Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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' Hoped to SeizeBorder States
Acquired by America irf
Year ' 1848 Carranza
' Supported Radicals.
' Centlnsd Trm Paf Om.1
two Atlantic ports; that's large num
ber of American soldiers were pre
paring to take sids with jhem, and
that they proposed to .establish" a
, capital cf a reformed government of
the United States in the. state of
olorad; that when such a reyolu-
tion was successful, the Mexicans
V rendering their assistance, the bor-
- der atates which; were acquired by
, the United States tinder the treaty
,"of 1848, woold be returned to Mex-
- ko. '
" f . Secure Copies of Letters.
The three men referred to are the
same, the memorandum: states, as
; those mentioned by Carranza in let
ters of which the committee has se
cured photostatic copies. The first
cf these letters, dated June 3, and
addressed to "Manuel Aguirre Ber
lanara, Mexican minister of Gober
nacion, says: ,
"Senor, Lino Caballo, bearer of
this Jetter, is the person who, in
company with two friends, will
bring to you the manifestos and the
planr which they desire to put into
practice in the state of Texas.
. This plan being very favorable
for Mexico, please aid them in every
' way and give the necessary instruc
tions in the frontier states.
A "I remain your affectionate friend,
; . "V. CARRANZA."
The second letter, dated August
' 1; and addressed to the same gov
ernment official, follows:
"The present letter will be deliy-
t ered to you by Mr. Juan N. Garcia
- and the two friends from Texas, who
accompany him .and, in accordance
with our conversation, please give
them the guarantee they solicit as
' welt as the pecuniary assistance they
may desire. . . ' 4
- "I remain your friend, aff ection
atcly . .
Mexico and Japan.
Other" information secured by the
conimittee and which it regards as
:. reliable, indicates treaty negotiations
between Mexico and Japan. The
'document in possession of the com
mittee states that one high official
of Mexico would communicate to
.'another high official that "the treaty
with Japan is coming along" and
that the writer is jconvinced of the
"great advantages it would bring
Mexico for its national integrity."
. Reference is contained in another
; document to the support the Mex
ican government proposes to give
'German commercial initiative, in
v Senator Fall's comment on the
plan of revolution disclosed in the
? minutes of the Lodge meeting, s
S that it would appear "preposterous,
K ridiculous and so fantastic of itself
to Reserve little attention, were it
not ' first, for the? fact, that it is
'similar in all essentials to the plan
of San t)iego, which the only judi
cial tribunal passing upon the ques
tion -was declared to have backed
'or supported by armed forces
; through the state of war by V.
Carranza in 1915, and second, were
it not for the fact that the plan
of San Diego itself antedating, and
this present plan following, were
and are in exact line with the note
of June 19, 1917, from Zimmerman
to Von Eckhart, then ambassador
from Germany to Mexico.
The Zimmerman Note.
"The Zimmerman note contained
" the paragraph. 'We (Germany)
shall give general finance support
. (to Mexico),' and it is understood
that Mexico is to reconquer the lost
territory in New Mexico, Texas and
Arizona." I
In connection the memorandum
- called attentton to the suggestion
in the Zimmerman note, that Mexico
" communicate with Japnji, suggesting
adherence to the plan and offer her
medation between Japan and Ger
many. .
The evidence in possession of the
I .committee, Senator ' Fall informed
mhe president, indicates that con
ditions now along the border are
"rapidly taking on the same char-
f I
acter which had been assumed in
our relations with Mexico prior and
subsequent to" the date fixed for
the uprisings under the plan of San
The New Mexico senator support
ed his recent charges that radical
literature advocating the soviet form
of government was being distribut
ed by the Mexican embassy and the
consulates of Mexico in the United
States by an account of the manner
in which the Information was se
cured. A copy of the booklet was
procured from the embassy by mail
ing a request to the embassy, the
senator said, adding that admission
by the author, Arthur Thomson,
that the Mexican government was
aiding him in the distribution of his
article and that it had secured from
him several thousand copies, is con
tained in a letter in reply to one
signed by a German name.
