Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1919, Image 1

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New Yrk, Dee. 26. Jean St. Cyr,
known .is "Society s Man ot Mysr
tery,". is critically til at a sanioriuni
where he was operated upon eatur
' oay after suffering an attack o gaH-,
gienous appendicitis. -!
St. Cyr inherited a large fortune
upon the t'eath of his wife, who was
Mrs. Caroline . JV Redfield, a rich
widow 0f Hartford, Conn. He rtmar
Titd in 1915, this time secretly, his
bride being' Mrs. Jathes 'Henry
Smith, widow of "Silent" Smith.
San Francisco, ' Cal.. Dec. 26.
San Francisco is going to "shoot
from the hip" on New Year's eve.
Dealers reported the, saje of more
than 5..O0O flasks during the holiday
' season to date. The only inference
one dealer said, is that convival San
Franciscans arc not going to 'weigh
' themselves down with heavy bottles
"from the home stock on the last
night of the vear, but are going to
''wear" the flasks, most of which
are finished in the. silver scroll de-
1 sign. ' ' . '
."About a pint" was the way most
orders for the flasks were qualified.
r I
. New York, Dec. 26. Speculators
in Christmas trees were hard .hit in
Jew York this year and today deal
ers who had hoped for big profits
hired, truck mento cart' many re
maining firs to the bay. Others were
turned over to janitors to help heat
apartments. , .
Large .shipments of Christmas
trees were brought irr two weeks ago
and were priced from $6 to $10
each.- No stampede of customers
was observed, however, and a week
later very fine specimens could be
obtained for. $2 to $4. Tuesday night
trees were selling from 35 cents to
i -j .. ru.:..t ... .tr .
many piles in various parts of the
city over which were signs reading:
"Please take one," '
- Valenciennes, France,' Dec. 26.
Millions of yards of oiled paper are
being used in France as a substi
tute for: window glass, while , the
glass works in" 10 department,
wiped out during the war, are being
i;cuilt. :
The, "transparency" is composed
of two sheets of oiled paper stretched
between the window casings and
reinforced by a wirdely-spaced net
work of strings, v .
The Council Bluffs police just
missed . recapturing "Frisco Fete"
Thursday afternoon, but the Bluffs
police, department wouldn't have
missed if the men had been given
even .a half decent chance.
At 2 ;35 o'clock a frantic ring of
the. phone aroused" Desk Sergeant
OHie Arnold. The message was la
wn ic; but -siizfing with energv.
"Frisco - Pete and Frank C Neil
just trossed the bridge. Get'em
quick!' Then the phone was hung
up. Sergeant Arnold sent Emergency
Officer Barritt and a plain c'othes
man' flying toward the bridge. They
got there in record time, bm they
were badly handicapped.
Never having seen either the
men the Bluffs officers were unable
to pick Pete and Frank from those
persons crossing the bridge at the
moment and neither of the men
watted was generous enough to step I
forward sna jae,nmy nimseu. -.
Boston- Dec. 26. Miss Mary Pea
bidy, a Radcliffe graduate, recently
suspended from the teaching staff j)f
ihe Cambridge schools because her
r.ame aopeared in a list seize, in a
recent 'aid by officers seeking evi
dence of radical .activities, was mar
ried to J Leslie Hotson, a jtnrcr at
. 1 rarvardv . . ' r .'
The Quaker ceremony was used at
the marriage, which took place at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
1 .r . Tl t. - -1 --
Mr. Ho'tson's parents, forme! ly of
Brooklyn, but now in Cambridge,
relatives of the bride, and more than
25 friends of the couple attended the
Tl,..- nee'tnKllt ill thp
parlor of the Peabody residence and
sr.t m silence, concentrating their
minds ori "beautiful thoughts." After
a" few moments the bride and hndge-5-oom
stood tip and the bridegroom
took the hand of the bride at.d an
nounced that he desired to hae her
tor his wife. She then' stated that she
wished tc have him for husband. A
paper was. handed the couple and
they affixed' their signatures. All
those present attested the signatures,
and the ceremony was completed.
New York, Dec. 26. There were
just three members' of the Alimony
club left in the Ludlow street jail on
Christmas. -. .
