Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. VARIETY ADDS TO INTEREST AT POULTRY SHOW Turtle Doves, Rabbits and Honey .Exhibit Shown Be side Prize Egg Laying Hens. , Six dainty, ring-neck turtle doves, the first ever exhibited at a poultry show, may be seen at the sixth an nual exhibit of the Omaha Poultry association in the Auditorium. They are aristocratic little birds, and glance somewhat disdainfully at the world through the wire sids of their cage but they co just like ordinary turtle doves at times, in spite of the fact Jhat they were imported from ; Europe. But of all the attractions of the show four ordinary hens, with an ability to lay the most eggsare the greatest. They are entered in the "utility class," and each has a record for layinir more than 200 ggs a vear. There is ."something different" about the honey lemonade served by J. W. Snodderley. who has charge of the booth established by the Douglas County Honey Producers' ..association. At least there is al ways a crowd waiting for more. Rabbits with pink eys, with green eyes, and with hazel eyes; rabbits as large as dogs, and as small as rats, habbits of every color and de sciiption, are included in the exhibit "Highjackers" Fire - Volley at Man Who Finds Them at Work "Highjackers" fired a volley of shots at E. E. Bruce, a wholesale drug man, at 4 yesterday morning, according to a police report. The men drove to the Bruce home, SO? South Thirty-eighth street, in an automobile and gained entrance to his cellar by breaking a window. They stole three quarts of whisky and 1Z quarts of cordials and were leaving when Mr. Bruce turned on the lights and peered out of a window on the second floor. I he men in the car shouted at him and fired several shots as the car sped away. - Mr. Bruce was not struck by the bullets, one of which broke the window. The others struck the side of the house. JHOPPMG I 1 GOiJIP 3 y tkg. TajkioiN Lady of the Nebraska Rabbit Breeders' as sociatron, which is holding its third annual show at the auditorium in conjunction with the poultry show. There are rabbits from Australia, New Zealand, South America, China, Jbelgium and Mexico. Both rabbits and chickens tare be nig examined by the experts and prizes will be awarded before the end of the week, when the show closes. Admission is free; ft Is 71 MATTER sheath of woven moonlight; a scintillating bodice held by a fragile shoulder strap, a wisp of ostrich, a thread of rib bon -and the outcome of it all was a dance frock, breathing of par ties,,' waltzes, proposals and things. You just can't talk about them you've got to come here and put them on, and- see how utterly adorable 'YOU look in them. Demure for debs; tanta lizing for her older sister; gracious for matrons. Mlif SAM' i s rSMrt k Wear fir LUomen 2 ".'Floor StcurirKsBKK To Avoid Rough, Coarse, " Chapped, Blotchy Skin Most akina require constant grooming at this season to keep them from becoming unduly red, blotchy, coarse, rough or harsh, or if such conditions has developed, to overcome it. In such eases it is particu larly inadvisable to keep piling on cos- metlct which clog the pores and make the complexion woreo than ever. It's a lot more sensible to use ordinary snereolised wax, which Jiterally absorbs a spoiied complexion. Apply the wax, like eold cream, before retiring-. Next morn ing, in washing it off. you'll wash away fine, flour-'ike particles of the unsightly cuticle. Repeat for a week or more and ' you'll have an entirely new skin soft white, spotless and beautiful as a child's. One ounce of mereolited wax, procurable at any druggist's, is all you'll need. Try This If You " Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just : get about four ounces of plain, ordi nary liquid arvon; apply it at night then retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching .and digging of the scalp will stop . instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and7 feel a hundred times better. ' You can sret liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all "you will need. This simple remedy has never been "-wn to xav Want More Cars on South Omaha and Ol A f onerman Hve. Lines The Deer Park Improvement club held its reorganization meeting Monday evening at the Vinton street school, Twenty-second and Vintffn streets. Rer. J. F. Hawk acted as temporary chairman. ihe tollowinff officers were elect ed: President, A. W. Jones; vice president, Rev. J. F.