Carranza's blue Book.
The committee, the memorandum
said, had obtained possessions of
what President Carranza calls his
"blue book." At various places in
this book attention is called to the
"oppressive policy" of the United
States toward Mexico and stress is
laid upon the assertion that Presi
dent Carranza has resisted every
such encroachment and in every in
stance "from the first proposed Ni
agara conference, down to. and in
cluding the American protests as to
nationalization of lands and other
properties" that he has been suc
cessful bv "refusing absolutely" to
yield in any respect to the demands
of this governrftent.
The memorandum also contained a
codv of a letter said to have been
written by Carranza to. Miss Hernii-
la oahndo. who had written a book
entitled "The Carranza Doctrine."
The Mexican president's note to her
concerned a second book which he
said he wished- her to write and
with this in view he was sending her
a copy of the "blue book," which he
said would justify the attitude ot his
government in its "systematic hos-.
tility towards foreign speculators,
especially Americans and English."
Do not forget my injunction.
Carranza wrote, "to describe in live
ly colors the tortosity of the Amer
ican policy with relation to our
country, causing the figure of Wil
son to stand well out as the director
of that policy." '
Light and Heat Rules
Of 191 7 Are Restored
(Con tinned From Page One.) .
phone, telegraph or public utility
companies are exempted.
Heating Regulations.
Only enough heat may be used
in offices, stores, warehouses and
manufacturing plants to keep the
nveage temperature at 68 degrees
Fahrenheit, and then only during
the hours for which light is per
mitted. During other hours only
enough heat is to be used to pre
vent freezing of water pipes or
sprinkler systems. '
In manufacturing plants or plants
coming under power curtailment
rules, heat (to 68 degrees Fahren
heit) will be allowed only during
that time prescribed for use ,of
jo manufacturing plant' or fac
tory shall be furnished bituminous
coal or coke, or heat, light and pow
er from bituminous coal or coke fur
nished by or through the United
States fuel administration for op
eration in excess of three days a
week, on the tasis of present work
ing hours. The exceptions are
hlairies, refrigerating plants, bakeries,
plants for the manufacture of neces
sary food products, of necessary
medicinal products, water works,
sewage plants, printing plants for
the printing of newspapers only, bat
tery charging outfits in connection
with plants producing light or power
for telephone, telegraph or publicity
Elevator service must be curtailed
as much as possible in accordance
with above regulations on use of
heat, light and power,
v Electric railways shall reduce
schedules to minimum requirements
of service under revised hours of
heating, lighting and power as. here
in provided.
No heat shall be provided on elec
tric cars during rush hours and heat
ing during nonrush hours shall be
curtailed as much as possible.
t Electric railways and manufactur
ing plants, stores and offices are re
quired to co-operate in arranging,
within the provision of the order
schedules, days and hours of work
to permit the maximum utilization
of transportation equipment
. -
Coal Committee Denies Claim
Of Commissioner Butler
That There Are 1,000
Cars in Yards.
Cn You Solve the Dolly
In the plctar of Dolly on th Uft ars
number of hidden feces, Cm how many
you can find. Sorao sr. looking at you
some shew sides ot fac you'll find thorn
upside down; in the folds of Dolly dress,
nd every way. Mark each face you find
with an X. If you find 1ft hidden faces
you have solved tb Dolly Fusile.
I Have a -Big Doll
Like This for You
This 1 not a cloth doll to stuff, but
a big baby doU In a beautiful dress:
has nice long curly hair, complete
set of underwear, nice stockings and
shoes, and everything to match. Dol
ly stands nearly half a yard high.
Tou'll be th proudest girt la the
neighborhood when you get this dolL
Th big blue eyes, the peaches and
cream complexion, the little rose
bud mouth, makes this the hand
somest and sweetest doU you could
possible Imagine.
