 cent tcl.ll. It we generally conceded by cor trad era that he speed ol the crop emn. depended now almost wholly on tk num ber of cara that th railroads could fur nish. Opinions tad been wlot-W circu lated that the car soaralty woubrjfrevent any susU'ued heavy flow of aupppjk from rural sources before spring, but sJcp view fulled to hold confideno after orders were cut In Important regions to glV :." rlght-ot-w-tv even against coal. A cen asauenoe the downward swings 1 Mi corn market wre Interrupted only In aisanslmt way by bullish factors, such a Drtvx Eu ropean demand for wheat, rye ami it, or by th ig ling of the Edge bill. ' Oats wer steadied by libera K "export salea; nl vertkeless, to some deaVee th market Jagged with corn. Kurop-jn busi ness, especially ths furnishing ' Oermany did a good deal to lift ihe pro vision miHtt. Besides, there was a nota ble scarcity of offerings of pork 'ew Tork Coffee. New Tork, Deo. IT. Coffee N. T Rio. 160, Future quiet; January, 1 4.50c; May, 16.08a New Tork Cotton. New Tork. Dee. IT. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of S to 86 point. Bar Silver. New Tork, Deo. IT. Bar Sliver ll.MH. , Mexican Dollars II. Om. Unseed OIL - Duluth. Minn., Dee. 17. Linseed 14.81 4.86. THE TEN PASfKENTj PLAN, Buy. an Income' MontK- Z Month Open Season ' For Bargain ': 1 Hunting Investors and traders will find it distinctly to their advantage to write for ' a copy of The Current Mar ket Review dealing: with fundamental conditions and prospects, aa well as con taining Interesting data on the more active of the listed stocks. Special attention is given those stocks of merit considered in th bar gain class. , . , AdJra Dept. OB-18 for fre. copy. s E. M. Fuller & Ctf. Members of i. Consolidated Stock Exeh. of K T. 50 Broad St., New York D o 0 o a o D o a o 0" o a o We Offer for January Investment Bonds Yielding Over 7 American Gas & Electric Co., 6 Secured Gold Notes due 1920. Priced at 98 and interest, yielding 7.10. D o U o n o n o D o D o D o D o D m o n o D o D o D o D o D o a o a o o a o D o a o a o D n M O a O a o D o a o D o D r D o a o D o a o n o a o D o n o a o D o D o D o a o a o D o a ciono lononoaoaoaononoDonoaononononoaoig a o a o a o a o a o u o D o a o D o a tl O n o u o D o a w D o a o D o n o D o a o n - u o D o n o D o D o a o D o a o 0 0 o Q o n o D o a o a o B o a o a o D o a o D o D a o D o a o a o D o n u o n o a o D This company is controlled by inter- ests closely identified with the General Electric Company and serves 116 com munities with a population of 920,000. The common stock of the company is quoted at 250 of par and is paving 14 dividends. Earnings over 3 times Interest charges. Toledo Traction Light & Power ' , ' Company First Lien 7 Gold' Bond, due Dec. 1921. Priced at 99 and i interest yielding 7 The electric light and power proper ties of this system, operated under m franchises without time limit, have a replacement value largely in excess of this issue, and produce net earnings ' over twice interest charges. These bonds also cover as a first col lateral lien practically the entire street railway property in Toledo, but no con sideration has been given the value of this property as security for this issue. , Orders for Market Securities Given Careful Attention. Farm Mortgages 6 Per Cent Semi-Annual Interest We are able to furnish 6 First Farm Mortgages secured by pro ducing farm land valued by our appraisers at from two to four times the amount of the loan. Amounts can be chosen to. suit any required fund from $1,000 up. Here are a few samples of loans' available: Loan No. 28269 $4,000 6. Secured by 93 acre of Nebraska! ; farm land valued -at $12,000. Loan No. 28231 $4,000 6. i Secured by 160 acre of Nebraska farm land valued at $12,600. Loan No. 28245 $5,000 6. Secured by 500 acre of Nebratka farm land valued at $20,400. x Loan No. 28163 $8,000 6. Secured by 160 acre of Nebratka -farm land valued at $25,000. 6 ,r.- First Mortgage Land Bonds Semi-Annual Interest These land bonds offer farm mortgage security in denomina- " tions of $100, $500 and $1,000. During the 34 years the Peters Trust Company has handled farm mortgage securities it has invest ed over $100,000,000.00 for its clients without a dollar's loss. For savings and trust funds we recommend our first mortgage . VI land bonds. ; : Securities may be reserved now for January delivery. Ask for detailed of ferings. rir (35 lononononooonoDonoaonoaononon