Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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These Are the Days Poor Chil
dren Are Suffering and
Need Help-Bee Solves
Pfoblem. '
Word came to the headquarters of
The Bee's Free Shoe Fund the other
day of a desperately poor family.
One of the school nurses was sent
to Investigate.
She found a little woman, thin
and weak, bending over a wash tub
in a miserable tumble-down house
of three rooms.' Three little chil
drenged 2, 5 anq 7 years, literally
in rags, were lying in a ragged bed.
The day was cold. The house
was cold. Never was a more hope
less picture of desperate poverty.
And the little woman struggling
hravely against these awful odds.
The father of the family died nearly
a year as:o. -
, ' Warm Shoes Bought.
The Bee's fund was drawn off at
once. Warm shoes were bought for
the three children. The clothes
they had were pieced out and patch
ed up. And today the two oldest,
a boy and girl are in school. And
very bright and happy youngsters
thev are.
The little mother has secured a
position as charwoman and with the
help that The Bee's fund has given
her and her regular income now
from her work in an office building,
the winter does not look so terrify
ing. " Dozens of cases like this are in
Omaha awaiting relief; that can
come.onlv' through charity. The
Bee's fund is the only means pro
vided for buying shoes for poor
children of deserving families, in
nearly every instance the mother is
striving against odds to keep the
family going, with the courage that
is characteristic of inothers.
Help is Needed.
. Wil you help ihem through this
Christmas is coming. Whaf could
-be more fitting, . than ; making a
Christmas gift to somepoor little
waif by sending the money to this
fund to buy the waif a pair of
shoes? y
The fundstands as follows to
Previously aeknnwlrdpcd S4M.43
P. C. HoIbrt, FlalnTlew, firb ft. 00
Mr. H. S. Lowe. St. Edward., Neb. 1.00
' ThMDf D. Crana B-00
Total ," W6S.4S
Every penny received goes to buy
shoes. Nothing for administrative
Send or bring something, if you
can, to The Bee's Free Shoe fund,
care of The Bee, Omaha.
Ice Skates and Boys' Sleds
Every pair of ice ikatea in the store
will be on sole Friday and Saturday. Take
advantage of thii sale. A aled will make
the boy a very acceptable Xmas present.
Try HARPER'S today, it
'')' JT1S Howard Street , '
; ' Flatiren Bldf. ,
( The Most
I Practical
Xmas Gift
of All
The Famous
Cummins Concludes
Detailed Explanation
Of His Railroad BiH
Washington, Dec. 4. After speak
ing three days, Senator Cummins,
chairman of the interstate commerce
committee, concluded a detailed ex
planation of his railroad bill, de
signed to meet condition with the
return of the roads to private own
ership and control. ,
Discussing" the anti-strike provi
sion ol, the measure as proposed by
the committee, Senator- Cummins de
dared "there had been an industri
ous effort to misrepresent the bill."
He denied that it interfered in any
way with railway employes or offi
cials who desired to quit work.
Emphasizing that he was not op
posed to labor organizations, Sen
ator Cummins said the committee in
inserting the anti-strike section felt
that "the civilization of America
cannot continue or endure unless
organized society can find some plan
to preserve industrial peace and or
der." .
President Wilson's message to
congress Tuesday, he declared, was
a direct endorsement of the pro
posed legislation.
Much sentiment developed in fa
vor of curtailing general debate so
as to hasten the bill, but senate lead
ers said no plan of procedure had
been determined.
Brief City News
Third Soldier Son of
Seger Family Home
- For Holiday Season
The holiday season at , the J. F.
Seger home, 962 South Fifty-first
street, means a great deal this year.
Charlie Seger, the third son in the
family, returned last Friday after
15 months' service in the army over
seas. Fred and George returned
several weeks ago, both wearing
wound stripes received in action.
Charlie Seger was assigned to the
quartermaster corps after being
drafted in 1918 and was stationed at
Touj with the Second army. After
the armistice he was transferred to
Brest. ,
Although he did (not participate
in the actual fighting, he spent near
ly a month in tfte hospital at Camp
Dix, N. J., recovering from injuries
recevied when the bunks iu the
Edelynn, on which he was being
transported home, broke down dur
ing a severe storro at sea. Several
members of his outfit, were serious
ly injured in the accident'.