All the rest, and there were 33
yesterday, wilted at the last moment,
paid up the back alimony and were
given freedom outside by County
Sheriff Knott. .
' But the three grim men i '.fused
to pay up and so will have to stay
in jail until three months
pleted. After that they are alimonily
' ebsolved. -
. - Wives or-no wives the three an
actor, a minister and a doctor had
a merry Christmas tlinner and ate
none the less heartily at the thought
of their spouses aiimonuess.
New York. Dec. 26. "It pays to
b born on a Cunard liner, as
Frances Aura Astley will know
when she is old enough to be in-
. formed. Frances was Tjorn Monday
on the Matiretania and when the ship
leached here passengers related how
the 503 persons in the first cabin
made up a purse for her of $700. Not
content with contributing to the
fund, F. L. CHngensmith: European
agent for the Ford Motor' company,
presented the new baby with an
order for a Ford car, handing the
order to Frances' happy father, Will-
- iam F. Astlev. The latter decided
' to raffle the flivver and thereby he
gained $U01 which he added to the
ether dot for France;
Omaha Daily
VOL.- 49 NO. 165.
ErttrMl it Mni.clu autter' 2. im. tt
OauM P. 0. nnr let t March 3. IS7S.
By Mall (I, Wrt, Oillj. MOO: Sunday. 2.Ms
Dally aa Sua.. W 00: Mlslila Nik. lottaii antra.
Fair Saturday and proba
bly Sunday; continued mild
temperature. '
Hourly l'cmfMratura'i : ' .
5 . m . ....... M I p. m. ... . .1(1
). m,... S t (. in, ....... al
1 a. m. , 85 3 p. m.. ...43
8 m. ....... .84 I n, ,....,,,.'
9 a), an .85 5 p. m. J!
10 it. m. 3ft p. m. ....... M
11 ft. tn 37 1 p. m....
1 nuun 40 I p. m S
( r
Will Not Submit to Enactment
Of Cummins Railroad' Meas
ure With Drastic Anti-Strike
Clause Provision.
"All 'Nebraska" Reception
t Given.Geni Pershing; Pays
Honor to Women in Address
N t
Representative Hall Smothered in National-Decora
tions to Welcome Hero of Nation Governor and
Mrs. McKelvie With Mayors "of Nebraska Cities
. And Their Wives Head Reception Line Commit
tee Present to Represent Omaha.
Heads of All ( Brotherhoods to
Meet in Washington Monday
To Define Precisely Position
On Pending Legislation.
Washington, Dec. 26. Organized
railway rnachinists, through- their
president, served notice on congress
today that they would not submit to
enactment of the Cummins tai'road
till, with its drastic anti-strike pro
vision. Voting more than a month ago, 98
per cent of the .125,000 members of
the union favored an immediate
ivalk&ut :n event of the bill's passage
bv both houses of consrress. but the
result was not made known through
fear that he brotherhoods might ap
pear in the light of attempt'ng to
coerce the lawmaking brancli ot the
governmet. , .
The machinists, according to Will
iam H. Johnston, president of the
International association,, are th
only railv'av employes who have
taken a ftrike vote, but the heads of
a'l the brotherhoods, 14 in all. have
been summoned to meet here. Mon
day to consider pending railway leg
islation and define precisely their po
sition on the clause in the Cummins
bill, which would orevent strikes and
put strikers in jail.
Gomptrs Issues Call. 1
The call for the conference was
isued bv Samuel uompers. presi
dent of the American Federation of
Labor, but Mr. Gompers and-cther
leaders refused to discuss orobable
action by the brotherhood leaders.
President Wilson's Christmas eve
announcement that the roads would
hz handed back to their owners
March 1. was a distinct disannoint-
ment to labor leaders, who had been
pleading for a two-year exten.-'on of
government control. They agreed,
rtowever, that if the roads were to
co back it was a good thing to let it
be known. .
There was no meeting of house
and senate conferees who have been
assigned the stupendous job r.f try
ing to frame a new railroad till out
of the Escb and Cummins measures.
This work, however, will beglr next
week, in the hope of final enactment,
of railroad legislation some t:me in
the next two months.
Main Point of Difference.
