Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Be food, dear child, and let wfca will be clever;
DO noble thing., aot DREAM tb.m ail day lon,
AaJ aaake Ufa and death and that aet foravar
Oaa grand sweet aonf. . . .
Csarlee Klngsler.
Co, thaw the baa that stunt your hand
The swootaat (War in all tha land
Than from Ita bosom, ?ha will bring
Tha honor that, will cur tha atina.
3. M. B. Piatt
THE return of Lady Astor as a
member of Parliament for the
v Sutton division of Plymouth,
it a triumph for the idea of woman
in politic. It if gratifying to wom
en all over the world that this
viscountess laid: claim to the office
on legitimate grounds, viz: the priv
- ilege to serve. Lady Astor said
.after election "There is a new
pint, both in public and in private
life, which is struggling through.
, By this I mean the spirit of citizen
ship and service which was brought
out by the war." She is said to have
a deep insight into the needs of the
working woman and the working
man; and a whole-hearted desire to
help. Her ready wit, her lack of
bitterness and her abounding energy
were no doubt potent factors in her
election. Although I cannot say.
"The best man won, I can say that
the best policy won" is a character
istic remark.
Whether' women seek the po
litical arena or not, the changing
world has brought them to a place
where they are extended the priv
ilege of equal citizenship with men,
and equal responsibility. Thus, in
terest and activity in politics be
comes a duty which no conscien
tious woman will shun. And to be
effective in the poltical life of our
country women will have to aligne
themselves with political parties.
Some i women don t like the idea;
they probably don't like washday,
tither, but the clothes have to be
cleaned. We have a government to
keep clean, or make clean, too. and
no woman, or man, has a right to
complain about the "soiled" pieces
in it, who does not take an interest
in elections and otherwise do- her
part as jan American citizen.
Shimsker Committee.
A Shimsker committee has or
ganized "The Shimsker Relief
Fund." About 30 members met on
Sunday, November 30, at the Swed
ish auditorium and elected the fol
lowing officers: Ruby Ferer, chair
man; Harry White, treasurer; Sam
uel Weiss, secretary. Advisory
board; Joe Stern, Joe White, Sam
Peltz, Harry Rochman and Joe
Suffrage Ratification.
South Dakota, with its ratifica
tion of the federal suffrage amend
ment, makes Jhe twenty-first state
to line up for equal suffrage.
PHOENIX HOSIERY for Xmas, a gift that is
always appreciated you are bound to please
usefulness, combined with service, and the sheer
beauty of all Phoenix Hosiery places them be
yond a doubt, the gift of gifts. '
We are Omaha's real PHOENIX HOSE store.
We carry everything that PHOENIX makes. We
have PHOENIX ALL every one of those beau
tiful Phoenix shades and -grades, even to all
shades in out sizes.
OUR HOSIERY salesmen are men that know
their business know Hosiery not the I-guess-this-and-guess-that-kind,
but real Hosiery sales
men the kind it is a real pleasure to buy from.
BEAR THIS IN MIND There is a shortage of
Phoenix Hosiery for Xmas. So do not delay
one day longer. Make your selection today,
not tomorrow.
We have PHOENIX ALL pure silk, silk and'
wool, and the new all-wool Hose, in all sizes for
both men and women in all shades, even the
out sizes.
wWl. SI .SI. II M. M.0S., I2.8S. 15.10, 15.81.
MOT' 00. $1.00. S1.2S. SI.7S.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
South 16th St.
The Tug of Life and Death
Two warring forces the red blood cells and the white blood cells are always con'
tending for mastery in the blood. They are the processes of building up and tearing
down. During youth the building-up process of the red blood cells is in the ascen
dency so that die tendency of the body is all towards growth and development As
middle age approaches the two forces tend to equality while with the coming of old
age, the victory of the tearing down process of the white blood cells is manifested by
the slow, gradual decay of the vital energies.
Wakes Rich Red Blood
Oxygen it the life givei necessary to maintain life. REOLO absorbs the oxygen from the air in
the lung and carries it into the blood rapidly oxidizing or revitalizing the red blood cells and
increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, sending through the entire body a stream of
rich, vitalized, health-giving blood that nourishes every cell, of the nerves, tissues, brain and bones.
By special arrangement with the Dr. A. L Reusing Laboratories, we have been appointed
licensees for the distribution of "REOLO" direct from the laboratories. Each package is certified
by Dr. A. L. Reusing, and sold under a positive guarantee of satisfactory results or we will gladly
refund your money. Large box of REOLO (containing 1 00 tablets,) only costs $1 .00.
Try Reolo the Strength Renewer Today
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Tuesday Musical
1 tr vsS
Mrs. C W. Axtell.
Mrs. C. W. Axtell, who is mem
bership secretary and chairman for
the Tuesday Musical club, which
office she has held for several years,
is known as one of the most active
and effective workers of the club.
Her efforts during the present sea
son have had much to do with the
unprecedented enrollment which has
now gone to more than 1,000 mem
bers. Memberships in the club are
closed for the year. There will be
seats available to ,the public in the
four remaining concerts of the sea
son, but through public sale rather
than by membership privilege. The
next number to be presented by the
Tuesday musical will be Frances
Ingram, contralto, and the Zollner
quartet, on January 13 1920.
i Y. W. C. A. Activity.
