THE SEE: OMAH A, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1919. Commerce fcage Quintet Unable to Do Any Practicing The fuel administrator of Nebras ka put a halt to the basket ball practice of the High School of Com merce candidates Monday, closing the Y. M. C. A. gym where practice was to be held. About 30 candidates answered Coach Drunimond's first call, but were disappointed because of the closing of the "Y" gym. Coach Drummond said yesterday that there will be no practice for several weeks yet unless the coal situation is changed. All the veterans, including "Duke" Le vihsOn, Frank Mahoney, Frank Rokusek, Lewis Camere and Charles Hathoot will pe back for the basket season. LOCAL T TO BE REPRESENTED IN NATIONAL MEET Amateur Wrestling Tourney To Be Held at Gary, Ind., In February; - City Meet in Omaha. -4 When the National Amateur wrestling tournament takes place at Gary, Ind., in February, Omaha will be represented by the city's best amateur mat artists, according to an announcement made public by N. J. Weston, physical director of the Young Men's Christian association. While in the east last week, Phys ical Director Weston attended the annual meeting of the International Young Men's Christian association, under whose auspices this tourna ment will be held, and according to Weston, one of the best tourna ments in the history of the associa tion is looked for. It is understood that every city in the United States will send its best mat artists to this tourney, and a number of ciies in Canada also will have representatives. Plans for entertaining the wrestlers are already being made by a committee appointed at tne annual meeting. Best Omaha Men. The local "Y" will seud the best men from Omaha, as this is the first time that Omaha will be represent ed at the tourney. "We are out to show the east and all the cities en tered that we have the best talent in the country and will make strong effort to bring the amateur championship to Omaha, .said Mr. Weston. "When I say 'we,' I mean . the city, as well as the local 'Y," continued Weston. &t least six men will go from Ontaha, one man in each of the fol lowing classes: 115.- pounds, 125 . pounds, 135 pounds, 145 pounds, 150 pounds, 15 pounds and over 175 pounds. Prior to the selection of the men '.who will represent Omaha in the national tournament, the second an nual city tournament will be held at the local "Y," December 6 and 13. The winners of the city cham pionship will be the ones to go to Gary. i Considerable interest is ,-being centered in the local tourney, accord ing to' Weston. Over 21 men have entered and it is expected that at least 100 will enroll before Decem ber 4, the closing date for entries. On December 6, the preliminaries " will take place, while on December 13, the . semi-finals will be held. Medals will be given to the winners of the first three, places in each event. Bouts in the following weights will be contested: 125 pounds, 135 pounds, 145 pounds, 150 pounds, 175 . pounds, over 175 pounds. The following holds will be barred: toe hold, double-nelson,' strangle and hammerlock.. ' . Huskers' Basket Ball Squad in First Work , Under the Head Coach Lincoln, Neb.,' Dec. 1. (Special Telegram.) The University of Ne braska basket ball squad turned out under the direction of Head Coach' Paul Schissler of the athletic de partment for ithe first time this sea son. Twenty-three men comprised the original Squad. The varsity, will practice in Grant's armory, elusive of the freshman squad, which will be coached by John Riddell, ex