Seger was born in Omaha and
received hjs education in the public
schools. He was promoted to the
grade of sergeant during his ser
vice in France. ,
Omahan Dies After an
Illness Lasting a Year
E. C. Kleine, 56 years old, died
vesterday at his home, 2510 South
Eleventh street, following a year's
illness. Funeral services will be
conducted by Rev. Father "Simon
Friday morning at 9 at St. Josephs
Catholic church. Burial will be in
St. Marys cemetery. - -
Mr. Kleine wasa merchant at
Howells, Neb.,, before he mowed to
Omaha 11 years ago; Previous to
his i illness he was i charge of the
commissary department of the Pax
ton hotel. He is survived by a wife
and 10 children, who are at home,
and a daughter, Mts. Elizabeth Ven
haus of Lawrence, Neb. - ,
Victim of "Highjackers" .
Fined for Drunkenness
D, B. Dawson, 3819 For? street,"
was fined $50 and costs in central
police court yesterday on a charge
of drunkenness. Dawson was arrest
ed Wednesday night upon complaint
of W. J. Miller, 5302 North Thirty
seventh street. 1 '
Miller said Dawson visited him
Wednesday when he reported to the
tion and shot, at hirrr twice with a
revolver. Dawson left the house
and Miller called the police. Daw
son returned just as the police -arrived..
Judge Orders Corkhill
To pay Alimony of $11,804
Judge TrouD in divorce court to
day made an order giving Mrs. Ida
Corkhill, $11,804 alimony and the
two houses located at 2553 and 2555
Pratt street. The judge granted
Mrs. Corkhill a divorce about a
week asro from Charles Corkhill,
formerly manager-of the Haynes
Auto Sales company. They had
been married 21 years. She charged
him with extreme cruelty.
I So simple a child can I
. -
I operate it I
. .
I Cor. 15th '& Harney 'i 1
' Streets. ; I
7 a
I 7 V J 1
1 334 Broadway, Council
Low Rent Location Brings a
Reduction of 25 to 50
on Dolls and Toys.
Santa Claus (Himself ) Iron
Hand to Greet All the
Girls and Boys.
It seems as though old Santa
Claus has brought his mythical
Toyland down from the North
Pole when one steps into the
Union Outfitting Company.
Dolls of every description, new
toys and mechanical wonders
carload after carload to delight
the hearts of children on Christ
mas morning, cover" the entire
Main Floor.
And prices! They are so rea
sonable as to seem unbelievable.
Due to a location out of the High
Rent District, one is able to make
a clear saving of 25 to (0
on the Christmas toy list
Santa Claus (himself) vis on
hand to greet the children and to
suggest to grownups that they
make selection while stocks are
complete. As usual, toys can be
purchased on easy terms. .
Have Root Print It Beacon Preaa
i Taeaa&a Cleara Bur -3randn Co.
Service at Temple Israel 'The
Struggle" will be the subject bf the
sermon of Rabbi Frederick Cohn at
Temple Iarael tonight at 8. :
Soout Program , Postponed Boy
Scout officials announce that the
Scout Leaders' training course has
been Indefinitely postponed because
of the fuel situation.
Dance la Postponed On account
of the fuel situation, the dance which
was to be given by the Ladles' Aux
iliary of the Postofflce Clerks' asso
ciation at the Deluxe hall. Friday,
will be postponed until January 16,
1920. v '
Omaha Gets Convention The next
state ' convention of the Nebraska
manufacturers will be held in Oma
ha in 1920. The annual convention
of the Neebraska Farmers' Educa
tional and Co-operative union Will be
held in Omaha January 13 to 15.
Members of the midwest retail im
plement dealers' association will
meet' here January 6 to 8.
KiwanJs Club Meeting George L.
Fisher will speak on "The Archi
tect" at the regular meeting of the
Kiwanis club Friday noon in the
south room of the Chamber of Com
merce. The president of the club will
announce the appointment of his
committees in the near future. Next
week Walter W. Head will speak,
and the following week the club
plans a trip to the South Side.
Leaves Newspaper Work "Dr. Rob
ert F. Gilder, newspaper man, arch
aeologist and painter of note, will
sever his connection with the World
Herald Saturday and leave soon
afterwards for Tucson, Ariz., where
he wilt spend the -winter painting.
