Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1919, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
J. Jenners, 87, who created a sensa
tion in Indiana a few years ago
when he erected a monument for
, himself in a local cemetery on which
was inscribed his objection to all
rMl Olrtn ui3t frtntifl end irvio ri4 !
, his room, ,
Jenners was the oldest nattve-
. L :j - f 7 ..' Tl. .
inscription on his monument reads:
"My only objection to religion is
that it is not true.
"I Cor. xv 52, 1 S. S. xxvi, 14. No
preaching, no praying, no psilm
Miiging on thi lot." ,
WashingtonvDec. 22. A full-sized
fox scampered through the "snow
covered capitol grounds here, con
jrressmen, attaches and visitors join
ing in the chase which ended at the
peace monument at the main en
trance. , George M. Green, passing
vn a motorcycle, caught the animal.
New York. Dec. 22. "Fifteen men
ch a dead man's chest,
"Yofllol And, a bottle of" (de
luted.) "p.
, The United States coast guard An
nounces it will employ Eale boats
in i preventing any ,, smuggling of
liquor into the United States from
Cuba or any other island in the
West Indies. Even submarine will
bcunable to run the blockade as
navy airplanes will be used in co
operation with the Eagle boats if
found necessary.
Coincident with the announcement
by the drys that the suit of the New
Jersey liquor dealers wilf "not make
a dent in the impregnable fortress f
of constitutional prohibition comes
wuiu Hum iviaiuc uiai iiiv uiu aiRiiu
by "liniment" has brought on a jur
isdictional frown. This concoction,
consisting of one part ether and two
parts alcohol, and universally ac
claimed as having an "elevating in
fluence,' is now beinpt seized and
condemned as an intoxicant.
It's a dulV world 1
London, Dec. 22. Lady Ramsay,
, formerly Princess Patricia of Con-
naught, gave birth to a son Sunday,
Princess Patricia was married to
Commander Alexander Rolert Maule
Ramsay of the royal navy in Febru
ary of this year.
- Paris, Dec. 22. "Have you a lit
tle bunnv in your home?" It is the
vegue in Paris. Viscountess De
Eoislandeys -started it and fashion?
able Parisiennes are rapidly dispos
ing of their Pekinese pets and
adopting instead the gentle art of
rabbit raising. - J J .. ' .
' .Tiie - "bunnies' . accompany their
mistresses on automobile trips and
ta teas nd have taken the "dog
gie's" place in the boudoir. Vis
countess De Boislandeys states her
r.e'w rets are highly intelligent. She
kaa truine-A them to beat a tazz drum
in accompaniment to popular dances.
New York, Dec. 23T The old say
ing. that "music hath cjiarms to heal
was gravely considered and ap
proved by physicians, nurses and
others at DeAVitt ' Clinton -high
school but some music, such as
jazz, makes ill persons worsd, ac
cording to C. E. Williams, editor of
TMivtiral. Culture Magazine. Data
upoii i the, healing effects of real
music will' be gathered asa basis
of ursine its broader use to help
sick persons over the rough spots
bv cheering them up.-' "
' Hymn music, supposed to hold
healing qualities for soul ailments,
does not always fulfill its mission,
recording t5 Dr. Charles H. Park
luiist, former pastor of the Mad
ison .Presbyterian'', church, whose
reply to a, questionnaire in regard to
a reform in church music was made
jjublic Monday.
Dr. Parkhuist said:
"It is a sad truth that the music
to which we sing our hymns not
only lacks, the quality of uplift, but
is absolutely meaningless in most
cases." Good music never disin
tegrates while preaching sometimes
VOL. 49 NO.161.
-7 , ' 1 1
talma1 ai MMat-elMi atattar May 7. tftM. tt
Oaiaha P. 0. an Or act at March 8. 179.
By Malt (I yaar. Dally. M.00: Jtia. 12.40;
Oally m4 Saa.. M.M: autiMa Nat. aaataaa aitra.
Generally fair Tuesday and prob
abjy Wednesday: not much change
in temperature. ,
Hoarly Tmptraiurat )
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13 noun. ........SO S p. m ....81
Senator Frelinghuysen Says
Government Agreement
With Miners Means Public
Must "Pay the Piper."
