Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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    4 B
In all Thy works Thy hand we trace;
Make an to know that this to to.
- , .e-BabcVck.
". .- .... s . . . m " J;
I would that any tongue could utter
Tho thought that ariao In mo,
. , Tennyson.
Benson Society
Bemon Correspondent, TeL Walnut 5370
... Benson Woman' Club.
Mrs. C. C Beavers -will be hostess
to. trie Benson Woman club at her
home, 3411 North Fifty-eighth street,
i nursaay atternoon, December 4.
The program will be; "Christmas the
World Over." This wilt be the last
program given by the club until
after the holidays, v
'. 5 Presbyterian Aid. '
.The Ladies'. Aid of the Presby
tcrian church will meet Wednesday
aftej-noon, December 3, at the home
of. Mrs. Van Horn, Sixty-third and
"Miami streets. t
Loyal Daughters.
- The Loyal Daughters of the Meth
5dist Episcopal church were enter
tained at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
W. ,W, Ward, 3111 North Fifty
eighth street, Monday night, Octo
ber 24. ' i . ;
'" Cards.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. 'Fair enter
tained at cards Saturday evening for
Mr. and Mrs. George Sowards. Mr.
( and 1 Mrs. Herman Wulff, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Francis and. Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Pickard. , .
" Thanksgiving Guests.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Huntington and
Mr. and Mrs. J. ' H. Pace were
Thanksgiving dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hod
dcr." ' ,
Mrs. Aylsworth a Guest.
V Mrs. C. H. Aylsworth of Beatrice
and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ward of
Omaha spent Thanksgiving day with
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whistler and
Mrs, Stephens, 2712 North. Sixty,
fourth strett. v
. ' Story Hour.
The first" "story hour" given in the
auditorium of the Fire hall by Mrs.
John ' .yGileS was well ! attended, 90
children being present. The- next
meeting will be given next Satur
day morning at -10. .Thanksgiving
stories will be -told and a. "turkey
ng" marched by the little folks.
te named Sunday . scnooi tiass.
The Sunday school class of M.
E.v C. Hodder , was entertained by
the class of Miss Mildred' Titzel last
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gorton 1 Roth,-. 2316
North: Sixty-fourth street. 'Twenty-'
' four were present. " ': ' '
Entertained Guests
iDr. and Mrs. E. C Holbr 002540.
' North aixty-nttn street, enterxainea
Mrs Trembeth find1 daughter, Alice,
at Thanksgivinfif dinner. . -
;y ' Bridal Reception.
' Mr. 'and Mrs. C A. Sharp attend
ed a thanksgiving reception, given
in horior -of Mr. and Mrs. C L.
. Sharp, who' Were married in .Lin
coin, last Wednesday. The recep
tion was. held .at the' home of Mr.
.Sharpy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Sharp, 3323, Meredith avenue,. , .ir
Baptist Booster. , . ;
.'The Benson Baptist Booster club
will hold, an all-day session nat the
home of Mrs, C. E. Jones Tuesday,
December ' , '- - ' - ' ' xi
i ; Annual Baptist .Bazaar. ? .
The bazaar of the Benson Baptist
churchywiU bcJield. Thursday and
Friday, December 3 and 4. af the
"Easy , furniture. Company" store,
Twenty-fourth , and. Cuming street.
Rugs, quilts, aprons, and fancy ar
ticles, which the ladies have been
making, will be sold. '. A. . food sale
will also heybeiain connection with
the bazaar, ' k :if-'v.;.
Hostess to Foreign Missionary.
Mrs. C. H. Penoyer was hostess
to the Foreign Missionary society
at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her, home
last Wednesday afternoon- - A busi
ness session followed the luncheon.
' t ;- Farnily Dirmer. : ; V '
Dr. and Mrs. R..J. Jones enter
tained a'fa'mily dinner party at their
' home Thanksgiving1 day. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones
and. Dr. and Mrs. J. Cyril Jones,
Miss Pearl Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Stewart and Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Jones. , ' - -,
Mrs. Studenroth Hostess. ,
tfr. iN. Studenroth entertainea
: Personals
at dinner Thanksgiving for Mr. and
Mrs. MA. Schiffbauer and family
nf Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. J. u
- c.t;Ai.iir nf Renson. '
. - Benson W. C. T. U. .
