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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1919)
.i THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, 'DECEMBER 24, 1919. 17 A NT AD. RATES ' (Cub Wit Ordr. t Pf word. ..on da j Jo imt Word .........two consecutir oars 1.. ,j ikru conaecuttv day M pw word... four concutlv day per word v concut v day la per word H conecutlv day ( per word vn nu,,v,. ' - Aod X eaot par word aach additional day ' Na ada Ukan for lea thaa total of . IP ar laaa tha" 1 per day. . 12 par Una (count a worda to Una) I day I-o Ere Una. two eonaaeutlva day Sto par lin......thra conwcut va daya 1o par lln " eonaaeutlva daya 12 4 Dr lln thirty conectlv day " " 9 CARDS OF THINKS AND f DTSEIUML NOTICES. 10 par lln .."'J iBmram Minimum chart. I oanta. The ratea apply alther to tha Dally or Bunda? Bea. All dverfl.em.nt. ap pear In both mornlnt and vnim flatly nepers tor tha one charge. . . Contract Rat, on A ppl cation. For -convenience ot ?'", "'I' ada will b accepted at tha following of, 1'i'iTm OFFICE . '. Baa Building Ami? OmoaV:. . . - . "40 North. 20th St rH offc::::::...i. nmrtN It South Sid ;;aMrtii aota lit Walnut 'tfle No,VVIt? gr T,..- nrftre ...l Scott nt. T HE I1E3K l" not b. caapon.lble for t.J,a thin one incorrect fnaartlon of an liverlUement ordered for mora than on ,"B. t'HONB TVLER 1000. .... ..R. ITilllt.itlal Mrrnlng Edition tiimrtay Bdltlana 1 p , DEATHS & FUNERALNOT1CES (fume.-K.. d J , mi yeara, a m ..w, - , '"KnVral .eni.-c .from tha family home. Frlilny at e:30 a. m. to St. Phi -, ,"ns churrh at 9 a. Interment Holy Wpuk'hre cemetery. Deceased ,1 survived by his wife, Ellen, and one Ron.' Jninea F. Cross. ...10:30 P. M M. Saturday. , LOST -FOUND REWARDS. 1 " ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,LOST Between 43d and 45th. on Erakine St.. a unite silk gtova comaininit a mond ring. Reward. Call Walnut 2787. r.r'r Part, who found black envelope- ahaped coin purse In Orpheum Garden Saturday nignt can lyier m. COST Nov. 29 th, deed for eight lota in , Pullman place. Tarty finding aam LOST Black bulldog with whit chest: ha black harness. Phona WebtrI44. Reward. : LOST Oval-shaped pearl pin. aet with IS half pearls. Call Webster 6108. Re ward. FOUND At Eighteenth and Farnam 18 Tale keeya. Small reward asked. Owner may hav same by calling at nee tirnce. LOST Sapphire pink crochet Lag, Sunday. rosary beads. Tyler 4S. In FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. 2 TO 60 PER CENT REDUCTION SALE! ALL FLOOR SAMPLES TO OO. A genuine floor sample sale. Every piece of furniture used as a floor sample to go. Cro In and see what wonder, ful bargains you can get Floor samples, dining room tablea, up from f 1.6. nO. Floor samples, dressers, up from 819.80. Floor samples. yJining room chairs, up -from $3.46. And many other real bargains TOTS FREE with outfit purchases. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 1 4th anil Dodtte 8ts. Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha. 25O0O stock of furniture to be aold; SO .stoves of all kinds, ruga, linoleum, phon ographs, duofolds. tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabineta, dresser, chiffon iers, beds. sDrtnaa. mattresses.- trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, -etc. Open till 9 P. m. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St. Web. 1607. - NEW cook stove for sale. Colfax 3771, " FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' STACK" & FALCONER, v "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS " P1ERCE.ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Har.i FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. v Lady Attendant. tJd and Cuming ts. Phone. Dougla m til. Auiu ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, ; HlfLSE & RIEPEN, I'.oiiMr Fpneral Ulrectore. . 7Ut tfo'.lh U'th St PJionjJiouflOM ""TAGGART & SON, i'miii.htakEJ19 AND EMBALM1SR3 ;Teleh.r.e,DlTaiili.21l.n "DUFFY& JOHNSTON I N DERT A K I'iRS. "17 8. 16th. Tyler 1876. SOME fine kargaiirs in slightly used pianos: 1 One baby grand, one mahogany up right, one mahogany player piano at half price. Chas. H. Thatcher Piano Repair Factory. Douglas 4703. A PHONOGRAPH will make an Ideal Christmas tfift. We can save you 50 to 3100. Pome In and let us prove It. Open evenings. R. F. Shlaes, 1404 Dodge. A. HOSPE CO. M'SSa Plsnos for rent. 31.00 per month. FLORISTS. LEE L7LAM0N ."! 1114 Pouglas St. JP2i(l?ii?i4i- t. Henderson, 1619 pariiam. . - j?ThnBATHT 1 Sth and Farnam, P. 3000. MOtENTSCMETERlES. Af monumeiiiB THE largest ?U 8. 13th. i-none nui- - ' .... . . ..-.AAn 4 ViT. ti,.itpd State. FRAMH. MARRIAGELICENSES been Issued FhrTfolfowing couple hav : licenses to wed! Name and Address.. . F.lynos Gurley, Decatur. Ala. Hclon Gordon, Des Moines, la Tohn W. Lewis, Omaha Mora. M. Traynor, Omaha Albert S..Hughey. Jr. St. Louis, .Mo. Ruth W. Gray, '-Omaha K. Barl Rosser. Jr., Omkj ........... Phylll McKenna, Portland, Ore -.lass E. Robinson. Omaha, -'Pauline Klley, Omaha.. Kllld R. Daliell. Outhrle Center. la. Nlll Henry. Outhrle Center, la.... ICnhrtam Schuyler, West Da Per, Wis ,'F.dlth Osgood, ArleL Pa- . William -Murphy, OmnbSL. . Carttten V. Emmons. Manning, la Guv R. Strickland, Wayne. Niib.,';-" Minnie M. Thompson, Wayne, Neb... Orn Proper, Kansas City, pMo.. .... Carrla nbuchon, Kansas City, Mo.. TCmll Jensen, Buekleton, Wash ' Gertrude- A. Papleaoi Otnaha.. . , . . Loui F. Hanson, Ploux City. I Tlazel Ledbetter, Kansas City, Ernest L. Brown, Omaha . . . ituth Johnson, Omaha. . ......... Lester F. Edmunon, X)maha... Elhef J. Moller, Omaha. ........ Harold L. Bruner, Omaha -1 lues M. Wyckoff, Omaha...... flaw McDonald. Omaha -Lul C Stone. Omaha , Howard Llbbon, ' Morris, Minn . . " Ur Hallman, Bruning, Ncbj. Philip Schneider, Hlnlon, la.... i Jessie Messlck. Merrill, la . Earl Ransom, Omaha Cassia Miller, Omaha Humphrey F. Murphy, Omaha.. ' Ershal F. Lyman, Omaha...... Hafry Crounse, Omaha......... Sarah Mlnklii, Omaha Henry -Paulsen, Coleridge, Neh. Anna Larsen, uinana. Age. .over 21 .over 1 . . . . . 2 1 , 23 . 32 . '24 . 22 . 27 . 1 . 30 .. 29 . 29 ; 26 . 21 . 19 . 31 . 27 . 22 . 21 . 26 . 23 ; 23 . 20 . 23 . 22 24 23 20 31 30 23 27 63 33 23 31 31 26 27 20 . 31 26 29 Mo. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; casn or psyuientB, Amer, Furn. Co.. 605 N. H. WANTED Five - room furniture, or will buy by piece. Tyler raf i. Pianos and Musical Instruments. jewelry. diamonds :;thp,p'r,v,r.riopB,ucy " back at mal profit orosss jsw&uii CO.. 403 N. Htb St. ReC tMIy " "W. C. FLATAU. ' Jeweler Established 18J. j, 8ith' Floor. Securltle Bldg.