Praises Stand taken by Dr.
Garfield, Who Recently Re
signed as Fuel Aministrator
Over Terms of Settlement.
" Lexineton. Kv.. Dec. 22.-The
treat? st shioment of whisky on rec
ord is now enroute to the Atlantic
roast from Kentucky ifistillenes,
The shipment comprises i&S car
loads. 5,000 gallons to a car, a total
of 1,200,000 gallons, valued at $20 a
gallon, or a total of $24,000,000. A
big revolving turrent equipped with
a. searchlight and manned by armed
guards was placed on the roof of a
big distillery " near Newport, Ky.
There are rS.OOObarrels of whisky
stored in this distillery, which is. sit
uated near the river. "
SanF cancisco. Dec 22. After re
ceivingx a plea from an unnamed
young woman friend of the accused,
Superior Judge Franklin Griffin sen
tenced Harold Loritzen, who em
bezzled $14,000 from a local bank,
to two years in the penitentiary and
then suspended the sentence here.
JudgeNpriffin announced from the
bench that he had been guided by
the young woman's faith inLoritzen.
Atlantic City, N. J- Dec. 22.
"Your bov will be returned to you
' on December 24." A postcard bear
ing this message was received by
Mrs. Hercules Dansey, mother of
"Billy' Dansey, whose body, prac
tically reduced to a skeleton, is be
lieved to have been found recently.
There was no signature on the card,
which" was postmarked Philadelphia.
- Detective Nusbrum, who has been
working on the case, declared the
writing was somewhat similar to
'that in the "J. P." letters received
from Newark between the time the
boy disappeared and when the body
vai lounqy .
Washington, Dec. 22. Praising
the stand taken by Dr. H. A. Gar
field, who recently resigned arfuel
administrator because of disagree
ment with the strike settlement,
Senator Frelinghuysen said:
"The present plan which incurred
the hostility of Dr. Garfield and
caused his resignation, islacctptable
to the miners because it opeus the
door to further demands and fur
ther wage increases, which the pub
lic must pay. ;,
"The miners are expecting that
additional raise as a result of this
agreement. Chairman Lewis, in his
address to his men, December 10,
19-19, speaks of the 'probability' of
further increase in all classifications
of labor when the commission fin
ally makes its award.
Secret Deal Made..
"There must have been , some
secret deal made, in addition to the
siened agreement. In any event
Uhe public may look for an increase
in the price ot coal or anotner stritce.
"There was a vitaLprinciple in
volved in this contest and that was
ignored in the. settlement of this
strike, namely, shall the law be su
preme or shall 'an- organisation, .a
class, hold itselt above the law, ana
refuse obedience thereto whe us
selfish interests come in conflict
with the public good. ' t-
I was opposed even to the raise
of 14 per centv authorized by Dr.
Garfield. It should never have been
granted. Though ostensibly coming
out of the pockets ot the operators,
it involves an addition to the cost
of production of hundreds of mil
lion's of dollars and makes practical
ly impossibe any reduction to the
consumer for two or three years to
come. ' v
Increase Objectionable.
"If that concession is objection
able, how much more objectionable
is the possibility of any further in
crease such as Mr. Lewis, acting
chairman of the United Mine Work
ers, has assured his men they are
likely to secure under the agree
ment with the 'attorney general,
which Mr. Lewis, himself; says dif
fers materially from the proposi
tion made by Dr. Garfield.'
"That is what the miners ex
pect. It was upon that basis, upon
that assurance, that they were will
ing to obey the law.
"It will be a sad day for Ameri
ca iP obedience to the law must be
purchased in thisv manner. I am
opposed to such a proposition and
I believe the American people are
opposed to it."
Howat in Jail.
Indianapolis, Dec. 22. Alexander
Howat. president of the Kansas dis
trict, No. 14, of the United Mine
Workers of America, tonight is in
jail , here awaiting hearing on a
charge of contempt of court for al
leged 'violation of the federal court
injunction against furtherance of the
strike of coal miners. Hearing has
been set for next Monday at 2 p. m.
Howat appeared in federaT court
(Continued on Pace Two, Colnma Four.)
