Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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With Criminals Flocking to
Omaha and Police Depart
ment Demoralized, Pre-'
cautions Are Taken.
allowing the Hayden Bot. store
jTgisrf jut lat Sunday, and be-
, cause ot the fact that criminals and
thieves of nearly every character are
' known to be flocking to Omaha from
ivtry section of the country to take
advantage of the opportunity offered
by the demoralized police depart
ment here, many of the large banks
of the city are employing extra
forces of watchmen to furnish the
protection which the local police de
partment has fallen down on.
yntil recently, before the city be
came enveloped ni the present wave
of crime now terrorizing .the entire
community, bank officials" assumed
they had taken proper and adequate
precautions in stationing a watch
man at each bank. This, with the
protection which police depart
ment jn any metropolitan city is
supposed to offer, was regarded as
sufficient. However, crime of nearly
every nature is increasing to such
an alarming extent in Omaha today,
" with the police department helpless
to check it, bank officials have re-
graded the situation as extreme, and
in view of the fact that heads of
the department can promiseno re
lief, it has been decided, to not rely
on the city any longer!
i Increase Private Police.
The question cf putting on an ex
tra force of watchmen was discussed
at half a dozen banks yesterday.
Many of the institutions already
have augmented their private force.
"I do not want to be quoted as
lambasting our police department,"
declared an official of one of the
largest banking institutions in the
city, v"because it will do no good.
The world already kno'vvs how rot
ten the local police department is.
It is a joke from top to bottom. We
have given up hopes of getting any
thing from the Omaha police force
until there has been a general clean
ing out, and the cleaning should be
gin with the police commissioner
and go all the way down the line,'
Limit to Patience.
"The people of Omaha are ex
asperated. There is a limit to the
patience of even good people. The
first step towards improving the
conditions should be to get rid of
the cause of the whole trouble."
O. A. Helquest, assistant cashier
cf the Corn Exchange National
bank, deciared that his bank had 1 ot
yet taken ion an extra force of pri
vate policemen. He 3?vrted. how
ever, the matter had been taken un
der consideration by executives at
the institution and likely his bank
would follow the example of the
others immediately.
Sixth Violation Charged.
Bessie Woods, negress, Eleventh
and Pierce streets, was bound over
to the district court on charges of
illegal ' possession of intoxicating
liquor in Central police court yester
day. Court records show that this
is the" sixth time she has been ar
rested on the same charge.
Dandruff Surely
Destroys The Hair
Girls if you want plenty of
thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair,
do by all means get rid of dandruff,
for it will starve your hair and ruin
it if you don't. .
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush ot wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then yon destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it gently
with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be .gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace
of it. -
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred "times better. You can get
liquid arvon at any drug store. It
is inexpensive and four ounces is all
you will need, no matter how much
dandruff you have. This simple
remedy never fails.
Mrs. Qus Griffith, of
Everton, Mo., writes: "I
suffered for three years
with various female
i troubles. My life was a
misery. I was not able
to do anything . . . bear
ing down pains In my
- back and limbs, and head
ache . . . weak and nerv-
; ous. Dr. recom
mended Cardul to me."
The Woman's Tonic
"When I was on the
sixth bottle", she contin-
ues, "1 began feeling like
a new woman . . . 1 am
now a well woman . . .
I know my cure is per
manent for it has been
. three years since I took
Cardul." Thousands of
women, now strong and
'healthy, who once suf
fered from women's ail
ments, give Card-u-i the
credit lor their good
health. Try it, for your
AO Druggists
Fimdy Cold Weather Suggestions For Fridayin Our Basement
Knit Petticoats
at 88c
Warm and serviceable
a real winter petticoat!
Knee length in desirable
colors and several styles.
Very Special at 88c
' The Coal Situation and the Shopper!
