Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1919, Image 1

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The 'Omaha
VOL. 49 NO. 150.
Cheyenne, Wyo.,De"c. 9. Travel
ing through deep snow drifts in two
powerful cars manned by expert
drivers, aearching party has' left
liere to hunt for City Clerk J. J.
Showalter, Mrs. Showalter and Gene
R. Beatty, Cheyenne banker, who
are believed to have been lost on the
snow-locked prairie somewhere be
tween Denver and Cheyenne. Both
Showalter and Beatty telephoned
Sunday morning that they were leav-
inir I I a ii i .- f i. & ; . . , -
" .".mil 1UI Vlljrcillic III ituiu-
mnk;i.. vr. - ... I 1 1 1 J I
from them since.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9. Heavy prop-j
trty damage and some loss of life i
were reported as a result of floods ,
over parts of Georgia, Alabama and
Jissfssippi, due to almost unprece
dented ntiufall. - !
The large hydro-electric power j
dam at Tallapoosa gave way under
the flood's pressure and threw the i
0JzrPrtmer Lloyd-George Will
we1;; ThSS ,ntroducP in British House
train service on six roads was in
definitely suspended.. Damage in this
ttitnt at
(Mil P.
MMO-tlm Mrttw May It, IMS. at
0. mow Mt of March J. 1879.
Br Mall (I Mir). Dally. tS.M: Sanfay. (!.;
Dally 8ua., IMO: ittli Nak. Mataa axlra.
Increasing cloudiness and not la
cold Wednesday, probably fol
lowed by snow Thursday.
Hourly temptrnturra i .
I a. m. j.
at. m...
a, m...
M a, m...
. in...
in , m. , .
II . m...
It noun...
1 Pi n
p. M
3 p. m , . , , ,
4 p. m
A p. m . . , , ,
p. at
7 P-
p. ni u . . .
,. . J
Indlrataa brlow aora,
t. , "
15 U U m,
section was estimated in hundreds
of thousands of dollars and .reports
were received here that several per-'
sons had lost their lives.
At Ge4unrbus, Ga the Chatta
hoochie river was out of its banks
and still rising tonight. .
I hree persons were drowned near
here when the flood undermined the
foundation of a bridge over Eutaw
creek and pitched an automobile
passing over it into the torrent be-
Street car service here is inter
rupted and the city water works
WILL ASK $500,000 TAX
Washington, Dec. 9 A tax of
f oOO.tWO on a pint of whisky will be
asked.of congress, the International
Reform bureau's executive commit
tee decided here, in the event the
supreme court declares the war
time prohibition amendment uncon
stitutional. . s , .
San Antonio, Dec. 9. The Cater
ina ranch in Dimit county, and not
the Gregory -Texas ranch, has been
sold by CharleSsP. Taft to S. VvV
proposes to raise deer for human
consumption, .according to a tele
gram received from Mr. Taft. .A
dispatch from Fort Worth erron
eouly stated the Gregofy ranch had
been sold. The Caterina ranch corn-
I3V3 fal-VVVU cviva.
Washington, Dec. 9. Although
Chicago admittedly was the favor
ite tonight for the 1920 convention
city of the republican party, choice
of which will lie made here iomor
tow by the national committee
boosters for St. Louis still were
making a determined campaign and
.were asserting that they had a
fighting chance to win.
Meantime discussion as to the
date of the convention, which also
will be fixed by the committee to
morrow, centered about Tuesday,
June 8. The custom of convening
the convention on a Wednesday, it
w'as predicted by the leaders, would
be changed in ' order to provide a
longer week.
Selection of a time and place for
the convention will conclude the
formal business of the - committee
meeting, but most ,of the hundreds
r . , J . - I .
i, , . . -n i if oi party leauers arc exuccicu iu
,mc ru.e out in rariiamt-.u -frty for the session of state chair
Of Commons Monday, Ac
cording to Daily Mail.
For First Timfe in History
Every Prospect Shows for
Settlement of Irish Question,
Admiralty Head Says )
..." . ,
London, Dec. 9. Premier Lloyd
GeoYge wilj introduce the new Irish
Chicago, Dec. 9. Speaking before
members of the National, Veneer
and Panel Manufactufacturers' as
sociation, William B. Colver, chair
man of the -federal Trade commis
sion said he expected to see con
gress act toward repealing the ex
cess .profits tax. He asserted the
commission was not opposed toso
called "big business," but sought
-ohly 40 eliminate unfair competU
tion. t -
A Chicago firmT according to Mr.
