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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1919)
A...,. THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1919. O. haw this sot-tag of V Toe uncertain glory of mMUrtk . April day. Shakespeare. Tkey are mw alone .Hat are accompanied wltk mIiI thoughts, Sir MiUla Sydney. SOCIETY For Bride-elect , .Miss Marion Towle entertained at a bridge party followed by sup per at her home, Wednesday eve ning. The hohorees were Miss Grace Allison and her fiance. Al bert Sibbernsen. The. guests in cluded the' members of the bridal party. Cnristmas decorations were used. i y , Wedding. ' The marriage of Miss Hazel Rocho and Samuel Laferneire took place Saturday afternoon, at the Trinity cathedral. Dean Tancock offieiatedi Mr. and Mrs. R. C Turnquist were the only attendants. An informal I reception was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ellen Rocho. ,Mr. and Mrs. Laferneire will be at home aft er January 1 at 3215 California street . Informal Affair. Miss Mildred Anderson entertain ed informally at -her home Thurs day evening. Her guests numbered 10. Holiday Affair. A Christmas party wa given Wednesday afternon by a group of girls in their offices in the Federal building. Those present were Mes dames H. T. Langdon, G. Ruth and Clarence Heider, Misses Ruth Camp field, Martha Rau, Elizabeth Nel ton, Maude Austin, MargaretAHau vensak, Edith Gwartney, Mabel An derson, Mary Uallinghousc. Clara and Irene Tracy, Susan Hill and Helen Russell. ' -, - For Mrs. BethelL ' Mr. and Mrs. - George Prinz entertained Mrs. William Bethell of Redlands, Cal., at the Boyd Thurs day evening. Mrs. Bethell leaves Friday for her, home. Following the theater they attended he John W. Towle dancing party. . IMPOR TANTA 11 JOharge Purchases Made During ThifSalc Will Appear On BillRekderei February 1st, 1920 Now Comes the Sale That Feminine Omaha Has Been Wafting For .KilpatirkMs Ready-to-Wear Clearaice Opens Friday, Dec. 26th and Continues Until Wednesday, Dec. 31st Personals Those who have attended our previous ready-to-wear clearance sales at this season of the year will need no further explanation or emphasis other than the mere announcement of the day and date. Those who may not befamiliar with the character and value of KILPATRICK opportu nities should vest this announcement with an interest that I . . - ii i r..i . j ..i- ... ui. win insist on your coming o snare in me wuuucri iji Miugi wtsorvu in ui cat. nis w icannuun r - . j i z j - apparei ror -women, misses ana cnuarcu. Mid-Winter Clearance ale . . of Beautiful Furs A big assortment of Coats, Wraps, Stqles and Scarfs marked down to smaller prices for the rnid-svinter clearance sale. It is an event of the utmost importance i at this time. Fur Coats of Marmot, Hudson Seal, ' Raccoon, Sealine andT Nutria, that formerly sold from $275.00 up to'$l,000.00, have been reduced to sell at from $137.50 up to $775.00. Coatees and Capes of Mink, Marten, Mole and Hudson Seal reduced in price. Scarfs of Beaver, Squirrel, Mole and Fitch, special at $22.50. Large animal scarfs of Fox, Wolf and Lynx, spe - ial at $39.75. Snail animal pieces reduced to $12.95. T I Sale of Pretty Dresses Fine quality materials fashioned by skilled dressmak ers into distinctive styles and values that are out of the ordinary are the outstanding features of this dress sale. Note the reductions : . . ' Dresses of Taffeta, Tricotine. Tricolette and Serge that formerly sold up to $59.50 marked down to $24.75. v - . . Dresses of Taffeta, Tricotine. Serge, Georgette, and Tricolette formerly priced up to $87.50, now . $34.75. ( All our dresses have had their selling prices re duced, and some of the Velour and Velvet Dresses for afternoon and evening wear reduced to almost Half Price. . . An After the Holiday Sale of Women's Silk Underwear Beautiful undergarments "made from luxurious silks are grouped in special lots at fractions of their former selling "prices. There are gowns, envelopes, camisoles and petticoats ; here by virtue of a special purchase also a lot of pretty' garments that are slightly mussed, left-overs from our holiday trade.. v Note the wonderful values: ' " "Gowns of Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Wash Satin, daintily made tip and trimmed. Special at $6.95, $8.95, $10.95 -; and $13.95. i Envelopes of Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Satins, Special at $3.69, $4.89 and $5.89. v Camisoles of various silks, lace and hand embroidered and trimmed. Special at $1.75, $1.95, $2.45 and $2.95. Petticoats of Crepe de -Chine in white and flesh colors, $5.95. Dark Camisoles of black, navy and brown silk, embroidered m colors. Reduced to $2.45 and $2.95. . Mid-Winter Clearance Sale of Trimmed Hats We are confident that this mid-winter clearance 'of beautifully trimmed hats will exceed in richness and in jreal quality any previous hat sale at this, or any price near this, we have ever held. ' Your Choice, $2.50 While it is true that this is a clearance sale, yet you will find hats with individuality every one so dif ferent: hats marked by distinction and originality. Modeled into shapes that wilhsuit all wants from the close reefed toque to the wide brimmed velvet or brown. There are shades to harmonize with all fash ionable apparel. We suggest that you come early Friday and get first choice of these wonderful hats at $2.50. J Our Entire Stock of Women's Coats Subject to a Deep Mark Down Not a reservation, has been made; not a coat hs been overlooked in this sweeping, comprehensive reduction of our stock of women's coats. Ex traordinary values are now obtainable at every price named. There are coats of yelour, Crystal Cord, Bolivia, Silvertones, Duotones, Evora, etc. n Some beautifully trimmed with fur; others plain. Note the following special prices: 1 - Coats formerly sold-up to $ 69.50, special .....$39.50 Coats formerly sold up to $ S7.50, special ,-$42.50 f Coats formerly sold up to $ 97.50, special. $57.50 Coats formerly sold up to $139.50, special. $72.50 . p Coats formerly sold up to $175.00; special . ..$87.50 ' v Stout sizes are included in these lots. All exclusive model coats that formerly sold 'up to $350.00 have been price reduced for this clearance sale. ' x x "" - ' - s . Women's Suits of the Better Qualities Prices Reduced for Quick Clearance This is a sale of such values as the women in need of a 'smart quality suit cannot afford to overlook. And we feel confident that she will not lose such an advantage once she sees these beautiful garments. All our winter suits, including both, tailored and fancy models, in all the pop ular fabrics, are included. Some are fur trimmed. r" v . ( Suits that formerly sold up to $ 75.00, special $ 29.75 Suits that formerly sold up to $ 95.00, special.. ..$45.00 . M Suits that formerly sold up to $150.00, special..'. .$ 97.50 ) Suits that formerly sold up to $250.00, special. . . $125.00 ! , ; . : : . A Special Purchase of La Camille Corsets v , Adds Special Interest to Our Mid Winter Clearance Sale of Corsets Wearers of this popular makfiMf corset will appreciate this announcement .coming as it does in the face of constantly advancing prices. We secured a large quantity at way under their regular prices and as a result we offer dozens of the best front lace models in long hip and low oust styles at big reductions. Lot No. 1 LotNp.2f Lotrfo.3, Lit Camille Corset that La Camille Corsets that La Camille Corsets that ... would ordinarily sell up would ordinarily sell up would ordinarily sell up , to 5.0. to $8.50. to $12.50. Special, 82.95 Special, 84.95 Special, 86.95 v - ' In conjunction with the above special purchase of La Camille Corsets we hav$ placed on special tables several small lots of discontinued numbers of all our popular makes, including Warner, R. & G., Justrite,. Kabo, Redfern, Madame Irene and Bertha May Corsets at thefollowing prices : Lot No. 1 Lot No. 2 , Lot No. 3 Lot No. 4 Lot No.