Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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RWe mil mumh Uv m braees their vfa-twaa we
I water. Shakeepeara. ,
9 ..."
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what goodly outeide falsehood hath.
BilUe Burke it tarring in "Cae
sar's Wife" in New York City. It
i presented by Floreni Zieg
field, jr.
Laurette Taylor of "Peg o' My
Heart" ' fame is playing in "One
- Night in Rome" at the Mayflower
theater in Providence, R. I.
. "The Rise of Silas Lapham" is
being given at the Garrick theater
in New York City with James K.
Hackett in' the title-role.
'y Paris is inetrested in the possible
. production of one or more unacted
- plays by Edmond Rostand. There
is a "Don Juan;" which is reported
to be "in two important acts," and
which, presumably, is destined for
the stage of the forte Saint-Martin
, theater, where "Cyrano de Bergerac"
and "Chautecler" were presented.
"Roland," according to representa
tives of the Rostand estate, is in the
poet's finest vein. This tragedy is
considered to be ready for presen
tation, but no prospective theater or
prbducer is mentioned. No definite
plans are announced as to what dis
position will be made of the "Faust"
which Rostand long had under com
, position with a view to providing a
Mephisto role for Bernhardt and a
; Faust role -for Le Bargy.
Sir Harry Lauder is touring the
Pacific northwest. '
Booth Tarkington' new comed,
, "Clarence," is running at the Hud
son theater in New York.
St Matthiaa Bazar.
The Ladies' guild of St. Matthias
church will hold its annual bazar at
the residence of Mrs. A. C. Kugel,
' 830 Forest avenue, Saturday, De
cember 13, from 1 to 10:30 p. m.
Aprons, fancy work, home cooking
and refreshments will be for sale.
Chapter M, P. E. 0.
Chapter M of the P. E. O. sister
hood will meet for luncheon Satur
day with Mr. C. C. Wilson, 2414
E street. Miss Grace McLane will
be assistant hostess.'
War Work Council of
Y. W. C. A. Continues
Daily Lectures
Dr. Amelia Brandt
": Dr. Amelia Brandt of Omaha is
one of the staff of four medical lec
turers who are carrying on an edu
cational program in Omaha this
week under the War Work council,
Y. W. C A. The schedule of Sat
urday meetings is as follows:
2:30 P. M. Neighborhood meet
ing, 1623 Locust street, Mrs. John
son; neighborhood meeting, 7915
North Thirtieth street, House of
Hope; 3:15 p. m., P. E. O., 3820
South Twenty-sixth street, Mrs.
Peiry; 3:30 p. m., Camp Fire Girls,
War Camp Community House.
Short Sleeve Returns.
Very cautiously the short sleeve is
returning to use. It is appearing on
afternoon and, evening gowns, but
so far has not made its debut as an
adjunct to the tailored street cos
tume; but this, they say, is soon to
come. The version of the newest
Fur Sale
We place on sale a great number of fur coats, capest,
muffs, eck pieces and men's fur collars at 25 dis
count. . All of these garments are. the latest designs;
splendid qualities, each jof which we have only two or
three. To close we are compelled to make a remark
able rtduetion.
, ' '
CAPES Mink, Hudson Seal, Kolinsky, Marten, Jap
COATS Hudson Seal, Near Seal. -
Corner 16th ed Douglas Sts.
Upstairs Room No. 7. Phone Douglas 7288.
short sleeve is a narrow beel thane
It sets snugly in the armhole and
falls to a depth reaching an inch or
so above the elbow. This sleeve
may be trimmed with braid, em
broidery and for evening wear, with
lace. .
A modernized kimono sleeVe, cut
in one with the bodice, and a short,
open-topped sleeve with a long dip
or point hanging beneath the arm,
have become popular for afternoon
and evening gowns, and these, to be
ultra smart, remain untrimmed.
A combination of satin and
georgette crepe is used in a theater
and restaurant gown, and for this
the sleeve and bodice are developed
in the satin, while the skirt uses the
crepe in a half-dozen tiers of ac
cordian . pleated flounces. This
original ' arrangement of opaque
bodice and sheer skirt gives an ex
cellent result, and it is one easily
adapted to the combining of left
overs and odd materials. Velvet
and lace or taffeta and silk net might
readily be used to make' an excellent
adaptation of this Paris novelty
but remember to leave the sleeves
short and without trimming..