Omaha Women Assume
Charge of Huge Xmas
Tree in the .Court House
Premier Lloyd George Outlines
Government's Home Rule
, Proposals.
, .
London, Dec. 22. Premier Lloyd
George outlined the government's
proposals for Ireland in a !ong state
ment in the house of commons to
day. Speaking with great delibera
tion and emphasis he declared:
."Great Britain cannot accept sep
aration. The people who think Brit
ain can be forced into it have not
read the story of the last five years."
Lpud cheers greeted this declara
tion. In an eloqifent pero-ation, the
premier said;
"It is always the right time to Ho
the right thing, and Britain can af
ford now more than ever to take the
initiative. No one will now suspect
her of conceding from weakness.
The land that by its power destroyed
the greatest military empire in the
world will not be suspected of quail
ing before a band of wretched as
sassins. N
"The world will know that we are
entering upon the task prompted by
the deep sense -of justice which sus
tained this land through these last
years of sacrifice."
Galleries Crowded. '
The house and galleries were
crowded, but it was noticeable , that
no nationalist members were present
when the premier began his address.
Extra precautions had been taken
to have guards at all the entrances
and careful scrutiny was exercised
in order to prevent possible "Sinn
Fein disturbances."
The premier began by remarking
upon the extreme difficulty .of the
task "difficult indeed," he said,
"after such a discreditable outrage
as has jurt been perpetrated at Dub
lin." He characterized the attempt on
Viscount French, the lord, lieutenant
cf Ireland, as one of the most cow
ardly and foolish incidents in the
history. of political crime. He was
glad the chiefs ofthe Catholic
church had hastened to denounce it.
Nobody Wants 1914 AcC
, Reviewing the position of Irish
affairs he saidthat nobody in Ire
land" wanted the act of 1914. In the
Lexisting circumstances no possible
ischeme for 'Irish home rule was
universally acceptable and parlia
ment must assume the responsiblity
and propose7 what -it thought fair
and just. "':''
A settlement would be found not
in the enactment but in. the working
of a home rule scheme. He admit
ted that plenty of mistakes had been
maae on Dotn siaes; mere were aiso
follies and crimes. . ' '
"But." he added, "we want that
chanter closed not to ask who is
to blame, but to set matters right."
The governments new bill, pro
vides briefly fcr the creation of two
legislatures in Ireland. with lull con
stituent powers to create a single
Irish legislature to discharge all
powers not specifically" reserved to
the imperial parliament. A clause
in the bill will protect the rights of
minorities. 'The question ofmniting
diese two Irish legislatures into one
body rests with the Irish people, the
consent of the imperial parliament
not being required.
Apparent Weakness Explained.
What appeared to be a weakness
in the government s proposal was
(Continued on rage Two, Column Two.)
. I
Auction Promoters
Arrested for Selling
$1-Wateh for $7.50
' i i r
When Police Officer Mortenson,
in plain clothes, " purchased a $1
warfth for $7.50 at an auction .at
407 North Sixteenth street,, he ar
rested the proprietors. At the po
lice station they gave the names
of Mrs. Iva Weaver and Charles
Weaver, Loyal hotel; W. M. Ludy,
N Edwards hotel; Ray Dupone. 307
North Sixteenth street; J. C. Hal
berg, 1811 Cass street and H. M-.
Walker, 623 South Twentieth street.
All the proprietors .were booked for
investigation- and - released under
$500 bonds each.
The National Woman's Service
league will have charge of the
Christmas tree in the court house
Christmas tve from 7:30 until 9:30.
The citv in the past has toad charge
o the tree, but it was decided notl
to nave one this year. The Woman s
lea cue has taken ud the work ana
everything will be done under its
supervision. Mrs. William Archibald
bmith is chairman ot tne committee
in charge of the tree.
A vo:al program will be given
along with music furnished by a
band. Community singing will also
be a feature of the program. Candy
will be given to every child who at
tends. Trimble Brothers, commis
sion merchants, donated the tree and
the Nebraska Power company is
furnishing the lights.
