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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1919. GOAL SITUATION DRIGIITENS AS HEATHER WARMS Allotment Will Be Increased; Nonessential Industries , Are to Be 'Closed. (CoaMaeed Tram rate Om.) scanned rows of coal tars on the stretches of tracks west of the Twenty-fourth street viaduct. The sommandinfr view from the viaduct gives this coal an inviting appear ance. There were nearly 200 cars at this location yesterday, and this repre sents the bulk of Omaha's present supply on tracks. The coal arrived this week from southern Wyoming mines and is all in charge ot the terminal fuel committee, which . is ordering its distribution according to tht provisions of the Garheld or der, which means that, only the most essential needs will be supplied. Must Approve Deliveries. y Even deliveries to home through retail dealers must first be approved by the terminal committee. The committee explained " that some of the coal on track here is destined to nearby points. A. V. Presher, president of Dresh er Brothers' cleaning and dying es tablishment,' states that he can mus ter a volunteer organization of 1,000 men in Omaha for mine work. "I am ready to go myself and if the cars can be furnished for trans portation of coal to Omaha we can ret the coal," he said. "I know that can enlist 1,000 strong men without difficulty and these will be men, who can mine coal, particularly in the Kansas mines. It is time for the governor of our state to take some real action, for if we don't get re lief there are going to be many cold and starving women and children in Omaha within a few weeks. "It is time that we thought of the women and children of our city. "I advertised for a fireman this weelj, and received 500 answers. 'I know what I am talking about when I say I can get 1.00Q men ready in short order and we cn get the coal if we will be assured of transporta tion facilities." Charitable organizations and la bor bureaus report a steadily in creasing number of applicants for work and aid. A mother with three small chil dren called vesterdav at the Asso ciated Charities and pleaded for clothing, shoes and coal. Mrs. u. W, Doane ordered a ton of coal lMtllllll4llllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIMIIII!lllllllllll!lllllllllllll f Time - Conserving j HOUR SA LE i fa I 9 ! t j 5 To comply with the s fuel administrator's de- mand for shorter hours, I and also to enable us to reduce our stock of Coats, f Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses to normal size by f January 1, we have iri- augurated for December 1 this I Time x Conserving I Hour Sale Here's our plan: I Everything at 65c f on the Dollar j ""Each day for its 1 Allotted Hour I a Time schedule for this 1 week as follows: I 10 A. M. toll A. M I SUITS I ,11 A.M. to 12 M. I DRESSES 12 M. to 1 P. M. COATS 1 P. M. to 2 P. M.-1 BLOUSES 2 P.M. to 3 P.M. f SUITS f 3 P. M. to 4 P. M j SKIRLS I 4 P. M. to 5 P. M I PETTICOATS This schedule will be posted and no deviation made from allotted hour. BE PROMPTj and, you'll conserve dollars while we conserve time. m?rt 1 Wotnen I 2 floor Securities' Bldj f 16 th said Farnam. HllitUllliHt!IIIIIIMIMtllllllllillltllini!IIIIIltlllllimiH and provided garments and foot wear for this family. Care for Homeless. The Salvation Army industrial department is caring for ' several homeless old men who had been living from day to day on a narrow marein and warmiflg themselves in pool halls, picture shows and other places now closed. Mrs. G. V. Ahlquist, private charity worker, stated that she has been asked to help in a home where the father is ill of tuberculosis and there are six children, the oldest be ing 6 years. She has also called on a husband 72 years old and wife' 65, the twain endeavoring to keep themselves warm with an oil stove. Another case was of a mother with thru, cm all rhildren. all endeavor ing to keep warm around a small oil burner. Many1 Appeals for Work. The free labor bureau in the city hall has received calls from more than 700 men and boys this week. "We have only a few places to offer these men," said C. A. Davis, superintendent of the bureau. He added that most of these applicants stated that they had been forced out of work on account of the fuel sit uation. The ages of the applicants were from 17 to 45 years. Oil Prices Higher. ; The Omaha Gas company has an oil supply which will last for two or three weeks and enough coke on hand for more than a month. The company also has several weeks' supply of steam coal for