The Benson Women's Christian
Temperance union was entertained
at a kensingtoh at the hme J?fJM
former president, Mrs.- D. H. Vehio,
." Friday afternoon. 1 '
- ' Mrs. Smith Hostess. .
. ' Mrs. T. J. Smith , had as her
Thanksgiving dinner guests . Dr.
; Richard Smith of Hannah, Wyo.
' Mrs. Edna Smith and her son, JJor
I vin, of Big Springs, Neb., and Mrs.
Eyre of Shenandoah, la. '
-Thanksgiving Dinner.
' Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox en
tertained at Thanksgiving dinner for
, ' Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Combs , and
, family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox
I - and Mr. Charles Frahch. . .
Community Dancmg Club. .
i , -The Community Dancing , club
held its second party .Friday eve-
ning. Mrs. Werhli, chairman of the
dance committee-, . has soured a
Benson woman as matron of the
I ' rest room, . t . .. . ..
Among those - entertamg , with
' Thanksgiving dintier Wties were
m Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Robinson. Mr.
I ,and Mrs. Frank Pence, Mr. and Mrs
G.'H. McArdle, Mr and Mrs. Earl
L Dean, Mrs C A. Johnson, and Mr.
, and Mrs. F. E Young. ; , ,:
P. E. U. Sisternoou.
The B. S. chapter of the P. E. O.
' sisterhood met last Monday after
noon at the Old Peoples home.
Gifts of fruits and other good
things were brought by the ladies
l given as a part of their philan
thropic work of the year; -
n At Prettiest Mile. .
' Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jeffry enter
tained at a dinner party at t the
Prettiest Mile club Saturday night,
when' covers were laid for Mr. and
. Mrs. N. H. Tyson, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Pick
ard and Mrs and Mrs. Jeffry
Methodist Ladies Aid. "
1 The Ladies' Aid society of , the
Methodist church will meet next
t "Weduesday afternoon at the home
- of Mrs. C. D. Mclllnay, 2806 North
"" Sixty-sixth avenue. The hostess will
be assisted by Mrs. J. L. Corbaley.
Mrs. Linder Hostess. ,
-Mrs- Frank Linder entertained
Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. William
Anderson and daughter. Lillian and
Mrs. M. Hennegan and Mrs. Mary
. Gates.' !
, Personals. --
' Mr and Mrs. H. L. Rivett and
family, and Mr. and Mrs, Paul
Rivett went to Lincoln Wednesday
to Spend Thanksgiving with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rivett.
Dr. and Mrs. Loechner spent
Thanksgiving with relatives in Ash
land. , '
Miss Mima Memmen, sister of
Mrs. O. C Kimlig, has returned
from Castle Rock, CoU, where she
has been visiting for the last month.
Dr. Richard Smith of Hannah,
Wyo., is home visiting his mother,
Mrs. T. J. Smith. Mrs. Dr. Clinton
Smith and son, Norvin, are guests
at. the Smith home.
Mr. H. H. Adairf and Mr. David
Olson of Sioux, Cjty -were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Paddock.- -
Mr. Gorton Roth has purchased
the D. H. Fair home in Benson
hurst and will take possession
the first of March. x
Miss " Agnes McPharland of
O'Neil, Neb., was a week-end guest
of Miss Irene Pence.
Mrs. William Morse and two
sons, William Junior and Kicnara,
left Friday, evening for Hardin,
Mont., where they wDl visit a month
and then . join Mr. Morse on a
ranch near Julesburg, Colo.
Mr." and Mrs. J.'T. Peckard and
son, Eugene were thanksgiving din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. McLatterty ot Umaiia.
Mrs. C. O. Boe and son. Ray
mond. formerly of Fremont, but
visiting relatives and friends in Ne
braska and Iowa, were guests at
the T. B. Oliver home the first
of the week. .
Prettiest Mile Club. ''
Entertaining at dinner preceding
the formal dance, at the Prettiest
Mile cluh, Saturday evening, were
George Nichols, who had V guests:
J. Van. Dorp. 12; .George Irons,-12;
Dr. G. t C. Winterson. 10; C . W.