Grants Stays of Execution -
in Case of 12 Negroes
Little Rock. Dec. 22. Governor
Broueh granted stays of execution
of 30 davs to the 12 Phillips county
negroeswho are Under sentence of
death for participating in the insur
rection in Phillips county last Octo
ber. The stays were granted to
permit attorneys for the negroes to
appeal their cases to the Arkansas
supreme court
Attorney GerTeral Declares
Peak of H. C. .L Has Been
Reached and Predicts De-
cline Within Short Time.
Requests All Honest People to
Join With Department of
Justice in Stamping Out
Profiteering and Hoarding.
. In order- to give all
employes of The, Bee a
complete holiday, there
will be no issue of the
paper Christmas day.
We feel sure the readers
and advertisers , will
cheerfully, for this spe- -cial
occasion, accommo
date themselves to this
Freed on Mann Act'
Charge at Tulsa, Will
? Face Another Here
Tulsa, Ok!., Dec. 22. Special
Tele ram.) Freed of violating the
Mann act, under which he was ac
cused of corning here with June
Secknian of Omaha, H. P. Ware is
held here for, the Nebraska authorfi
ties who charge him with an offense'
against the young woman.
Ware proved to Commissioner
Wilkins that the woman came hre
voluntarily, -and the case was dis
missed, but the police took him into
custody after he left the federal
court on further information from
the Omaha police. ' Requisition pa
pe'rs have been asked for Ware's ex
tradition. He claims that the woman and he
lived together at Omaha, and that
when he came to Tulsa he left her
there. Pie says she caused his ar
rest here, v v
Ware is wanted for burglary in
Omaha, where he is knpwn as Wag
wath. A message from Omaha says
an officer left there tonight for Tulsa
with a warrant for his arrest
When arrested here he made a
daring attempt to escape froni the
deputy marshal, ' V
: ) ' " ; '
Washington, Dec. 22. Expecta
tion of a decline in retail'food prices
beginning between January 1 and
March 1 was expressed by Attorney
General Palmer in a statement sum
ming up the efforts of the govern
ment to date in forcing downxthe
cost of living. "
"The high cost of living, already
under control," said the attorney
general, "can 'be reduced if every
one who produces will produce his
utmost, if those who buy5 and con
sume will save and eliminate ex
travagance and if all honest people
will join with tlve Department of
Justice in stamping out profiteering
and hoarding."
Explaining that a downward trend
in retail food prices ordinarily was
shown during the first two months
of a year, Mr. Palmer said it was
the hope' of the government "that
this trend will be accelerated this
year by the campaign initiated by
the government which is just now
getting well under way."
National Emergency.
York, Dec. 22. Business
men tnrougnout tne country were
invited to follow the -example of the
New York restaurant keepers, who
recently decided not Jo increase
their prices in a telegram from At
torney General Palmer, received by
Arthur William;, local federal food
administrator. The telegram de
clared that "there is a national emer
gency which necessitates all busi
ness interests operating on the low
est possible margin of profit."
" Prices Now Stationary.
Although statistics compiled an
nually by the government show that
in previous years retail food prices
increased during the fall months, Mr.
Palmer said that since August this
yeap such prices had bt-.en jnain
tained practically stationary..; ;
Only since October 22, when
necessary amendments to the Lever
food control act were passed, the
attorney general's statement said,
has it been possible to deal effec
tively with all cases of profiteering
and hbarding. Prom October 22 to
date 179 prosecutions have been in
stituted and prosecution's and seiz
ures have covered 18 states, it. was
Due to co-operation between the
government and various retail mer
chants' associations, the statement
said, prevailing profits of clothing
had been reduced front S to 50 per
The statement, which was issued
with the authorization of the gov
erinnent officials associated with the
attorney general in the campaign to
I Director General of Railroad Hines,
was considered in some quarters as
a summary of the government's po
sition in tne face of the recently re
newed demands of railroad workers
for an increase in pay,. The railroad
shopmen publicly, and the" other
railroad crafts tacitly, agreed in
August with the suggestion of Presi
dent Wilson to postpone their de
mands for increased pay for 90 days
to await efforts of the government
to bring down prices. ,
. President's Statement .