The artti-strike section is known
to be the main point of difference
and while it was left 'jntact in the
bill passed by the senate, house lead-;
ers franklv. expressed loubt today'
whether the house would accept it.
At all events senators and rep'f sen-
tatives alike are .anxious to hear
from the brotherhood meeting Mon
day, . without indicating chanp e in
their own positions bv reason of any i
declaration of principles from organ
ized employes of the roads.. Go far
as the conferees are coricefnid the j
tabor section will not be considered
until' they have reached art agree
ment on all other disputed ques
tions. , : - n ; -
Must Use Strength. ,
Cleveland. O., Dec. 26. Represen
tatives' of three big railway brother
hoods, with, headquarters in Cleve
land, will be represented Monday at
two meetings of the railway unien
officials in Washington, one to con
sider pending railway legislation, the
other to arrange for co-operation
in obtaining wage increases.
1 he return or tne roaas to meir
oVners in March does not lead the
brotherhood's chiefs to fear their
demands for increased wages will
be neglected, they said.
Timothy Shea, acting president of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen, and Enginerhen, said the
brotherhood representatives would
insist that the roads be returned
without any restrictions being placed
updn employes.
The employes. Mr. Shea said,
must be permitted to use their, eco
nomic strength to oppose injustice
just as they were permitted to be
fore the government assumed con
trol of the railroads. This ' does'
not mean, Mr. '.Shea said, that they
wished to become involved in a
strike, but that they must be per
mitted to retain their, rights as
Melting Snow From Alps
Threatens Grman Towns
Geneva, ' Dec. 26. Melting snow
from the, lower Alps has swollen
the Rhine'river to 12' feet -above
norraal, - threatening lower Basle
and towns along the German shore.
Floating trees; are doing damage.
Tramway service in Basle lias been
reduced ene half.
Serious floods are reported from
Alsace. . r .
Heavy snows are continuing in
eastern Switzerland, a fresh fall of
20 inches being reported from Da
fcos and St., Moritz. Many trains
arc stalled. '- .
Lincoln, Dec. 26. (Special Tele
gramsAn "all-Nebraska" recep
tion to Gen. John J. Pershing was
held tonight at the state capitol, at
tended .by a large crowd of Lincoln
people and many visitors from over
ihe state. It was to give' the pub
lic generally an opportunity not af
forded at the more exclusive func
tions to meet General Pershing.
Friends of many years' standing
were present. Earlier in the day
General Pershing was the honor
guest; at a luncheon tendered by. a
merchants' club. There were no
speeches tonight and the reception
was marked by informality.
McKelvie Heads Line.
An hour before the time set for
the opening of the doors to Repre
sentative hall, hundreds of people
were 'crowding the corridors to
greet General Pershing.
The hall of the capitol was gaily
decorated with national colors and
so profusely that the grim walls
and standing piers of wood holding
up the old building were hidden
from sight, while every part of the
second floor was covered with flags
and other national colors.
General Pershing, accompanied
by his sisters, Mrs. D. M. Butler
and Miss Mae. Pershing, and his son
Warren, with members of the re
ception committee' and Governor
McKelvie, arrived at the reception
Jiall about 8:30. A line was soon
rormea neaaea oy vujiuaiu jcncmt
Faul, while' next in line were Gov
ernor andMrs. McKelvie, General
Pershing, Mrs. Butler, Miss Per
shing, Mayor Miller and wife, Colo
nel Paddock, Mrs. H. J. Paul, Chan
cellor and Mrs. Arery. In the line
also were Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz
of Omaha, Mayor Wray and wife
of York. Mavor Davidson and wife
tf Holdrege. and Mayor Mills and
wife of McCook. .
It was a late hour before thev im
mense .rowd which filled the capi
tol had passed down the line. The
boy scouts and several policemen
kept the crowd moving.
Pershing Honors Women. .
General Pershing, . addressing a
club luncheon in h honor here,
lauded the work of American
women during the world war. The
general declared he was certain the
go6d morale of the army was due
to the work of the women overeas
and the "splendid influence of our
women at home."
General Pershing's remarks were
made before members of the Ki
wanis club, after welcoming ad
dresses had been delivered by "Gov.