The coal situation is serious it's annoying it's EVERYTHING that every one
says it is and THEN SOME! , -
We regret very much the resulting discomfort to our customers yet, after all, you
won't mind it so much if you'll only SHOP EARLY! Clerks are not so tired nor so
busy and you'll really enjoy the opportunity of making your Christmas purchases
more leisurely! , N
Women's Flannel
Night Gowns, 1.69
Just the thing for this cold
White and striped tennis flan
nel; in several styles, high neck,
slip-ons and V-neck; cut full and
long; all sizes. Extraordinary
values, at 1.69
Very Special for Friday and Saturday...
of FU
$8,500 Worth Perfect in Every Way Fortunately Purchased at
331 to 50 of Their Actual Value. The Lot Consists of Jobbers'
-Samples,. Odd Lots and Overstock The Real Wanted Kind of
Muffs, Neck and Shoulder Pieces, Matched Sets
, Hundreds to Select From At Splendid Money-Saving Prices
With all this wintry weather and coming just before Christmas when gift giving is fore
most in the mind of everyone this sale is an opportune one. It is a real "Harvest
Time" for thoughtful buyers, as it enables them to give luxurious furs at a substantial
saving in price. These furs are perfect in every feature, and in this sale we are offering
them at the most unusual PRICE REDUCTION of this season. We picked up wdnder
ful bargains from a large jobber and a big mail order house and we're passing the sav
ings along to you. Buy early as, the early customer is surest of having a large variety
from which to make a selection. , '
mm m r m m
wonaerrui values m
v 3 Lots of Beautiful
There are hundreds of splendid up-to-date muffs of prac-'
tical styles in each lot. Included in this big sale are such furs
as Canadian Marten, Jap Mink, Red Fox, Imitation Red Fox,
Kit Coney, Black and Brown French Coney and many others.
No doubt you will find Just the muff you have been seeking to
match the fur on your coat or your fur piece.
-4.00 for muffs worth from 5.C0 to 7.50
6.00 for muffs worth from 8.00 to 10.00
8.00 for muffs worth from 12.00 to 20.00
Matched Fur Sets
Three splendid lots. Muffs, neck and shoulder pieces to
match; both pieces in this sale for the actual worth of one.
Good furs in up-to-date styles. We have them in Jap Mink,
Marmot, Thibet, Imitation Red Fox, Brown and Black French
Coney, Canadian Marten, French, Beaver, Blue China Wolf,
Natural Coney, Mole Coney and many others.
9.85 for matched sets, cheap at 12.50 to 15.00
14.85 for matched sets, cheap at 19.00 to 25.00
19.00 for matched sets, cheap at 29.00 to 39.00
( Separate Fur Pieces
Greatly under price in desirable sought-after styles. Thy are popular furs,
consisting of large shoulder pieces, large throws and collars, fancy neck pieces, etc.
Three very special lots with" hundreds of pieces in each lot. You are sure to be
agreeably surprised when you see the up-to-date styles, the good quality of fur and
the general all-around excellence of these well made fur pieces. Marmot,. Fox,
China Wolf, French Beaver Coney, Jap Mink," French Coney, 'Canadian Marten,
Mole Coney and niany others. Every fur piece is a real bargain at the price.
, At 4.95, worth from 5.00 to 8.00
At 6.95, worth from , 9.00 to 12.00 -
- At OCR urnvlli fvnm 13 tr 2 Oft
For Women and Children
, -Special Friday 1
Women' Fin Cot
ton Sleeveless
Vests in white
and pink, plain
taped and bod
ice style; at, per
Women's Pink Lisle
Union Suits; in
band tops,
v with shell knee,
in sizes 36 38;
with cuff knee,
' in sizes 40, 42
and 44; either
style, per suit.
Boys' and Girlsv
Cotton Fleeced
Union Suits;
boys' in gray
girls' in white
and cream; all
sizes; at, per
50c to 65c
Women's Cotton
Fleeced Union
Suits; in two
styles high
neck, long
sleeves and
Dutch neck or
elbow sleeve and
",ankle length;
sizes 36 to 44;
at, per suit,
Hosiery Specially Priced Friday
Women's Fine Lisle Seamless
Fashioned Hosiery; in black
and shoe shades, with dou
ble soles and elastic CP
tops; at, per pair, OOC
Women's Cotton Full Fash
ioned Hosiery; in black and
white; hem top; extra size
in black rib top; seconds of
85c quality;
at, per pair, wt
Children's Cotton Hosiery; in
fine and heavy rib. A good
black hose; at, CA
per pair,
IHen's Heavy AH-Wool
Hosiery; in blue and heath
er; at, per 7E,,'
pajr, IOC
Men's Wool Socles; assorted
colors in meduim and light
weights; at; Cft"
per pair,
Men's Fibre . Hosiery; wo- .
toned in reddish, greenish,
purple and blue, with double
soles; slight imperfections,
. $1 quality; CC
'7 n
. i.
