Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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RECORD OF 60,000
Department of Justice ' Con
fronted With "Increasing
ly Dangerous Red Activi-
ties," Says Palmer.
Washington, Dec. 8. The "De
partment of Justice is confronted
with "increasingly dangerous rad
ical activities," Attorney General
Palmer said in his annual report
submitted today to 'congress.
Mr. Palmer did not go into de
tails as to "red" activities in gen
eral, but said that of the total of
' ?6S,29S index record cards, 71,000
Bertillon records and 262,712 finger
print records now in the depart
ment some 60,000 represented data
concerning "reds" and their work.
He mentioned that the department
had increased steadily its contribu
tory sources of investigation, adding
; that this meant better facilities for
running down persons whose lives
bore marks of crime.
Has Much Work.
Mr. Palmer said that while other
government agencies during the last
year yere rounding out their labors
incident to the war, his department
found itself only half way thrbugh
its scores of investigations and liti
gated questions. Countless hun
dreds of claims growing out of the
war have been made against the
government, he said, and must be
fought through the courts. Cases in
which the government seeks to re
cover funds paid out through error
or fraud provide another source of
supply for litigation. Alleged in
fringement of patent rights by the
government in its manufacture of
war materials, as well as similar
claims arising from private manu
facture of war supplies on the cost
plus arrangement, also puts litiga
tion on shoulders of the depart
. ment's staff.
The department policy of resum
ing prosecution of trusts has restor
ed to activity other investigations
and crime proving machinery, the
attorney general added.
Still After Slackers.
In adidtion to these, Mr. Palmer
said, .the department will be bur
dened for months to come with its
prosecution of violators of the sedi
tion and selective service acts. Un
der the latter the number of cases
runs high, he said. Department
agents are engaged now in gather
ing all necessary data through rec
ords of local draft boards which
have been assembled in Washington
and prosecution of the cases will
proceed immediately upon comple-
tion of that work.
Investigations and trial argu
ments during the year have shown
loopholes n many statutes, Mr.
Palmer ""Said. He called attention
to the fact that, under existing law,
it is not a crime to send threaten
ing letters through the mail un
less in furtherance of a scheme to
defraud or as a means of extortion.
Pointing out that letter threaten
ing personal injury or destruction
of propertyfmay be sent with im
punity;' he urged revision of the
law to cover strch. cases.
Change Fraud Act. .
y Mr. Palmer said also there was
great need for a statute providing
punishment for an individual at
tempting to defraud the United
States, present statutes, he. said,
provide punishment only in the
event that two or more persons con
spire to defraud the government.
Recommendation also was made
' that criminal procedure be changed
to make more simple the removal
of indicted persons to the districts
where the indictments were re
turned. He described the present
system as "grievously defective,"
arid as making removal proceedings
"infinitely more cumbersome" than
The attorney general recommend
ed creation of a pardon and parole
board of three fully empowered to
handle all pardon and parole cases,
thus relieving the attorney general's
office of duties "which are becom
ing increasingly heavy and oner
ous." Jurisdiction of penal institu
tions also should be vested in this
board, he said. .
Asiatic Russia has 168 rivers with
a total navigable length of 13,558
miles and four lakes that can be
,;A' navigated for 707 miles.
Omaha Rapidly Becoming Cen
ter, of Aerial Navigation
Activities Working on
Government Hangar.
Omaha is rapidly becoming a cen
ter for aerial navigation activities.
Applications for the use of the Ak-
Sar-Ben landing field by two com
mercial airplane companies were ac
cepted by the atrial navigation Com
mittee of the Chamber of Com
merce at a meeting yesterday.
Members of the committee would
not divulge the names of the firms,
but stated that one was an Omaha
concern. The Omaha firm will erect
a hangar near the landing held in
the near future, according to W.
A. Ellis, assistant commissioner of
the Chamber of Commerce.
The committee also decided to
offer the present landing field for
the use of the Lawson Airplane
company, which plans to fly huge
transcontinental passenger planes
via the Omaha route from New
York to San Francisco.
Larger Field Planned".
In offering the field the commit
tee explained in a letter to Alfred
W. Lawson, inventor of the great
plane, that the present field, which
is approximately 60 acres, would be
only a temporary arrangement. A
larsrer field, of from 90 to 100 acres
will be available for the use of Law-
son planes by spring, according to
Mr. Ellis.
The use of the field by private
concerns is entirely in accord with
the policy of the Postoffice depart
ment, which has prior rights on the
field for aerial mail planes, Mr. Ellis
said. When aerial planes begin to
arrive, about December 20, however,
other planes will be limited to a
definite schedule, so as not to con
flict with the,, flights of the mail
Working on Hangar.