Colver. allows its president a fund
of $8,000 a year to pay for compli
mentary . gifts of perfume to pros
pective customers, and "that, the
speaker 9aid, was one of-the forms
of "commercial bribery" the com
mission opposed. ..j
Salesmen's schemes of playing
poker purposely to lose money to
buyers alscj was objected to, Mr.
Colver said.
day, according to the Daily Mail
The newspaper adds that the bill
provides for two legislatures wifn a
co-ordinating senate, but that the
powers to be alloted to the senate
have not yet been defined. It says
the fate of the bill will depend -on
the government's generosity in this
For the first time in history there
is every prospect of the Irish ques
tion being settled satisfactorily, ac
cording to a statement made in a
speech by Walter Hume Long,, first
lord of the admiralty.
A. report in circulation today that
the Irish law officer has resigned
was officially deniedthis evening.
" Rumor Heard in Courts. ,.
Dublin. Dec. 9. The Evening
Telegraph today published a rumor
which was heard m the nouns today i .8:-t ""' r.
that Lord Chancellor Campbell, At
torney General Denis Henry' and
Solicitor General Daniel Wilson all
have resigned as a protest against
the home rule bill, the premier is ex
pected to, introduce in the house of
commons next week. -
All these officials, are active'mem
bers of Sir Edward Carson's Ulster
ite party and , signed the famous
Ulster covenant against home rule,
but the rumor is discredited, be
cause Andrew Bohar Law, lord privy
seal,' and Walter Hume Long, first
lord of the admiralty, both are
strong Carsonite embers of the
cabinet and it is not considered
likely that the premier would pro
ceed with a bill lacking their ac
quiescence. '
If the rumor proves true it is be
lieved it would mean 'a rupture 6f
the coalition government and a gen
eral election.
Paris, Dec. 9. Acting ort the pas
roral letter, of Cardinal Amette,
Archbishop of Paris, protesting
against the present style of the
dress of women, the viar of Notre r-'
Dame d Avemeres, a pilgrimage
church near Laval, has posted the
following notice-
"Entry into this church ii for
bidden to women wearing low
necked dresses or dresses not reach
ing down to the ankles."
New York, Dec 9 The high price
c-f milk was responsible for a seven
months old baby being abandoned
by its father in the Grand Central,
station today, according to a note'
found in the youngster s hat by the
"CanTafford him milk at the price
they are charging today," said the
note. "There are others I am try
ing to support"
The infant was turned over Jo the
police who said another man had
asked him to "hold the baby" until
he came back. "
Salt Lake, City, Dec 9-. Te'le
grams received here from 'Yreka,
Cal., state that F. B. Davis, alleged
bank robber under arrest there for
the rabbery of Weaverville, Cal.,
Trinity State bank November 14,
or approximately $15,000, hasebn
Jessed to being Jefferson Howell,
former Salt Lake business man.
V Washmgton, Dec. 9. Another ray
of hope for those who are looking
forward to a "wet" Christmas is that
-the Internal Revenue department is
having 4,000,000 revenue stamps,
used in taking. liquor out of. bond,
printed at the government printing
office here. It is understood that
this "preparedness" policy was adopt
ed in anticipation of a decision by
the supreme court of the United
States lifting the wartime prohibi
tion . ban. k .. .
. New York, Dec. 9. The hovering
of the stork over the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Enrico Caruso has given
rise to a report that the estrange
ment between Mrs. Dorothy Park
Benjamin Caruso and the Benjamin
family, which has existed , since she
married the famous tenor in August,
1918, will soon be healed
Supreme Court: of Ontario De
cides Against Mrs. Matters in
, Long Fought Case.
Toronto, Ont, Dec. 9. Mary
Ryan was declared the mother of
"Baby" Irene, whom Mrs. Dolly M.