Erery Little Girl Can Hare
a Dolly Like This for
Her Very Own.
Mark all th face yon can find.
Don't give up too easily, it at first
you find It a little hard to solve the
Junle. When you have found 10
aces, write your nam and addrest
on th coupon, clip out Dolly pic
ture and mall wlthont delay with
th Fussl coupon below. v
f "dolly puzzle coupon "
M. CXArSSEX, Hasovrer, t
I M K. 4th St. 8T. PAtX, MZNX
" I have solved the Dolly Puzzle, and am
I sending you my nam and address for youi
1 BIQ FRB DOLL offer.
Mam ............
rosuunc .....y
Street ,,.,((ffn,,Miii.vMXM1
' atat .....Rural Boat No.......
"This Doll Offer No Good in the City of Omaha"
curly; .
1 w w
(Csmttoued From Page One.)
Union Pacific tracks between Six
teenth street and Vinton streeet via
duct, ISO cars in Gibson yards and
200 cars in the north railroad yards,"
he said.
Worse Two Years Ago,
"Fuel men told me that this coal
isn't being moved and J was also
told that a trainload of coal has been
on the Missouri Pacific tracks here
for a week and the cars have not
been separated.
"There is more coal in , Omaha
now than there was at this time two
years ago and I can't see the neces
sity or sense of closinor industries. I
believe 't is time that the city officials
should get busy and obtain reliable
information on just how much coal
there is in Omaha.
, ' State tJnjverslty Closed.
The University of Nebraska,
which has been open on part time,
was completely closed yesterday on
account of coal shortage. The
Daily Nebraskan," the student pub
lication of this institution, was sus
pended on account of lack of adver
Weather conditions seriously in
terfered with the regularity of street
car traffic yesterday and caused
much inconvenience for those who
had to stand at chilly corners wait
ing for their cars.
First-hand information on just
how much coal there is in Omaha
was, sought yesterday by the city
council following reports that there
are 500 cars standing in the railroad
yards of Omaha. Mayor Smith said
that a railroad man gave him this
information yesterday morning. Men
were sent out to make a check on
the cars of coal in the railroad yards.
Wire from Denver.
It is believed that great quantities
of coal are being confiscated by the
railroads. Commissioner Butler re
ceived word that two cars of coal
for the municipal coal yards were
shipped from the Colorado mines
two weeks ago. Yesterday morning
he received a telegram from Richard
Orotte, chief clerk m his office, who
went to Denver last week, stating
that both cars had been confiscated
by the railroads.
Mayor Smith received a telegram
from Peter Kooi, big coal operator
in Sheridan, Wyo., stating that two
thirds of the output of the mines
there is being used by the Burling
ton railroad.
According to the result of the
mayor's investigation there are plen
ty of cars but no coal, contrary to
Governor McKelvie's statement last
week that there was plenty of mined
coal in Wyoming but no cars in
which to move it.
Severe Weather Conditions.
: Severe weather conditions prevail
ing yesterday throughout Nebraska,
Wyoming and Colorado, had a di
rect bearing upon Omaha's coal
situation, in the opinion of members
of the terminal coal committee when
they entered upon their second week
of serious work yesterday morning.
"This storm will have a direct ef
fect upon Omaha," remarked H. L.
Snyder, acting chairman of the com
mittee, while waiting for the com
mittee to meet.
Snow was reported along the lines
of the Union Pacific and Burlington
lines through Nebraska, Wyoming
and Colorado, with slight winds and
temperatures from zero to IS de
grees above zero. Trains are belated
and wire trouble is reported from
points in western Nebraska and
Colder Weather Coming.
The United States local weather
bureau forecasts snow today. Nine
degrees above zero was registered
here at 7 yesterday morning and
at 10 a. m. the temperature was
6 degrees above. The weather bu
reau reported a general snow over
the state Sunday night and yester
day morning, with prospects of fresh
northerly winds over Nebraska to
day. No heavy winds were report
ed in Nebraska yesterday morning.