- WEAVING and old ruga remade. Phone Tyler 1433. , Remodeling: Contractors. CESSARD A. SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1(33. Sewing; Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rsnt. repair, sell needle and part. MICKELS',. 16th and Harney. Doug. 1971. Printing. Wedding Stationery Printing Co.. 4Z3 a. ntn Bt. COCKLE Printing Company, 181S St. Mary s Ave. Douglas 5831. Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel Supply. 1816 California. Omaha Towel Supply. 207"8. llth. V.ilt. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.. 683 Brandel. t. 6691. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L., 218 8. 20th. Tailor. Pvt431 M. KEISER. 308 South 18th. P. 1187"! Shine Parlors. SHINE! SHINE! ' Hat cleaned and blocked. 8pclal ladles' purlor. 1607i2 FARNAM ST. Stationery. -HELP WANTEDMALE Salesmen ana solicitors INSURANCE 1 STOCK SALESMEN WANTED LARGE. PROSPEROUS- PIVIDEND PAYINO INSURANCE CO. IS INCREASING ITS CAPITAL STOCK AND NEEDS TWO MEN, OF PROVEN ABILirr TO PERFORM THE TRICK. X IN IF YOU HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE SELLING STOCK THOROUGHLY LEGITIMATE . ENTERPRISES AND IF TOU KNOW HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEAD WHEN PROSPERITY N SMILES UPON YOU APPLY GIVING EXPERIENCE AND FULL PARTICULARS ., TO JAMES J.' CRAIO CO., 308 PLYMOUTH BLDG., MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 807-9 South 17th. Safes. : Q A TP FQ BARGAINS, 121 h Farnam. O-rV-T jO j. j. Derlght Safe Co. GOOD standard piano In first class con dition for sale cneap. ryier waa. PIANO, dark oak, A-l condition. 45th St. Colfax 2915. 3921 N. Typewriters and Supplies; TYPEWRITERS AND . ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for. the CORONA. Get our price befor you buy. Every m.,hln irfifirHnleed. Central Typewriter, Exc Doug. 4121. rarnaro. REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbon ana uppnes. eerviue guaranteed. Try us. Phone D. 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 15th St. BIO reduction In slightly used nd re built typewriter. wrue lor uau am- lend Office supply o.. ie" RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 38.00. , Oliver Agency. iue raruniu St.. City. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN, 644 SOUTH .10TH ST. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE Rlalto Shoe Store fixtures. Apply to Mr. Brannei or iar. nermaii. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers ateamea. renovated and mane up in new reamer, proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. WB buy, 'sell and make desks, safea.Nhow cases, shelving. io. umana rixiuic Supply Co., llth and Douglas, P. 2724 FOR SALE-45 largo packing boxes, 75c each. Yet ter-Wall raper to., corner mri and Harney. Wedding Stationery; WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas fruiting wo. - SALESMEN, write for our openings. We can place experienced or inexperienced men, city or traveling. Nat'l .Employer' Training Asa n, Faxton Blk., Omaha. WANTED Salesmen to sell units In a gilt-edged proposition; good reterence and good leads. Box 270, Norfolk, Neb ; , INSURANCE salesman desiring to better their conoition win ao well to call at Room 6, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. FOR KENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WARM, nicely furnished suit of front rooms, with bath, prlvat family, 1 block to car. Harney 8737. ' LELIGHTFUL warm room, with hot and cold water, private family, 1 block to car. tVelnut 2507. ' DILLON HOTEL. 824 S. 16th St. ellnder new management; $1.85 to fl.7i a day, or weekly rates. NICELY furnished room, molern, clos to 3 car lines, or walking dlstaace. Doug las 8S41. - . NICELY furnished front room, south ex posure, well heated, for two. 213 Doug las. . , -.. NICELY furnlahed room; prlvat family; . well heated; lady or gentleman. Harney 2404. 2312 DOUGLAS Large comfortable room for 2 gentlemen; also one single room. COMPLETELY modern room; private en trance: 1 or 2-gentlemen. Walnut 2005. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR COLORED PEOPLE 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping, first floor. Web ster 654. Board and Room. LARGE, nicely furnished room for 2 em ployed. Call Walnut 1914. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms with heat, for light housekeeping. 1123 S. 33d St. Hotels ELMS Hotel, 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clgan. modern rooms. Xb per week and. up. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. BL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. 18TH AND DODGE v STS. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. . . ROACHES, etc., exterminated with one application, by contract or sold out right. B. "-B, R. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 307 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug. 1370. - ' , FOR RENT HOUSES. , BUSINESS CHANCES. SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen oy reliable concern, excellent proposition by the right party. Y 7S4 Omaha Bee TRAVELING salesman, specialties, 3160 and expenses. Bond Assn. Agents and Canvassers. CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS, ATT.j:N'lTIWiN FOR SALE Manufacturers' right to new modern Invention mat win rooiuiiuui buildlrlg. Build double concrete walls with one operation. 25 per cent to 60 per cent cheaper than) lumber. Will build any sixe building, walls any thick ness. Will sell right to Nebraska or Iowa. Priced reasonable. Will be In town Wednesday. Friday and Saturday For Interviews call Walnut 6096. or call at 612 Bee Bldg. between 10 and 4. above days. Might accept some trade. FOR SALE Fine eastern Nebraska news paper; model K machine, 8 col. Quarto press and full equipment, all In fine 1:. n.i., will run 812.000 for 1919. Reason, quitting the biz. Priced POSITIONS, locations. right for ciuick sale, curios.iy save stamps. Address, Y-786., Omaha Bee. Western Reference & HSCAL AGENT WANTED We want a thoroughly reliable fiscal agent finan cially capable of conducting the busi ness of selling 22,000,000 of preferred stock In a 810,000,000 oil and refining company. Address, Nathan W. Hale. Graham Oil & Refining Co.. 118 West. tn t., , westorook mag.. Fort Worth, Texas. Miscellaneous. etc.. for doctors. dontlsts. druggists, veterinarian, nurse. F. v. Knleat. 