Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1919, Image 13

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Army Aviator Uses
r Plane Gursing Over
rarm in Uvil Lire
Chicago,- Nov. 28. The ' farm is
not such a dull place after all.' J.
F. Bradshaw, a farmer at La Harve,
III, trundled his airplarfe out of the
barn at 5 a. m., taxied to the stubble
field, whisked past the hay loader,
zoomed a straw stack and was, off.
Two hours later he was placing an
oracr iop articles ne nccus yu '".3
farm with an implement firm in Chi-T
cago. i
"Well, I swanl I must be gettin'
on," Bradshaw remarked at 3. "You
know I've got 10 cows to milk and
there's a cider press coming tomor
row." ,
He . started his homeward flight
As he neared his farm he studied
th weather vane on top of his barn
so he could head into the wind, and.
side-slipped in for. a fast landing.
I en minutes later he had stowed
his air-Pegasus in the barn and was
riding nothing more trtacheroua
than a three-legged milk stool.
Bride Held as Bigamist
Dayton, 0 Nov. 28. Whether or
not Vera Davis Jones, pretty 17-year-old
bride, is to be brought back
here for. prosecution will be deter
mined by the local authorities fol
lowing the decision of the case
against her in '' Judge Sullivan's
court in Chicago, where she is heM
as a bigamist
Several months ago she was mar
ried to Ross L. Jones, a youth
from her home village near here.
She soon got into juvenile court
here after, an alleged escapade with
two prominent business men. While
a ward of the court here, it is said,
she went to Defiance and married
Howard Mellencup. They efoped to
Chicago where the was appre
hended. Jones has sued for divorce
and says he will press the bigamy
charge. .
A machine has been invented ia
England to redress worn wooden
paving paving blocks at a rate of
1,000 an hour so they can be used
Black Cells Help Prisoners
To Register Deep Remorse
Winneta, 111., Nov. 28. William
N. Peterson, psychology expert and
head of Winnetka police depart
ment, has been pondering deeply
upon the matter of giving the pris
oners' cells the proper atmosphere.
He has reasoned out that a cell with
red roses on the wall, a carpet on
the floor, pictures, etc., does not
help make the prisoner feel re
morseful. Some time ago the , chief tried
painting the cells grey. It didn't
work. It somehow conduced to
levity. '
But now he has hit upon the
shade that will bring true repent
ance. He has painted all the cells
with a deep, mournful black.
-Visit the Annual Poultry Show
Saturday at the auditorium; also see
the prize cups in Burgess-Nash win
dows. , . - -
everybody! stork"
It is an opportunity to toake great
savings on your gift problems as the
values are extreme iit every instance.
500 Chiffon Taffeta
Values Are Offered Saturday to
Early Christmas Shopping
EAUTTFUL Chiffon Taffeta
Petticoats in
Plaid -
Stripe and
Plafn Colors
Exquisite affairs' in "a variety
of styles. For Saturday only we
have priced them at $6.95.
' Burg tM-Kaah Co. Socond Floor.
Satin Lingerie
Dainty and Exquisite Gifts
AMONG the beautiful displays we have selected the fol
lowing items for Saturday's features:
Satin Nightgowns, $5.95. -Satin
Envelope Chemise, $2.95.
Satin Camisoles, $1.95.
Satin Pajamas, $7.95.
Satin Bloomers, $3.95. -'
Satin Corsets, $3.95.
, Burcew-Kuh Co. Second Flow. i v
Every Woman Needs
New Veilings-
We Feature These
for Saturday
Drape Veils that can be worn close-fittinij
or hanging loose. They are exceptional values
at $1.60. '
Choker Veils, in brown, navy, taupe and,
black, priced from $1.50 to $3.95.
Barge Hwh Co. Main Floor.
New Neckwear for the Frock
T?OK Saturday we are offering an . assortment of collar 1
JL and cuff sets in satin, imitation filet lace, net and val i
lace at $1.25. Also pretty broadcloth collars, lace trimmed,!
tuxedo shape for suits or dresses. '
' i Burgoa-Naoh Co. Mmfai
Gloves Make Splendid Gifts
F you are going to give gloves, and there is no article more appro-'
ciated, you will find a large assortment here for your selection.
French Kid Gloves with one or Gauntlet Gloves that are ex
two clasps, priqed from $3.50 to tremely popular, priced from
$5.00. $3.75 to $6.00. - .
Long Gloves for evening wear, eight, sixteen and twenty, button
priced moderately.' Barreso-Nooh Co. MoJn Floor.
A Clearaway of
Women's Dresses
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of
women's dresses made of
tricotine,. Poiret twill, serge,
gabardine, paulette, taffeta, .etc.
Taken from our regular stock and
priced for Saturday at -
Regular Price
There are dresses for
C . m
. Evening "
in dark and light colors.
No C. O. D.'s, no approvals and
no exchanges. 1
Boriw Sy h Co. Second How.
