Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1919, Image 1

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-New York. Dec. 2. New York's
"Great White Way," which became
the great dark way during the coal
famine of the winter of 1917-18, is
likely to be plunged into darkness
again by .the present coal shortage.
The first lights to be dimmed, it
vat aiH. will h tti crat trtrirsf
theatrical display signs and the
other, advertising -signs familiar to
the theatrical district. Should the
coal shortage become even more
acute, more heroic -saving measures
may be taken by cutting out two out
of every three street lights and ban
ning advertising lights altogether.
Dublin, Dec. 2. This city is prac
tically without .motor traffic, the
drivers refusing to apply for per
mits. A general strike is threatened.
Rest opinion here is that the new
settlement of the'Irish problem will
not lie nronosed in the Rritish nar-
hanient until after New Years at
the aarliest. '
The Omaha Daily
VOL. 49 NO. 144.
Eatartf M MoaM-clMi Mtttr May Jt. IsW. at
, Oaaha P. 0. ami act al March 3. I ITS.
r Mill l TWO. Dally. fS.N: nu. K.tts
Oall aJ Saa.. SS.SO: Mhtot Naa. atataf Mtrv
Fair Wednesday; Thursday un
settled, possibly snow in west and
south portion; rising temperature
Wednesday. -
Hourly iiniprrnitirrtu '
4 in ... .
? p. HI.,,'.
5 p. m. . . .
4 P. n . . . t
ft p. .,..
p. n ... .
1 p. an....
p. m....
5 a. M t
. m... v
7 a. m S
X a, m..... t
a. m t
1t a. m 3
It a. m.... 4
IS Boon. ........
: - ' 1 i -
London, Dec. 2. London has
never witnessed more dismal weath
er for a welcome than that which
the prince of Wales received this
afternoon on his return from the
four months' tour of Canada and
the United States.
The prince was greeted by Pre
mier Lloyd-George and a large com
pany of notables. King George,
Queen Mary, Queen Alexandra, the
queen of Norway, Princess 'Mary
and Prince Henry then joined him.
Queen Alexandra was all in purple.
She welcomed the prince warmly
and is celebrating her 75th birthday
with him and the rest of the royal
family at Buckingham palace.
The prince shot out of the train
with characteristic Vim, his face
wrapped in smiles. He kissed his
father, mother and grandmother.
The king and his heir then inspected
the guard of honor drawn up at the
station, whereupon began the pro
cession in state. .
Crowds thronged the streets and
gave the returning prince a royal
Grand Island, Neb., Dec 2. Les
ter Kittering, aged 21, living near'
nere, home from service in trance
but a few months, was accidentally
killed by the explosion of a bpmb
which he picked up on the battle
field and brought back with him as
a trophy. He was investigating its
mechanism when, the explosion oc
curred. '
Carlisle, England, Dec. 2. Citi
zens of Carisler the girlhood home
of the mother of President Wood
row Wilson, unveiled a tablet near
the entrance of the Lowther street
congregational church to commem
orate the visit to the town ot Presi
dent Wilson in December. 1918. .
On "that occasion, the president
went to the spot on 'which had stood
. the chapel of hit grandfather, the
late Reverend Thomas Woocjrow,
Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. 2.
"Babe" Ruth? outfielder for the
Boston American League base ' ball
club and champion homcrun hitter
of the world, may become a pro
fessional heavyweight boxer, it was
announced here, i
"Kid" McCoy, a former pugilist,
and Al St John, a motion picture
actor, entered into an agreement by
which McCoy will train Ruth for 30
days and, if his report is favorable,
it is said, St. John will finance a
campaign of the outfielder to obtain
a match with Jack Dempsey, heavy
weight champion.
St. John said he had backing for
Ruth to the extent of $50,000 if Mc
Cov's reflort was favorable.