213 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. wT rrTOir tiiht nlant for sals In grow ing eastern Montana county seat. Cor on(n. alternating current, fuel naat vpar 82.000: receipts for current. 811.800. Price, 823,000 cash. Y-810. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Address TOR SALE . Mr Tiiintessen. 1808 Farnam .trt Price 83.000 cash. Rent 1250 per month, owner ieavmn cur. FOR SALE Auto tire rep. shop and elec tric gas pump m front, doing good busl- B .i.-.i. - Mothnrt Tire ReD. Co.. 611 North Locust St.. North Platte. Neb. FOR SALE The repair department of Ford garage of Moorefleld, Neb., good ;! !nd Bood . business. Write Cha. Thomas. Prop. FOR SALE Garage business with good selling territory ana om ti.i ness.. Address Y-805, Omaha Bee. OUR business Is to buy and sell your busl- QUIK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Bldg. SELLING- furniture and household goods; too numerous to mention. D. 4959. 2421 Cuming St CORD WOOD, seasoned and green, any size. Fence posts. DougV 7969. cut TWO good vlollni sell reasonable. in fine condition. Douglas 6636. Will STOVE wood, furnace wood, cord wood and posts. Walnut 3766. SODA fountain end cigar fixtures. 7054. 601 N. 16th. ' Doug. WTi'tTT.T.nW CO. Feather mattresses mads from your own feathers, summer j . lr1es. 1907 Cuming. D. zoi. Rooming Houses For Sale. IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming e us. Quick Service Selling Experts; ' SITUATIONS WANTED Male. GOOD wood for sale. Call Walnut 6392, after 8 o'clock. . THREE pool tablea complete, cheap. Call Douglas 7848. ' . WE buy used hata. Lerner, 209 So. 12th. H,r -oc mihllah fra a aituatlon- wanted ad under thl classification for soldiers and sailor and marlre who win , -Kn .hot A scnarEe unpt-iv - v" office In th lobby of Th Be building. Seventeenth ana rarnam. XMAS tieea for sale. Call Webster 73. ABSTRACTOR and all-around gen'l. off Ice , 1 .n vnaru' tin. ADBtraC- man, uimo uio'i -u j . tor. Akron. Colo, box SWAPPERS' COLUMN. ASHES, cinders and hauling of all kind 4-ROOM cottage, full basement, 815.00. Want Ford. Balance like paying rent Walnut 3196. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Carpenter work of all kind. Frank li Rouseau. Atlantic, Ja 9 Marie Paulsen, Atlantic, la.. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Frank and Christine Lorenc. ' . 5808 So. 21st St.. girl: Joseph and Anna -' floudek, 8624 So. 22nd St.. girl: Robert and Alice Eunls, 18S4 Nf 22nL 'St. boy Alois and Marie Dvorak 1709 O St., girl, ' Frank and Anna Stutsi 5838 So. 22nd St.. hoy: Clarence and Anna Hayes, UJ10 Em met St.. boy; I. M. and Ada Zuber, 6347 27th St-, girl! James and Anna stary, 40S Pine St.. boy; Vilas and Agnes Red -mond, I11 Larlmore Ave:, boy; William and Agnes Hoffman. 4223 So. 23d St.. girl; . . .h kt.1i Kninvsn. 21 Drake Court, " boy; Mort and Lclah Stetts, Ralston, Neb., gtrl; Autonlno and Maria UulUla, 1-44 - So. 14th. St.. girl; William and FloMle McRae, 62d and Lake St.. boy; Frank and Mary Komaslnckl. 23 Kent St. boy; .Lu.-a and Anna Uoniglio, 1120 N, lth St.. "uVaths Agnc,Mavllk, 15. 4811 So. 20th St: Baby Vokal. 4 days. 2616 Drexel fat.; , Austin Pklte. 60. S323 Q St.; Mary J Al lan, 70, 2926 Nicholas St.; Edward B. Perry. 69, hospital; Robert George, 83. '5i:4 Wirt St.! Charles E. Bruner, 76, 1.402 N 18th St.; Walter F. Swltxer, 26 day. 4333' Leavenworth St.: Leo Krupa, 4 daya, SS31 SoSIth St.: Patrick L, Dore . .1 noaptUlh' Vr Theresa oIey, 9 407 N. !7th Av.; John Ryan". 75. 3836 So 24th : Car) E. Pratt. 19, 321 N. Hth St.; '!orls Mae Johnnon. 1. 2708 Lake St. LIBERTY BONDS .Coupon and registered; full N. I. market and acemed Interest to date MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.f Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, old and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. ASHES 3376. 1 1 H - 'J ---- -- ' " . keeper for clean, respeciaoio u, out children; farm or-city; wages 335 per montn. Aaaress i-)o, nouse- niMi,Ert Dultlnn a WO TK i II ST keener. Address i. we, Victory and Liberty Bonds We want 3d, 4th and 6th Issues this week. Best prices paid. Sea us before you sell. ' Security Investment Co,, 6"9 Securtles (Rose) Bldg. Tyler 2736. Highest Cash Price Psld for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Pavment RecelDt. NATIONAL BOND CO., l(l World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. SPOT cash paid for Liberty Bonds. Room 300 McCague Bldg, N. W. Cor. ISth and Dodge Sts. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes ana furniture, Tyler 2638. A. zaveu. 708 North 16th St. SPECIAL NOTICES. .NEW LOCATION "CROSBY NEW FUNERAL. HOME ms WTRT- STREET - AWAY FROM THE NOISE OF THE RUST STREW! . , TELEPHONE WEB. 47. LOST FOUND REWARDS. - : LOST tvwnn REWARD AND POSI TIVELY -NO QUESTIONS ' r ASKED for the retflcn of on lady' diamond - r,-h with links "Meylan : nnr ahilitd diamonds on each side" of face of watch and all sur .., -.4 with n,anv smaller diamonds. Owner s Initial "1 C. B on back of watch and name and Chicago address - very small on wrist Hflks. Above watch waa lost on or aooui ul-wuti I will also pay 8150.00 regard to any one atvlna Information where abov : watch may be located. t , Address 11 communications to VV. R. BENNETT; - GREAT NORTHERN HIPPO DROME. 21 QUINCY STREET, - CHICAGO. ILL. t act ix-.1., wlrh. lndentlficatlon tag' .Lt. Walter R. Johnson. - Call Webster FTAoi ETAOf NN .taqin: yyuuN nn 1 AUT nulsMin Ifiih ind Douglas and r....u. si .hrldca. child' black plush hiuut with Pekln blu rottei Finder ph on weosier siti. TOR ARTICLES LOST on treet cr tel phone Tylr , -Wa ar anxlou to ra ptor lost article to rightful owmrj. OMAHA uuunuii bluho at. CO - nsr Sunrimv t.. around 40th ana ' Dodge, larg purs, eyeglasses greatest : !oss;-otbr arUcle ot important Finder call Walnut XOB. neru. LOST 'Black - bill folder near 40th and Cuming tret, mmimmi V...I P. A. ldentlflctlo cardV, Walnut 188. Reward. LOST Between 32d and Leavenworth and . 2th and Farnam, brown leather purse containing ourrency. nea o. LOST Strand of pearl beads. Call Peagia nvt. Reeard. LOST Monday P. larg ut chain. - - vau nauiiu v ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCOUDEON. side, knl(e, sunburst, box pieacing,' coverea ourions, an sizes ana , styles; hemstitching, picot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. S00-S08 Brown Bldg. Phone P. 1835. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam Pleating Co. 2-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 310. Baggage and Express. TV. a n1xr War" R R- Ticket xjue viiiv rrjf Office, D. 286 Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron callings. , Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4867. Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, rebuilding and storm sash rut up. vai. Dancing Academies. It 17 T PTXTTP School for Dancing rS.rj.Lr II IN Vj -44 Farnam. D. 7850. Learn to dance for 84. Class at 8 ana dancing at 8 p. m Monday. Thnrs., Sat. kf.N HllR Mrhnni and Dancing Academy, at Prairie Park. 26th and Anas Ave. Fantty, stage and ballroom dancing classes Tues.. Thur. and Sat., f :30 p. in Dancing 8:45 p. m. Colfax 4933. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. HAurnnw u. i.nitnr or norter work, hon- nnh v dlschargea aoiaier. St.. city. YOUNG LADIES - 1 1 We -keep our operating room . , warm all the time. - WHY ' Because it is an essential industry. S1?E US AT ONCE FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS., i . . RAPID ADVANCEMENT No experience necessary. We teach you and pay you well while. learning. Appiy to tne operator Employment Bureau. Room 613 New Telephone Bldg., 19th and Douglas Sts. NEBRASKA ; - TELEPHONE COMPANY. done. Colfax 4143 Walnut 4718. and rubbish . hauled. Webster Female. BOOKKEEPER, excellent place, 826 week. Jjeager cierK, just posting, J7f. urrice - clerk, neat penman, 814 or 16 week. Stenographer, will consider a beginner,' F'V-7a. Experienced stenographers, 880, 899 and 8100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, a house- STENOGRAPHER, good future. 8110; ledger clerk, fine place. 190; Elliott Fisher opr., 890; typlsh 88: stenogra pher. $100, 890, 885, 875, 865; office clerk and P. B. X. opr., 860. - WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg. North. 5-ROOM house, electric lights, gas and water; 820. 3334 Manderson St. Miscellaneous. LIST your property foe rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 728 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. FOR RENT Eight-room brick flat, 1142 s. 32d St. 855.00. c. D. Armstrong, Realtor. .125-6 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooms. Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire ; WORLD REALTY ' COMPANY, ' Phone Douglas 6342.'' Garage and Barns. REDI-MADE GARAGES. ROOMY and ornamental. Various sizes. Kary to set up.. Send for circular. Red 3657. 2211 Howard St., Redl-Made Houa- Ing Co. , H THT HT H TH TRA RA DO DO LI CARS leparied. Hamilton Garage. , 3878 Hamilton St. Walnut 4631. GARAGE for rent. 2754 Chicago. Miscellaneous. STORE. 803 N. 20th St Fine itor and tout rooms. 836. -. , . - FLATS. 2506 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms and bate, upstairs, 818. 842 y, So. 24rh St.. rear, 5 rooms, SIS. H A WOLF CO Tyler . MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY 0. STORAGE AND VAN 16T H AND JACKSON. DOUG. 281. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE! LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. ir-nl MTvipt in hatlllnff or llnrnir. a I T, , 73ft nf Tlniiir Antn nf wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household . goods and pianos; . moving, packing and shipping. - OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN affd STORAGE CO. Owned by H- R. Bowen Co. Ty'. 3,400. UNION TRANSFER CO LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. U A T?rTTTXTr,'C! Transfer and ator II Alt 1 U IN J O BKBr 1211 Howard street, best ervlce. best rates. Ty. 1976, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. icirdoirgiTrwin MBOK5ELEfRNDs,IE'00' your home, evenings. iyicr 'ACHER wants office work. .Tnno at Tvler 3068. K-81. Call for P. B. X. opr. and typist. J65-870. typist ana invoice clerk, 85. i THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. colored alrl wants work a usher or stock girl. weoBier NEAT colored girl for usher or atock girl. Webster 4826; x STENOGRAPHER and clerk, 886-8100. Western Reference & Bond Assn. Household anaDomestic. Laundry and Day Work. .-.-i-rr ,, 1. . r itv vnArlenCCd I S d V i ti U - l- ' ' J "iOUl". . r , . worn satisfaction gnersnteed. Webster 5876. COLORED woman wants small washing to bring home, weosiei . WANTED Housekeeper for man and fam ily of children on farm; permanent posi tion for right party. Address Roy Well, zv. ji. a, none, lowa. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general house- wora, Korerences required. Good wages. Walnut 1099. 106 S. 61st St. Beaton, 6211 Case roi.ORED alrl wants Ironing or will ftay WANTED White girl for general house- . . . ... . 1,(1. I wn,b -M T IJ U , COI1 .1 with cnnnren. wewier LAUNDRY or housecleantng wanted; x- perlencea. wepster work. Mrs. J. H. St. Tel. Walnut 81. BUNDLE washing wated. trice reason- ahle. Call wenster tin. WANTED A good plain cook; good wage. 44i8jjougias si. BUNDLE washing, Webster lists Work guaranteed. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED Webster 3364, lady, wants day work. BUNDLE washing; work guaranteed. Call Tyler 40Q2. NEAT waitresses wanted to serve at soda rountain tables, steady work and good pay. Apply Soda Cashier, Pompelan Rroom, Brandels Stores. Miscellaneous. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. T-r..M- ,..!, In. nnoralor. 866-JVU: post. 856; bank positions., n COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1616 City warionai ph. I THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman neeamg assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney j aay or evening or Tyler 1138 In tne evening. A FEW GIRLS with come experience or niecnanicauy inclined ar wanted ror assembling phones,- appiy 1703 Cuming SALESMAN, age 25 to 36; Neb. territory; salarv, expenses ana cuimiMo... WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 1T38 First National cana mug. WANTED Experienced bindery girl. Omaha Printing Co.. 130t B'arnam St. GIRLS wanted to do bindery work. Reese licaet :o lotr.' and Harney Sts. rriT? RFSPONDENT and assistant adver- WANTED Diet kitchen girl.' Wiss Me- , . isn lVc.ti.i-n Refer- 1 morlal hnnnllBl 1IIH.11HKC1. f.-v. .. - i - r ence-ft Bond Assn. . Professions and Trades. WANTED Stock girl. J-wugias at. Julius Orkln, ' 1510 BOOKBINDERS Job and edition; good wages;, steaay erapiojmrai, wofkln conditions. U. of C. Press. 68th and Ellis Ave.. Chicago. 