Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    the Omaha Bee
Yti iHmliiy Phm. nf vhlna Tea Baa la a member, la at-
Ndnli anutlad la tae uie for DuMloaUaa af all un dlepatchaa
twilled to H or not otharwtM eredltaa Id lata paw. ana 1m
m loaal nam pubiiabad barain. ail ninii of puouoeuoa 01 our
Matal dlapettoai an alas rwanad.
Mtete Bias oh Itebanta. Aak for the Tvlr 1 fllMl
Maiuaaai ot r articular rareon wuua. j -
' Far Nlaht and Sunday Service Calli
MHorlal DeparUnent ..... Tyler 1W0I
pirsulattoa Department . Tyler 100'L.
kdmUtlas Department ... . Trier 100IU
' Bona Office, Bee Bulldiaa. 17th and Faraea.
Branca OCflcti: .
a ma Wnrta 14th I Park Mil tree
tlla Military An fciuta tide Mil N Street
Jeuncll Btuffl 19 Scott St. 1 Walnut ll North 40th
1 . , Out-ef-Town Oflieaat
jew Tork Offlo US Pith An. ) Wuhlnftaa . Mil O Strati
itcago Beefer Bioa. I uncoin i n siren
aily 66,315Sunday 63,160
Iterate etrcolatlna for tha ajenta eubeorlbed and fwora to to
at awffan, uircviauon Maaaaw.
: lwbacriber leaving tha city aheuld have Tha Baa nailed
mam. AMreee cnenfefl aa otien as required.
You should know that -
Omaha has 226 grocery and 155
detail dry k goods stores, all
equipped with modern appliances
for doing business.
What The Bee Standi For:
1. Respect for the law and maintenance of
2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime
..through the regular operation of, the
3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of
Inefficiency lawlessness and corrup
tion in office. ,
4. Frank recognition and commendation
of honest and efficient public service.
5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true
basis of good citizenship.
No reprieve for Turkey today.
Curtailing street car service still further may
(ave coal, but not tempers.
Spring clothes and cigarettes are going up.
IJkigho, and winter just started.
Better enforcement of traffic ordinances will
at a ooon to others than motorists'.
Time and a half for over-time on the sec
tion I Hurrooi "Jerry, go ile the car-r-r!"
1 )
The "Tiger of France" is more like a com
fortable old torn cat in the village where he was
reared. , . - '
If the miners will please go to work, they
will relieve the democrats of a deadful cause
lor worry.
. Nebraska women will vote for president in
1920, but that carries no comfort to " the
i No public probe of the police department?
(A11 right, bat that is no reason for deferring reorganization.
I Plutocrats and proletarians will have turkey
.'or dinner tomorrow, but the boozhwah will
!aave to be content with a substitute.
"Bill" Carlisle also holds the record for
abiquity, and it is up to Wyoming to provide
ilm a permanent and durable address.
Uncle Sam is going to put enforcement of
the dry law into the hands of local authorities.
Here's a lot of fun ahead for somebody.
,D'Annunzio is reported to contemplate a
raid on Spalato, the American naval" base on
the Adriatic. It is a good wager that he does
not go very, far there.
j A Bombay movie theater is reported to be
giving a drink of whisky with each admission
ticket sold. Think what would happen here if
inch a plan were tried. ;
Chicago's crime wave1 subsided rapidly after
.He. police made a few arrests. 1 Wonder if it
would have the same effect here. The plan ap
pears to be worthy, a trial.
' Nineteen million Americans are eligible to
service in the army under the draft law. Some
body ought to point the attention of Venus
tiana Carranza to these figures.
Consul Jenkins is safe in the Mexican jail,
o why should the government be in any haste?
Precipitancy might not be pleasing to Senor
Carranza, who is yet "our great and good
friend," you know.
Chairman Cummings has called the demo
cratic sachems to council in Washington on
January 8. Old .Andy Jackson will probably
rise up. that day to tell his degenerate de
scendants a few things about democracy.
If the Bolsheviki Would fc?o
v According to Santeri Nuorteva, their Fin
nish agent, our Russian bolsheviki would be
"glad to go home. All the State department
has to do is to write us a letter, and we'll all
go." The desired- "letter." Envoy MartensVx-
filains, would be a safe conduct into Lenine's
ines. Mr. Nuorteva says there are 87 ships in
Petrograd harbor ready to come for the' bol
sheviki who are so ready to go.