Women's Pure Silk Sweaters
$25.00 $29.00 $35.00
On Sale Saturday -Second Floor
100 smart silk sweaters that make handsome and useful gifts will be placed on sale
Saturday. c 9 . . A '
Beautiful models of pure thread silk in . ' .
Every Wanted Color or Color Combination
, An opportune time to purchase a gift that will be appreciated. Saturday only at $25.00,
$29.00 and $35.00. Bartii-:N..h CoSecond Floor.
A Great Clearance Sale
of Women's
'THOUSANDS of pairs of shoes, including all the odd pairs
A and broken lines left from the season 'a selling, will be
placed in this great clearance sale
At Less Than Actual
Cost of Making
Bortew-yuh Co Second Floor.
Choice of Over 30 Styles
' Including!
field mouse kid lace boots, cloth tops.
Gray kid lace boots, cloth tops.
Black Russian calf lace boots.
All field mouse kid lace boots.
- Tan Russian calf lace boots.
' All brown kid lace boots.
Black kid button boots.
All gray kid lace boots;
Black kid lace boots.
In welt and turn soles, full
Louis and leather Cuban heels.
A chance to get good shoes at
a wonderful saving.
A Solution of the Gift Problem
The Spirit of Gift Granny Is Here
ON the third floor you will find Gift Granny's Chimney Corner, where the spirit of Gift
Granny resides. To solve your giving problems, you need but to apply there, in person or
by mail, giving the name and Address of anyone you wish to remember. In a few days you ill
have the answer. It will come to you in the actual handwriting of your friend and yet v your
friend will not know that it goes to you. Isn't it marvelous! When you receive the written list,
you make your own selection and you have incur redNno expense or obligation. In fact, this service
is not only free but it costs less than the old guessing method, because it saves you time -and
worry and saves your friends and us the trouble of making exchanges, for even colors and sizes
will be indicated on the list. 'And how much more graceful this method is!
Just bring or send to Gift Granny's Chimney Corner the
names and addresses of friends or relatives you wish to re-,
member and make your gift shopping a pleasure and your se
lection a joy to your friends.
Ask Gift Grahny's secretary en
the third floor for the "Story of
Gift Granny." ,
Gift Suggestions
MEMORY BOOKS to hold snap
shots, school or news clippings, pic
tures, etc. Priced from $1.35 to
$2.50. v i
brush brass. Complete tor $2.95.
BOOK RACKS of antique brass,
conne bronze, and art - finishes.
Priced from $1.95 to $3.50.
Christmas Cards
Greeting cards should be se
lected at once aa our assortment
is very . complete. There are
cards here for mother, father,
brother, sister, friends or sweet
heart In a great variety. Priced
from 1o to $1.00.
QUILL. PENS, writing sets; glass
shot holders in various colors. Com
plete at $1.00. , . .f
PENCILS, the famous Eversharp
pencils make most acceptable gifts,
$1.00 and $2.50.
" PICTURE FRAMES of antique
brass in oval or square style with
easel. Each $2.00.
50 Silk Waterfall
Velvet Robes
A GIFT of gifts. Many are
copies of imported models.
Exquisite colors trimmed in
Contrasting "
v Colored Silk x
Chenille and
"Warmly Hned. As there are bjit
50 of these handsome velvet
robes, we advise an early selec
tion. Saturday only at $19.50.
J9 $
Barf cm-Kub Co. Second Hoot,
7 Sale of Sample
7c, 15c, 29c, 39c
NOTHING is more acceptable or useful as a Christmas
Gift than nice handkerchiefs, and these are wonderful
values, the lot consisting of travelers' samples. -
There is a large assortment to choose from for men,
women and children; some plain white, others colored edges,
colored and white embroidered corners and many novelty
Prices, 7c, 15c, 29c and 39c.
Bureao-lfoah Co-Mota Roar.
An Opportune Sale of
Chiffon Velvet Bags
$3.50 $5.95 $7.50
IN three of the very newest models with Dutch Silver, French Gray
and self covered frame all art beautifully lined with silk of va
rious colors. Each bag haa extra purse compartment for .change Nothing
better or more acceptable for gift purposes. h .
Very specially priced. A ;
Dun Wh fW Mar TUmk
Brilliant Red Beads
A LIMITED number of genuine Czecho-Slovak Neck-
i laces of brilliant turkey red quartz are to be placed
on sale Saturday at 75c a strand. A -wonderful value.
Select yours early, for there is but a limited number.
Burfew-MMh Co. MU FWr. (
An Exceptional Sale of
Women's Coats
BwfMi-HMk Co. Mmla floor.
BEAUTIFUL models in exclusive
designs made of -. .
Many models in the charming new
loose effects; others are belted, flared
or in straight line effects. Priced atn-
Regular Price
Collars of beaver, Hudson Bea
nutria, badger, etc. Lined with heavy
satin and interlined'- throughout.
Priced Saturday at exactly off reg
ular price. '
Burton-Noah Co. Scoop fl Floor. '
it ;