111. WANTED Proofreader. Union shop. Ex perienced ann accurate. heed apply.' Don't waste our time If ypv deliver the aoods. Box T 44, Omaha Bee. ' WANTED A first class meat cutter; no others need apply ; good wages for right man. Omaha, Market, in . Fk-ARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL LviNaI.OS ANGELES T. M. C. A. Auto School. ' HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn uaroer trade: hlcr deniand: wnees wni e learning; strictly modem. Call or write iwa uooge at. Tri-t-ity Barber college. RAILWAY mall examinations, January ill sl.oOO vear: Hat vacanrles free. jranann institute, ept.' S30 I, BO- cnester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL.' Salesmen and Solicitors. ATTENTION . TRAVELING SALESMEN! JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secureo in an cases. lyier Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring; men a shirt a specialty. Webster 3002. PLAIN sewing, also crocheting. 20th. Jled 4668. 825 Electrical Utilities. DTT'R'KTN Electrlo washing machine nUlVIVlil electrlo Irons and readlna lamp 2228 Cuming St. . Doug. 2619. 1 ELECTRIC heaters, 810.60; vacuum clean era. 837.60; Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1807 Farnam. OR RENT Hoover electric sweeper. Th best. Delivered, weoster 4zss. Film Developing. T FILMS developed free. Mail order so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 160T Howard. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WE8SON 320 Neville Blk. t. :io. h. tin,. We hav the only calendar prepared TYLER especially for Farmer- o-opri.i..j .v valors. You can make Upwards of 81.000 extra this year by calling on the roan aer of the farmers elevator In your spare minutes, and selling him this cal endar in hundred lots for 1921 distribu tion. No expense to you. No bunk. i.- i...i.In .Afriinrv. Tell us whom you now represent and what class of trade: you call on. .Address Calendars, room 90S Royal Insuranc iiiag., vnicao, Y. M. C. A. EVENING SCHOOLS V . OPFN MONDAY, DEC. 39TH. 26 COURSES. DAY -AND EVENING' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL FREE SCHOLARSHIPS TO EX-SERVrtJE MEN. EX-SERVICE MEN. ENROLL NOW. T. M. C. A. DEPT. OF EDUCATION. 1600. HARNEY & 17TH ST. ROOM 318. : WANTED . BAI.1T.RMEN A the land business, ' who are prepared $p take charge of rm tArPltnrV and nrOOUCW .ir. knu- - ..nlnv nlan that la bring- i.. m. AI.1, LAND sold, sub ject to Inspection. Very liberal com mission allowed. Tha best land avail able, auperlor climate and Ideal farm ing condition. . Y-8M Omaha Bee. WANTED Live stock, remedy and feed salesmen for 1920. Services required In profit-sharing organlaation of 16 year continuous standing. ' Stat qualifica tion in first letter. Addres. Wynn H. Harris, P. O. bo 78, Omaha. Neh. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admlttel at any time. Complete courses lu accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, (hort- uand and typewriting, atenotype, ran. road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all . English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Dougla 1565 (or larg Illustrated catalogue. Ad- area BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. .Neb. 'Van 8ant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 210 Omaha National Batik Bldg. , Douglas 6890. annif. V. GLASGOW. - voice and Plana 60 Karbach Blk. studio, phon. Red 1s: 209 South 15th 8L FOR RENT ROOMS. wAUTr.nstnrli salesmen 82.000,000 cor- ntinn. aelltna- In Iowa and Nebraska; stock 8 per cent preferred and full par- ticipatmg. nest proposmon in vi'i.ufc Room, C, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam . Furnished Rooms. 9703 CUMING Beautiful furnished room for 1 or I gentlemen; new, private home: hot water hea:t; reference. Har. 6959. , BEAUTIFUL furnished room for. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1 block to Farnam car; rea sons We. 8819 California. 'Walnut 46 212 DOUGLAS Large comfortable room for J gentlemen; also on awgi room, West. MODERN HOME IN West Farnam District Klght rooms, modern, almost new, strictly up-to-date, two bSth rooms, oak ncodwork and oak floors throughout. Prica $15,000. Immediate possession. Let us show it to you. Coal on hand to last until spring. , ; DUMONT & CO., 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone, Doug. 690. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED, North. Make Her a Christmas Gift of One of These f909 AMES AVE. ... 2S4S CAMDEN AVE. 4318 AMES AVE. ... 4640 NORTH 39TH . 4648 NORTH 41ST .85,000 8.600 6,000 3.160 2.100 Full particulars and terms on request. K. r .MJLAKY REAL ESTATE CO., 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. STUCCO BUNGALOW ' Just being , completed, 5 fin room on on floor; oak and enamel finish; osk floors; complete In every' de'all; a snap .at: 85,760 Bensdn & Carmichael, ' Tyler 3540, 640 Paxton Block. A PRETTY little 6-room bungalow at 3360 Northf.8th St, in one of Benson's newest and prettiest ad ditions,' modern and up-t'o-date 4n , every respect Look at It then call Porter-Wendell R. E. Co. 680 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 9206. MILLER PARK Good 3-room. story and a half, esst front home, one flock from car and Miller park. Good large rooms: Strictly modern. Newly decorated Inside and out. Nice lot with trees, etc. Terms. DUUliUAa 7412. WE need flv and six-room, modern uuumi, iiu va uujais. vau us couay. R. F.: Clary Co. 2404-06 Ames. Colfax 176. $1,000 Cash $30 Monthly movo now; strictly modern 5-room eot tage. near 20th and Willis. Doug. 420. FOR COLORED 6-room strictly modern home; oak finish, garage, large lot, 1 block to car and school; 8100 cash, bal anoe like rent. Webster 4150. , FEW homes and lots for sale In Farii wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls, Doug. 4270. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE By owner. 840 acres good smooth land near Burlington, Colo. 800 acre in wheat. fries 860 per acre. Good terms. Address T 796, Omaha Bee. , ,0D0 acres choice raw or lmproved Lin coln co., Colo,, lands. Bargain Easy term. Se J. I.. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Nebraska Lands. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. NEARLY new bungalow, fine location, near car; all .large rooms, east front; snap at 84.860. Terms. Douglas 1734. days. i-ROOM cottage, 35th and Parker, modern except heat, good condition, quick pos aesslon: 83,700, Webster 3537. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOWS READY TO OCCUPY 2734 Bauman Ave., 6 rooms 86.600 1613 South 35th Ave., 6 rooms.... 