Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1919, Image 8

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A t4 book aa4 (eo4 wtau ara axcallaat thhift
Nr tfcaaa ka knew how justly to appreciate thair valva.
Thara an an, howavar,- wa Judfa af batk Iroai taa
aa at taa cavanag.
Thar U toMatblaf elemn ai awful la tha thought
that tbara ia not an act don, or a word uttarad by
human halaf , but curias with it a train of canaaauancaa
tha and el which wa may Barer traca. Sunual Smllaa.
' Entrikin-Tobev.
Mr. and Mri. G. M. Entrikin n-
nounct thi mirnsffe of their diueh-
Ier, Marian Davis Entrikin, and Mr.
George Dewey Tobey, which took
1 lee Sunday, December 14, at the
. some of the bride. Rev. W. H. Un
Jerwood of Blair officiated.
Miss Thelma Underwood and Mr.
lobe? were trie only attend
ants. '
Pre-Nuptial Luncheon.
Miss Reina Connell entertained
at luncheon at the Blackstone, Mon-
dy' in honor of Miss Grace Alli
ori, who will be a bride of the hol
idays. Bride's roses and bridal dec
orations were used on the luncheon
table. Covers were placed for Mrs.
tRobert Garrett, Mrs. Isaac Carpen
ter, -jr.; c.Siner wuneim, cieanor
Rockhill of New York, who is a
guest at the C. M. Wilhelm home,
md Virginia Urfutt. ,
' Engagement Announced.
The -engagement of Miss Mildrd
Penick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Penick of New Orleans, and
C. W. Morton, jr., of this city has
just been announced. The wedding
will take place in February and Mr.
Morton and his bride will reside in
Omaha. 1 ,
Miss Penick is well known to
Omahans, as she was a bridesmaid
lit' the wedding of Mrs. Robert
'Jobst, formerly Dorothy Morton.
She made her debut in New Or
leans this season and was gradu
ated from Miss Dow's school, Bpar
IcHffe Manor, in New York.
I Mr. Morton attended Williams
'-11-- 1 ..... .. v.. -X tU.
lujcgc anu was a uicuiuci vi tiic
class of 1920.
T ,'' Farewell Party.
A farewell . surprise party was
given in honor of Miss Sophie Dix
on, last Thursday evening, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Holsey, 2203
Locust street. Miss Dixon leaves
ior Canada soon. The guests in
cluded Misses Sophie Dixon, Esther
jNordstrom, Edna Coddington, Mil
dred Nelson, June Nelson, Irene
Sullivan, May Cummings, Eva Cole
man, Rose MaLacy, Esther Peter
son, Laura Cavan-ugh, Helen Hol
sey, Elizabeth Halsey, Mrs. Halsey,
Messrs. Philip Peterson, Charles H.
Daffer, Dewey Troutman, Robert
Harrower, Henry Schmidt, Harry
3eneke, Cornie Benson, Carl James
Molgard, Harry Holmes, Al Dixon,
William Haarnian, Charles Buzbee,
Don Poffenrath, Mathew Webb,
Srnest H. Carlson, Lloyd F. McEl
jrov, Arthur Smith, Joe Hawly, Wal-
(W Halsey.
Cornell Students Return.
Among the Omaha students in
astern colleges who will return for
rhe holidays arethe following: Rob
ert Wylie, Thomas Wakeley, Jordan
and Russell Peters, Frank Campbell,
md Louis. Metz. They are attend
ng Cornen and will arrive Monday,
.December 22.
J Christmas Party.
j Mrs. Clement Chase and Mrs.
Walter W. Head will entertain at a
Dorothy judson Returns
V piaaiiiiii V
Miss Dorothy Judson, with her
mother, Mrs. Frank Judson, will ar
rive in Omaha a few days before
Christmas from Washington, D. C,
where Miss Judson is attending
Mrs. Somer's school. She was an
Ak-ser-Ben maul at the corona
tion of Miss Helen Murphy, the
present queen of Quivera. She is
popular among the members of the
younger set and many parties will
be given for her. Mrs. Judson has
been in the east for several months.
tea-dansante Christmas afternoon at
the Blackstone hotel from 4 to 6,
in honor of their daughters, Misses
Helena Chase and Vernelle Head.