Matters of Chicago claimed as hers,
in a judgment handed down in the
Ontario -supreme court. " Mrs. Mat
ters, whov is on bail on a charge of
kidnaping the child, will lose the
right to a large estate willed her by
her husband on the, condition of her
becoming a mother if the court de
cision is upheld on appeal. Judge
Lennox directed that the xhild
should not be removed from the
court's jurisdiction untrl time for an
appeal has elapsed. '
The kidnaping- charge was made
against Mrs. Matters after a Dnited
States court had decided that Miss
Ryan- was the child's mother and
had given the baby into her cus
tody. Subsequently Mrs. Matters
went to Ottawa and attempted to
kidnap the child from the Ryan
home, an attempt which led to her
arrest. The kidnaping charge was
held in abeyance pending the Cana
dian court's decision on the question
of maternity.
After Mrs. Matters husband died
she entered a maternity institution
at Ottawa in which Miss Ryan was
an inmate. Dr. Boroard, medical
officer at the institution, admitted in
court here that the child was Miss
Ryan's and that an operation had
bc?n performed upon Mrs; Matters
to support her claim of motherhood.
He also admitted having falsified the
hospital records. Miss Ryan was
tohd, he said, that her child had died.
Clearance Papers Refused
Big Steamer Imperator
New York, Dec. 9. Clearance
papers were refused by the custom
authorities to the former German
liner Imperator, which was sched
uled to sail at noon Wednesday for
Southampton. -s
The refusal was based on a re
quest from United States Attorney
General Palmer, who has ordered an
investigation to determine whether
to Cunasd company,', to which the
liner ws turned over recently by
the United States shipping board,
has violated the fuel conservation
regulations in connection with the
coaling of the steamer
G. O. P. Leaders Meeting in
Washington , to Formulate
Plans for 1920 Activities.
man which convenes! .'.nursaay.
Some of them will remain until the
end of the week, continuing the dis
cussion of political candidates and
policies.- ' .
Presidential Candidates.
With.tlie arrival today -of the last
m nMAun
NY ui
TIHflH 10
Terminal Committee Has Sup
ply for7 Only Six Days' Re
stricted Consumption More
Jndustnes-May Close.
Ending of Strike Will Not Af
fect -Omaha This Week
Closing of Western- Mines
And Cold Add to Seriousness.
of those who are to attend the meet- J tne restricted consumption, which isj
mar conterences over presiaenua
possibilities greatly multiplied until
the claims of upwards of a dozen
potential candidates were being pre
sented. Particularly conspicuous were the
friends of Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood
and Gov. Frank O Lowden of Illi
nois, who brought to Washington
working organizations to further
the interests of their respective can
didates. Boosters tor senator James
E. Watson of Indiana, and Warren
lively into the arena, while those
favoring other candidates were ljusy
feeling out the sentiment of - the
committeemen and their guests.
Open Session Today.
A novelty of the meeting tomor
row will be an open session,- at
which the claims of the cities trying
for the convention will be presented
and speeches made by several prom-r
inent republicans from scattered
parts of the country. The decision
will be made, however, in executive
session. The committee also is ex
pected to formally endorse the plan
of Will H. Hays, the national chair
man, for limitation of individual
campaign contributions to $1,000.
Many editors of republican news
papers were here and five of the six
former chairmen of the national
committee had come in response to
an invitation of Chairman Hays to
lend their counsels in the formulation-
of 1920 plans. Tonight the
committeemen and state chairmen
were guests at a dinner given by the
executive committee of the woman's
Two Brothers, Dining,
Arrested on Charge
: Of Robbing-Cafe Till
Albert J. and Clarence R. Ashton,
brothers, living at Hotel Rivard,
1810 Farnam street, were arrested
7 last night and held for jnvestiga
tion when Nick Nickolas, night man
ager of Rogers' cafe, 1805 Farnam
street, told detectives they were the
men who held him up at 3 Monday
morning and robbed the till of $25.
Both of the accused men deny
having had any part in the hold up,
Albert is an assistant accountant at
the Union depot, he says, and Clar
ence claims to be employed in the
engineers' department of the Bur
lington railroad.
The brothers had dinner last night
in the cafe they are accused of rob
bing. While they were eating, the
robbers. Charlie Carter, a porter at
the cafe, and Lyle Muckler, chef,
sailt thr-v "lnnlrsrl liL-z. tU. UiA "
200,000 Train Miles r
Eliminated Over U. S.