Ruth has given up plans to be
come a motion picture actor, ,it is
said. . r , "i '
.The homerun hitting champion
said he used to box in preliminary
contests in Baltimore when he was
a mere boy." '
"I have always wanted to' be a
professional boxer," said Ruth, "but
I gave up any future I might have
had in that same to play base ball
"If McCoy and St. John think I
have any future I am willing to do
everything they ask. It I tail as a
boxer it will be because I. played
base ball too long.
V Washington, Dec 2. The French
embassy issued this statement:
"Mr. Gemenceau denies, in the
most positive manner, that there is
any partictile of truth in the state
ment according to which he"is about
to come to the United States, and
to do so purposely at the moment
when the treaty of peace .is being
discussed by the senate.
"It is the last thing he would
or could do; it js just now "impos
sible for him to leave Paris for a
few days, much more for a few
V Chicago, Dec. 2. S. GPandoJfo,
president and promoter of the Pan
'Motor company of St. Cloud, Minn.,
told how he planned to organize a
corporation which would build an
ideal automobiU. He is chief de
fendant in the trial of 13 officials of
vthe company accused of misusing
the mails in stock selling opera
tions, ......
He said that durmg his activities
Carlisle Surrounded in Cabin
18 ' Miles From Douglas,
Wyo., After Omaha Man
Sends Posses to Trail Him.
Robber Has Been in Laramie
-Peak Region Since Escape,
After. Robbing U. P. Train
Near Medicine Bow. -
Wilson Offers Diversified
Program to Restore Peace
Business Status in Country
Message to Congress Advises Revision of Tax System
And Legislation to Curb Unrest, Reduce the Cost
Of Living and Rectify Labor and Farming Condi
tions, But Peace Treaty Is Barely Touched Upon.
Douglas, Wyo., Dec. 2. William
Carlisle, train bandit, again" is a
prisoner tonight under guard in the
Douglas hospital, where is is suf
fering from a bullet hole in his
right lung. He was shot down by
Sheriff A. S. Roach of Wheatland
this afternoon, after he had been
surrounded in the cabin of Frank
Williams, 18 miles southwest of
Carlisle's trail through a heavy
snow in the Laramie Peak country
was followed from, early Sunday
morning by two posses of 20 men.
The Hrain bandit escaped from the
posse earlier today jumping from a
window of the Widow Bray's ranch
home as the .posse members en
tered. He was captured at 3:30
o clock this afternoon.
Bullet Into Lung.
Carlisle seized a pistol as Sheriff
Roach entered the Williams home,
but before the bandit could fire the
sheriff had sent a bullet through
the bandit's right lung. First ajd
treatment was given the outlaw and
he was carried down the mountain
strapped to a pack horse and
brought to Douglas in an automo
bije. Carlisle has been in the Laramie
Peak country since his escape after
robbing the Los Angeles" limited
train near Medicine Bow on .Novem
ber 18. Letters and telegrams pur
porting to have been from the bandit
in Denver and other parts of the
country were frauds. He made no
attempt to conceal his identity. f
Frankness His Undoing.
It was Carlisle's frankness in ad
mitting his identity that caused his
undoing. Saturday night Sheriff
Roach received word that Carlisle
was in the Laramie Peak country.
He. notified John C. Gayle, chief
special agent of the Union Pacific
of Omaha, who was in Cheyenne,
and a posse was sent Saturday night
from Cheyenne by special train.
In the meantime, Sheriff Roach
had organized another posse and
took a train to Dwyer. There the
posse obtained teams and drove
through a bitter . blizzard to the
ranch of Bob Fletcher, at the head
of Fish Creelt, on the south side of
Laramie Peak. r
The snow was so deep it was im
possible to go further with teams
and the posse proceeded Sunday
morning on horseback to the top
of the peak. The remainder of the
pursuit was made on foot, the
horses being unable to plow through
the huge drifts.
Had Thanksgiving Dinner.