6,250 1671 Pinkney St., 6 rooms 5,600 These hemes are all complete with window shades, screens, water meter, flpcoratlng. etc., ready for you to move int J. L. HIATT CO. QAA FIRST NATIONAL vfV DAMIf RITTT.niMn PHONE 0 TYLER UO BARGAINS In homes Invesment prop erties and acreage near Omaha. Harri- son & Morton, 910 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. &IRKETT & CO. nd Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Real estate; tils, rents Douglas 633. LIST your housts and lots for quick sale with Hastings & Heyden, realtors, 1614 Hirney street. Phone, Tyler 60. j WILL build a nice modern 6-room house . for you. I have material purchased. Call Wal. 127. W Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th SL Doug. 6018. REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 420 Flist National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FARNAM, Harney. Leavenworth and Cum ing Sts. Payne & Slater Company. Doug. 1016. '' FEAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. ' FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE. SEE GLOVER & 8PAIN, Realtors. Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldgl GOOD trackage lot, 113 feet front, paved street. 83.500. S. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND We have 11 houses listed in Omata . Owner wants land. . S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 21 5 City National. ' REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. 80 ACRES NEAR , OMAHA. TO BE SOLD " At Auction, on the Premises, Saturday, De cember 27,2:30 P. 1YJ. FOR STOCK FEEDING. DAIRY, MANUFACTURING OR INDUS TRIAL SITE GENERAL FARM I N G, OR COUNTRY HOME. " . This is known as th COVINGTON , 80 ACRES, Immediately west of AVERY, ltuated within l?t mile of Omaha city limits; level road the entire distance. It la within a city block of ticket office 12-cent fare), loading station, semi hard surfaced road and within two blocks of 4-ropm modern brick school, church and grocery and within less than H mile of INTERURBAN car line. 6 - cent fare. -Tha land lie rolling, but regular; 4 food tractor farm: FEDERAL and TATE aid road along south side, thus Insuring the best of roads eventually; excellent view and dandy school and college facilities. A good location for anything you might wish to use lt 'for as well as general farming, especially good for DAIRY or STOCK FEEDING; , cannot be beat. BIG POSSIBILITIES: the city is practically built to Its door already and along the interurban, lt ex: tends.. few miles beyond. The IMPROVEMENTS consist of three six-room houses; not new, but well arranged and always rented (po glbly one will be reserved and moved ) EXCELLENT TERMS; 10 per cent or equivalent, day of sale; 812,500 for 6 years at 6 per cent can be carried or taken up. balance, March 1, or an addi tional mortgage for long term of years can be arranged; 89,000 or 810.000 by March 1 will handle. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Never again will you be able to get a farm as close In as this, for ss .Ittle money as this will probsbly go for. Remember the place, date and hour: On the prem ises. SATURDAY, DEC. 27, 2:30 P. M. For further Information, see ORIN S. MERRILL, " 1015-1016 City National Bank Bldg. Your Farm or Ranch .turned quicaiy into cash by our unique metnoa. write for booklet. Ne- rrasKa Realty Auction Co., Central City. Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. Write for list, LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City, Nebraska. WRITE me for nicturea end nrlcoa nt mv farms and ranches In good eld Dawea -Q Aran u. Hungerrorfl. Crawford. Neb. GOOD Imp. farms In N. E. Neb.: pos. Mar. 1. For information and farm loans, u. v. Nel son, IQjl W. O. W. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE- A. A. PATZMAM 301 KaVbach Blk. Tyler 888. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. E. Holmao, . pusnnen. rveo. Iowa Lands. 15-ACRE FARM. 8 mllca east of Council Rtnffa. nr,,, tlcally all farm land. Four-room cottage. oh, mi uun, vineyara ana lew iruit tree. uooa roaa to city; 4,ot)0. , M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO. 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. I. Missouri Lands. NORTH MO. corn land, nona better: 280 a, 2d bottom, at R. R station, li an. othsr bargains, $60 to 8100 a. Compare whii jvwn, nrorasKS price. -O. P. STEBBINB, 1610 Chicago Sr. Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our 825 excursion to i ne kio urn tide valley is now on. W. 8. c ranK. neviiie HiK.. umaha. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. FORDS DUNDEE lot 60x136, Webster St. Just west of 60th, paved alley and streets: all special paid; price right. C. A. Grtmmel. Phone Douglas 1616. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. ' 81.00 DOWN, 81.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x132; only S blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street; high and lightly, black soil; price. $26 and 8340. THE BYRON REED CO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ONLY $6,800 For thl nearly new 6-room stuceo bungalow, with large living room and dining room: finished in oak and white enamel kitchen on 1st floor; 2 large bedrooms and bath, finished In. white enamel and mahogany doors, on second fioor; close to Harney car line. Walnut :?12. . Dundee. We specialize in Dundee homes.- C. B. STUHT CO., 812-14 City National. Douglas 8787. HAVE- several brand new, reason ably, priced houses in , Dundee. Many pleasing features in these artistic homes. Easy, terms. Phone Douglas 7412. - REAL ESTATE WANTED vyE HAVE served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for over , 36 years. We have manycall now for hemes. List your property with us. We will serv you to your beat Interest. McCague Investment Co., Tt!.... 11 K HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY," 302-317 Wllklnon Bldg. Doug. 81. S. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. 4232 Farnam Street 8-room all modern house, full base ment; garage for two cars; cement drive. Price $6,500. Trumbull & Austin Tyler 785. 