Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Rumblings of Dissatisfaction
at Manner of Arranging
Reward for War Service
Come to Focus.
(Catlati4 From rc Om.)
lit award be taken from an officer
Ltpon whom it already has been con
ferred, but he does ask for a re
vision upward of some of the lesser
decorations. .
Sims long known as the stormy
petrel of the navy, since his sensa
tional "last drop of blood" speech
Jn the Guild hall at London, when
le drew the attention of the foreign
officers of Berlin, London and
Washington, has figured in navy
sensations before and has many
warm supporters among the officers.
Secretary Daniels' report to Chair
man Page of the senate naval com
mittee outlines the general policy
followed by the secretary in award
ing medals and distinctions to naval
! officials and enlisted men.
Indicating that the entire con
troversy that has now come to light,
revolves around the old Navy de
partment argreement as to which
class-'.of service shore or sea is
f more important. Secretary Daniels
iin his report said:
Duty on Shore Recognized.
I "The value" of the duty on shore
! was , duly recognized, but in my
cpiniort it should be of the highest
(importance and responsibility in
order that this duty should be recog
nized by the award of the same kind
of medals as that given to officers
charged with great- responsibility
and at the same time in positions
of grave danger in the active war
tone, and this was the standard
which any particular case had to
meet for an officer on shore duty
to be awarded the medal."
Services Recognized.
Emphasizing his belief that officers
engaged in hazardous and responsi
ble duties in the North sea mining
squadron, the destroyer force, the
convoy and the armed guard serv
ices should be given preference in
the award of high honors over offi
cers .serving on shore, even in posi
tions of great responsibility, and of
ficers serving with ships in home
waters, Secretary Daniels said that
"the services rendered by these dif
ferent forces was recognized by the
board of awards in assigning certain
medals to the officers in command
of the ships and stations concerned
and this plan of procedure met with
jny approval. -
With this policy in mind, Secre
tary Daniels said he had changed,
however, the recommendation of the
board of awards convened under
Rear Admiral Austin M.' Knight, in
the case of a (number of 'officers
serving ashore,! at home, or in home
waters 40 that such officers .would
receiver decorations of lesser value
than officers serving in the face of
the entmy overseas.
Christmas Greetings
Sent Overseas Men
By Secretary Baker
Washington, Dec. 23.-r-Secretary
Baker has sent to American troops
within the United States and abroad
the following Christmas message:
"To those who wear the uniform
of the United States Christmas with
its deep meaning of 'peace on eartb)
good will to men,' should take oni
an added significance this year, in1
that during the new era of peace
for which such great sacrifices were
made,'. American institutions have1
been, guarded during the 12 months
past with that fidelity and devotion
which has always been one of the
great traditions of the United States
arm. - .
"With- the New Year, approaching,
your country stands on the thres
hold of greater opportunities and
prosperity than are to be read in1
any of the glorious pages of her
history.' As. soldiers, you represent
the strength of your' country and in
peace, 'as' well as in war, you can
prove that the foundation of democ
racy nd the safeguard of. liberty is
the ability of the individual to per-i
ceive and defend the truth. I speak
for. your commander-in-chief and
for the. nation you serve when I
.wish you a very" merry Christmas
and a successful and happy New
Allied Law Officers
Draw Up Indictment
Against Ex-Kaiser
f London, Dec. . 23. Law officers
of the crown held a' consultation
wttbJ French and Belgian law of
ficers With regard to the former
German emperor. It is reported that
the r.conferees made out a case
against the former German ruler
and framed an indictment.
Mne nague, ucc. to. ine semi-
-ce vt . , I i ,
omciat jNemerianas correspondence
no truth in a statement published in
the Soir of Brussels to the effect that
the Netherlands government has al
ready unofficially informed the al
lies that the Dutch government will
Hot surrender the former German
emperor if extradition is requested.
The bureau says that as yet no ac
tion in the matter has been taken.
