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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1919)
C sws I tk tax a nu Py t tha public MtauaC-awlft. . Let mi tmbraca the, sour advarsity, For ht men say It I tha wlsast ceursa bakaspaara. BO C I B TY ! Engagement Announced. i Brig. Gen. and Mm. L. M. Nutt imn of Columbus, Ga.. announce tae engagement of their' daughter, Elii IbcUl Long Nuttman to Capt lame B. Golden of the 29th in fantry. The Nuttman family for merly resided at Fort Crook, and 5iM Nuttman attended Brownell 2H. Z ' ' Sigma Chi Omicrom. The Sigma Chi Omicrom sorority Sril! hold their regular meeting Sat urday afternoon. M- 5 ; Children's Dansante. f Charlotte McDonald, daughter of lira. Charles G. McDonald, will en tertain at a children' dansante Sat urday afternoon at the Blackstone. j; ' For Mrs. Kalk. ' Mr. T. F. Kennedy will enter tain at an informal tea at her home Saturday afternoon, in honor of her fister, "Mrs. Flora Stanton Kalk, Who is her guest. J For Mra. Spltaer. '1 Mrs. Clarke Powell entertained at luncheon at her home Ihursaay in h - r( Mr. :T.vman Initrpr of uuiivi v. ... . " "j ....... c - i Toledo, O.. who is the guest of Mrs. ) Barton Millard. Pink roses were used to form the centerpiece and covers were placed for 22. Week End Dancing Club. The Week End Formal Dancing club will indefinitely postpone its holiday dance, December 13, to be held at the Fontenelle. Informal Affair. Mrs. Arthur Billings will enter tain informally at her home Friday evening for 15 guests. J. F. F. Club. 'The J. F. F. club was entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. C. i Scott. A Christmas party will be given December 20.. Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Prinr en tertained informally at dinner at home, Wednesday evening. Covers were placed for 12. , Following din ner, the guests .were entertained at bridge,. Luncheon, Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler enter tained informally at luncheon at her home Thursday. Omaha's Popular-Priced Shoe Store 1 1 I U I U M I I I f i If ! ,". t i f N ! J ! M Shoe Market Shoes Give i More For The Money SEE THE SHOES IN OUR WINDOWS. Growing girls' school shoes in good, sen sible low heels, colors are brown and black; $3.50 to $7.45. Ladies' patent leather vamp, beaver brown tops, both in button and lace styles, spe cial at $8.75. Ladies' patent leather vamp, with black satin top, new cov ered heel, a beautiful shoe, at $9.95. Ladies' dark brown kid leather boots, Louis heel, price, $7.95 and $10.95. minipnraitci HOSIERY OUR HOSIERY DEPT. provides the best hosiery values in the city for a little less than the established prices of other stores. Ask to see our silk hose, all colors, all sizes. Special for Christmas trade. , No Charges No Discounts No Deliveries. THE SHOE MARKET HoUl Conant Bldg. 320 South 16th St. J t - I 1 Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX Miss Erna Reed was elected pres ident of the Junior league to take the place of Mrs. Paul Gallagher, resigned, at the business meeting held Thursday. Miss Gertrude Stout was made vice president to fill the vacancy caused by the resig tion of Mis9 Esther Wilhelm. Mrs. CM. Wilhelm spoke to the league on "Home Service." Personals Mrs. John R. Hughes returned Wednesday from 'Chicago. Mr. James Cash of Denver is ill at St. Joseph's hospital. He came to Omaha to visit Mrs. Sarah Cash and Mr. T. A. Donphue. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Koenigsber ger and daughter, Iary Louise, of Sioux City, are spending the week in Omaha. ' ' ; Sale of New and Reclaimed U. S. ARMY GOODS Wa bava purchased over 1125,000 worth of Army Goods through our differ aat connection. All goods in the way of clothing have been thoroughly washed and ateriliaed and are germ free. Everything guaranteed at represented below: ' " WNCHOS Used). These are rectangular squares of oiled slicker goods, with an opening in center for a persons Head, stse oxo.