In spite of the cold weather the
construction of the government
hangar is progressing rapidly and
will be easily completed by Decem
ber 20. Mr. Ellis, yesterday, tele
graphed to - Chicago, instructing
postoffice officials there to send the
special heating plant for the hangar
at once, and it will be installed im
mediately on arrival.
A drive for funds to pay for the
erection of the hangar , and the
purchase of a larger field, which
was to have been started this week,
has been postponed until the present
coal shortage has been relieved
"Bolshevists, Beware!"
Yanks From Siberia
Issue Their Warning
San Francisco, Dec. 8. Eleven
hundred American soldiers arrived
from Siberia on the transport Sheri
dan. A sign on the ship's side -read:
."Bolshevists, beware! We are
coming home to join the American
Characteristics found in
Alway. found In th Atwond Wrapper.
mm a.
Omaha, Neb. VN
Wholesale Distributors.
Folks Who Never
Liked Macaroni
Cooked in the
Old Fashioned Ways,
Find It Pleasing v
When Cooked With '
Meat. Just a Little
Meat Imparts a Most
Delicious Flavor to
Sold in the Best Stores
Suy your Rd Croat
Christmas SaaU bar
Main Floor. .
H6ur Sales
10 to 11, Tuesday
Aluminum Ware and Hosiery!
Plan to Shop Early!
Due to the coal situation- street car service, unfortunate
ly, has necessarily had to be curtailed. Combine this with the
early closing of so many offices and factories and you have
a new "rush-hour" on the street cars to interfere with the
afternoon shopper. ,
To avoid it is easy shop in the forenoons! -
Store Hours lOa.m. to 5 p.m. Until Further Notice
Parcels Wrapped"
Regardless of where purchased, we
are glad to wrap parcels for shipment
by parcels post or express at the
Basement. This service is without
charge, of course. . .
Brandeis Slores Basement
A "Bargain in the
American Maid Cro-
, chet Cotton, white
and colors, in all ' XA
numbers, at a Tory i J ,
pacial price, per '
ball of
Main Floor-West
Tuesday's Outstanding Feature is a
Sale of Envelope Chemise and Gowns
Regular 6.98 to 8.98 Values Very Specially Priced
!'.!! !j - -
j ! ('If! iJ
Coming just before Christmas this sale is of unusual interest
to gift buyers! These garments were bought some time ago on a
low market. The goods alone could not be purchased at this time
for much less than our selling price. They are the daintiest of dainty
underthings appropriate for presents, or a nice addition to your
own wardrobe and they're a grand value at 5.95.
Dozens of Styles from Which to choose
-Materials of Satin and Crepe de Chine
The Envelope Chemise are made with either built-up shoulders
or straight tops with ribbon straps.
The Gowns are made both plain tailored and with lace tops;
kimona sleeves or sleeveless ; round, square or V tops.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor East
From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. Tuesdaji-1200 Pieces of
Genuine Aluminum Ware
Worth 1.95 to 6.50 the Piece-Every piece a Good Value
6, 8 and 10-quart perlin kettles, 6, 8 and 10-quart
sauce pans, 8-cup percolators, 17-quart dish pans, 7 and
8-quarVtea kettles, 6, 8 and 10-quart preserving kettles.
, Not Mora Than Two Pieces to a Cuatomer No Mail or Phone Order
No C. O. D.' No DeliTerie.. 1
Brandeis Stores Basement South
Your Choice,
' the Piece,
Answer the
Gift Question
. Despite the unusually
heavy demand for them,
we have a great variety,
and very moderately
priced. .
Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs
for women, embroidered
designs in corner, hem-'
stitched hem, two in a
fancy gi box, OpT
per box, uOv
Women's Silk Crepe de
Chine Hemstiched
Handkerc hief s with
floral borders and plain
centers: also fancy
, checked and barred de
signs. 35c values
for, each,
Brandeis Slores
Main Floor Center
From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Tuesday
1200 Pairs of
Women's Silk Hose
45 c
per pair
At this price no lengthy description is neces- ,
sary but we have a full line in .black, brown,
white, tan, navy, grey and pongee. -
They are so-called seconds of 75c to 1.50
V quality, and are a wonderful bargain at 45c. ' -
No C. O. D.s, No Mail Orders, No Telephone Orders, No Deliveries
; and No More Than Six Pairs to a Customer.
Brandeis Stores Main Floor East.-
Gift Hosiery
sure to ba appreciated.
ipeciaity it it i of the m
perior quality to ba found here.
Our holiday) assortment for
women and children present
unusual opportunities to choose
utility gifts.
Women's Pure Thread Silk,
Full Fashioned Hosiery
fancy side clox, double
soles, heels and toes, lisle
tops. In combinations of
black with-white, navy with
white, black and white,
self-clocked; also some silk-to-the-top
in vcolors of black,
white, cordovan and greys.