Nebraska graduate, are on other floors of the building. Nebraska's first game will be played December 13. here. , The Huskers have games sched uled with major teams of the Mis souri, Rocky Mountain and Western conferences. Notre Dame Foot Ball Team to Play Oregon Aggies Christmas Day South Bend, Ind., Dec) 1. The Notre Dame foot ball team will meet the Oregon Aggies at Port land, Ore., on Christmas day, it was announced by the faculty. The squad, which will consist of 15 men, will leave South Bend on December 19, and stops will be made at salient points of interest. To Decide on Trip for Grid Squad of Harvard Uni Today : Cambridge, , Mass., Dec. .1. "Whether, the Harvard university . foot ball team will go to the Pacific coast to meet a western college eleven will be decided Tuesday night at a meeting of the athletic com mittee of the university. v University officials have telegrams requesting the Crimson team to make the trip, including a message - announcing that a formal invitation ' to the "Harvard team to play . in . Pasadena at the carnival of roses tournament on New Year's day was on the way. The mayor of Los An geles -joined in the request, and , other messages said Governor Ste phens of California was forwarding an invitation in behalf of the state. - . Opinion at Harvard appeared to favor acceptance. ' Mid-West Bowling By C J. Cain The Middlewest tournament came to a close Monday night at 6 o'clock wan the at. rrancis Hotel ot M. Paul champions in the team events with 2936. H. Schaefer and R. Mein hardt pf St ' Louis, leaders in the two-man event with their score ,of 1283, which is the associations rec ord. An Omaha roller, Tommy At kins, is the individual champion with a 660 score. Jimmy Smith, the crack Milwaukee bowler proved his class by winning the all-events by' a score of 1860. " High class and sensational rolling featured the entire tournament. Con ditions were ideal for a successful tournament, more so than for any previous -Middlewest tournament. Every bowler, both local and visit ing, is well plased with the splendid way the tournament was handled. The officials. Association Secretary M. Locker, Local lournamcnt sec retary Harry Eidson and Assistant Secretary Frank Jarosh, were on the job all the .time and handled the" tournament with the highest de gree of efficiensy. President Menne of the Middle- west association was here during the entire tournament acting in his ca pacity ot executive head. The alleys were in the best pos sible shape and the pins were the most lively ever rolled against, acr cording to the opinion of many vet eran tournament shooters. The visiting entry was the best ever and only a few teams short of the local entry, at St. Louis three years ago. v The prize list was second only to that of St. Louis three years ago and only a few dollars at that. The class ofi the bowlers entered this season is the best that ever participated. - Never before has such a collection of stars been together in one gathering in. so short a - TWO-MEN H, Rchaefrr Mid R. Melnhardt, St. Ixmls A. Rode and ii. Becker. Milwaukee ...... Ken ftclple and Myron Stuns, Omaha J. Mulcshy and M. meaner, Chicago, ..... D. Tie Vlto and K. Luby, Chicago A. fttndrlar and H. Lumpuhl. Chicago V. Stout and O. Render, Peoria , H. Wsite and 3. Bltxer, Denver K. Rardl and Joe Shaw, Chicago A. Morvenroth and K. Davkert, Milwaukee . 