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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1919. Man Without a Country " Finds Refuge in Germany ' San Francisco, Dec. 1. Paul Freeman, modern '."man without a country," due to the war, has found .refuge in a German province, ac cording to passengers on a steam ship which arrived here from Syd ney, Australia. Freeman, suspected of beiiyj a German spy, traveled back and fortfh across the Pacific ocean four times, but either the government of the United , States nor Australia would permit him. to land. ' "TTTTTf TVTTTT TTTTTTTTTT ASPIRIN-A Talk Take Aspirin only as told by"'Bayer" i i The name "Bayer" identifies the true, world-famous Aspirin pre scribed , by physicians for over eighteen years. The name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin proved safe . by millions of people. In each . unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you re told how to safely take this genuine Aspirin for Colds, Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Neural gia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis and for Pain. , Always sajr "Bayer" when buy ing Aspirin. . Then look for the safely "Bayer Cross" on the pack age and on the tablets. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cost but a few cents. Drug gists also sell larger packages. KRUG ESTATE IS LEFT TO WIDOW; VALUED$1 10,000 Frederick Krug indicates De sire for Final Disposition . of Holdings Here In Will. 5 ' i Aspirin U trade mark of Bayer Manufacture Monoaceticacideater 01 Salicriicicld MEW.. t 1 '', " For the Capture and conviction of the men who robbed the safe in our store Saturday nightuNovember 29th, we offer the following rewards: $2,000.00 for the capture and conviction of any one man. S4.000.00 for the capture and conviction of any two mem ' '. $5,000.00 for the capture and conviction of' all three men, . " Additional Rewards . Of Half of all Cash and Liberty Bond Recovered, will be. paid. .;"' n $2,000.00 reward for the return of the jewelry stolen, and $2,000.00 for the return of valuable books and papers taken, which cannot be replaced. HAYDEN BROTHERS ui Heavy Walking Shoes for Mid-Winter Wear Solid leather, full soled shoes, in neat, dressy lasts and style for every wear. Neat enough for b u s i n e s s, strong .enough for the hardest kmd of-work-' ; a-day service. The shoe: for "this season of the year. 16th and Douglas. The will of Frederick Krug, pio neer Omaha brewer, was filed in county, court yesterday, together with a nominal statement that the estate is worth upward of $100,000 in personal and $10.0O0-in real prop erty. It is said the real value is more than $500,000. The will leaves the entire estate to the widow, appointing Albert Krug, a son, executor and Isador Ziegler legal advisor. The final disposition of the prop erty is indicated by a statement ot the- division of the estate proyided Mrs. Krug had not survived him. In that event the home at Twen tieth and Leavenworth streets, with the furniturtind automobile, was to be given to Lena Krug, unmar ried daughter. She was also to re ceive 18 shares in the Fred, Krug Products Co. and 166 shares in the Cassel Realty Co.' Other children and grandchildren were to receive the following: Albert Krug, 200 shares' in Fred Krug Products company and, 466 shares Cassel Realty company; Mrs. Anna ,Wiedman, daughter, 18 shares in Fred Krug Products c'ompany 166 shares in Cassel Realty com pany.; Mrs. Tillie Becht, daughter, 20 shares in Fred Krug Products company and 168 Cassel Realty company; Jake Krug, son, 20 shares Fred Krug Products company and 168 shares Cassel Realty company; Jeannette Louise Krug, grand daughter, 18 shares Fred Krug Products company and 166 shares Cassel Realty company. The Cassel Realty company is the holding company for the Krug real estate. No provision is made for Kather ine Metz Krug, because she inher ited pht shares of her deceased father, William Krug. Hours of Automobile Men AromlOA.M.WP. M. ' Automobile men announce that a mistake was made in the announce ment of the hours their places of business will be open under the fuel administration regulations. The an nounced hours of 8 to 2 should have read 10 to 5. My' HEART arid My HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of, a Wife What Madge Read in Lillian Under wood's Protest. I watched Mr. Walter's retreating figure until he was quite out - of sight, Jhen went slowly' upstairs to my room .where Lillian was busily at work at her drawing board. Front the lawn outside came shouts 6f laughter from Marion and crows and gurgles of del;glit from Junior, whom Lillian's young daugh ter was teaching , to walk without support from anyone's hand. Moth er Graham, like an anxious old hen, hovered over the