Samuel R. McKelvie and Mayor
John E. Miller. The general was in
troduced by E. B. Chappell of Lin
coln, a member of the American Le
gion and formerjrivate in the Amer
ican army, f 1
Several hundred persons, including
members of the general's family,
were present ' 1 .
Omaha Sends Committee.
Members of the board of govern
ors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
attended the reception of General
Pershing held at the state house in
Lincoln last night. ,
Everett Buckingham, John W.
Gamble, Arthur T. Guiou, Wflliam
Owen, W. R. Wood, Randall, K.
Brown, Gould Dietz and J. Davis
werev included in the party which
left for Lincoln ;n the afternoon.
A reception committee composed
Daniels Takes Action Follow
ing Refusal of Two More Of
ficers to Accept Medals for
Valor He Recommended. .
"Number of Cases Requiring
Further Examination," Sec
retary Saysv in Ordering
Board to Reconvene Jan. 5.
Washington, Dec.' 26. Secretary
Daniels tonight ordered ' the Navy
department's board of awards re
convened Monday,' January 5, to re
vise the recent rccommendat:ons as
10 nava! awards, which have been
.,. - .f t . ft.M
ine sourc; oi a controversy orougm
to a head a few days ago by declin
ation of Admiral Sims to accept the
distinguished ' service medal, while
the awards remained as at present.
The osder to reconvene th board
wss made, public tonight following
receipt of reports from Newport, R.
I., that Vice Admiral Hilery P.
Jones and Capt. Raymond D. Has
brouck had followed Admiral Sims
is. refusing to accept the medals be
stowed oi them, disagreeing with
the polbv determining theofficera
to be rewarded, for services, during
the war. Secretary Daniels, it was
said at he Army department, how
ever, had received no information as
of iH. H. Baldnge, Col. J W. S. to the declination of Capta;.n Has
Wuest and Mayor Smith wil go to brouck or the reported declination pf to confer with Gen- Admiral Tones. V"
Slain Man's Young Widow .
And Closest Male Friend
Detained in Murder Case
, . ' , .
Safety Deposit' Vault Containing Dead Michigan
Man's Securities Opened and Found to Be $12,000
Short of Amoupt He Is Supposed to Have Owned
Widow Denies Stories of Estrangement-Jealousy
Thought Motive of Crime. ; :
eral Perching relative to plans ; for
his visit here, January 8. Members of
the committee said that the general s
wishes would determine the nature of
his reception here.' ' ' .
Holds Statute Just Measure
To Protect American
Citizenship. ,
Lincoln, , Dec. 26. (Special.)
"Neither the constitution of the
state, nor the Hth amendment
takes away the power of the state
to enact a law that may' fairly be
said to protect the lives, liberty and
property of its citizens, and to pro
mote their heakh, morals, educa
tion and good order," holds the
state supreme court in an opinion
Friday morning involving the con
stitutionality of the so called Siman
language law passed by the last leg
islature and in which the Nebraska
District of Evangelical Lutheran
Synod of Missouri and other church
es brought suit in the Douglas coun
ty court to test its constitutional
ity. ' ' " ,.
"If the state may compel a solvent
bank to help pay losses sustained
by depositors in insolvent banks,
if it may enact workmen's compen
sation laws in order that the work
men shall have no strained rela
tions with his employer, nor become
embittered toward society because,
though an industry has. crippled him
it has paid him nothing; if acts
aiming to make better citizens by
diminishing the chances of pauper
ism are sustained; if it is competent
for' the state to protect the minor
from impoverishing himself by con
tract it surely is not arbitrary ex
ercise of the functions of the state
ta insist that the fundamental basis
of the education 6f its citizens should
be a knowledge of the language,
history and nature of the govern
ment of the United States, and to
prohibit anything which njay inter
fere with such an education. Laws,
the purpose of which are with re
spect to foreign language speaking
children, to give them such training
that they may know arid understand
their privileges, duties, powers and
responsibilities as American citi
zens, whijh seek to prevent a foreign
language from being used as the
medium .of instruction- inr other
branches, and as basis of their edu
cation, .are certainly conducive, to
(Contlnoed on Pace Two, Column Two.)
