Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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' Jaat rail oa Poelam to brinr you the
comfort your (tittering akin erarea. Let
it help you to bo fro from erupt loni and
all disorder which nark your skin as
seeding antiseptic, healing treatment.
N Ualeae you have actually aeen Poalam's
work and know how readily tt take hold,
topping the itching at once, you will
hardly believe) ita effect! poaiible in ae
hort a time.
In Edema, Poalam's action appears all
the more remarkabl when the trouble is
persistently stubborn and nothing els
seems to bring lasting relief. Poslam ia
harmless always.
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 24 West 47th
8t, Mew York City.
fWI J sw iMVui w Ws
owe it to yourseli to mskt
ID louowmg icsi: sec now long
'goa can work or bow far yoo cast
walk without becoming tired.
Next take two 6 grain tablets
times per day for two weeks.
Then test your strength agsia
and see how much you have
gained. Many people nave mad
tms test and have been
li I i
ished at their increased strengthj
endurance and eneray. Nuxated
Iron ia guaranteed to give aetia
faction or money refunded, M
all good druggists.
Owl Drug Co., Sherman ft McConnell.
If Mixed with f Sulphur It
Darkens so Naturally
Nobody can Tell.
. c
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair is grand
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using it to keep their hair a good,
even color, which is quite sensible,
as we are living in an age when a
youthful appearance is of the great
eft advantage. -1
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering
the sage and the mussy mixing at
home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use
product, improved by the ad
dition of other , ingredients, called
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." It is very popular because
nobody, can discover it has been
applied.' Simply moisten your comb
or a soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time; by morning
the gray hair disappears, but what
delights the ladies with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, is
that, besides beautifully darkening
the hair after a few applications, it
also produces that soft iustre and
appearance of abundance which is
so attractive;' - v r-
To ease it get
Pain has no chance 1
t against it. At every k
last ' drug store'
thee, lalag ft Oa M. Y.
? I
AntsMptk prophylactic deodorithig,
flag i aiel and refreahing. An ideal
face, akin, baby and dusting powder.
It soothe and cools the skin, over
cornea heavy perspiration, ia conven
ient and economical and takes the
place of other perfumes for the akin.
Splendid after bathing with Cuticura
Soap. A few grains dusted on the akin
and hands imparts to the person a del
fcata, individual and distinctive fra
grance, leaving tha akin sweet and
Soap ZSe, Ointment, 2S and SOe, Talcwrn
2Se. Sold throughout the world. For
sample each free address: "Caticwra Lab.
oratartea. Dept. 19F, Maiden. Maaa."
Cuucora Soap shaves without aaug.
Five Out of 48 Will Be Seized
by Federal Authorities
When They Are Released.
. Eighteen members of the I. W.
W., who were arrested a week ago
last Sunday in a raid on their head
quarters at 104 North Thirteenth
street, were arraigned before Judge
Fitzgerald in Central police court
yesterday on charges on vagrancy
and were sentenced to from 35 to 85
days in the' county jail.
Chief of Police Eberstein and
Chief of Detectives Dunn testified
against the men, relating the raid
on their headquarters.
AH the men who were arrested in
the raid admitted being members of
the I. W. W., the majority of them
claiming membership in that organ
ization for four or five years. Last
Friday, when arraigned in police
court on the vagrancy charge, the
majority of these men demanded the
services of a lawyer to defend them.
Anson H. Bigelow, counsel for
the Omaha Central Labor" union,
defended the men in police court
, According to O. B. Holden, im
migration inspector here, ihe follow
ing five men of this group will be
seized by the federal authorities at
the expiration of their jail sentence
for a hearing: Axel Alstead, John
Johnson, Ed Leiman, John Emery,
Chris L. Johnson. !
E. G. Webb, secretary of the lo
cal organization, of the I. W. W.,
testified that he was initiated into
the order in 1915 by 'Big Bill" Hay
wood, nationally known as a leader
of the I. W. W.