Miss Hall Hostess.
Miss Dorothy Hall will be hostess
Tuesday afternoon at her apartment
at the St. Regis for the members
of section B qf the Trinity cathedral.
Immanuel Baptist Church.
A bazar will be given Tuesday
and Wednesday at 1613 Farnam
street by the members of the Im
manuel Baptist church.
For Miss Rockhill.
Miss Esther Wilhelm entertained
at a skating party Saturday evening
in honor of her guest, Miss Eleanor
Rockhill of New York. The guests,
Thi Jiffy Measuring Cup is free to users of Jiffy-Jell. Just send
ns the end labels from two Jiffy-Jell packages the labels naming
the flavor and we will mail the cup.
This aluminum cup holds exactly one-half pint Fin twice with
boiling water to dissolve one package Jiffy-Jell. It also holds ex
actly one cup, as called for m many recipes. Ordinary cups so vary
m size that many recipes are spoiled. So this exact cup, with mark
ings showing fractions of cup, is essential in every home.
Crashed Fruit Desserts
Delightful Dainties at Trifling Cost
Free Dessert Molds
1 Thee IndMdaal Dee
wit Molds come in as
sorted styles, six to the
set. The six will serve a
Ml package of Jiffy-JelL
We send the full set for
S end labels. The molds
. an aluminum, and the
set is worth 60c
We make these offers i to
show more women what Jiffy
Jell means to them.
Jiffy-Jell differs vastly from
other quick gelatine desserts.
Each package contains a bottle
of condensed fruit juice.
We crush the fruit, condense
the juice, and bring you real
Fruit in abundance in these
Jiffy-Jell desserts.
That s the important point
Flavor is mere taste, and often
artificial. The fruit itself is rich
m earthy salts. Everybody
needs it every day.
For a Few Cents
Fresh fruit and canned fruit
are expensive. Here are rich
fruit dainties which are not.
And they are rich in fruit
Half a pineapple, for instance,
is used to flavor one Jiffy-Jell
dessert Then almost a whole
lemon is used to acidulate the
Yet package of Jiffy-Jell
serves six people in mold, form,
Real-Fruit Dessert
10 Flavors in Vials kSHP.
and twelve if you whip the jell
all for a few cents. .,
It is also quick. Simply add
boiling water, as directed on
package, then the fruit-juice
flavor from the vial, and let cool.
Millions are using these
quick, economical fruit des
serts, and no home now should
miss them. ;
Try These Flavors
Try Loganberry and Pine
apple for desserts. Try Lime
fruit flavor. It makes a tart,
green salad jelL Mix in your
salad before cooling. Or mix
in meat scraps and make an
appetizing meat loaf.
Try Mint flavor. It makes
a restful mint jell to serve with
meats or as a side dish.
Try them now. Then send
us the end labels which men
tion the flavor, and get the
jiffy Cup and any of our molds.
See the coupon. Cut
it out so you won't
Community Service.
Monday, December 15 Dramatic
class at Community house under
.L. J! .1.- 1 I.'.. lf...U. 1!Am
me Qiresuwu u iniaa whuu i
8:30 p. m. Cooking class at Central
High school, Uugga Ki-io-ban
clubs under the direction of Miss
Marion Morrissey, 6 p. m. Recrea
tional school at the Girls Communi
ty house for Volunteer Workers,
under the direction of Mr. B. H.
Twitchell, 8 to 10 p. m. Social danc
ing for beginners at the Army and
Navy club, under the direction of
Miss Lorrinne Cowles, 8 p. m.
Campfire Girls' rehearsal Christmas
Carols, 3 p. m.
Tuesday, December lf Club din
ners at the Girls' Community house.
The Patriots, Lafayette and Cluga
clubs, 6 p. m. Volley ball game
at the Community house, 7:30 p. m.
Cluga club under the direction of
Mr. C. B. Root. Dramatic art at
the Community house, 7:30 p. in.,'
under the direction of Miss Mulhol
land. Dance at Fort Omaha, W. D.
T., Victory and D. F. S. clubs, 8:30
to 11:00 p. m. The Patriot club will
meet at the home of Miss Minnie
Pritchard, 3318 Dodge street, for
Christmas sewing.