1305 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.' A REAL BARGAIN In Clairmont, only 85.760: easy terms; 6 rooms, frame, 2-story residence; oak ar.d white enamel finish; close to good school: block to car line. Wllnut 3813v FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Two-sHory, 6-room residence for sale; only two years old. Up to the minute in every respect. Price only $8,000: For further information call Walnut 2812. FOR SALE Five-room modern bungalow. Cathedral district. Oak nnisn; all on one floor. $4,000; $1,500 cash will han dle. Morearty & Conboy, B?e Bldg. D. 3841. Tyler 4677. W. 6156.. OMAHA Real Estate and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL. 200 Brandels Theat Dong. My ;; WE have cash buyer for-West Farnam and Dundee homes. . 'Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler A Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN'T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Block. 'Phone Tyler 4880. For good homes on good term . OSBORNE REALTY CO.. ?? 430 Bee Bldg. Tyler 498 FOR RAHGAINS IN homes. Investments and farms. Tebben Co., 608 Qrnaha. Nat'l Bank. T North. REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN Excellent ' location in restricted residence district on paved street; stucco construction. Six . fine rooms on first floor; one finished room on second floor:-finely fin ished in oak 'and enamel"; oak floors throughout; tastily deco rated. Owner is leaving city and for quick sale has made price of $6,S00. This is at least $2,000 less than it would cost to duplicate this. Shown by appointment. Call Walnut 1580 Kvemngs. WILL pay cash for good six or seyen- toom home. Must De wen locaiea anu priced right Reply giving full de scription. Box T-8 BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyer for well -loc ted bungalpws and residences worth the monev. For quick results, list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY, '623-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. I HAVE a man who will buy your im proved property and pay caab for it. but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 826 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. FOR real estate and all klnda of Insur ance. 1 ' - HERMAN.SEN CO.. " 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. . FOR quick sales list your property with W. G. SHRIVER, 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636, WILL buy a few good contracts; second mortgages, or mech. liens. Chaa. L Pease. Z11 Brandels Theater Budg. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON NEW f OKU BtiDAMS AND COUPES TO LO CAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN TRADE. WILL HAKE YOUR USED CAR. W1N- TEK TOPS FOR FORD, BUICK, DODGE, ESSEX, OVERLAND AND UHKVK'.1LBT CARS. BARGAINS - IN USED CARS. DISTRIBUTORS FOR AMES COMMERCIAL AND PLEASURE , BODIES. OROURKE-GOLDSTROM. 3701 8. i4th St. South39. RENT A NEW FORD' DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MTT.PL -YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR- IMUB AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING from ACCIDENT. 60 "EW 1919 MODEL FOR CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG 3622 1314 HOWARD. CLOSED CARS 1919 Ford sedan with starter, demountable rims, shock ab sorbers, large wheel and extra tire 5 919 Hudson Cabrolet, run 2,000 mllea, cord tires all aronnd; 1918 Bulck coupe. A-i eonauion, nas cora tires; lsig ax. well with winter top. Price $360. Meek's Auto Co.. 2026 Farnam. Doug las 6489. RELIABLE automobile school: best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 North Twentieth, Omaha. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODEL8 NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C. ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1787. 1407-21 Capitol Ave. WOOD'S Electric, double drive, ne tire ana oaitenes, gooa paint, in fact fine car throughout. Priced low for quick sale. Call Miss White, Tyler looo. ir t;o. muffs. Ren 3z?9 evenings. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, , 2663 Farnam St. Doug. 1179. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S. Look for the red seal on windshield. 100 for any magneto we can't repair. Ford hiags. recharged, guar, stronger 4han new. o. Baysdorfer, 810 N. 18th. START WORK ON NEW TELEPHONE CO. WAREHOUSE Three -Story Structure on Forty-Third Avenue Expect ( ed to Be Completed About May 1. Construction of a $200,000 ware house and garage for the, Nebraska Teleohone Co. on the northwest comer of Cuming street and Forty third avenue has been commenced. Telephone officials anitbunce that the building will be completed on or about May 1. - I he warehouse will be a three story structure, facing east on For- ' ty-third avenue. lt will cover ground 132 feet by 100 feet and will contain approximately 60,000 square ieet ot floor space. The garage will adjoin the ware house on the north. It will be a one-story building, 105 feet by ISO. feet, and will provide storage facili- fties for the fleet of 29 repair truck and cars in use in the Omaha dis Steel Reinforced Concrete. George Prince was the architect . who designed the new building. Construction will be ot steel rein forced concrete and brick. A concrete loading platform, 32 ', feet by ISO feet, will be constructed at the west end of the warehouse. A switch track from the Missouri Pacific Belt line will run to the platform. Offices of the construction crews in charge of the repair and expan sion work in the Omaha district will be located in the new building. Sup plies for this work will be stored there. ' The Omaha district embraces six counties in eastern Nebraska, Doug las, Dodge, Sarpy, Thurston, Bur and Washington. Expansion Program Outlined. The new warehouse is the orin cipal feature of the construction and expansion program outlined by the iciepnuiic company ior mis district for the coming year. , With the exception of plans for a consistent extension of cables and aerial lines, the training of addition al employes, the probable installa tion ot the Douglas and Tyler ex changes in the new 15-story build ing at Nineteenth and Dougla.t streets and the general placing of facilities upon a normal postwar . basis, no other notable projects are contemplated in this district, offi cials, say. War demands created a shortage of materials which precluded any marked expansion of the telephone . system in this district during the last year. This .condition, in fact, was general throughout the country. Notwithstanding this handicap, the removal of all of the Omaha ex changes with the exception of the Douglas and Tyler units to the new Douglas street building, was com pleted this year and 3,600 additional phones were installed in Greater Omaha, making a total of 50,576 phones in this city. To Install Switchboards. Approximately 300,000 calls a dav . t are made in Omaha, telephone of ficials estimate. ' The 15-story telephone building at Nineteenth and Douglas streets was completed a year ago this month, but occupation of the new, offices was not accomplished until January. District and division head quarters, as well as the general .of- : fices and headquarters for the. Northwestern group of the Bell sys tem, are located in this structure. Durinp; the last year the new toll' board, of which the officials are proud, was installed and "ciit in" for service.