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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1919)
1 OLUBDQM Social Science Department The political and social iciene de partment will gie a luncheonin the Y. W. C.' A. auditorium Monday, December 8, at 12;30 p.' m. - Mrs. H. J. Bailey, leader of the depart ment, will act as toastmistress and newspaper women will be -- called . upon to respond to toasts, ' t " Y.W.C Closed. yC On account ofThe coal shortage, the Y. W. C A. will close its build ing "all day Sunday, November 30, says Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, secretary. . . , P. E. O. Luncheon. ' , A luncheon will be given at the home of Mrs. R. B--Zacharj7 506 South' Thirty-first street, Thursday. December 4, for chapter E . of P. E. O. Miss Jean Matters will be assistant hostess. - Community Service : Sunday, November 30. Open house at Circfe Community house for soldiers, sailors, marines and civilians, 4:30 to 6:30 p. m. Girls of the Community Service league hostesses. Mrs. N. S. Wallace offi cial hostess at Community house. Monday.' December? 1 Dramatic .rlass at . Community house, Girls' Community Service league under the direction of Miss Martha Fodge. Dancing class at the Army-and Navy club, .under direction of Miss Loraine-Cowles, 8, for begin ners. Cooking class at Central High school,' Cluga and Ki-To-San clubs, 6 p. in., -under direction of Miss Marion Morrissey. Recrea tional school at Girls' Community bouse fqr volunteer workers, from 8 to 10 p. m., under direction of BurtoaH. TwitchelL, Tuesday, December 2. Club' din nersat Community house, Patriot, Lafayette and Cluga clubs. Volley haH games at Community house, Cluga club, Christmas sewing at Community house, Patriot club. Dramatic art at Community house, J.afayette club. Dance at Fort Omaha, W. D. t., Victory and D. F. S. clubs. " Wednesday, December 3 Danc ing class, folk and esthetic, at Com munity house, Girls' Community Service league, 8 p. m., under direc tion , of Miss Elizabeth Dumont. Club dinners, Ki-To-San Wamess. Thursday, December 4 Dinners, D. F. S. and DT. A. clubs. Dance at Army and Navy club, Cluga and . D. T. A.. 8:30 to U p m., for sol diers, sailors, marines and civilians. Friday, December 5 Club dinner at Community house,; Beebe club, 8 p. tn. Cooking class at Central high school, Cluga and Ki-To-San clubs, 6 p. m., under direction of Miss Morrissey. Open night for new members at Community house. Rec , reational school at .Community house, for volunteer workers from 8 to 10 p. m., under direction of Mr. Uurton H. Twichell. - - , Saturday, December 6 Dance at Fort Crook, KKK and Beebe clubs, 8:30 to lOJOJ Stun"; night at Girls' Community Ousei given by the girls of the Glrlr vommunhy Serv- ice lfeague J ' , "f - , ; ; : Miss Kubby to Go Abroad i : ' ( ) r toft's- fv " fr. S - 144 f Doane College By A STUDENT. Inasmuch as the Thanksgiving re cess was limited to the day, the stu dents were all in Crete with the ex ception of the very few who live within the vicinity. , However, the day was full of entertainment. The foot ball teaam was playing the an nual Thaanksgiving- game . at . St. Marys, Kan. In the morning a basket ball game in the gymnasium resulted in a victory of the sopho mores over the' rest of the college. At 1 p. m. an excellent Thanksgiv ing dinner was served at the dining hall, after which there were toasts. ! Prof. C. O. , Carlspn,' presided as : toastmaster &!id responses were made by Ms Abernethy, -"Dry Toast;" Miss .'iildred Cass of Ra venna.' "Buttered 'Toast;" Harold Lauriten, '23 of Cambridge, "Milk Toast," and Miss Eleanor Triplet, '22 of Harvard, "French Toast." In the afternoon there were roller skating and coasting parties, and in the evenincr a grand frolic under the direction of Prof. D. G. Burrage. It was an original grand opera, "The ' seas and Ariadne," featuring the : facrificing of youths and maidens to the Minotaur. Misses Eleanor Triplet, Frances Hole, '22, Fair tbury; Mildred Cass, Florence Smith, I '23, Harvard; Messrs. Harry Tyler, .'20, Crete; C. N. Vol, '21. Hildreth; , Stephen Hieb, '22, Franklin, and N. K. Baker, yu, : vrete, were stars in . I T!