"In August," said the attorney
general's statement, "ja connection
with demands for increased wages
by railroad shopmen based on the
increased cost of living, the president
announced to the public, the view
that the cost of living woul be
lowered as soon as there -were
settled conditions of production
and of commerce, "as soon as
the treaty of peace was rati
fied and as soon as merchants,
manufacturers, farmers and min
ers had a certain basis of cal
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Sunday Newspapers
Of New York City to
Be Sold for 10 Cents
New York, Dee. . 22. Publishers
of all newspapers in New York city
except two, who already have in
creased their rates, will advance the
price of Sunday papers in the coun
try districts to 10 cents on or be
fore January 4, in answer to the plea
of the house committeeo-post of
fices and post roads thatnewspaper
publishers immediately reduce con
sumption of news print paper 10 per
cent below normal to relieve the
paper shortage. This announcement
was made by the American Newspa
per Publishers' association. , Pub
lishers of .all but one New York
evening paper have decided to issue
no editions on Christmas or New
Years' day, , ,
"Johnny" Lynch's Wife Wants'
Divorce; Lawyers in Ouster
Suit Want Money.
John C. T-ynch, former county
commissioner of Douglas county,
was sued for divorce yesterday in
district court by Agnes Lynch,
whom he married March 29, 1919,
in Idaho, just after, he was released
from the county jail at Fremont.
Omaha was surprised last March
when word came that Agnes Moran
had become Mrs. John Lynch. . ,
Miss Moran was private secretary,
to George Brandeis of the Brandeis
"Reform" Him, was Gossip.
Some thought she was intent
upon "reforming" the formercounty
commissioner. Lynch was ousted
from that office nearly two years
ago as a result of proceedings in
stituted by Sheriff Clark. The evi
dence in the case was sensational.
He was sentenced to the county
jail in Fremont for alleged violation
of the federal Mann act.
Mrs. Lynch returned to Omaha
some time after the marriage and
is now employed in one of the large
stores. - Her attorney sjated ' that
the Lynches lived together only two
What Wife Charges.
Mrs. Lynch alleges in her petition
that part of the cruelty with which
Mr. Lynch treated her consisted in
"wickedly and maliciously represent
ing after their marriage, that . they
were not married." ' .
She charges him also with non
support. She says be has ccuisd
erable' property, and she asksVtne
court to award her alimony.
Stout, Rose & Wells, attorneys,
also filed suit in district court yes
terday against Lynch for $504 al
leged to be due on attorney's fees in
the ouster suit filed by SheriffClark.
The price agreed on when the firm
agreed to conduct Lynch's case vas
$1,000, says the petition', of which
sum $500 has been paid.
if ire at -Falls Citv
Burns Two Buildings,
With $80,000 Loss
Falls City, Neb., Dec. 22. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The baker shop of
Jacob Hunker,' west of the court
house square, was found to be on
fire at 1 o'clock . Monday morning.
The flames got beyond control and
Lspfead to the adjoining building of
I.Li T . 1 L 1 1. 1
inc rcuiiv siuie ana uom places
were completely destroyed, caus
ing a loss of about $80,000, -insured
for probably $60,000.
Weaver, Miles and Morehead
owned the larger building. Their
loss was $30,000.
The Hunker building and contents,
including the Y. W. C. A., was a
loss, of $20,000. The Penny store,
loss was $30,000. , '
Beatrice Boy Killed
By Being Whirled on
Com Sheller Wheel
. r .
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special
Telegram.) Norman Schurmann, 16
year? old, was killed Monday eve
ning at his home, two miles west of
Dewitt, by being cought in the fly1
wheel of a corn sheller. As his
father, Fred Schurmann. turned
around to put a shovel full of corn
in the sheller he saw his son thrpwn
from the wheel to the ground. The
lad died before medical assistance
arrived. He was working about the
machine with a sweater, which
caught on a bolt on the . wheel. It
made several revolutions before the
body was released. .
Postpone Arraignment
of Dead Girl's Mother
Lawton. Mich., Dec. 22. Arraign
ment ofMrs. Sarah Tabor, 80 years
old, mother of Maud Tabor, and her
son Walter, on the charge of mur
der, was postponed. The authorities
continued their investigation ofthe
case. I
Maud Tabor's body-was found re-
I cently in a trunk in the Tabor home.
sne disappeared tnree years ago ana
was reported to have died in the
west. A coroner's juryN1ast week
decided the wormya died as the re
sult of an illegafoperation, but the
mother testified no operation had
been performed and that apparently
death was due to an overdose of
chloroform, taken to relieve asthma.