1 This eagerness to shake from sanctified
shoes the polluting dust of a capitalistic United
States may not seem consistent with the court
fight which many of them have made against
deportation; but Mr. Nuortevar may be right
about it, and about the 87 ships. If he is, there
ihould be no difficulty in making an arrange
ment s Americans wish to get rid of unwelcome
visitors. The visitors say or Mr. Nuorteva
lor them that they simply yearn to get away.
Why is not this a' program upon which both
ides can unite with the utmost harmony, and
ma enthusiasm? Few things should be easier
in a troubled world than an understanding be
tween a host who would speed a parting guest
nd k guest who yawns to be speeded,
v Of course Mr. Lansing does not wish to ac
knowledge Mr. Martens' ambassadorial capac
ity, but there is no need. The returning en
thusiasts can be taken across the line some
Sow, even if they have to be landed from air
planes. No trouble or expense could be too
treat And though they might live to repent
the flitting, there would never be on this side
of the sea any display of public mourning.
Nan York World.
One or two democratic editors, venting un
concealed political partisanship, are virtuously
reading The Bee a long lecture, and moraliz
ing on our contempt of court proceedings. But
they overlook the main point It is not The
Bee alone that is involved, but he entire in
stitution of a free press. If the ruling from
Judge Redick's court is the law in Nebraska,
newspaper publication in this tate will be
under judicial censorship on the narrowest
basis. Fearless and impartial dissemination of
news, involving persons who may be principals
or witnesses in some law suit, will be forbid
den. Exposure of, brazen fraud or official dis
honesty will be stopped, as prejudging prosecu
tion in the courts.
Now, it is not The Bee or its editor that
is on trial here, but the right of free speech
and free press, which is finally as vital to the
liberty of the people and the perpetuity of pop
ular government as is its equal but not superior
companion, the unbought, . even-guided, even
tempered and independent judiciary.
Let it not be overlooked that if making pub
lic the .defense of a man accused of crime
tends to impede justice,, the converse must hold
good, that condemnation of a man in advance
of the judicial finding of his guilt must be quite
as culpable. Those who rush forward to de
nounce one who has perpetrated a crime may
as well be mulcted for contempt as those who
permit the individual under disfavor of the
court to try to set himself right before the
Regardless of political bias, or friendliness
or unfriendliness to us, we urge editors to
study what is involved in this case, for it
may be anyone's turn next.
Operators' Profits and Miners' Wages.
The astonishing statement made by the for
mer secretary of the treasury with regard to
the profits of the softj:oal operators mus have
come as a shock to a great many. It remains
something of a shock, because of its generality.
Dr. Garfield tells us, and he is correct in this,
that any increase; in wages now given the
miners must be paid by the public or by the
operators. '
Very naturally, the public will agree with
Dr. Garfield that the price of coal is high
enough. Extraordinary profits were permitted
when the government fixed prices on coal, in
order that production might be artifically stim
ulated. War conditions no longer control, al
though the demand for coal is but slightly les
sened by reason of that fact. Europe, South
America and even Asia are asking for coal from
America, while the domestic requirements are
but slightly curtailed, under peace. That these
conditions should be made the basis of ab
normal profits is unreasonable, though.
It is not easy to ( understand the motive of
Mr. McAdoo in coming forward with his re
markable statement, no more than are its con
tents comprehensible without more details. iTo
say that profits have ranged from 15 to 2,)00
per cent is too sweeping a statement to permit
formation of conclusive judgment. Between
the two points is so wide a range that even the
casual will wish for more specific information. .
The statement may be of service in one way.
While the government is to assume the respon
sibility for the new wage scale, it has the right'
to avail itself of all avenues' of information.
The public is willing that the miners get fair
wages, that the operators recover a proper re
turn on their venture, but it has a right to insist
that neither of these, nor a combinat'on of
them, be permitted to exploit coal consumers
for inordinate gains.