The posse learned that Carlisle
had eaten Thankseivine dinner at
the ranch of William Hill. From
almost every rancher the posse ob
tained further information. He had
dined at the 'home of one rancher
one dav. another the next. Yester
day morning he was at Jim Shaw's
ranch on Horse Shoe Creek. He
had dinner and supper at Frank
(Continued on Pace Two, Column FWe.)
Jack Dempsey to Begin
Active Training at Once
Los Angeles. . Cal.. Dec. 2. Jack
Dempsey, heavyweight champion,
has given up his ambitions to be
come a circus performer and will
begin training along fighting lines
at once, Jack Kearrts, Dempsey's
manager announced here.
"Dempsey is not going to allow
himself, to be caught napping as
to his condition in his first match
after winning the title a mistake
some champions have made to their
sorrow," said Kearns. "F.ven now
he arises early in the morning and
takes long walkes before breakfast."
Kearns -said he had telegraphed
cast for "Bill' Tate, the champion's
sparring partner, to come to Los
Angeles at- once. .
Lid Clamped Down Upon
Louisville and New Orleans
Washington, Dec. 2. A diversified
program to restore a peace time
business status, revise the tax sys
tem, curb unrest, reduce the cost of
living and rectify labor aud farming
conditions was ' recommended by
President Wilson today in his mes
sage to the new session of congress.
The president asked for new tariff
laws based on the nation's changed
relation to the rest of the world,
suggested that the income and ex
cess profits tax schedules be simpli
fied, advocated steps to improve,
rural conditions and promote pro
duction and declared for a "genuine
democratization of industry" to pro
tect both labor and capital.
The railroad problem he reserved
for a future message and he made
no statement of his Attentions re
garding the peace treaty or Mexico.
Many of his resolutions were the
same as those submitted to the spe
cial session last spring and several
of them are embraced in legislation
already being formulated in the two
houses. .
H. C. of L. Regulation.
To meet the cost of living the
president asked extension of the
wartime food control bill, tederai
regulation of cold storage, readjust
ment of food transportation and es
tablishment of a system of federal
licensing for all corporations en
gaged in interstate commerce.
He declared the causes of unrest
to be superficial and temporary and
made his only reference to the sen
ate s tailure to ramy me peace
treaty in saying tnat restlessness
was due largely to the nation's hesi
tation m determining its peace pol
icy. The federal government, he de
clared, should be armed with fall
authority to deal in the criminal
courts with those who promote vio
lence. In an extended discussion of labor
conditions, he declared, the Workers
had just cause for complaint in
many matters, and that there should
be a "full recognition of the right
of those who work in whatever
rank, to participate in some organic
way in every decision that directly
affects their welfare."
Against Usurping Power.
He asserted that the right of in
dividuals to strike must be held
inviolate, but added that there must
be a firm stand against "the attempt
of any class to usurp a power that
only government itself has a right
to exercise as a protection to all."
Finally, he suggested the estab
lishment of a tribunal for peaceful
decision of industrial disputes.
He renewed his recommendation
for a buget system of national fin
ances, asked for special protection
to promote the dyestuffs and chem
ical industries and declared the ad
ministration bill providing farms for
soldiers should De passed without
delay. , -
The message, about 5,000 words
in length, was transmitted to the
capitol by messenger, the president
expressing regret that his health
would, not permit his delivery of it
in person. It was read separately in
senate and house, where it drew
mixed expressions of approbation
and disapointment. The democrats
generally praised it as setting forth
decisively a practical program of re
form', while on the republican side
there were many complaints that
it lacked definiteness and omitted
mention of important problems.