- Mechanical switch boards of the newest type will be . installed during the coming year, it is expected,-when the Douglas and Tyler exchanges are moved from their present locations. Dr. Paul H. Ellis Elected Head of fledical Society The Omaha and Douglas County " Medical society held its annual meeting-and banquet at the University clifb Monday night. Following the meeting Walter W. Head, vice pres ident of the Omaha National bank, addressed the society on "Financial Conditions" following the war. The following officers were elect ed: Dr. Paul H. Ellis, president; Dr. Arthur D. Dunn, vice president; Dr. Roy t A. Dodge, secretary-treasurer. AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles and Bicycles. OAKLAND Sensible Six. marsh Oakland! co., 2300 Farnam St. THIS DIXIE FLTER. W. R- NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT. 2520 Farnam St. . LIST your property llh THEO. K. PETERSON COMPANY. 453 Onjaha Nat'l. Bank. Dong. 10'ii. WIS have the customers and can sell jour property; list with' John W. Robblns, S81 Brandels Theater. - D. 629. ' CAN PAY 81.000 down on a modern, 8 or 6-room house. Give location, price, terms. Box 678. Omaha Bee. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. 442 Be Bldg. Phone Douglas 809T. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H THOMAS SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. QJIAHA HOMES KAST. NEB FARMS - - O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. our. 2716. ClTT'snd farm loans; 6H and $ per cent; no delay. J H. Dumont & Co.. 413 Keelln Bldg PRIVATE MONEY.' SHOPEN & COMPANY. Dong. 4228. Stocks and Bonds. 8100 to 810.000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnsm. D. B. BUCK. Loans. 443 Omaha Nat V- Stocks and Bonds.'' 4-ROOM cottage, full basement. 81,600 830O down, balance na iain nsu ' Walnut 8186. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 82.000 loan on 83.000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan 1 beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured; who la $1 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matter so that entire 83,000 will be paid to note holder upon deaths of Insured, and will keep up premiums in Insurance. Chance to make from 8500 to 81.000 Id short tiro. Addres Bee. Boa. M-8. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Kansas Lands. Thomas Counly. Kansas, Wheat Land. WATSON St BREtfAN. "Real Reliable Realty." j Tyler 8S08. (44 World-Herald Bldg. . BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co 15th and Jackron. Ford Agent. D. 8800. .80 RHODE! ISLAND Red hen and 19 cockerels, 20 bushels of corn. 100feet of chicken fencing. South 4281. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used ear: quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St Doug. 603,5... FORD MARKET. 2239 Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bond. UNITED AUTO PARTS, 2032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 FARNAM. NEW Ford coupe, rim 60 miles; priced low for quick sale. Harney 6256 or Doug las J29. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH. - C ELFASSER, auto radiator repair. 2628 South 21st St. Tyjer 4009. TRUCKS any size for hire. Tyler 1976. .Ilartungf, Transfer sad Storage. 1916 OAKLAND for sale at bargain. Call Harney 1060 . Tires and Supplies. . USED TIRES Several second hand tire In good condition: 30x3 83-16 82x4i I'-OO 30x3'4 4.00 35x414.,...,.. 8.00 Other sizes equally low. r STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. ISth St. Doug. 3830 USED TIRES DIRT CII15AP. 80x3. 84.00: 30x3, 16.00. All In proportion. look over our rebuilt. Open Sunday. Tyler 2988. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 30x3 Vi Flsk..11.96. 1 36x4 f!.9S 30'x3 8.96 I 34x4 20.96 KA1MAN TIRE JOBBER. 2016 FARNAM. AUTO electrical repairs; service atatlon for Rayfield carburetor and , Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. 2618 N 19, Repairing and Painting. RAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. - Manufactured In Omaha. 14-hour serv Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fender made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFO. CO. 1818 Cuming St Tyler lit. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES- Bargain In used machine. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. ' POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings, 82.60 per hundred, delivered. 801 North 16th St A. W, Wsgner. Dougla 1143. MIXED GRAIN 83.60 per hundred, de Itvered. A. W. Wagner. 801 No. 16th St Dougla 1143. WHITE ROCK cockerel for sale. Phon South 1364. - PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal horn solicits your old clothing, furniture, mataalnea,- We collect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nw hom. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Street STUDENT . will exchsnge piano lessons, sewing or companionship for horn with . coitgenlsl folks. Box R-81. Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS . at 30 per cent dlsconnt; free list prlca. Midwest Harness Co., 7 08 N. 16th St. Omah. Xeb. IRISH setter pup for sale, 2 month old. Call Harney 3953. MONEY . TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Private loan booth. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. P. 6619. E,1894, FARMS and city loan. E. H. LOUCHE. INC. 828 Keellne Bids. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that a ipeelai meeting of th stockholder of th South Platte Land Company will be held at th office of said land company. Room 701, " First National Bank Building, In Lincoln, Nebraska on the 24th day of December, 1919. st 11:00 e'clock . m.. for th pur- . pose of considering and acting upon th 1 matter of extending or renewing article t of Incorporation at said company. By order I t-h Board of Director. C. H. MORRELL. Preeldent, , W, W, TURNER. . . trUrA i V !