Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1919, Image 1

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..'Wahoo, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special.)
Turkey is relegated to the back
ground on the tables of Wahoo citi
zens for Christinas. Buffalo meat
will be the favored dish and a 1,000
pound animal from the famous
"SeoTtyM Phillips' herd has arrived
and ison sale in a focal market.
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 162.
Catr4 n Me4-liH atatttr May ?. 1906. tl
Oauh p. o. andar act at Marek 3. 187V.
ir Mall (I yaar). Dally. .: Sv4v.'
Mil m Sua.. 16.00: uM0a Nak. aaitaaa antra.
Clyde, N.Y. Dec. 23. Inquiry
slarted into the murder of four ba
bies, a girl and three boys, whose
bodies were found in a Jjox on the
Erie canal, establisJied the fact tfiat
the victims were quadruplets. '
Physicians who examined the
bodies, discovered by skaters on
the canal, declared the babies were' I
undoubtedly born of ojjc mottle r,
and'that ail had been imirdred. It
vas impossible to determine the na
tionality of the babies, who were
2 or J days ol when slain.
,. Nrw York, Dec. 23. Sugar .now
being almost as costly as coal, some
resourceful New York "women have
introduced a new fashion which bids
fair to become popular. A conversa
tion overheard between two richly
aftireft women ' revealed the inner
workings of the idea. "'
"What is that petty little velvet
covered box you're carrying?" in
quired one of the women of licr
"Sh-hl Not so loud, my dear.
That's my sugar box. I always
carry it now when I go to a
restaurant or cabaret"
"You carry your own sugar in
that to supplement the small por
tions?" .
"Oh, my, no," was the answer.
"When I dine out and see any sugar
lying around on the table or in
sugar 'bowls, I just fill my little
camouflaged container. Novel, eh?'
The jdea for the new American
fashion was said to have originated
from , the, use of "le sucrjere" or
"the sugar carrier" by French
women for several years past.
New York, Dec. 23. A five-pound
pygmy hippopotamus "a non-ruminating
artiodactyle ungulate .mam
mal, much - less aquatic than its
giant relative and having, in fact, the
habits of a pig" was born at the
Bronx- zoo, the sixth specimen . of
its species ever held in captivity and
the first to come Into the world be
; hind bars. .'. i
' Newark, N. )., Dec. 23. Shake
speare's "Merchant of Venice" is to
be dropped from the literature stud
ied in Newark public schools, "be
cause of its effect on the minds of
non-Jewish children." In approving
a request from the Anti-Defamation
league of Chicago that the play be
banned, the board of education's in
struction committee asserted that
its -action was based neither upon
"the embarrassment which may be
caused Jewish students in the class,
nqr - upon thin-skinned sensitive
ness," but because non-Jewish chil
dren "subconsciously will associate
in their minds the Jew as Shake
speare portrayed him with the Jew
of today."
"Children are not analyisj,' said
a statement issued by the commit
tee. ".The Jew of Shakespeare lives
in the mind of the child as the Jew
of New York, as the Jew of Chicago
or the Jew of Newark." ,
i. Norwich, N. Y., Dec. 23. Neigh
borsi relatives and doctors for 80
days have tried to wake Mrs. Fred
Tracey of Oxford from her "sleep
ing sickness." Tuesday a talking
machine succeeded where human
voices had failed: , ...
When, a record was played, she
' became conscious.
' Then she fell asleep again, but
in: ranri several -times later.
Her physician states that she will
The woman is 55 years old and al
though believed here to hold the
1919 championship for "long dis
' tance sleeping" is in good physical
London, Dec. 22. Lady Astor,
M. P has sent the following Christ
ma message to the Canadian soU
; diers who were patients in the Tap
, low hospital: .
, "This is the first Christmas in five
vears I have been without the Cana
dians, and Cliveden is lonely and un
like home without thenl. I would
Just like all my Canadian Clivedens
to know I am thinking of them and
missing them."
New York, Dec. 23. Proceedings
to oust Mrs. Theodore P. Shonts,
widow of the former head of New
York City's largest traction system,
from her exclusive Park avenue
apartment were instituted. A' dis
. possess notice was served on her in
behalf of the owners of the property.