L. A. Welsh, local weather fore
caster, this afternoon stated that lie
expected the temperature will fall
below zero in Omaha tonight.
Valentine, Neb., reported 6 de
grees below yesterday morning and
2 above zero was reported by North
No additional receipts of coal
from the Rock Springs district in
sorthern Wyoming or the Sheridan
fields in northern Wyoming were
reported by the coal committee,
which is following with keen inter
est developments from day to day
in these districts whose production
is of material interest to Omaha.
This committee is making a careful
check today of the local situation,
with a view of imposing more re
strictive measures, as announced in
a statement issued Saturday night.
All Mines Closed. .
"The snow storm now raging in
Wyoming and Nebraska is cutting
off wire communications from the
Rock Springs district in southern
Wyoming, so that there is no recent
information from that district. News
received yesterday morning from the
Sheridan coal fields in north Wyo
ming indicate that all mines are
closed, due to a refusal of the miners
in that district to return to work
Monday morning.
"No advice has been received by
the committee from Washington or
Chicago which would change the
? resent measures of conservation,
n the event that the strike is ended
the first effort of the committee will
be to supply coal for use in the
homes of Greater Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs,- after which, if the situa
tion is improved, distribution of
coat will be made to industries, so
that workers may earn their liveli
hood." Coal Receipts Dwindle.
The committee is of the opinion
that under the most favorable cir
cumstarces now in sight, Omaha's
coal receipts this week will be less
than last week and it is stated that
last week's receipts did not equal
the consumption even under conser
vation. Omaha's coai supply is being re
duced, the committee reports and
as long as that condition obtains, a
stricter policy of conservation re
quirements will be imposed.
Distress Increases.
Continued wintry weather and the
closing of industries are revealing
an increasing number of cases of
distress. .
"I wouldn't care so much if I
didn't have a wife and two children
at home," said an applicant for
work at the city free employment
bureau yesterday morning. "One of
the kiddies is , months old and I
have to get work," he added.
"We receive appeals from more
than V 5 destitute families every day.
in addition to many other cases of
the usual class," said Mrs. G. W.
Dcane of the Associated 'Charities.
"Many of these families who are
now asking us for relief are abso
lutely destitute, without food or fuel
and in some instances they are in
need of warm clothing for their chil
dren. A mother told me Monday
morning that she and her husband
and four children have been eating
only one meal a day and that they
held out as long as they could be
fore applying to charity for the first
Children Need Clothing.
"The saddest case we had Mon
day," said Maj. Frank McCormick of
Volunteers of America," was that of
a mother, father and five children,
the oldest child being less than 9
years old. The father has been
working four hours a day and the
mother is ill. The children all need
warm clothing."
A woman applied at the Volun
teers of America yesterday morning
for aid to help a sick husband and
three children who are less tljan 6
years old. v
A deaf and dumb man also applied
to, Major McCormick for assistance.
Hampers Car Service.
"There will be no further curtail
ment of schedules for at least the
next few days," said R. A. Leussler,
general manager of the street rail
way company. "We are hoping
that the miners will return to work
this week, and if that should be the
case, then we will not anticipate
any further reduction of our serv
ice. Street car service will be re
sumed tonormal conditions as fast
as fuel conditions warrant."
Receive Fuel Oil.
The Nebraska Power company's re
port yesterday stated that this pub
lic utility can operate at lest 10- days,
under restricted conditions, and
with present fuel supplies. The
company received eight cars of fuel
oil Sunday and yesterday, which
gave the plant an advance oil supply
for the first time during the coal
emergency. During the last week
conservation measures observed in
homes resulted in a reduction of 5
per cent in the demands for elec
trical energy produced at this plant.
Ice Firms Pool Coal.