Visiting Nurse Association.
Miss Florence McCabe and Miss
Charlotte Townsend will 'eave Sun
day for Chicago where they have
been called to attend a conference of
public health nurses, central division
Red Cross, December 15, 16 and 17.
Benson Story Hour.
Mrs. John. Giles will meet with
the children of Benson for their
"story hour" in the rest room of the
fire hall, Saturday at 10
o'clock. Christmas and fairy sto
ries will be told.
Lawton Auxiliary.
The Gen. Henry W. Lawton aux
iliary to U.' S. W. V. met Wednes
day afternoon and elected the fol
lowing officers for the coming year:
President, Mrs. Sara Sullivan; sen
ior vice president, Mrs. David 01
sen; junior vice president,' Mrs.
Delia Polley; chaplain, Mrs. Blanch
Kohlert; secretary, Mrs. Mary .A,
Birdsell; treasurer, Mrs. Rosa Belle
Whisenand; historian, Mrs. Addie
Travis; patriotic instructor, Mrs.1
Anna, Miller; conductress, Mrs. Car
rie Strell; assistant conductress, Mrs.
Mamie Haney; guard, Mrs. Minnie
English Women Who
Want Votes Are Kind
to Poor.
The duchess of Marlborough,
formerly Miss Consuelo Venderbilt,
of New York, and whose intention
to become a candidate for the first
suitable vacancy in Parliament, was
reported a few days ago, has since
her election to the London city
courfcil last year , concerned herself
largelywith the question of housing
the poorer people. She is reputed
to be remarkably popular among her
constituents, who inhabit one oi the
dingiest neighborhoods of South
London. , ' ' ' '
1f she should be elected to Com
mons she may be expected to con-
fctnbute to debates there, as she has
I' I J J 1! 1 .L.
aireaoy aone in aiscussions uy inc
county .council.
' The duchess ia described in to
day's Mirror as "quite .an orator,
having the gift of knowledge what
to say, when and how to say it and
also when to leave, off." .
ISIS Howard Street Between 16th and 17th an Howard 1619 Howard Street.
U. 8. Springfield Rifleo ''""I1,22
U. S. Humana Metal Horaa Collars f?-
U. S. Whit. Canvas Barrack Bags, each J-j
U. S. Army Raincoats or Slickers, jated ' "! ,
U. S. Army Wool Blanket. W-50,
II It. M..h all waol
Cotton Double Blankets. 72x84. in tray, brown, or plaid, brand new, while
they last .
U. S. Army Regulation Tents, 18x18, with a 3-ft. wall, pyramid shape, extra
. heavy duck canvas, these tents cost the government up to siuu.
been used in service. Our special offer 2'22
U. S. Army Cot Beds, all Iron, with Simmons Sagless Springs i??-;!?
U. S. Army all-leather Halters, brand new, each $1.98; per dozen $21.00
U. S. Army Munson Field Shoes, brand new, at a price of ;
Army Munson Infantry Shoes, genuine oak soles, brand new, sale price of... 86.98
Army Munson last fleece-lined Shoes; just the thing for cold weather $6.98
Cotton Plaid Mackinaw, heavy i $6.78
Wool Mackinaw, plaids V .$8.49
Three-fourths Sheep-lined, heavy moleskin Coat, belt all around ...$16.50
Three-fourths Sheep Lined Coats, moleskin S14.69
Ulster Sheep Lined Coats, moleskin 1 4.. $26.60
Corduroy Sheep-lined Vest without sleeves, all sixes, brand new at. ....... .$7.50
Corduroy Vests, leather lined and leather sleeves, sixes 44, 46, 48 and 80.