their boil ers. Oil is an essential proauci ior enriching gas. This company reports that the in creased price of fuel oil increases their operating expenses 9 cents per 1,000 feet of gas. An official check is being made of all ot the coal on hand in the indus trial plants and other establishments of the city. This is in line with the policy ol the terminal coal committee to keep a strict account of the future use and distribution of all fuel. R. A. Leussler, general, -manager of the street railway company, re ported that four cars of oil are en route for his company, the first car having been shipped Tuesday. The terminal coal committee re ceived a copy of the following reso lution: ' ' "Resolved, That the Omaha Real Estate board offer its assistance in every way possible in connection with the very serious situation in regard to shortage of fuel, and that we co-ooerate with Mr. Teffers and his committee to the fullest extent." Volunteer Miners Register. One hundred and thirty-five stu dent volunteers have registered at a bureau maintained in the Chamber of Commerce by Jack Beacom of University of Omaha and Leonard Kline of University of Nebraska. Governor McKelvie telegraphed that he has assurances of 900 volunteers and has offered their set vices for mining coal in nearby coal-produc ing states. A delegation of 65 from the office force of the Woodmen of the World registered yesterday. Conditions in the northwest ana southwest sections of the state have reached the critical stage. Imperial, Belfast and Wayside report that the coal supply is entirely exhausted and fence posts are being purchased by townspeople for fuel.. Many farm ers ars burning ear corn. Report Conditions Improved. Towns along the Union Pacific re port conditions improved. Fifty cars of coal were made up in a special train at North .Platte and propor tioned out to every town in the vi cinity. Nine cars were delivered to Kearney and the big flouring mill there will be permitted to continue operation with one car of ccal. Three cars of coal artf being sold to Fremont consumers in one-half ton lots. The schools will continue until December 19. The schools have enough coal to keep open until spring, but if the shortage becomes more .acute it will be sold to con sumers. , People of wealth in Iowa are leav ing for warmer climates in an en deavor to relieve the situation. Thirty-one families in Shenandoah left to spend the winter in Florida and several more will leave in the near future for California.'1 "( Predict Strike Settlement. Otis M. Smith, president of the Omaha Grain exchange, stated that he received a telegram yesterday from a business associate in Chi cago, predicting an early settlement of the bituminous coal mine con troversy. Capt. C. E. Adams, past comman der in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, received a telegram from Governor McKelvie, who ad vised that the captain's offer to re cruit a volunteer organization of miners has been referred to Adju tant General Paul of the Nebraska National Guard, who is in command of the volunteer forces in this state. Germany Wont Answer Last Note of Entente Basel, Switzerland, Dec. 4. Ac cording to the Berliner Tageblatt, the German government does not intend to answer the last note of the supreme council with regard to signature of the protocol guaratf teeing execution of the peace treaty, but instead will attempt to reach an oral agreement. PilM Curad in to 14 Daya. Dniffulsti refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to care Itching. Blind, Bleed or Protruding Piles. Stops Irritation: Soothes and Heals. Tou can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. SCANDAL OVER KIRK FURLOUGH WILL NOT DOWN State Officials StirredSay Peculiar Order of Re , lease Never Heard of Before. You'vo Mod tho Root Now buy tho Boot SCHULZE'S BUTTER-NUT BREAD L Continued From Face One.) that if successful, he, (the attorney), would receive a 'nice tat fee. Lieutenant Governor Barrows, yesterday acting governor in the ab sence of Governor McKelvie, stated that a complete probe of the tase would probably be ordered by the governor upon his return from Denr ver. . -, However, if the procedure leading up to the release of Kirk proves to be all right, it will be allowed to stand, said Mr. Barrows. Barrows Starts Probe. A. probe into Kirk's release was begun Wednesday by Lieutenant liovernor liarrows. Governor Mc Kelvie declared he knew nothing of the order effecting Kirk's release. As far as can be learned. Kirk did not come to Omaha following his