-- Values up to Values up to Values up to Values up to Values up to $3.50 ' $S.00 $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 81.95 82.95 4 84.95 86.95 88.95 Mid-Winter Clearance Salev of Apparel for Children. Juniors and Little Women . . . - - This special crearance, sale offers an opportunity to purchase warm win- ' ter garments at greatly reduced prices. . , v , Coat for the Miss of from 14 to 17Years The better quality coats of Crystal Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilkini have as their guests for the holidays, Walter Wilkins of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Wilkins of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. Miles Houch of Omaha. G. S. Crother of Chicago, is in the city visiting Dick Poole.' Mr. and Mrs. James Haire of Den ver are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bonney Nevels. v Miss Esther and Ellen Lund have gone to" Blair for the holidays. Mrs. Ellery Davis, Miss Helen and Dr. Edwin Davis with their guest, Miss May Christie of London, England, have gone to Lincoln to spend Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Ellery L. Davis. . Miss Mable Hall is spending the holidays at Albert Lea, Minn., with the families of E. L. Hall and George Payne. n Misses Edla R. and Esther L. Johnson will spend Christmas in Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ander son have gone to Bair for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Helms, Mrs. E. H. Helms and Miss Eva Helms of Omaha have gone to Blair to participate in a family reunion on .(. hnstmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nesbit have left Omaha permanently. They will make their home in Lincoln. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reynolds and dauehter. Kathenne. left Wednes day to spend Christmas in Sioux City. . Mr. and Mrs. C L. Hempel are visiting in Lincoln. Miss Anna Sistekof Chicago is the guest ot her mother, Mrs. a Sistek. j A MrJ R. O. Hostetler of Kearney, - Neb., )ire the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anana KaymondV Robert O'Brien left Tuesday for Sterling, Colo., where he will join Mrs. O Bnen and Robert, jr. Helen Grant of Lincoln, will be the week-end guest of Edith Morns. Darwin J. Bone is home from St. Tihn Milifarv 9radi"mv to soend Lihe holidays with his parents, Mr. ana jvirs. james d. ouiic, who nave recently moved into the" Morris apartments. Miss Helen Murphy, reigning queen of Ak-Sar-Ben, returned Wed nesday morning from Denver. Mr. F. R. Winter arrived Wednes day to Visit his daughter, Mrs. Frank htern, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Mason are soendiHz Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William Grant and family of Lincom. Manfred Lillieford of Great Falls, Mont., who attends the University of Nebraska, is the week-end guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Grant Parsons. At Washington Three special groups of fur coats, including heavy coats of Velour, Kerseys Mixtures, Silvertones, Bolivia, and Chin-chilla,-in long and short models, belted, and plain, with collars of self . trimming and fur v , Special at $160, $26.50 and $34.50 Cord, Bolivia, Velour de Luxe and Silvertones that formerly sold up to $97.50. Special at $59.50. Suits for Juniors Alt suits for juniors and little women have been grouped In two lots and specially priced at $27.50 and $37.50 Dresses . For children and masses', from 10 to 17 years. Come in Vel vets, Velours, Serge, Jersey, ' Tricotine, Taffeta, Georgette, $10.75, $16.75, $23.75 Little Tots Coats Sizes -from 2 to 12 years of age. .Come in Velvet, Cordu ray and Chinchilla. Extra Spe cial clearance price $8.50, $10.50, $14.50 Children's Furs One-Third Off All children's Furs have had their prices reduced one-third for this mid-wintefclearance. Children's Trimmed7 Hats All our stock of children's pretty trimmed hats to clear at one-third off their regular prices. Also two special lots of smart Velour and Velvet hats marked extra special, at 1.98 and $3.98 Y P- i Yf "JV- '', ... - , - -' 'S White Sale . 