Exceptional values at A f 12.49
Leather Vests, moleskin leather lined, with leather sleeves $9.49
Overalls, brand new. union made, with bib; also jackets, at a price ol ...... .$1.98
Unionalls, blue or khaki, brand new, union made ....$248
Khaki or brown Flannel Shirts, brand new. wool, at....;..,. $4-98
Silkiline Khaki Kerchiefs, 2 for 25c
Wool Union-Suits, brand new, per suit ......$3.79
Wool Undershirts $1.68
Wool Drawers .T $1.68
Khaki Sweaters, without sleeves, brand new, at ...$4.68
Khaki Sweaters, with sleeves, brand new $5.88
Sweaters with shawl -collars, brand new, gray, oxford or brown, at $4.68
Hip Rubber Boots, brand new, bargain price .....$5.23
Overshoes, feur-buckle. all rubber, brand new , , . .$3.49
Barb Wire, painted, 60 lb. rolls................ .$2.87
Syrup, gallon can....r.. 79e Noiseless Tip Matches, boxes. .. .23c
Pork and Beans, per can 19c Army Bacon, 12 lbs ....$3.75
Per case, 24 cans. $4.50 I Crackers, 4 boxes . . 25c
Leather Moleskin, leather-lined. Vest, with glove-leather sleeves $1049
Khaki Wool Seeks .79c
All Wool Socks, black, used but thor
oughly renovated; in dozen lots only;
while they last $348
U. S. Army gray socks, wool,
per pair 1 . . . .69c
Wool Socks, heavy 69c
Cray or brown wool socks, light,
et 59c
White JunrSo Wool Socks, extra hesvy,
also gray, at 98c
Cotton Socks, brand new, per dox. .$1.65
Other items toe numerous to mention. 1
TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS We ship goods exactly as sdvertised. Make orders
ont plainly. Include money order or draft. No. C. O. D.'s shipped. If ordered by
parcel poet include postage. You are assured of prompt and satisfactory shipment.
. ', REFERENCE State Bank of Omaha. -
Make Money Orders or Drafts payable -to ; .
1619 Howard St. - 1619 Howard St.
Interior Decorations
Ndodle Pudding Recipe.
One cup of flour, one egg, one
fourth teaspoon salt, three table
spoons' water.
. Sift the salt and flour." Beat the
egg and add the water. Add the
liQUid to the flour and make a stirt
dough. Roll Out on a board and let
dry. Cut into fine strips and cook
in salted water until tender. Drain
and mix with one apple chopped
fine, one-half cup raisins, four table
spoons brown sugar, one teaspoon
cinnamon and three tablespoons
melted fat. Put in a well greased
baking dish and bake in a moder
ate oven 25 minutes. Any kind of
fruit may be added. A tart jelly or
nuts or both may be used with the
mixture if desired. '
Don't let that itching spot of eczema
or similar skin trouble continue to
annoy you. It is not only embarrass
ing it will eventually affect your
nerves. Resinol Ointment will usually
relieve the burning and itching at once,
and in most cases clear the trouble
away in a short time. It is cooling and
healing, and its gentle ingredients
soothe while they heal.
' contains these same qualities, mak- . ,
ing it ideal for men with tender
There are dozens of items in in
terior decorating and furnishings that
belong irrevocably to big houses
and spacious duplex apartments.
Yet among them are many that
might be copied in small houses and
apartments, if one thought . about
them. These are suggestions which
have occurred . to one observant
woman. They are rather interesting.-
' x
There is the bed on a' raised dais.
It has distinction, -and you do not
need to live in a large house in the
city to copy it . The best results are
obtained if your bedroom has an al
cove or is extra long and quite nar
row. Have a carpenter build a plat
form a foot high and larger all
around than your bed. Set this in
the alcove or at one end of the too
long room. When the bed is on this
it will need hangings draped from
the center wall above: the headboard
and caught with bright enamelJlow
ers, and it will need two huge floor
cushions, one on either side of the
bed on the platform. ,
The most successful of these
raised bed decorations the Writer saw
in a semi-bungalow. The bed was
ivory of a very good shape; the dra
peries were an old pair of dotted
Swiss window curtains. The floor
cushions were made out of a worn
black velvet cape; they had trim
mings of flowers made of odd bits
of different colored ribbon and they
were stuffed with shredded tissue
The offertory table so often seen
in high ceilinged drawing rooms,
can be reproduced consistently in a
small room, only here it is an ex
tra large kitchen table, unpainted
and covered with cloth and hanging
tacked on straight. If one is a good
iudge an t exquisite old 'altar cloth
may be picked up for a cover. The
side and front covering extend to
the floor, and in an apartment with
limited room in it the space be
neath this table may be a storehouse
for many things, children's toys
among them:
Radiators are better covered. If
one cannot afford the lovely ivory
Kand cane asbestos lined box that
fits over a radiator and - makes one
believe it and its ugliness exist not,
a smaller addition of the offertory
table may be contrived with a board
and an old velvet vestment picked
up among antiques or with just a
remnant of velvet or tapestry that
will harmonize with the rest of the
One cannot afford cut flowers in
one's rooms, perhaps. Yet,' cut
flowers have an, air. Artistically
made paper flowers---carnations,
roses," morning glories will last a
few weeks before they must be re
newed. Place good ones in your
silver vases and yoVU find them
better than no flowers at all.