proceedings, and Katie kept straying out jealously from the ," kitchen whenever" she could feign an excuse for doing so. "Well, Madge 1" Lillian looked up from her drawing board cheerily. "It. strikes me' we might just as well have come to board here instead of at Mrs. Durkee's for. the summer. Marion sems to have taken up her 'permanent abode wherever 'Junior happens -o be, while I'm sitting in your pocket all the time. I really should have gone over there today now that you're able to be around, but I just cannot work there these days." " I cast a quick glance at her, but she had bent over her drawing again and her face was jn shadow. But I guessed her meaning, knew that she (lid not care eitner 10 met Major Grantland. who I. knew from Mrs. Durkee was an almost daily caller at my motherly little neighbor s, or to listen to the chatter of Her Fluf finess concerning his supposed in terest in me. But, of course, I could not com ment upon an unspoken meaning, and besides I had things of more importance to discuss with Lillian. Preceding everything else, however, I wished to assure her of the joy it gave me to have hr and her little daughter so near me. "Do you know what Dicky's com ment would be upon your recent remarks?" I asked smiling. .... "Slathers of Work." "No, can do," she retorted. "What?" "That you talk like a can of pork and beans," I replied. "The idea of your daring to . go anywhere else than here if you can possibly man age to put up with us." "So?" she replied mockingly, lean ing back and looking at her work critically. Then she swirled her initials in the corner and rose from her chair hastily. "Praise be to Allah, that's off my mind!" she said devoutly. "But POLICE STILL IN DARK ON CLUES TO HAYDEN ROBBERY Detectives Admit $63,000 Store Theft Completely Baffles Them. J: . . .. " . .. " '. mm . .1 . Texas and Us Gulf Coast-Louisiana- V HotSprinqs(Ar!OtlatlPark- These favored resort regions attract those who seek winter away from winter. There you may engage in all the outdoor sports. Vou may golf, play tennis ride horseback motor along drives bordered by magnolia and pines bathe in the sooth ing waters of healing springs or in the warm surf of the Gulf jnd enjoy the social gayety of a land famed for its hospitality. There you may live in luxury at a big resort hotel, or find seclusion in a comfortable boarding house. . Choose your Southwest resort now. ' ,' '"' t Ask for information about Excursion Fares to certain winter resorts. . "Hot Sprints National Park." "Taxaa Winter Retort." and ether booklets, on request Let the local ticket stent help plan your trip or apply to too nearest Consolidated Tlrket Office or " address nearest Travel Bureau. United States Railroad Admin istration. 4 Transportation Ida;., Chlcato; 141 Liberty St., New Terk City: M2 Hsaley Bid. Atlanta. Ca. Please Indicate tk places yea wlsk ts, see en route. " CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, -1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1684. Nobody Likes to Be Deceived by Appearances. ;' GoqcIis .Best' acarom fulfills every promise of its fine appear ance. The rich color indicates pure durum wheat, which is rich in gluten. A bone and muscle making property. M Quickest Pain Killer on Earth t Mustarine Stops AH Pain in Half the Time it Takes Others Remedies Oftentimes in Five Minutes. Subdues inflammation and Reduces Swellings. TAKES ONLY ONE. SMALL BOX TO PROVE IT Don't be downhearted t Never mind if you have tried plasters and liniments and other things that don't start to banish the pain and asrony till day after tomorrow. It you want to kill pain. Ret rid of aches draw- out inflammation and make all swelling disappear with amazini? speed rct a box of Begy's MUSTARINE right away. Chemist Begy discovered Mustarine. He made it of good, honest, true yellow mustard added other pain-destroying ingredients took out the blister and as tonished the medical profession by giving to the woUd a preparation ten times bet ter than 'Grandmother's good old-fashioned, but dirty and blistering mustard plaster. Mustarine relieves backache, headache, toothache, earache and neuralgia in five minutes in an hour all misery will dis appear. Sore throat goes over night lumbaxo agony in an hour. Chest colds, stiff neck, neuritis, pleurisy, rheumatic pains and swellings all yield promptly and are speed ily ended with Mustarine. the original mustard substitute, always in the yellow box. United-States Rai lrod Administration KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward -off the indigestion of . tomorrow try . IIM1D1DS the new aid to diges tion as pleasant and as safe to jtake - as candy. ' MADE ST SCOTT B0WNE MAKERS Of SCOTT'S EMULSION . Become Slender A Simple, Guaranteed Method If you would like to lose, weekly, from