Martin, 8; H.. V. Jeffries, 8-and
E;..Z. Ross. 8. Those, entertaining
foursomes were W, E. Hayhes and
Dr. G IL. Ballard. : . . -
- : T,'i- i Vt:".! '
.To get In or out of business, use
The Bee's Want Ad- columns. v
Mrs. WeMington Flansberry and
Mrs. ' Byron Chapman , of Surprise,
Neb. were visitors here during the
past week. ' : (-
Mr! H. T. Miles of Sioux City
spent Thanksgiving in . Omaha ; !
Mrs. Stanley Hartmen. of , Chfr
cago is the guest, of. her father,
Mr. Albert Cahn. .. ' ' '
Mrs. Edward Chapin Brown of
Batavia, TIL, will be the guest of
Mrs. E. M. Royce for two weeks. ,
Miss Lisbeth Brown, who was in
Omaha, to attend the Smith-Van
Dorn wedding, returned to her home
in Batavia, 111., Saturday. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. iGavin of Chi
cago, who spent several oays in
Omaha last week, returned home on
Thursday. ' , '
Mr. and Mrs. John. Toms leave
Wednesday t o winter at Pasadena,
California. They will return in the
late spring,
. Mr. and Mrs O. H. Gibbs an
nounce the birth of a son, Duane Le
land, November 24.
Burdette Kirkendall has returned
to Omaha after several months
spent in the east. '
Mrs. Ludovic Crofoot has. returned
from a. short visit in the east.
Miss Josephine Perfect of New
York, who has" been the guest of
Miss Helen Pearce,'; was joined
Monday by her mother and sister,
Miss Tirzah May Perfect, who were
enrcute from Colorado, and to
gether they left Tuesday evening for
their home. " ' -
- Mr. Osgood T. Eastman has been
called to Framingham, Mass., by
the serious illness of his rnoither.
A Mr., Edward A., Creighton,' jr.",!
v ho underwent an operation Mon
day at .the;.Bjrchmpnt hospital,'- if
getting yery nicely ;
vlMrs. ' Richird :S. Jiall "returned
Tuesday from an extended, visit-in
11 "t ""'. " ''."
the east She spent some time with
her daughter, Mrs. toward Ay.
crigg of Stamford, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rutledge have
returned from Chicago. They were
accompanied by the sister, of Mr,
Rutledge, -who will be their guests
for a few weeks. -
Mrs. Oliver Bonney left Saturday
for Memphis, where "she was called
by the illness of her mother.
Jack Jellison and Opal Varley of
Sioux City were guests at the J. E.
Sherdeman. home ifor Tnanksgiv-
ns- v-, . , :
Mrs. W. J. Hynes is exp?cted
home early in the week after a trip
to Wilmington and New York City.
Miss , Marion Towle spent last
week-end with Mr", and Mrs. Milton
Kimball in Brunswick, Me.
Mr. Clement Chase of New York
Citv returned Monday to his home
after two weeks' visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mis. Clement C,
Chase. Mr. Philip Chase returned
Thursday to Buffalo after spending
10 days with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Brinker
and Mr. Harry Doorly expect to
sail from New York January 5 for
Bermuda. From there they will go
to the west Indies, .where Mr.
Doorly will visit relatives. They
expect to oe gone tor six weeks.
Miss Florence Halloran of Salt
Lake City .arrived last week to be
the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Louis
Mr. Harold s LarrattSmith of
Toronto, Can. arrived Tuesday for
the wedding tf his niece, Miss Mar
gery Smith and Mr. William, Van
Dorn. While in. Omaha Mr. Smith
was a guest at the home of . Mr.
Charles W. Hull. . . '
A. L. Bechter of Lincoln spent the
week-end at the home, of J. Wil
bur Haynes.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield is now in
her New York apartment at 1227
Madison avenue. .
Miss Helen Murphy, reigning
queen ot Ak-iar-Ben, is expected
home the first of the week from a
two weeks visit in Denver.
E. M. Reynolds leaves Monday
ior ntw I or.
Mrs. Joseph M. Metcalfe is spend
ing the winter in New York City
and has taken an apartment at the
Waldorf Astoria hotel.
a Mr. and Mrs. William J. Foye. re
turned last Saturday from a two
weeks' sojourn in New York City.
Mr. William J..!onneU and "Dr.