Fifty-seven thousand, six .hun
dred and twenty-two means were
served in the Y. W. C. A. cafeteria
during September and October this
year. That means about a thousand
people, mostly women, a day.
Luncheon and dinner only are
served. A little compilation re
cently issued by the Y. W. C. A.
shows that this isn't the only branch
in which the organization has been
working. These figures speak for
' 380 assigned to rooms through the
association rooms registry.
808 men, women and children were
met at the Union station by
the Travelers' Aid secretaries.
500 have found employment
through the employment de
partment 29 young women .were given a
permanent home at the asso
ciation residence,
2000 were provided with a summer
vacation ana weetc-ena nome
at Camp Brewster.
734 received physical training in
the gymnasium.
305 enrolled in educational classes.
'200 enrolled in extension and in
dustrial clubs. i
600 enrolled in the girls' work de
partment 258 attending vesper services and
Bible classes.
75 members in Business Women's
club. .
Building open day and night
1 Associated Charities. '
Twelve hundred and fifty people
in Omaha received help from the
Associated Charities during the
month of October. "This is only a
partial report, says Mrs. George
Doane, secretary. "We gave needed
assistance to 250 families and they
averaged five persons per . tamily.
We made 526 visits, gave 592 pieces
of clothing and 75 pairs of shoes.
The most frequent call for help
comes from widows, and usually
they are mothers of children."
All Saints Bazar.
All Saints church will hold its
Christmas bazar Friday, as previous
ly announced, but the place has
been changed to the Fontenelle par
lors on the mezzanine floor, from 10
a. 'm. to 5 p. m. "Home-cooked
foods, dolls, bags, children's romp
ers and maids' aprons will be our
specialties," says Mrs. W. H. Clarke,
chairman of th committee in
charge. Mrs. John Redick, chairman
of the tea which was to have been
held in connection with the bazar
says that feature has been cancelled
Slav Woman
Brccntly Correspondent In Poland for tba
International Newt Serrlca and
London Dally Expreae.
London, Dec. 4. Now that the
Slav nations of eastern Europe are
released from Muscovite rule, it is
important to realize that the root
difference between the Russian 'and
other Slavs lies in the Mongol strain
which is responsible for that indif
ference to life and human suffering
which Russia has s,hown again and
again. - ,
In Poland parental control is very
strong, almost patriarchal. To this
day no daughter uses the familiar
"thou" to either father or mother,
the third person is always employed.
Thus a eirl will sav: "Did mother
call?" "Does mother say I may go
out?" the direct form of address
being considered not only impolite.
but insubordinate. The mother's au
thority is supreme; a Polish girl may
die of a broken heart, but she will
very rarely marry against her moth
er's wishes. '
Generally speaking, and unlike the
French or the English, the Polish
woman loves her husband more than
her children. Capable of intense
passion, she has a flaming constancy
which domesticity cannot dull. The
Russian woman is amorously ven
turesome: she changes her lover
with her inclination. The Slav wom
an has a fidelity which outlasts all
The Slav woman dominates her
husband and her household, not only
in family affairs, but in concerns of
wider issue. She is not in the least
aggressive, your Polonaise is a most
feminine person and understands
the full importance of charm. She
has always played a leading role in
politics. "Germany s worst enemy
is the Polish mother," said Bis
marck, and in Russian, as ia German
Poland, it was the mother who kept
the name of patriotism burning.
From earliest youth her sons and
daughters were trained in the sub
terranean policy of defiance, which
inevitably ended in discovery and
The Slav woman, whether peasant
or intelligentsia, is a wonderful man
ager. She has the French capacity
for bargaining, and is a born cook.
At Christmas, Easter and other fes
tivities she is preparing for weeks
and keeps open house, pressing hos
pitality on all who come. There are
no cakes in the world as nice as
those they make in Poland, every
kind and variety, miracjes of appe
tizing daintiness. S
While her political emancipation
is complete, socially her liberty is
curtailed. Before Poland regained
her independence revolutionary i
leaders included women, and at the
.present moment women members sit
in the Polish Parliament. But while
it was regarded as a matter ot
course for a girl to meet all sorts
and conditions of men at any hour
of the day or night for political
purposes, -it was and is impossible
for an unmarried woman to go to
dinner with a man unless they are
affianced, and a young Slav girl does
net dream of having an ice or a
glass of tea with a boy friend.
This, I think, is the effect of Rus
sian rule. The Polish woman has an
extraordinary fascination for the
Russian, and the official and mill
tary caste always tried their utmost
to gain access to the homes ot the
Poles. From a social point of view,
Beans! Beans!
Navy beana worth 15e per pound on
sala Friday and Saturday at 9 Vie per
Lenox Soap, 10 ban 49c
Palmollve Soap, 10 ban' ..98c
Electric Spark Soap, 10 ban 69c
Tall cana 16c
8- packages BSc
2 pounds 15c
Try HARPER'S today. It will pay.