' f
i .7
at, per pair,
Here, Are Unusual Vain es in Handkerchiefs
' Women's All Linen
Hems t i .t c b d
Handkerchi e t s,
Women's - Fancy
Edged Handker
chiefs, embroid
ered corners and
lace edges;
in white and col
ored effects,
at, IE
each Boys' Initial Hand
kerchiefs, of good
cambric) six in a
box. Box QC -
of six for '
Men's Cotton Hand
kerchiefs, plain
white, of good
size and hem
stitched ;
at, each
Men's Initial Hand
kerchiefs; six in
a box white and
colored initials.
A box of d1
six for Pl
Women's Fancy
Han dkerchiefs,
embroidered cor
ners in white
and colored ef
fects; put up 3,
4 or 6 in fancy
boxes. Hemstitch
ed and fancy
edged with exact
ly forty different
styles to choose
from. Sold by the
box at 25c, 29c,
35c, 39c, 80c,
59c, "65e, 88c,
95c and 1.38.
Men's Heavy. Cot
ton Hand kar-
chiefs; good sra;
in fancy corded
- border in white
and colors; all .
hemsitched. Your
choice, OP
at, each OC
MaEe Practical Christmas Gifts and
They're Specially, Priced Friday
Boys' Gauntlets; lined and unlined; in black and
tan, per pair, - .- . 79
Women's Gloves and Mittens; good quality of
wool .in assorted colors, per pair, 49
Women's and Children's Knit Gloves, pair, 35
Women's, Jersey Gloves; in gray and black; all
sizes, per pair, 65
Don't Worry About Zero Weather and the
Coal Situation -Buy
Oil Heaters
We have a complete line, made
of heavy blue sheet steel with
Japanese trimmings 1
Medium size,- at 4.29
Large size, vat ' 598
. JL
Electric Heaters
High grade Aluminum Percola
tor Mirro make, in plain pat
terns of the 8-cup sizeM OQ
good value at ssSi7N
Golden Rod Washing .. A
Powder, large package 1 tC
Will Keep You
Comfortably Warm
in this "nippy" weather.
They're not expensive to oper
ate, either only three or four
cents an hour, according to the
electric people. We have a high
grade Electric Heater of stand
ard make," with 7 feet of cord,
priced very '.
Special at
Casseroles ,
A lot of high grade Casseroles, -with
heavy nickel plated frame
and Guernsey inset, O OQ
Special at
Parcels Wrapped
Regardless of where purchased,
we are glad to wrap parcels for
shipment by parcels post or ex
press at the ACCOMMODATION ,
DESK in our Basement. ..This
service is without charge! of
We're Featuring Wonderful Shoe Values Friday
Men's Holiday Slippers; in 'Everett,
Romeo and opera styles; black and
tan kid; plain or full lined; hand
turned sole. Moderately priced.
2.45 10 4.45
High Felt Shoes; heavy felt sole; heav
ily lined; lace style; suitable for
men or women, sizes 6 to 12. Regu
lar price 3.00. While 1,200 pairs
last, you can have 1 fiQ
your choice at, per pair, I eOA
len's 'and Boys' Storm Leg-fins; in
khaki and grey duck; either fleece
lined or plain; buckle or lace; sizes
to fit almost any one. We are
obliged to say "Not more than two
pair to a customer," as the regular
price is 1.25, yet we offer them at
the Tery low
price of
- --v
Combination Drawer Leggtas for Chil
dren; made of pure wool; in red,
grey and white, in sizes 1 to 4 .years.
1.50 valine, while 24 dozen Q-,'
last, at tVC
In red, grey, black, bta, old
rose, brown and many other
iancy colors; trimmed in fur or
ribbon; buckskin or hand turned
leather sole. Exceedingly good
values; sizes 3 to 8.
"1.95 .
Others at 2.25 and 2.45.
Men's House Slippers at a bargain
price. We have them in tan and
black pliable kid; Everett and
Romeo styles; stitched down hand
turned soles;, sizes slightly Jbroken,
but all sizes m the lot.
fering about 300 pairs
of 3.50 and 4.00 values at
None Sent C. O.'D.
We are of-
Men's House Slippers; leatherette tops
and leather sole, or all felt with
buckskin soles; roomy toes in both
styles; sizes 6 to 11.