To Save Nation's. Fuel
Washington, Dec. 9. Railroad
travelers ara face to face with the
most severe curtailment in passenger
service that the nation ever has
known. While on many of the
eastern roads, service was reduced
sharply Monday, it was not until
Tuesday that the orders of the Rail
road administration began to be felt
in other parts of the country. In
still other sections many trains made
their last trips Tuesday night.
Railroad administration officials
estimated that approximately 200,000
train miles will have been cut from
the passenger schedules each day be
fore the end of the week. The say
ing of fuel was placed at about 15.000
tons a day. Study is being made to
ascertain whether additional curtail
ment can be effected without causing
the public too much discomforture.
Congratulates Lady Astor.
London, Dec. 9. Lady Astor re
ceived this cablegram from Queen
Marie of Rumania:
"I congratulate you with all my
heart. Ypu will do credit to all of
The terminal coal committee con
cluded its day's work yesterday by
announcing that a termination of
the coal strike at this time could
not affect the coal situation in
Omaha this week under' rhe most
favorable circumstances-.
The committee further stated that
there is now in Omaha a scant six
days' supply of coal, according t5
police were summoned. Nick Nick
olas said positively they were the f 'creasing the thickness of ice and
estimated at 80 cars a day,
An almost total suspension of
operations at the mines in the Rock
Springs and Sheridan districts of
Wyoming, together with the ex
tremely seyere weather presents a
local situation "which the committee
asserted requires caution in the dis
tribution of coat until more is re
ceived. .The committee did not
hold an -evening session yesterday.
A-- statement of local conditions
was promised for this morning."
Consider New Order.
The committee yesterday after
noon considered the latest Garfield
order, which directs further restric
tions of coal, power and light be
ing used in industries and the op
eration of certain industries only
three day, a week on the basis of
theresent working dayA 8 a. m. fo
2 p. a
The committee indicated that
further restrictions must be imposed
on industries, in accordance with
the Garfield order, and it was
further indicated that .the extent of
these restrictions would be held in
abeyance- unil advice has been re
ceived ofthe outcome of the .con
ference at' Indianapolis.
The severity of the weather and
decreasing shipments of coal tp
coal committee, to state
Wyoming Mines Closed.
"I -have received a telegram from
Mr. Jeffcrs, who is in" the Rock
Springs district in southern Wyom
ing, and he reported that there is
not a car of coal being held at these
mines; that all coal on I track has
been moved, and that the mines are
closed. ,
"I consider the closing of these
mines as the worst blowthat has
struck Omaha sincethe coal strike
was started. Coal . production in
Wjtoming is now of a negligible
quantity, and the extreme cold
weather and snow seriously "ter
fere with transportation and add to
the difficulties of mining."
. Many Out of Work.
The coldest weather of, this sea
son and an unusually heavy snow
fall increase the seriousness of the
local coal situation and make living
conditions more "difficult for many
who are -out of employment, or for
others reasons, must apply to char
ity for assistance.
Many appealed for aid yesterday
for the first time and. some who
were reticent about -revealing their
plight asked for coal and food and
Below zero weather as rapidly in
R. C. Howe Chosen General
Manager Of Skinner Firm
R. C
, -
Agreement on President's Proposal for Termination of
Miners' Controversy Only Question of How Long
It Vill Take to Hear Arguments of All Representa
tives Who Wish to Speak at Conference of Work
ers' Officers Who Will Continue Session This
Morning .' in ' Indianapolis Conservatives, Who
favor Accept jng Plan of Wilson, in Majority.
Indianapolis, Dec. 9. Settlement of the strike of coal
miners tomorrow confidently was predicted late tonight by
a high official of the United Mine Workers of America.' It
was declared that the conservative element was in the ma
jority and that ah agreement on the president's proposal for
termination of the controversy was only a question' of how
long it would take to hear the arguments of all representa-
tives who wished to speak, x
Jt was also learned that, four Ixtended cautus in which
so-called radicals of . Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and western
Pennsylvania participated, were heli tonight. Except that
plans were made for continuing the fight against adoption of
the strike settlement plan nothing could be learned, of the
proceedings. --"r"' ,,
? The official, who strongly favors
acceptance of the. new plan for end-
Becomes Vice President
With Large Financial
Interest in
:reasing "snipmenis oi coai iv
naha from Wyoming prompted H.