Mrs. Rutherford Bingham, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Shonts, explained to
? inquirers that her mother was a
' month behind in the rent $341.67,
and had received none of the $5,000
.insurance lefther by her husband.
New York. Dec. 23. Thirty-two,
New York f olicemen, including a
captain and a lieutenant, were locked
in the East Fifty-first street station
last night by a small boy who was
refused a ticket to a Christmas cele
bration after the precinct allotment
had been exhausted. TJie young
' ster who brought his "gang" to get
tickets refused to leave until curtly
ordered to "get out."
"All right we'll get out. but you
won't," yelled the boy who was last
' to leave. He swung the door shut
and bolted It from the outside. A
; locksmith was summoned by tele
phone and after laboring an hour
finally cut the whole lock out. Mean
. while a crowd of a Hundred children
, sang and danced in glee over the
discomfiture of their prisoners
Generally fair Wednesday and
probably Thursday; not much
change in temperature.
Hourly Tenwraturrit! ,
R a. m.. ........ .80 i p. m. ....... SI
. ni 8(1, S l. m. , .;!
7 a), m.. 0 p, in .Si
a. m Sll: t p. in.. ..... , , . .
a, tn , . .; A p. m.. ,SH
10 a. m ......80! p. in.. ST
11 a. m SOt 1 p. in , . ,M
13 noon .81! $ p. ni.. ........ .U
Rumblings of Dissatisfaction
Within Navy at Manner of
Arranging Reward for Serv
ice Come to Focus.
Letter to Secretary of Navy
Climax to Published Charges
That Daniels Had Re-
arranged List of Awards.
Washington, Dec. 23. Rumblings
of dissatisfaction within the navy at
the way' Secretary Daniels has ar
ranged the awards of decoration for
war, service, came to the surface to
day when it became known that Ad
miral Sims, former commander of
American naval forces in European
waters, had declined to accept his
distinguished service medal, while
the awards remain as at present.
At the same time the row which
hd to this time has been a smoulder
ing one, gave intentions of showing
up in congress. Chairman Page of
the senate naval committee asked
for a report jon the awarding of the
decorations and Secretary Daniels
transmitted it to him tonight. Mean
while Representative Lufkin of
Massachusetts, a member of the
house naval committee, announced
that he would ask the house to call
for a similar report.
Climax to Published Charges.
Coming as the -climax to pub- '
lished, charges that Secretary Dan
iels had rearranged ' the whole list
of awards, raising some officers to
higher distinction than recommended
and "blue penciling" 'others, publi
cation of Admiral Sims' action cre
ated a new sensation in the Navy
department and added a new chap
ter to the long contest in which
some naval officers have complained
of the secretary's administration of
affairs and others have defended him
with equal vigor.
The whole thing has been brought
to" a head by the action of Admiral
Sims, who, writing an official conj
munication to Secretary Daniels, has
set out that officers for whom he
recommended the distinguished serv
ice --medal highest of all naval dec
orations except the congressional
medal of honor received by the
secretary's revisTon a decoration oi
lesser value, and that other offi
cers whose duties and services Ad
miral Sims considered as of lesser
value received by the revision the
more valued decorations. At the
same time it develops, Admiral Sims
sent franked copies of his letter to
many naval officers in Washington.
His action1 became known first
through them, and later today Mr.
Daniels gave out the letter, with
out comment. Earlier in the day,
however, Mr. Daniels had an
nounced that he had prepared the
report asked for by Senator Page
and tonight after transmitting it to
the senator, made public copies of
it v. .
Asks Revision Upward.
Admiral Sims in his letter, - does
not appear to refuse his decoration
unconditionally. He refused it un
der the conditions he outlined and
he asked , for an opportunity to ex
plain the seasons for his original
recommendations. Besides that, the
admiral does not ask that the high-
(Contlnutd on Pare Tiro, Column One.)
"Human Ely" Thieves
Caught, Following .
Daring Robbery
New York. Dec. 23. The police
are seeking to determine if two men
arrested on a charge ot attacking
and robbing Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius
Broderick of Dallas, Tex., of $4,000
in their suite in the Hotel Knicker
bocker were the burglars responsi
ble for a series of similar robberies
which have netted the thieves more
than $100,000. . " .'"' ' , i
The pair were arrested after they
are alleged to have entered the
apartment, occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Broderick Tuesday morning,
knocked down Mr. Broderick with
a hammer, tied his wife to a bed and
ransacked the room. They at
tempted to reach, the street by
climbing down the side of the hotel.
