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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1919)
r ' : o THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER SO, 1919. 5 "A LOUDEN URGED FOR PRESIDENT ON WARRECORD Former Omaha Man Here Tells Reason Friends Support Illinois Governor for High Office. State Senator Clarence F. Buck of Monmouth and Joseph C. Ma son of Springfield, 111., were at the Hotel Fontenelle yesterday. Both .have many friends in Nebraska, Mr. Mason especially having a wide ac quaintance acquired through work on The . Bee and other Nebraska newspapers. '.'' , Senator fJuck and Mr. Mason called ori numerous Omaha citizens during the day in the interests of Governor Frank O. Lowden, the war governor of Illinois, whose friends are presenting his name to the people for consideration for the republican nomination for president of the United States. "From every part of the' country," said Mr, Mason, "are coming flat tering assurances of support. The attention of the people has been at tracted to Governor Lowden by his sterling Americanism. He was the first governor to pledge unfailing allegiance to President Wilson and the federal government when diplo matic relations with Germany were severed. From that moment he gave the federal administration his loyal support. In not a single in stance did he fail to respond when the Washington authorities called for assistance nd co-operation. Offers Use of Farm. "From the first Governor Lowden had a clear vision of what the war meant. He offered his fine farm in the Rock River valley to the gov ernment for a training camp. Some one asked if he did not know it would be ruined. Surely, he responded, "but if we don't win this war it will be worthless anyway.' ,"In the stress of war Mr. Low den went up and down the state, 1o training camps and cantonments, prenching patriotism and inspiring always inspiring the people to Kreater effort. He saw the Illinois troops aboard ship in New York, cheering them on their way with words of encouragement and hope. ITc promised to' meet them upon lluvr return and he kent his word, ma';ing three trips to New York to do it. ' "Mr. Lowden proved himself a wreat war governor. In the face ;,i war he reoreaniied the govern ment of Illinois, abolishing 125 boards and commissions and con- Milidatinsr their agencies in nine junior departments iwtth a director at the head of each, who was re quired to live in Springfield and give his entire .time to his duties, tie orovided for the budget system which proved so effective that taxes were reduced irom yu to a cents the first year, thereby saving to the people $4,000,000. In the com ing tax levy another: .reduction will be made. ' He bears the distinction of being a governof who reduced taxes notwithstanding 'war prices. X M AS Throw, away the old dangerous candles and buy an electrical equip ment for the kiddies' Xmas tree. Eight-light outfit for $2.30 i H. H. Harper Co. I ' 17th and Howard St. II East End Flatiron Bids;. I GIRLS! GIRLS! Clear Your Scalp Of DandruffWith CUTICURA SOAP IN ONE NIGHT On retiring touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment on end of forefinger. Cover head for night Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. " Rinse with .tepid water. Repeat in two weeks. Make these fragrant super- creamy emollients your every -day toilet preparations, the Soap to cleanse and purify. Ointment to soften and soothe. Talcum to powder and per. fume, and have s dear, sweet skin, dean scalp, good hair and soft, white hands with little trouble and trifling expense. See 2 Sc. Ohrtsaeat wmi SOc, Talons Mt, owe! (nrovgnoui uwwurw. ror umtxt each free address: an tnwia, Dept. BB, MakUa, Hw" aeap hi wiw His new system immensely im proved the efficiency of administra tion. . "He is distinctly popular with the people of Illinois. They voted $60, 000,000 in bonds for good roads to be paid from automobile licenses. They provided for a constitutional convention. They approved his private Nbank regulation bill and wildcat' banks are no more. Illi nois was the first state to ratify the national amendment granding equal suffrage to women upon his recommendation. , "These are a few of the things Lowden has done while war was in progress and, the country was suf fering, from its aftermath. Born in Minnesota, struggling for an