Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1919, Image 10

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    Holiday Stocks Are. Now Splendidly Ready Offering Buyers Broad Assortments at Saving
Lowest Prices in Toilet Goods and Drugs
I looa. Perfumes. Assorted Odor. In fancy gift boaea. SOc values, our apsclal caah pile
$!. Famo Hlr Tonic, our special caah
$1.11 Plnaud'a UUo Toilet Water, ur cash
price .
Oe Odorono, (Preaptratlon Deordorant). our
cub price .r..3"e
Oe Java Rice Powder, our cub price ....Joe
lie Daggett and Ranedell's Cold Oram, oar
- cuh price- i
Slo Glycerine and Bom Water, I 01. bottle.
( oar cash prlco ' Me
llo Epaom Salt (1 pound pkg.l.. our " caah
prlco , 1H
f 1.(0 Otm Safety Rasors, complete in eaao, our
prioo 1
10a Asplrlo Tablets, our cash prlco .......ISc
llo Listerias, our cash prlco ......Mo
15o Bocabolll Caatllo Soap, (genuine), our prlco
por cako ..Me
Me Jergen's Violet Glye trine Soap, our price, 1
cakes (or ............ .,..Oe
. ... J
Better Values at Every Price , '
- Toyland on 4th Floor
Bring the, little folks Saturday let them enjoy themselves among the splendid as
sortment of Toys, Dolls and Games. -You'll find It a real pleasure to select from the
big assortment, fed low cash prices Insure your savings.
' Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. w . ' T
Neckwear and Handkerchiefs for
. i Xmas Gifts
Special, Cash Pricings You'll Appreciate.
$2.00 Neckwear, $1.75 .
Venice and Filet Collars in points and roll ef
fect Regular value 2.00, special Saturday.
at ...... ..7.... 7. 81.75
Net Vests in cream and white with round and
regular collar, trimmed with ruffles of Val
lace S2.C0 up to $5.50
$2.00 Neckwear, $1.50
' High Neck Pique Vests - trimmed with pearl
buttons. Regular value 12.00, special Satur
day, at 91.50
$1.00 Neckwear, 75c
Pirjue Sets and Organdy Collars trimmed with
Val lace. Regular value $1.00, special Satur
day 75J
60c Handkerchiefs, 85c
Women's Fine Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs with
narrow hem, regular value 50c; special
Saturday, each ............... .v -35
$1.00 Handkerchiefs, 85c
Women's Air-Linen Handkerchiefs with hand
' embroidered corners and narrow hem. Reg
ular value $1.00, special Saturday, each, 85
25c Handkerchiefs, 19c
Women's' Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs with
- colored embroidered corners. Regular value
, 25c. special Saturday , .....19?
Vastly Superior Apparel Values in November Month-End Sales
Goats, Dresses and Blouses at Most Pleasing Cash Prices
2 Special Groups of Women's
and Misses Warm Winter Coats
Dresses for the Holiday Season
Beautiful Afternoon, Theater and Dinner
Dresses Just Received In the coming season's
smartest styles in Chiffon Velvets, combination
Velvets and Georgettes, Crepe Meteors, Satins
and TRICOLETTES; in all the lovely shades.v
The styles were never so SMART. Sizes and
styles for all figures. Priced at v
$59, $69, $79 and $89
. Special Values in High Class
Blouses Saturday at $10
Hundreds of beautiful Blouses, made up in the
season's many dainty styles Blouses suitable
for street, afternoon, dressy, or general utility
- wear. , All shades, including dark suit shades.
Made to sell at $12.50 and $15.00, Saturday
Hundreds of the Loveliest Bath Robes just arrived for Saturday, select now while
stock Is complete for the holidays, at $5, $5.95, $0.95. $7.95 up to $15
reiucoais ine greatest variety or pent
Coats Worth $150, Saturday $98
At this price Saturday your choice of many
elegant Cloth and Baffin Seal Coats with
lovely fur collars of Beaver, Raccoon, Nutria,
Australian Opossum and Skunk Opossum, in
the season's smartest styles. , OQ A
Choice Saturday x..Ijl7.UU
Coats at $39.75
Are unusual values. In Cloths and Plushes, in
the season's many smart styles, the Plush
Coats in varied lengths, the Cloths in all the
popular shades. Special values JC
Special Fur Coat Value $189 Saturday
Elegant quality Canadian Marmot Fur Coats,
length 36 and 40 inches, with Raccoon collars,
Opossum collars or self trimmed. Worth a
Saturday ipJ.07.lnJ
Just Received. Dix's Make House Dresses
, The best made, the bespitting dress,
the best materials used; large variety
of styles, colors and all sizes, at
$2.95 $3.95 $5.00 and $5.95
coats in Jerseys, messalines and, com-
omauons, an snaaer, ai
$5.95 $7.95 $10 and $12.50
more, Saturday special $15.00
Girls' Bath Robes, sizes 8 toU, Saturday
special, at . $5.00
Ilrls' Black Sateen Bloomers, all sizes.