Release. He left the penitentiary in company with his wife, who since her husband's commitment in prison has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. Peter Lesch, of East Omaha. "Mrs. Kirk left my home on Mon day togo to Lincoln," Mrs. Lesch said yejterday. "She has not yet re turned; and I haven't heard from her." Efforts to learn Kirk's present whereabouts from acquaintances were to no avail. According to statute, Kirk had not yet served the required time in prison to qualify him for furlough. He had served 18 months of a 20 year sentence given him for second degree murder. Former Efforts in Vain. . Persistent efforts of his wife and State Senator Petrus Peterson of Lincoln to obtain parole for Kirk were in vain. Last June Kirk was refused parole by Governor McKel vie and also by the pardon board. Though the order for Kirk's re lease, written on a ".scrap of paper," was signed by State Senator Bushee on September 8, Governor McKelvie or other state officials were unaware of the case until after Kirk was re leased. Unknown to Attorney General. Attorney General Davis, when called by long distance telephone, stated yesterday morning that the first he knew of Kirk's release was the stories in the papers. His knowledge of the affair is restricted to that, he said. The order for furlough, on which Kirk was released from the peni tentiary, had not been seen by Mr. Davis, he said. As far as he knows, the action would stand as it is, he declared. From the fact that Governor Mc Kelvie was in Lincoln at the time of the release . of the man from prison, Mr. Davis inferred that no action toward an apprehension of Kirk would be taken. The attor ney general's "dffice has received no instructions from the governor ort the case, Mr. Davis said. Rooney was killed in a gun battle in a cottage on North Fourteenth avenue on the night of January 30, 1918, when detectives discovered the gang dividing loot taken out of the Malashock jewelry company, 1514 Dodge street, in a daylight holdup of two clerks in the place. Martin, Stone and McKay were wounded in the gun fray. Rooney was shot in the abdomen and died the next day. ' ' To Constitutional Convention. Attorney General Davis stated yes terday that he considered urging the state constitutional convention, now in session in Lincoln, to take action denying the right of appeal in crim inal cases, were cases are "how fre quent when prisoners under crim inal charges are paroled before thejr cases are entirely settled by court. This action by the attorney general comes as the result of the freeing of Kirk Tuesday. Commenting on this suggestion by the attorney general, Lieutenant Governor, Barrows yesterday said: I am opposed to one department of the state spending public funds to run down criminals, and after thev have been sentenced to the penitentiary, another department of the state turns them loose, when they have Only served a minimum sentence. Officials Here "Puzzled." The mysterious release of Kirk, convicted of shooting Detective Frank f Rooney following the rob bery of the Malashock , jewelry store, 1514 Dodge street, January 30, 1918, is puzzling county and city officials. ; "It is just such things that cause the 'rabble' to throw up their hands and lose (Confidence in the courts and machinery for punishir.g crime," declared Mayor mith. "As to what a 'furlough' is. I don't know. I never heard of one. This man was duly convicted and sentenced to 20 years m the peni tentiary. He gets out in less than 18 months. Adult Probation Officer Andree- sen says the pardon board asked him about three weeks ago con cerning Kirk and. that he told the board he was a bad mam "Anyway," he said, "the crime of which Kirk was convicted is unpar donable, except by the governor himself." Chamber of Commerce Denounces Release Of Kirk From, Prison V " Spurred by the release of Beryl C. Kirk, jewelry bandit, sentenced to 20 years in the penitentiary for con nection with the murder ot Detec tive Rooney, the public affairs com mittee of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce adopted the following resolution: "Whereas. Universal confidence in the administration of justice and the certainty of adequate punishment of crime is essential to the well being and orderly conduct of society, and.; Whereas, , I he granting ot hasty and unmerited pardons and paroles, weakens all respect for law, stimu lates cwme, invites mob ' violence and prompts individuals to redress their own real or imaginary wrongs instead of relying upon the orderly process of