Dr. Glider, who has been connected
with newspapers In Omaha for 32
years, is a member of the faculty
of the University of Nebraska and
has done research work that has
made him known , all over the
country'. v
Mrs.. W. K. Swisher tes Mrs. W.
K. Swisher, 50 years old. died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. ,Ben S.
Marti, 544 ' Park avenue, early
Thursday after a short illness caused
by pneumonia. Mrs. .Swisher had
been a resident of Omaha for the
last 35 years. Besides her husband
she Is survived by one daughter.
Mrs. Jessica Hern, of Omaha, and
two sisters, Mrs. Ben S. Marti and
Mrs. Fred Dean of Long Beach,' Cal.
Peace Council Busy
On Germans' Refusal
to Sign Pact Protocol
Paris, Dec? 4. The supreme coun
cil spent most of today's session dis
cussing the attitude of Germany to
wards the signing- of the protocol
putting the peace treaty into effect,
Germany's representatives having
declared -they tcould not sign it in
its present form, including its pro
vision for reparation for the Ger
man warships sunk at Scapa Flow,
and with other features objection
able to them. The form of a note
to Germany on this question -was
considered by the council, but no n
nal decision was taken. '
It is. anticipated in-this connec
tion that the reply to the German
note regarding the acapa Iow ques
tion will contain strong representa
tions as to the consequences of fur
ther resistance by Germany.
The council today decided to give
the small powers which possess sea
coasts a few of the smaller German
torpedo boats.
Sinn Fein Likened'
To Russ Bolsheviki
By Ulster Mission
New York. Dec. 4. Methods of
the Junn Fein were likened to those
of the bolsheviki by seven members
of the Ulster unionist council of Ire
land, who arrived on the steamship
C61umbia. In a statement to the
press they said they had come to the
United States to protest against the
spread of Sinn Fein propaganda. Six
members of the mission are clergy
The delegation is from Belfast and
soon will begin a speaking tour of
the United States. It was met by a
committee from the Society for
American and British friendship and
bv ministers and laymen from 'a
large number of churches in New
York and vicinity.-
Funeral arrangements will not be
made until the arrival of Mrs
"The best I ever used" That
is what Mrs. A. W. Milne. St..
George, Utah says of Chamber
lain's Tablets for biliousness and
Hour Sales
,IO:OO to 11:00 A.M.
To encourage early morning shopping, we have' taken
wanted and needed merchandise from our regular stocks
and reduced it to ridiculously low prices for one hour only
Take Advantage of These,
Wonderful Opportunities
On the Fourth Floor
1 Boys' Hats
200 of the latest styles in all colorsvand all sizes; re
duced for one hour only.
Limit of Two to a Customer
On the Second Floor
A limited number of children's dresses of percale, 1.
gingham, etc.; -ages 2 to 6 years.
Limit of Two to a Customer
On the Second Floor
t Women's Shoes
150 pairs of women's latest style high lace boots re
duced to one-fourth their former prices.
'Limit of One Fair to a Customer
v ' ? On the Main Floor
Women's Hose
. Fine quality brown cotton hose; full seamless; double
fi.ilAK f rtr . ulirvlitlir ifYincrTflrt Vinf wnllflprf 111 VwlllPS "
- t i. r n l 1 ' m
XJimit ux - pair 10 a customer. - s
President of Nonpartisan
Bank Is Found Guilty
Fargo, N. D., Dec. 4. The jury
in the casef H. J. Hagen, presi
dent of the Scandinavian American
Bank of Fargo, charged with having
made false statements to the state
bank examiner, returned a verdict of
guilty. ' ' .
Policeman Resigns Because
He Can't Live On $100 Month
G. C. Tcfferteller, one of the new
policemen, recently employed, hand
ed his resignation to Chitf Eber
stein yesterday. ' He said he couldn't
live on $100 a month and couldn't
wait till the first of the year for the
increased salary.'
Policemen Are Drilling In
Ttje Auditorium Every Day
Policemen are drilling in the Au
ditorium now every day. Drill has
been held in the Ak-Sar-Ben den
while the Auditorium was used for
other purposes.