Wednesday, December 17 Danc
ing class at the Community house
all Units of G. C. S. L., 8 p. m , un
der the direction of Miss Elizabeth
Dumont. Wamm and Ki-To-San
club dinner at the Community house
at 6 p. m,
Thursday, December 18 The
Volley ball game at the Community
house, 7:30 p. m. The K. K. K.
girls. Dance at the Army and Navy
club at 8:30 to 11 p. m. Cluga and
Joan of Arc clubs. Dinner at the
Community house at 6 p. m., D. F.
S. club.
Friday, December 19 Bee Be din
ner at the Girl's Community house
at 6 p. m. Cooking class at Central
High, 6 p. m under the direction of
Miss Marion Morrissey. Open night
for new members at the Community
house. Dinner and Volley balf
game at 6 p. m. The Sunshine club
from the Christ Child house at Girl's
Community house. Recreational
school for volunteer workers at
Community house under the direc
tion of Mr. B. H. Twichell at 8.
Saturday, December 20 Stunt
night. Girl's Community house at
8:30 p. in., G. S. S. L. Admission 25
Bazars. .
The Daughters of Isabella are giv
ing a bazar and dance at Metropoli
tan hall Tuesday evening, for the
benefit of St. Michael's parish. Mrs.
Arthur Mullen is in charge for the
During the entire week the court
house will be the scene of church
bazars. Fot Monday and Tuesday
Miss Margaret .Carry Is
Engaged Will Marry
E. A.Cudahy, Jr. .
Oths Jfaefiee Carry
The announcement during the last
week of the engagement of Miss
Margaret Carry, daughter of Ed
ward F. Carry, and Edward Cudahy,
jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cud
ahy, sr., of Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, came as a surprise to Omaha
f i iends of the young man. Miss
Carry was a classmate of Mrs.
George Stirrat of Seattle, formerly
Miss Florence Neville, at the Coates
Weaver school in New York. No
daje has been set for the wedding.
Miss Carry was a wartime debutante
in Washington, D. C, where the
family made their home for a time.
Mrs. M. V. Robins and daughter,
fcdith victona, leave Monday eve
ning for West Palm Beach, Fla., to
spend the winter. Mr. H. Plum
mer, father of Mrs. Robins, will ac
company them.
! Mr. and Mrs. Will Gujth will ar
rive Sunday from Chicago to spend
the holidays at the home of Mrs.
R. W. Koch.
A son, Harold, was born Sunday
at St. Joseph's hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Kibbon.
Mrs. Harry Hildreth left Monday
for Cleveland where she will spend
Christmas. Mr. Hildreth will join
her next week and they will spend
New Year's in Chicago.
Temple Israel
The Temple Isreal Sisterhood will
hold their bazar Wednesday at the
court house, instead of at the Hotel
Conant as was previously an
nounced. A Successful Coa?h.
Miss Elizabeth Rosengarten has
been coach of the soccer team of
the Dunlao Grammar school of Phil
adelphia for the past five years and
in all that time it has lost but one.
game out of 16. Many of the former
players on this team have become
stars on college elevens.
In Norway since 1897 women have
sat together with men the ordi
nary civil cases as jurors.
Fifty Years Ago
Harriet Hosmer was practising
sculpture in Paris. ,
Four prominent English maga
zines were edited by women.
Julia Ward Howe was speaking on
"Rich Women and Poor Women."
Maria Mitchell was lecturing on
astronomy to the girls at Vassar.
The , University of Michigan had
just voted to admit women as stu
dents. '
Mrs. Lydia Saxton was appointed
chaplain of Leavenworth peniten
tiary. Louisa M. Alcott's "Little Wom
en," was one of the "best sellers"
cf the day.
"Lotta" was investing $20,000
earned in a seven weeks' engage
ment in New York.
"George Sand" was mentioned
for one of the vacant seats in the
French academy.
Ex-Queen Isabella of Spain was
writing her autobiography in the
shape of a novel.
Empress Eugenie was writing a
history of her visit- to the opening
of the Suez canal.