Would Charge Murder
Against City Clerk
Who-Kaied Editor
' Gallatin, Mo., Dec. 26. A verdict
recommencing that a charge of first
degree murder' be' placed 'against
Hugh T. Tarwater, city clerk, in
connection with the 'shooting of
Wesley L. Robertson, editcr of tfce
Gallatin, Democrat, last Tuesday,
was returned by a coroner's jury.
Tarwater is being held in jail at St.
Joseph, Mo., but will be brought
here early next week for arraign
Believed Boy Found Stuff and
Brought it Home for
David City, Dec. v 26. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Anna Extine, 91
years old, and her grandson, aged
9, were found; dead in the Extine
home' at Linwood, Neb.
iThey had last been seen Thurs
day, December 18, and it is thought
they died that night. Mrs. Hladky,
mother of the boy,, from near Morse
Bluffs, came to spend Christmas
with them and found the house
locked from the inside and the cur
tains pulled. The town marshal
gained entrance through a window.
Cyril Hladky, the boy, was found
dead in bed and the grandmother on
the floor nearby. A search of the
premises indicated that no crime
had been committed. About five
pounds of old candy was found in
the room where they died.. The
candy was all melted into one mass
and looked as though some one had
thrown it out. It is believed , the
boy found it and brought it home.
The sum of $645 in currency and
$20 in coins was found hid in a
heating stove which had not been
used this year, and $37 was found
elsewhere in the house. An inquest
was considered unnecessary, and it
was decided they met death by eat
ing stale candy.
Supreme Council
Lays 'Plans to Put .
Treaty Into Effect
Paris,. Dec. 26. Conferences will
begin here early next ftek between
allied and " German delegates on
measures preparatory to putting the
peace treaty into effect, it was an
nounced today. The sessions will
be held under the presidency of
General Lerond, a member of the
French delegation.
Admiral Jones.
Further Examination Required.
. The secretary's order to reconvene
the board addressed to Rear Ad
miral A. M, Knight, chairman fol
lows:' ' ; -- -- ;-f
-"While approving in the train the
recommendations of the board of
awards', my examination into the,
subject ha? convinced me that there
are a number of cases requiring fur
ther examination and there have
been additional recommendations
since your board adjourned which
require examination, by a beard of
officers. '
"I felt in going over the list that
the board had been too liberal, par
ticularly as regarded officers whose
duty during the war was mainly or
altogether on shore. I felt that re
ports, some of which had not come
to your board, particularly s to
men who had served and suffered in
the war zone,' justified additional
awards.- , ''
.All Lists Tentative. ;-'
"No official approval of my list
has been made. -All lists published
were tentative. Last week, I or
dered changes made in the list as
printed awarding the distinguished
service me'dal, amongothefs, to Ad
miral Knight Caperton, and Vice
Admiral Jones. 1 had also decided
that like awards, should be given to
certain other officers, who had ren
dered long and arduous service on
convoys and other service afloat in
the war zone.
"I feel that nothing should be
left undone as far as is humanely
possible to insure that the awards
shall be made without th'e possible
suggestion of injustice or discrimin
ation against any person in the
naval service and I have therefore
decided to reconvene- the hoard of
awards" to reconsider the whole sub
ject in the light of the additional in
formation recently sent to the bu
reau of navigation and such other
information as any person in the
naval service may wish to lay be
fore the 'board.
"The board will therefore meet in
Washington on Monday, January S,
1920." '
Hasbrouck Confirms Report
Philadelphia, Dec. 26. Capt. Ray
mond Hasbrouck, commander of the
battleship Minnesota, tonight con
firmed the report that he had de
clined, to accept' the navy cross
awarded Jiim by the Navy depart
ment. He said he thoroughly con
curred" in the views of Rear Ad
miral Sims contained in his recent
letter to Secretary of the Navy Dan-,
iels that no special award should be
given to orficers whose ships were
successfully attacked by German
submarines, though no special blame
should be attached to commanding
officers for their failure.
Mount Clemens Mich., Dec. 26.
County authorities, investigating the
killing last Wednesday of J. Stanley
Brown, son of a millionaire Detroit
manufacturer1, have detained as ma
terial 'witnesses Mrs. Ruth Prevost
Brown,- the slain .man's young
widow, and Lloyd Prevost, her
cousin. -
Mrs. Brown and Prevost, the lat
ter of whom was regarded as one of
Brown's closest friends, were ques
tioned again by Prosecutor Lynn
Johnston, and Sheriff William Cald
well. Decision to hold them as wit
nesses was reached after three hours
devoted to interrogating Prevost.