Very special at, per pair,
Children's Shoes, black kid with cloth
uppers; button styles; hand turned
soles; sizes 3 to 8. ' (f
Excellent value at, pair, vU
Christmas Gift Quality
Table Cloths, 1.69
Made of a nice quality mercer
ized damask, round or square,
with scalloped or plain ends. All
are pretty patterns in the
luncheon size; at 1.69
Dresser Sets, 1.25
These sets consist of one scarf
with pin cushion top to matcw;
embroidered in neat designs;
colorings of blue, rose or yellow;
scalloped edge. Put' up one set
in a box; at, per set, 1.25
Fancy Towels, 98c
.Full bleached Turkish towels;
hemmed ends with fancy borders;
Jacquard effect designs; large
size; plain white. One will make
a much appreciated gift; ea., 98c
Napkins, 1.50
These are of mercerized qual
ity in the 18-inch size, with
hemmed ends, ready to use fine
quality of heavy damask in neat
designs. Specially Priced, Six
for 1.50
Table Cloths, 2.98
Made of a Belfast damask in.
pretty patterns; a round cloth,
70x70 inches in size; wearing
qualities like linen. Each, 2.9S
Table Padding, 98c
Thfs is the fleeced quality 60
inches in width an excellent pro
tection for your table; at, per
yard, 98c
Fancy Linens, 59c
Made of plain white art cloth,
"hemstitched, with lace trimmed
and. embroidered ends; 18x50
inches in size. A very appro
priate gift. Each, 59c
There'll Be Big "DoinV' Friday in the N
Basement Men's Furnishing Section-Featuring
Men's Union Suits at 2.45
Heavy winter weight, in natural grey color, closed
crotch style, all sizes from 34 to 46. An ideal union
" suit for the out-of-doors man in this cold weather and
a big bargain at, per suit, ' 2.45
and Men's Work Trousers 2.98
Worsted finish fabrics that will give lots of wear;
patterns neat stripe and medium and dark colorings; all
sizes; waists irom ii to 4z. Very special for Friday.
at, only
Boys' Suits
The suits are made of Crompton's
rainproof corduroy, blue serges and
fancy mixtures; in sizes 7 to 17.
Prices 10.50 and 12.45
Boys' Overcoats
The coats are button to neck mod
els, in high grade chinchillas; plain and
iancy materials; in sizes 2 to 10.
Priced at
Sheep Lined Coats
For boys, three-quarter
lengths with belt all
around; $25 values for
Friday, at only, 18.00
Boys' Mackinaw
Come in fancy pattern
plaids, with notched col
lar, patch pockets and all
around belt; sizes are
from 7 to 18. They are
excellent values at 8.75
and 9.75
Boys' Corduroy
' Suits.
Junior Norfolk models
in blue, green and brown;
washable corduroy; sizes
3 to 8 years. Priced at
only 5.95
Boys' Sweaters
All wool sweaters in V
neck, pull over style;
combination colors; all
sizes. A very good sweat
er, at 4.98
8.50 and 12.50
, Men's Hose
'In heavy, medium and
light weight; colors black,
grey, tan, blue, palm
beach and white; sizes
9 to 114. Special for
Friday, at, per pair 21c ;
Men's Wool Shirts
and Drawers
Silver grey - color;
strongly made; all sizes.
Special, a garment' 1.35
For Friday Only
A Sale of
plaids, with
heavy winter
Wool Blankets in gray and assorted
fancy borders; extra
weight: full double
bed size. A splendid $10
value. Friday only,
Sateen Covered Comforters filled with
finest white carded cotton; beauti
fully scroll stitched with medallion
center; heavy winter weight; size
72x84 inches. . Q FA
Special, . O.OU
Wool Finished Cotton Blankets in tan,
white and gray, with assorted wash
able borders; thread whipped edges,
heavy warm fleecy nap; size 68x80
. . inches.. . Special Q OK
a pair, 0D
Warm Bedding
Plaid Bed Blankets; size 66x80 inches;
assorted colors and patterns; heavy
. twilled quality; neatly , f Qg
whipped edges, a pair, O70
Silkoline Covered Comforters; size
72x84 inclies; a large variety of
pretty patterns and color combina
tions; filled with white fluffy cotton
batting. Special, IOC
at, each, Ta0
Wool Blankets in white and assorted
plaids; made of choicest California
and Ohio wool ; beautiful soft finish ;
thoroughly steamed to prevent
shrinking. Positively worth up to
S20, yet we offer t C C A
them at, per pair, "lOsOU