The American Women Suffrage
association was given birth at a
convention in Cleveland.
in a Hurry,
Tar raal a6Tactlaaaw, thla aid '
hama mada Kanad haa aa aqaai.
EaaUr and cbasply preparad.
You'll never know how auieklr a
bad cough can be conquered, until you
try this famous old home-made rem
edy. Anyone who has coufened all day
and all night, will say that the imme
diate relief given is almost like magie.
It is very easily prepared, and really
there is nothing better for coughs.
ilntos pint bottle, put 21, ounces
of Pinex; then add plain granulated
sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or
you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corn syrup, instead of sugar svru'p.
Either way, the full pint saves about
two-thirds of the money usually spent
for cough preparations, and gives you
a more positive, effective remedy. It
keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant
children like it.
- You can feel this take hold in
stantly, soothing and healing the mem
branes in all the air passages. It
promptly loosens a dry, tight cough,
and soon you will notice the phlegm
thin out and then disappear alto
gether. A day's use will usually break
up an. ordinary throat or chest eold,
and it is also splendid for bronchitis,
cronp, hoarseness, and bronchial
Pinex is a most valuable concen
trated compound of Pennine Norwav
f ine extract, the most reliable remedy
or tbroat and chest ailments.
To avoid disappointment, asm your
druggist for ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don t accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded.
The Pinex Co., Fn. Wayne, Ind.
who numbered 16. were entertained
at supper at the Wilhelm home.
Entertain at Dinner-Dance.
Mn and Mrs. J. E. Davidson will
entertain at the dinner-dance at tlic
Athletic club Saturday evening.
The Benson Christian church will
hold their Christmas Bazar at the
court house Wednesday and Thurs
day. . St. Barnabas Guild.
The St. Barabas Guild will hold
an apron sale Wednesday .at tlie
home of Mrs. E. O. Hamilton, 4151
Davenport street.
Dancing Party.
A dance will be given Tuesday
evening, December 16, by Monda
min lodge, S. A. U., at the Lyric
building, Nineteenth and Farnam
Christmas Ballet.
Plans for the Christmas ballet to
be given by Pleasant Holyoke and
her pupils at the Brandeis Decem
ber 18 take more definite shape each
day. It was the original intention
to have a choir sing carols for the
occasion, but the latest decision is
to have a quartet for that purpose.
Louise Jansen Wylie will be the so
prano; Juliette McCune, contralto;
Will McCune, tenor, and Georce
Mclntyre, bass.
fc.ntertaininar box narties at the
ballet will be Mrs. George Bran
deis, whose niece, Mary Virginia
Lewis, will appear; Mesdames C. T.
Kountze, George Roberts. Charles
Martin, Paul Ellis, Frank Ellick. T.
E. Fitzererald. Georee Redick and
J. W. Elwopd. Line parties will be
given by Mesdames Myron Learned,
Ward Burgess, D. C Bradford and
Lee Huff.
fhe Clifton Hill and Benson Presby
terian, Walnut Hill, Hanscom Park
and ' Asbury Methodist and St.
John's Episcopal, are among those
Society of Fine Arts.
Ibancz wi!.1 speak before the Oma
ha Society of Fine Arts Tuesday,
December 16 at 3:45 p. m.
U. S. Grant Post.
U. S. Grant post aryi corps will
meet Tuesday at 1:30 p. m., at Me
morial hall, court house. A proRram
ill be given at 2:30.
Spanish Club.
The Spanish club will meet in
room 302, Patterson block, Tuesday
evening. ,
Omekro-E-Xima will meet at the
Settlement house Tuesday evening
for supper.
Chapter BX, P. E. O.
Chapter BX, P. E. O. sisterhood,
will meet Tuesday with a 1 o'clock
luncheon at the home of Mrs. A. B.
Cullison, 4911 Davenport street,
Mrs. Lulu Rhorbaugli, acting host
r In spite of past conditions and the scarcity of Electrical Mer
chandise, we have been able to secure a FAIR amount from which
a selection can still be made to advantage hence we advise the
earliest possible shopping.
Mint Raapbarry
Pineapple Orange
Lame Ceffa
Other Free Molds
The labels called for are the end labels the one ea
each package which mentions the flavor. Send the coupon
whs the labels called for and check the molds you want
...Jiffy Measuring Cup (1 ...Pint Dessert Void (S
libels). labels).