City as an Employer. '
A new definition has been given to the re
lations between the city and its employes by
the decision of Judge Troup, in extending the
provisions of the workmen's compensation law
to cover policemen who lose their lives in line
of duty. This naturally will include firemen
and all others who work for the city in any
capacity. Careful reflection leads o endorse
ment of the judge's views. It is not enough
that relief is provided for the dependents of
policemen from a quasi-public source. The
benefit fund is something quite apart from the
insurance provided for under the compensation
act, just as no account is made of the accident
or other protection carried by a workman em
ployed by a private concern. That city em
ployes should be deprived of compensation
under the law for no better reason than be
cause they are working for the public does not
accord with good morals. Within the last few
weeks much has been said to emphasize the
peculiar relations existing between these and
the public, particularly the responsibility po
licemen and firemen owe the community they
serve. Accepting this as the correct view, . it
must be true afso that something is due these
men, and the least of this obligation from the
public to its servants is expressed in the mea
ger indemnity allowed under the compensation
law. The city's appeal to determine the point
will, be watched with care, for if the point is
not upheld in the supreme court, we may be
certain some other way will be looked for to
properly relieve the situation.
Italy and the Red Program. . -The
House of Savoy is seriously threatened
in Italy by the socialists, who hope to overturn
the government' It does not matter that the
royal family is among the most democratic
in Europe; that the king, the crown prince, and
most of the male members of the line took
active part in the war. The wave of anarchy
is rising higher each day, and the late elections,
which gave the socialists their greatest repre
sentation in the Italian parliament, indicate the
dissatisfaction of the masses with conditions.
Industrial as well as politicalaffairs in Italy
contribute to this. In fact the one is responsi
ble for the other. The country passed almost
directly from a costly war with Turkey into
the world war, having no time to reorganize or
recuperate. Much of the Caporetti disaster
can be traced to this fact as it was weariness
of fighting that laid Cadorna's soldiers easy
prey to the socialist and clerical tempters,
whose treachery almost wrecked the campaign
for the Allies. This has simply been continued
into the early time of peace, and promises great
trouble for the government. . 1
D'Annunzio's rebellion has been made the
easier because of its appeal to the popular mind.
Analysis of the situation is not easy at this dis
tance, but the fact is clear that in none of the
allied countries have the socialists made greater
headway than in Italy, where they are pushing
with great energy to establish their control and
set their program into motion.
Bringing Home the Castaways
From the Kansas City Star.
They are rolling up the rugs at the Hotel de
Crillon and sending the chairs back to the up
holsterers, for the American peace mission is
coming home without any peace. (And speak
ing of the thaira, they are, we believe, what the
upholsterers call overstuffed, there being 80 of
these peaceiess peace delegates sitting in them.)
I The overstuffed peace mission there we go
again 1 We mean the peace mission from the
overstuffed chairs has been functioning under
a1ow boiler pressure lately, for several ship
loads of delegates already have come home, and
the Crillon of late months has been a mere cave
of echoes compared to what it was in the height
of the season. Whole suites are now deserted,
whole floors empty, so that a fourth assistant
cartographer, who should now sing- out for a
third assistant messenger, would hear his voice
reverberate through 40,000 square yards of mar
ble corridors, and leaping from Henri Quatre
drawing rdom to Louis Quinze breakfast room,
be flung back from shower bath to shower bath
and shatter at last against the onyx walls of
200 tenantless chambres a coucher.
The 80 refugees thus left marooned by the
rising tide of peace will be welcomed home.
We have begun to think we would have to send
a relief expedition to re$cue them. Eighty ex
perts on boundary liness tould easily be lost
in the Hotel de Crillon, where we might have
forgotten all about them until the next renbill
came in. But now that they have been recalled
to our attention we'll be glad to see them and
hope they'll like America. They may find us a
little provincial at first, with our foreign accent
and narrow nationalism, but those impressions
will wear off in time if they survive the first
We do not know what the returned mission
will find to do in America, but something may
turn up. The commission on economic resources
of Austria, which has been studying the eco
nomic resources of that country from the upper
windows of the Crillon, might be set to work
figuring out how America is going to pay the
bill for its European fling. But the commission
n the boundaries of Czecho-Slovakia looks
like a dead loss. Still, when we pick up a band
of castaways flying their last shirt from the
broken mast and reduced to French breakfasts
and several acres of marble bath rooms, we
don't stop to figure the cost of rescue.- We take
them aboard from their tossing life raft and
nurse them back tp heakh and usefulness.