Additional Schools and Indus
tries Closed and Business
Hours Reduced Everywhere.
and New Mexico he owned and wore
out about 37 different cars and
formed his own ideas ot a car mat
would stand up under hard usage on
all kinds of roads and under all
; conditions. He said that these 37
cars which he owned include seven
or more different makes of automobiles.-
, Ie also told how he went broke
in the insurance business in the
southwest and owed "nearly ever
body in San, Antonio," and that he
lias since redeemed all of these debts
except in a few cases where he was
uiiable to find his creditors
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 2. The lid
wasc lamped down so tight Tuesday
nicht on Louisville, the "home of
as an insurance, salesman in lexas4g0Od liquor," that the hardest boiled
bootlegger was adanjant. Following
the ITnited States court of appeal's
decision yesterday ' staying the in
junction of the Louisville district
court strict enforcement of prohibi
tion was inaugurated.
New Orleans, Dec. 2. Sale of
liquor over the bar in New Orleans
ended abruptly Tuesday with the is
suance of an order by the United
States circuit court of appeals sus
pending a lower court injunction
which restrained federal authorities
from attempting to enforce the war
time prohibition act
Chicago, Dec. 2. The coal short
age Tuesday drew tighter the re
strictions of coal consumption with
additional closing of schools and in
dustries and reduction in hours of
business in many regions. There
was little change at the mines.
Subzero weather in 10 states and
slightly less severe cold in much of
the central portion of the country
combined with the reduced coal supplies-
to urge officials and citizens
generally to action. Union officials
in Wyoming ordered the strikers
who walked out yesterday to return
to work, although in Montana the
miners observed their decision to
refuse to return.
The southwest regional coal com
mittee ordered hours of all retail
stores except drug stores reduced
to from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Schools Are Closed.
Scvhools were closed at Cheyenne,
Wvo., and Springfield, 111.
The Southern Illinois Light-and
Power company gave notice thatr
power would be withdrawn from
nonessential industries and institu
tions in 11 towns. -
The Anaconda Copper Mining
company announced at Butte, Mont.,
it was preparing to close its mines
and smelters because of the fuel
shortage. About 12,000 men will be
made idle. .
Mining of coal with volunteer dig
gers in the Kansas surface mines,
begun yesterday, went ahead rapidly'
and the first car of coal was shipped
to the mayor of Coldwater, in west
ern Kansas, where a coal famine
has existed for days.
Governor McKelkie of Nebraska
called for volunteers to dig the
state's coal and a number, including
state university students, responded.
Fear Anthracite Tieup.
-Governor Gardner of Missouri
was working out a plan to put, in
operation in that state.,
Frank Farrhigton, president of the
Illinois miners district organization,
said he would seek a conference
with Governor Lowden tomorrow,
but intimated a strike of anthracite
members might be called to aid the
bitnminous coal diggers.
Serious stoppage of industries and
all forms of business, with closing
of theaters, schools and churches,
generally was ..predicted for many
cities aMhe end of the week. Re
gional coal officials said about 8,000
plants employing 300,000 men in the
Chicago district and more than
1,000,000 in the northwestern region
probably, would soon be out of em
ployment as a result of the restrict
ing of coal deliveries.
Have 30 Days' Supply. , '
. At Chicago a meeting of repre
sentatives of 350 amusement houses
disclosed that the amusement en
terprise had a supply to last 30 days
or more. '
More drastic restrictions for Chi
cago are planned to be promulgated
tomorrow by the council of presi
dents of local business organizations,
at whose preliminary meeting todav
decisive action was urged to effect
a retifln to production Of the mines.
Guy B. Knudtson Found Not
Guilty of Intent to Wound
Charles Coleman.
Amusements Will Not" Be
Closed for Present, Accord-
ing to Message Sent Out by
Subregional Committee.
Essential Industries, Including
Retail Stores, Bakeries,
Etc., Allowed Week's Supply
Of Coal at a Time.
After deliberating one .hour the
jury in the case of Guy B. Knudt
son, detective sergeant on the police
force, charged with shooting with
intent to wound, Charles Coleman,
a soldier while arresting him, March
19, returned a verdict of acquittal in
District Judge Sears' court after a
trial lasting two days.
Two attorneys made arguments
for the state and for the defense.