Ice yesterday was seven inches
thick on the lakes near Omaha and
in the event that cold weather con
tinues 10-inch ice will be available
soon. - .
At a conference yesterday manu
facturers producing ice for the pre
servation of food agreed with the
coal committee to pool their supply
of ice, which will result in the clos
ing of fonr plants now operated by
coal-made steam.
Omaha ice manufacturers yester
day agreed with the terminal coal
committee to a conservation meas
ure which they believe will reduce
their coal consumption 50 per cent.
The Storz Beveridge and Ice com
pany and the City Ice company have
closed their ice plants and the Oma
ha Ice and Cold Storage company
and the People's Ice company have
each closed one of their plants.
By pooling their product with the
municipal ice plant the ice needs of
the city will be met until natural
ice is cut, which it is believed will
be soon.
It ' is estimated that this meas
ure will effect a reduction of 50 per
cent in the amount of coal now be
ing consumed by these industries.
Employes of the ice plants not op
erated will work at the plants which
will be open.
The coal committee has not re
ceived officfal advice of the appoint
ment of H. G. Taylor of Lincoln as
fuel administrator for Nebraska.
Members of the committee believe
that Mr. Taylor's appointment will
not disturb the fuel administration
plans now in operation here.
Randall K. Brown and J. M. Gil
Ian of the Chamber of Corrjmerce
are considering a plan for giving
men employment chopipng wood.
Information on 1 available timber
near Omaha is being obtained and
plans for organization will be an
nounced this morning.
i wish to emphasize the impor-
Restoration of German
Monarchy Is Planned
(Continued From Fag One.)
reckon with a return to the mon
archy immediately or even soon.
"It can V assumed that the next
elections will show a strong shift
to the right (nationalist or conserv
ative side), should this assumption
prove correct, and we get a Buerger
liche (bourgeois) majority in the
reichstag that is, a majority of the
middle classes then there is reason
to believe the desire for the restora
tion of the monarchy will gradually
become more general. t
Plebiscite to Decide.
"In any case, and under all cir
cumstances, the reintroduction of
the monarchial system would have
to be brought by a vote of all the
German people, that is, by a
"Will the future monarchy, as con
ceived, differ from the old, and in
what respects?" I asked.
"It is self-evident thatahe future
monarchy will have to differ in
many respects from the old regime,"
answered Colonel Bauer. "It will es
sentially be a democratic and con
stitutional monarchy, with responsi
ble ministers that is, similar to the
one in Britain.
"For that matter, the power of the
former monarchy has been much
overrated. Many of the old catch
words about our former monarchy,
such as 'absolutism,' 'militarism' and
'junker domination' are based upon
ignorance of the real power of the
kaiser and our inner political rela
tions and governmental system! This
must be clear to every one after un
prejudiced study.
"Had the former monarchy really
been as strong as it was generally
credited with being, there certainly
would have been no revolution.
VThe future monarchy will be, of
course, a really central power, but
this centralized power will above all
lie in the representatives elected by
the people."
Vis it assumed, then, that a mon
archical government can more
quickly reconstruct and build up
Germany than the present form?"
was my next question.
Can't Reconstruct Germany.
"The present German government
can in no event reconstruct Ger
many," answered the spokesman of
the German monarchists. "The pres
ent igovernment is identified in the
consciousness of the German people
with the signing of the armistice
and the Versailles treaty which
forced upon us unfillable conditions.
"In addition, the realization and
the conviction that 1 our collapse
was due to the undermining agi
tation of the social democrats dur
ing many years, is gaining ground
among the German people.
"Brit quite apart from all this,
it is not a popular government, but
purely a party regime, and of ex
clusively social democratic tend
encies. The ministers, not even
Noske, can get away from their
party, since it would mean the loss
of all their following.
"On the other hand, it has been
demonstrated that the social demo
cratic principles transformed into
practice demoralizes and ruins
every state, for the reason that they
are neither social nor democratic
and lead to general corruption.