1 iZi3712,s which suru ' y oi ooyew J JTRJCT FOR FiFTy ywR f 'blouses' Pretty beaded and embroidered Georgette Bloiises. Values up to $15.00 Special $7 $5 x For Bride-Elect. Miss Miriam Konecky gave a luncheon Sunday at the Rome hotel in nonor of Miss Mollie Singer, whose' marriage to Mr. A. G. Goud chaux of Big Cane, La., will be sol emnized December 31. The follow ing guests were present: The Misses-Hannah Greenblatt, Sara Kesslemna, Freida. Krcizelman, Emma Rubinstein, Yetta and Mollie Stiefler, Blanche and Sylvie Levy, Anna Stock, Pearl Stark, Fannie Ro senblum, Rebecca Bercovici, Mollie Rella and Dorothy Singer, Miriam Konecky and the Mesdames Max Iavis and Aaron Rips. Engagement Announced. Mr., and Mrs. Charles F. Krelle announce the engagement of their daughter, Augusta, to Mr. Jesse E. Waddell. The wedding will take place during the summer. Everett-Hamer.' S , The marriage of Miss Marjorie Hamer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hamer, and Harold R. Everett of Sioux 'City took place Wed nesday evening, at the home of the Lride. Miss Averill Hamer and Mr. Vilas Await were the only atend ants. Mr. Averett and his bride will reside in Sioux City at the Swansor apartments. Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Emil Larson en tertained at a family dinner .party . i r. i ai ineir noinc nrisiinas aay. Christmas Dinner Mr. arid Mrs. John J. Daugherty entertained at a family dinner of 16 covers at their home, Thursday. Among the guests was Miss Grace Allison, who will Become the bride of Albert Sibbernsen Saturday evening. , ' Tea Dansante. ' -"' Mrs. Clement Chase and Mrs. Walter W. Head entertained at a tea dansante Christmas afternoon at the Blaokstone in honor of their daughters, Melena Chase and Ver nelle Head. It r: If r I- iinnrnnlorffunMr"' ' 1 "lllll r'T'-' lT il Mme. Andre Benklevesky, who, with her husband, Colonel Benklev esky, arrived in San Francisco re cently after a thrilling escape from the bolsheviks in Vladivostok.. Colo nel Benklevesky has been military attache for the Omsk government at Paris and is now hi Washington, where he will represent his govern ment. Mme. Benklevesky was forced to travel several months through cities controlled by the bol sheviks to' join her husband in Vladivostok. Heart Beats By A. K. Fort Crook A celebration with a Christmas tree, distribution of gits, ' and a dance wai given Wednesday eve ning for the non-commissioned offi cers and the men of Fort Crook. Lieutenant and Mrs. William L, Phillips gave a dinner of eight coverj at their quarters on Christmas day. Lieutenant and Mrs. George Van Stprfdiford left Friday for St Louis to spend the holidays. They were accompanied by Mrs. N. L. Snow and Linden Show of Salt Lake City, who have been their guests. Colonel and Mrs. Ben Wade will entertain at a dancing party New Year's eve at the post. Colonel and Mrs. John Morris will be "at home" New Year's Day. Miss Marjorie Jobson, of La Grange, 111., is the guest of Captain and Mrs. C. F. Jobson. Cinosam Club. . The Cinosam Dancing club will entertain at a dancing party, Friday evening, u me ocoiiisn iviic thedral. ca- Christmas Is not for old folks And dull Merry bells i And music swell The Yuletide atmosphere. A green tree Stands in the corner With candles And tinsel bright Goodies and toys For girlies and boys Hang from its branches Rest on the floor. It waits ' For early risers ) Who soft-toe Down the stairs . Some of the children ' Are seventy years Some are only two And the house N Is a merry mansion Whether castle Or merely a hut- For the Christmas spirit Abounds without An'd penetrate within. The cloakof Dignity Falls away From stately figures And heads of gray And the child within ' Comes out to play With other kiddies , On Christmas. To make the feast day Quite complete We'll divide dur gifts ' And hoKday sweets With sad little folks Who were quite forgotten By good-intentioned Old Santa Claus Christmas is not A finishe'd day Until you have given. Some things away. SELAH. . Children's Holiday Party. The Omaha Athletic club will en tertain at a holiday party Friday. December 26. for member's children Miss Grace Sorenson will tell stories for the children. x y Friday Night Club.' The Friday Night club will give a dance Friday evening, December 26, at the Metropolitan. , HEARTS TREATED FREE Dr. Franklin Miles, lha Great Special!!, Gives a $2.50 Personal Treatment and New Book Free. Community Kitchens. ,. There has been of late years a great change in the living conditions or habits or customs, whichever you may say, of the business and pro fessional woman. She is rebelling at the boarding house, haunted by her predecessor, and is mora often found establishing singly or with a friend or two of her own choosing, a home to return to after the day s work. And, instead of