Karl Connell spent Thanksgiving in
Lincoln with. Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Raymond, jr. ,
Margaret Walsh left Wednesday
for Chicago, where she will spend
several Weeks. , s
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Crane
have closed their country place and
iNtylncohvenience Whatever! No Shock to, the Oyer,
5 No Gripirig'of the Bowels Ideal Physic! V ,
AiCoBAanmtAi'iil'ime. vbur bilious Hver and consti
gestion, Sallow Skin, 'and Miserable'paJted .boweH; a' thorough cleansing
neaaacnes come iron a xprpia uwrana ,aatit(iucii you ua v uy "'.
and slutdsh bowels, which cause Cascarets never sicken, cramp of 'ti
the stomach to become filled with convenience yon all the next day
undigested food, which . sours and like nasty Calomel, Salts, Oil, -or
lermenis, torming anas, ases, ana griping rms.. vastaicu wum mim
poipns. ; i vascarets tonigni wiii i you sieep. . .- , ,
Baby Blinded
from Eczema
1a child'i head and faea wcra almoat
aolld aora. The tret perlectlr blind.
Doctor laid the wont caae he had erer
asen. One ionptt of D. D. D. did won
derful work. - A complete cure fol
lowod." Tho. J. Dorminey, Jeniaon, Ala.
Ton write, too, to the D. D. D. Company of
cnicaco tor a sample ana ftt immediate relier.
Or, come in and we will tell you what D. D. D.
baa accomplished in your own neighborhood.
your money back nnleia the ant battle relief!
ran. aocaocaadSI.Oa. , - - ,
SEIoflohar SWn Disease
Five Sherman McConnell Drug Store,
Astonishes AH
Money Back; Says Druggists,
jf . Begy s Mustarine lsn t
r by Far the Best Mustard
. ," v Preparttion.,.';;,v":',
Are vjottel
By Valeeka Svratt.
N tryinc to ramoTO Buperfluoui- hain,
you oleonraa, ean naa paatei "and
powders and yon ean so thrash aome
acony and a lot ot trouble, and In the end
have year skin Irritated or epotted by the
usa of many of theae anperfluona hair re
movers, There la no- need, however., for
an this, You can remove them as easily
aa, you-would use a lotion on your face.
Just moisten the hairs with a little sulfo
soltrtion. This ean be obtained from your
druggists for about one dollar. In a few
moments the hair will be ao crinkled up
and dissolved that you can rub (hem off
with your flngen and leave the akin ab
solutely clear and clean from all hairy
growth, without leaving a spot or mark.
Ton will never use anything else, once you
have tried' this. '."
WORRIED There ia only one way to
positively remove wrinkles. ; A Jormula
made up of the eontenta of a two-ounce
package of eptol, mixed with a tablespoon
ful of glycerin in a- half pint of water
makes a satiny cream . that has a wonder
ful effect in making" the akin plump .and
marl-pored. The result ia that wrinkles
lose themselves in the greater plumpness
and vigor of the skin tissue. You will be
able to take years from the appearance
of your face, if you will try it. The eptol
will cost about fifty cents at the drug
store. '
. ... ... e e . ..- v
MISS F. F. Follow these Instructions
and you will succeed in giving an increased
length to your - hair, in filling up bald
spota and stop the hair from falling. Get
a one-ounce package of' beta-quinol for
about fifty cents and mix the contents
with a half pint of water and a half pint of
bay rum. This should be applied to the
hair every day. It ia not oily and you will
find It very delightful indeed. You may
uae a, full pint of witchbaxel instead -of.,
the bay rum and water. Thla hair forcer
will not fall. - ' ' -
How to Remove' Superfluous
Hair by Dissolving Them
, Away A New Toilet Lux
ury. Other Beauty Secrets.
M. F. S. Now, do you really wan
surprise T Mix one ounce of sintone with
two tablespoonfulf of glycerine ia a pint
of water. This -makes the moat remark-
able complexion beautifier you ever thought
. it possible to- obtain. All year Memisaee
and aallownesa wui vanisa, ana m weir,
place will be a gloriously. tinted. potla
skin. All that muddiaess will .disappear
quickly and you will have a complexion
to be very proud of. : ' . .
e e e
MRS. SPOTS Trying to , set rid of
blackheads by trying to pinch them out
or by steaming the face simply makes the
pores large. Rub the face with a wet
cloth upon which haa been sprinkled some
neroxiru The blackheads will all be gone
in a few moments. At a cost of about
fifty cents you ean get the neroxin from
your druggist.
e.-. e C
. ... .