Snyder, acting chairman ' of thei
gives promise of an early ice-cutting
season, which will mean the em
nlovment of hundreds of men who
are anxious to work. . '
New Garfield, OMer.
The coal committee yesterday
emphasized the folowing feature of
the new Garfield order:
"No manufacturing plant or indus
try shall be furnished bituminous
coal or coke, or heat, light and
power from bituminous coal or coke
furnished by or through the United
States fuel administration for oper
(CntVned on Pse Two, Column One.)
Dentist Found Dead in
Berth With Throat Cut
Denver, Dec. 9. The body of Dr.
Woodford' L. Tilley, Denver dentist,
was found in a" sleeping berth of an
east bound Santa Fe train when it
reached Syracuse, Kan., today, with
the throat cut. According o Den
ver1 friends, Tilley had been laboring
under severe mental strain. Police
scout the murder theory, though the
weapon with which he was killed
could not be found.
Opera Director Worse.
Chicago, Dec. 9. -The condition
of Cleofonttr Campaini, director of
the Chicago Opera company, who
has betn seriously ill of . double
pneumonia, has taken a turn for the
worse, according to reports from
the hospital. His physicians were
hurriedly summoned.
R. C-Mowe, for 23 years general
manager of Armour & Co.'s Omaha
interests, -has associated himself
with Paul F. and Lloyd M. Skinner
as vice president and general man
ager of the 'Skinner companies, tak
ing a large financial Interest in the
business, i - . .
OutsideV of the presidents of the
five big packing companies, there.
Howe, k
is .not' any man better . known in
the packing world than R. C. Howe
of Omaha.
Thirty-nine years ago 'Mr. Howe
started with the Armour interests as
an office boy aiyl rapidly, rose to
the position oj general superintend
ent of the Chicago plant. When
27 years old, Mr. Howe was 'com
missioned to open up the South Side
plant of Armour & Co. : in -Omaha.
MrM Howe's first year's .business
oft the South Side was $12,000,000
and last year the plant had so de
veloped under his management that
it did a volume of oyer $88,000,000.
In addition to looking after the
Armour interests in Omaha and in
the midwest, Mr. Howe was also
(Continued on Poe Two, Column Four.)
Thermometers op. Street Regis
ter 10 Below Zero Traffic
On Railroads 'Resumed, j
The storm which swept down
from the northwest Monday and
covered a wide areij with additional
snow and below-zero weather was
reported yesterday as speeding.on
its way across Iowa and into- the
east and southeast.
'Omaha was' visited with the cold
est weather! of the season, 6 below
being recorded at 7 a. m.and the
same at 7 , p. m., the temperature
rising in the middle of the day only
to 2 below. ' .."
During the night the cold contin
ued to increase. Street 'hermome
ters recorded a temperature of 10
below at 10:30 o'clock and an hour
later 19 below was registered by an
exposed thermometer on the porch
of a residence in the West Farnam
district. . .. t ,
At 1 o'clock this morning a ther
mometer at Sixteenth and Harney
registered 10 below; one at Six
teenth and Farnam, 11 1-2 below
and one af Sixteenth and Douglas,
91-2. -
' Strong winds prevailed Monday
night, piling .the' snow in drifts and
interfering with railroad traffic and
telegraphic service. Light winds
were reported throughout Nebraska!
yesterday. .
Record-breaking temperatures for
this time qf the year were reported
frwn Cheyenne and Denver, where
24 and 20 below were recorded. Lan
der reported 34 below, North Platte
22 below and Valentine 20 below.
The coldest Nebraska point on
the Union Pacific lines was Hills
dale, where the temperature was 32
below yesterday morning and the
coldest Nebraska station on the
Burlington was McCook, with 25
degrees below. "
All railroad weather reports indi
cated calm and clear weather
throughout- the state yesterday
morning. The average. temperature
(Continued on Tmgt Two, Column give.)
Mexican Bandits Rob' -Another
Yankee Citizen
Washington, Dec. 9. James Cow
an of Ft, Worth, Tex., an American
citizen, "was robbed of 1,700 pesos
December- 7, by bandits, who held
up a train between Colima. and
Manzanillo, Mexico, the State de
partment was advised Tuesday1.