Hanging wall baskets .of silver
and of French glass are used. They,
too, are replenished in big houses
with fresh cut flowers and vines
every . day or two. But that is out
of the question for the housewife
whose purse is slender.
If you can pick up two such re
ceptacles, one to hang at either side
of your mantel, put ' a little clay
bowl of dirt with vines growing in
it in each one, add real flowers
when you have them and paper
when the cut ones are too high, and
you acquire elegance at small cost.
Facts Worth Knowing
fo stretch a potato salad when
one happens, to be short of potatoes,
and yet make the salad very tasty,
add hard boiled eggs. A few sliced
tomatoes used as a garnish make it
very attractive and also stretches
the portions. Sweet chile pepper
chopped through it gives both
piquant flavor and good looks.
Either celery seed or chopped celery
and onion is an essental of a good
potato salad. Parsley should be
cut fine with a pair of old scissors
and sprinkled liberally through also.
To stretch a salmon, salad such
cold vegetables as green peas and
cucumbers taste well and help make
more. Lettuce too, 'can be cut up
liberally through ,the fish, as most
people do not eat lettuce when it is
used as a garnish, even though they
are fond of it.
Cold boiled beets and hard boiled
eggs are good both to eat and look
Calf Brain Croquettes.
Cook the calf brain in salted boil
ing water for IS minutes. Drain and
remove outside membrane. Mash
with a fork. Season with a tea
spoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon pep
per, a tablespoon chopped oniov.
Add to this one cup of cooked rice.
Mix well, shape, dip in bread crumbs
and fry in deep fat, until brown.
Mending China or Glass.
To mend china or glass, melt
some powdered alum in an old
spoon. Before it hardens rub this
over the pieces to be united, press
them together and set them aside to
dry. They will not come apart, even
if washed with hot water.
The-Indian women of the Isthmus
of Tehauntepec, proclaimed by many
judges to be the most beautiful
women in the world, add to their
picturesque attractiveness by wear
ing whatever fortune they may pos
sess in the form of gold coins strung
about the arms and neck.
The bouquets thrown to Mme.
Patti on the occasion of one of her
farewell appearances in Paris filled
eight carriages.
Two Wonderful ?
Saturday we will offer Wool Tricotine Dresses,
Satin Dresses, Wool Velour Dresses and Jersey
Dresses in scores of clever new styles; regular
$35.00, $45.00 and $55.00 values; choice at $24.75,
and $29.50. You will buy one f you see them. '
JULIUS orkin "
-1508-10 Douglas Street
Women's Club Active
In. Thrift' Versus
Thrift week will be celebrated In
every woman's club in the United
States January 17-24, 1920. Miss
Georgie Bacon, Worcester, Mass..
director of the thrift department of
the Geiieral Federation of Women's
Clubs, has been authorized by the
executive board of the federation to
co-operate with the Young Men's
Christian association in its great na
tional drive during, that period to
teach the American people the ne
cessity of thrift. Nearly $5,000,000,
000 are spent for the movies every
year; $3,000,000,000 for immorality;
$2,000,000,000 for soft drinks: a like
"amount for tobacco and cigars;
SUU.UUU.UOO for confectionery and
$13,000,000,000 for chewing gum,
while millions more are spent on
cheap theaters, dance halls and for
other pernicious forms of amuse
ments that pave the way for mental,
moral and physical degeneration as
well as financial loss. Club- women
say that the time has arrived when
a campaign must be inaugurated for
the .protection of the moral life of
the nation and the family pocket
book. .Such wild expenditure as now
characterizes the average wage
earner as well as the man and wom
an of moderate means calls for dras
tic action. Soniething must be done
to arouse the people of every com
munity to the need of conserving
their incomes. Reckless ex
penditure of every kind is to be
irowned-uporf. The study of family
Al -
"Tell Me"
A Love Song
Sung by Al Jolson
At last Al Jolson hs fallen
in love ! And it puzzles him
a lot! He wants to be told
why. his nights are lonesome
and his days blue without
his sweetheart. Coupled
with "Wonderful Pal,"-the
first record of George
Meader, the new Columbia
tenor. A-2821 85c.