law; therefore, Resolved, lhat we denounce the nounce the inexcusable action by which a notorious criminal was re cently liberated from the state pen itentiary before serving even the pe riod which the law requires previous to application for a parole. In our opinion such action was a blow at civil government, a stain upon the good name of Nebraska, and a crime against society." The committee also formally ap proved the action of the national Chamber of Commerce taken with regard to the shipping policy. Whole Country Put Under Coal Rations (Continued From Pate One.) . no definite stand was taken on a collective policy. It was said the majority preferred to await the re sult of the renewed efforts by the government to prosecute the leaders of the striking mine workers in the federal courts for violating the Lever law. Production Increase. Coal production was said to be continuing at a slight advance over the last week, according to the re ports available in advance of the geological survey's weekly sum mary, t - The railroad administration, since the fuel shortage became acute in the middle west, has been sending coal westward on fast schedule. In the last two weeks, approximately 20,000 cars have moved to districts west of the Mississippi river. Of the total 7,654 cars were consigned to communities in the central western region, 8,194 to the southwestern region and 3,881 cars to the north western region. , . Officials said that within the last week an average of 800 cars a day had been sent to each of the three areas. This was expected to repre sent about the maximum amount which will be shipped because of the general lowering of reserves in the east. To Heal A Couth Take HATES' HEALING HONEY. 85c per bottle. THE MOST USEFUL Christmas The Incomparable Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk, with lift top, heavily padded inside to pre- , vent garments coming off the hangers. Shoe box in front. Laundry bag and most clever locking device to hold drawers. Priced from FUELING & STEINLE'S High Grade Suit Cases and Bags Suit Cases made of Seal, Wal rus and Imported and Domestic Cow Hide Leather. Very de sirable Christmas gifts. Priced at $15, $20, $25 mi Durable Leather Bags, the kind you'll be proud to give, priced from $18.00 " $30.00 FUELING & STEINLE Trunks, Bags, Suit Caaei and Good Leather Goods 1803 FARNAM STREET Americans in Mexico Fear Break Is Coming (Continued From Pare One.) flict overseas. Fear of that result he was quoted as saying, was based on the larger number of European interests in Mexico and the sus pected sympathy between Carranza and the Uerman government.- With the declaration of war with Germany, it was said, the situation became even more embarrassing be cause it was a part of Germany's war gam? to stir up trouble for the United .States on this continent. Mr, Lansing was said to have added that in these premises the administration felt it should go a long way in con serving its resources tor the strug gle with Germany. Follow Wilson's Course. After peace negotiations had been concluded, however, it was pointed out a note was sent to Carranza de claring pointedly that unless more regard were given American rights there would be a radical change in the course of the United States gov ernment. This step, Mr. Lansing is said to have declared, was decided1 on with great deliberation and constituted a definite policy in which there has been no deviation. The secretary is understood to have added that in the circumstances he saw no real urgency for demand ing the president's attention to the Jenkins case since in dealing with it the department only had been pursuing the course Mr. Wilson had endorsed. In questioning the advisability of the action suggested in the Fall resolution, Mr. Lansing was quoted as saying that the Jenkins corres pondence seemed about to bring a real test whether Carranza meant to heed warning given some months ago, and that it might be wiser to let this question be answered be fore breaking off relations. Such a break, he is said also to have sug gested, might not only endanger the effort to obtain Jenkins' release, but also to place other American lives and interests in jeopardy by the withdrawal of diplomatic represen tatives. Advantage Gained. In addition, doubt was said to have been raised as to what practical advantage might be gained by such a withdrawal. j Both the secretary and Ambassa dor Fletcher went before the com mittee at its request and gave their statements behind closed doors. Mr. Lansing was at the committee table more than an hour and a half and afterward the members resumed consideration of the resolution with the democrats asking for delay. At first they proposed indefinite postponement and then postpone ment until the next regular meeting, to be held Wednesday. Both mo tions were voted dqwn by the republicans.