So here's to the returning peace mission.
We hope they'll soon be strong and well again
and be able to tell the story of their terrible
privations in Paris, providing they can pick up
our language.
Getting ctJob
Much is heard these days of men searching
for employment and finding none. It is some
times difficult to understand how this can be,
in view of the fact that employers all over the
land are searching for competent , employes.
The man and the job do not seem to find each
other easily.
Finding a good job is an art, one that many
have not mastered. One needs but make in
quiries to discover that few employers have
a completely satisfactory list of employes.
There are ' commonplace men holding good
places because employers are unable to find
better men for the job. There are excellent men
holding inferior places because they lack the
ability to bring their claims before employers
who have better places to be filled. One city
may have more men than jobs, but the coun
try, taken as a whole, has jobs waiting to be
filled. There is employment if the man out of
a job will only, get to the right place.
It does ltot follow that a man hunting a job
is a poor employe, although many employers
take thaf stand. It may mean the individual is
welj equipped but a poor hunter when he seeks
a job for himself. Some soldiers are able to
walk into fine employment, find it even waiting
for them, while others, equally willing to work,
are forced to hunt and keep on hunting before
they connect with satisfactory employment.
Ohio State Journal.
ri aa rvi ivi r u : a9)vv
Bu Arthur brooks falter mlk
He's as Irish as the city hall in Dublin by
the sea. His language is as Irish as a brogue
could ever be. He lances Mother England with
diversions keen and sharp. He always boosts
the flag of green that bears the gilded harp. , He
makes excited speeches on St Patrick's natal
day. He says the Irish nation dhould rise up
and break away. ' J
Like many of his countrymen, he leads in
politics. He lands on Brother Capital with fre
quent verbal bricks. He boosts for Brother
Labor with orations warm and strong. The
great parade of progress, if he leads, will move
along. (This is the trend and inference of
speeches that he speaks aW frequently they
land him in the office that he seeks.)
I:, letters to the papers- he assaults upon the
slats our sacred oligarchy of annointed pluto
crats. He holds that we, the public, could more
easily dispense with those who gain their live
lihood by profits and per cents, than with the
toiling multitude, who gratify .their likes
through labor freely interspersed with riots and
with strikes. '
The sentiments he speaks and writes In
such impressive notes have gathered him a fol-lowing-with
multitudes of votes; have sent him
to the legislature, where he never shirks his
labor for the welfare of the gentleman who
works. The man who wins the labor vote for
many years on end' is apt to be, and so is he,
the workers' honest friend. .
Next Subject William A. Redick.
i 1
The Day W Celebrate.
Richard Croker, former leader of Tammany
Hall, oorn at Black Rock, Ireland, 76 years ago.
v Sir Andrew Macphail of Montreal, one of the
leading writers and thinkers in the Dominion,
born in Prince Edward Island SS years ago.
Prof. Adam Shortt, former civil service com
missioner for Canada, born at Kilworth, Ont,
60 years ago.
Walter George Smith, Philadelphia lawyer,
former president of the American Bar associa
tion, born in Logan county, Ohio, 65 years ago.
Cass Gilbert, eminent New York architect,
president of the National Institute of Art and
Letters, born at Zanesville, O., 60 years ago. '
Alben W. Barkley, representative in con
gress of the First Kentucky district, born in
Graves county, Kentucky, 42 years ago.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
The Union National bank moved into its
new quarters at the southwest corner of Six
teenth and Dodge.
Mr.; and Mrs. Thomas Swobe celebrated
the 21st anniversary of their marriage by en
tertaining a few intimate friends.
Capt George O. Baker of New Bedford,
Conn., was, in the city visiting his brother, the
superintendent of The Bee building. The cap
tain had been in command of a whaling ship
since 1863 and had not spent more than a year
on land during that time. ,
A bazar was held at Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Millard's for the sale of fancy articles in the
interest of the Children's hospital.
