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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1919)
'J- ' i"' ' Xmas Gifts This season we have, made greater prepara tions than ever before, and are now ready with a large assortment of beautiful Xmas .Cafds and Holiday Gifts for your selection. Also an extraordinafy 1 collection of Oriental ?oods. We suggest your early selection. 207 South 18th St. Douglas 6120. LVVr$T .1 '.tLt5. GROSSMAN f . ; 1 ''frffj tCfe' J-T ;., V ' r ESIGNED . by artists, fashioned" by ', EEEEfT ! 3 xi - ' --f careful tformen from the i finest (ma- j A ; "0& I 1 i s terials. perfect in fit and finish F &M. - " W y ' Yyy) fi o I 1 1 ; 1 shoes are not only extremely good looking ' 1 ' X. A yP' UVUO -j - : but comfortable and durable, too. The . ! Jb frYCOtQW HQ """A ncn models await your , inspection at our '.. J X . E store, developed in the fashionable shades , lli Say it with Flowers zzzX o iAe cofew. , zz if, LEE L. L'ARMON : ' .' , lis Fontenelle Florist . . -V v,' -v': '-'rtf' ' ij 18U Douglas Street . Dott. ' XV FlM.BootStlOp. V a 1 16th arid Farnam ' , ' . ' - i 1 '' 'H.," ' ; ' i - i CI Jili 3 y . .. ' ill :1J K TAe Leavenworth Street s Furriers v Omaha's New Fur Store N Extraordinary collection of rare fur peltries of highest quality and priced low. Alterations and remodeling ex emplifying clever designing and skill ful workmanship. J. Berkowitz Fur Co. 1 2818 Leavenworth Street CMOTlM STOPPING -EASY- QHOPPERS may travel in' more com O fort, iriake Christmas Shopping easier and more satisfactory to them selves, as well as the salespeople who ' wait on them, if the shop early and shop -in the morning habit is followed, i . '( It is common knowledge that afternoon shopping is a habit, and at a time when the rush is on, the sensible shopper who really wants to buy judi-'. ciously, can be sure' of much better service by shopping in the i morning and during the first ' part of the week. ye also suggest that our transportation facilities are taxed to the limit during the rush hours, and we desire that your shopping tours should be as pleasant as possible. You can add to our service by arranging for the shopping visits when the lines ; are not taxed by the rush of workers. V The scarcity pf f uel is a real condition and you . will be doing your part by making your shopping easier by using the morning hours. - m Ommalna ft 'Council Bluffs taeei Railway CompaMf 204 H North 16th Street 1,800 BEAUTIFUL RINGS i 1 At Cut Price all Week. $2.00 to $800 . Yon can find just the ring you are looking for here. The neweit 'and most popular styles at the most agreeable prices. Select Early Pay Later DR. L. C. LARSEN Eyesight Specialist SAVE 25 to 50 On All Diamonds Wrist Watches Rings By taking the elevator to the sixth floor, where my in expensive rent enables me to sell jewelry at 25 to 50 per cent below the prices asked by "ground floor" jewelers. 'We handle only the best in jewelry. Opea Evenr Evening In December Till O'clock. The W.G. Flatau Store EtUbllahed 1S92 fteom 601, Securities Bldg. FRED a TAYLOR, Candy At "Phelps" Hut You will find those candies that are most appreciated in the honie. Have what we call an "assorted box" of our specialties put up and see what a hit it will make at home. . When ahdppingr make, your luncheon appointment here. ir r I I 1 T f Hut 1708 Dou(lai St. Omaha Athletic Club Bids;. Jhe Richest of All New England Fruit Cakes I Nothing so fitting fo? ,:.'T Xmas time and winte luncheons aa a rich - TUTTI FRUITT1 CAKE THE . I "Triumph in Cakes' " i- Combination Lamrs Chocolate. Stmwherru and Vanilla. i Ortman's New England Bakery v ; 214 North 16th Street s v v " Branch Stores Central Market, Hayden Bros. 1 ; i v. m (:, Electric I SMfe Gift IT PLEASES" ... , i is-, r 4 - .... J HANSEN-TYLER AUTO CO, Joe Elfred, Mgr. 2514 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 13M f 4-' ' : : : J VI ' - I I A