These hose are worth up to
4.00 per pair, at
2.75 '
, Women's Pure Thread Silk
Hosiery Fjill fashioned
and seamless lisle tops;
double soles; in-black, navy,
cordovan, grey and pink;
also some in lace stripe all
around, with seam back.
Worth p to 2.50, -1 fA
for only l .OU
Brandeis Stores
Main Floor North
Shoppfntf Day
Crtrialtnaf ,9
Gift Ideas
A most wonderful showing of mir
rors in new effects. They sae
more popular than ever this year
as gifts, 2.00 to 150.00
' " Third Floor West
Made out of the best of felt, tops
edged with plush', 6 inches high,
leather soles and heels. They
come in grey, blue and lavender.
One of the many new novelties
just out, and the price is 4.00
Main Floor West
Boys' Neckwear '
Real boy plaids, in Windsor or four-in-hand
styles, 45c to 75c
Second Floor Mens Building
Antique, squatty Polychrome
Candlesticks, 3.00 each; Poly
chrome Candles to match, at,
each, . 1.75 and 2.50
Third Floor Center
Georgette Crepe Blouse
Trimmed with real filet lace, in
white and flesh. "She can't have
too many!". A lovely gift. At
Second Floor East
- Men's Gloves
For dress and street gloves; Per
riu's and Ireland's makes in fine
quality Mochas, capeskin and
. suede; unlined, silk-lined and
wool-lined. Prices ranging from
' ' 2.95 up to 7.50
Mens Building Main Floor
.J ' ' . Baby Things ,
Celluloid Rattles and Celluloid Dolls
and teething Rings; just what
baby needs. A wide assortment
of styles and colors. New ideas
for holiday gifts. 25c to 2.50
Third Floor East
Table Runners
.1 Tapestry or Cretonne Table Run
ner makes riot only a beautiful,
but a useful gift. Wejiave them
in colors and styles to suit any
room. Each, ' 1.50 to 12.50
Third Floor North ,
, Nainsook v
V 1
39-inch Oyama Nainsook, in colors
of pink or flesh. Extra fine
quality. 10 yards in fancy box.
Per box, 6.50
Basement North
Filet Scarfs
18x54-inch, in beautiful patterns,
copied from high class laces. Will
make an appropriate gift. Each,
''. 1-80
Main Floor South " .
Pussy Willow Petticoats
In all the new shades flowered and
plain. Ranging in price from
12.50 to 14.95
Second Floor South
"Fellers, Come On Over" and See Our Toys!
Zi Humpty Dumpty Circus. More
Engine, coal car and two
passenger cars,
Wolverine Wash Sets Consisting of tub, wringer,
basket, clothes rack, clothes pins 9 fA
and wash board, Li0J
Tyro Blocks .
The new Construction Blocks. Builds every
thing from bridges to bungalows and gunboats to
Ferris wheels
No. A, at 1.00 No. C, at 4.00
No. B, at 2.00 No. D, at 5.00
No. B-l, at 3.00 J No. E, at 10.00,
Erector Sets
'Ncl Erector Seta, at .25 .
No. 2 Erector Sets, at 2.50
No. 4 Erector Sets, at 6.00
Steel Train for the small boy en
gine, coal car and 1 ' 7cr
passenger car, I DC
Engine, coal car an. three
passenger cars, J..DU
The Big Yankee Cannon The biggest cannon
you ever saw for the money. Will shoot straight
and knock 'em down every , O A A
time! Only O.UU
Fire Fly Self-Steering Sleds Made b
the factory that makes Flexible Flyers, so
they must be good
XO No. 9, at 2.75
m 1 -., No.l'Q-,at3.25 rJV
Toyland! No.lliaf4.oo-- z
1 ..
.... " '
Brandeis Stores-
Gilbert Machine
Gun, at 4.0(T
-Fourth . Floor
Gilbert Motors,
t 1.50
Here are Gifts hat will be highly -prized
by the recipient
From the Hardware -Section
Deleter Electric Washing Machine 95.00
Get Her an Electric Washing Machine for Christmas!
Makes home surroundings pleasant and saves many
a backache! Single Tub Dexter with 5- A A
year guaranteed wringer and tub stand, at tD.UU
Double-Tub Dexter with 5-year guaran-1 QfT A A
teed wringer and double-tub stand, at LiU ))
"Sweeper Vacuum"
Electric Cleaner
A high-grade Electric Vacuum
Sweeper with a motor-driven brush,
that can be shut off or on as de
sired. A practical and useful Christ
mas gift for the house- A H CA
wife. Special, at
Universal Electric Grills .
Come in round and oblong patterns
with different cooking utensils for
toasting, baking, or grilling those
dainty morsels you like so much! Op
erates on three different heats of
electric current Priced
10.50 and 12.00
Brandeis Stores Basement West