'Mrs. Walter C. Wyman sang at the meet
ing of the Ladies' Musicale. "The happy hand
ful of women who attended had the felicity of
being carried out of themselves by the witchery
of a magnificent contralto voice." Mrs. Wyman
studied several years under Murchisi)
Mrs. Monell and Mr. and Mrs. John Monell
gave a brilliant reception at Mrs. J. J. Monell's.
7 jrrj
a .iiFv
Two Questions Answered. ,
Shelton. Neb.,' Nov. 1. To Vthe
Editor of. The Bee: Two questions
that I would like answered are tha
1. What Is the rmme ef tha ruling
house 'of England? (Queen Victoria
was the last of the house of Hano
ver, I believe).
2. What ia the statue of woman
In Nebraska politically full. -iiuf-frage
or partial and"' whan will full
suffrage be given them?
Also if you will please give your
authority for the answers to these
questions. H. A. V.
Answer Early in the war the
reigning, house in England took the
family name of Windsor, discarding
the former names because of their
Teutonlo origin. This tact was gen
erally published at the time, being
accomplished by a royal proclama
tion. Women in Nebraska have aa yet
only part suffrage. They may, un
der a recent ruling ot the attorney
general, vote for president and vice
president of the United States, and
then must jump down the ticket to
offices below those created by the
constitution of the state. The suf
frage amendment to the federal con
stitution has not yet been entirely
ratified by the states, and so we can
not tell you when universal suffrage
will go into effect.
Toncbing On and Appertaining To.
Omaha, Nov. 20. To the Editor
of Tha Bee: I will avail myself of
the U. S. P. O. to state that the
W.-H. crows over a rival before it
has cleaned Its own record of filth.
You don't ,see any adverse criti
cism on the ' article of their friend,
Ludendorff, now running in their
columns, though his "nibs" (me)
would have bought several extra
copies for the privilege of clipping
his sage contributions, but now
those same excellent compositions
are as extinct as the dodo. They
are with the lost books of Llvy and
the lost plays of Aeschylus. Oh,
why did I trust them, out Of my
Oet but of my sleht you atupld.
Cried tha ansrtaat of erowai
How good and fair the children ara,
There'a none but a parent knows, i j
I don't like to shed tears in pub
lic, but the W.-H. forces me to
make a spectacle of myself. If I
read the stuff to some people I
know of they would die from laugh
ing, 'i JUNIUS NO. HI.
s Note on Notes.
TheSVerage American doesn't care
much for notes, especially notes to
Mexico and more especially notes to
Mexico in which a wealth of faultless
rhetoric, perfect spelling and splen
did punctuation is wasted. Indeed,
there are many Americans who
would enjoy our government's notes
to Mexico . more if there were a
"neither" and a split infinitive in
them , occasionally. Kansas City
ofays' Com&r
Written on a Tree Stump.
When you are on a hike through
the woods, stop and examine the
stumps of newly felled trees or the
ends of new logs. There is some
thing written on them, something of
interest that every outdoor boy or
girl should be ableto read. It is,
Trie raessAGe earn amtp
Hf.5 (
fix m
I LOOSt SH0tt ll
rviAJiiLiJUJ. - y i
written in cipher, but is easily read
once you master the signs.
Look closely at the top of a
stump, which shows clearly the in
side growth of the tree, and you will
see that it resembles the drawing
given here. There will be its rings",
one inside the other, its radiating
lines, its band of sapwood and its
outer bark, and each of these has its
own story to tell.
The rings announce the age of the
tree. For every year there is a ring,
and all you have to do to know how
Ions the tree has been growing is to
count the rings. We are told that
we may even .find written there
which years were damp and rainy,
and which were dry, because damp
years make a wide ring and dry ones
a narrow one.
' The rings have something to say
about the points of the compass, too,
for they are usually wider on the
north side. That makes the meeting
point of the radiating lines nearer
the south side than the north side of
the tree, so, as a rule, we may read
the longest of these lines as saying,
"We are pointing to the north." As
with the mOss on the trees, however,
it is not well to trust entirely to the
writing on one single stump; read all
you can find, 'then accept the evi
dence of the greatest number.
The story the bark! tells also has
to do with the question, the very im
portant question when you happen
to be lost in the woods, of where to
look for the north. It answers this
by usually growing thicker on the
north side of the tree.