MRS. C. H. V. Soap cannot thoroughly
remove scale and other , fatty accumula
tion which form on the hair and scalp.
You will be able to dissolve . away these
formations at once by using a teaspoon-'
ful.of eggol in half eup of water and
used aa a head-wash. ' It wM let your
hair breathe and grow, and It leaves the
hair with ,s fine ailky sheen. There Is
enough eggol in twenty-five cent package
for about twelve of these head-washes,
MISS ROWS For lace powder just try
("Freaea Beauty Powder" and you will ad
mit nothing can equal It for blending and
"staying on" qualities. It Is entirely free
free . from ehalkiness. . You will, now be
able to obtain it at any drug store in any
tint for fifty cents. (
. This powder, however, has not been on
the market very long and not all toilet
counters' have it in stock. - So if you are
unable to obtain it from your regular deal
er, I will be glad to aee to it that you are
supplied by mail if you will write to my
Secretary and enclose either ten cents for
the trial slae or fifty cento for the large
bog of Fresea Beauty Powder.
Simply address Secretary to Miss Bur.
att. Thompson Bldg.. Chicago. 111., and she
will faithfully attend to your wishes.
Piles-Fistula-TCured With
out the Use of the Knife
No Chloroform. No Ether. Examination free to all.
. 401 Paxton Block. ' I
Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Daily. Evenings, 7 to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 1 1 A. M. to 1 P. M. Only.
A Big YellbvrvBox : for- 30c
V Ask 'your- jdruggisfc to show, you a
bo&'of ''Begy's Mustarine; he and,
every" other, druggist in America is
authorized to return your money if
it does not do. as advertised.. ;
-Dofctors have urescribed it for 19
years. It's the original,
improvement on the' old-fashioned
Mustard Plaster, and quickly stops
pheumatig pains; fineuritisV neuralgia
ad lumbago, and' Instantly welieves
tonsilirjs, pleurisy and Broncmtis.
Just rub, it on, and ;ever night
awav sroes sore throat, coughs and
'chest colds.. ' 'lt
1 For snrains. ' swellinw .and all
aches ani. pains, it has no equal,
while for sore feet, nothing yet dis
covered can compare with it. It's
the quickest pain killer on earth. Be
sure it's Begy's,' always in the yel
low box. . : . " ' . . t
. S. C. WeU & Co,, LeRoy, N. Y.
To Get Rid of Wrinkles
and Bad Complexions
Host cosmetics clog the pores. . In cool
weather, when one does not perspire free
ly, thla interferes greatly with elimination
of waate material, injuring instead of aid'
ing the complexion. Ordinary mercoliaed
wax serves an- the purposes of creams,
powders and rouges, giving, far batter r.
suits. It actually peels off an offensive
skin,, at the same time unclogging the
pores. Minute particles of scarf skin come
off day by day, causing not the least dis
comfort. Gradually the healthy, younger
skin beneath peeps out, and in less than
a fortnight you have a lovelier complexion
than you ever dreamed ot acquiring. Mer
colized wax obtainable at any drug store.
is spread on nightly like cold cream and
washed oft mornings. One ounce usually
suthcea. ...
For removing wrinkles, without stop,
ping the pores with pasty stuff, here's a
never-failing formula: One ounce pow
dered nxolite, dissolved in one-half pint
witch hazel. Use as a wash lotion.-Every
line will quickly disappear.
Get into the habit of drinking
glass of hot water before
Millions of folks bathe internally
now instead of loading their system
with drugs. "What's an inside
bath?" you say. Well, it is guaran
teed to perform miracles according
to hot water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers of men
andwomen who, immediately upon
arising in the morning, drink a glass
of. hot --water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it. This is
a very excellent health measure. It
is intended to flush the stomach,
liver, kidneys and intestines of the
previous day's waste, sour bile and
indigestible material left over in the
body which if not eliminated every
day, become food for the million
of bacteria which infest the bowels,
the .quick result is poisons and tox
ins which are then absorbed into
the blood, causinsr headache, bilious
attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds,
stomacn- trouble, kidney . misery,
sleeplessness, impure blood and all
sorts . of ailments.