3. Kuth and Jimmy Smith, Milwaukee .... W. Rhea and 3. Mitchell, Minneapolis F. Kratrchvia and (. loss, Chicago F. Frost and H. Olnnimn, Fort Dodge P. Klchsteln and II. Van Hoven. fit. I'aul . A. Render and F. t.rebbs, Chicago C. Cole and A. liordnn, Minneapolis W. Clark and A. Hoffman. Kantian City . . . W. Coffin and O. Seller. Den Moines Roy Karls and Jeke Mitchell, Omaha Ham Itaord and Tom Adkins, Omaha . ... . . 3. Snvder and H. Welch. Sioux City til Toman and Moses Yousem. Omaha . . . F. Snangler and K. Dnnran. Lincoln ...... M. Moore and C. Wallace, Omaha E. Seely and 3. Forts, Chicago '. I, . Dnnlelakt and F. Jess. Milwaukee 3. Akin and 3. Watt. Winner, H. D 3. Olson and E. Nordstrom, Minneapolis .. A. Denning and 8. Baiter. Peoria K. Wagner and A. Herda, Chicago A. Robertson and H. Plattner, Lincoln .... R. Hnear and O. Johnson, Dea Moines R. Nelson and U Schmelier. St. Paul . .... T. Reynolds and W. Brennen, Chicago .... S. Thoma nnd W. Carey, Chicago M. Stelner and R. Caldwell, Fort Dodge ... D. Schulis and 12. Kanoskl, Omaha ...J..... R. Meyer and L. Waldecker, St. Louis .... W. Spencer and H Marino, Chicago U. Moore and G. Jarobsen, Des Moines . . i . F. Knfora and P. Wolf. Chicago J. Hummel and F. Todd, Des Moines B. Shatw and II. Flcgensohuh. Omaha W. Barren and A. Wartchow. Omaha ..... . O. (iarrlx-tn anil A. Thleme. Peoria . . J. Blouhf and Bnick, Chicago J. Stanch and F. Helmer, Minneapolis A. Johnson and C. Dlch, St. Paul R. Buchanan nnd H. Anderson, Slong City R. Krlckson and F. Lindgren, Sioux Falls A. Riley and E. Hhepard, Kansas City IV. Waters and E. (irubb, St. Louis ........ E. Mauer and I (IJerdo, Denver v H. Melnhardt and D. Sweeney, St. Louis .. A. Ball and V. Carey, Aberdeen, 8. D P. Wehrmelster and J. Fllger, Chicago ; . . . O. Rudolph and T. Bruggeman. Des Moines F. Yarman and J. Lanlck, Wahoo. Neb H. Beselln and J. Klanck. Omaha . 3. Martin and W. learn, Omaha O. Oelser and E. Krems, Chicago F. Van Dyke and M. Myers, Sioux Falls . . . M. Cowley and J. Sager, Des Moines T. Hark ins and C. Hallbake, St. Paul H. Doran and G. Falkenbaeh, St. Joseph .. E. Carr and J. Hayes, Lincoln i. Moore and F. Shaub, Fort Dodge R. Nelson and J. Raeder. Winner, S. D. ... FIVE-MAN EVENT. Team. City. Score. St. Francis hotel, St. Paul...2.08ff hmlth's Arcades, Milwaukee. .2,865 Itlca Clothiers. Des Moines. .,8.W Mlnnmnt Awning Co.. St. P..S.H47 Rogers Cafe, Omaha. ....... .2,8 St. Paul Ainieiic uino, ii. ."? Archer Tires, Minneapolis ,778 x.l mrhwu Markers. F. D. 8.774 Federal Rubbers, Mllwankee. .2,767 Burrell Belting vov i;nicago.,(w Clauslus, Chicago, . . ; f ,764 Francisco Majors, Denver. .. .2,760 Assn. of Com., No. 1. Peoria. .1,741 Martin Fellhauers, St. Louis.. 2,740 Fairmont Creamery, Omaha.. 2,789 Puritan Flours, Schuyler 2,732 Scott Tents, Omaha 2,731 Cham, of Com., Des Moines. .2.728 H. C .Menne. St. Louis 8.722 Bowlers Journal, Chicago. .. .2,714 Wlsners, Chicago 2,700 Blouin-Brucks. Chicago .....2,706 Hawkeye Trucks, Sioux City.. 2,704 Champ. Spark Plugs, Toledo.. 2,700 Read's Winners, S, Winner. . .,MI Premiums. Fort Dodge. .... .2.691 Metralfs. Chicago 2.679 Read's Winners, 1, Winner... 2,679 Lowe and Campbell. K. C...2.67S ThiW Meats. St. Paul 2.670 Central Alleys, Minneapolis. . .2,665 Liberty Six, Lincoln 2,662 Bart Clothiers, Chicago 2,662 Bktckhawks, Davenport 2,058 Sunlight Paints, Omaha 2,657 Whltesldes, Waterloo 2.65S Paulson Motors, Omaha 2,652 Sinclair Oils, Chicago 2,649 Imperial Leathers, Chicago. .2,645 Lisle Paint tc Glass Co.. K. C. 2.644 Commodore Barrys, Chicago. .2,687 Schmidt's Malta, St. Paul. .. .2.637 time." The attendance was a record one, a large crowd of spectators constantly in the stands. - . From a