- A recent charge by Senator Fall that the Mexican ambassador, Igna cio Bonillas, had attempted to spread bolshevist propaganda in this country, drew a denial, tonight from the ambassador, who said in a statement that he had done noth ing to encourage disturbing ele ments in the United States or Mexico. ! The action of the committee in deciding to send representatives to see the president brought to a focus much cloak room speculation as to the extent to which Mr. Wilson's illness has handicapped him in the discharge of his official duties. 1 Fire Starts Sprinkler. Fire in the Paxton-Gallagher Co. store, at 5 yesterday afternoon set off the sprinkler system fire extinguish er and caused damage estimated at $300. e . COAL OPERATORS FACING PROBE OF GRAND JURY Federal Judge Orders Investi gation Into Alleged Con spiracy i of Owners . And Miners. (Continued From Pae One.) today, although for two days there have been reports of return to work of small numbers of men in scat tered localities. Production had in creased somewhat, it appeared, but in much of the nation the reserve stocks were being reduced so rap idly that a virtual famine existed in many communities and drastic ac tion was taken by railroads and fuel officials! Most Drastic Action. The most drastic action of the day was the order for a reduction jn railroad passenger service of one third in "train miles in the north, central and southwestern railroad regions." The order means cancel lation of more trains, curtailment of luxury equipment arfd increase of cars for trains remaining in service. There is to be no suspension of ex press or mail trains. Industries continued to close, more drastic conservation rules were made in many states and cities and a number of state executives took action intended to aid in relieving the acute shortage. ' While the larger mining corpora tions announced at Washington that they had agreed to pay the miners slightly more than the 14 per cent wage advance promulgated by Fuel Administrator Garfield, the oper ators were said to be awaiting the result of the government's legal ac tion at Indianapolis. Consider 25 Per Cent Raise. I. C. Wells, editor of a coal trade publication, announced in Chicago that private advices from Washing ton were that operators were con sidering a 25 per cent advance offer to the miners, elimination of Dr. Garfield's plan, and an advance in cost of about 30 cents a ton to con sumers. No announcement of con sideration of such a plan was made in Washington. Governor Gardner of Missouri an nounced the seizure by the state of 15 mines in that state. Mining with volunteers under troop protection similar to the system used in Kansas will be undertaken. Governor Cox of Ohio, called a meeting for tomorrow of Ohio op- You, no doubt, have been attending some wonderful salei at the stores that are out of the high rent district. Our low rent and limited space cuts down our overhead and makes it possible for us to save you money. Bo your Xmas shopping at HARPER'S. In the Hard ware department, you will find a full line of Kitchenware. .Buy kitchenware for the women folks. By the way, why don't you buy a new hammer, saw or plane or some other useful tool for the men folks? They will come in handy around the house and will make a nice Xmas present. Do not forget the boys and girls. Look over our line of Xmas Toys. Try HARPER'S today, it will pay. H. H. HARPER CO. 1713 Howard Street, Flatiron Bldg. m.. Quality Is Everything BETTER have none at all than one of poor color, or one that is badly imperfect. Diamonds purchased here will be found to possess the proper color, shape, brilliancy, and that de gree of perfection that must be in high quality stones. - We have been dealing in diamonds for more than 29 years, and persons buying here will get the benefit of that experience. I5-&D0D0E. ll iBBi UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Director General of Railroad CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD Change in Time of Trains ew Schedule Effective Dec. 7, 1919. TO ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO Lv. Omaha 8:52 p. m. Lv. Council Bluffs 9:15 p.m. Ar. Ft Dodge Ar. Mason City Ar. St. Paul Ar. Minneapolis Ar. Chicago ' 1:23 a. m. 3:58 