"Germany, which formerly was
above all suspicion of corruption
and graft,Ms now a hotbed of both.
Out of these traits and character
istics of the social democratic system
arose the splitting of the movement
into communists and extremists on
the one hand and ths more sober,
wiser and more moderate socialists
on the other.
"The reconstruction of Germany
is possible only by the co-operation
of the moderate industrial
working classes, the peasantry and
cival service officialdom. All these
desire a truly liberal 'constitution
in the real democratic sense."
't Remove Private 4
Plants to Aid the City
Washington, Dec. 8. A Lbs An
geles city ordinance authorizing re
moval of privately-owned electric
light wires interfering with the ex
tension of the municipal street light
ing system was declared unconsti
tutional today by the supreme court.
tance of the wood-chopping idea and
hope that the Chamber of Com
merce and other organizations will
take this up in a serious manner,"
said Mr. Snyder of the coal com
mittee, adding, "There is little coal
in sight today." s
' , To Heal A Couch
rke HATES' HEALING HONEY. J6o per bottle.
Meditations for Married Men
It's a satisfaction to a married man when his wife sniffs
approvingly and says "My! That's a good cigar you're
smoking". ;
That's one reason Meditations make the ideal after-dinner
smoke they please all the family. '
The skillful blend of fine, mild Havana gives taste and fra
grance mat maKe Meaitanons ieaa in popuiaruy wuer-
ever tney are miroaucea.
Harle-Haas ComDanv.
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Thermometers on the streets at
midnight last night, registered 3 de
grees below zero, the lowest mark
the mercury , has reached this year.
Automobilists railed at the day,
they railed at the storm, they railed
at their cars, and then called the
nearest garage to tow them in off
the streets. One garage in the down
town district towed in 11 cars be
tween 8 and midnight. Towing busi
ness in other garages was rushing.
Weary street car patrons felt last
night that their grief had reached
the highest. When Old King Coal
curtailed the already "punk" street
car service, they didn't complain.
But when a lusty young blizzard
dropped in on them and curtailed
still further the "already-curtailed-punk"
service, they were rightly
Taxicabs were at a premium,. but
taxi service was little better than
that of the street cars.
pointment of a commission to in
vestigate and report on what is a
just increase in wages.
Under this plan, it was believed,
the miners would return to work at
once at the 14 per cent advance
and after final settlement be given
the benefit of any increase above the
14 per cent by payment of back
wages during the period interven
ing. To Probe Reds.
Tacoma, Wash.,' Dec. 8. Federal
Judge E. E. Cushman called today
a federal grand jury in line with the
government policy of prosecutinf
radicals in this part of the state. ,
Every police officer is supposed
to try the front and rear doors of
each business house on his beat after
closing hours. When a cop finds an
open door he informs the owner at
ence by telephone and then stands
guard until the owner arrives. Last
night the quest for open doors was
more spirited than it has been for
months. The order of procedure on
finding an open door, differed, how
ever, irom the regular course. An
open door last night meant a refuge
from the wind and cold and snow.
Last night's open door list at cen
tral station was dozens more than
A barrel of rubbish burning in the
basement of the W. O. W. building
at 6:30 brought several . fire com
panies to the scene. No crowds
gathered about the fire trucks.
Blizzard Is Raging
Throughout the West
(Continued From Far One.) ( '
temperatures in Missouri, Kansas,
parts of Oklahoma and Texas, as
well as eastern Colorado and Ne
braska were said to be rapidly fall
ing. Severe suffering among live
stock is feared.
Nebraska's low fuel supply was
further reduced -by temperatures j
that reached as low as 9 degrees !
below zero. Snow storms interfered j
with railroad traffic and all railroads :
operating from Denver to the east j
were (experiencing great difficulties. I
Temperatures have already fallen
to below zero over Wisconsin, '
northern Iowa, Minnesota, the Da
kotas and other western states. The
cold wave will spread southward
during Tuesday and Wednesday to
the Gulf of Mexico and Wednesday ,
and Thursday generally east of the
Mississippi river.