People who feel Rood one day and
badly the next, but who simply can
not get feeling right are urged to
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store. This
will -cost very little but is sufficient
to make anyone a real crank oh the
subject of injernal sanitation, . 1
Get Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
: That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute ior calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomels old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets. while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative. : t i
No gripinris the keynote" of these
little sugar-coated,' olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force then
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" .
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver constipation,
you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re
sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take them every night just
to keep right Try them. 10c and 25c
Don't suffer! Relief comes the
-moment'' you rub' with
s St. Jacobs Liniment"
.What's rheumatism? Pain only!
Stop druggingl Not one case in
fifty requires internal treatment
Rub the misery right away! Apply
soothing, penetrating, "St. . Jacobs
Linimertt" directly upon the "tender
spot and relief comes instantly,
"St, Jacobs Liniment" is a harmless
rheumatism': " and sciatica " ' relief
which never disappoints and can
not burn or discolor, the skin. "
Limber up t Get a small trial bot
tle from vour drueeist. and in i&at
a moment you 11 be free from rheu'
matic and sciatica, pain, soreness.
stiffness and "swelling. Don t suffer!
"St. Jacobs Liniment", has relieved
millions- of rheumatism sufferers in
the last half century, and is just as
good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum
bago, backache, sprains and swellings.
Keep it handy to promote prompt
relief from rheumatic
' paint and achea.
WHEN you know what Sloan's
Liniment will do, as thousands
of men and women the world
over, know, you, too, will keep it
handy. You will use it for those
"twinges of rheumatiz," for reliev
ing that lame back, muscle stiffness
and soreness.' aches, all sorts of ex
ternal pains, and exposure after
maths.' '' ' !
Only takes a little, applied without
rubbing. ' Soon penetrates, scatter
ing the congestion, bringing merci
ful relief to the. throbbing, jumping
part. " "..v .
Three sizes aoc,.70c, i.40. Any
druggist has it. If not,. we'd like to
know his name. . ' -
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
Sulphur Recipe and Nobody
will Know.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for
restoring faded, gray hair ' w its
natural color dates back to grand
mother s time, bhe used to keep
her hair beautifully dark, ? glossy
and-attractive.' - Whenever her hair
took on that dull: faded or streaked
appearance, this simple mixture-was
applied with wonderful effect. . ,
But brewing- at home is; mussy
and out-of-date, : Nowadays! by ask
ing, at any drug store, for a bottle
of "Wyeth's Sage and, Sulphur
Compound," you . will get this fa
mous old" prpearation, improved by
the addition of other ingredients,
which can -be depended on to re
store natural . color, and beauty, to
the-hair. . T
A well-known down-town drug
gist savs- it darkens the hair so
naturally: and evenly that nobody
can tell it ha been applied. You
simolv dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair taking one strand at a
time,. By morning the gray, hair
disappears, ; and alter another ap
plication or two, it becomes beau
tifully dark and glossy, . . i
DlBat F BAOataV
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated . in their own
grounds,., yet ."entirely distinct,
and rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of non-contagious and non
mental diseases, no others being ad
mitted; the other Best Cottage be
ing designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a tirrte watch
ful care and special nursing.
will be in town until after the holi
days, when their son, Roderic, . re-
turns to Cornell. Later Mr. and
Mrs. -Crane will go south for the
remainder of the winter.
Herbert Story, A. L. Campbell
and Mr. Burton were guests at the
Gamma Phi Beta Thanksgiving par
ty in, Lincoln., y ' .,
Misses Rose Guttman, Etta Gross
man; Minette and Mary Margolin
are spending the week end in Sioux
City. ;
A son, Donald Francis, was born
Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Smith of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. L.-B.."Wilsoii and
Become Slim This Season
Tells How To Get Quick Belief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling, blowing, headache, dry
ness. No struggling for breath at
night, your cold or catarrh will be
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils.' It
penetrates through every air pas
sage of the head, soothes the in
flamd or swollen mucous membrane
and relief comes instantly.
It's aust fine. Don't stay stuffed-
up with a cold or nastly catarrh
Keller comes so quicKiy.