Opening Christmas Box '
Uearlv Proves Fatal
Seattle. Wash, Dec. 23. Fred
Fink, a Seattle musician, Mrs. Fink,
their three children and . I. Mul
lerj a- ledger, narrowly escaped death
or serious injury jwhen they decided
to open a Christmas box, received
through the mail, by breaking open
the slide top rather than by pulling
it out in the usual manner. The box
contained an internal machine set to
explode when the ltd-was pulled
back. Fink said an attempt was
made on his life some time ago.
Lloyd George to Go to Paris
London, Dec 23. Premier Lloyd
George will go to Paris next week
to confer with Premier Clemenceau,
it was announced today.
- To Heal Cough
aat HAISd' HXAJ4XJ HONET. 35c per tntU.
Suspected Murderer
Of Colorado Rancher
Breaks His Reserve
Denver, Npv. 23. Companionship
of a cell mate broke the reserve last
night of Alex Miller, mute farm
hand, held in connection with the
murder Saturday night of Adam
Shank and his family near Gilcrest,
Co o. For the first time he com
municated in writing to another
Since the arrest of Miller, former
ly employed by Shank, he has main
tained that he could not read nor
write nor understand the sign Ian
guage. ' Last night he answered
questions of his cell mate in the
city jail by writing. Sheriff Frank
N, Hall, of Oreeiey, wno came nere
to get Miller, will examine the mute
again today.
Discovery of revolver cartridges
and a revolver in Miller's trunk on
the Shank farm and a quarrel be
tween the mute and his former em
ployer Saturday over wages caused
the arrest of Miller here Sunday.
The Shank family the father,
mother and four children were shot
to death in their home some time
Saturday night. Their bodies were
discovered by a cousin Sunday fore
noon. No money or property was
Best Fellows on Earth
ill Carrv Cheer to
200 Omaha Families
Two hundred poor families in
Omaha are being remembered this
Christmas in a substantial way by
Omaha lodsre. No. 39. Benevolent
and Protective Order of lilks.
In the ruined Red Cross room of
the court house a committee of Elks
headed by District Judge Sears is
sending out great bags of food in
liberal quanatities to the 200 fam
ilies. ' ,
. Each bag contains a chicken,, five
pounds of bacon, 12 1-2-pound bag of
flour, 5-pound bag of cornmeal, rice,
beans, coffee, tea, salt, syrup, ma
caroni, buttter, cabbage, turnips,
onions, bread, candy, oranges, half
bushel of potatoes and cans of to
matoes, peas and corn.
There's enough to support a good
sized family for many days.
It is an annual custom of the
Elks. Every big bag is being de
livered right at the door of the poor
Belgium Wishes to
Remain Free to
Chose Her Friends
Brussels, Dec. 23. Paul Hymans,
foreign minister, made a long state
ment on Belgium's foreign policy.
Concerning the revision of the
treaty of 1839, he was unable to en
ter into details as negotiations were
unfinished. But however they might
result, he said, Belgium would, not
enter into any agreement in the di
rection of returning to neutrality
or restriction of her sovereign
'Belgium, he .said, wished to re
main free to choose her friends and
allies,, which was necessitated by
her honor and national dignity.
' t
Depths of Despair Reached By Crushed .
Soul of Child Forgotten on Christmas
Associated Charities Make
Final Appeal for
' Omaha Poor.
All the suffering of the children
of war-stricken Belgium, all the
anguish of the persecuted children
of Armenia, all the sorrow ot the
fatherless children of France, cannot
compare with that crushed spirit' of
the American boy or girl who
awakes on Christmas morn, after
days of almost hopeless faith, to
find that he has been forgotten by
Santa Claus.
Man, who has tasted the deepest
dregs of despair, knows naught of
suffering as compared with the child
vhose stocking hangs limp and life
less, empty, on Christmas morning.
Forgotten. ,
Because of the whirlwind campaign
of the Associated Charities, the past
few weeks, in the interests of the
needy and deserving families of
Omaha, there will be few, if any,
children in Omaha, who will be for
gotte'n by Santa Claus on tomorrow
But today, in a supreme effort, the
Associated Charities, is winding up
its efforts to care for Omaha's fam
ilies. Donations made this morn
ing to that organization will yet
reach their destination in time for
Noon today is the closing hour for
Christpias gifts to Omaha's poor
through the . Associated Charities.