Schmoller & Mueller
, Piano Co.
1311-1 J Farnam St.
Tha Drezel Kid says: "I don't ears
what kind of a bat tbey buy for roe,
but when It conies to shoes, I want
Steel Sbods every time." 1
The Boys5
Why not make it a prac
tical one. A pair of warm
and comfortable slippers
for house wear, 6r a pair
of the best wearing shoes
he has ever had.
are such shoes. You will
find that one pair of these"
shoes will outwear two
pairs of ordinary boys
Boys' Sizes, "
1 to 512
$4.oq ,
Little Men's,
10 to 13Va
1419 Farnam St
budgets-Is to receive consideration.
Lessons in thrift are to be taught at
women's clubs and through them
disseminated, throughout every com
munity. Material will be sent to
every federated club from which
outlines of study may be prepared.
Special speakers from university
extension departments Will be heard
at all leading clubs during Thrift
week with a view to starting a cam
paign of, education that will con
tinue throughout the year.
An appetizing combination salad
is made by putting the following
vegetables through the fine part of
the meat grinder: Cabbage, celery,
carrots, red and green peppers and
cucumbers. Either mayonnaise or
French dressing should be used to
marinate it liberally. This makes a
nice salad to serve with cold meat.
Sweater blouses and simple skirts
of knitted goods are used for sports
Panne velvet is used for evening
aresses, but taffeta holds good for
dancing frocks.
French suede gloves, mous
quetaire should be worn with cos
tumes of delicate fabrics.
Pink taffeta, with a gray-blue sash
ribbon, is a charming arrangement
for a little girl's party frock.
The lovely brocaded vests, cut
perfectly straight and worn "with
yelour coats and skirts, are very
Peanuts instead of walnuts are a
good salad ingredient and less ex
pensive than walnuts. They are nice
in banana salad.
All Makes
Special rates to students.
D. 4121. 1905 Farnam St.
Because of the shortened hours, we must make selling more, brisk, so we have
lowered the prices on all Christmas good s, as well as on the following list of stand
ard drugs and sundries. And so everyone may have a chance to buy, we have made
-these low prices stand for Monday also (that is as long as the goods will last). We
advise early shopping.
50c Chlorax Tooth Paste. .29d
25c' Beaton's Cold Cream in
tubes 16
60c Sal Hepatica 48
$1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia Liquid,
at 72
80c Laxative Bromo Quinine,
at 22
35c Vick's Vapo Ruh. .27
25c Salinos (a saline laxa
tive) 16
$3.75 Horlick's Hospital
Malted Milk 82.98
Leonard's Ear 0il..89d
25c Mustard Cerate, special,
at 16d
60c Corega 40d
60c Lavoris '. .4fi
50c Eatonic ...29d
Waterman and C o n k 1 i n
Fountain Pens, $2.50
and up.
$1.25 Denatured Alcohol, per
gallon 85
60c Swamp Root 44c
30c.Zymole Troches 21d
16c Sayman's Vegetable Soap,
at 12
20c Wool Powder Puffs.. 10fc
Complete line from SI. OO
up. Must be seen to he ap
preciated. $5.00 values in fancy rolls,
leather and cases, special
Saturday ....... S3.4S
$2.75 Imported Gold Cuticle
Scissors and File in fancy
box, at 81.98
$4.00 Imported Cuticle Scis
sors, Nail File and Nail
Clipper in fancy case,
at ...82.98
25cLysol 19
30c Bromo Seltzer 21
$1.20 Imperial Granum, 81.05
85c Mellin's Food 59
25c Shac Headache Remedy,
at 19
25c Honest John Corn Plasters,
at i. 16
$1.50 Fellow's Syrnp Hypho
, phosphates $1.19
25c Phenalax Wafers, 21 6
$1.00 Listerine. 73
50c SalicoH ...42t
$1.00 Nuxated Iron 89
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.. 34
$3.50 Hughes' Ideal Hair
Brushes, holly boxes,
at 81.89
Special sale of highest
quality French Ivory from
10 A. M. to 5 P. M., Satur
day and Monday only.