- Hawk; treas urer, William G. Bromer; secretary, B. Gallatin, A committee was aoDointed to call on the officials of the street rail way company in an effort to secure better street car service durintr the rush hours in the morning and eve ning on the South Omaha and Sher man avenue lines. A special meeting has been called for Monday evening at 8 at the Vin ton school, at which Commissioner Butler and Mr. Morton of the city planning board will be present. , ,-. j 8,000 Women and Children Captured by Bolsheviki Tiaga .Siberia, Nov. 25. Eight thousand wives and children of officers making an eleventh-hour flight from Omsk are reported to have been captured by the bolshe viki 10 miles east of Omsk. The re-' treat of the rearmost units of the Siberian army from the All-Russian capitol became a stampede," the troops throwing away their guns and commandeering locomoitves, trains and carts in which to escape. Fifteen carrying officers and their families, besides scores of othei trains filled with refugees, ammuni tion and merchandise, which were blocked by' wreckage and lack of motpr power, fell into the hands of the bolsheviki, who followed up the Cossacks by a cavalry pursuit One of the byproducts of the mining of tungsten ore in China has been the production of bismuth which is being exported in increas ing quantities, already exceeding 10 per cent of the world's supply. To Heal a Couth Tke HATES HEALING HOM5T. 85o per bottle. DAVIS GIRL NOW IS MARRIED TO AN OMAHA YOUTH Mysterious Disappearance of Young Woman From Coun- cil Bluffs Kept Po lice Busy. Miss Genevieve Davis, for whom the police in all of the midwest cities were looking, following her mysteri ous disappearance October 2, and who voluntarially returned to her home in Council Bluffs three weeks later, was united in marriage yester day otternoon by Justice of the Peace G. G. Baird, to Odus Bank ford, Omaha young man. He gave his age as 22 years, but declined to make any further state merits. Miss Davis gave her age as 17. The license was issued with, the consent of Mr. and Mrs. C C. Davis, 111 North Eigth street. Council Bluffs. They refused to make any comment on the marraige or give out any information concerning their new son-in-law. lhe vounar man was eauallv re ticent, admitting only his name 'and that he lived in Omaha. He declined to say how long he had known Miss Davis. , - The name of Odus Bankford does not appear in the Omaha city di rectory. - Operators Agree With Garfield s Principles (Continued From Fag One.) the session, but declined to say what took place. Before the meeting Attorey Gen eral Palmer said that if the figures as to operators' profits given yes terday by Mr. McAdoo were correct it was not likely Dr. Garfield would permit an increased price for coal. In a statement bearing on this ssue the operators said that con ditions in 1917 were abnormal," but that as Mr. McAdoo was 'ignorant of conditions-in 1918 and 1919, his message "carries no weight and it quires no answer." The operators said they welcomed an investiga tion of current tax returns and that they had been urging a board of ar bitration or a tribunal of investiga tion, but that the miners refused to agree to it. - With less than 40 per cent of the normal output of bituminous coal being produced, the nation is facing its most serious period since the strike of soft coal miners was or dered, according to reports received by the railroad administration. In scores ot cities tne numDer oi m- ustries in operation is rapidly jail ing, while tne nations coai oin con tinues to diminish. Says Treaty Certain to. Have Many Reservations James H. Ingersoll of Pocatello; Idaho, .was in Omaha yesterday en route to his home from Washington, p. C., where he visited with Senator Borah and attended sessions of con gress on the league of nations. Mr Ingersoll is strongly opposed to tht league and is an ardent sup porter of Senator Borah. Mr. Inger soll believes, instead of the treaty being ratified without reservations, that stronger reservations will be added. : ' . The Educational Advantages of The Aeolian Player Piano Think what it will mean to your family to have good music in the home; music that inspires and broadens and helps. The culture and. education afforded by the Aeolian Player should not be underesti mated; they will be influences in the live of your children that will last through the years. A cheap poorly constructed player piano cannot give the satisfaction you will get from the "Aeolian," so do not let ' few dollars difference in initial cost influence you. $645 Our prices guaranteed lowest Id U. S., hence we can't throw in pinaa lamps and other merchan dise to induce sales. But the Oak ford plan saves you $80 to $180 on Piano or Player. t)AKFORD M MCsric Co. 1807 Farnam Street Omaha DIAMONDS No matter what size have what every gift should have sentiment and in trinsic value to a greater extent than any other article. They show no wear and become more valuable as "time" goes on. Diamonds in Rings Up to $1500.00 Let us show them to you. 15'-& DODGE. ml ml Former Omaha Girl, Now Bernadine Sister, Back From the Front Sister Marie Yvonne, formerly Miss Mary Malone of Omaha, who just returned to the Bernadine con vent at Nebraska City after spend ing six years m war-ridden Belgium, in an interview yesterday told many of the harrowing exoeriences she was forced to undergo while under German shell fire and vividly de scribed the retreat of the Germans November 7. The Belgians have