Laclede, Mo., Awaits the
Coming of Its GreatestSon,
St. Louis Today.
No American Legion Members
May Take Law Into Own
Hands, D'Olier Says.
Indianapolis, Dec. 22. Franklin
iD'Olier, national commander of the
American Legion, declared that
neither'national, state nor local or-
ira 111 TO tint, c nf th Am.ri1.4tt T ri,M,
Ufhn A ill ArtniwA Thara Crnm 1 1 -:!.. a. ..i.. .l.
IIIIU Ilium IIVG I lid Oil Hill nave any "gin 10 ikc ine law iu
their own hands or interfere with
proper authority," and warned mem
bers of the legion that. such action
l would be subsersive of the principles
and ideals of the organization. The
declaration was part of a stalement,
made by the national commander in
view of recent reports from mem
bers of the legion which, he said,
made it imperative that the policy
of the organization with respect "tA
its standing on the maintenance of
law and order be defined. t
"The American . Legion," Mr.
d'Olier said, "represents nearly
5,000,000 citizens who have demon
strated their loyalty and patriotism.
We realize, however, that there are
100,000,000 other Americans just as
patriotic and loyal. We represent
the spear point, keen andNtrue, and
back of us was the power of a whole
nation at war. Our effectiveness
against the enemy . was in propor
tion to the strength of the countrv
backof tis. And now we must re-
Enters Into Holiday Spirit at
St. Louis Tosses Conjetti
and Tilts Paper Cap at Rak-
, ish Angle on Head.
Laclede, Mo., Dec. 22. All dressed
up, Laclede awaits the. visit tomor
row of its greatest son, Gen. John J.
Pershing. Flags and tricolored
bunting form, a canopy over the
main aid only street of the town
and aVi air of expectancy prevails.
When the general arrives he will
L - . r T? , I
oe met ny uov. rreuericK u. uara- c -1 ,
ner of Missouri, a group, f Dersonal" ! Jf rAe"gt,h of e lg.on
I i Jf f j' 1 j J j .and our influence-and service to the
ers from more than one state. Gen-!" " iAl
w-vptttti; cuctllVCiV Willi
the, 100,000,000 other loyal and pa
triotic American citizens :n the pro
motion of 100 per cent American-
eral Pershing will make his,' head
quarters while here at1 the house in
which he spent his youth prior to
the day he left for West Point, 38
years ago, Au organization of wom
en to cook an old-time dinner to be
served in the' dining room of the
Pershing home has been perfected
by Mrs, Clay Bigger, one of the old
friends of the general.
In behalf of friends, schoolmates
and neighbors a loving cup will be
presented to General Pershing. On
the cup arc the four gold stars of a
A public reception will be held in
the "city" hall. The general will
leave Laclede tomorrow night for
Lincoln, Neb.,j to spend Christmas
with a sister, Mrs. D.'f.; Butler.
; Continuous Ovation. -
St. Louis, . Dec. 22, General
Pershing was given a continuous
ovation today on his first visit Jo
his native state since before the war.
The culmination of a busy day
came with a mass meeting at the
Coliseum tonight where thousands
were unable to get in. As General
Pershing entered a band struck up
"Home, Sweet Home."
L The general warned against radi
calism and declared no one who ever
wore the uniform would ally with
wavers of the red flag. He urged
universal - military training and
praised the valor and efficiency of
the A. E. F. '
Genera! Pershing was presented
with a .-rold cask bv the city and an
18-inch loving cup 'by the -national
Polish commission of tjie . United
General Decorates War Hero.
The general decorated Sergeant
M. B. Ellis, acclaimed Missouri's
greatest war herein with' the'Con
gressional Medal of Honor. This
afternoon he laid 'the cornerstone
of , a public school named in his
honor and was the guest of 2,500
former service men at the city hall.
He referred to the former soldiers
as "buddies" and shook 1'ands with
every one of then.