Knudtson's wife and three young
children were in the court room,
occupying a back seat during the
trial. ' '
Detective Knudtson, testifying
yesterday, declared that the shoot
ing of Coleman was an accident.
"I was leading Coleman up Twen
tieth street toward Dodge after I
caught him on Capitol avenue," he
said. "I had drawn - the revolver
when I was chasing him and had
fired one shot in the air. When he
resisted me on Twentieth street and
finally hit me in the. throat and
broke away I drew the revolver, in
tending if. I couldn't stop him any
other, way from making his escape
I would shoot him in the leg. The
gun went off before I intended
it to." v
Industrial Conference
Continues Deliberations
Behind Closed Doors
Washington, Dec. 2. President
Wilson's message to congress, with
its suggestions on the labor prob
lem, was read before the second in
dustrial conference engaged in for
mulating a program to harmonize
relations between capital and labor.
Continuing its deliberations be
hind closed doors, the conference
discussed all phases of the task as
signed to it for more than six hours.
Plans for a permanent system of
mediation or arbitration of labor
disputes, as suggested by the presi
dent, were considered. Immigration,
the place of alien workers, in Amer
ican industry,- cost of living, ade
quate pay and hours of work also
occupied the attention of the dele
gates . without . an attempt being
made to put any of the suggestions
into final Shape.
. Stanley King of Boston, spokes
man for the eonference, said the dis
cussions without stenographic rec
ord probably would continue
through the week, after which prep
arations of a report would be undertaken.
Freight Vessel Strikes
Mine in North Sea
London, Dec. 2. The American
freight steamship Kerwood, New
York for Hamburg, struck a mine
off Terschelling, an island in the
North Sea. Tugs went to its as
sistance. -
New York. Dec. 2. The steamer
Kerwood. which struck a mine in
the North Sea, left here November
13 with foodstuffs and clothing.
' Duluth, Dec 2. Further
restrictions on the distribu
tion of coal in the" northwest
were issued tonight by the
subregional committee for
this district, which includes
Minnesota, North and South
Dakota, eastern Montana,
eastern' Nebraska, northern
Iowa, "northern Wisconsin and
northern Michigan.
Manufacturers of clothing,
furniture and similar goods
will receive no soft coal while
essential industries are in
need. The list of essential in
dustries, which will be al
lowed one week's supply pf
.coal at a time, includes, be
sides public institutions and
utilities, retail stores, bak
eries, laundries, cold storage
plants, creameries, milk bot
tling and canning plants.
Theaters will not be closed
for the present. ?,
The committee today com
mandeered all coal stocks on
hand at docks at the head of
the lakes.
Theater Ban Unwarranted,
Says Regional Fuel Chief
Washington, Dec. 1 2. (Special
Telegram.) The order of the fuel
administrator in Omaha, forbidding
the. use fuel oils for lighting and
heating in theaters is without
authority, according to the chair
man of the central coal committee.
TI T- O , ,
xienry r, apencer, witn neaaquar
ters in Washington and chairman of
the regional coal committee in Chi
cago. Replying to the request for a rul
ing on the subject made by Con
gressman Jefferis, Mr. Spencer said,
that the order of the local fuel ad
ministrator refusing permission to
Omaha theaters to use kerosene and
ether fuel oils for light and heat
was unwarranted and that such or
der was without the scope of the
federal fuel administrator.
Congressman Jefferis on receipt of
Mr. Spencer's message, wired the
Brandeis, Empress and Orpheum
theaters, the secretary of the local
Musicians union and the secretary
of the Stage Hands union, all of
whom had petitioned him -to get
action, the decision of the coal com
mittee on the use of fuel oils.
Local Coal Committee .
Refuses to Rescind Order
Omaha theater and movie man
agers were, heartened last night when
they received telegraphic informa
tion troin . Washington sustaining
their contention that the local coal
cfmmittee does not have jurisdiction
Under Dr. Garfield's order to nro-
hibit the use of oils for,Jieating and
iignnng ineaters. ,
... Lujiuui 1 iiic Vdll-
OUS theater cratts, headed by A. E.