The headquarters is at 519 Farnam
building, and Mrs. G. W. Doane,
secretary, is anxious that more do
nations of food, clothing, fuel, or
money be received before noon for
Funeral Services Held for
Aged Widow of Omaha Pioneer
Funeral services for Mrs Freder
ick Krug, aged widow of the late
Omaha pioneer, were held at the
family home, 818 South Twentieth
street, yesterday afternoon. Rev,
W. A. Schaefer, pasjor of St. John's
German Lutheran church, had
charge of the services..
Mrs. Krug died at the age of 81
last Saturday night, a little more
than a month later than her hus
band, who died November 19.
The pallbearers . were: Albert
Cahn, Isidor Ziegler, Moses O'Brien,
Joseph Middlebach, Charles Kar
bach, Arthur Metz, Val. Peters and
Hans Mohring.
Burial was in Prospect Hill ceme
Pershing Will Visit
Omaha This Morning
(Continued From !' One.)
generals, four colonels, a lieutenant
colonel and a captain, according to
information received at Fort Oma
ha. This will be the largest number
of high ranking officers to visit
Omaha in the history of the city,
iirmy officers say.
The officers who are scheduled to
accompany General Pershing are:
Brig. Gen. Fox Conner; Brig. Gen.
George H. Vanmosely; Brig. Gen.
Manin Crait; Col. George L. Mar
shall; Col. Richard H. Williams;
Col. John G. Quekefeyer; Col. Henry
Lee Buewkes; Lt. Col. E. O. Bow
ditch and Capt. J. P. Schneider.
Home Town Honors
A. E. F. Commander
Laclede, Mo., Dec. 23. Gen. John
J. Pershing came back to his boy
hood home today, ate turkey dinner,
was presented with a medal and a
loving cup, visited relatives and
cronies of long ago, explored anew
the old Pershing house, and made
several ipeeches.
In the words of Miss May Per
shing, his sister, also a guest at the
homecoming celebration, it was "a
lovely day, quite beyond descrip
tion." And the general seemed to
enjoy every minute, from the time
he stepped from his private car to
grasp the outstretched hand of Al
Warfield. aged negro, once a ser
vant in the Pershing household, who
was the first to greet him, until he
departed tonight for Lincoln.
Three Impressive Moments.
Three impressive moments marked
the day.
One was public, two were private.
The public one came when, acting
on behalf of the people of Missouri,
Gov. F. D. Gardner presented him
with a medal as a token of the
state's appreciation of his efforts
in winning the war.
Of those in private, one took place
when a group of close friends and
former schoolmates presented him
with a loving cup, and another when
he expressed his sympathy to the
father, mother and sister of a soldier
That your stocking
may contain the
things you most de
:ire and that the day
may be one of hap
piness is the Christ
mas wish of
killed in , France. The general told
the sorrowing three that his heart
went out to them.
Mothers Share Honors.
"And I might in tonclusion," he
said, "say that the sacrifice of the
boy does not exceed that of the
General Pershing apparently
could not see- enough of the old
home and followed up earlier ex
plorations with another tour late
today, after he harf returned from
the . operahouse where a public
reception was held in his honor.
General Pershing's most extended
speech today was made in response
to the address of Governor Gardner,
who had acclaimed him as Mis
souri's most illustrious citizen.
"It was here that I learned the les
sons of patriotism and devotion to
duty," said General Pershing. "These
lessons were handed down to me in
my youth by my father and my
mother. It was here that I learned
a deep sense of duty to my coun
try and to my God.
"The lesson of service was taught
me by my parents whose staunch
characters impressed it upon me and
caused me to follow the path of
duty. Whatever service I may have
rendered in co-operating with or in
command of our young manhood, I
ewe pre-eminently to my mother's
early teachings. Many of you knew
her and loved her. Too often we
have been slow to value the influ
ence of our mothers.