1713 Howard Street.
Flatiron Bldg.
16th and Dodge
24th and Farnam
49th and Dodge
16th and Harney
19th and Farnam
How Am I To Know?
The experience of
the other woman
is the cheapest
you get--
Office of M. J; O'Donnell
Contractor ft Builder
are's a IsMer m
aineere trikntm.
It it onb en mf
66 Years Service.
QUALITY Survives.
nit it (As Seoeafy-secane? year
a CAarfer Oaa Stop. Aaatee .
mn4 araaces.
Charter Oak Stove t Range) Co. ,
St. Louis, lio.
Sire: I an usinf a Charter
Oak Cook Stove, manufactured
In 1852. It waa bought by ay
father In '53, and has been ia
oonatant use ever since. It
ia in perfect condition, hav
ing tha aaaa top, backand
doors; all are good. The top
is as laval as any new rtove
ever sada, so is the lining in
the back, and not even cracked. '
Urs. U. J. O'Donnell.
Avon, Ills., Box 223.
For Coal, Wood or Gas
Or Combination of All.
3,500 Dealers ia United States
135 Dealers in St. Louis
" Sell Them.
If your dealer tries to Ulk 70a into burins; another Idnd, write to na.
We AUo Makm Warm-Air Format
however, the Russian was complete
ly ostracized. No patriotic woman
would speak to a Russian unless she
were compelled, and as a conse
quence her attraction was intensi
fied. Had the Polish girl been seen
in public with young men of her
own nation the Russian would have
insisted on a similar privilege. Thus
only engaged couples were seen to
gether, and the Russian was left to
agonize at the gates of the Polish
t ii n 1 a
Nebraska Journalist.
A former Nebraska woman, now
a New York journalist, is back to
her native state. Mrs. Kftie I.erse
Scott has heen visiting in Lincoln,
attending a great variety of meet
ings,' particularly the silver anniver
sary of the Woman's club. Mrs.
Seott had charge of the welcome
work for Nebraska soldiers in New
York City until September IS.
Campfire Carols.
Rehearsal for Christmas carols
will be held at the Community
House, J716 Dodge street, Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock instead of at
the Y. W. a A., as scheduled.
Roosevelt Circle.
Roosevelt chautauqua circle will
meet Friday evening at 7:30 with
Mrs. F. A. Crcssey, South Side. Miss
Aiina uiscn, leader.
Kitchen Kinks.
Potatoes to be French fried ihould
stand in cold water for an hour be
fore frying.
Left over fruits, whether freah or
canned, may be used in delicious
gelatine salads. ,
Never spend a great deal o( time
on old materials do the work in
the simplest manner.
For Superfluous Hair
The Laadios Setter (at 10 Yean
Use Fresh at Wanted
Aek Your Dealer He Knows
111 Yl 1 ri 41 1 e f 1 1 r rrn f c to vauae to risk
1UAU1 1UU3 1U1 LUdli inwindow displays
wear a fur coat a-mark of distinction a sign of prosperity
Thome's entire ensemble of fur coats this week in
stock reduction sale
375.00 fur coals. , .289.00 275.00 fur coats. . .198.00 215,00 fur coats. . .159.00
350.00 fur coats. . .269.00 225.00 fur coats. . .179.00 100.00 fur coa'ts. . . .79.50
their smartness is captivating the values a revelation
tricot dresses
January prices are now in force; in every section ; good-looking, warm
dresses are m great demand
85.0r tricolette dresses now. 56.65
79.00 tricolette dresses now. . . . . .52.65
69.00 tricolette dresses now. .46.00
65.00 tricolette dresses now. . . i . .43.35
59.00 tricolette dresses now. . . . . .39.35
55.09. tricolette dresses now. . . . . .36.65
69.00 tricotine dresses now. .... .46.00
65.00 tricotine dresses now 43.35
55.00 tricotine dresses now. 36.65
49.50 tricotine dresses now. .... .33.00
,45.00 tricotine dresses now 29.75
39.50 tricotine dresses now. 26.35
navy serge and wool
59.00 serge and jersey dresses at 39.35
55.00 serge and jersey dresses at 36.65
44.50 serge and jersey, dresses at 29.65
jersey dresses
35.00 serge and jersey dresses at 23.35
29.75 serge and jersey dresses at 19.85
24.75 serge and jersey dresses at 16.50
aSw6 coats, suits, blouses, sweaters rl$!
cash and carry" , ' cash and carry
buy for now buy for spring buy for next winter
1 ii
1812 farnam street 1812
Wllillliillilllllliw blocks above high rents
We MUST have the co-operation of the public during the
present coal shortage emergency if we are to avoid complete
cessation of street car service.
Yorkers can help by starting home as soon as possible
after being dismissed from work instead of staying downtown
until 5 o'clock. Shoppers can help by starting home between
4 and 5 o'clock. Everybody can help by letting an already
crowded car pass and waiting for one less crowded, and by-
moving up to the forward end of the car instead of blocking the
aisles. . ,
Unless we are enabled to reduce the number of cars, by
fully utilizing those that are being operated, we will soon ex
haust the supply of coal and come to a standstill.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Co.