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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
Hiil BEii: OiI AH A, VaiJiii&lJAi', NUvaI.iiit 2G, Break a Cold In few Hours Fint dote of "Pape'i Cold Compound" relieves all stuffiness and distress No quinin?! Costs littlel Don't stay stuffed-top! Quit blow ing; and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound", taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends all'gxippe misery. The first dose opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages pi head; stops nose running; relieves head ache, dullness, feverishness, sneez ing, soreness, stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pape's! PHOTO FLAYS. PHOTO FLATS if CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "THE FLOORWALKER" -' ;"- 1 AND '. WIDOW OF POLICE OFFICER AWARDED $4,200 DAMAGES ' Allowed Ad Under State Law In Addition to City Pension. ' . v. Widows of Omaha 'policemen are entitled to compensation under the state workingmen's compensation act in addition to the $50 a month pension from the policemen's and firemen's fund, in cases where the policeman loses his life in the per formance of his duties, according to a decision handed down by District Judge Xroup yesterday in the suit of Mrs. Mary Rooney against the city. Judge Troup awarded Mrs. .Rooney $4,2p0 from the city in addition to the $50 a month which ? she- is re ceiving and will receive -all her life. Mrs. Rooney is-the'widow of Frank Rooney, who was kijled while the police were capturing five men in a house at Fourteenth avenue and --Qv- m 3 I I I : ' """AND '. i I f; IMla Dasm m I In a riot of nighties f-v ' jR It and naughtiness. ijfe 1" ii fi m-m a VLirMr j r-rz iai f,t n ii -rn a ir isc?. ' y imi t II BlgfWt tun show ever seen in V st 1 I ffiL TJ- I H Omaha. Making thousands laugh! V frK "T'P ?i jtliF l n fr 1 ; II hi'&s ..... i i '.. ... : : : II v. v uiruriv inrnmNtv 1 1 ' ,JCAt "JFrr . 1 I I in Safe Gi) IT PLEASES" PHOTO FLATS. 1 Better than "Mickey n.. i i !..:... II NX ft 66 j with delightful, lovable NORMAND Last Times Today NIGHTLY, 10 TO 1 ONLY . SPECIAL TONITE Two helpline would nul itudytng the Graaser llnso thro months ul Jolu muU AND, OH, SUCH . COFFEE 1 Touches the spot yea srent It to. ' . No Muilo No Danolnf No Cover Charae. JUST TALK. BAB AND CONVERSATION " ' Superb Table D'Hote Dinner 4:10 to 8 p. n. Dallr JI.OOi ' Today to Saturday Constance Talmadge vln a peppy, laughable comedy role you'll like, - "A Virtuous Vamp" Presents I Houclmi in the "Qrim'.Qame" TODAY ONLY. LOTH-ROPC&? ., BRYANT WASHBURN fa : THE GYPSY TRAIL, and a Mack Sen nett Comedy, "The Villaae Chestnut," Wirt street, January 30, 1917. The 6ve men had robbed the Mateshock jewelry store, 1514 Dodge street the day before. ! Granted City Pension. Mrs. Rooney was granted the widow's pension right after the death of her husband. Later she appeared before the city commission and asked for the sum provided in the workingmen's compensation act. This the commission denied to grant. She then filed suit in the district court. Judge Troup decided that she is entitled to $12 a week for 350 weeks regardless of the fact that she is receiving a pension. "The. pension is not in lieu of compensation un der the workingmen's compensation act," the judge said. He awarded Mrs. Rooney $1,140. the amount due for the 95 weeks since Mr. Rooney died, plus interest of $79.80 and ordered the city to pay hei$12 a week for the remain ing 255 weeks of the statutory 351V week period, which amounts to $3,060. He rlso decreed that the city shall pay her $200 for expenses in the last sickness and burial of Mr. Rooney and that the city shall pay th costs of her suit 1 Doubtful on Question. "I confess I am doubtful on this question,!' the judge said, "but I will clear the way to have the su preme court make final decision on the subject." City Attorney Weaver said the case will be taken to the supreme court. If the decision is sustained it will also give other widows of police men and firemen the right to have this $4,200 in addition to their pen sions provided their' husbands were, killed in the performance of their duties. Murder Is Charged. Portland, Ore., Nov. 25. Indict ments charging murder in the sec ond degree were returned against David Smith, James Ogle and Wal ter Banaster, alleged confessed prin cipals in the robbery, of the Clare inent tavern near here Friday night, during which J. N. Burgess and George Peringer, cattlemen, were killed. CLAIMS PARENTS BEAT HIM WHEN HE VISITED GIRL District Court Jury Hears Tes timony in Peculiar Damage ' ,- Suit. ' " : - - . : William A. Erath, 21 years old, told a jury in District Judge Les