Traffic was suspended on the road
for several days ' ?
Confers With Republican Lead-
Governor McKelvie to
Add1 ress Committee;
Special Correspondent Omaha. Bee.
Washington. ' Dec 9.--CSpeciat
Telegram.) Victor Rosewater, edit
or of The Bee and chairman of the
postal committee of the American
Newspaper Publishers association,
putvin a busy day interviewing sen
ators and members of the house in
an effort to get the newspaper post
age law modified and generally met
with gratifying results, as he "showed
the inequalities put upon the (daily
newspapers by the establishment: of
the" zone syste'm.
Incident to his conferences With
legislators, Mr. Rosewater held a
leve$ in the lobby of the Willard
wWi old-time republican politicians,
taking the opportunity of renew
ing acquaintances formed in the
stormy days of' 1908 and 1912.
In ih course of a friendly -visit
with General Crowder, Mr. Rose
water learned that the general has
just completed a book on the story
of the draft which will be published
by a well known New York house
in the erirly spring.
Governor McKelvie was host to
the republican members of the Ne-braska-delegation
in congress, the
entire delegation participating ki a
dinner at the Raleigh hotel, the
governor's headquarters while in the
national capital. Chairman Devoe
was also a guest at the dinner. To
morrow Governor McKelvie will
address the national republican com
mittee at the New Willard.
New Castle, Wyo., Reports
Temperature of 40 Below
Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 9 New
Castle, Wyo., experienced what is
believed to have been the coldest
weather in the United States Tues
day. According to reports received
at the telephone, company's district
offices here, the thermometer regis
tered 40 degrees below aero at that
place during the early morning
hours. ,
Ship Burns; Loss, $250,000.
San Francisco, Dec. 9. Fire on
the shipping board steamer Cpca
ponset at its pier here,w was Ex
tinguished today after it had caused
a Joss estimated at $250,000. Two
holds, filled with merchandise, had
to be flooded before the flames were
subdued. The ship's cargo was
largely brandy, and dried fruit 1
Indianapolis, Dec. 9, The text of
President Wilson's propoal to the
miners follows: ' ' ,
"I have "watched with deep con
cern the developments in the bitum
inous coal strike and am Convinced
there is much confusion in the minds
of the people generally and possibly
of both parties to this' unfortunate
controversy as to the attitude and
purposes' of the government in its
handling of the situation.
"The tnine owners offered 4 wage
increase of 20 per cent conditioned,
however, upon the pi'ice of coal be
ing 'raised to an 'amounfsof ficient
to covers this proposed increase of
wages, which would hav$ added &t
least $150,000,000 to the annual coal
bill of the people. The fuel admin
istrator, in the light of present in
formation has ' taken the position,
and I think with entire justification,
that the public isnow paying as high
prices for coal as it ought to be re
quired To pay and that any wage in
crease made at this time ought td
come out of the profits of the coal
Thinks 14 Per Cenf Reasonable.,
"In reaching this conclusion, Jhe
fuel administrator expressed ' the
personal opinion that the 14 per cent
increase in. all mine wages is rea
sonable because it ' wouTd equalize
the miners' wages on the average
with the cost of living, but he made
it perfectly clear that the operators
and miners are at liberty to agree
upon a larger increase "provided the
operators will pay it out of their
profits so, that the price of coal
H would remain the same.
"Th? secretary of labor, in an ef
fort at conciliation between the
parties expressed his person1 opin
ion in favor, of . a larger increase.
His effort at x conciliation bailed,
however, because ihe coal operators
were unwilling to pay the scale he
proposed, unless the government
would advance the price of . coal to
the public and this the government
was unwilling to do.
'"The fuel administrator had also
suggested that a tribunal be cre
ated in"jtvhich the miners and oper
ators would 'be equally represented
to consider further question's df
wages and working, conditions, as
well as profits of operatdrs and
proper prices for coal. I shall, of
course, be glad to aid in the forma
tion of such a tribunal.
Thorough Investigation.
"I understand the operators have
generally agreed to absorb an in-
(Conttoncd on Pait Two, Column Four.)