Still Mum on Terms
Of Coal Agreement
(Continued From Face One.)
taken and it was indicated that they !
expect a speedy, settlement of the
strike and resumption of work in
the mines. It is believed that a
statement by Ellis -Searles, editor of
the United Mine Workers Journal,
to the effect that any proposal which
met the approval of Mr. Lewis and
Mr. Green would be endorsed by the
executive board reflected opinion
among the miners generally.
v Speculation on Proposal
There was much speculation to
night as to the terms of the proposal
of President Wilson and widely dif
ferent views were expressed. How
ever, a preponderance of opinion fa
vored reports that the proposal did
not contemplate any ' advance in
wages above the 14 pef cent pro
posed by the government through
Fuel Administrator Garfield at the
close of the last joint conference of
operators and miners in Washing
ton, but contained provision for ap-
Give him a cravat; there
never was a man who
had too many. And we're
showing such a wide as
sortment of decidedly in
dividual patterns that
there is scarcely ""any
chance of duplication.
The finest silks and color
ings for prices ranging
, from 75c to $6 each.
Lounging robes and bath
robes, in wool, silk or
terry cloth, and a sur
prising variety of them,
priced from $6 to $50
His Gift
Isn't the hopeless prob
lem that seems to over
whelm most people, and
our Men's Shop simpli
fies the choosing of it by
an offering including
only the tasteful, the.cor
rect and thoroughly Met
ropolitan in haberdash
ery. Good . looking plaids,
checks and two tones in
any shade or quality, in
silk or lisle hose.
Handkerchiefs of pure
Irish linen, have hand
embroidered initials, and
hand hemstitched hems,
or borders of cord or
tape. Colored ones as
well, in linen or silk.
Gloves of all sorts, from
heavy driving gauntlets
to white gloves for eve
ning wear.
To the left at you enter.
Most Attractive Aprons
For Maids, for Nurses, for Office Wear
Maids' aprons in charm
ing styles, come . either
long or short, with bibs.
Simply hemmed and hem
stitched aprons or daintily
lace-trimmed styles are to
be had) aprons at all
Tea approns of crisp dot
ted swiss or plain materi
als, have the most charm
ing variations in the way
of bibs and trimmings;
they are priced from 75c
to $1.25.
Nurses' aprons with either
fitted or full gathered
skirts, and with or with
out bibs, are $2.
Black sateen office aprons
are $1.50.
' On the Second Floor.
ttmra . N
Let This Store Solve
Your Gift Problem
Here are gathered the best of traveling goods. The taste
and experience of courteous attendants are at your service.
Toilet Traveling Sets
Black Pebble Leather with fancy
moir silk and IsmUinr Hninra.
fitted with Parisian Ivory and
Juoony. Frlces range from
$25 to $5
Ladies' Hand Bags
These come in Cordovan, Seal
Walrus, Mountain Goat and Cow
hide. Silk and leather linings.
$25 to $2
A very acceptable gift
Traveling Bags
A most acceptable gift for Man
or Lady. A great variety of sises
and styles.
In Seal, Walrus, Mountain Goat
and Cowhide, also fabricoid.
$40 to $3.75
Purses and Card Cases
Something every man needs and
appreciates. A large assortment
in all leathers and styles, ranging
in price from
$12 to 50c
Portfolio Cases
Used so much by Salesmen,
Lawyers and Clergymen. The
largest assortment in Omaha.
$19.50 to $3.75
Leather Collar Bag;
Manicure Seta
Leather Photograph Frames
Jewel Cases
Cigar and Cigarette Cases
Folding Clothes Hangers
Tie Cases
. Glove and Handkerchief
"Omaha's Best Baggaga Builders"
1803 Farnam St