named Novem ber 7 "Notre Deliverance," meaning "our deliverance," she said, and that day is a greater day to the Belgians than Armistice day Sister Marie Yvonne told of living in a cellar of the Bernadine convent at Andreg- nies, Belgium, for three davs, with little to eat, while the German and English artillery dropped high ex- , ... .. . piosive sneus in me near vicinity, Sister Marie Yvonne went to Bel gium in 1913, shortly after war had been( declared. Identifies Body of Slain Woman as His Wife (Continued From Face One.) ' mother in Council Bluffs and that the woman declared she would view the body this morning. Miss Miller also said she would call at the under taking parlors this morning. Despite Wright's positive identifi cation of his wife's body, later he is known to- have mailed a letter to Miss Hope Scoville, Council Bluffs. The letter, was dropped in a mail box in Council Bluffs and last night remained uncalled for in lock box 13, where the woman is said to have got all of her mail. Mr. Wright spent the early part of the night at the undertaking par lors. He was registered af the Hen- shaw hotel. He left the hotel at 11:30 o'clock and told the night clerk he was going to Council Bluffs for two hours. At 2 o'clock this morn ing he had not returned. At the St. Marvs avenue house it was said that the woman was lady like in manner, refined in her tastes and gave every evidence of good Dreeaing. it was aiso saia Dy ivirs. M. F. Rohrer, 639 Vine street, with whom the woman lived in Council Bluffs, that she was modest in her bearing and gentle in manner. Miss Miller, who is a stenographer in the Council Bluffs federal building also declared the woman was well behaved, attractive and choice in the selection of her friends. Mr. Wrieht asserted that he would not leave Omaha until the mystery surrounding his wife's death was solved. Inquest to Be Held Today. Another inauest will be held at the Gentleman mortuary this after noon in an effort to throw turtner light on the Calhoun murder mys tery. Special Investigator Dempsey was in Calhoun yesterday getting witnesses. . Detectives found a woman s black velvet toaue hat in a downtown garage yesterday morning. It was taken to" the Gentleman undertaking establishment, and after the dead woman's hair was dressed, the hat was placed on her head in the hope that it would suggest something in regard to the dead woman s iden Omaha oolicemen visited tne scene of the murder yesterday morn ing with instructions to make a thor ough search of the vicinity for the hat, coat and snoes wnicn were removed from the woman's body either before or after she was murdered. Flowers for Dead Girl Miss Adelaide Foefir. dancing in structor at the Blackstone hotel, sent a huge bouquet of flowers to the Gentleman . undertaking par lors yesterday to be placed beside the body of the murdered mystery woman. A collection was taken up among the girl workers at the Kimball laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson streets, to supply flowers for the slain girl. New Company Expects To Sell Milk in Omaha . For 13 Cents Per Quart John Frazeur, manager of the Omaha branch of the Midwest Milk Producers' association, yesteday an nounced that his company expects to start January 1 to sell milk here at a price of 13 cents a quart. The company is equipping a pas teurizing and bottling plant- at Twentieth street ' and Poppleton avenue, and expects to have a daily capacity of 5,000 gallons. Mr. Frfazeur is arranging to use the city fire houses as distributing stations. "The actual price at which wc will be able to sell milk will depend up on the extent to which the people will co-operate." Mr. Frazeur said. The more milk we sell, the lower the price will be, and I anticipate that we will be able to start off at a price of 13 cents per quart." Milk is sold in Umaha trom 10 to 17 cents per quart. The Midwest company will buy steam and refriger ation from the Metropoitan Water pumping station at Twentieth street and Poppleton avenue. Mr. Frazeur stated that he believed his company will be able to make a price of 10 cents a quart after a while. Rotariaris Enjoy Turkey Dinner at University Club Omaha Rotarians enjoyed a big turkey dinner at the University club last night. A large attendance marked the affair. Lester Heyne and several other members of the organization gave short talks. Theaters Put in Heaters and Will Keep on Running The coal shortage and proposed shutting down of industries in Omaha as a result of the coal short age will not affect the theaters, as most of them have installed oxyo gas heaters and will keep on run ning. A large number were installed in the Strand and tried out, last night, proving a great success. The Rialto also installed some of the machines, as did LeMarquand and Ledoux at the Empress. They will keep the playhouses as warm as nec essary for the comfort of theater goers. Above the flame of a new gas light fixture is a turbine that is whirled by the heated air, stopping and shutting off the flow ot gas should the flame be blown out. Chamber Favors Union Of Omaha and County, The executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday adopted a resolution favoring pro visions in the new state constitution, or the elimination of restrictions that now exist, thus making it possible to consolidate the city of Omaha with Douglas county ani providing a means of adjusting debts between the city and -the county. Turkey Day Come! Come, wifie! f Why tackle the job you dread? g We'll have turkey gobbler and j cranberry Bright and red; We'll have some pickled i peaches, - jj . 