going out to meals, she prefers to have some, at icasi, in inai name, oreaKiast, oi course, 1s for the average woman an easily prepared meaL With all the labor-saving devices of the day, she can start preparations when she arises and find the morning meal practically ready- for her when she is ready for it. Luncheon is usually a more or less casual meal, taken-, as a rule, where and when most eonve nient; but, .hen it comes to dinner at night, she does enjoy having that in her own home, at her own fire side, whether figuratively or in re ality, and she enjoys having an oc casional friend come there to enjoy it with her. Yet, after a busy day, she has usually neither time nor in clination to prepare the sort of meal she wants. " For her the community kitchen is, indeed, a blessing. Want a Fur Collar On Your Overcoat? This fall and winter we we have mad4 many fur collars out of old muffs or capes, by cutting out the best of the fur and piecing it together. Hardly a home but pos sesses some discarded fur garment that could be used to make a fine over- ' coat collar. Come in and talk to us. We do all kinds of alter ing and repairing, also re liriing. "y ' ' : " THE PANTORIUM ISIS Jones St. Kfcoae Deo tS3 Se. Side, 4708 Se. 14th. Phene Se. 1283 GUY LIGGETT, President P. S. We pay eetag eoe war en all out-of-town orders. Writs for prica list. Dancing Party ( Mr. andMrs.-John W. Towle en tertained at a dancing party at the Fontenelle Cnristmas night Their guests numbered 130. . , Dancing Party. Baldwin Sinclair will entertain at a dancing party Monday evening at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A: Sinclair. Those present were Doris Talmage, Charlotte Smith, Ruth Carpenter of Lincoln, Alice Kimberly, Emma Ritchie, Do ris Pinkerton, Mary Findley, Vir ginia Pierce, Jean Hampton. Vir ginia Carlisle, Gordon Smith, Junior Nash, Walter Metcalfe, Billy Hynes, jr.; Charles Ortman, Wil liam Clark, Charles Woodworth, Nelson Updike, , jr., and Edward Hall. I For School Set - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morsman and Mr. and Mrs. W.' A. Pixley en tertained at a dance Thursday eve ning, at the Blackstone. Mary Morsman and Virginia Pixley were honoree?. The guests included many members of the school act To nrnr the remarkable efficacy of his new Special Personal Treatment' for heart duease, snort breatb, pain in side, hmilHer or arm. ODoression. irregular pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of ankles or dropsy Dr. Miles will send to afflicted persons a $2.60 Free Treat ment. Bad cases usually soon relieved. Many report cured after physicians failed. These treatments, are tne result oi ou years extensive researcn ana unusuui lipi-Ms in treating various ailments nf the heart, nerves, stomach, bowels, kid neys, bladder and rheumatic trouble, which often complicate each ease. Send for Astonishing Reports, of Cures. , So wonderful are the results that he wishes every sick person to test this fa mous treatment at "his expense. Afflicted persons should avail themselves of this libera offer at onee aa they may never have such an opportunity again. Delays are dangerous. No death comes more suddenly than that from heart disease. Send for his Heart Book and Two Pound Free Treatment. Describe your disease. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF 161 to 172, Franklin St., Elkhart, Ind. ASTHMA Dr. Klnoman's) Asthma Remedy free instant relief, 2i years of sncceas. 60c. at all droggista. Avoid all substitutes. Trial Treatment Mailed Free, write to Ot. F. C Kinsman, Hunt Block, Augusta,Maino Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Soap, Olntnent. Talnm, SSe. everywhere flsainli tras of OiUaanlastrsMrlM. Dt. X. UtUmjXSZ HaaMiBaaslaaSsWMBS(BaBM Too Much App S7 may be at dangerocs etitC M too little When the skin is sallow or yellow, the r eves dull, the head aches or sleep broken and unrefreshmi the back aches, or there ' is a pain under the right shoulder blade it is an indication that the body is being poi soned by poorly digested and imperfecdyelim- ' inated food-waste. It is a wise thing to take v - IS to relieve these symptoms by tielnfnr- fr KmOV8 tha MiWersiikoillessgleattWm h Usss, lot, gs. rsvsinn mm -i