educa tion in Iowa, admitted to the bar to practice law in Illinois, he won his way to success in competition with the sharpest and ablest lawyers in Chicago. He knows the needs of the people. A product of the Mis sissippi valley farmer, lawyer, statesman and great administrator he is receiving the loyal support of he section he has helped make great. He talks the language the people understand and appreciate. Many prominent Nebraskans are daily showing their approval of him by their energetic presentation to their friends and neighbors of his merits. They believe he appreciates their problems and knows how to help them solve them." ' Bee Want Ads produce results. CONTRACT GIVEN , FOR PUTTING UP , 1 MEDICAL ARTS Office, ..-Home' for Omaha Doctors to Be Ready by February, 1921, The contract for the erection of the new Medical Arts building at Seventeenth and Dodge streets has been awarded to the Selden-Breck company, and calls for the comple tion of the building on February 1, 1921. The building, which will cost $2, 000,000, will be 16 stories high, and, with one exception, the largest of fice building in Omaha. It will be tenanted by medical men only. The growing need of concentra tion to an established center of the medical profession of the city is very important and the erection of the Medical Arts building will give the public this advantage. Space Almost Gone. . Leases have been signed for over 90 per cent of the space in the build ing., The corner store on the ground f'oor will be occupied by Piel, the druggist, and the remainder, in cluding the basement and the second floor, by Hayden Brothers. The fourth floor has been leased by the Riggs Optical company and the fifth floor by the Billings Den tal Supply company. The remainder of the space in the building will be given over to offices. t Other Buildings Successful. Many buildings 'of this kind have hbeen built in other cities of the size of Omaha, and have been suc cessful. The Medical Arts building lias been financed largely by the medical men of the city. The board of directors is made up of Dr. W. P. Wherry, president; Dr. W. H. Sheridan, vice presit dent; Dr. E. Willard Powell, secre tary; Dr. Leonard V. Scheibel, chairman of the building committee; William Schall, chairman of the fi nance committee, and Dr. E. W. Powell, chairman of the stock sell ing committee. Luncheon at Blackston t For Wellesley Girls The Omaha Wellesley club enter tained at luncheon at the Black stone at noon Saturday in honor of Miss Ruth Hanford, the following girls who expect to go to Wellesley ieing present: Misses Irene Funs ton, Frances Patton,- Virginia Leus ler, Harriet Rosewater, Janice Cun ningham, Hartrice Linturn and Mar garet Shaffer. ' Spiritual Campaign as. ea av dv balvahon Army A To Be Launched Today ' An eight-day spiritual campaign by the Salvation Army in Omaha will be opened this morning at 11 in the hall at 1711 Davenport street by" Mrs. Commissioner Estill of Chicago. Mrs. Colonel Gauntlett, al so of Chicago, will relate her war experiences in Switzerland, tonight at 8. Colonel and Mrs. Pebbles of Des Moines, members of the Omaha stall, and nearby corps officers, will assist these two women in the campaign, IT PLEASES t ; ; : : . I , f JfilllSlIJ . If THE PIANO LAMP 11 ifcwl , 1 ''.m -Taw. THE PLAYER ROLLS flPPf 'jl'L: "" '''11" THE BENCH AND 5 jj 1 A And All Other Unusual I Join the Schmoller & Mueller 13th Annual The Club JJ Piaod and Christmas 11 Weekly pays for f U. The Club jf Riayl'iianb Club Bring Along $10 With You' $10 makes you . a club member and entitles you to all the unusual privileges and benefits of the club. Tho Piano or Player of your choice will be set aside and delivered at Christmas time or you may have it delivered immediately jus as you wish. Read, Reflect and Act! Our 13th Annual Christmas Club is the one big "musical treat" of the year to buyers of Pianos and Player Pianos. It is not only the greatest bargain event from a standpoint of the inviting prices and liberal terms, but a big feat in mer chandising that is unattempted by any other music house in the Middle West. Only the utmost forethought in buying, for our Lincoln, Sioux City and Omaha stores and months of planning make it possible for us to offer the Club induce ments this year in the face of the most adverse conditions ever experienced in the