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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
THE BEE t, OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. mXI, HEADS NOT ;t WORRIED ABOUT INSURGENT ACT y - Resolutions Passed In Cort .ventions Against Increased H Rates and Salaries Use i . less, Say Officials. Vir v "The acts of the insurgents in t ithe Woodmen of the World organi ration don't worry as a bit," tsaid tE. R. Stiles, chief clerk of the J Woodmen yesterday, commenting Von actian taken by conventions in Oklahoma City, Okl., and St Louis, Mo., Monday. a In Oklahoma City, dispatches stated, a convention of 1,000 Wood- men decided to begin a receivership and to enjoin them from putting imtct effect an alleged increase of SO 7,per cent in official salaries. The i" delegates also -parsed a resolution f., callingfor the resignation of W. A. ,' Frascr of Omaha, sovereign com ."iwandcr. -t,Mr. Fraser is in Dallas, Tex., on business. "( "Those were insurgents and I 'dare say they weren't over 200 pres ent instead of the 1,000 mentioned in the dispatches," aid Mr. Stiles. '.'"They have no power to begin re ceivership or injunction proceed ings. v , . . V "Injunction proceedings against the increased premium ' rates have J, been started and ar pending ir a suit in Nebraska City. The state law ; provides that every fraternal organi sation must show a certain valuation or gooui of business. Therefore, ,'our increased rates must go into t effect."" i Woodmen delegates from 18 states, 'meeting in St. Louis, formed the Pro i tective League of Woodmen of the EWorld and Woodmen Circle, dis- patches say, the object of which is to fight increased rates. The delegates p voted to raise $100,000 to finance the suit pending-at Nebraska City. ' "St. Louis is the headquarters of "the insurgents in our ranks," said - Mr. Stiles. "Considering that, we ; have 1,000,000 members, it would be remarkable if . there were not some i disgruntled ones aiiong them. They '.might just as well vote to raise ?1,000.000 as $100,000., It will have 'no effect on -the outcome of the auitat Nebraska City. U. S. Health Officer ' Urges Action Here i On Social Diseases 'J "Sixty per cent of the cases of contamination of social diseases arej. of ,innocent origin," stated Maj. "Louis Hough, regional consultant t.of the venereal disease bureau of ;the United States public health serv': ict addressing the city council -yes-, terday. x He asserted that it is time to refer IT-to these diseases by their- real I names and to consider this problem o from a practical business point of T view. - "The state of Illinois is spending "$6,000,000 a year f,or the care of jf parsons who have been committed t9 its various institutions on ac .fcOunt of these diseases," he added. W'-The federal government has made J an- appropriation .oi $2,000,000 per jj-ear for a national campaign, Ne 'braska receiving a quota of $12,500. Major, Hough is endeavoring to in terest state and municipal authori ties in the campaign and offering to co-operate in suppressing these -diseases. ' ' Spain is believed to have more hunchbacks than any other country. A Mexico has a 150-foot bridge across a -river that is built entirely -of mahogany. ' i r OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach has upset many a nigjifs rest sli your stomach is acid disturbed, dissolve two or three IMQIBS on the tongue before retir ing and enjoy refreshing sleep. . The purity and goodness of Ki-moids guaranteed bjf scon BOWHE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION HOW TO GET RID : OF YOUR COLD The quick way is to use Dr. King's New Discovery ON'T put off until tonight what -II you can do today. Step into i T" your druggist's and buy a bottle of Dir. King's New Discovery. Start taking it at once. By the time you teach home you'll be on the way to .recovery. 'J , This standard family friend has been breaking colds, coughs, grippe 'attacks, and croup for more than fifty years. It's used wherever sure 'fire relief is appreciated. Children and irrownups alike can use it-i ' there is no disagreeable after-effect. Your druggist has it 60c. and $1.20 bottles. - - T Bowels Begging for Help ' Torpid liver pleading for as sistance t How careless to neglect these things when Dr. King's New Life Pills so promptly, mildly, yet .effectively cne to their relief! ; Leaving " the system uncleaned, "clogged bowels unmoved, results in health-destructive after-effects. Let stimulating, tonic-in-action Dr. King's New Life Pills bring you the 'happiness of regular, normal bowel nd liver functioning. Keep feel dng fit, doing the work of a man or woman who finds relish in it. All druOTists 2 5c SIOUX CITY, , NEW YORK Sale Starts Wednesday Morning at 9 O'clock OMAHA LINCOLN Conant Hotel Building 1 Sixteenth Street ( 1050' FinestType Frocks oo SaleW" at Less Than the Cost of Materials and An Absolute Price Sacrifice of Finest Type Dresses from Several Very Prominent Over stocked Manufacturers. In Addition to this Wonderful Purchase We Have Reduced for this Special Sale 275 Higher-Grade Dresses from Our Regular Stock to sell for $15 $25 MATERIALS AND DESCRIPTION 6? DRESSES ON SALE FOR $15 i . 1 . - Wool Jersey Dresses . v 1 In all wanted eolort and many stylas. Wool1 Serge Dresses V .V' - New coat styles, tailored , and embroidered. Fine Satin Dresses -, i A dozen smart styles featured in black and colors. Georgette Crepe Presses 1 w In all shades, in numerous styles. Crepe de Chine Dresses - " In smart styles for every wear. Fine Taffeta Dresses In several different stylea, all shade. : Combination Dresses r Of Georgette, Satin, Taffeta and Charmeuse, , We Will, as Never Before, Demonstrate our Superior Value Giving in tmVSale of Dresses. We urge an early attendance at this sale, as the values given are the greatest in the history of this store. . n . J ft MATERIALS AND DESCRIPTION OE1 DRESSES ON,SALE FOR $25 - Wool Tricotine Dresses Smartly tailored Plain or embroidered, Wool Velour Dresses I plain, embroidered, Angora wool and Nutria-trim. ' French Serge Dresses Strictly tailored coat effects and one-piece frocks. Silk Tricolette Dresses - " .. Beautifully trimmed with fringe and bead embroidery, Fine Satin Dresses Handsome frocks beautifully trimmed. ' ' - r ' ' ' Silk Georgette Dresses Exquisitely beaded and embroidered All shades. Silk Charmeuse Dresses In many ultra styles for dance and, informal wear, x- :Values up to $69.50 ' DRESS SECTION SECOND FLOOR Our Sales Force has been so augmented ynth. efficient persons as to insure the ustial OuRKIN BROS. Satisfactory Service. -' . - 1 1 1 1 L 1 " - , BHHHBHMnOBl