Saturday special, at .. ...89
Little Tots' Fur Sets, values $4.00 to
$5.00, Saturday $2.95
Girls' Serge Dresses, sizes 8 to 14, ele
gant values, Saturday $10.00
Girls' Coats at $15.00
Hundreds of smart styles Warm Winter
Coats for girls, sizes 13 tq 16, in the
. season's ndbbiest styles, many fur
trimmed, made to sell at a great deal
Remarkable Low Cash Prices in
Our November Sale of
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in
black, white and Cordovan, sold regularly
- for $3.00. Cash price ... $2.50
Women's Full Fashioned Boot Silk Hose,
in all good colors; $1.50 values, Saturday
at .....$1.Q0
Women's Fancy Wool Hose in medium
and heavy weights, from
$2.25 to 93.65
Boys' and Girls' Wool Hose, black and
white; small sizes, 75; large. sizes, 901
Boys' and Girls' School Hobo, in light
and medium weights. .. 39fi and 50
Infants 1 Cashmere Hose, 'in black, white
and brown. Special 65
Women's Underwear
Women's Vellastic union oui, iu
heavy fleeced, also wool and cot
ton in high neck, long sleeva or
Dutch neck elbow sleeve, ankle
length; regular price $2.76 and
$2.50. Regular size $1.98 '
' tra size S2.25
Women's Silk and Wool- Umon SuiU,
in high neck, long sleeve or Dutch
neck,5 elbow sleeve, ankle length;
regular sizes, ;$2.98Jtra
. size . . . ..j. ... .... ... i$uu'
Women's Medium and Heavyl Fleeced '.
Vesta and Panto, high neck long
sleeve, nkl . length, to white,
cream or gray. Regular price
t1 RA Vnrt 11.75. on sale ftl .25
I Boys' and Girla - VeUastlc Union
toa7fce!jBled with high
neck long sleeve, ankle length, m
white, cream or gray, size t,
$1.20; rise in size.
Women's Flannelette Night Dresses.
In pink or blue stripe with double
yokes, , with collars or without
. Regular price $1.98, on sale
' , ' at $1.73
, Boys' and Airls Flannelette Pajamas, In one-piece or two-
I A . .1.1. V1n mv Mil
yiece, uu ueavjr hukuij, yui& in iuuguvi ou
regular $2.00, at $1.75
Men's Furnishings
$2.50 NIGHT SETKTS, $1.95 '
Men's Heavy Flannel Night Shirts, aH Seiner Jni-,
versal garments made up in military collar, V neck
or flat collar styles, some with satin trimming and
frogs. All sizes, 15 to 20. Our Cash Price Satur
day . .81.95
; $3.50 UNI0NN8UITS, $2.45 i
' Springtex and Chalmers Heavy Cotton Rib Union
Suits, also High Rock heavy fleece lined. "All repriced
to clean up Saturday. All sizes, 34 to 46. 1
Don't fail to fill in your wants in
Underwear, as theseare alt standard
makes, at a very low price. J
$1.00 WOOL SOX, 65c
Men's Heavy Wool Sox with long rib
top, come in blue mixture, gray and
white; also medium weight Cashmere
Hose in natural wool. All sizes, 9 to
'11. On sale Saturday.
$3.50 to $450 SWEATEES, $2.95
Three broken lots, consisting of heavy
rope stitch shawl collar, medium
i weight shawi collar and a few . pull
over or V neck styles. Not . all sizes in
each style, but all sizes in the lot, 34 to
46. To clean up Saturday, at. ,$2.95
Very Best of Good ClothesAll Wool, Guaranteed
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Curves , Shoulders,
waist, collar, lapel,
sleeves. You (will
curye everywhere in
the new styles we
arey showing for Fall.