When a tree has been sawed off,
leaving a level top on the stump, the
signs can be more easily read.
(Next week, "Winter Tree Buds.")
Boya and Girls' Newspaper Service,
Copyright, lilt, by J. H. Millar.
An Unlucky House.
The house which the ex-kaiser
has , purchased at Doorn ia re
ported to be unlucky for its male
occupants. However that may be.
the house is certainly very .uniucity
in having its present owner. De-
htroit-Free Press.
A Back Number.
Since the coal strike came on the
stage the steel strike seems to have
retired behind the scenes. is it
1 possible that a strike fostered by the
"reds" cannot flourish without the
full glare of publicity? Morning
i Lhe.Dtfcuxtinxl tone of
a fine violin is per"
manent' in act, it
loecomes morg beautiful
as years come and go.
is tut one
piano in tke world tkat
vas this wcrnderful rca"
tare ofevery fine violin
-tKc Tnatcnle55
Its "tension resonator
fo&lusive because pat
ented)inalces its tone
supreme, not only at nrsf,
but as long as the in
strument ttselr endures
ffiqiesf mcedr-
'nighest praised
Afen Uprights, $325 up.
CranJs, $650 up.
Used, $125 up.
Cash Prices Are Time Prices
The Art and Music Store
We take special
pride in tailoring -Evening
that give the wear
er distinction-
Clothes o correct
in detail that they
put a man at his
ease at the most
notable functions.
WE Jen-ems' Sons
209-211 South 15th Street
Hunting Eye Hears the Story of the
First Thanksgiving.
"Come in and have dinner. It's
Thanksgiving, you know," invited a
farmer as HantingEye was going
by. '
So the Little Indian Boy went into
the kind farmer's home and was fed
on turkey, mince pies, cranberry
sauce and many other wonderful
things of which he had never dream
ed in the Great North Woods.
"What is Thanksgiving?" he asked
his host
"It is a holiday when everybody
eats all sorts of good things."
"How did it come to be called
"Once upon a time all of this
country belonged to your people.
There were no white people in it.
But finally a band of white men and
women sailing in a huge canoe came
over the Great Water to build new
homes- here. Their voyage took
many days. Many of them were
sick, all Were discouraged, for the
Great Water was between them and
their homes. It was winter when
they landed. They had not even
skins-with which to build wigwams.
They had to go into the forest and
cut trees from which to build rough
"Many of them died from disease
during the winter. Some of them
starved. Within three months after
they landed more than half of them
were in their graves beneath the
"When spring came they plowed
the ground and planted it. All the
summer they cared for the growing
grain and in the autumn they were
rewarded by a rich harvest. There
was enough for everyone. No dan
gerf starvation during the winter
to come. So they -set aside a day
upon which to give thanks to the
Great Spirit of the white men for
His kindness in thus providing for
"From them grew the great people
27 e '
u .35
l 43
21 2
4 a
A 4i
5 45
19 all 3ie
V :
Not playing tennis, ball or hockey.
Some people think I'm a great
Draw from one te two and so aa ta tha and.
who now live in all. this country.
And even now they keep this cus
tom. Every autumn after the harv
est is gathered the ruler of the na
tion sets aside a day upon which all
the people feast of the good things
given by the land and give thanks
to their Great Spirit for His kind
ness to them." "
(Next week, "Hunting Eye De
posits His Money in the Bank.")
Borf and Olrla' Newipaper Service.
Copyright. 11. by J. H. Millar.
LV Nicholas oil Company
1 11
Alertness Plus
Ample Facilities
We give every banking
institution credit for the
best of intentionsit being the
earnest desire of each one to do
its level best.
- but no banking service
can be more broad than
its facilities permit. No banking
service will be more broad than
that which the SPIRIT OF ITS
MANAGEMENT prescribes.
The service of the U. S.
National combines the
most adequate facilities with the
constant endeavor'of its manage
ment to build its business through
. its alertness in keeping just a
- a a.l
step aneaa or tne times.
BfSIUf ll a$$$ frv We heheve that I
iPJii&fe the urest way I
tftVT customers is to I
if5L! fWi serve old customers well. I
' '-