At a- Chamber of Commerce ban
quet at noon the general entered
into the holiday spirit of things and
tossed confetti freely. He donned a
paper cap and wore it atr rakish
angle over his lcft'eyer
This morning he reviewed troops
at Jefferson barracks and led a
parade through the business section.
His 10-year-old son, "Sergeant"
Warren, was with him today.
He Will depart tomorrow for
Laclede, Mo. Gov. Frederick D.
Gardner will present him with a gold
medal there as a token of esteem
from the commonwealth of Mis
souri. Rhodes Trust Decides
To Allot Three More
Scholarships in U. S.
Boston, Dec. 22.-In. view of the
keen competition Jor the 64 Rhoades
scholarships allotted in October last,
the Rhodes trust has decided to allot
three additional scholarships at large
to the United States for this year.
In announcing the fact Prof. Frank
Aydelotte of the Massachusetts In
rtitute of Technology, American sec
retary of the Rhodes trustees, said
these appointments would be filled
trom a list of' candidates who ap
plied in October and who, while they
did not receive scholarships, were
recommended by committees of se
lection as men who were well quali
fied to represent the country as
Rhodes scholars at Oxford. ,
The appointment of the scholars
at large will be made at the end of
January by a committee of former
Rhodes scholars especially ap
pointed, for that purpose. The men
selected will go to Oxford in Octo
ber, 1920. .
The next regular -electhn for the
Rhodes scholarships will be held In
September or October, 1920, At this
election there will again be double
the usual number of scholars in or
der to' fill appointments postponed
on account of the war. After 1920
32 men will be selected from the
united Mates eacn year, Nl
ism, and the maintenance of law and.
order. We know that thfire is only
one way to maintain law and order
and that one and onW way is
through the orderly process of gov
ernment and its duty constituted
agencies. , ,
"In times of need and emergency,
we members of the American Legion
stand ready as individuals, to sup
port, strengthen and speed up, if
necessary, the civil authorities
charged v. ith the maintenance of jaw
and order, but always .'n
accordance with competent author
ity which we realize now is- civilian'
and not military-and originates in
the constitution of the United States
as. expressed through national, state
and local governments."
Kentucky Distillers
ADDarentlv Plan
Get Germany Drunk
Lexington. Ky., Dec. 22. Whisky
worth $16,000,000 will be shipped to
Germany within a few days, accord
ing to James Wolf, Chicago, an offi
cial of the company owning the
liquor. Two hundred and seventy
thousand gallons will be shipped it
was stated. , "
It is our intention to Shin all of
this vhsky possible to' Hamburg
before January 16, Mr. Wolf added.
Hopes that wartime prohibition
w ould be lifted before January 1 are
still entertained by the liquor men,
Mr. Wolf concluded.
Louisville, Ky.. Dec. 22. Arrange
ments have been made between Ken
tucky and New' York - interests to
export most of Kentucky's whisky
to France. Cuba and Germany, ac
cording to Edmund H. Baker, rep
resentative of the Louisville public
warehouse company.
Residents of Columbus
Refused tp Believe
Villa Raid Warning
, El Paso, Dec. 22. Residents of
Columbus, N. M., refused to believe
a warning sent six weeks in advance
of the Villa raid on that town March
9, 1916. ifwas learned in testimony
preliminary, to the hearings to- be
conducted by the senate subcommit
tee investigating Mexican affairs.
Tne information was given to Maj,
Dan Mr Jacksorf, of El Paso, secre
tary of the subcommittee, by Mrs,
Susan A. Moore, wfdow of John L.
Moore, a storekeeper, killed during
the raid. ' ,
Mrs. 'Moore gave a graphic
description of the murder of , her
husband and her dramatic escape,
wounded in the leg by a Mexican
bullet. She was found by American
soldiers hidden by a fencev .
The subcommittee hearings will
be resumed at San Antonio, Tex.,
soon( after January 1. -
Allied Heads Decide on
Answer to German Note
Paris. Dec. 22. The heads of the
allied delegation haVe decided upon
the text of the ,reply of the allies
to the last German note concerning
clauses in the armistice which have
not been carried out and the com
pensation demanded for the sinking
of the former Gernian feet in Scapa
Flow. ,
The note will be presented Tues
day. It is firm inN tone and makes
known to Germany precisely what
the allies require of it.