music trade. FREE To Club Members A handsome 6-foot Piano Lamp and Shade (choice of color). ..'', A beautiful Bench. Piano. Prape (choice of color). $10 worth of Player Rolls. Specially low terms. Additional discount of 50c mdnthly if "account is paid in two years. which will last until December 7. These meetings will be followed by another series under Command ant Eliza Symmonds," pioneer officer of the Salvation Army in the United States. Old People's Home Well Remembered Turkey Day The vboard of trustees of the Old Peoples Home express their thanks for donations in the follow ing note: ' Owing to, the large number of friends, who most generously con tributed to the annual Thanksgiving donation to the Old Peoples Home on Fontenelle boulevard, we are un able to express our appreciation to each one individually and therefore take this method of thanking the public for their kindness and generosity- in- remembering the aged people in our home so bountifully. Aged Resident Dies After - Long Period of III Health" Mrs. Sarah Annette Holbrook, 71 years old, a resident of Omaha '.'for over 32 years, died yesterday after noon at her home, 2502 South Forty sixth avenue. Surviving are her husband, W. YV7 Holbrook, and three sons, Charles of Calexico, Cal.: G. B. and D. A. of Omaha. Funeral ar rangements will be announced later.. 1 weft (a - 1 n HOWARKSXREEX.F Bowen Furniture . ." 8' BUY. "ml: J- BOWEN'S ? S FURNITURE A, J, ,' if - a ', adds a quiet elegance to the home and makes life doubly enjoyable. Until recently Period furniture, such as William and Mary, Queen Anno and Adam, could not be had within the reach ot tho - average buyer.-. But now many of the manufacturers are making their designs bo priced that all who wish them can bare them as the following illustrations will show. If you will compare Bowen's Value-Giving Prices with any local or foreign competition we know you will make your selection here. P f Quality Bed Room Suites m Are to be had in all woods and finishes. To see these suites is to get first hand information and proof of the Bowen Value-Giving prices at which they are" offered. Every article leaving pur floors ia guar anteed and you may rest assured that you are getting true dollar for dollar value. 'm Mahogany Bcda TJniurpuud In eon etructlra and beautifully . finished, at .'. $35.00 and $22.60 Mahogany Bed Queen Anne design. 'at $35.00 Ivory Med S50.0U. Ivory Chain and Rockers to match, each .' .'. $7.50 Mahogany and Walnut Extra. Heavy Four-foster Bed Extremely pleasing design $25.00 Golden Oak Bed Colonial design, priced at ' $22.00 and $19.50 Golden Oak Four-Foster Beda;.SS9JMI ; Famed Oak Pressors' With lour Iar$w Fumed Oak Beds Adam design, i drawers, at .$82.50 'at $13.00 . Fumed Oak Dressers Three small Metal Beds Finished In Mahogany, drawers and one largo drawer ,.$24.50 , pearl white, Vernls-Martln and oak. Golden Oak Dressers Each a big at . .SJ.50, $9.50, $12.00, $15.00, $24.00 value at these prices j , Mahogany and Walnut Four-Drawer $14.00, $10.00, $24.00, $27.50 Dressers $42.50 Chiffonetles In Brown Mahogany Ivory Dressers $30.00 and $15.00 . $14.00, 10.00, $31.50, $27.50 Ivory Vanity Dressers ; $75.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier Six drawers. Ivory Table to match $.(9.50 at $16.50 Walnut Triple Minor Dressing Tables Golden Oak Chiffonier Flvs dfawerar- at $35.00 with mirror $13.00 ' --'.' ' ' 8 M Living Room Furniture Values I.; n 1 3 -.4 B Join the Xmas Club! And Save $75 On a Piano $1 55 On a Player Is The Price of the Club Piano The Price of the Club Player Is This splendid new Upright Grand Piano is made in twe different models and sizes beautifully finished in Ma hogany (dull or polished), quarter-sawed Golden Oak or American W a 1 n u t. They are instrument? handsome enough to adorn any home," and their won derful tone will suit the most exacting musician. You will fall in love with this. Piano the minute you set eyea on it-and don't forget that the Bench, Piano Lamps and all other extras ere included free. Join the Schmoller & Mueller Christmas Club today. " . n I . ' PIANO ) f CLUB r This new and beautiful Play er is an entirely modern and . ip-to-date 88 - note instru nentof "last-minute" de- sign, tnorougniy guaran teed, which assures you of absolute satisfaction and protection. Designed along plain lines, yet it is so artistic that it is cer tain to satisfy the most dis criminating buyer. It con tains a 5-point motor, noise less mechanism, METAL TUBING and all the latest improve-, mcnts and devices for getting per fect expression a splendid instru--"pnt in every respect. f SCHMOLLER & MUELLER : 1311-1313 ni A EVISN V - 1311-1313 Farnam Street Faroam Street Gentlemen: Please send me further In formation about your, Xmas Club and a photograph of the Club Piano. . Club Player Piano. ....