Have you heard about the new
system for weight reduction?
You may eat and drink all you
need. There is no- tedious exercis
ing. Take a little oil of ' korein at
mealtimes and when retiring; also
follow the simple, clear directions.
A loss of weight, ten to sixty pounds
(whatever you need to lose), may
be' expected by this safe and pleas
ant system of fat reduction. AH
the druggist's get a small box of oil
of korein capsules, and start at once.
Be of normal size, with good figure
and attractive appearance, agile,
quick-witted, healthier and more ef-.
f icient By reducing weight now
you are likely to avoid one or more
diseases, heart weakness, surtstroke,
apoplexy, (etc., and to add many
years to your life. Remember
oil of korein- Become thin and
stay so. Show others this advertisement.-
children are spending the week
at the home of Judge and Mrs. W
F. Stewart in Lincoln. -
Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Burdfck spent
several days last week at Lincoln.
. ' Trinity Cathedral, Sale. ,w
Trinity Parish aid will hold hi,
annual Christmas sale on Tuesday,'
December 9, at the parish house,
1716 Dodge street. . ' flri
' ' . . , , -
A new bath room accessory holds.
a tumbler in an inverted position?
to drain quickly and also serves as'
a ventilated shield for tooth brusheSi"
Important tp all Women
Reader of this Papers
Thousands upon ' thousands of
women have kidney or bladder
trouble and never suspect it. -a
Women's complaints often prove
to be nothing else but kidney trou--;
ble, or the result of kidney or blad
der, disease. 1 -
If the kidneys are not In a healthy
condition, they may cause the other.4
organs to become diseased. '
You may suffer pain in the baek,
headache and loss of ambition. . '.'T.
Poor health makes you nervous,
irritable and may be despondent;
it makes anyone so. , ; . io
But hundreds of women claim thai
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restorer,
ing health to the kidneys, proved to:
be just the remedy needed to over
come such conditions. ;
Many send for a sample bottle to&
see what Swamp-Root, the great.
kidney, liver and bladder medicine
will do for them. By enclosing ten
cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BinghahVr?
ton, N. Y., you may receive sample -size
bottle by Parcel Post You can-;
purchase medium and large size boti
ties at all drug stores. . .. c-:b
Flush ' your, Kidneys occasionally
with a tablespoonful of Salts
to avoid danger.
Most folks ' forget that the kid
neys, like the bowels, get sluggish
and clogged and need' a flushing oc
casionally, else we have backache
and dull misery in the kidney region,
severe headaches, - rheumatic
twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder-
disorders. ; ' -
You simply must keep your kid
neys active and clean, and the. mo
ment you feel an ache ' or pain in
the kidney region, get about four
ounces of Jad Salts "from any good
drug store here, take a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water before break-
, . ' ;.'v ?:';; ' :Vt
fast for a few days and your 'kid
neys will then i act fine. This fa
mous salts is made from the acid Of
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, and is harmless to flush
clogged kidneys and stimulate them .
to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acids in the urine so ii
no longer irritates, thus ending bladr.-.
der disorders. ' - 5
- Jad Salts is harmless; inexpert?
sive makes a del;ghtful effervescent-lithia-water
drink which everybod '
should take now and then to keep,"'
their kidneys clean, thus avoiding
serious complications. ' . "
A well-known local druggist Says,
he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks
who believe in overcoming kidney
trouble while it is only trouble. ; ?
Why So Many
sat 50-
Physician Explains How Signs of Old Age Creep Into Your
System When the Iron in Your Blood Kuns Low
Says Weak, Nervous, Run-Down People Should Take Nuxated Iron to Steady the Nerves..
... . m mo . 1 ' TB . 1 W I ft . .1 ft V I..
Kestore Wasted tissue ana Aia in umng ixencwca rorce ana rower to tne Doay, i;
m t
Are you slipping at 50?
Can vou actually stand what you
could twenty yeara ago when your
strength and energy ere put to the
teat? .'
Or do you merely think you are
'just as good?" .