A safety deposit vault containing
Brown's papers was opened . and
found to contain securities worth
$16,000. This, according to William
T, Kelly.'an attorney who acted as
financial adviser for Brown, is $12,
000 short of the amount of securities
his .client was understood to have
possessed, - '
Brown frequently carried ; large
'urns of money and securities on his
person. .The authorities, however,
scout the theory that robbery was
the motive for his slaying. Sheriff
Caldwell declared he was convinced
ihat jealousy was the cause, He said
he believed a man and a woman ac
companied Brown on the automo
bile, trip, which ended ip hisdeath
on a country road four miles' fron
here, and pointed to the fact that
four bullets had been fired into th'e
young ,man's neck from behind, "so
close," the sheriff added, "that there
was no chance of missing." '
The sheriff expressed the convjc-.
tion that the shooting waS done by
a man angered because he believed
Brown was attentive to a young
woman in whom he, himself, was
Stories of an estrangement be
tween Brown and his wife were de
nie,d by Mrs. Brown, who said that
he had given her $50 as a Christmas
.gift Tuesday. , , ,,
.Late Friday night a farmer liv
ing near the place where Brown's
body was found gave the authori-1
ties a statement to the effect' that
late Tuesday night he saw Brown's
machine driving slowly along the
lonely road. - In the front seat was
Brown, the farmer declared, and in
the rear seat were two persons,
one of 'whom he believed was a
woman. '
Both Mrs. Brown and Prevost? de
nied they had been with Brown later
than 9:30 Tuesday night, when Pre
vost'claims he left(him in Mount
AMI" lflAHkll71ff
. ' ' , ' v "
Twenty-Three Succumb in
Chicopee, Ten in Hartford,
Four in Holyoke and Four in
Chicago From 'Poison Drink,
Common Ground on Which to j Enormous Amount of Booty
Reported Captured and
; Many Prisoners..
Base Joint Action Is Re
ported Reached.
Two Aged Enemy Generals , ,
in Civil War Die Same Day
- f " '"
- Richmond, Va., Dec. 26. Brig.
Gen. William.. Ruffin Cox, one of
the ranking ' officers' of the con
federate army,' is dead, aged 78
"years, t
General Cox was credited as
having been the last confederate,
officer to cease fighting at Appor
mattox court house,' prolonging
wthe fighting for some time after
General Lee had surrendered.
After the close of the war. Gen.-,
eral Cox' became prominent in
politics inNorth Carolina. "He
served javcral terms' in congress.
Baltimore. Md., Dec. 26. Gen.
David L.. StantOn, aged 80 years, 1
a 'famous commander of union
forces in the civil war, died today.
.He came from a long line pf fight
ing stock. His grandfather, Eli
jah .Stap tan, was a colonel in the
jah Stanton, was a colonel in the
Stanton was brevettcd brigadier
general for gallantry in the battle
of Five Forks, Va. He was for
nuny.yjears a conspicuous figure
, at alt grand army reunions.
He is survived by his widow, two
ions and two daughters.
Vladivostok, Dec. 26. A common
ground on which to base joint action
in Siberia har been reached by the
United States- and Japan, according
to an announcement given out hereJ
by the Japanese orhcial publicity bu
reau', i .
The announcement said:
'Genuine satisfaction is expressed
in influential quarters that a com
mon ground has been reached by.
Japan and America for basingjoint
action in Siberia. This is particu
larly pleasing to those who have ob
served with regret that. Siberian
policies of the two countries' at times
seemed to follow divergent courses."
The announcement was contained
in a summary given to the Russian
press as the Japanese view of the
situation in Siberia? This was dated
"Tokio, Dec. 2," and included a re
view of the policies of Japan and
the United -States since joini action
was instituted here.
Continue New Case
Until Next Monday; '
Depositions Made
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec, 26. The
case of'Harry New, accused of the
murder here last July of Miss Freda
Lesser was -.-continued, until Mon
day at the request of the district at
torney, who said he was ill. The
morning session was devoted, to
reading depositions from persons
who knew the defendant in child
hood, all bearing on his sanity.