lie's court yesterday of the exciting events which happened the night of January 17, .1919, when Mr. and Mrs. ; Lewis I Raber returned to their home on the second floor of 1418 North Eighteenth street and found him with their 19-year-old daughter, Emily. ) . Young Erath walked with a limp, his left leg being stiff and shorter than the right one. He is suing Mr. and Mrs. Raber for $15,000 for causing the injury. Mr. Erath testified that he did not know that Emilyi was' married when he called upon her. Her parents sav she is the wife of Owen Miller. "I arrived at the house about 7:30 in the evening," Mr. Erath, who is a clerk employed by the Union Pa cific Railroad company, testified. "Emily was alone, her parents hav ing gone out. About 10:30 they re turned and Mr. Raber said, when he came into the room, 'Who's here?' Emily replied, 'A boy.' "Then he reached for his pocket as if, he were after a revolver. He grabbed hold of me and tore off my pants. I ran through the hall for the stairs and Mrs. Raber stood at the top of the steps and tripped me. I fell to the bottom, breaking niv leg." ' i The young man testified that Mr. Raber later tore his coat and hat. He said he lay at the bottom of the steps for half an hour. ,- He was in the hospital three months and underwent two opera tions, he alleges. War Department Approves Plan for Esprit de Corps Washington, Nov. 25. The War department has approved a plan to ''cultivate in every possible way a healthy esprit de corps in every oi ' ganization." 1 An official memorandum frou: General March today calls -ttentioi of commanding .officers to the im portance of this element .nd sup gests , ways in which it can b strengthened. . " Regimental flags must be desiguci so as to perpetuate the" history o the unit, wars in which it has par ticipated being indicated by sym bols. The same devices are to b used on regimental stationery, pins watch charms and even on the white mess jackets of its officers. , AMUSEMENTS. BOYD TONIGHT w-SL Mit'S'aTHANKSGlVING ftg THE WORLO'HCRALD SAID: D"A fltrlut yen thoiiK ot mlM. 8uPiiM ll carried t th yolnt ot fci er4lbl iyitlflotln. On followt tha folding et tha story with thrllltd ib- RICHARD FOR THE BENNETT in DEFENSE A running Myatary Play by tha Mai Whs . Wrota "On Trial." "A plaaavr rawantid tht annliatloa aa a whola." Baa. "Stroni at aarratlva. Lacteal la tta haMlna Ituatloaa. Plat auatafna auspaaia thronoh aut." Nawa. NEXT SUNDAY ENTIRE WEEK RETURN OF THE FAVORITE OLIVER M0R0SC0 Praaanta tiiifj Try MakingYour Own Cough Remedy Yon oaa aave a boot $2, and hare better remedy than the ready , made kind. Eaailr done. If you combined the curative proper ties of every known "ready-made' cough remedy, you probably could not get as much real curative power as there is in this simple home-made cough syrup, which is easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any druggiBt 2 ounces of Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with syrup, usin either plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as de sired. The result is a full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Tastes pleasant and never spoils. 1 This Pinex and Syrup preparation gets right at the cause of a cough ana gives almost immediate relief. It loos ens the phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irritated membranes so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and broncmai astnma, there is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated comDOund of eenuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for generations to break up severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2Va ounces of: Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co, Ft. Wayne, lnd. . - With FLORENCE ROCKWELL and tha SINGING HAWAII AN3 Evanlaia, S0e-2: Sat Mat.. 30o-SI.M. Wad. Matloaa, SOo-tl. SEATS TOMORROW. I jrx Nadine Face Powder (it Cnan Bo Onfy) . "Omaha 'a Fua Canter" tQl f ?l7l DtaT Mat l-25-50e JpKtfJlTvVSEvBfS., 2S-StV7S. $1 Hera's Rasa on for Thankagfrtof JAS. E. ClftlJT.CrrDC Musical COOPER'S IUni"tCH Burleaque With CORN-FED GUS FAY In a Gay, Gid dy, Gambol Through Girl-Land. Corking Seat and Big Beauty Chorus, Grand Holi ay Matinee Thankigiving Day at 3:00. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Bat. Mat We: Little Bobby Barry: "Melds Ot America." OMAHA POULTRY ASSOCIATION Will Hold Its 6th Annual Show at tha Auditorium . November 24th to 30th RABBIT SHOW IN CONNECTION ADMISSION FREE J. W. Welch, Pres. ) Arthur- L. Edson, Secy. PHOTO-PLAYS. Fknnfly AT THE I I I X. j I rir r '" vv Mr IS-S BOTO! AND . Keepa The Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Money back If not en tirely pleased. Nadine la pure and harm less. ' Adheres until washed oft Preventa sunburn and return of discoloration. MUliona oi delighted users prove its value. Flesh, Pink. Brunette, White. , At luax loOst ceaatacs.1 U they kaftal it. Waaa Nc Natkaaal Toilet Compear, Parle, Tessa, Sal ' by ' Bharmaa sV MoCoaaell Drut Storaa. Baalaa Drue Co.. 15th an Famaai. and others. . ' ... AMUSEMENTS Today Mat., 2i30 Evening, 8:20 I Laat 2 Times The Season'a Gayest Musical Comedy MY SUNSHINE LADY A Tuneful Tale of Leve Life Youth Beauty Laughter and Song. Nights 50c to $2 Mat.. -fiOc, 75c, $1. Three Days, Starting Tomorrow Afternoon ' Listen Lester Irti&sSSJ Nlghta 50c to $2 Mate., 50c to $1.50 Matinee Daily 2:15 Every Night 8:15 TMl aCST IN VAUOC VILLI JfLIUS TANNEN; ALICE 4 JAMES TEMPLETONj MRS. JENE HUGHES; SYBIL VANE; SEVEN "HONEY BOYS'-j Maleta- Bonconi; Bob Tip Co.; Topics of the Day; Kinograma. LAST TIMES TODAY CHALFONTE SISTERS la an slaborste deserlstlw Dancing and Singing Novelty Act: VALENTINE FOX: SYLVIA MORA A CO.: REGAN AND JORDAN; snd WILLIAM RUS SELL In his Photoplay, "EASTWARD HO": alto MACK SWAIN COMEDY OUTING CHESTER: PATHE NEWS. PHOTO PLAYS. These theaters have installed an Oxo-Gas oil-burning heating apparatus at considerable expense to make their patrons as com fortable as usual. mmrX SEE 'Weavers of Speech' TODAY atth Hamilton Theater 40th and Hamilton : DON'T MISS IT Two Omaha Telephone Operators Playing the Leading Parts. A Local Production By the : . , Nebraska Telephone Co.- 48 of the first 50 Arro w trucks are still running after 8 years They met the various road and operating re quirements of 48 owners in many different busi nesses in many different cities. . , CI WL "L TVT Of sd by the INUi cAJ George D.Bar nard Company of St. Louis for short haul work and in 8 years has never missed a day's operation be cause of mechanical difficulty. It has made extraordinary records for economical operation. - ' ' Its total mileage is scarcely 50,000 miles, ' and it should continue in service for many more years before showing signs of wear. Standardization effects big, ; economies. You can' t stand ardize with a truck which is constantly changing design. Such trucks have no history v of success behind them, WHY PIERCE-ARROW ? K ; . 1. Delivers more work in a given time. . 2. Loses less time on the job and off the job. 3. Costs less to operate and less to maintain. . . v . - . 4. Lasts longer depreciates lesp and commands ' , - ,' - " ' a higher resale price at all times. r J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. DISTRIBUTORS 2048-50-52 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Write for booh "The First Fifty" niiBiiaiisriaijuiisiiiiiiHiiiajiaiiiaiiiaiiaia'iaMitfanaiiieana!aa :Baiaiiai:aiiai;aL!aitaeiia!a!iB7ananBt:iisjiiaiiBna;i FFg !)ll!IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIirilllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIMIMIIIIIII!lllllnlllllllllllllIMIlllllll!IMIIIllIIIMllllllll H Does the World Smile fWith Yon Or at You? It ! It Depends Upon Your Teeth If . Hundreds of smiling and happy patrerls of the Omaha I f 2 k" Dentists, know the blessings of "Better Teeth.? f - 5 - Our Stick-Fast Plates Are Wonder Workers I 1 PYROS .possesses the most wonder fully clean, pure and refreshing after-taste that it is destined to be come the world's antiseptic mouth wash. Its remedial properties and great penetrant qualities make it an ideal treatment for all pyorrhetical conditions and the teeth and gums. PYROS is endorsed, used and pre scribed by prominent dentists every where. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Merritt's Pharmacy, Green's Pharmacy, Sun Drug Co. and others. Rex Beaeh'a Fameua Story, "THE BRAND" Exciting, Thrlllinf, Interesting. Lyons-Moran Comedy: "Who'a Their Huaband." CHRYSANTHEMUMS Order Eerg reen Blankets Now FOREST LAWN ant. ' prieiors. i Omaha Dentists i j - , 15156 FARNAM STREET - f I Open Evenings Till 8 P. M. . Sundays, 9 to 12. "m I ? - " 2 ? NOTICE: Out-of-town patrons can have work completed ? 2 in one day. Write, call or phone. I I dliiiniiiliiliiliiliiliiittiiiiniiillilniiiiiilitiiiininiiiiuluiniiilHluiuiMluiHlulimiiliiluiiiiiiiiiiiitiilniiiii'iiiliiii l!llililllilili:llli;lililli:i!illiiilliilulilil'liil:;il'l''r!ll::i;i:il inililillijnliili'r'liili'l'ilnllirir AKOU.N0 WHEN AN AD IX THE BEE; WILL SELL IT.' FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS All Makea Special rates to 'students. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE D. 4121. 1905 Farnam St. ASTHMA Dr. Klnajmari'e Asthma Remedy 60c at all dniavi'. , Avoid all substitutes. Trial Treetment Mailed Free. Write t Dr. F . C Kinsman. Hunt Block, Aoiuetajdaiae