Spied by a crowd while performing
their "human fly" feat and fired at
by a policeman, they entered a win
dow after descending one floor and
were arrested.
' The prisoners gave their names as
Raymond Rodriguez and Adriano
Heva. One robbery of which the
men are suspected was committed at
the Hotel Wallach, a block from the
Knickerbocker, where $40,000 was
taken. .
Bombs Exploded. . -
.Madrid, Dec 23. Dispatches re
ceived from. Vigo announce that the
general strike continues. -Bombs
were exploded in two factories caus
ing extensive damage.
Train to Arrive at 6:40,
; General to Receive Offi
cial Welcome.
General Pershing will set foot on
Nebraska soil in Omaha this morn
ing for the first time since he took
command of the American expedi
tionary forces in France.
He will be met .by a committee
representing the Chamber of Com
merce, Mayor Smith and Lieut. Col.
J. W. S. Wuest, commandant at
Fort Omaha, when he arrives at the
Burlington station at 6:40. "
General Pershing will spend more
than a week visiting members of his
family and friends in Lincoln, fol
lowing his arrival today from La
clede, Mo.
He will be met here by Gov.
Samuel R. McKelvie and Mayor J.
E. Miller and a state reception com
mittee headed by State's Adjt. Gen.
H. J. Paul, all of whom will ac
company him to Lincoln. A public
reception next Friday evening at the
state capitol is among events
planned for the general's holiday
visit to Lincoln. "
When the general arrives he will
find the town folks at the station to
meet him. The line of march from
the depot, all the way to the home
of his "sisters, Mrs. D. M. Butler
and Miss Mae Pershing, has been
decorated. .
General Pershing made Lincoln
his home more than 25 years ago
when he was commandant of the
University of Nebraska cadets.
I he Burlington railroad passenger
office announced yesterday that
General Pershing and his party
would pass through Omaha again
from Lincoln to Chicago on Janu
ary 3, but stop here only 20 min
utes. He will arrive t 6:10 and
leave at 6:30 p. m. on his return trip,
giving his Omaha admirers an op
portunity of at least seeing him,
and possibly of shaking his hand.
Will Visit F6rts.
As far as is known plans for Gen
c:al Pershing and his staff to spend
January : in Omaha are unchanged.
Plans for his reception are progress-ii-g
rapidly. Theparty will go di
rectly to Fort Omaha on "arriving
K-re at 9 a. m., according tOv Colonel
Wuest, and spend a greater part of
the morning inspecting Fort Omaha
and Fort. Crook.
, He has requested that no body
guard be furnished during his stay
here, Colonel Wuest says, but has
asked that men skilled in the various
departments centered at the two
forts be detailed to furnish hira as
much information as possible.
Officers of High Rank.
Accompanying the general on his
trip here will be three brigadier
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
offers to leave
Three children
as wife's bail
Women Pickets Arrested After
They StondSteel Workers '
Returning to Work.
Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 23. Police
reserves were called to quell a riot
at the Minnequa steel works here
when Austrian women pickets
stoned steel workers who had re
turned to work in defiance of the
union strike order. A dozen arrests
were made. ' Mayor Mike Stud
zinski was knocked to the ground
and pummeled by the strikers and
sympathisers. : .
The Minnequa plant 'was closed
last July by the national strike of
steel . workers. The plant was
opened last Monday with a large
number of employes reporting for
$10,000 Cash Bonds.
The police were compelled to
wield their clubs before the mob dis
persed. Anfong those arrested are
five women. They were held under
$200 bohd each. Shortly after the
arrests, tne strike committee which
has been directing the strike since
it was called September 22, called
upon the chief of police and asked
the privilege of furnishing bond.
They offered a check for $10,000 to
insure . the appearance of the five
women in police court tomorrow
morning. v The police chief refused
to accept tltis. The committee then
withdrew and later appeared with
$10,000 in cash and the five women
were released late tonight.
"Women of Foreign Birth.
The five women were of foreign
birth and - the husband of one ap
peared at the station shortly after
his wife's imprisonment and offered
to leave his three small children
with the police as bail for his wife.