- A . . I tne casie. i ne orcnesira was com- posea or Misses uoroiny kooi, Wood River; Lenore Trumbull, Hil dreth; Giissie Welje, Reams ville, Kan.; Hope Hibbard, Omaha; Ruth i Loughridge, Lincoln, and Olga jSputh, Greeley, Colo. . - , . Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Kinney and son of Kavenna attended the fes tivities at Gaylord hall Thursdaay evening. . . " ' Mrs. R. S. Lindsay 'of Ironton, O. is visiting her, daughter, Mrs. C. O. Carlson. Miss Charlotte - Buck of, Otpe spent Thursday with her sister. Miss Anne Buck at Gaylord hall. Mr S L. Andrews, a long-time resident of Crete, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F.VT Owen, '95, of Emporia, Kan., November 26. She was brought to Crete . for burial and the funeral was - held at the Congregational church, 1 :30 p. m., Saturday, November 29. Mrs. Andrews and 'her husband were closely connected with Doane col lege through the early years. Mr. Andrews planted the groves on the campus and bordered the roads and walks witb'trees. Miss Zelma Wisherd of Lincoln visited - Miss Ruth Loughridge Thanksgiving day. Miss . Ida Kubby, 513 North Twenty-first street, has been elected a delegate to the world's conven tion of the W. C. T. U., which will be held in London, England, in April, 1920. ; Miss Kubby was named, a delegate at the national convention held in St. Louis last week and will be the only Jewish woman from the 350 American dele gates. . Miss Kubby has . been active in Jewish communial work for the past eight years, holding office In every organization in which she was a member. She has been treasurer of the Jewish Ladies' Relief society for the past six years; secretary and board of director -for the Jew ish Old Peoples' Home . for five, years, and, secretary of the Omaha Zionist Federation and . Palestine Restoration fund. , ,'.'. ,, About 350 delegates, will com prise the American W. C- T. U. delegation for this convention. A special ship , will be chartered for the members. ' --V The delegates will leave; '"' New York for England on Sunday, April 4, and will arrive at Southampton, England, on Sunday, April 11, pro viding ho mishap occurs during the overseas trip. When the delegates arrive in Eng land they will visit the different cities and places of interest. Mon day morning, April 12, they , will leave. Southampton for Winchester, the first capital of England. They will visit Salisbury and . proceed to Bristol,;: -,? ..... - , , Chepstowe, Slough, London, Ox ford, Stratford, York, Glasgow, an Chester will be visited.' v , ' ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR ; The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system, demountable rims with 3-inch tires and . . tire carrier, is the ideal family car because of its all around utility and refined and comfortable equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass windows. An open car in the spring, summer, and early fall. A closed car in inclement weather and winter.1 Rain-proof, dust-proo. In the city or the country, a family car. . For theatre parties, for social visiting, for touring, and for taking the children to school, it is just what you want. While the low cost of operation and maintenance is not the least of its chaAns. A regular Ford ; car, simple in design, strong in construction, and durable in service. Leave your order with any of the dealers listed below, ' I 7JDKINS MOTOR CO., 4911 South 24th St. McCAFFREY MOTOR CO., 15th and Jackson Sts. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO., 18th and Burt Sts. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., 3562 Leavenworth St. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO., 20th and Ames Ave. 1 mm I ' - I nil - i I I. I " I I I I 1 ; , . ' a?5 . . ka- ' hr l rtvvi 1 m wvvrni -'X ' q i i; i's-v il.v - " ' n ? !ti!?v Jf - " fi ' ' -hV If x ' f Vl! o , p k-yU l tillA iMfi1 o 1 . M : it- v' " B . -f jr i!!llli!llf!!iIIIIII1!!llli!ll : m . $ :. . . The Well-Dressed Woman considers Ho siery the MOST Important part of her at tire. The Sheer Beauty of pure silk elaborates and adds the touch of refine . ment so essential for Perfection in dress. ' SI PUPEST OF SI LK Two Styles -' ': v. . and AT YOUR DEALER'S ii!!iEinaM m I m P BYRNE-HAMMER DRY GOODS CO. OMAHA . . . '. NEB. Dept. of Victor Hosiery. ) 'V'