- iwo ox mem soldier's pup tent. Condition A'l, each -2 . KHAKI BLOUSES OR COATS (Used but in good condition) each ........ 92e , KHAKI BREECHES (Used) Knee lace, good for hunters, motorcyclists to be worn with puttees, laced baots or leg-gins, no holes Me SWEATERS (Used) U. S. Regulation, all wool with sleeves. : No. 1. practically new, but for some slight defect I;-?; No. 2, same as above, but with soma darned places..., S3.8S SWEATER SLIP-OVERS (New). Khaki wool, to be worn under eoat ....$2.69 BOT SCOUT KHAKI WOOL SWEATERS (New). These are same as U. S. regulation and com only in tw6 sites, S2 and S4; very reasonable ..93.20 WOOL UNDERWEAR (Used). Most of these shirts and drawers can hardly be told from new except that they have been thoroughly laundered. This grade of goods sells from $2.00 to $2.7 S per garment retail. Our price on either shirts or underdrawers $1.20 OLIVE DRAB WOOL SHIRTS, ARMY REGULATION There shirts have been thoroughly graded as classified below, and are $5.60 to $7.60 retail values. NOTICE OUR PRICES i " A-l Perfect. These are shirts' that can't be told from brand new. . . .$3.70 ' ' No, 1. Perfect. This grade has no holes, rips or tears ; will giva all the wear and appearance that a new shirt will .....$3.10 ' No. S Shirts. This grade has some slight defects, as a small hole or re- . paired place '. $2.60 Ma. S. Torn Shirts. Repair these and you will have a dirt cheap work shirt, only ...$1.95 SOCKS (New). Heavy wool, dark blue, white toe and heel e SOCKS (New). Medium weight, light colored wool S9e . SOCKS (New). Dark colored mixed cashmere 39c BLANKETS (New). Pure white, regulation navy blanket, made from two pieces, flat felled seam, whipped around edge, bargain at $6.00 BLANKETS (Reclaimed). Perfect olive drab wool, like new $6.79 BLANKETS (Reclaimed). Olive drab wool, slight tear or defect, only.. $6.00 BLANKETS (Reclaimed). Commercial wool, some sliehtlv torn ,.$4.30 BAIN COATS (Reclaimed). U. S. regulation, wrinkled, but not soiled. .$3.49 SAIN COATS (Reclaimed). Slightly soiled, in perfect wearable condition ana ' ,. . a dirt cheap buy for delivery men, or anyona requiring a cheap rainproof eoat $2-90 ARMY OVERCOATS (Reclaimed). Mixed lengths, but perfect coats, no holes, -rips or tears, but all with government buttons cut off $5.20 ARMY OVERCOATS (Reclaimed). Mixed lengths, with torn places needing slight repairing. Dirt cheap, at .....$4.10 LONG TRENCH COATS (Reclaimed). Only a few of these, waterproof eanvat. long blanket lined coats, most with belts, very warm.... $11.30 MACKINAWS (Reclaimed). Both canvas with blanket lining, and regulation O. D. Wool with belts $730 lEOGINS (New). Regulation U. 8. front lace, khaki canvas $1.40 LEGGINS (New). Artillery style, side Jaee. khaki canvas 95c JERSEY GLOVES (Used). Here is a real buy for any work that will soil gloves quickly. Theaa are soiled in the palm, but perfect as new for wear, price per dosen, $1.40; or 9 pairs for Z5c CAS MASKS These are valuable as souvenirs; all have been overseas. .. .99c MATTRESSES (Reclaimed). Finest grade cotton, heavy ticking, sterlliied,, soma a trifle dusty from handling $3.60 SHOES (New). Soft cap toe, regulation Munson army last. Russets, few pair only, at $945 SHOES (Used but wearable). Considering the price of new shoes and the wear is these, wa think this is as good value as we have In the entire lot of good; new strings with each pair, choice, shea SH to- 11 $2.95 ' CUPS (New and used). Extra heavy mammoth army cups, most look like new, at ......13c TEASPOONS (Heavy rationed). U. S. Army grade, eaeb 4c TABLESPOONS Heavy U. S. Army grade, each Tc KNIVES and FORKS (Heavy retinned). U. S. Army grade 9c , OFFICERS' SMALL LOCKER TRUNKS These with locks broken, mostly, price $430 We have few complete with locks and trays, but no keys, these. .. .