The injuries received by Mr. Stud
zinski, who, as president of th
Pueblo, city council, is mayor and
also commissioner of safety, are not
No further, trouble has been ex
perienced but the police are prepar
ing for any outbreak that may oc
cur in connection with-: the early
night shift coming on duty at mid
night, and. with the change of shifts
at 7 o'clock tomorrow.
There are. approximately 2,500
men employed at ' the steel mills
which before the strike was called
was employing 6,000 men
Fiume Situation Still Obstacle
to Establishment of Peace
in Europe, Clemenceau Tells
French Chamber.
Expresses Opinion Military
Guarantees Offered France
by Great Britain and Wil
son Will Not Be Questioned.
Paris, Dec. 23. The chamber of
deputies voted confidence in the
government, 458 to 71. The vote,
which carried approval of Premier
Clemenceau's program, was taken
after the chamber had listened; to
his declaration on the determina
tion of the allies to crush bolshev
ism, his confidence in the Anglo-Franco-American
pacts, his predic
tion of a solution of the Fiume
problem, and his understanding:
with Premier Lloyd George of
Great Britain.
M. Clemenceau fold the chamber
that President Wilson and Great
Britain had offered military pacts.
Certain points in the peace treaty
had been questioned but there were
no serious objections to the military
arrangement. . ,
To Solve Fiume Situation.
The premier added that the latest
indications were that the Fiume sit
uation would be solved, "and then
only can we breathe freely."
M. Clemenceau' appealed to the
chamber to work hard and talk lit
tle. He said the cabinet at the end
of the remaining weeksof its tenure
of office would give its resignation
to the president and added: :
"It will not be an exit by one door
to enter by, another." ;
" Asked by Marcel Cashiu, socialist,
if he ought not to give -an unquiet
country explanations of the treaty
and the Anglo-American military
pacts, M. Clemenceau said: ,
"I did not ask for these military
puarantees. They were offered by
England and President Wilson. I
do not believe they will be ques
tioned. Although certain points of
the treaty have been discussed thei;e
is no serious objection to the guar
antees." Questioned, on Russia.
During the discussion on the Lon
don conferences Ex-Premier Bar
thou questioned M. Clemencau on
Russia, and the premier eaid Russia
had been discussed previously, but
"I will telf you the two principal
decisions we have taken. Not only
will we noty make peace, but We
won't compromise with the govern
ment of the Soviets. We have de
cided that we will be the allies of all
peoples' attacked by the bolshevists."
Regarding the situation in the
Adriatic, the premier said:
"The Fiume question has( been
agonizing. Italy promised Fiume to
the Jugo-SIavs, but went back on her
promise. France, England and the
United States have sought a solu
tion and the latest indications are
that it will finally be reached. Only
when this is solved can we com
mence to breathe freely."
War Between Italy and .
Jugo-Slavia Predicted
Chicago, Dec. 23. Walter Pfedo
vich, chairman of the Jugo-Slav Re
lief commission just returned from
six months spent in Jugo-Slavia, de
clared that he had a "huge amount
of documentary evidence of atroci
ties committed by the -Italians
against the Jugo-SIavs." War be
tween Jugo-Slavia and Italy was
certain, he said, "if Italy continues
her oppressive tactics."
According to PrCdovich, Jugo-Slav
women frequently were, victims of
Italian soldiers, but the latter were
not punished. Citizens refusing to
send their children to schools es
tablished by the Italians .where the
Italian language was taught were
thrown into prisons. - 0
Predovich declared the conduct of
Italians toward the Jugo-SIavs was
known at Washington. He asserted
D'Annunzjo's seeming irresponsibil
ity in activities in Fiume and else
where "is just a cloak behind which
Italy is working to obtain that
which the peace conference refused
to' give it."
Masked Negroes Rob . -
Till in Two Stores
Two masked negroes entered the
grocery and meat market of B-. Gar
rop, 2722 ' Binney street, at 8 last
night and covering Garrop with re i
volvers, rifled the till of ?18.. They
threatened to kill Garrop if he at
tempted to call help.
One masked negro held up Mrs.
A. Israel in her store at 1922 South
Twenty-second street, about the
same time and took $20 from -the
cash register.