(mark an X after which one). Name Address There Is no end to the pleasure, comfort and complete satisfaction of a well arranged and furnished living room. The H. R. Bowen Company Is showing many distinctive Period Suites in mahogany, wal nut, fumed and golden pak that will add qharm and comfort to the home. They are all of the typical Bowen Value-Giving Quality, which spells complete satisfaction, master workmanship and that It has a dollar value for every dollar invested. i g Mahogany Parlor finite Three-piece ip gennln leather upholstery, ruaran-' 111 teed spring construction, handsomely B finished, at S38.50 g Golden Oak Parlor Soites Three- H piece, genuine leather upholstery, g for m . Brown Mahogany Sofa Cans back 1 and ends, blue, brown and mulberry R upholster In b. at .....$08.50. B ' Chairs and Rockers, to match. .142.50 g Mahogany Settee Cane back, velour g upholstering, hand finished. ....f 09.00 B Mahogany Bockers Cans back, velour fj upholstering, at S49.50 Queen Anno Davenport Table In rich, brown mahogany $30.00 Mahogany Overstuffed Tapestry Wing Kockers at $32.50 Overstaffed Wing Bockers Mahogany frame, guaranteed upholstering and construction, at $27.50 Fumed Oak Tapestry Kocker Spring construction, at , $14.00 Mahogany Windsor Chairs $7.50 Mahogany Chairs and Bockers Silk and damask upholstering $13.50 Mahogany Davenport Tapestry up holstering, guaranteed spring con struction, at $49.50 Davenports .- $35.00 Duofolds All finishes. These attrac tive, yet practical pieces of living room furniture, add an extra bedroom to your home, and are Ideal for ths small apartment Priced at $37.50, $42.50, $45.00, $17.50 and op. Solid Mahogany, large Chairs and Rockers William and Mary design, tapestry upholstering; each ....$31.60 Mahogany and Oak Library Tables $12.50, $14.50, $18.00 and up. f Golden Oak Rockers Well mad and finished, only $3.00, $4.75, $3.30, $6.50, $8.00 and up. m : Bowen's Quality Dining Room Suites The Dining room should create an Impression of comfort as well as Inviting hospitality. Choose your furniture for this room. at Bowen's. Period furniture In the Dining room lends Itself readily to perfect furnishing. The Jacobean oak dining room suite illustrated, Is only one ot many beautiful pat-, terns we are showing, all at equally attractive prices. - ' Hi Mahogany Dining Table 54-lnch tops, beautifully fin ished , , $39.75 Mahogany Buffets William and Mary design, hand somely finished $57,50 Mahogany Buffets Queen Anne design, handsomely fin ished ... $47 JW Walnut Boffets William and Mary design, finely fin ished $42.50 Mahogany China Cabinets Different sizes, each a genu ine Bowen Value $24.00, $36.00, $42.50 and up Dining Chairs In all finishes, ranging b prio front $2.50 to $7.50 and up. ' Fumed Oak Dining Tables 41-lnch tops..... SM.M Golden Oak Extension Tables 42-Inch top $14.50 William and Mary Dining Table 4-inch tops, Jacobean ' finish , $32.50 Fumed Oak Buffet William and Mary design.... $39 JO Golden Oak Dining; Tables Six-foot extension, 4S-!nrh top $39.50 Our Drapery Department THE NEWEST AND BEST IN i Domestic and Imported Draperies are to be had at Bowen's. You will find shopping for curtains and draperies a real pleasure at the H. R. Bowen Co. Our stock is new and welt selected. Many designs to choose from, and above all, the' price is reason abletypical BOWEN Value-Giving Prices. , Brussels Net, Irish Point and hundeds of other grades and patterns of Imported curtains and prices from, per pair $6.50 to $25.00 White Silk Hemstifched Marquisette Curtains with pretty drawn work borders! a splendid chamber curtain at, per pair a $1.95 Plain White 'Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains With drawn work border, 2 & yards long, highly mercerized marquisette, at, per pair $3.00 Hemstitched Plain Marquisette Curtains In cream, ecru and white, at.... $2.00 v ... -.fc