You will like these
new styles .because
they are all wool and
guaranteed at t h i s
v - ..jjow (jaoii l lite.
Copyright 1919, Hart Schaffner JcMan .
1 It's here we have -the
Coats. This is the
" back vfew of one of
the new belted coats.
Many other good
: ones to select from.
Every coat guaran
teed all wool and at
the lowest cash
prices. Come in and
select one.
Shoes for the Family at
Men's Brown Vici Kid Blucher
Shoes, Men's Gun Metal Eng
lish 'Lace Shoes, Men's Gun
Metal Blucher tiace Shoes,
UNION MADE, Goodyear welt
solesll "Hayden's Special"
except the brown $5.50
Women's Black and Brown
fmctW& with military, heels,
also black and brown GENU
INE CALF Shoes with military
heels ; shoes that are worth
$2.00 more $6.50
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' dependable School
Shoes; Misses',. Child's and 'Growing Girls' Shoes,
at ...A..,,. ..$3.50
- r- .- 1 ' t
Men's and Women's All Felt House Slippers, just the'
thing for these cold mornings... ......$1.00
Child's Turn Sole Button Shoes, good vici kid uppers.
Sizes 5 to 8 ...91.75
Jienlfht lMff But Sctaffaw k Un
' Read These Big Grocery Specials for Saturday
Quality poods at( the Right Price '
If lb. mcIis Bt High Grad Dia
mond H Flou? ........ . !;;
it lb. Mcka Our Tmou Health
Flour .........3.lo
tji lb. aaoka Diamond H Flour .!
t lb. aacka Rj Flour ....... MM
Xh Bt Domutlc Macaroni. Spag
' katu or En Naodlaa. pkf. 'J4s
- Orap Nuta. pkg. ..........UVio
Mo. 1 can Fancy Cut Wax Beans.
n.w ........ ...loa-
No. t cana Early Juno Paaa. Fauty
Bwet Sugar Com or Rlpa .To-'
Fancy Japan Rica, par lb. .j.-luc
Good Broken Rica, par lb. . ... .8 l-3c
Tail oana Wllaoa or Pat Milk ..15
.'No. i cana labia Aprteota too
Kama Aaa'C Soups, can ....lOo
Mo. t cana Pork and Beana 15c
NO.-1 oana Pork and Beana So
Lara Jam Pur. Fruit Praaarvaa.Soe
. Advo Ml or Jello. pkg. ........He
. OU Sardlnaa, oan ....Sc
The Boat Soda or Oyitar Crackera.
, lb.' 18c
Gallon cana Golden Tabla Syrup.. SBc
J H alkB can eoldan Tabla 8yrup.
.r . M, s. . .,.... 5C
Far law ranainga, rw his
Fwcr BaodleM Ralatn. lb.
Fancy Paalad" Peachea.. lb. . .
Fancy deanad wurranu. id.
.....ISc l-3c
Fancy Cooking Figa. lb. SOo
Fancy Muir Paachea, lb 28c
Fancy Moor ; Park Aprlcota, par
lb. 31 Vte
Fancy California, Prunaa, por
lb. Oc-oe
Fancy tiamdn or Orange Peel, per
lb ,400
Candled Pineapple Corel, lb. ....60c
Bvn-Crown Layer Figs, lb. ....60c
Comb Honey, rack 30e
Pure Strained Honey,- Jar, IJ-oa.
(or ........ 5ot
Condensed Mince Meat, pkg. ..12VC
New Almonds, lb.
Sicily Filberts, lb 30c
New Walnuts, lb .'
New Brazil Nuts, lb. 30c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb. ...liWc
New Pecans, lb Sue
Wo hare all kinds of Shelled
A good cup of Coffee Is Everything.
Our famous Golden Santos Coffev.
per lb .....! SSa
Diamond- H Special Blend, lb. ..
B..B. C. lt'a quality coffee, per
16. tttte
V. J. J., the old - renowned, pei
lb. ..48c
Choice, Basket Fired or Sun Dried
Japan Teas lb. 48r
fbe beet Tea Slf tings, lb. UVtr
Fur Trimmed Satin Hats, and combinations of Brocade
and Satin Metal Cloth and Satin. Smartly trimmed
and finished with Fur. Chic new styles specially ar
ranged for Saturday's selling at -
Ask to see them ,
All $6.50 and $5.00
Saturday Special
This sale includes every Haty in
stock formerlypriced at $5.00 and
$6.50. .