"In late years I have come to real
ize it. During the war it was borne
in on me. We all felt that the won
derful loyalty and- devotion of the
women of America were sustaining
vs. I am very much' overcome with
emotion to be thus honored today.
The circumstances are overwhelm
ing. To receive such an emblem in
the old yard where I romped as a
boy brings a choke in my throat and
I can't just say what is in my heart.
No honor has come to me greater
than this in the midst of those whom
I love and cherish. To receive such
a tribute I assure you is a treasure
more precious than I care to ex
press." Gas Company Will Be Host
At Christmas Entertainment
The Omaha Gas company will be
host at a children's Christmas enter
tainment in Metropolitan hall, 2301
Harney street this afternoon at 3
for employes of the company.
G. W. Clabaugh. vice president of
the company, will extend the Christ
mas greeting and present the annual
gold medal, in recognition for serv
ices to the company. Albert Elm
quist; employed by the company
since 1891, will be the recipient of
the medal.
A short musical program will be
given, followed by impersonations of
mother goose and other characters.
Harry Disbrow and Rudolph Reiter
will give vocal selections and
Charles R. Davis and Murel Simp
son will play cornet solos. Gifts
will be distributed to the children
after the program. s
Pay Increase to Policemen
; Formally Passed by Council
The city council yesterday for
mally passed an ordinance which)
grants patrolmen $125 per month to
start and a maximum of $140 per
month. Increases were allowed
other members of the department.
British Occupy Batum
London, Dec. 23. British forces
have occupied Batum and Baku to
.prevent the Turks from penetrating
the Caucasus region, according to a
Moscow wireless dispatch.
f Ik Men
5g Bhm
Has never served so many Christ
mas Shoppers nor has ever been
1 v so well prepared for the last day.
U A pair of good Gloves
in shades of tan, Cordo
van, gray, for business
and dress wear also
the best and warmest of
gloves for motoring.
ft Handkerchiefs of fine
Irish linen, plain hem
stitched, cords, tape
borders, embroidered
initials, to please every
ft And Silk Shirts, when
genuinely good, appeal
to every man. We in
sist upon the best of
qualities and they are
worth all that they cost.
ft Neckwear can't be de
scribed except to say
that no style worth
while is missing. Four-in-hands,
bats and finest
silk knits from 50c to $5.
Silk half hose Be
cause of welcome "last
minute" arrivals we can
say, "all styles, colors
and sizes." Doesn't that
help a lot?
ft Bath and Lounging
Robes of silk, wool blan
ket" and Terry cloth
all sizes.
U Silk Pajamas in pink,
blue lavender and tan
all good ones and bound
to please $7.50 to $15.
Sateen' Pajamas in
plain shades are priced
at $6. '
ft Mufflers of silk and
silk knits. Every color
effect. $1.50 up to $12.
The Men'. Shop To the Left A You Enter
Counts on the Last Day Be
Assortment That
fore Christinas
To be able to choose
the most desirable
and appropriate gift
rather than to take
"any old thing" that
happens to be left.
Here at Thompson
Belden's you will find
the most helpful serv
ice and any number of
"just right" gift things
so' that the last
names to be crossed
off your list may be as
well taken care of as
were the first ones.
9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Not Open
Christmas Eve
Brushed Wool
Scarfs for $10.95
Soft fluffy scarfs with
figured borders checks
and plaids, . come in
royal blue, green, pur
ple, cerise, brown and
turquoise. They are
quite as fine for street
wear as for sports.
Third Floor
Lace Hose
For $1.50 a pair
Pure silk hose
with lace stripes
and all-over de-
sions nrp t.r hp
had in black,
navy and brown.
A Velvet Bag
For $4
Black silk velvet with a'
delicate frame and
chain handle of silver in
an exceptionally dainty
bag lined with change
able silk.
A Bathrobe
Priced $5
Is as soft and woolly as
one could desire, with
attractive patterns in
white or a contrasting
color; the robes are rose,
blue, pink, purple and
other shades.
Third Floor
Sheer Organdy
A charming embroid
ered one is particularly
attractive as to shape
and there are others just
as desirable.