Say Girl Forged to
- Buy Mother a Present
Peggy Hall, Pullman hotel, want
ed to buy a little Christmas token
for her mother so she forged a
check for $10 and passed it at the
Brandeis "Stores, according to De
tectives Falmtag and Finn, who ar
rested ber. Pckkv isichareed at
central itatipn with foigerj, ,
Compromise Effort? for Rati
fying Pact Make Headway
Lodge and Underwood Hold
Prolonged Conference.
Whole Subject of Reserva
tions Seem$ to Have Opened
Wide, With Each Side Will
ing to Give and Take.
Washington, Dec. 22. Compro
mise efforts for ratification of the s
peace treaty moved forward with
increasing impetus today when '.he ; '
leaders of both parties in the senate
released rom legislative duties by
the holiday recess of congress, camej
actively into the negotiations for an'
agreement on reservations.
Notably in the day's long series of
conciliation conferences was a meeV- .
'ng between Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts, the republican lead
er, and Senator Underwood of Ala--bama,
prominent democratic advo
cate of a speedy compromise.
They are said to have discussed,
the whole range of possibilities for
bringing together on a common
ground enough senators to insure
ratification. , . .
Meantime, the active democratic
leader. Senator Hitchcock of Ne-'
braska, canvassed sentiment on both
sides . of the controversy and ar
ranged during the coming week to
see every republican senator who re
mains in Washington over the holi--days.
..-. ' ..' . .'
As soon as congress- reas&embles i
he plans to have a general confer
ence of those who favor ratification
with or without reservations. .. -1
Reservatibnists Sentiment
In his talk with Senator Under
wood, Mr. Lodge had before him
the views of the mild reservation
group of republicans, who presented
to him at a conference yesterday, a
plea for support of the compromise
negotiations. ; - " -
Modifications in the language of
the reservations as agreed on by the
senate majority are understood to
have been suggested by the mild
reservationists, although it was said,
the question of the language to. be
adopted would hp left over for the
present. Redrafts of some of these
reservations have been submitted to
various senators by prominent re
publicans outside congress, while
many suggestions for changes have
come from Other sources., Air of
these, it is understood, will be taken
into consideration as the negotia
tion proceeds. It was not revealed
which of the 14 majority reserva
tionsxthe mild group would be will- -ing
to modify, but. compromise dis
cussions heretofore have centered
about the article ten qualification
and the preamble which requires
that the reservations must be ac
cepted bv three of the great powers
before the treaty becotnes binding. .
There also has been talk of changes
in fegard to Shantung and several
other subjects dealt with in the ma
jority program. A protest-against
the action of the foreign relations x
committee in reporting Saturday the
resolution of Senatot Knox, repub
lican, Pennsylvania, to declare a
state of peace, also .is said to have
been made to the republican leader
yesterday by the mild reservation
ists. They are understood, to havr ,
removed all possibility of senate
action on the measure in the near
future, bv, serving notice that they
Mould not support it unless and un
til it -became certain the treaty
(Continued on Pag Two, ' Colnma Two.)
Three Men Indicted "
In Newberry Case
Enter New Pleas
Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 22.
Three of the 135 men indicted ir
connection with alleged conspiracy -during
the primary nomination and
electioif of Senator Truman New
berry entered pleas of nolc-conten-dere
in place of their original plea
of standing mute. This was said
to have been done to avoid the pos
sibility of a prison term in case a,
jury should find them guilty of the
charges; as, under the law, only ;
a fine could be inflicted under this
pica. , '
Ihe pleas were entered by August
Field of Manistee, E. B. Mathews
of Ludington and Peter Ti. Bradv
of Crossvillagc. Mich., before' fed- "
eral Judge C W. Sessions in United
States district court. The. bail of "
the three meiHwas not changed by
the court. v v
Assistant Attorney General Frank 'V
C. Dailey was asked if a plea of, -nolo-contendeKj(
would be requested '
by the government in behalf of Sen- '
ator Newberry and others of the -socalled
principals. He replied that-v
no. principal defendant had suggest-
ed such-a plea and if suggested, the
government would hot make;thfr'
recommendation but would object
to it v