Stevenson of the musicians' union,
conferred yesterday afternoon with
the coal committee and urged the
point that thefederal fuel adminis
tration has not sought to control the
use of oils for heating and lighting
The coal committee insisted that
kerosene' is a "fuel" when used for
heating or lighting and therefore the
committee would not yield in its or
der that all places of amusement
here should remain closed.
Some of the theater men explained
that they could open without using a
pound of coal or any electrical en
ergy. Reply From Jefferis.
Mr. Stevenson received the follow
ing reply from Congressman Jef
feris: .
"Hope the ultimate decision . by
central board here sufficient for pres
ent. Have Dr. Garfield's assurances
the original order not applicable to
kerosene, hence jurisdiction does not
extend to it." ,
W. M. Jeffers, chairman of the
local coal committee, when shown
the information received from Wash
ington, replied: "It has no bearing
on the situation here."
Joy Sutphen, manager of the Bran
deis theater, who made a hard fight
to remain open by using kerosene,
said: "They thought I was bluffing,
but I was not. , I told you so."
Local theater men are now hope
ful that tire coal committee will re
scind its theater order in cases where
no coal or electrical energy is nsed.
M V .
.A BLHDoes
Henry Clay Frick. '
H. . C. Frick, Multimillionaire,
Expires Art Collector and
Friend of Children.
New York, Dec. 2. Henry Clay
Frick, pioneer iron master and one
of the foremost art collectors in the
United States, died suddenly at his
Fifth avenue home today in his 70tb
For three weeks he had been suf
fering from ptomame poisoning, but
in a statement issued late today; his
physician, '! Dr. Lewis Conner, as
serted that J.'Mr, Jick for. the ..past
month had shown symptoms of an
organic affection of the heart, which
presumably was the late result of
the severe attacks of inflammatory
rheumatism to which he was subject
in earlier life."
Dr. Conner added that Mr. Frick
died "in the midst of what seemed
to be satisfactory improvement in
his condition."
Wall Street Shocked.
The sudden passing of Mr. Frick
shocked' Wall street,' although it
had no appreciable effect on stock
values. Until the last Mr. Frick
detained his interest in business.
Once the associate of Andrew
Carnegie, and then his implacable
business enemy, this master of
finance, who from a farm had risen
in the world to become possessor
of a fortune estimated at $200)00,
000, died less than four'months after
the passing of the "Laird Of Skibo."
It is probable that a large part of
the fortune he amassed by building
up the greatest coke business in the
world and becoming one ' of the
"steel kings'" will be left to the
Following announcement by El
bert H. uary, directing head of the
U. S. Steel corporation, that. Mr.
Frick's costly art , collections, with
his home in this city, would be left
to the public, other friends declared
he had frequently told them that
his children would never be the
richest in the world. ' '.'
Funeral arrangements provide for
a private service at the Frick home
Thursday morning, at which Rev.
Dj-. Leighton Parks, of St. Bartholo
mew church will officiate. The body
will be .taken to Pittsburgh . for
burial Friday. . ;
Friend of. Children.
. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 2. Henry
Clay Frick was best known to the
people here because of his com
manding position in the steel, coal
and coke industry, but to his in
timatev friends- he was known best
as the friend of little children. His
benevolence in their behalf cov
ered a wide area, many of 'them
never reaching the public ear. Oc
casionally, however, it was neces
sary to make them known.' '
It was so in the failure of. the
Pittsburgh bank for savings, which
was closed a short time before
Christmas a few years ago. In this
bank had been deposited the sav
ings of some 40,000 children, under
a plan carried out through the pub
lic, schools. When Mr. Frick heard
of the failure, he promptly offered
to make good every loss on the
presentation of the claim at another
bank of which he was a director.