M. Aubrey was discharged, and
T. M. - Dodson was fined $50 and
Hoel Estate Is Valued at
$130,000 In Court Report
Frank J. Hoel, vice president of
the McCord-Brady Co., who died
suddenly November 15, left an es
tate valued at about $130,000, accord
ing to the application for probate of
his will made yesterday in county
court by his widow.
He left the entire estate to his
widow, Mrs. Annie Lee Hoel, and
appointed her his executrix. The
property is made up of $20,000 worth
of real estate in Nebraska, $10,000
worth of real estate elsewhere and
$100,000 worth of personal property.
The will is dated June 7, 1916, and
was witnessed by E. ,G. McGilton
and Florence Britt.
Brtej City News
Have Root Print It Beacon I'reaa
Teen ma Cleaners Burgeea-Oraadan Co.
Library Close Thanksgiving
Tha Omaha Publlo library will be
closed all day Thursday, Thanksgiv
ing day.
For Thanksgiving Baltimore ova
te re, Denver celery, California head
lettuce, nuts, .raising, etc., at Buffet's
Grocery, 14th and Harney. Adv.
Suit Against City Alleging that
aha sustained serious injuries by
falling Into a hole, SO Inches deep,
on North Fortieth street. March 2.
1919, Alice Devlne filed suit in dis
trict court today against tha city
for $5,000.
Back From Overseas Tha fol
lowing Omaha soldiers have arrived
from overseas: , Private Hugh C.
Peters, 3536 North Twenty-eighth
street; Private Ouy W. Maxfleld, 62
South Seventeenth avenue; Private
Paul Ziltnski, 2345 South J street.
Asks $25,000 Damages Gertrude
Anderson sued Douglas county for
$25,000 In district court, alleging
that she stepped aside to let an au
tomobile pass her on the road near
Irvington last June and fell down
a ateep embankment, dislocating her
Zionists to Meet The Omaha dis
trict of the Zionist organization of
America Is planning a series of pub
llo meetings Involving social and ed
ucational features. The first of these
meetings Is to be held Wednesday at
8 p. m. at Lyric building, Farnam
and Nineteenth Streets.
Advertising League Meets "His
tory will hereafter be written from
the advertising pages of magazines
and newspapers," Sam E. Brown
told the Advertising-Selling league
at the Hotel Fontenelle Monday
night. Community singing was a
feature of the program.
Red Cross Annual Meeting The
annual meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Omaha chapter of the
Red Cross will be held Wednesday
at ,4 p. m. at the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce. The purpose of this
meeting Is to elect an executive
committee of It members to serve
for the coming 'year.
Walkng Club Outing The Omaha
Walking club will hold an all-day
outing Thanksgiving day with a
"hike" from Benson to Ralston
and a dinner at Elmwood Park
camp. The walkers will start at
10 a. m. from the end of the Ben
son car line. . Walter M. Wolff will
be the leader 'and Mrs. Helen Hen
drle Morton the cook.
Y. M. C. A. Worker Returns
Charles F. Robel, 4735 North Thirty-ninth'
street, who for the past
two years has been in army Y. ' M. C.
A. work in several of the camps of
the southern departments returned
Monday. Mr. Robel for three
months before the army took over
the welfare work was stationed at
Camp Harry J. Jones, Douglas,
Takes Up Duties January 1 J.
David Larson, newly appointed com
missioner of the Chamber of Com
merce, will not arrive here until
January 1, it was announced at an
executive committee meeting of the
chamber yesterday. He intended to
assume his new duties here Decem
ber! 1, but at 1 the request of the
Sal 4 Lake Chamber of Commerce
president, his time there was ex
tended a month.
" I
A New Home Method That Anyone
- Can Use Without Discomfort
or Lose of Time.
We have a new method that controls
Asthma, and we want you to try it at our
expense. No matter whether your case is of
long standing or recent development,
whether it is present as occasional or
chronic Aathma, yon should send for a
free trial of our method. No matter in
, what climate you live, no matter what your
age or occupation, ifyou are troubled with
as tA ma, our metfioa snoola relieve you
We especially want to send tt to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumefl, ' patent smokes, etc.. have tailed.