The police believe the bandits are
the same trio that committed sev
eral daring robberies last week de
spite the fact that the detective de
partment arrested 39 negro suspects
Sunday and 11 Monday,
. v ' j
, H
is brand new airplane covered with snow. Santa Claus has arrivoi at sei-rot mnHMVrtiio in t.ha for
northwest, bringing to a weary world more beautiful gifts and good cheer than ever before.
Just as the last stroke of 12 booms from the old bell in the town hall tower tonight jolly old Santa will
steal from his hiding place, crank the twin engines of his flying sleigh and dash off to the home of every
good boy and girl in the world. Then after placing a pretty present at the foot of each tiny bed Saint Nick
will start back to the North Pole a few minutes before the first streaks of down appear over the eastern
A special photographer and representative of v the International News Service was permitted to talk to
Santa yesterday. His merry eyes twinkled and his little round belly shook with mirth when asked why he
was using an airplane and what had become of the beautiful reindeers he used to drive. '
"Dunder and Blitzen and my other faithful reindeers have been working so hard for so many years that
I thought I would give them a rest," he laughed, as he packed another beautiful doll and a drum into his
wonderful pack. "They are grazing up in Toyland, but sent their best love to every good boy and girl. And
besides, you see "there are more little boys and girls this year and my airplane will take me around much
faster. .
Then Old Saint Nick posed for the photographer and here he is seated in his modern sleigh, with some
of the Arctic snow still hanging fr om its wings. .
Shadows His Wife,'
Peeps in Window
And Lands in Jail
' William 'Sayles turrted detective
last night in order to "shadow" his
wife. When she turned into a house
near Seventeenth and Davenport
streets 'he "became ' confused .as to
which house she Jiad entered. Step
ping up to a window, at -218 North
Seventeenth street he peered in. The
owner of the house,' Special Detec
tive Heizler of the Union "Pacific,
caught- Sayles and "turned him over
to the police. The police held him
for investigation.- I , "
"That wife o mine was bad luck
when she was with me but she's
worse luck when she's away from
me," sighed" Sayles in jail.
Sayles is colored.
.In order to give all
employes of The Bee a
complete holiday, there
will be no issue of the
paper Christmas : day.
We feel sure the readers
and advertisers will
cheerfully, for this spe
cial occasion, accommo
date themselves to this
arrangement. .
No Concrete Results
Over Peace Parleys
Held in Washington
- Washington, Dec. 23.-Although
republican and democratic senators
continued their conference on peace
treaty reservations, there "were no
concrete results and leaders ;. said
they expected none for some days.
There was a feeling, however, that
by the time holiday recess' ends Jan
uary 5, the. basis for an agreement
will have been reached.
Drafts' of proposed changes in the
reservations framed by the senate
majority at the last session were
talked over by Senator Lodge, Mas
sachusetts, .the republican leader,
and Senator Lenroot, Wisconsin, a
leader of the mild reservation group
of republicans. They said that the
conference was of general nature
and that no final agreement on.
phraseology was reached.
It wa emphasized in all quarters
that the negotiations still were in
a nebulous state and that many sug
gestions from many sources would
be considered before they cared to
make a binding agreement.
Kirk Case May Keep Dgvoe
From Fair Price Committee
T. S. Allen, United States district
attorney, has recommended to At
terney General A. Mitchell Palmer
that Robert'W. Devoe of Lincoln
not be appointed as chairman of the
"fair price" committee for Ne
braska. Mr. Allen admitted that this rec
ommendation was ,. prompted by
Devoe's connection with the release
of Beryl C Kirk from the state pen
itentiary. ' "
"I don't believe that Mr. Devoe
will be appointed," Mr, Allen said.
r. ' . ci
nnsimas onoppers
Held at Bay by
Bandit in Seattle
Seattle, Wash.,' Dec 23.Two men
were seriously, wounded and over
100 persons, mostly Christmas shop
pew.were held at bay here when a
lone bandit believed to be the man
who, at Olympia, Wash shot
and killed E. H. Schultz, at
tempted to hold' up .a stationery
store in the First avenue business
district. The robber, who left with
out anything, made good his escape
by mingling with the crowd in the
street. . -
Uninvited Kiddies Crowd Way
Into New York Armory and
Endeavor to Secure Gifts
for Those Invited.
Women Faint as Children
Fight and Scratch Each
Other for the Possession of
Dolls and Other Toys.