85c Cuticle Knives, Files and
Button Hooks 48
$3.50 Hair Brushes. $1.69
$2.60 Hair Receivers aad
Powder Boxes ...SI. 69
Ivory Clocks, Mirrors,
Trays, Buffers, etc., at spe
cial prices.
Ladina '. 7
- Box of 50 83.25
Jose Lovera, 5 for 2f
McCord-Brady's Hand Made,
at 5t
Box of 60 :. 82.50
La Flor De Intals '. . .8
Box of 50. 82.50
Mosher's Guarantee 5J
Box of 25 81.25
8c Parker's Plantation, each,
at 5
Mozart Cigars, Magic or Per-
fecto size lOd
Box of 60 ........34.75
Cameras, always a very ac
ceptable gift, from 82.59
to 855.
Photo Albums, from 10
to 86.00
$3.25 No. 2 Rexoette Box
Cameras S2.59
1920 Calendar Mounts, all
sizes , 10
10 to 50-Watt Mazda Lamps,
at 35
60-Watt Mazda Lamps. . -40d
15c Fuse Plugs, 6 to 30 am
peres, at , .
Beauty Secret
' Lifts out lines
1 Draws out blackheads
Reduces enlarged pores'
' Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow skin
Sold Only at This' Store
$5.00 Auto-Strop Safety
Razor 84.15
$lv00 Penn Safety Razors,
at 694
$1.00 Gem Safety Razors,
at 894
Fancy Xmas boxes in all sizes,
from 604 to 83.50
Special Swiss Lawn Stationery,
at 244
A complete line of Houbi
gant's Ideal, Quelques Fleurs,
ind other odors in original pack-
ages. We also have all the ,
popular Coty odors. Buy now,
for all stock on imported per
fumes are very scare this year.
$1.75 Jickey Extract, per ounce,
$1.00 Piver's Muquet Sachet
Powder, bulk, per oz., 294
$1.00 Piver's Azurea Sachet,
Powder, per oz 694
75c Hudnut's Wood Violet
Sachet, per ounce 354
50c and 75c Sachet Powders, all
odors, per ounce 254
76c Locust Blossom Extract,
per ounce . . .... .394
75c Crab Apple Extract, per
ounce 394
$2.50 Mary Garden Extract, per
ounce S1.89
$1.25 Piver's LaTrefle, Azurea,
and Muquet, per ounce, 754
$2.00 Hudnut's Dubarry Ex
tract, per ounce 81.10
$2.00 Djerkiss Extract, per oz.,
at 81. 25'
$4.00 Houbigant's ; Ideal Ex-,
tract, per jounce. . . . .82.25
$1.00 Meritol Toilet Waters, all
odors 594
Agents for Huyler's Origi
nal Allegretti, and Lowney's
Chocolates in one-half , to
five-pound boxes. We also
sell Johnston's, Gordon's and
Woodward's. m
90c Brach's Whipped Cream
; Chocolates, per lb. . . 594
60c Peanut Brittle.per lb.,
t ...... 424
$1.00 Milk Chocolate, in
stars, per lb , .804
80c Chocolate-covered Cara
mels 654
80c Hard-Mixed Candies, per
pound 494
$1.00 Hard-Mixed and Fryit
Filled Candies, per pound,
When you next buy aspirin
ask US for the New Im
proved kind,
It won't hurt your heart
nor upset your stomach.
More efficient than crude
aspirin for headaches, colds,
rheumatism, neuralgia, jetc.
Put up in bottles, 25c, 60c
and $1.25. Try it and you
will always use it
Nqt put in the Ears.
"Rub it in Back of
. Ears," Insert in
At Our Store
- We sell so many of
these famously good choc
olates that we can always
supply any of the Johns
ton popular assortments.
And Always Fresh
These are the 'kind you
see advertised in The Sat
urday Evening Post and
are .
What Sh Want.!
We have special Christ- K
... 1. . n n A
urns (intMica in x, , o
and " 5-lb. boxes now in
stock. i - -
Big special sale of all Rubber
Goods, guaranteed for two'
years, Saturday and Monday.
$1.10 2-quart Davidson Foun-S
tain Syringe 784
$1.25 2-quart, Velvet Water
Bttle s9j
$3.50 Ladies' Spray : Syringe,
at $1.98
40c 62"-inch Syringe Tubfne,
' 254.
tha perfect aline
T.uj to tak. pr.
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