Children's Suede
Mittens $1 a pair
Heavy" suede with a
band of seal about the
top, warm enough for
the frostiest days.
Lace Collars
For $1.25
In patterns and shapes
particularly- f ine on
dark frocks..
A Petticoat
Of Taffeta-$5
Changeable silks and
plain shades; and a wide
range of them. Eppo
skirts, well made,' but
above all, decidedly at
tractive." .
Third Floor
Rattles-25c each
Pink and blue celluloid
rattles with sunbonnet
babies and flowered pat-.
terns painted on them.
A Wash Satin
Teddy for $6.50
Flesh colored, with a
daintily hemstitched
top and shoulder straps
and pink and blue, rib
bon roses about the
Children's Felt
Comfy ' slippers of red
or blue with Indians
painted on the toes, just
the thing for a little boy.
Shoe Department
Brush and Comb
Sets for 75c
Tiny celluloid
brushes and
combs lor Dames j
have the daintiest '
of designs paint
ed by hand.
A Leather Purse
For $1.25
A flat purse with a
strap at the back, is of
seal with a lining of
brocaded material
$1.25. '
Notion Department
Glove Silk
Vests for $3.50
Flesh colored
vests with shoul
der straps of rib
bon, -are of a
quality seldom
found at this price,.
Linen handkerchiefs
with hand-embroidered
or initialed corners, are
very fine for 35c.
Table Bibs
For 35c each
White drill bibs with a
yellow chick in a red
vest embroidered at the
Babies' Knitted
White knitted .sacques
with borders of. pink or
Leather Gloves
$3.50 a pair
Heavy single -clasp
street gloves in gray,
tan, brown and beaver,
are most attractive.
White Gauze
Fans 50c each
Dainty gauze
fans on sticks of
ivory, made espe
cially to delight
a little girl.
Children's Wool
Mittens 45c a pair
Warm mittens for snow
balling weather, come
in a number of shades.
Feather Fans
For $3.50 each r
Most attractive ones of
pink or blue ostrich
Neckwear Section
Perfumes for
50c a bottle
Mayis perfume, a really
delightful scent, 50c a
A Telephone
Pad for. 75c
To hang on the mouth
piece of the 'phone, an
indexed pad with covers
of silk brocade in rose
or blue, and bandings
of gold lace.
Art Department
Hair Ribbons
For 75c a yard
Wide ribbons of a fine
quality t most attrac
tive plaids and flowered
effects. -
Crepe de Chine
Gowns for $10.50
Crepe de chine
and satin gowns
i l 1 iTa -V 1
witn nemsuicnea-
or lace 'trimmed
necklines and
sleeves. Wo n
'derfully dainty and fine.
Second Floor
Jeweled Tuck
Combs-$1.75 each
Tiny combs with jew
eled tops to tuck in Mi
lady's tresses at just the
critical spot; a novelty
and, a charming one.
. - . . . ,. Notion Department
A Cotton Crepe
Dog for $1
The most lovable sort
of a cuddle toy with the
cotton stuffing just soft
enough to make him a
desirable bed fellow.
Made of white crepe
with his features out
lined in threads of vari
ous hues.
Art Department-
Fine gloves of French
kid, in all the desirable
shades, with self:col
ored or contrasting 'em
broideries on the bacits,
may be selected now-
or a certificate for them
may be purchased here
the recipient to select
the size and color after
Two-Toned Silk
Hose for $2 a pair.
Heather shades that are.
extremely attractive in
silk, red, navy or purple :
blended with black.
Doilies of .Cluny
Lace-25c and 50c
An eight -inch
doily edged with
wide Cluny lace
is priced 25c, and
a ten-inch one to
match is 50c.
Linen Section
Duvetyn Bags
For $7.50 each v
Soft duvetyn bags on a
metal frame with a han
dle of duvetyn, fitted
with a coin purse and
mirror and attractively
lined, are to be had in
gray and brown.
Glove Silk
A heavy quality of flesh
colored glove silk with
a wearing quality that
equals its-beauty.