New York. Dec. 23. Thousands
of uninvited children for whom no
gifts were provided crowded their
way into the Seventy-first regiment
armory tonight and threw Mew
York's largest chTldren's Christmas
festival into a riot. During the
height of the uproar. 14,000 young
sters were in a mad scramble for
their share of presents which were
stacked upon tables for distribution
to 7,000 needy kiddies who had been
Police reserves, aided by the. ar
mory detail of soldiers, were unable
to check the wild onrush. Several
women fainted and scores of chil
dren were bowled over as the young
sters rushed about the floor. :; ,-
Few Get Gift Packages. i;
No semblance of order was ob
tained until thousands of the vounsr
sters had been rushed into thc"treet
Less than 50 per cent of them man
aged to' get a gift package in the
The trouble started when-clowns
appeared on the floor. Children who
had been assigned to olaces in the
building rushed out in mass'forma-
tion and crowded about the JuB'
makers. ; A few took advantage -of
ine aisorcier to help thcinselves front
me giir !aoies ana in a minute the
rusn was on. . . ...
. Police Swept From Feec
The policemen present were swept
from their feet and reserves were
summoned. Children fotnrht aild
scratched each other for the posses
sion oi aoiis ana other toys.
One freckled, red-facedv youth
wearing an ahbreviated . army coat
was seen to carry away eight pack
ages under his arms.
ihe festival was staced hv fhV
Peoples Liberty chorus and the po-
..vv "oiuimii iu pioviac 1 nnst
mas entertainment and gifts for
neeay children. . .
Husband of Maud Tabor to B
Arraigned for Murder on
Confession of Mother. '
Another Massachusetts
City Favors Sale of Liquor
Somerville, Mass., Dec. 23. Som
crville, the last city in the state to
hold its municipal election, followed ';
the example of all but One of the
cities which voted earlier by declar
ing in favor of the licensed sale of
iMluor. The vote was yes 2,777, no
2,301. It was the first time since
the local option sytem was insti
tuted that the city had gone "wet."
The vote, however, will have no ef
fect' as national prohibition will be
come operative before the next local
option year begins.
Hoover Denies Rumor He
- May Run for President
San Francisco, Dec. 23. Rumors
he would be a candidate for presi
dent were dismissed by Herbert
Hooker vhen he returned here from
the second industrial conference at
Washington called by President
Wilson. ',".
"I have no political '"lintinin,"
said Mr. Hoove
Lawton. Mich.. Tier. ??Ta.r.I.
C. 'Virgo, husband of Maud Tabor.
win e arraigned on a charge of
murder, Prosecuting Attorney War
ner indicated when he
es made by Mrs. Sarah Tabor, that
Virgo performed an illegal opera
tion on her daughter before . the
latter s reath. romnlit i,.
latter's death, completed the state's
-gains! tne accustd man.-
charge of being an accessory afte
the fact, according to the prose-
found m a trunk in the Tabor iiom
v..v..,L., , aoout tnree 3'ean
j "er appearance. It-devel
it.t -fl v,i:go had ,naJe her his
iittn wite and Mrs. Tabor
ILf v;'5J!:l,C,0,?tr"t T.adc Public.
l"lu n" ne aid not want
o'i.v iiiiiuren,
' siatement Mrs. Tabor said
T i" Ine aea(1 body seven
""'m,c vjrKO placed it in the
T! woman -nope chest," and
hid it in the cellar, the authorities
declare. At the coroner'.
the aged mother denied that an iU
s- operation nad been performed,
!No Arrests for Attempt r
on Life of Lord French
Dnblin, Dec. -23. There are still
no a"es's.for the attempt against
...... g. viscount French. N6
demonstrations occurred when the
body of Savace. killed in th. ..,-u
on "the vicerov. left rnhlin ci:
Irish volunteers acted as pallbear-1
i me junerai ot Javage at Bal
lysodare. The Sinn Fein colors.wer
over we eoinn. i he graveyard va
surrounded by police. , .
Eight Patients of Insane
Hospital Burned to Death
Middletown, Conn., Dec. 23.--
cigni patients ot trie Connecticut
nospitat tor the insane are believed
to have burned to death in a fire
which destroyed a frame building-
in wmcn mere were 3J patients. At
midnight onlv 45 had been - ac
counts ii . ,