one to five pounds of burdensome fat while rating and drinking all you need, also en joying life far better than at present, just follow this advice: ' Take seven deep breaths of fresh air each morning Bnd evening: after each meal take a little oil of korein: eat all you need, but i-h.w thoronirhlv. and follow other simple directions of the guaranteed Korein system.. Men and women who were waddling around with heaVy, sluggish bodies have, in many cases, reported a gradual, agree able reduction of thirty to eighty pounds, with wonderful benefit to health and figure. This very season is the time to become slender, attractive, vivacious and healthier, very easily. Get oil of korein at the drug gist's: it comes in capsules, convenient to use and is now sold at before-war low price. Weigh and measure yourself week to week. You can scarcely realise the joy that awaits you in normal symmetrical fig ure, with good health and longer life. Show others this advertisement. Detectives have practically given up the. case of the robbery of two safes at Hayden Bros, store, Six teenth and Dodge streets, Saturday night, when thre yeggmen escaped with $63,000 worth . of currency, gold and jewelry, after binding two night watchmen and enjoying them selves with a lunch and music. From, the time of the discovery of the rolibery on Sunday morning, when the engineer of the store found the watchmen bound and gagged, detectives say thev have had no clue on which to work. "As a last resort, the arrest of the yeggmen might likely be made through the cashing of some of the stolen checks or the pawning of the jewelry," Chief of Detectives D unn stated yesterday. Ten detectives have been working on the case. The only articles left by tlieyeggme m the wake of their escape were blown detonating caps and a broken bit out of an electric drill that had been used to tore holes in the doors of the vault. A standing reward of $15,000 for tne arrest and conviction of the three yeggmen if one-third of the loot is recovered, and a proportion ate amount for the arrest of anv of the yeggmen, has been offered by Joseph Hayden, owner of the store. what's on yours?" she added quickly C j . l , , . rtt liter a searcmng iook at me. sue evidently had been too absorbed in her task to gaze critically at me before. . "Many things," I answered evasively. "Come on down in the garden with the children You've been cooped up here nearly all day." out i got slathers ot work done, she retorted with the evident joy irf accomplishment which is always hers. "However, I don't mind ad mitting that I would like some air. Wait just a minute until I get some of this dust off." She slipped out of her big studio apron, appearing fresh and trim in white linen. And after swift ablu tions and equally swift rearrange ment of her wonderful silvered hair, she descended the stairs with me, a picture of mature bauty so striking that I wished involuntarily for Rob ert Savarin's appreciative . artist's eyes. , Hearts Unchanged. The thought brought in its train p.nother which had often occurred to me in these summer weeks since Lillian and her young daughter had been domiciled at Mrs. Durkee's. Beyond the bare statement that Robert Savarin was resting and re covering his strength at the home of his s4ster, Mrs. Cosgrove, in the Catskill mountains, I had not heard her mention the artist's name and I was reasonably sure that she had received no letters from him. In deed I had corroborative evidence of my conviction from gossipy little Mrs. Durkee, who asserted confi dentially one day that "Not even a picture postal card has come from the Catskill mountains for the Un derwoods since they've been here." ! Had Lillian and the man who loved her so devotedly come to definite parting of the ways because Lof my friend's Quixotic determina- . . . . 1 . it T T 1 . tion to respond to narry unucr- wood's real or fancied need of her? I felt a sudden hot resentment at the thought, even though I respect ed the unyielding stoic determina tion of the woman to whom life had meted such long martyrdm of her affections. Marion called to us joyously as we neared the rose garden where she and Tunior were. "Oh, mother! Auntie Madge 1" she caroled. Tumor can walk all alone. See! He can come seven steps to me." She stationed herself a short dis tance from the baby, extended her arms and called softly sweetly. Tunior looked at her steadily as he scrambled to his feet. Then with babv perversity he sat down flat again, and defied all the little girl's efforts to get him up again. Flush ed, disappointed, evidently at her wits' end, she cast a quick glance at her mother, then swiftly unfas tened a gold locket with its thin chain about her neck, and swung it before the baby. Come baby, ' she coaxed, you mav have this if you