financial,, standpoint the tournament wasi v a success. The tournament company will be entirely in the clear when the books are closed, which1 is a good showing for the local management. " . From a local bowling standpoint the meet was a grand success. A large number- of Omaha bowlers figure in the prize lists, especially in the singles. Atkins, O. Johnson; Wartchow. Kennedy. Barron. Fisrer- fchuh, Kieny and Xanderkamp were high rollers in this event and sever- S others are in the prize list. In e two-men, Roy Karls and Mitch ell, Sam Board and Tommy Atkins, G. Toman and M. Yousem, . M. Moore and C. Wallace were high rollers, and several other teams will win money. 1 Wartchow was the only local roll er to land in the all-events, a regu lar habit with him in tournaments. Omaha teams are well up. The Rogers Cafe wins fifth monev. The Fairmont Creamery, Scott Tents, Sunlight Paints and Paulson Motors alt landed up' in the money. The local rollers captured a little over one-seventh of the prize monty. amounting, to. $1,164.35, divided as follows: five-men event, $355; two men event. $267.50: individual. $540.62; all events; $1.85. One cham pionship medal- stays in Omaha in the possession of Tommy Atkins, the tournament's, individual cham pion. This is a splendid showing after being pitted against the best stars in the game. The following shows the final standings and prize winnings. In addition to the money shown, the leaders get a gold medal and the all-event thampkm. ' Jimmy; Smith, wins the silver trophy: EVENTS. ....,. Team. -' i City. A Score. Prke. Jhnmy Smith, Milwaukee... M S 80.00 I'hll Wolf. Chicago..:.... ...1.841 25.00 Larry Genolo, Toledo. ....... I J:l 20.00 R. Melnhardt. St. Louis ...... M i 13.00 J. MltrheU, Minneapolis 1,817 .. S.34 T. Burkiim, St. Paul 1.817 -8.SS Hernsaa Lempuhl, Chicago, . .1,817 8.38 Gus Jonas, Milwaukee 1.816 5.00 W. Col (In. Des Melnes. ...... 1J110 500 Al Wartchow, Omaha 1,8117 1.83 Bank Marino, Chicago 1,807 1.83 " ' '' " S12S.75 Smith also receives pot of 891.(11 upon returning silver trophy cup in ten months. Singles. OMAHA. i,r3 1.278 .f ....1.241 1.220 1,228 1,217 ......1,213 1.208 1.202 i.m .1,108 ; i,i4 ; 1.194 . i ..; ...1.198 1.191 . 1,180 ; 1.179 , .1.178 ..1.178 1,173 1,170 ; .1,170 ,. 1,187 1,182 4 1,159 1,156 1.156 1,155 1,155 1.154 1,152 1,131 1,146 .....1 145 ...1.145 1,144 1,141 '......1,144 .1,148 1,142 .1,142 1.140 1,140 1,189 ...........1,189 ., 1,180 1,188 1,133 .....1,132 1,128 ,. 1,127 1,126 .1,125 1,125 1,124 ...V 1,124 . ..h... 1.123 , 1,122 1 .....1.121 J. .. ..1,121 1 1,121 1,119 1,119 1,116 1,115 . 1,115 ..1,113. 1,113V 1,112 Triie. 9250.00 225.00 200.00 180.00 170.00 160.00 150.00 140.00 130.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 90.00 ' 80.00 75.00 70.00 80.00 50.00., 50.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 85.00 80.00 , 80.00 27.50 87.50 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 25 00 25.06 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 12.50 12.50 INDIVIDUAL EVENT. Team. City. Score. Tom Adkins, Omaha... oo Ole Johnson. Omaha 658 Phil Wolf. Chicago ... . Joe Shaw. Chicago Al Wartchow. Omaha.. W. Lambert, St. Louis. Larry Gossolo. Toledo. . George Kennedy, Omaha Hank Manno, cnteago.. W. Carey. Chicago M T.nsarer. fit. Paul..'... F. Yarman, Wahoo 680 W. comn, Mes M nines w H. Fiegensrhub, Omaha z George Stroti, Des Moines 625 A. Herda. Chicago 624 C. Felling ham. Winner ....623 Will Barren,. Omaha i. Konona, St. Louis,.... D. De Vlto. Chicago Jimmy Smith, Milwaukee. G. Mnnme. Dea Moines... D. Miller, Milwaukee 618 C. Moses, Tooledo .......613 J. Fllger. Chicago 813 G. Sellers. Des Moines 618 H. Landwherkamp, Omaha.. ..612 J. V. Dunne, St. Louis ,...612 F. Jess, Milwaukee... ..611 .647 ...646 ...642 .'