$520 We guarantee all goods as here represented, and will fill out-of-town orders far shipment by parcel post or express. All goods strictly f . o. b. Omaha. All orders must be accompanied by draft, express or postoffice money order. Money refunded if goods not as represented. (MARK PLAINLY GRADE WANTED.) ROPE. PURE MANILLA Wa have a number of pieces of first class Manilla Rope, new and only slightly used, in diameters from U inch to inch and in lengths from 10 ft. to 50 ft. With good rope retailing at SOe per lb. here is a snap, only, pet lb. .....23c COLD MEDAL STYLE FOLDING COTS. Reclaimed. Ne. l Cot. These have whole covers and are practically like new except for a little soil; eaeh '. $3.69 No, 2 Cots. These have covers which have been patched in strong as new shape. Soiled but perfectly good for ute and wear; each.... $239 OVERSEAS TELESCOPES We picked up a very small quantity of regulation -. tough fiber telescopes complete with double straps to go around, and 1 handles. $5.00 to $5.00 articles; while they last $2.11 KNITTED HELMETS Aviators' style helmets, mixed wool and cotton. These over thm head and neck completely-with an aperture for eyes and note. , Mfm driving in cold weather should , have one. A small quantity . only ., $139 Scott Army Goods Stores, Omaha, Neb. . Ne. 11503 Howard St , A No. 24729 So. 24th St, So. Omaha. Ooerated by Scott-Omaha Tent at Awning Co. REFERENCE Any Bank or Wholesale House in Omaha. Will Sumner and Billie Leslie have returned from Kearney where they were guests last week-end at the home of C. V. D. Basten. Mrs. Carl Li'nlnger and Mrs. L. V. Arnold have gone to Chicago wheye they will spend several weeks. ' Mrs. J. W. Percival, who. has been visiting in .Omaha for two months, left Thursday for Raton, N. M., where she will spend the winter. Willard Green of Omaha, law student at the University of Nebras ka and a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, has been chosen chair man of a committee in charge of the freshman law hop to be given December 19 in Lincoln. What Is Pro dcc? Dear Mlsa Fairfax, Omaha Baa: I am 9 dally reader of your column and think that you 9X9 a wonderful woman to be able to answer some of tho questions put to you. I wish you would pleas tell me th proper way to introduce a young" man to a young man, a young - man to a young; lady, and a young man to your mother. Her Is a question I want you to answer frankly: Do you think It is right that a crowd of high school boys and girls should play kissing games at a party 7 To tell th truth I just can't stand them, but it seems Ilk at every party, no matter how many nice games on has planned, they always want to play kissing games. Would it be all right for a girl, 1 years old, to go to a party with a boy friend, although she had never been- out befor with a boy except from a party t Also, Misa Fairfax, Is It proper to speak to any on In your church, al though you nave never been lntro duced? I hope you will print my letter as soon as possioie. m. m. Present th young man to the young man, of course th young man to th young woman, and th young man to your mothar. This Is assuming that you wish th young man to meet your mother. Kissing games are positively silly and de cidedly common. Take notic of who starts these games not the cultured ones, but the shoddy lot. ir your parents Know the young man, and approve of him then I see no reason why you should not per mit mm to accompany you to a show. Sometimes church people be come so well acquainted without an Introduction that it Is all right to speak, but these occasions arthe exceptions and not the rules. Does She Love Him? Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a young man of 24 years; am in a good business and am pretty well thought of; am good looking and fascinating to most women; I have been engaged to a girl of 19 for one ana one-hair years. She is very good looking and loved by all who know her. I love her very dearly and she only. We have had the day set several times, but she never Is ready to go. I am very jealous of her and we quarrel frequently over that What would you advise me to do? I don't want to keep along with her and then get fooled. Hoping for advice through The Bee. A FRIEND UP A TREE. I cannot answer your question, since I do not know her reasons for postponing the marriage. Elizabeth I think a young man who has lost his wife by death can love another. If he is upright and sensible and there is nothing worse against him than merely that his wife died, I think you could safely believe -him. The second marriages you refer to might apply more truly to people who marry a second time in middle life or old age. The Misses Ruby and Ruth Swen son of Omaha, juniors at the Uni versity of Nebraska and members of the Chi Omega sorority, are among the girls most active in the Woman's Athletic association at the university. Requirements for mem bership in the organization are very strict ! Worth Knowing. Tissue paper, crumpled, is excel lent for polishing mirrors. Serve string beans with cream sauce sprinkled with chives. Little portable alcohol stoves are convenient for roadside meals. Never use a galvanized iron lem on squeezer. Glass is preferable. Tea punch is made with freshly drawn tea, one-third as much lemon juice, sugar to sweeten and a bottle of ginger ale, the last added lust before serving. V HEART. BEAT5 S V ; A. .9. Suicide Will end it Thii life of dull , . Monotony. All the little joyi Have left me waiting Just outside The gate of Happiness. rainy successtul Yes. But what of that When no companion soul Can share success. Home ' ' Is but a place To rest my head A place to keep me Sheltered from the rain. Life Seem$ devoid of even pain So-gray the living Has become. Why. Do we linger ' Ori for yean As things detached ' Outside the ring 8f joyous beings f .vivid life. Ah' well! Let's end it. -Let's blot these Seeing eyes Blue ringed and sad From out their sockets Cheekbone avenue of crime 1 One life i , From off the slate Say Goodby forever ' To this woe And let it go. . N Tonight v- ' The end shall be Tonight my soul Shall roam the silvery sea Of disembodied spirits And yet This is not alluring. They may be sailing Aimlessly around As shipwrecked As these vessels Here on earth. Nay not tonightl Tomorrow night will do" For goodness knows I must look pretty How can I go Needing a shampoo v With eyes dark circled Lips swollen Tomorrow I'll be pretty And then I guess I'd better Stay around awhile The money I have banked Will buy so many pretty things When prices drop. , - SELAH. Conac Club. The'Conac club will not hold its daiice at the Blackstone Friday evening, as had been planned. ' Amnrify 4 Via nrrnliarl e iarTlf Vl 4 (rat been at the Hotel McAlpin, New York City, during the last week are Mesdamcs h.. L. Uurr, J. W. Chris tie, F. B. Johnson, Misses Jean nctte Johnson, Helga Peterson and Mary bturgeon. A Change for The Better From tea of coffee to Ibur Health Tells Why THE PRICE Otuices for is placed on every package by the manufacturers. It is the same now as before the war. ' The H, C L does not need to 1 worry you when you purchase Powder ere M Oar Government bought millions of pounds for overseas. Booklovers Fiction. OWN YOUR OWN HOME.' By King W. Lardner. Tha Bobbs-Merrlll Co. A home-owner writes to his brother, Charley, about the, trials and tribulations he endures while his "bungello" is being built , and the difficulties he and his wife ex perience breaking into the "social set" of their suburb. Mr. Lardner lets no humorous possibility of his subject escape. Fontaine Fox has drawn the illustrations. THB GIBSON UPRIGHT. By Booth Tsr klngtnn and Harry Leon Wilson. Double day Fags A Co. Andrew Gibson hands over