We want to show everyone at our expense.
that this new method is designed to end all
difficult breathing, alb wheeaing, and all
thoee terrible paroxysms at once.
This free offer is too important to w
lett a single day. Write now and begin the
method at one. Send no money. Simpiy
: Bail coupon below. Do tt Today.
They Thoroughly Cleanse Liver and Bowels Without.
:. Griping or Shaking You Up Ideal Physic!
My Heart and My Husband
" Revelations of a Wife"
CascareU end biliousness, head
ache, colds, and constipation so
gently , you re never , even incon
venienced. There is no griping and
none of the explosive after-effects
of cathartics like Calomel, Salts,
sickening Oil or cramping Pills.
Tonight take Cascarets and get rid
of ths bowel and liver poison which
is keeping you miserable and sick.
Cascarets cost little and work while
you sleep.
The, Way Dicky "Took- Grant
land' Flowers, i
My room was like a bower when
little Mrs. Durkee had finished ar
ranging the roses Major Grantland
had sent me in such profusion.
Every available - Dlace held the
exquisitely tinted blossoms and their
fragrance filled the air. In a closed
room the perfume would haye been
enervating, but as the windows were
all wide-open to the summer night
it was simply reminiscent of mv
rose garden outside, the greater
glory ot which had departed with
Her FluffinesS clasped her hands
in childish admiration of her own
handiwork when she had finished.
"We could have a wedding in this
room this minute if we only' ha a
bride, she declared. "I don know
what we'll do if anybody else sends
you flowers. There isn't a spot in
the room left to put them except
that table beside your bed which
Mrs. Underwood shooed me away
I smiled at her characterization of
Lillian's action a few minUtes be
fore. It rather aptly discribed it at
that for Lillian, when Mrs.
Durkee had suggested putting a
bowl of flowers on the table nearest
me had negatived the proposition
decidedly, stepping in front of the
table with an oddly protective man
ner as she did so. I. had been
vaguely disappointed, for I love
flowers, and especially when I am 11
do I want them near as possible. '
Claws That Show.
"Well!" my little neighbor went
on whimsically, "Major Grantland
has saved me a lot of time and
money. I suppose I should have'
stripped my garden in tne not sun
and spent all my housekeeping
money if he hadn't come to the res
cue this way. Now I can wait
awhile. This ought to save Dicky
some mazume, too. I wonder how
he'll like it" '
I saw Lillian stiffen slightly,
noticed the little white lines at the
corners of her mouth, which only
come when she is angry. I was an
gry myself at the f little woman
mischievously malicious criticism,
veiled though it was, upon Dicky's
failure to bring me flowers before
anvone else had sent them. But a
second's reflection reminded me
for the thousandth time that there
is no more sense in getting angry
at the 'little woman than there
would be in punishing an adorable
white kitten for scratching with her
tiny claws. Both are equally Irre
sponsible while Mrs. Durkee is won
derfully warm-hearted and genuine
despite' her feline propensities. '
Dicky's Entrance.
"Why shouldn't he like it?" Lil
lian demanded tartly. "Dicky is
always 'delighted with any pleasure
which Madge has."
"Yes?" The rising inflection was
d.iintly malicious. "He's a model
husband, isn't he?" -
"Hush!" I exclaimed peremp
torily. "I hear him coming." .
tor my accustomea ears naa
heard his firsl step upon the stair
case from the1 hall below. I have
times I think my heart, too, in the
extravagant fantasy of Tennyson
would hear him and beat "were I
a century dead." "
I He came up the etairs two steps
at a time, burst boyishly into the
room, a big box in his hand, then
stopped as if he had been struck at
the sight of the profusion of roses.