'Mince pie and plum pud- lj ding, too, , m 1 And lots of other goodies j Just meant for me and you. 1 I've made our reservation g 1 Down at the Pierce Cafe, jj jj- And a dollar and half a plate, J 1 dear, t j J Is all we'll have to pay. jj tj We couldn't get it at home, I jj ' dear, ' - 1 For triple that, I'll ween, I I So three cheers fo turkey day m We're off for the Hotel Keen. 1 Dinner Hours: 1 12:30 to 2:30 5:30 to 7:30.' I Mrs. M. S. Pierce, 1 Prop. 1 316 S. 18th St. Douglas 3808. 1 m. TALBOT 1h in. A" TYRONE -"IK in. Arrow HitCOLLARS are curve cut to fit the shoulders perfectly Cluett, feabody KCbtlncfrlakas Established 1866 Convenience In Banking The business man who brings his ac copnt to this bank finds that he has centralized his banking finan cially and other--wise Here all of his financial transactions can be at tended to under one roof by one set of offi cersthe details of his affairs are known to the fewest number of The Omaha National Bank Farnam at 17th Street' Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000 THONPSON-BELDEN "COMPANY The Finest of 'Kerchiefs And such a vast array of them. As a gift for one of those people you "haven't the least idea what to give," a hankerchief, in any degree of em broidered or lace trimmed daintiness offers itself. 1f Pure linen ones, h e m s t i t ched by hand are priced from 25c to 75c each. 1f And some very fine, sheer Irish lin en, hand hemstitch ed ones are $1 and $1.25 each. Then, pure lin ens, with corner de signs or borders all e m b r o idered by hand are priced all the way from 35c to $15 each. If Beautiful Madei ra and Spanish em b r o idered affairs come at all prices. fAnd sheer squares of linen bordered by real Duchess and Rose point lace are marvelously dainty. The Proper Hose for real children The sort who "simply will wear them out at the knees" are to be had here, in all sizes and quite a wide range of prices. , 1T Fine ribbed lisle hose in white, black, brown and cordovan, with triple knees, heels and toes are 65c, in the small sizes, in the large, 75c a pair. 1T Boys' heavy rib bed hose, with triple knees, heels and toes, small sizes, 65c, larger sizes, 75c a pair. f Misses silk lisle hose in black or white, with double knees and soles are 75c in small sizes, 85c in the larger. Misses' silk plait ed hose, fine ribbed come in black or white, small sizes, $1.50; larger sizes, $1.75 a pair. ; If M i s s e s' thread silk fine ribbed in black, white, pink and light blue for $2.50 a pair. pure hose, come Comfy Slippers must be on your list We are showing a beautiful assortment for men, women and chil dren. Ribbon trimmed felt slippers in a great variety of shades. An early selection will find the sizes complete. If you make a mistake In Your Corset If you are wearing the wrong one one which is not suited to your particu lar needs you may have ' cause to regret it. No other article' of wearing apparel so definitely influences a woman's general health as does her corset. If there is the least dis comfort from your present ' corset if it is a strain and not a relief to wear it, we sincerely advise SO Ku-rt-Prtof for their beneficial and restful qualifies, as well as . for their fashionable and graceful lines. ' Corset Dept. Second Floor. -j o I III ' f I Jr . i 1 H IK . $ 1GB PV7 A O IWinter Haven of Thousands Thp warmth of the Gulf waters The balmy Gulf breezes, blowing over sunny plains "The motoring under Southern skies, which span the biggest state in the Union The life in the open, with its many land and water sports The luxury of the hotels : These are the strong tourist attractions of Texas. Go this year. Once a Texas winter visitor, always a Texas enthusiast , - Ask for information about Excursion ' Fares to certain winter resorts. "Texai Winter Reoru," and other rewrt booklets, on re quest. Letthelocil ticket agent help plan yourtrip or apply to the nearest Coniolidated Ticket Office or address nearest Travel Bureau, United States Railroad Adminirtra-X tion, 646 Transportation BMg., Chicago) 143 Liberty St., New York Cityj 602 Healey Bldsr., Atlanta, Ga. Please indicate the (laces you wish to see en route. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE; 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. . - United States UiuiQA.D-ADMiNisTR-noNi'! 3 H W fit i" IS ? S t t' tt VU