Ia your' heart pumping pure red
blood rich in iron through your
Or is it merely a passage for thin,
pale, watery blood without enough
red corpuscles to keep your body
Strong and well? r
These are the questions put by
Dr. H. B. Vail., formerly Physician
in the Baltimore Hospital and a
Medical- Examiner, who contends
that a man's age can no longer be
measured , by the number of his
years but by the condition 01 nis
blood. Dr. Vail believes that the
greatest problem of modern Hie is
to ward off the tragedy of middle'
ncr. which beerins to show its Mgns
the moment the iron , in the blood
runs low. ,
Continulns. Dr. Vail says: "There are
thousands, .whose bodies are ageing;' and
breaking down at a time when they should
h eninvinff that oerfeet bodily health
which cries defiance to disease simply be
cause they are not' awake to the condition
of their blood. 6y allowing; it to remain
thin, pale and watery they are not giving;
the natural lue lorces 01 me ovay. m
ehance to do their work. Yet others go ,
through life apparently possessing, 'ear
after year, the elasticity, tha atrencth and
the-. energy of earlier . days, for through
their bodies courses the energy and power
that comes from plenty of red blood nued
with strength-giving iron. Iron is red
blood food and in my experience I have
found no better means for building up the
red blood cotpuscles and helping to give
increased power to the blood' than organic ,
Iron Nuxated Iron, which I have pre
scribed with surprising success for - my
patients who are approaching middle life.
I took Nuxated Iron myself to build me
up after a serious ase , of nervous ex
haustion. The effects were apparent after
a few days and within a few weeks it had
virtually revitalized my whole (ystem nd
put me in a superb physical condition."
. Dr. John Jf. Van Horne, formerly Med
ical - Inspector and Clinical Physieian on .
the 'Board of Henlth of the City ' of New
York says: "Strength and vitality of body
and "mind are derived from the blood, and
the blood in turn derives it from tha food
we eat and the oxygen contained in the
air we breathe. But unless the" blood Is
rich In iron to increase its cixygen carry
ing power it cannot develop living -issue
muscle and brain or keep active the vital
forces. Strong, healthy men and women
with plenty of iron in their blood are tha
ones' who go through life with a smile,
self-reliant and fearless and their dynamic
power and energy make them virtually
masters of their own destinies. - It is sur
prising how many people who do not get
along in life are In reality suffering from
Iron deficiency and do not know It. 10
suDolr this . lack of iron and help build
stronrer. healthier men and women, better
able physically to n-eet the problems of
everyday life, I believe- that pbysiciana
should, at every opportunity, prescribe it-.
ganie iron Nuxated Iron for in my ex
perience It ia one of tha best tonle and Ted
blood builders known to medical science."
If you are not strong cr well you ewe it
to yourself to make the following test:
Sec now long yon-can work or new tar you
can walk without becoming tired. Next
take two five-grain tablets of ordinary
Does Middle Age Find
' . You Standing
On The Preci
pice Of Un
certainty -
Your Blood
Starving For
Ban .- aav
f- 'Want of -Iron?-
Blinded by the belief that he ia still "just as good at ever," many
a man reaches that point of life between 40 and 50 where the future
looks bright and assured only to find that the grim relentless force1
of middle age has undermined his health and energyJ In the rtuh
and tear of modern' day life he haa neglected to.lteep hia. blood
filled with strenf th-giving iron, 'and at result is on the verge of ,
a physical end nervous breakdown, at a time when he should be
' enjoying hia beat .yeer. ; ;-.,;;' V- -
Physicians explain here why tuck men need the sustaining health
building power of organic iron Nuxated Iron; to help make rich,
red blood, restore. wasted tissue and increase their physical strength .
and endurance.--:- ,' '. , , '-. , ,;v
gained. Numbers of nervous,-- run-dojrn
people, who were ailing all the while, have
surprisingly increased their strength - and
endurance in 2 weeks' time in many in-'
stances. . ....
Manufacturers' Note: Nuxated Iron,
Nuxated Iron three times per day after which is prescribed and recommended above
meals for two weeks. Then test your by physieians, is not secret remedy, bat
trtnxta as sin and sea how much jrou have on which is well known to druggists
everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic
-iron products it is easily assimilated and
does not injur. -the teeth, make ihem
Mack nor upset the stomach. Tha manu
facturers guarantee successful and nUre
ly satisfactory result to every rurchlser
or they will refund your money. " It ia
dispensed in this city by Owl Drug C..
Sherman 4 McConnell t drag store aad
ether druggist