For a fleeting moment his face
was like that of a disappointed small
boy, one who had prepared a Christ
mas surprise and finds it dis-
Beautify theT hanks giving
Table With New
Niagara and Hudson Streeta, Buffalo,
Send free trial ot your method toi
Housewives who find at the last minute, that they need some new lin
ens for the Thanksgiving table, should take advantage, of these Specials of
fered Wednesday.
Table Cloths $5.50
Damask Pattern Table Cloths of Irish manufacture. These come in four
handsome round designs and are excellent value for 2x2 yard size cloth, $5.50
each. Napkins to match, $6.50 dozen.
Tray Cloths 49c
Plain Satin Damask Tray Cloths with
scalloped edge, size 16x24 inches; very
special at 49c each.
Luncheon Napkins $12 J50 Dozen
Medeira Luncheon Napkins with hand
scalloped edge and hand embroidered
corner, $12.50 dozen.
Table Damask $3.00 Yard K
"70-inch all linen Irish Table Damask,
heavy weight, splendid quality, $3.00
yard. Dinner size napkins to match,
$9.25 dozen.
Table Cloths $7 J95 Each
Hemstitched Damask, Table Cloths of
all linen, in fine quality and good de
signs, $7.95 each.
counted. I longed passionately to
call out to him to put my arms
around bis neck, but with Mrs. Dur
kee mischievously watching I could
do nothing except smile at him. The
next moment he had caught himself
up. was saying heartily:
"By Jove! This is scrumptious!
Somebody's beaten me to it, Madge.
Who's the fairy godfather? Grant
land, I suppose."
"Yes," little Mrs. Durkee ans
wered quickly. "I should think
you'd be terribly jealous."
"Oh, I am, fiendishly so," laughed
Dicky, but I interrupted peremp
torily. "Dicky I Please, dear, show tne
what you have brought."
His face brightend and he came
over to the bed.
"It isn't much," he said apologet
ically, "but I remembered how you
loved the delphinium, and how dis
appointed you were when they
didn't do well, so I've huntel all
over creation to get these things."
He was opening the box as he
spoke and displayed to my view
the most exquisitely tinted blue and
white delphiniums I had ever seen.
Lillian's voice interrupted my rap
turous admiration of them.
"Well!" she drawled. "I think
this is about the time to produce
the blue and white Chinese vase
which I kept from Mrs. Durkee and
make a place upon your table for
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Murder at Blaine, Wash.
Bellingham, Wash., Nov. 25. The
bodies of Mrs. McGuire and hei
two daughters, 10 and 12 years old,
were found in their home at Blaine,
25 miles north of here today. Mrs.
McGuire and one child appeared to
have been slain with an axe. The
other child evidently was stabbed
to death. Officers were searching
for the husband and father.
a Sale oj
Wednesday )
Extreme Values
A miscellaneous . assortment of men's sweaters,
comprising almost every weave and style,
although the majority are jerseys of all wool
and wool mixed yarns. All colors in lot sizes,
28 to 46.
Burgess-Nash Gompmy
everybody stork"
"Give a
I .
rv n tt 7X
Day. .
t Last -week We an
nounced that we had se- .
lected 100 suits from our
' regular stock and priced
them at $15.00. There
was an enormous response
so great, indeed, that
hundreds of women were
disappointed, because the
100 were gone before
they could take advan
tage of the sale. '
In order that they may
have another opportunity
to purchase a suit at this
ridiculously low price, we
will hold a second sale
v y m i
' We have gone throngn
our regular stock and se
lected 100 suits that show
the style distinctions al
ways found in Burgess
Nash suits.
They are made in a
riety of the season's most
popular fabrics and colors
and were formerly priced
three, four and five times
the price asked Wednes
day, which is but $15.00.
A saving opportunity that
no woman Can afford to
overlook. ( - ' . '
Wednesday--Another Enormous Sale of
Sale Starts at 9 A. M..
and We . Advise
Early Selection.
On Account of the Low Price, There Are
No Exchanges No C. Q. D.'s ' "
and No Refunds.