lit ft 4flrr ? M 7 ; . Nearly twenty-eight million cans of milk to fill one 1920 contract, is the latest develop ment in the business of The Waterloo Creamery. Company. - The Waterloo Creamery Company, will supply one New York , contract with 575 cars, 575,760 cases, or 27,636,480 cans of milk next year. v v This order is the largest ever received by The Waterloo Creamery Company, and added to the already large business of the concern means much for the future development of the milk industry in this section. When it is con sidered that the average train consists of 40 loaded cars, it will be seen that it will take 15 solidly packed freight trains to deliver the Omaha product on this one order. t ? I - i ,s 5 t m urn 'm Data Regarding One 1920 Mil Contract Total number of case contracted each month 47,980. 575,760 ease con tracted per year. Can put end to end would reach 8,060,640 feet or 1,526 miles, or more than the distance from Omaha to New York City. i Will take 47,212,320 pound or 5,554,400 gallon of milk a it cornea from the cow. Would take one cow 4,388 years, or the milk produced by 1,180,308 cows for one day to furnish enough milk to fill this contract. ' Will take 27,636,480 can for con tainer. Will take 520 mile of wire for strap ping cases. , 575 carloads. 1 5 9- ...v.s TO ;! 'IL IUM P"? k i , .4 item irmr S 9f Waterloo Creamery Co. Administration Building, Omaha. Nebraska This building contain the General Office controlling our Jwelve plants.. . ' . I rr-i ' s These are some of the plants d Company which will be usdl i -contract ever made by one conce?iAin are models of sanitary completes Nebraska cows, to the finished pfbdjcti each step in the formatipn of thereto ness and complete preparationvlih known nationally as a guardianship ff I c 1 Q -l 11 X Business Built b OMAHA Officers and Directors LEROY CORLISS, President BURT B. CORLISS, Vice President TOM WALPOLE, I. M. KING, , Secretary H. P. RYNER, ' Treasurei F, L. KERN AN Omaha, xerry, Papillion, Factories Neb. i Fairbury, - la. Fairbault, - Neb. Dannebrog, Mason City, - la. Branch Offices Neb. Minn ,Neb New York, Minneapolis JSr-iffSW- Chicago Kansas City Des Moines St. Loui4 San Antonio, Tex. in i-j will i an f ikk'As rmM9T kJtt i tv;