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 8:50 a. m. 7:25 a. m. 7:50 a. m. 12:28 p. m. 3:19 p. m. 8:10 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 3:17 p. m. 3:37 p.m. 8:13 p. m. 7:50 a. m. ' For full particulars ask 5- Consolidated Ticket Of fire' 1416 Dodte St, Omaha erators and miners in an effort to settle the strike in that state. Governors Shoup tf Colorado and McKelvie of Nebraska and Carey of Wyoming at a conference in Denver, called upon the ' national fuel administration to appoint ad ministrators in each state. Fails to Reopen Mines. Governor Sleeper of Michigan sought to arrange a reopening of mines in that state on a basis of the Garfield 14 per cent advance tem porarily, any further increase" to await final settlement. Operators sgreed that coal mined under such an arrangement would not , be shipped, from Michigan. Volunteer miners under troop protection will start work tomorrow in Oklahoma. Kansas volunteers were hampered by rain that froze as it fell. In that state the governor has Teceived word that a fuel famine exists in many cities. Municipal wood piles are in operation in many towns. J. C. Lewis, president, and John Gay, Secretary, of the Iowa district of mine workers, were arrested to day' on citations of contempt issued at "Indianapolis. State troops were ordered with drawn from the Trinidad, Colo., dis trict today. Nonessential industries generally are cut off from all fuel except enough to prevent fire and freezing. The Chicago packers were ordered today to arrange for a common cold storage plant and shut down others. Denver Restrictions Drastic. Denver today adopted 'drastic restrictions on business and industry similar to those ordered in Chi cago yesterday.. Denver's stores will close at 4 p. m., Except groceries, markets and bakeries, and the theaters will elim inate two matinees a week. - Chicago's office buildings went on the slx-and-one-ha!f-hour basis to day artd the stores will adopt the 11 a. m. to 5:30 p. 411., schedule to morrow. The theaters will be al lowed five nights and one after noon performances a week. Elec trie light, both exterior and interior, was greatly reduced. THOMPSON -BELDEN S? COMPANY Christmas Handkerchiefs In a Charming Array tfThe labor of months finds expression in these , w o n d erfully attractive holiday selections. They have been gathered from many corners of the earth and represent the handiwork of many pa tient toilers. tf France and Spain have contributed the loveliest of hand-embroidered ker chiefs, beautiful designs on the finest of linens. Priced from 50c to $15. If New designs in hand embroidered Made iras are from 60c to $3. U Plain hemstitched Irish linen handkerchiefs in qualities from 25c to $1.25. t! Daintily embroidered corner patterns on pure linen for 35c, 50c fend 75c. , i 11 Children's handker chiefs for 5c, 10c and 20c; also boxed assort ments for 35c. Little Gifts for Children . The Cuddle Toy are something you should see, A fine, large ele phant,' or doll and a dog made from white-crepe and stuffed with cotton justsoft enough for a baby to hug till he goes to sleep. The f -tures and designs are sewn by ha,nd in blue, black, pink and yellow floss. Story Books of all kinds. A Raggedy Ann, the Perhapsy Chaps and any number of fairy stories books for girls and boys of all ages. . In the Art Department Second' Floor December Fabrics U The warmest and best looking woolen coatings have Fashion's approval. ' B 0 k h a ra, peachbloom, silvertone, duvetyn and velours. Shown in all of the most desirable colors, $6.50 to $12.50 a yard. , Haskell's black silk's always command the at tention of holiday, shop pers. A black dress is always in style, and never amiss as a gift. We can recommend H a s k e 1 l's silks, having sold them exclusively for , thirty three years. 1 ' Muff Forms ft With so simple a thing as a well-styled form, you can, by the addition of velvet or plush, make a new, warm, fashionable 4 . muffat a very slight ex pense. Forms are $1.75 to $3.50. The Fabric Section Established 1866 , t mm Unquestioned Security for Your Money Money left in our keeping is safeguarded by every agency which' the ablest minds can devise. ' Behind our own ample resources are the resources of a Federal Reserve Bank backed by the millions of dollars in resources which form the basis of the Federal Reserve System. Your first thought should be for the pro tection of your money. Here you receive it' in the fullest measure. The Omaha National Bank Farnam at 17th Street Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 -