His. offer was accepted, and the
children had their money for Christ
mas. U. S. Secret Service Agents
Foil Plot to Kill Taft
New York, , Dec. 2. Secret serv
ice agents frustrated, a plot to as
sassinate William Howard Taft
when he was president of the United
States, it was revealed when Pas
quale Pignuola, agent of the depart
ment of justice, took the witness
stand in the United States court to
defend himself against charges of
grafting in the administration of the
prohibition enforcement laws.
When relating some of the things
he had done to help the government,
Pignuola made known that an an
archistic attempt on the life of
President Taft had been defeated.'
Government Expects to Take
Action That Will Solve
Acute Fuel Situation.
Indianapolis. Dec. 2. Convinced
that efforts to bring about a resump
tion of operation of coal mines
through offers of 14 per cent wage
advance to miners have failed and
that the injunction issued by United
States District Judge Anderson
against the strike has been violated,
the government has concluded to in
stitute contempt : proceedings ' at
once, it. was indicated tonight.
Federal agents would make no
statements, as to when court action
might be expected, but it is known
that evidence has been collected
against alleged violators of the in
junction and in well-informed circles
it was confidently expected that ar
rests would be made within 48 hours.
It is understood that the govern
ment fias delayed taking action in
the hope that some other way out
of the fuel difficulty would be found.
The injunction, as explained by
Judge Anderson, extends to indi
vidual v miners, operators or other
persons who in any way encourage
the strike or interfere with produc
tion of coal. Government attorneys,
it is said, interpret this to mean that
any statement made by miners, or
any agreement between two or more
men' to continue on strike, consti
tutes a violation of the injunction. :
Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 2. Gov.
Frederick D. Gardner lias directed
Adj.' Gen. Harvey C. Clark to send
several companies of the Seventh
Regimet, Missouri National Guard,
from Kansas City to Barton county,
a coal mining centert as an emergen
cy measure.
General Clark would not say how
many companies woula be ordered
out,' but emphasized sufficient troops
would be sent to control any emer
gency that may arise. The troops
probably will entrain at midnight
under command of Capt. Roger
Davis, General Clark said.
Barton county adjoins Crawford
county, Kansas, center of one of
Kansas' largest coal fields, and
where disorders have occurred re
cently. Governor Statement.
Governor Gardner issued the fol
lowing statement:
"In view of conditions existing
in the mining district of Barton
county, Missouri, which adjoins
Crawford county, Kansas, where dis
orders have occurred and troops
are now on duty and for the pur
pose of . preserving law and order
and protecting life and property in
the county, I have directed the
adjutant general 'to send troops .to
Liberal, Minden and other mining
points therein. The troops used will
be taken from the Seventh Missouri
infantry at Kansas City."
The governor announced he wold
have nothing further to say on the
coal situation until tomorrow.
The decision to order the troops
out was reached after a long con
ference of the governor with Gen
eral Clark, Attorney General Frank
W. McCallister. State Coal Mine In
spector George W. Hill and A. W.
McAuley, a special assistant at
torney general.
Change of Venue for j. W. W.
Murder Jrial Is Granted
Chclialis, Wash., Dec. 2. Alleged
I. W. W. charged with the murder
of " one of the . four "victims of . the
I. W. W. attack on Armistice day
at Centralia were granted a change
of venue from Lewis county to
Grays Harbor county and will be
tried at Montesano. No date was
set for the trial. " ' .
. ,
Wife of Mooney Faces
Cases Involving Murder
San Francisco, Dec 2. Two cas
es involving charges of murder
against Mrs. Rena Mooney. wife
of Thomas J. Mooney, were formal
ly set for trial December 8, by
Superior Judge Louis Ward
. (- ,
First Five Classes on Priority List Only Concerns to Be
Assured Coal Terminal Committees Are Author
ized to Make Necessary Rulings in Various Com
munities -Near-Zero Weather Adds to Seriousness
of . Shortage-y-Special Schedules' Are Being Main
tained by Street Railway Company to Accommo
date Home-Going Crowds.