walk to Marion." I saw Lillian out out a quick pro testine hand, then draw it back again as quickly. I knew the trinket to be a gift of Robert Savarin's to the child he idolizes, realized from the look on my friend's face that she involuntarily resented any other use of it, realized something else that no matter what the present re lation between my friend and the lonely rrfbuntain artist, my friend's heart was still unalterably his. (Continued Tomorrow.) Elopement Spoiled, . Police Say, With the Arrest of 4 Persons An elopement to Cody, Wyo., in which a married sister of the pros pective bride had made plans, was frustrated by detectives late- Mon day afternoon in the arrest of two couples in their rooms at the Hotel Rome. All are being held at Cen tral police station in connection with the theft of two suitcases of clothing from Otto Pugh, Dodge hotel, Thirtfenth and Dodge streets, November 25, according to detec tives. , . . They gave their names as Her bert ' Si-hwerdlcma?i, 24 years old, land wife, Babe. 17 years old; Clar ence D. Rjce, 21 years old, and Ida K. Pounders, 15 years old. The men gave their addresses as Cody, Wyo. The girls declare they arc sisters, and that their home is in Casper, Wyo. The suitcases be longing to 'Pugh were found in the rooms occupied by the two couples, police saw Schwerdleman told po lice that the older of the girls is his wife. s x- , The couples were ready to leave for Codv, Wyo., where Rice and the Pounders girl were to be married, police say. ' Bee Want Ads produce results, j Man Arrested When He Tries to Cash a Check for $15,000 Attempting to cash a check for $15,000 at the Omaha National bank. a man giving his name ts Al Lib by, was arrested by detectives yes terday for investigation. The' check was endorsed by a Louis Libbitt. Another check for " $150 . was found on the man when he was searched at police headquarters, Libby told police he had just come up from Mexico City, and "needed a little change." When asked where he was stop- , ping in Omaha, he told police that his home here was "any door that might be open at the Hotel Fonte nelle." There is no name registered at the Hotel Fontenclle of Al Libby, say police. "eVERYBOPYS STORE" D Kmt - yu r We cannot accept C. 0. . v-w Conveniently arranged D. 's, Exchanges or Phone 1 x""- . tables, . plainly marked Orders. Each sale must prices, plenty of space be absolute. and extra salespeople. Continuing for Wednesday An Enormous Sale of Knit Go ods In the Downstairs Store It is impossible to even try to tell you of the wonderful values to be found in this enormous sale. We feel confident in stating that this is the largest purchase of knit goods we have ever made, for it is the entire output of one of the largest manufacturers in the country, bought by us at an opportune time and placed on sale in the Downstairs Store at. Prices That Are Les$ Than the Cost of the Wool Women's Beautiful Shawlettes and Scarfs A large array in fast colors, m These beautiful shawlettes and scarfs are much inr vogue this season. Ideal for motoring, skating, sleighing and outdoor sports. 1.95 "Made of Brushed Wool, Camel's Hair, Angora, Mohair, Vicuna in numberless weaves, including Plaids, Stripes, Checks and Novel Color Combinations. Women's and Misses' Skating Sets $1.45 Consisting of Pretty Scarf and Tarn Just the thing for outdoor wear, for tliey are so snug and comfortable. Made of Brushed Wool, Vicuna, Mohair, Silk and Wool. In plain and fancy weaves in every wanted color or color, combination. Children's Warm Knitted Caps 45c An opportunity to buy the chil dren knitted caps that will keep them warm and comfortable. Plain and fancy weaves in a numberless , array of colors or color combinations. Boys' Knit : School Caps . 75c ; Just the kind of caps for the ' hoys to wear. Made of heavy wool yarn in plain or fancy knit ted weaves. A great variety of ,( colors from which to select.'' Choice, 75s. Children's Sweater Sets Sots ers, Logins, Toques, Women's Knit Motor Millinery $1.15 . Tarns, Toques, Toboggan Caps, Etc. The ideal hats to wear cold wintry days, when motoring, skating, etc. Made of Silk, Silk and WoolAngora, Brushed Wool, Vicuna In all the new colors and trimmed with fur, chenille, yarn and silk cmbr6idery designs. Children's Warm Sweater Coats $1.25 : Warm winter sweaters for the children of heavy material in solid . colors, trimmed with eon- . tracing colored collar, cuffs, belt and pockets. Warm looking col ors. Choice at $1.25. consisting of Sweat- 1.75 V ' : A SET Made Cam l's dark colors. of Brush Wool, Hair, Vicuua in Girls' Toques Tarns and Caps 95c Splendid for school wear. Iu a gorseoiH array of colors in an ' gora, bruphed wool, camel's hair, oilk. sil!( ami wool, and vicuna in s tripes, plaids, checks and solid colors. -