.641 ...641 ...640 ...638 ...638 .637 .622 616 61S 613 614 Prise, f 1 10.00 100.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 72.50 72.50 63.00 57.50 57.50 50.00 42.50 42.50 35.00 80.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20 no 18.73 18.75 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 Yes; S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable Nature's Safe Blood Treatment - Known for 50 Years as the Best Remedy for Rheuma tism, Catarrh and Skin Diseases. Scientists ..have discovered that the forest and the'fielare abun dantly supplied ' with vegetation of various kinds, that furnish the in ' predients for making a remedy, for oractically every ill and ailment of ' jiankind. Medicines made from roots, herbs snd barks which Na ture has placed at the. disposal of . marw- are better than strong min " eral mixtures and concoctions. Mineral medicines work - danger ously on the delicate parts of the bowels, by eating out the lining membrane, producing chronic dys pepsia and often entirely s ruining the health. S. S. S. is made entirely of gentle acting, healing, purifying roots, herbs and barks, possessing prop erties that build up all parts of the system and cleansing the blood of the germs that cause Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, and all disorders of the blood. It cleanses the entire system and it is permanent. Get S. S. S. at any drug store to-day. It is a standard remedy, recognized everywhere as the greatest blood antidote ever discovered. If yours is a peculiar case write to Medical Director, 26J, Swift Laboratory, At lanta, G' , H. Paul, Des Moines. 611 K. Melnhardt, St. Louis 608 J. McQuade, Peoria 607 W. Metrair, St. Paul 606 F. Spellman. Omaha.. 606 Myron Stunz, Omaha 606 J. Welch, Sioux City..... 606 L. Kleny, Omaha 605 C. Llndqulst, Sioux City 605 G. Stoke, St. Paul..... 608 J. Snyder, Sioux City 603 . Shannon, Chicago.... ,.602, Dr. Everett, Kansas City. . .... .601 O. Boder, Peoria 601 H. Locheed, St. Paul., 600 N. Brack, Chicago...: 600 H. Faber, Chicago 600 . W. Haarmann. Omaha 600 . C. Cole, Minneapolis 599 H. Melnhardt. St. Louis 597 C. Garrisoo. Peoria. 597 E. Wyatt, Kansas City 596 B. Berge, Sioux City 596 H. Wills, Chicago 596 F. Millson, Omaha... 594 3. Sweeney. Sioux City 593 A. Ball, Aberdeen 503 H. Larsen, St. Paul 582 F. Blum, Kansas Clty...t 592 3. Kuth, Milwaukee 591 0. Stein, St. Louis 591 F. Turner, St. Joseph 591 C. Hlppe, St. Louis...,. 590 F. Shanb, Fort Dodge 589 F. Waldt, Aberdeen .....589 G. Jaeobson, Des Moines 589 J. Brady, St. Paul 589 S. Baxter, Peoria 588 H. Crlnnlgan, Fort Dodge !588 W. Brennan. Chicago 587 II. Martin, Sr., St. Paul .587 B. Buchanan, Sioux City 586 F. Makeplece, Kansas City.... 586 W. Voca, Omaha 586 M. Locker, Des Moines.; 586 ' W. Rice, Council Bluffs 585 C. Falkenbaeh, St. Joseph 585 Y. Carey, Aberdeen... ........ .58.1 3. Mitchell. Minneapolis:..... .584 J. Hidahl. Denver . ..583 H. Horwick. Omaha 583 A. Vlnall. Davenport.... ....... 582 K. Dlckelman. Omaha 582 A. Gordon, Minneapolis 582 F. Thomas. Chicago .582 , J. Rivest, Chicago 582 M. Blan, Milwaukee.... 581 J. Hubacher. Fort Dodge 581 1. Perala, Minneapolis 581 F. Beye, St. Louis 581 D. Bunnlng, Chicago ..580 T. Bruggeman, Des Moines 580 F. Lyman, Minneapolis. . ..... . .580 F. Snangler, Lincoln.. ,.579 J. Watt, Winner ......579 H. Steers, Chicago........ 