. A big
selection in
black and
jood Dressing
Means a
When buying a Hat, ' it's
worth a lot to know that its
style - and quality are un
questioned. We have all the
accepted shapes and colors '
for the Winter season. Also
a complete line of the staple
blocks. Let us help you
pick yours. Priced from
$7.00 to $25.00
We have just the Cap you
are looking for. Large
shaped one-piece tops in
plain colors, mixtures and
plaids. All with fur or
chamoisette inband. Both
warm and gopd looking.
Cash Price
$1.50 to $4.00
$12.00 Cowhide Suit Case,
' $8.95
A Genuine Cowhide 24-inch
Case; steel frame and linen
lined. Heavy reinforced cor
'ners, with sewed and riveted
handle. Our Cash Price
Special Prices on Boys'
Clothing for Saturday,
Our entire line of Boys' Sweaters,
in all colors, formerly priced to
$4.00, Saturday :-.".
V $2.45
A complete table of Boys' Knicker
Suits, some with two pairs full lined
pants ; rich dark patterns, just the
thine fnr a RhirdV. hwilt.hv hov.
c: a a. to o a j
oizes o 10 J.o years, oaiuruay
Boys' Caps... '...$1.25 to $2.00
Boys' Blouses.. $1.25 and $1.50
Stocking Caps. " .75
Youths' Flannel Shirts
$2.50 and $3.00
-Our line is entirely complete with Hart Schaffner
Marx Boys' Suits and Overcoats. An immense run
of patterns and styles, all sizes, at our Low Cash
Prices. , '
Boys' Department Third Floor
Letting Down the Prices on Choicest Quality
" Meats Sanitary Market
GoTernment BAcon, choicest quality,
12-lb. cans
Spring Lamb,
-v- ...a4www
Spring Lamb, Choice Veal Steer Pot
bindquarters, Breast, , Roast,
lb., lb.. lOt lb.,
Sugar Cured Hams, per lb.
, - , OF OMAHA.
IS lbs. Best No. 1 jCooklng Potatoes ..SOc
Frash Beats, Carrots, Sbalota or Badlihea,
bunch .?
Fresh Cauliflower, lb. 15
Fresh Parsley, bunch ...IB
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, lb.
Large Cucumbers, each ..loe
ill lbs. good Cooking Apples ,.i..n..l
Pure Apple Cider, gallon 8e
Large Grape Fruit, each
Fancy Domestic Sardines, per can ...UMtC
Fresh Shelled Pop Corn,, lb. 10c
A tall line ef Fancy Box Apples at low-
Universal Food
cash pries ...
Universal Food
caah price
Electric Iron, (6.S0
Lunch Kit with Thermo Kottle,
cash price .-. ...$3.6S
Electric Heaters, our cash price,
only , $9.00
House Furnishing! for th e Home
Universal 6-hole, Combination Coal
and Gas, full nickeL Our cash
price 898.00
Six-hole Range with warming
closet, price 839.00
Soft Coal Heaters, our cash price,
up from 311.00
Hard Coal Burners, our cash
price, up from ... ,n . .849.00
No. 0,
No. 1.
value, our
Vacuum Hand Washer, oui cash
price 75C
O'Cedar Oil Mops, large aixe, SI. 50
value, at 81.25
Sanitary Sweeping Compound,
large can, for .' 20
Hayden Broom, $1.50 value, cash
price 81.00
Two-qt Aluminum Heavy Double
Cnllar t
Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Pickles '
No. 1 Storage Eggs, doz.....554
Selected Fresh Eggs, doz...68
The Best No. 1 Creamery Butter,
per lb .74
Good Table Butter, lb 65)
Fancy Full Cream Toung Ameri
ca Cheese, per lb 384
Fancy Foil Cream New York
White Cheese, per lb..;., 430
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese.
per lb 43
Dill Pickles, dozen. . 25
Chow Chow, per qt 30r
Sauer Kraut, qt 10
Fancy Queen Olives, qt 50
Large Soup Pickles, doz.v.20
Fancy Sweet Pickles. qt....30
All brands Nut Butters, lb. .33
A complete line of th. best
brands Oleomargarine at lowest