When the trial is resumed Mon
day, the defense, it was said, would
call witnesses to testify along the
same line.. Among these it was said,
would, be George , Gallagher, county
jailer and several others who are
attached at the jail, as well as some
prisoners at the jail.
Three Bum to Death
When Kerosene Used
To Rekindle a Fire
Anthony la., Dec. v 26 -Using
gasoline to rekindle a smouldering
fire in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles D. Bolles, farmers, three
miles south of Anthon, Christmas
night, resulted in the death of three
members of the family. The dead:
- Ruby Bolles, IS.
Opal Bolles, 4.
Willie Bolles, 3.
Mrs. Bolles is seriously burned
and may hot recover.
It was after the Christmas dinner
that the fire was allowed t0""burn too
low. . Ruby went to rekindle it.
She thought to get kerosene but
got gasoline instead. An explosion
and fire. resulted. . '
Chamber of Commerce J
' Backs Up Business Men
Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 26. The
Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, in
a fetter sent to Wiliam MWood.
president 'of the American Wool
company, says it has found "noth
ing to warrant" his Tecent charges
that some merchants in this city
were charging, excessive prices-for
necessaries, .
London, Dec. 28. The bolshevik
have captured Tomsk and also the
towns of Fastoff, Vassilkov, Krem
entchug,, Iziuh, Belovodsk, Makee
veka and Kokpekhta, according 'to
a wireless despatch received from
Moscow. .
The communication adds that after
the capture of Tomsk the reds ad
vanced from .Novo Nikolaevsk to
the main, line of the Trans-Siberian
railroad and occupied the station of
Taiga, taking an enormous amount
of booty and a, number of prisoners.
"The road, to"1 Krasnoyarsk and
Irkutsk 5s now open, and Admiral
Kolchak's army in this region has
ended its existence," says the com
munication. The rebels in' eastern Siberia, says
a Moscow dispatch, have completely
severed all communication on the
Amur line- and Blagovieshtchensk
has been cut off. The dispatch a,dds
that Galician troops, intended for
the defense of Kiev, have revolted
against General Denikine, the aaxi
bolshevik leader in the south and
attacked the volunteer army in the
Prospective Groom
Undergoes Operation- .
"While Fiancee Waits
New' York-; Saturday, Dec. 27.
Dr. William Grey Vermilye, who
bailed to appear for his wedding with
Miss Ruth M. Keeney at Monson,
Mass., on Christmas day. was locat
ed this morning at the Cumberland
street hospital in Brooklyn, accord
ing tp a statement issued by the
.police at 2:20 a. m. The police
stated that they had been informed
by a physician -at the hospital that
Dr. Vermilye had undergone a slight
operation and that they had been
requested to give out no information
about the case;
Monson,- Mass., Dec. 26. Miss
Wilham Grey Verraiiye of Brook
lyn, former naval surgee-n. Was post
poned Thursday after the bride-
v.An. .1... 1 f r .
si uuiu-cicii nau iaiiea to. appear,
stated she is still convinced that the
doctor ithpr haA m&t 11,'Jttt nln,'.
or had been injured in an accident
Her convictions, sUe said, are con-
j y uioaunva ill wnii.ii
it was said tlat money due Dr. Vert
uuiye nas nor Deen claimed.
Export Liquor Men Must
Put Up Bond of $12,500,000
Philadelnhia "Dpp 2fi A hnnJ
$12,500,000 will be required of the
exporters of 30,000 barrels of
whisky, bound here from Louisville,
Ky., before their cargoes, can be
shipped, according to custom house
officials. , Jhe bond will be de
manded, it was. said, to nrpvunt th
return of the liquor to the 'United
Mates in any form. - 1 he cargo will
be shipped to France on the steam
ship Western Comet.
Reduce Duty on Autos. ,
Paris. Tlrr. Tli tiit. nn a,f.
- . . ' ' - .... ' y . J V ' mu.w
mobiles .-nd '; autonobile pa-ts' has
been reduced from 70 per cent ad
valorem to 45 per cent and it is an
nounced that a further reduction is
possible.. .."
Police and State Authorities
Begin Investigations Six
Already. Under Arrest in
NewJEngland Cities. ' .