579 H. McCoy, Omaha .....578 ' A. Gehrman. St. Paul. .578 F. Bauer, Dubuque .....578 G. Heefle. St. Louis 577 J. Rnssell, Ch'eapo 577 Hy Hanson, Omaha...., 877 C. Holm, Davenport ,.578 F. Todd, Des Moines 576 F. Kafora, Chicago 575 K. Spear, Dea Moines. ....... .-.575 G. Alwee. Kansas City 575 B. Gilbertson, St. Paul. ..... ..575 F. Bauer, Peoria ..575 K. Grabbe. St. Louis ...575 O. Carmiehael. Chicago...., ...574 M. Huntington. Omaha. ...... .574 K. Matak. St. Paul . .574 A. Thleme, Peoria.. ......... .574 R. Karle, Omaha 573 H. Welch. Sioux City.., 573 K. Hall. Kansas City rv. 573 O. Friendly. St. Louis. ........ .512 W. Sebeunmann. Omaha 571 TC Branch, Le Mara 571 H. Hoyer, Sioux Cltv....: 371 J. Stanch, Minneapolis....' 571 E. Healv. Chicago 570 F. Herndon. Kansas City 570 R. Raydl, Chicago..., 569 R. Nelson. Winner 569 H. Kherhardt. Dubuque 569 F. Staffer. West Side 569 J. Font. Fort Dodge 569 S. Sherman, Toledo .... , 568 Al Sindalar, Chicago 568 C. Rice, Omaha , 567 J. Hemmel, Des Moines ...567 O. Krneger. St. Paul ..567 E. Ertckaon. Sioux CltT 567 F. Van Dyke, Casper, Wyo 567 W. Heira, St. Tflns 567 W. MessMr. Toledo 567 F. C-.rr. K-na City. 568 B. Keck, Lincoln 5M S150.C0 125.CO H.!0 85.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 65 OO 60.00 55.00 47 50 47.50 45.00 45.CO 40.00 40.00 37.50 , 37.50 as.f.o 32.50 82.50 80.00 30.t0 25.00 25X0 25.IO 22.50 22.50 SO.I'O 20.00 30.00 . 17.50 17.60 13.00 15 00 15.00 15.00 10.50 10.50 , lf.l 10.00 10.110 10.00 10.00 io.oo 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 io.oo 10.CO 10.00 io.oo - 10.00 'I 10.00 . 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 io.oo . 10.00 10.00 10.00 .10.041 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.50 12.50 12 50 12.50 12.60 12.50 12.50 10.63 10.63 10.62 10.62 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.60 10.00 io.oo io.oo 10.00 8.73 8.73 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 -1 50 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 6 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 00 6.00 S.OO 3.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 , 5.00 . S.O 6.00 5.00 5 00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 - 6.00 500 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ' 500 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.(10 5.00 5.00 Wills..... Hoffman.' 6731 Karls... 8choenman. 571 4811 568 R. 561 W. r. lahmke. ... AlJJ6.Klr..., 8. i, . Careys,'.... 6 s 5 1 B. Ward.....;. 508 Litts... MSI A. 8trrifle;...v,. 4SS Fefls........ 478! R. O. Boughnef. 562 I.orenzen... 512 A. 'Ball..... Waldt 6891 J. WaJdt... i WAHOO,' NEB. Tar man 630, V. , Kondcls Brown. KllllHIl... - Rankin... Frost Hubacher. Halffrafi.. Shaub. 624 J. 'Lanlck...., 6.171 F. Simony n... Foril . Crlnnlgan. Peterson.. Crosby.'... Moore G. Sellers F. Todd' . II. Lacker Pollock , Holm . . Peterson 6201. T. 4791 H. B81W, 471 F. D89l7. DES MOINES. IA. B13IW. Coffin ... 57J. Hammel .. 6KK(. stcats .... DAVENPORT, 1A. 473! A. Vlnall ..... ... 6711 W. Bennett .. ... 4S4l -.v WINNER, 8. D. C- Flltlngham. . 1 roubles. 693 560 44 485 660 66 5S8 474 , 664 , 650 . 630 All . 682 . 495 62.1 I I OMAHA. I. r. F. A. A. T. If. W. A, M. J. F. A. fi. J. J. b'. c. Pahmkrand A. Rrman ........ Wills and W. Schoenman WAHOO. Brown and F. KomMe Yarman and J. Lanlck Slnodyues and IU Klllan ABERDEEN. H. D. Ball and T. Casey '. .... I.oungan and B. O. Boughmer. Waldt snd J. Waldt.... Letts and H- Ward Coffin and !. Sellers Strelfle and F. Gefu V DES MOINES. Loekei' ami O. Btrotii Hamincl and F. Todd FORT DODGE, Froat and H.Arlniugau Halfap and F. Crosby ....... Moore and F. Shaub Ford and G. Rankin Hubacker and W. Peterson DAVENPORT, IA. Peterson and W. Bennett .. Holm tfnij A. Vinoll IA. . IS7 .1023 .1329 .1121 . 989 .1124 .1068 .1102 .1105 .1176 . .904 .1103 .1140 .1193 .1099 .1113 .1053 . 998 .1005 .1051 Star Basket Ball Teams ; To Play Omaha Five OnT'Hoor Arrangements for bringing a number of the crack basket ball teams to Omaha this winter to meet the Omaha Y. M. C. A. quintet at the local "Y" gym have been com pleted, according to Verne Moore, chairman of the "Y" basket. ball committee and manager pt the team. Games already have been sched uled with the crack Chicago Tigers, one of the fastest teams in the west; Kearney Athletic club, Lincoln and Des lloines Y. M. C. A., white ne gotiations are under way with a number of other fast teams through out the country. Most of the gimes to be played with the Y. M' C. A. team will be staged on the local floor, according to Moore, although return games will be played with Kearney and Lincoln. This will be the first time in many years that the local; "Y" has been represented on the cage flpor and officials are expecting a most suc cessful season. The tentative lineup of the 'Y" quintet includes-Art Broniley, Frank Mahoney, George Parish, Ernie Adams,, Nelson and several other former Husker stars. Mahoney. star Commerce high. playeT, is slated, to play forward. He is one of the best shots in the city, and last season scored more points than any other player in the' Com mercial league. Thus far this year in the Preseason league, Mahoney has been one of the stars. Bromley, who led the Nakens last season in the Commercial loop,' is the other forward. George Parish, guard, needs no introduction, as he has played on the local floor for many years. Two years ago he was a member of the Creighton five. Parish's running mate will be Ernie Adams, former Commerce high and Omaha university star. Nelson will hold down the center position. ROYALTY TO BE SPECTATORS AT BIG TITLE BOUT Members of Reigning Family To Be at Ringside When Beckett Meets Carpenter For European Title. London, Dec. 1. (By Universal Service.) The prince of Wales, Prince Albert and other members of the royal family, are expected to attend the Beckett-Carjienticr, fight for the championship of Europe Thursday evening. Interest in the bout is widespread and the presence among the 'spectators of many cab inet members, admirals, generals and other notables is assured. It is also certain that there will be many women" present. The gate receipts are estimated at $100,000, which will be a record for Great Britain. The average price of admission to the club is $30. The winner will take $50,000 and the loser $25,000. The fight Is to begin at 10 p. m. and is scheduled for 20 rounds. "I received only $2 for my first fight," Carpentier said today. "I have had 68 battles altogether. 1 1 had accumulated $200,000 at the be ginning of the war, but I invested it in the Lens coal mines and I sup pose it must be counted as nearly a total loss. On Thursday night I hope to begin the rebuilding of my fortune. Bee Want-Ads Always Produce Results. Champion Shows Form. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Pete Mer man, bantam weight boxing cham pion, showed championship form in his six-round bout with Patsy John son of JTrentorr; N. J. Herman dis played superior fighting ability in every round, knockintr the Trenton boy down several times in the third i r t. : I Beatrice Wrestler Loses Match to Diller Mat Star Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 1. (Special.) John Fyfe of the Diller vicinity won in a finish wrestling match Sat urday from Bryan Wood of this city, the first fall coming in 29 minutes and the second in ten minutes. "Wood for President Club" Will Meet This Evening W L. Gaston will be the principal speaker at a meeting of the "Wood for President" club, which will be held at the Paxton, hotel at 8 this evening. Prominent Oma ha men will make short talks at this meeting. Council Offers 75 Per Cent of Dog Tax for Gty Humane Work The Nebraska Humane society presented a proposal to the city council to take care of all itray animals in Omaha for 85 per cent of the dog tax collected by the city and to remove all dead anmals from the city streets for an additional $1,800 a year. The city council declined this pro posal, but offered to give the society the contract for 75 per cent of the dog tax collected. "."' The society estimates that $7,000 will be collected in dog tax next year. The iociety did this work during nine months of the present year for $4,000. The dog taxes col lected in that period amounted to $6,962, leaving the city a surplus of $2,962. . ; Britton K. V Ryan. I ("anion. fY. Dr. 1 Tarlr RriHnn welterweight champion, knocked out Billy Kyan ot Cincinnati in the litli round of a scheduled 12-round contest. Lewis Defeats Olio, ' Chicago, Dec. 1, Ed "Strangler'. Lewis defeated John Olin in two straight falls Monday night. , Tho first fall wat see.arrA in .SO minute. while the second required less than one minute, i . . . Today's Calendar of Sports. Vatlnri Winter mMtlnr of CnbM American Hockey rlufc. mi Hrnis. Wtata tor meeting- at Jefferson park, hew' Or leans. Bench Miswt Annual show of Atlanta) Kennel club, Atlanta. Oa. Annual shew of Rhode island Boston Terrier etahf rroviaenre. , ter Klnsells. at PhiladelDbJa. for Amelia can open championship. Crrling: Second dar of lh six -day bicycle race, Madlsoa Square Garden, ew York. . Billiards: Continuation of national socket billiard rhamnlonshlB tournament. a Philadelphia. Camels certainly do answer your keenest cigarette (desires Tinplate miils in South Wales are running on half time owing to the shortage of lab for quality, for refreshing flavor and frag ranee, for smooth, delight ful mellow-mildness, for "body" and for real and true satisfac tion! You have only to get acquainted with Camels to realize the ab solute superiority of the Camel blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. s r' m - . . -- - - I r f ' )(Li(Li r v. And, how you will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tpbacco smoked straight! We tell you it is a revelation! Camels are so unusual, so unlike any, cigarette you ever puftedon! They rneet the v exacting require ment of the most fastidious smokers! No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! And, it will delight you to discover personally that. Camels leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! : So confident are we that Camels will exceed jrour highest cigarette ideals that we say frankly com pare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll forget all about coupons, premiums or gifts! Camea art told erarf. when in cisnd'lcaJy aamf pmoktp of 20 eigtnttaai or fan pck gu (200 ciganttv) la glMtain paper oorarxf carton. We sfrpny reo ommenrf thia carton for tha komo .or offlo twp pij or srAen jrov trmrvL R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wnatim-aalssa. W "J.