Highest Legal Tribunal
In United States Will
Decide Anarchists' Fate
New York, Dec. 9. Application
will be" made to Supreme Court
Justice -Brandcis ki Washington
Wednesday for a writ of error to
bring the cases of Alexander Berk
man and Emma Goldman, an
archists, fighting deportation, before
the highest judicial tribunal. This
announcement was made by Harry
vv eiiiDerger, tneir counsel. 1 he pe
tition win be made on appeal from
the action of Federal Judge Mayer
in dismissing writs of habeas corpus
If the writ is granted. Weinberger
said, he will apply to the full bench
of the " supreme , court to release
Betkman and Miss Goldman on baH
pending argument and final decision
Judge Mayer declined to grant them
bail and they are held at Ellis
island, awaiting deportation.
United States District Attorney
Caffey ' announced that the govern
ment proposed to send radicals held
for deportation back to their native
lands within two weeks. This will
not include Berkman and Miss Goldman-
if Justice Brandeis grants a
v.rit of error and it rr.av be months
before thev learu their fate
ing the strike, spoke enthusiastically :
of the fight made for adoption of ' ;
the proposal by Acting President
John L. Lewis and Secretary-Treasurer
William Green of the miners'
organization at today's meeting ot
the general committee of the miners,
at which the plan was . presented. -.
7 his fight, he said, was continued
after adjournment of the conference
at 6:30 o'clock 'tonight and it was
believed,, that more than sufficient
str-engrti was mustered to vote down
the' radical element when the com-
mittee reconvenes tomcrroy. Con
sideration of the question will be re-
sumed at 9:30io'clock in the morn- 1
ing. -
"Mr. Lewis and Mr. Greeny he
said, ''wholeheartedly accepted the
proposition made them by President ;
Wilson and entered into the fight for "
its adoption by the miners with all
their strength. Settlement of the -controversy,
when it comes, will be
greatly due to .thair efforts and it is t
only justice to give -them, crtdit for
their fight. f
.Conservatives in Majority.
"The conservative element, which
favors acceptance of the plan, is
"clearly in the majority andN there is
no question of hefinal outcome. M. ,
The radicals, if became known
late tonight.1 niade their first at
tempt to defeat or postpone settle- .
ment of ihe strike by introduction
today of a motion to take the mat
ter from the hands of the .general
committee and submit it tothe lo '
cals of .the organization for a refer
endum vote. This motion was voted , ,;
down and is believed to demonstrate ,
the strength of the Lewis-Green sup
stcngth of the Levis-Green sup
porters and , foreshadow acceptance
of the presidcn's.plan wlieufit comes
to a final vote. V
The general committee of the,
miners is composed ot j$4 interna
tional and district officials and
members of the organization's ex- '
ecutive board and scale committee.
After the miners adjourned it was .
reported that a big factor in the
opposition to 'acceptance of the
president's proposal was the belief
on the part of many miners that it
would ' requireanother session of
the general convention of the United '
Mins Workers" to make valid an
agreement to end the strike.: '
The - president's proposal, made
public by Attorney General Palmer
this afternoon, provides for. resump-
tion of work by . the' miners at a ,
14 per cent wage increase p'ending
final settlement of the wage con
troversy by a commission to be ap
pointed by the president. This
commission would include in its per
sonnel one practical miner and one
active mine owner or operator and
would not only adjust the wage
question as related to the increased
cost of living, but would adjust
coal prices to meet the wage ad- " :
vance. without allowing too. great a
burden to be placed upon the public
The attorney general in . making
public the president's proposal ':
stated that it had been prepared by .
the executive with a view to appeal- .
ing to the miners generally through
out the country. However, he said,
before it was made public. Acting
President . Lewis, and Secretary
(Contlnned Psre TwHf, Coiama, Thno.) ,
WhiteHouse Tells
World Coal Minersi
Accept Wilson Plan !
, . v , . ..
The entire country as well as "
Omahawas cheered yesterday after-
noon by the information given out "
from the White - House, that the
coal strike Jiad been settled.
This statement Svas made from the 1
White House upon the receipt bv
President Wilson of the following
telegram front- Attorney General
Palmer, who is at Indianapolis: ,
"Statements will be given out at -2-20
central time. Contempt pro
ceedings have been continued fof
one week. . Miners have agreed .to
president's plan." x
This announcement earn' jutt at '
press time and correcticr was too
late for insertion in the afternoon ' '
edition. v - T,