The terminal coal committee late yesterday afternoon
received from Dr. Harry A. Garfield, United States fuel ad
ministrator, a statement which authorizes the operation of.
the wartihie priority list in the present coal emergency.
The committee has not announced the extent to which
Omaha will be affected, but W. M. Jeffers, chairman of th
committee, said, 'This order will have the utmost importance
on the local situation." . ' '
. "It is necessary that coal shall be used only for essential
purposes," Dr. Garfield's order reads.
V After a lonz session last nitrht the
ccal committee, through" H. L. Sny-
der, acting chairman, announced that
various nonessential industries of
Omaha are threatened with beingr
closed under the Garfield order.
Packing Plants May Continue.
The committee has not announced
definitely just what industries will
first feel the effects of the new or
ders. .
"We expect to permit the packing
plants to continue operating on an
eight-hour per day basis," Mr. Sny
der said, and he added that he did
not believe that food-producing
plants in general would be dis
The policy of the committee will
be, to directthe Crder first against
the least essential industries andl to
be guided according to the fuel sit-
uation'as it develop, front' day to
day. ;. s . .. -
"The order specifically prohibits
delivery of coal to nonessential in
dustries and owing to the steady j,
depletion of the 'coal supply it will
be necessary to discontinue delivery .
of coal to such industries within
these terminals," Mr. Jeffers said.
Mr. Jeffers however, did not in
dicate the industries that he Consid
ered as nonessential.
Some important announcements
are expected to be made today by
the committee bn this subject.
W. D. Hcsford of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce and F. R.
Davis of the Council Bluffs Chamber .
of Commerce have been added to.
the personnel of the terminal coal
Five Classes Exempt. s
The local committee has author
ity to limit or deny distribution of -coal
to all except, the following,
v.-hich are the first five classes on the "
priority list: ' , .
Transportation agencies., federal
and local ' government institutions
and establishments, including con-V--cernsv
working on government con- :
tracts; public utilities, including
newspapers and retaildealers.
"As far as practicable, until the'
conditions warrant a change, the dis
tribution of coal will be limited to"
the first five classes of the priority
list," Dr. Garfield said in hfs order. '
Text of Order.
The full text of the Garfield order
follows: " -
It is necessary that coal shall be
used only for essentl purposes.
Public. utilities consuming coal .
should discontinue- to furnish
power, heat and light to non- - .
essential industries and should
only consume sufficient coal to
produce enough lighf, power and
heat to meet the actual urgent
needs of the people. Advertism.
signs and v displays of various
kinds necessitating the use of coal " -shouldfbe
curtailed and no coal '
should be distributed for sirch pur
poses. Pursuant to this policy I
have requested the railroad ad
ministration in the distribution of
coal now or hereafter in its pos
session to limit distribution to
these essential, and urgent uses.
As far as practicable, until the
conditions warrant a change,' thr v.
distribution of coal will be limited :
to the first five classes of the pri-.
ority list. Retail dealers who dis
tribute coal for househoM''- re
quirement, heating hotels, build-
, ings, hospitals, etc., should take
every precaution to see that coal ,
' is only delivered where it is'abso
lutely required and then only in""
such limited quatjtilics that tlie
supply may be distributed wWe-
ly and prevent suffering. The
state and other local authorities
can materially aid in inspecting
and supervising such distribution
by retail dealers and the U. S.
government will be glad to leave
the supervision and control of
such distribution by retail dealers .
, entirely to the state, county or
municipality, which may make '
provision therefor.
Weather Increases Problem.
The' distribution to retail deal- ;
ers must necessarily be admin- '
istered by the , Railroad admin- '
istration m pursuance of the or
ders already made by the United -States
Fuel administration in
carrying out the priorities which
have been prescribed under the
Lever act
Near-zero weather yestcrday'tnd
last night added - to the problem
which confronts the city and caused
(Continued so !( Tw, Columa On4 '