...Set of Six Individual , ...Pint Salad Meld (S
Molds, as pictured (S labels),
labels). -
Jiffy De-ert Co,
Waukesha, Wis. liTta
I enclose .... labels as called for.
Send the molds I check at side.
Party at Tea Dance.
Miss Helen Walker will entertain
at the tea dance at the Fontenellc
Saturday afternoon, December 27.
C. Y. M. A.
The Catholic Young Men's asso
ciation will entertain at a dancing
party Tuesday evening at Kel-Pine's
About Women.
One of the demands showing the
trend of feminism in all social
grades made by the recent Interna
tional Congress of Working Women,
held in Washington, was that wom
en be represented equally with men
in all future labor conferences.
Madame Felixa Konopska, a dele
gate to the International Working
Women's Congress, was head of all
the co-operative uniform factories
established in Poland during the
war. Another delegate was Mad
ame Marie Magerova, alderman of
the city of Prague.
The Rhode Island suffrage party
is planning to organize a body of
500 women voters into a vigilance
committee for good government -
Mme.. Komako Kimura, a cul
tured woman of Japan, is in this
country teachinur a ohilosoDhical
Japanese religion, based on concen
trated will power, by which she
claims to cure the most obstinate
cases of disease.
Removing Ink from Carpet
If iust spilled ink mav be removed
by taking cotton batting and sop
ping as much up as possible. Then
take clean batting, dip in milk and
keep sopping up, changing the cot
ton often. Then rub until the spot
disappears. Now wash in warm
water and a little soap, rinse and rub
If dried in it cannot be removed
unless on a white spot You .may
the use salt or lemon iuice and
starch. This will remove it easily.
rp HE superiority, of
Atwood .Grapefruit
is not an accident.. From
the first planting the
Atw(ood Grapefruit Co.
has sacrificed everything
An initial expense of hundreds
of thousands of dollars was in
curred, while everything that
scientific culture and experience
could suggest was done to pro
Omaha, Neb.
Wholesale Distributors.
Gifts for
Nothing like them for
economy- modernity
serviceability beauty.
Choosing from our
present stocky will be
greatly to your advan
tage and liking.
Don't overlook the
electric fixtures for the
Christmas tree.
Farnam at Fifteenth 2314 M. St., South Side
North 16th
For Quality, Service and Low Prices
Fancy Brick Fresh Dressed Choice Beef Chuck Fresh Leaf Sugar Cured
Cheese, lb., Ducks, lb., Roast, lb., Lard, lb., Skinned Hams, lb.,
36 c 34c 12ic 26c 23c
Beef Cuts
Choice Rib Boiling Beef 9
Choice Beef Chuck Roast. . -12V2C
Choice Rib Roast 16
Choice Round Steak 20e
Choice Sirloin Steak 223
Fresh Cut Hamburger. ..... .173
Fresh Ox Tails .. . . . 5
Choice Corned Beef v.16
Sausages Cooked Meats
Choice Frankfurts and Wieners,
at 18
Choice Garlic and Polish 18
Fresh Bologna 163
Fresh Liver Sausage. 1(5
Choice Minced Ham 223
Choice Pressed Ham 22
Smoked Meats
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon 276s
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon,
. or whole 35J
Sugar Cured Regular Hams . . 25c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams. .1$XA
Fancy Summer Sausage -25cV
Lincoln Brand 29
Atlas Brand ....30d
Lily Brand i 35
Gem Nut Brand 31c
Swift's Premium . . 39
Best Creamery Butter 75c
Pork Cuts
Fancy Pork Loin Roast 25
Fancy. Pork Chops 28t
Fresh Boston Butts 24tf
Fresh Pork Shoulders 20c
Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs. for. . . .25c
Fresh Neck Bones, 3 lbs. for. .25c
Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. for 25c
Fresh Pig Snouts 10c
Fresh Pig Hearts. 10c
Fresh Pig Liver. 5
Fresh Pig Tails....: 14c
Fresh Link Sausage 20c
Fancy Forequarters Lamb. . , . 12?
Fancy Hindquarters Lamb. . . .18c