his piano factory to the workmen,' who manage the business and share alike in the profits. This bolshevistic scheme is the theme of his three-act play and its satire and humor are irresistible. Mr. Wilson collabor ated with Booth Tarkington in "The Man from Home." LIFTS CAN NEVER BE THE SAME. By .W. B. Man well. Bobbs-Merrlll Co. The striking thing about these stories is that they show with ex traordinary clearness and under standing how everyone in England and France, where the scenes were laid, was "affected by the war not only physically, but mentally and morally, aa well. A NOT ALL THE KINO'S HORSES. By Oeo. Aanew Chamberlain. The Bobbs Merrlll Co. Mr. Chamberlain was until re cently consul general of the United States to Mexico City. His novel is based on actual facts and condi tions and carries a startling message to America. The strong' characters and intense drama have a powerful appeal THE . BUSINESS CAREER OF PETER FLINT. By Harold Whitehead. The Page Company. ( Peter Flint is a natural human character, and the story of his ups and downs before he finds himself makes interesting reading. JOHN DERE OR TORONTO. By Her bert Jenkins. Oeo. Dorm Co. John Dere of Toronto went to London to submit to the admiralty his plans for a submarine destroyer. Fresh and delightful is this tale of the adventures that befell him there. MORE PORTMANTEAU PI.ATJS. By Stuart Walker. Stewart & Kidd Co. This is the second series of "Port manteau Plays by Mr. Walker. The volume contains "The Lady of the Weeping Willow Tree," a beau tiful, imaginative and emotional play, founded on an old Japanese legend; ' The Very Naked Boy," a slight whimsical bit of foolery, and "Jonathan Makes a Wish," a three- SaTe the Labels If yoVv not al ready rcivd .your copy of, our premium book writ us today. Many useful and valuabl prmi ums can be se cured by saving th labels from th cans. act play with an appeal of unusual vigor. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hanna left Thursday to winter in Florida. Even better than your idea of good real milk Sold by all good grocers at a special price for three cans Oatmtn' Condensed Milk Co., Main Offices: Dradec, HL CeaJmery at NeilltTille, Wis., is th center of Wuceaiia' BMsl sanitary and prodnctivt dairies MARSH & MARSH Exclusive Distributors, Omaha. MMa in"'"11 1 sraell FtW mT r"1fT 0 TrtT TlaWr rnTTlVrsBIIIJJlJUJJ lii Your Family Physician Has " Told You: "Be sure that your milk and cream are Certified, Certified means Pasteurized. Every thoughtful woman now insists upon CertWed-PASTEURIZED-milk for the kiddies." '.Well, if you insist upon Certified milk, why not be sure that your butter, or whatever 'spread you use for bread, is also Certified or Pasteurized. There is one spread for bread that is completly pasteurized and that is DIXIE MARGAR INE. Every gallon of milk and cream that goes into DIXIE, and we use thousands of gallons daily, is re-clarified and re-pas teurized by us before it ever goes to our churns. And we do the same with every ingredient So that DIXIE is absolutely pure and absolutely wholesome, because it is absolutely pas teurized. ' DIXIE is equal to butter in flavor, surer than butter in Pasteurization and higher than butter in food value.f Below in a photograph of one of oar immense Cooler where dally, ton npon tone of DIXIE Margarine are placed preparatory to being wrapped in vegetable parch ment paper and inclosed in para f line cartons. No Plant in the world, nor any home, . is cleaner than this Chnrnery Home of Dixie Margarine. Aak yonr Family Physician or.yonr Health Commissioner how. vitally important ) Pasteurization is. tAny Food Expert will testify to this.' 4 1i'niiTrii i iMimi imiii in iiiLLLiiiiiiiiiiMiMrjM"r ' rr " n i i m iiiim maniiimir- t 8 If : I i if pfe lip' iifl ' Ouimadby Wllvl.ioxI(5.Vbe KATSKEE MERCANTILE CO., V ttS 1324 Leavenworth St Douglas 4625. 4.