23 dead in Chkopee, Mass.
10 dead in Hartford, Conn.
4 dead in Holyoke. ,
Many others, reported dying. ,'
A report from New York says'
27 deaths resulted from drinkirfj
wood alcohol betweeto November -1
and December 20. , , '
Chicopee, Mass., Dec. 26.-7-Thirfv-four
deaths had resulted ' tonight
from "the drinking of liquor lought
in Hartford, Conn., and drunk in
this city, police say." Yesterday, last
night and today, 22 men md one.
in Hartford and four in Jiolyoke.
A numoer oi otner men were m a
critical condition tonight, at hos
pitals in Holyoke and Springfield,
T?rnw mail urn fa Htirlnf nfroct in T-T n f f
I X in v. it r VI v. unuvi nu w o l III
forjd and two in Chicopee pending
I .1 1. . 1 L.1J
tne resuir or autopsies o oe oeiu
late tonight. ,
Police investigations .indicated that
the liquor, whih was sent to Hart
ford from New York, contained
wood alcohol. ' Parts of it was sold
at a bar in Hartford, part was
bought at that place by persons who
carried it away and part' was' sent
to a hotel in Chicopee Falls. State
ana ieaerai . auinormes in iuassa-r-hnett
- anrt CntmVrtirnr frp aid
ing the police of Chicopee, Hart
ford, Holyoke and Springfield 6-
night in their efforts to determine
responsibility 'for the deaths.
Two men were arrested by the
Chicopee police and are being'held
pending autopsies They are Charles
Perry, brother of Alex Perry, pro
prietor of the American house,
Chicopee, and William A. Baker, a
- Proprietor Not Held..
The Chicopee police announced
that Alex Perry, proprietor of the
American house in Chicopee Falls,
had left the city and a search for
him had not revealed his where
abouts Charles Perry was released
tonight under $10,000 bonds pend-"'
inor ifij. m,tf.nmA n( V. a
The police and physicians believe
there are many more ill as a result
of drinking the liquor and have not
yet been reported, as the police de
clared considerable of the iquor was
sold in this sertinh , -
Although Medical Examiner
Fletcher WOllIri nnh cfot nn:it;.tu
- ..v. W.U., Will
that the deaths were due to wood
alcohol, it was stated at the hospitals
that the cases no doubt were due to
rhis form of alcohol. The victims
were affected similarly, most of them
becoming paralyzed.
As SOOn a: it'wae fviffin !
seme form of liquor was causing
the deaths, all saloons in the vallev
were ordered to sell no rnore of it
Ihe American house in Chicopee
Falls was closed and a special squad
of police detailed to keep guard.
At midnight the Chicopee police
announced that charges of man
slaughter had been brought against
Charles Perry and William Baker,
whrt havA Ko... a.. : : . -
.. mm uv.iu ijquumg investi
Ten Dead in Hartford.
Hartford, Dec. 26. Two men died
in a Hospital late tonight from the
effects of drinking liquor sold in
Windsor street saloons, brlngingnhe
death list here to 10. Hospital and
police reports told of six. more dan
gerously ill from drinking a com
pound believed to be largely wood
alcohol. Four men, two of them
saloon keepers, , are under arrest
charged with murder. A .
Four Dead in Chicago.
- Chicago, Dec. 26. Four. men were
dead here from drinking wood alco
hol as a substitute for whisky on
Christmas day, according to the po
lice. 27. Deaths Reported. .
New York, ' Dec. 26. Twentv
scven deaths from drinking wood
aiconoi and several cases of poison-'
ing have occurred in Manhattan be--tween
November 1 and December
20. according to nfTirial (icrnr.c mJ.
public by Medical ExaminervCharles
i orris, ur, J orris, declared that in
his ODillioM tllrsp Strnrrc A, A n J.
trearly represent the full toll i
aim sickiicss aue to taking the
poison as a beverage, as he believed
that manv deith and ill.iAcc. re
ported as due to apoplexy, acute
abdominal trouble and other causes
w,ere .really caused by drinking
wood alcohol concoctions.
Venizelos In Paris.-
Paris. pec. 26. (Hava.) rre
niier Venizelos of Greece has ar
rived in Paris.