Gtt the Gtnuint
and Avoid
Buy Red Cross
Seals at Infor-M
mation Desk ? l
lne Cfiristmas Store fot6vetyotfy B$& ft
Store Hours:
10 A. M.
to 5 P.M.
S-Wash Got;
Make Your List
v Tonight and
Shop Early
With only 17 more shopping
days until Christmas, and the
shopping hours shortened,
Christmas will come all too soon
for many people who have not
completed their shopping.
This store is striving to serve
every one ot its patrons ,well,
at all times, but we suggest the
wisdom of early jnorning shop
ping for everybody, as every
thing is at its best then.
Holiday Sale
of Nuts
English walnuts, No. 1, 40e. "
English walnuts, No. 2, 35c.
Filberts, 35c.
I X L almonds, 40e.
Drakes, almonds, 35o.
Brazils, 3ac.
Mixed nuts, 35c; or 3 pounds
for $1.00. ,
Pecans, 30c.
Skookum Apples
- Delicious large apples for eat
ing; very specially priced during
the holidays at 6c each.
$5.00 Per Box.
Women Will Appreciate These
Splendid Values in Warm Winter
$19.5(land $25.00
The wanted Ioose'back and belted kind; they are made
of oxford cloth, heavy velour and cheviot. Some of them
have collars of plush, kit coney or self material.
There are lined and unlined models at $19.50 and. $25.
A Limited Number of
Women's Serge !
Trimmed with embroidery, braid - and buttons ;
skirts are with and without tunics; colors -are navy,
black, brown and burgundy.
DowMtmin Btara, .
Trimmed- or Untrimmed A Rare Opportunity to Buy
Practical Gifts
Felt Slippers
m .Hats
About 100 trimmed bats and
500 imtrimmed shapes and
banded hats, all go at 60c Fri
day. '
Dowmtain Store.
Splendid Quality Petticoats
on Sale Friday at $1.95
Made of cotton taffeta heather bloom and
sateen in1 black, colors and fancies. Straight nar
row -petticoats, also flounces, for $1.95.
Downitatn Store.
Special Sale of
Wool Dress Goods at $1.29
Wool dress goods suitable for
children s dresses, m plain colors and plaids, serges plain
weave, sharkskin, etc.; 40 to 48 inches wide; large assort
ment oi coiors; on sate r riaay at yixv a yard,
Remnants VkPrice
nants of fur cloth suitable
for trimming muffs, scarfs,
etc. On sale Friday at V
price. ' .
fur Cloth, $1.59
For coats ; in navy blue and
brown;, very heavy quality;
56 inches wide; pn sale Fri
day at $1.59 a yard.
almost every conceivable color and style;
bought at a great price concession; some
slightly soiled; not all sizes in each lot;
ribbon, fur and plush trimmed;
soft padded and leather soles; in
three lots .
, .:.,3I
f "'H
Dawastain Star.
Children's School Dresses
Excellent Values at $i.95
Several youthful styles; made of pretty plaid
or check ginghams and chambray also combina
tion effects. They launder easily and wear well;'
sizes 6 to 12.
. loimttln Start.
A Great Sale of Men's Furnishings!
triday in the Downstairs Store
Men's Warm Winter
i , uonnstain stoe. 3
tlVnk'-eikuM...... - . . . . ' . l
Eibbed, medium weight, long
sleeves, ankle length; sizes 34
to 44, at $2.49.
Neckwear at 65c
Silk and satin four-in-hand
I ies in new color combinations.
Jn Christmas boxes, 65c.
Hose, 4 Pr.$1.00
Reinforced - heels and toes ;
elastic ribbed tops; variety of
colors; sizes D'a to IV?.
Splendid Values in
Men's Shirts
$ 1 zio $o ho
J..T7 LU ,.70
Percales, madras, cords, fibre silk in neat
striped patterns, $1.49 to $2.98. ,
Men's Flannel Shirts
at $2.98
- Medium and heavy weight; sizes 14 to
17 ; variety of colors. . .
Flannelette Night Gowns at $1.89
Well made, cut extra large, "ail sizes.
' Gloves, 10 Pair $1.00
Limited tjuantity men's gloves; canton flannel, at 10
1 a .
pairs ior ax.uv,
Uonnatam StoM.
etyrs?? i"v
1 M